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  • Report:  #345190

Complaint Review: Jim Miller Investigative Services Agency Inc. I.S.A.

Jim Miller, Investigative Services Agency Inc. Richard L. Grove NISA National Investigators & SecurJim Miller, Investigative Services Agency Inc. I.S.A. Private Investigators Jim Miller and Richard L. Grove ROB office in Los Angeles in retaliation to employee. Tinley Park Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 28, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 13, 2011
  • Jim Miller, Investigative Services Agency Inc. I.S.A.
    18440 Thompson Court , Suite 204
    Tinley Park, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked as a private contractor for I.S.A and N.I.S.A. in gaining accounts for those companies on the West Coast. Although I was never paid as an employee (or paid at all for my services), I was working out of an office in Los Angeles that I shared with a business contact of theirs in L.A.

Jim Miller took it upon himself to align himself with his business partner - Richard L. Grove and they both sent me a threatening letter to me stating that if I don't stop asking them to pay me, they will come to Los Angeles and "take my personal items" out of my office.

In a conferrence call between myself and these two men, Richard L. Grove actually threatened my life as well stating that "he would come after me if I went to the I.R.S." regarding money that he had hidden from them in another country when I brought it up in that conversation. I knew they were coming to Los Angeles and to be honest, I was afraid of any confrontation with them so I worked from home that week. I was not in the office and in that time that I was gone and they went to my office, they actually made good on robbing my office.

I pursued this situation inside of the court system to which they composed false documents and submitted them as true to the Los Angeles Court house. Jim Miller is falsifying information to the courts as well as falsifying information on his website - to hype the stock to the unknowing investors in his publicly traded company (STOCK SYMBOL - IVAY on the Pink Sheets). He is stealing money and property from me and basically taking the law into his own hands as well as affecting the share holders negatively.

Richard L. Grove is hiding money from the I.R.S.and threatening those who want to come forward with this information. I believe the money they are able to hide is the shareholder's money from IVAY stock. These men need to be stopped. They boast that they mark up their rates for investigations and once they get the money, they do very little work on the account and just run the retainer fee down to zero and just continue to ask for more money. These men are criminals with firearms and licenses to work in an industry where people trust them. Do NOT trust these men.

I have documented this information for your review and I can be contacted as well at my own site on the matter called:

United States Veteran
Los Angeles, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals

United States Veteran


Response to Jim Miller of ISA - Investigative Agency Services, Inc IVAY

#3Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

My post here is a response to the "damage control" that Jim Miller
tried to post on

Let's break this down line by line Jim since you are as vague on the
details as you are as habitual of a liar. Let's begin:

JIM POSTS: "The person who filed this report on our company is an
ex-employee who was fired for fraud and theft."

My response: I wasn't fired. I made you alot of money. You didn't pay
me. Re-read your document that you sent me in Los Angeles asking you for the
money you owed me. It states I was suspended until you and Rick could come to
Los Angeles and rob my office that Ray Nize and I shared because I was
persistent about wanting to get paid. I asked for the money over and over and
over. You and Rick Grove were upset that you spent the money I earned and stated you would rob my office in retaliation for my persistence that I can prove. If I was fired for "fraud and theft" why do I have an audio recording of
you asking me to raise more money for you in Los Angeles along with numerous
phone recording from you asking me to be patient with your eternally delayed
payment to me? Also, if there was "fraud and theft" how is it that I
made you money in Los Angeles and Chicago and you didn't pay me? You are the
one guilty of theft. Lastly, why would I sue someone in court
(you and Rick) if you remotely even had a case to prove anything of
the sort.

This is all documented on

JIM POSTS: "He sabotaged our company and destroyed our websites because he
felt he was owed a commission for a client that he lost and harassed."

Let's break this down too. Name the "destroyed websites"? Ray Nize (your business partner ) gave the codes to your
"" site to a programmer in Los Angeles
that you also never paid in stock shares or cash. Ray and I hired him FOR YOU
since you didn't know how to market your company or optimize your website
with the search engines so we did that for you with that resource. The FLASH
site was a bad idea for the company (which if you know anything about web design and S.E.O., you would know
that FLASH is a bad choice to market and ensure a return on the investor's
money since you can't find your site with key words that consumers would
use) not to mention it is so disturbing how you exploit the Bradley sisters (as
a reference and their images) on your site too. Name a single searching hour you
have put towards that case in the last 5 years?

Oh and the only other site you possibly could be referring to is the site that
Ray Nize built and I used to get clients out in Los Angeles with. We made you
money with that site too. Where are my commissions on those accounts gained from a site that Ray built? And the "client" you are referring to is The
Holiday Inn in Elmhurst Illinois. The "client" was an account was gained by us, something my brother and I "sold" your company to. Did YOUR brother work there? No, I acquired that account for I.S.A. with MY relationship with that hotel. As conveys under the
"MONEY" page - ,

I invite you or anyone to call Patty Orlick in Accounting at the Holiday Inn @
(630)279-1100 ext: 7276 or - to confirm WHO lost the account there. Jim, don't try to slant this. The proof is in my site about you and
the numbers presented here for readers/investors to find out themselves. Please
show us how I "harassed" a client that I obtained for I.S.A. (what
accounts do you have for your company these days?) Why would I
"harass" an account that is bringing in money that I gained for the company? You are the thief that can't open accounts or maintain the ones others open for you.

JIM POSTS: "We filed a Police report for the theft of computer property
and banned him from the office on May 5th 2007."

Unbelievable Jim. How can you file a police report for something you THINK is
missing from an office Ray and I paid the lease on? You are the detective Jim,
maybe the problem isn't the "computer" that you are looking for
but maybe - RAY NIZE? This was your business partner you entrusted your company to and this man has disappeared off the face of the earth with your
company's information and you are worried about me? I am still here and the law enforcement authorities have my address since I carry a firearm. You make it seem like I am on the run. I just don't have time for your frivolous lawsuits you are now inventing to say I am harrassing you. It's not harrassment if you owe me money and are stealing from the shareholders. And I say "stealing" because they are all wondering where you are with their money (go to and enter "IVAY" as the stock symbol to see my "back up".). I am
reachable (feel free to send me a check any day you wish for my commissions
owed), Ray is not. You boast an alliance with Homeland Security resources and
you can't find your business partner? C'mon Jim, take some responsibility. Your business partner has disappeared. Your "computer" has disappeared and how many times have you called me complaining that you know
he took your precious computer? You conveniently slant everything to appear the
victim always. Maybe you should do a background check on people you appoint as
business partners in the future. I mean what do I know? You are the one with
the degree in background in "law enforcement" yet you cant find Ray
Nize. Step it up Jim on the detective work ok.

So please post the number to the "police report" that you filed. I
would like to see it state "Uh, I am Jim Miller the president of I.S.A. and
my business partner Ray Nize just disappeared with thousands of shares of stock
in my company and I cannot locate him anywhere on the planet earth and my
company has been frozen from trading on the Pink Sheets and S.E.C. because of
decisions Ray and I made but I would like to file a "missing computer"
case at this time. Everything else can wait." Oh and I was
"banned" from the office on May 7, 2008 but you called me asking me
for investors and more money for I.S.A. You even state that Ray Nize robbed you
on my voice mail and now you are posting that I robbed you on

Here's that audio of you stating the complete opposite on my voice mail:

JIM POSTS: "He has continued to stalk us on search engines and has
attempted to file malicious law suits that have been thrown out by the circuit
court judges in the Superior court of Los Angeles County."

What does posting on and my site have anything to do with
stalking? You clearly state that you owe me money and shares of stock on
multiple messages on my voice mail. You didn't pay me and as a veteran of
the military with a background in law enforcement as well, I have every right to
inform the public of your criminal activity of your hyping of the stock, lying
to the public, robbing my office, stealing my money, etc. It's called
"freedom of speech". I will not apologize for speaking the truth even
though it is impossible for you to do the same.

As far as my suit being "malicious",please review case number: LAM
08M02083. You will see the judge dismissed it WITHOUT PREJUDICE because of the
false document you sent to the court (meaning the Judge thought I served you in
Chicago in error). Your document clearly LIES to the judge stating that you
"do not have a place of business in California" and you stating RIGHT
ANGELES". Are you seriously forgetting your lies? You filed a
"truthful" document with the Los Angeles court house on April
21st,2008 that you "don't have an office in Los Angeles" then on
August 18th, 2008 you post on a public website ( that you
DO have an office in Los Angeles that you "banned" me from. Do you not
understand that you are creating a paper trail of lies? How you have not done
prison time up until now is beyond me. I will see you in court eventually Jim
and I cannot wait to present this to a Judge that will see right through you.

As far as malicious cases go, did you not just try to sue me AFTER you called
me to pay in stock but never did? What happened when you went to court in Los
Angeles over your latest case of harassment towards me with case number:
BS116961 begging the court to remove the truth about you on and YOUR CASE WAS DISMISSED.

visit - for more
information. (See how I provide facts, numbers, links, pages, dates, to my
argument Jim. The public likes this.)

JIM POSTS: "I have a very reputable investigative agency dealing with
Homeland security and national security checks."

It's almost like you can't remotely even tell the truth Jim and that
you are actually convinced that others don't share the same experiences
working with you. You are a con artist. It's as simple as that. Are you
seriously posting this?

Reputable? How so Jim? Here are some very important questions I would like you
to answer about the "credibility" of your company:

1. What is your current status U.S.I.S. contract?
2. Holmes Osborne (the author of the I.S.A. visibility report - )
hasn't heard from Jim Miller in a year. So the only listed info out there
for I.S.A. is Mr.Osborne's report. What is the status with all of those
great accounts that could have been real by now?
3. Why don't your last business partners trust you or work with you
anymore? Here's their post about you stealing money from them as well. Even
they use to set the record straight about you. Are you
going go after them to the "fullest extent of the law" too? Here's
what your own co-workers say about you:

"ISA (Investigative Services Agency) an investigative company owned and
licensed under Jim Miller who I totally agree is a less then an honest person.
Jim Miller wrote bad payroll checks, and made promises that he never honored.
Trust me You were not the only person allegedly dupped by him. As a matter of
fact NISA and Richard Grove cut their ties with Jim Miller because of this
reason." Linked @

JIM POSTS: "We are publicly traded and are dedicated to helping people and
missing children."

JIM WAKE UP PLEASE. The word is out about you, your company is NOT PUBLICLY
TRADED. You have abandoned your investors and just simply took their money and
ran. Don't take my word for it Jim, could you please respond to the people
that paid your bills for the last couple of years? Here's a link to the
investors that Jim has left high and dry:

(direct link):

(website): I.S.A.'s trading symbol is

I.S.A. has been at .01 per share forever. Numbers don't lie Jim. Your
company WAS publicly traded until the S.E.C. shut you down for questionable
activity with the stock. Please share with Rip Off Report the reasons for why
you are stating you ARE PRESENTLY "publicly traded" when there is no
activity at all?

And quit exploiting the Bradley Sisters. Name a child you have
"helped"? It doesn't count if you stole my money and the
investor's money to "help" someone". Have you recovered any
missing children ever? Why do you say you "help children". Your company is broke and the investors have been taken advantage of. You have time to "help children" when your business is falling apart?

JIM POSTS: "This person has tried to extort us for $50,000.00 or he would
go public with these accusations. My attorney Steve Lavine has personally
witnesses these events and we are currently getting a warrant for his arrest on
electronic harassment. He is emailing my children with threats and has crossed
the line. Please call me at 312-755-9700 if you would like further information
or back up."

Jim please, please get a grip on reality. Steve called me and asked me what
would it take to take the website down. Now subtract your drama and get a grip
and think about the timeline here. Remember when you lied to the court and said
you "don't have an office in L.A." in April but then in August you
posted on that you do have an office. You have to at least
try to remember the order of things as THEY ARE DOCUMENTED. Until they build
time machines, you can't just go about inventing the order of things to suit
your purpose.

1. was uploaded in April of 2008 WITH ALL OF THE
"ACCUSATIONS" (they are not "accusations" but rather they
are facts about your dishonesty) you are packaging this into.
2. Steve called me in early August 2008 asking me "what would it take for
me to take the website down?" I stated clearly in sarcasm (the site uploaded in April reflects my opinion on not
expecting money from I.S.A. or Jim Miller any longer) to Steve that the only way
the site is coming down is if someone bought it for $50,000.00 and that includes
Jim Miller.
3. Extortion means: the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value
by the abuse of one's office or authority. Now that we have the definition
established, how can I be extorting Jim Miller when A. he owes me money and B. I
was contacted with an asking price on the website?
Everything has a value. The truth has a value and
is truthful. I clarified with Steve that the site would come down when I was
paid. It's that simple.
4. The reason the legal challenge that Jim Miller presented recently in court
was dismissed recently - case #BS116961 was because I wasn't
"extorting" Jim Miller. Also, I will note that Steve mentioned that
Jim Miller's company is worth ZERO $$ and that Jim Miller has no money. I
told Steve I know, that's why I don't expect money nor do I expect the
site to come down. It is equally important to note that Jim's Attorney in
Chicago is not involved with the matter of Jim Miller owing me money and that
Steve wasn't the attorney facilitating the BS116961 case. That was handling the case that was dismissed. Their number is:
(818)837-7700 to find out the status of case #BS116961 to confirm it was
dismissed. Steve Levine's number is (310) 600-4682 if you want to hear him
explain the non-value of I.S.A. as he shared with me. I.S.A. is out of money.

As far as "emailing children" goes, how can that possibly happen? You
are welcome to have a legal forum go through my email accounts. How could I
possibly contact your children via email? Show us the emails? Print a screen
shot of MY EMAIL contacting your children. You are so sick to mention this and
associate me with such a thing. I didn't even think children have email

PLEASE PROVE any of the nonsense you are talking about. Stop asking people to
call you to try to convince them the truth is not real you are not able to give any "back up" to anyone that calls when the truth is on You don't even call back your investors that have paid your bills for years so why the damage control movement here? Instead of perpetually twisting the truth, why don't you prove all of these police reports and emails and extortion conversations and all of that by posting FACTS on your website or where ever. You have such a sickness Jim and nobody has "crossed the line". You just stole from the wrong person and I am just trying to keep others from experiencing the same thing I went through with you.

Unless you haven't checked, you can do that in America.

JIM POSTS:"I am asking the management of this website investigate these
claims to their fullest extent and remove this complaint."

In case you haven't figured out what is about,
it's about people getting ripped of and reporting it.

United States Veteran

James Miller

Tinley Park,


#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 18, 2008

The person who filed this report on our company is an ex-employee who was fired for fraud and theft. He sabotaged our company and destroyed our websites because he felt he was owed a commission for a client that he lost and harassed. We filed a Police report for the theft of computer property and banned him from the office on May 5th 2007.

He has continued to stalk us on search engines and has attempted to file malicious law suits that have been thrown out by the circuit court judges in the Superior court of Los Angeles County.

I have a very reputable investigative agency dealing with Homeland security and national security checks. We are publicly traded and are dedicated to helping people and missing children.

This person has tried to extort us for $50,000.00 or he would go public with these accusations. My attorney Steve Lavine has personally witnesses these events and we are currently getting a warrant for his arrest on electronic harassment. He is emailing my children with threats and has crossed the line. Please call me at 312-755-9700 if you would like further information or back up.

I am asking the management of this website investigate these claims to their fullest extent and remove this complaint.


James J. Miller

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