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  • Report:  #1027323

Complaint Review: Jodi Arias, Murderer, Slanderer, Liar, Psychopath, Disgrace, Inhuman, Garbage, Blood Bath, Faker, Story Teller, Obsessive, No Emotion, Character Assasination Of Travis Alexander, etc... Beware, Fraudulant, Takes Advantage, Unsafe, Hostile, Asks For $$$, Internet

  • Reported By:
    consumercare — Iowa United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 12, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 11, 2014


Jodi Arias is a woman on trial for capital murder in Phoenix Arizona and is perhaps one of the most talked about cases in the media.

While there are certainly a "few" supporters of this cold blooded killer, some take advantage of popular media stories like this and create web sites for attention and worse...

TAKE YOUR MONEY. is run by an individual or individuals who refuse (when asked) to reveal who they are and only sign in with initials only ( real, or fake. No one knows)

This site claims to be friends and supporters of the murderer and ask for your money in the form of donations. Several things are listed that your "donations" go to. One, being " better food for Jodi then what the jail serves her".


Most of these sites are fake and are committing fraud. It is extremely easy to create a web site, grab a few photos of the subject and con unsuspecting people out of their money.


Just because someone makes a site, doesnt mean what theyre saying is real and they most likely are NOT in any way affiliated with the defendant.

Dont be swayed or conned. DO NOT GIVE MONEY.

If it is possible to get Ms. Arias "better food", I'm sure her attorney, mother, aunt or many other sources can take care of something like this.

PLEASE BE SMART AND AVOID THIS FAKE SITE. Post eleswhere and please hang onto your money. Dont put it inro the pocket of a stranger who looks for opportunities like this all the time.

Be smart.

16 Updates & Rebuttals

Jodi Arias


Jason Weber is a convicted felon and a fraud

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2014

He's got some set reporting JAII . Yet he's attempting to scam people on his justice4jodi site & Occupy HLN.  Anyone can see he's a mental midget & a hardened criminal.  



About Simon Johansson and why he left England

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2014

Simon Hall was being investigated in England.  He found a woman with the last name Johansson.  It's unclear if he married her, but he did follow her back to Sweden and used her last name.

Sweden was the closest country (to England) that wouldn't extradite him if he was charged with these crimes he was being investigated for. 

So Simon "adopted" the pseudonym and began using that to further muddy up his existence.  He is not allowed back in England.

Side note: his pyramid schemes must not be working too well, as Ms. Johansson is going door-to-door looking for cleaning jobs.

Here's a news report on the initial stages of the investigation:

Below are more pyramid schemes Simon Hall is associated with:



Donovan doesn't Tweet for Jodi

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, July 30, 2014

That would be career criminal (with a rap sheet longer than a novel), Ben Ernst -- or more accurately, Benjamin Mcmichael Ernst, from Davenport, Iowa.

He tries to keep a low profile, but we know too much about him.

Occupy HLN


Minor Correction

#17General Comment

Sat, June 22, 2013

Zohaib Bashir is Simon Hall's web developer in Pakistan.  I'm new to this site, so I wasn't sure if or h*o to edit it, so I fired a rebuttal to my own rebuttal ... hehe.  Simon Hall is in England and goes by Simon Johannsen / Johannson.



Occupy HLN

Occupy HLN


Full information on jodiariasisinnocent

#17General Comment

Sat, June 22, 2013

These are all pyramid schemes ran by Simon Hall, who goes by Simon Johansen, in England. I'm not here to discuss the merits of the case, but to provide you information on the full scam.

If you support the Arias family, why donate to a PayPal fund in England when you can just send your money to the Maricopa County jail directly?

Zohaib Bashir is his web developer in England.  There are also secondary "break off" scams that I have informaton on regarding people collecting for her family, for appeals, etc. ... and I'm thinking about submitting that, too. 

Simon Hall's scams and pryamid "get rich quick if you donate to me" schemes:
- (used to have donations)
- (active)
- (active)
- (active)
- (active)
- (active)
- (active)
- (active)

YouTube video on how we found this information:


Occupy HLN




More Tax Payers Money, But Shes In A Cage!

#17General Comment

Fri, May 24, 2013

The hung jury isn't a big deal.  Must be difficult to be the person signing someones death warrant.  Wasn't difficult for Jodivto sign Travis's death warrant, but jurors aren't sick in the head like her either.

WHAT in the world was she sobbing about today with the news of a hung jury?  This is the same little child who told a news station that death was the ultimate freedom and she wanted death.  Oh wait....she was just lying again.

The ONLY bad thing that happened today is the Alexander family can't move on just yet.  Other then that, big deal.  She is a CONVICTED PREMEDITATED MURDERER WITH CRUELTY.

The choices now?  Life in a cage or life in a cage for decades before all appeals are dried up and they stick a needle in her arm.

Either way, its very similar fates.....In a cage (like the childish whack job that she is) FOREVER.

She NEVER get out.  She'll NEVER have the opportunity to kill another man that spurns her.  Even on death row, you can make friends, buy things with commissary money people send you, play cards and whatever else with other inmates, write letters with what you want said on the internet...blah blah

With the appeal process, a person usually isn't put to death for years and years....

Life in prison is basically the same as life on death row with the possibility of a little more slack, but not much.

So....the only thing bad about today is this will be dragged on all summer and shell beg for lip gloss for all the interviews shell want to do.  I hope she knows that 99.9 percent of us out here are "haters", I'll use her Jr. High term since immature catch phrases and words are what she understands best.

The ONLY thing left to be decided is life in a cage or life in a cage until the needle catches up to her.  When you really think about it, either one is fine.

Jodi?  Trust me when I say no one likes you deary.  The same people who spew hatred and obsenitys on web sites do it for attention.  Networks interviewing you only do it for ratings.  No one truly gives a s**t about you except for maybe a couple of family members and even they are wondering what chromosome got messed up during your in womb growth process that produced the insane murdering monster you are.

I have glorious peace knowing the animal you are will be in a cage for the rest of your miserable life.  



Shame On You Donovan

#17General Comment

Thu, May 16, 2013

As Samantha Alexander says she'll have the image of Travis's slit throat in her head for the rest of her life, Donovan has to live with being the traitor tweeting for the pathetic, ugly, disgusting premeditated murderer Jodi Arias.  How DARE you.

You care nothing for the family who has lost so much.



It's All Over Now anyways. Close The Site.

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, May 15, 2013

Well, the site may as well close down in a few days because no commisary would even go to her when she's THROWN ON DEATH ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The stoopid jodiariasisinnocent site spent several weeks calling people who sympathized with Travis's family knuckle dragging idiots and called Travis a pedofile when the ONLY PERSON who said he was was the effing liar herself...



 So SP from whatever third world country you crawl outta a rock from...Close the site, because your meal ticket and extra spending cash is about to be eliminated.

No commisary on death row.  She's already a proven premeditated murderer.  Still want people to put money in your pocket SP?


It's so very easy to post a huge blog and insult people left and right.  How very easy to say the dead dont need justice.  It's easy for you because it's NOT YOU.  You're not the one who's dead are you?

Most of the entries on the site are fake.  You know the ones in support of the murderer?  Any web site owner can create MULTIPLE accts and create MULTIPLE user names and post whatever they want to make it look like a hundred different people posting.

Oh and in the meantime, donate to some guy that no one knows.  Give him money.

Let's play devils advocate for one moment and just assume Jodi WAS getting money if someone donated.  WHO in the world would want to give her more peanut butter then she already gets?  Lol

This psycho ruined her OWN life by becoming a premeditated murderer.  I so look forward to the end of the appeals process and when the tv shows her execution on live tv.  I'll be there.

Close the site SP and maybe move on to O.J.  Lol  He's in court now and putting on the same old boring charm.  Blech, all these murderers make me ill.



fake twitter too

#17General Comment

Tue, May 14, 2013

Anyone can open a twitter acct.  Do not trust any ACCTS bearing her name.



Fraud Is Now Reporting Fraud. Nice Try Ace.

#17General Comment

Tue, May 14, 2013

Now, the jodiariasisinnocent web site has the GALL to report fraudulent sites springing up when THIS SITE is fraudulent as well.  The jodiariasisinnocent web site states her own mother has approved this site and ALL donations go to Jodi.  


It has already been proven that the owner of the site doesn't even know the family, met the family and her mother and other relatives have never condoned this site as a way to send Jodi money.  I don't care if you want to post there because you like her, feel sorry for her or whatever reason but please, do NOT give money to this site.


I am appalled that this site warns readers of "new" Jodi sites popping up when this site is a complete fraud itself.


Please please please beware and hold onto your money.  It will only go into the pocket of a true scammer.  Ask yourself...... Have you EVER seen a member of Jodis family mention the site on TV?  NO and you won't because its fake..

Think of all the fabulous designer sites that appear trying to get you to believe they're an actual Coach outlet or a real Louis Vuitton outlet with discount prices.


All fake.


The jodiariasisinnocent site is the same.  Well done, but 100% fake.


Don't let this person scam you.



She's gonna fry!!!!!

#17General Comment

Wed, May 08, 2013

Thank GAWD that beeotch will NEVER see the light of day again.  So, allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the stoopid people on the stoopid jodiariasisinnocent website can go fuuckk themselves for being in love with a psychotic beheading killer.


thats one woman who is the epitomy of the "C" word.



Cant you read?

#17General Comment

Wed, May 08, 2013

The owner of the report ALREADY answered these questions moron.  It doesn't matter WHAT state someone lives in....the frikkin point is NOT to give money to some idiot from who knows where scamming everyone from every state in the country so we're ALL affected.  Don't give some dude with a third world country name money that WILL NOT go to Jodi.  If stopped people want a cold blooded murderer to walk free and think she's a sweetheart then post about it.  Just don't give money to a strange person.  I'm not stopped enough to give money to a scam artist.  No one else should either.


Person that owns the wesite

#17General Comment

Thu, April 25, 2013

I agree with the person that reported this website. I did some research on this site and it appears that it is ran by a person named Zohaib Bashir. It's one of many websites that is listed under his IP address. He is schooled in web building as you can see on his twitter account https.//

You can also google his name and he has two fasebook accounts for personal use. He says he is from Pakistan, now live in Harrow, United Kingdom. Please do not give any money to or any website that ask for money, because the money is going into banks overseas and not to the person you intended it to go to. This type of rip off is becoming more and more common in the world as people always will find way to make a buck off website fraud, puppy scamming, you name it it's out there.



No Connection & Don't Need One

#17Author of original report

Fri, March 15, 2013

Like most, I dont have a connection to the murderer. The only purpose of the report is too warn anyone considering giving money to this web site to not do it. Reason is terribly simple and was explained in the initial report. DO NOT TRUST WEB SITES ASKING FOR MONEY. EVER.

Especially sites like

Who's pocket gets the money? Who's bank acct receives the deposit? Who benefits?

It's so precious to read that someone thinks posting that your hard earned money will actually go to better food for Jodi will give her happiness or whatever.

Personally, I could care less if she gets card board forever (if she gets to live that is) but thats not the point.

The point is to ALERT people to please not give money to whoever is behind this web site. Everyone needs to know that most sites like this are FAKE.

Even if you have any type of soft spot for Jodi, dont for once EVER think she'll see any of the money collected by any person from this site.

Just be smart people. Please.

Jodi's mom, aunt or family friend would go on CNN, HLN, or MSNBC and talk about a web site and confirm its authenticity. NO ONE HAS DONE THAT. there to your hearts content, but dont give a single penny to a complete stranger. Even if someone comes on the site and says theyre a "friend" of hers and shell get the money, DONT DO IT.

They cannot prove who they are.

If someone claims to be her mom, have them get on cam. Claims to be an attorney with her defense team? Find their name and call their office and speak to that attorney directly. I dont care if you feel like giving this woman money. Go for it. Just DONT DO IT THROUGH JODIARIASISINNOCENT.COM or any other fake internet site.

If there is actually something set up for her, call Arizona, talk to her attoeneys paralegal and ask. Go through the proper channels.

So many people have been scammed our of money because of folks taking advantage of high peofile people in the news.

Connection? Lol

Why would I need a connection to warn people of fake web sites?

Now? This warning shows up on google search every time someone sees the web site.

Job complete.


United States of America

Better questions

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, March 14, 2013

I think the more important questions are:
     1) Why does Simon Johansson run this website, along with and a multitude of others?
     2) Why hasn't he been criminally charged for his scams on
     3) What is his connection to these cases?
     4) How much money have people collectively given to this scam artist?
     5) Where does this money go?
     6) Why does he hide the ip addresses on all of his websites?
     7)  Why did he change his name from Simon Hill?
     8)  Whatever happened to Orlando Batista anyway?
If I were anyone who visits that site, I would seriously question the admin "SJ."  It wasn't difficult to find out who he was ... now, who are all of his followers?


South Carolina,

Questions for you...

#17General Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

How much did you donate? What's the rest of the story? Your headline is about Jodi Arias, your complaint is about the website jodiariasisinnocent. Since the crime happened in Arizona and you're in Iowa, exactly why/how are you connected that you felt it necessary to "warn" everyone about this situation?

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