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  • Report:  #1227975

Complaint Review: JIM JESSOP


  • Reported By:
    Citizen Cane — Niagara Ontario Canada
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 09, 2015
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 11, 2015

ME TOO!!!!

 In reading some of the posts here about JIM JESSOP from Niagara Falls FIRE DEPT. I had to throw in my 2 cents also.

JIM JESSOP is the dirtiest, fraudster to ever join the fire dept.

 He was hired in Niagara Falls solely for the purpose to prop up revenue for the city coffers.

 Under Jim Jessops tenure, numerous false and bogus fire dept charges were laid with the courts. Thousands and thousands of dollars of revenue was brought into the city, surpassing that of parking tickets, all bogus and written by Jim Jessop.


 Let me tell you my story.

 I lived in a house in Niagara Falls with my 2 children. I have owned the house for a number of years and it is in great shape. We have an above ground swimming pool in the backyard and a fence around it.

My home is nothing special, just your typical subdivision house. One day our neighbour (a good man)in his 60s was working in his garage and the fire dept pulled up. (Ala Jim Jessop). Jessop wanted to do a fire inspection of his home. Larry who was under his car fixing it, asked him, if he could come back another time, as he was busy fixing his car. Jessop went on a tirade with him, how he is the fire dept inspector, and he needs to come out from under the car right now, and open his doors to his home so as he could do a fire inspection. Larry told him, he needed to be at work and was doing a quick repair on his car. Jessop refused to move his vehicle out of Larrys driveway until, he was allowed access to his home.

Larry was upset and visibly shaken when he came over to my home and asked me if I could give him a ride to work, as Jim Jessop was refusing to move his vehicle and Larry could not be late for his job. Being a good neighbour thats exactly what I did, was drive Larry to work and drop him off, with my 2 kids in the car.

I came back to find not only Jim Jessop standing in the drive of MY home but also the police dept and electrical dept, Childrens Aid Service, ministry of environment and building inspector.

Jessop was purely heated and proceeded to take his anger out on me, as soon as I exited the car, telling me , that since I didnt mind my business with Larry, I was now going to see what would happen. I protested that I only dropped my neighbour off at work, and was not involved in their conversation at all.

Everything happened so fast, I felt like I was attacked.

The first thing was the Childrens Aid Service or FACS personnel came and started talking to my 2 children, and lured them towards their car. I protested and asked them what the hell they are doing taking my children with them. Next the police came in and told me to calm down, and started to move me towards the police car.

My children seeing this started running to me, and saying Mommy, Mommy! The FACS personnel picked them up screaming and kicking and took them over to an awaiting car. I was seperated from my children and put into the back of the police car and locked in, where I could not get out. I saw my childrens faces and they were scared and crying at what they saw happening.

Jessop came up to the back of the police cruiser and smiled a disgusting grin, and said "I told you so"

I was left locked in the back of the police car while Jessop talked with the police, and then walked over to the FACS workers, then to the Electrical people,then the Ministry of environment and then building dept.

Jessop proceeded around my house and took pictures of my home, he went into my garage,around the pool area, into a garden shed, and other places which I could not see, as I was in the back of the police car.

they took lots of pictures and jessop came out with some cans of paint from my garage. Some conversation ensued with Jessop and the other officials. That time the officer came back to the car and said we were going downtown.

I asked him what was going on, and he said I was going to be charged. I said what for , and he said we will talk further when we get to the station.

Arriving at the police station I was subjected to a humiliating strip search by female officers and then locked into a holding cell. I was kept there until the next morning, where I went to a bail hearing before the judge.

Much to my flabbergast suprise, I was charged with threatening Jim Jessop with a knife, and threatening bodily harm. I was in so much shock my mind was numb. I am 35 years of age, 110 pounds, work as a nurses aide. Have never had so much as a speeding ticket in my life.

I had to get a lawyer, and arrange for relatives to post bail for me, and had conditions that I had to be in my house by 7pm every night, sign into the police station every Friday, and could not see my children until I underwent a FACS interview.

I came back to find that my house door was kicked in, the house had been searched and trashed, clothes thrown from dressers, my kids toys everywhere, every drawer and cabinet door was opened and contents spilled all over the floor, muddy police boots all over our white carpet. Upstairs in my kids room, my bedroom, the spare room,downstairs in the tv room. The contents of the freezer were thrown on the floor, in a rotting jumbled bloody mess.

I was charged criminally with 1) uttering death threats, and 2)posession of a dangerous weapon??? (wtf)

I was also charged under the fire dept code with 1)failing to have a battery in a fire alarm, 2) having an unsecure railing going into the backyard. 3) having paint cans in my garage that were a combustable fire hazard.4)debris by a fire exit(means of egress blocked) (ya 2 plastic garbage bags by our back garage door, so the neighbours cats wouldnt tear it open.

Also they had demanded an order for a full electrical inspection of my home, by ESA and the building dept inspected also. My home is on circuit breakers, has all new wiring even in the garage, it is the same as all the other houses in the subdivision. No infractions from building dept and none from ESA but it cost me $500 for the inspection to say so.

To sum it up my problems had just started.

1)In relation to the criminal charge, I never said 2 words to JIM JESSOP, as it was Larry my neighbour who came over and requested a ride, which I gave him.

2) Posession of a dangerous weapon Never had anything. (later at trial it was revealed a butterknife from my kitchen they had taken and were using that as the alledged weapon. (are you kidding me)


In relation to the fire code charges:

1) Failing to have a battery in the fire alarm (Jessop removed it) as it always functions, I have 2 kids so I make sure it works.

2)Unsecure railing to backyard, yes I am guilty. One of the screws had pulled out and needed to be screwed back in, but there is 2 more holding it in place (not like it was flopping around) and what the hell does that have to do with fire safety, its OUTSIDE the home.

3)Having paint cans in my garage. yes I am guilty of that. i park my car in there and I have a shelf cabinet with paint cans on it. the garage is not heated and has no fireplace or anything its just a regular detached garage. Doesnt everyone have this, where the heck are we supposed to keep spare paint?

4)Debris by a fire exit, now thats a joke. 2 white kitchen garbage bags by the back garage door. Not blocking it, but beside it. this is our weekly garbage that we put out on garbage day. Doesnt everyone have that at their home also????

I cannot even begin to comprehend what kind of (((REDACTED))) JIM JESSOP is. How can he even sleep at night doing these things to people??? I hope he contracts the most painful cancer on the planet.

I had to get 2 lawyers one for the criminal charges and fire dept charges. The second to fight to get my children back. MY own children were taken from me, until I could prove to FACS I was not a danger to them. I had to attend numerous time consuming parenting courses, see my children in a litle room cubicle visits for an hour at a time (its gut wrenching)

After 8 months of pure hell to get my children back, i was not allowed to have them back with me, until the disposition of my criminal charges were heard by the court.

That took 13 months to wind through the courts and $45,000.00 in legal fees. I was acquited of the criminal charges and plead guilty to the one fire dept charge of unsecure railing and received a $250 fine. because the lawyer told me it would be cheaper and faster.

I got my kids back, but CAS was in my life for another year with meetings and parenting courses. I lost our home as my boss cut my hours since I could not be at work, and I had to be at court and parenting classes and Facs meetings and other nonsense. I had to take a loan against the house to pay the legal fees. While going through this ordeal to get my kids back. My savings was wiped out, our family home that we owned for years is gone, and I moved from Niagara, where we are now all jammed in a small 2 bedroom apt. No pool, no car , we take public transit, while I rebuild back. My children are traumatized and shake everytime they see a fire dept worker. I will never ever forget this ordeal, the rest of my life.

So when I hear Jim Jessop is doing great things in the newspaper, I wish people would give me a call and I will tell them my story, from a single Moms side and what kind of scumbag,lieing deceitful, power tripping piece of garbage, this man is.

They kicked him out of Niagara Falls because so many people joined together to expose the corruption. So they moved him to London, to avoid a scandle. Then very quickly up the ladder to OFM.

I can hardly believe that the province promoted Jim Jessop, with his bogus dog and pony show to the Deputy Fire Marshall. God help us, and god help the people that will continue to be victims in this tragedy of events.

You know where I stand. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.



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