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Complaint Review: Joe Biden’s Nazi Party 2020

Joe Biden’s n**i Party 2020 Joe Biden Trying To Destroy America Wilmington Delaware

  • Reported By:
    Law And Order 2020 — United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 25, 2020
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 03, 2020
  • Joe Biden’s Nazi Party 2020
    Wilmington , Delaware
    United States
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Never Ending Fake News by Colby King from the Washington Post, 30 years and counting More dishonest Fake News, Colby? It just never ends, does it? You criticize President Trump for not denouncing QAnon? Which of your 24/7 lying Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, or MSNBC, made any mention of a heinous murderer, Donna Hylton, being a speaker at the Democrat (new n**i) National Convention? Not one. This is Donna Hylton: Why not one mention of that, Colby? Why do you spend 24 hours/7 days a week criticizing Donald Trump with lies and exaggerations and spinning things around to try and make him look bad? Do you have any sense of morality? That’s a stupid question. Not one person from the 4 major so called media trash has shared a real newsworthy accurate subject in too much time for anyone to count. Not one person in all 4 has a moral brain cell amongst every employee put together. Besides Hylton, who should be serving a life sentence or better yet the death penalty, did the precious political party that you all support have at the Convention? We can start with the guest of honor, Joseph Robinette Biden, who in almost half a century has accomplished nothing for the American people, has lied about decisions he made by first saying he voted on or proposed something and then denied it. It can’t be both. All those lies are on video for all to see. No one can dispute what has been recorded as solid proof. He has done nothing to help black people, in fact his legislation he suggested and approved was designed to hurt black people.

Even while being a puppet for his boss for 8 years, Hussein Obama, the part time President of Iran, who gave $150 billion as a gift for no reason to that terrorist country, also part time treasonous leader of a spying mission against Donald Trump before and after the 2016 election, Biden did nothing for black people or anybody else for that matter. He was like I said, a puppet for a corrupt, con artist (Obama). However he did have time to commit sexual assaults over his undistinguished career, you ever hear of Tara Reade? He was groping and sniffing women and children during live conferences, showing further examples of sexual assaults as well as pedophilia. Now he has dementia and without a teleprompter can’t even put together a coherent sentence. He stood there and claimed to be running for Senator of South Carolina. He had no clue what he just said. He never corrected himself. He stood there talking about having hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, that kids like to rub his legs, and he likes kids sitting on his lap. And that Cornpop was a bad dude. That is not a functional person. That is a walking comatose vegetable. Then there was this: Joe Biden - "Nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime.” Does that mean that Bernie Madoff should be paroled? Well, Hussein Obama pardoned and commuted the sentences of almost 2000 people, so Biden learned well.

For Donald Trump, that number is 10. But how deranged and outraged did the Fake News Media get when President Trump commuted the sentence of Roger Stone, Colby? What other fine classy members of the old Democrat (new n**i) Party were there? Of course the VP candidate Kamala Harris, whose track record as a DA and Attorney General was a disgrace where she violated many Constitutional rights amongst those she prosecuted. Treated black people even worse than any other race. How did she do in her own Presidential run? Well, looks like the only people she outlasted were Mayor DeBlasio and Senator Gillibrand from NY. The large amount of nursery school kids would be better candidates than both of those two. :) Why don’t we ask Harris’ own staff members how she did? They all quit or were fired after she verbally abused them and according to all of them, she had no plan, no agenda, no direction whatsoever. A complete disaster. And how did she even get into her first political role in the first place? I’m sure Willie Brown can divulge the whole story about Kamala sleeping with him to get ahead and who knows how many other people?

We know she wasn’t interested in doing so with Justice Kavanaugh who she rudely crucified with no evidence, just someone who wasn’t sure if over 35 years ago she even met Brett Kavanaugh or if she was even assaulted. Real credible witness, huh? How much did Adam Schiff pay her to testify? We know Adam Schiff has a very horrible case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. But you would have figured he would have prepped Christine Blasey Ford to at least come up with something that sounded like a legitimate accusation instead of nothing and wasting everybody’s time. Although not everyone found it so boring and pointless. Me Too Alyssa Milano, perhaps the biggest Hollyweirdo of all time, who had sexual intercourse with hundreds of Major League Baseball players, was running around with signs crucifying a completely innocent Justice Kavanaugh.

Then we have our favorite corrupt serial killers, The Clintons. They have associated with more people that wound up dead than any other 2 people that ever lived. And Mr. Clinton, Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s buddy, who was on his plane 26 times, can you imagine Colby how many acts of illegal perversion this guy has been involved with? With children. And his depraved acts are not only recent. They go way back, before he became President, when he was the Governor of Arkansas. So he’s a serial rapist along with being a serial killer. And Mrs. Clinton? She has been involved in not only serial killings, but very likely more corruption than any person ever in government. Bringing up even one example is a waste of time. Everybody knows what a disgusting life form she is. Just listen to her still whine and complain and blame everybody but herself for losing in 2016, even her own sneaky supporters who fixed things in her favor to deny Bernie Sanders a fair chance to compete with her.

While we’re on the subject of serial killers, there have been many over the years in both the United States and other countries. Whatever the count is of all of those serial killers’ victim totals is, they pale in comparison to the amount of murders committed by the now most prolific serial killer in world history, Governor Andrew Cuomo. Whether the total is 6,200 or 13,000, does it matter? President Trump gave him 3 large locations to place virus patients in so that they can be treated. Cuomo then profusely thanked President Trump. But he purposely avoided each of those locations and placed the virus patients in nursing homes, in the same rooms as elderly people, the segment of the population that was most susceptible to catch the virus and die from it. An accident? How could it be? He had 3 other options. So no question Governor Andrew Cuomo intentionally tried to kill as many elderly people as possible and succeeded. And after he finished, he laughed and said—they were old, they were going to die anyway. Of all the lowlives I have mentioned between politicians and Fake News Media, there is no one on this planet more deranged and evil than Cuomo. He then had the nerve to blame President Trump for all the deaths of those elderly people. After giving him 3 alternative resources beforehand? That didn’t work, so he then blamed the nursing homes. The problem there is that he as the Governor demanded that the nursing homes accept the virus patients, so they did not have a choice to refuse.

So then it was on to another ridiculous blame game by Cuomo in saying that the staff at the nursing homes were responsible. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic. Cuomo has never smiled in his life, so nobody is going to think he was trying to be a comedian. He is a pathetic clown, but definitely not a comedian. He has the personality of a cucumber. Then came the best crock of crap from Cuomo in blaming the NY Post. Now how a newspaper can kill thousands of people is as stupid to say as anything. Even your Washington Post toilet paper and The NY Times who hasn’t told the truth in 169 years couldn’t pull that off. So then Cuomo started whining that it’s all political. Complaining that the Republican news sources are the only ones bringing this up. Of course they are. Because you Fake News Media never criticize a Democrat. So where should Cuomo be? At The Convention being announced by clueless Hollyweirdo Eva Longoria for being a hero of handling the virus? No, he should be in prison facing thousands of counts of 1st degree murder. But instead he is at the new n**i Party Convention making a speech, again blaming President Trump for the virus like all the other new Nazis did. And then announcing he is writing a book praising himself. The new n**i Party would probably be thrilled with the old n**i Party if Hitler wrote a book too. That’s how vile and disgusting you all are.

The truth is, President Trump saved a lot of lives by closing travel to and from China and Europe when he did. Dr. Anthony Fauci confirmed this and said that the death total from the virus would have been more than double if President Trump didn’t make this wise decision. Who at the time thought it was a mistake to not allow that travel? One was Joe Biden, so that proves that he couldn’t handle the virus better than President Trump. Who else? Other new Nazis like Nancy Pelosi. What exactly does that still in government buffoon know about the subject to begin with? And who else thought it was a mistake? CNN, MSNBC, The NY Times, and The Washington Post. You Colby at the Washington Post would have killed so many more Americans. Why? Because you always have to go the opposite of Trump. Because you people are insane. You go to work every day Colby with the intention of just spending every minute lying. And you are not one of these young punks, brainwashed by radical professors like The NY Times is filled with. You’re a veteran of Fake News Media. That is your legacy, Colby. You should be ashamed of yourself. :( You have completely ignored the new n**i Party’s 2 terrorist organizations, BLM and Antifa rioting in cities not so coincidentally and not surprisingly run by Democrat (new n**i) Governors and Mayors.

Note: Black Lives do matter, there are many terrific black people in this world, but the movement is terrible. They are looking for special treatment, not equal rights. Their movement is also made up of a lot of white trash that are mentally ill and have no direction in their lives. Before George Floyd died, most of them never associated with black people or could care less about them. Why would these new n**i Governors and Mayors allow this to happen? Why would they restrict the police’s involvement to stop it? Refuse help from President Trump in bringing in more reinforcements? Because they wanted it to happen. They were behind a plot to put their own citizens in danger. They could care less if their own citizens were injured or even killed. They sat there and laughed while Molotov Cocktails and bricks were being thrown, buildings and cars were set on fire. Windows broken, businesses looted. Firecrackers thrown at sleeping homeless people by BLM terrorists. BLM terrorists defending looting as reparations and that they needed to eat and have clothes. What happened to the money that corrupt corporations like Nike and Adidas sent to them? Or CEO Tim Cook from Apple who sent more than every other company put together? Where did the money go so they now have to break the law to be able to get food and clothes? How about the BLM terrorists in Seattle telling white people they need to give up their homes?

This is all n**i like terrorism and every one of so many acts of it were committed and approved by Democrats (now Nazis) and you, The Fake News Media. Casey Anthony is more honest than anyone who works for CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. As well as all the pathetic wannabes like The Huffington Post and all these embarrassing websites from hell. Let’s not forget the other terrorist organization, Antifa, led by George Soros. You know, the organization that Congressman Jerry Nadler said doesn’t exist. Saying that they don’t exist is the same as saying that Jerry Nadler weighs 120 pounds. There are too many corrupt slime in the new n**i Party, there are too many to mention. All the rudest people that treated Attorney General Barr in such a disgusting way when he volunteered to answer their questions and they kept talking over him and not let him answer. Saying he was on their time. The absolute most unprofessional creeps. But getting back to the trash the new n**i Party invited to their "no agenda but Trump bashing Convention”, there are so many others—another pathological liar, Jim Clyburn, who has spent how many years asking what will happen if President Trump doesn’t leave office if he loses. A pointless and idiotic question from a pointless and idiotic person since President Trump will leave office when he is required to, after his 2nd term. Dingbat Gretchen Whitmer who has a single digit IQ, AOC who has a negative IQ, Amy Klochubar who gave Derek Chauvin so many slaps on the wrist that he was still on the police force to do what he did to George Floyd, which was terrible. If it wasn’t for Klobuchar, Chauvin would have been fired several years ago.

John Kerry, the retarded former Secretary of State of Obama, who was so obsessed with appeasing Iran and kissing Obama’s a*s, Obama’s wife Michelle who accomplished nothing but sitting in the White House for 8 years in between more vacations and tax payer money being used on any First Lady in American history, along with being so extremely phony and dishonest like her husband, Speaker Nancy Pelosi who spends more time getting facelifts than working to do anything for the American people, Gavin Newsom, another trainwreck of a Governor who like Whitmer doesn’t have a clue, one of many who let criminals take over their cities and root heavily for the criminals. I can’t however end this list and leave out everybody’s favorite Burisma Freeloading Crackhead Hunter Biden. :) Was there even one respectable human being at the Convention? Of course not. Because none exist in the new n**i Party. But that’s the big new policy of the new n**i Party. They all favor criminals over law abiding citizens. They favor criminals over victims, people who are simply just trying to protect their life and property. St. Louis DA Kim Gardner, another disciple of the terrorist George Soros, who is on the same level as Osama Bin Laden and Qasem Soleimani, charging an innocent couple, Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey, 2 people who had never committed a crime in their lives, instead of the mob of 300-500 BLM terrorists who had broken a gate to get into their private community and then threatened to kill them and take over their house. That irrational miscarriage of justice shows what this country would be like if the new n**i Party was in control. It wouldn’t be too long before they got the concentration camps going. They are all sick, evil, disgusting people who want to turn America into a giant sewer. And you Colby are trying to help them. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you were human you would be. But none of the Fake News Media, current and former politicians, and their terrorist organizations for hire have any human qualities whatsoever. People with human qualities are seeing all of this and they are going to vote for Donald Trump.

So you Colby and your colleagues can still keep busy with more Trump stories full of the most disgraceful lies. What would you do with Biden? Compare him to Uncle Junior from The Sopranos? Analyze each minute of him sleeping in a box like The Gimp from Pulp Fiction? So all these cancers that make up the new n**i Party have 3 choices—accept Donald Trump for 4 more years and get rid of their Trump Derangement Syndrome, move to another country, or the best option I would say is move to another planet. Maybe it’s a good idea to start a new n**i Party on Mars. Send the hate, destruction, lies, the pure evil as far from America as possible. America is a great country. It deserves to stay great. Donald Trump and his supporters want that and deserve that. On November 3rd, the only choice is an exorcism of The Democrat (new n**i) Party. Safety and freedom and the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (from The Declaration of Independence) should not be taken from us. Colby, you and your Satanic accomplices will fail in your effort to do so. Count on it. And don’t count on your new n**i supporters cheating with mail in ballots. We are ready for all scams by new Nazis. We are several steps ahead of them and we are several steps ahead of you, Fake News Colby. MAGA!!!! Trump 2020!!!!

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Law And Order 2020

United States

Response In English LOL

#5Author of original report

Thu, September 03, 2020

Melanie Nudes, I am not a 9th grade dropout. I am a college graduate. Your post makes me wonder if you graduated elementary school. Since you rambled on about nonsense with no evidence, let me try and teach you something. It’s scary that you might be eligible to vote. I guess Biden will accidentally get a few here and there. LOL Biden has dementia and his political party are a bunch of radical lunatics that support violence and treat criminals with long rap sheets, including awful crimes, like heroes and innocent people trying to defend their life and property like they are the criminals.

The incident in St. Louis by mentally ill DA Kim Gardner set the precedent that if 2 people that have the nerve to defend themselves against a group of 300–500 members of a terrorist organization where who knows how high the tally of crimes committed and the gravity of those crimes are collectively by this mob, who then threatened to kill them and take over their property, plus the 2 people had no record of any type of illegal activity, the fact that Gardner charged the 2 of them with a crime and no one else defies any common sense. The Fake News Media were exposed as a bunch of not only liars but full of hate when they tried but failed to ruin a 17 year old’s life because he got into a staring match with an Indian during a protest.

He sued CNN and the Washington Post and won. Then got more money because one the endless amount of sleazeballs at CNN, Brian Stelter, added fuel to the fire by trying to slander him again. Both the Gardner and Fake News Media fiascos show that the Democrat Party is now a combination of a Communist and n**i Party and if things like that can happen to others, it can happen to anybody. The virus was an unfortunate situation that was unleashed to the world by Communist China. Trump did the best he could under the circumstances that no one ever had to deal with. But the key number is based on a correct decision that Trump made which Joe Biden disagreed with. That was Trump making the very wise call to shut down travel to and from China and Europe.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, far more knowledgeable about the subject matter with many years of scientific experience, confirmed that if Trump had not done that, the amount of Americans that would have died would have doubled. When he said that, about 150,000 had died by that point. So let’s safely conclude that Donald Trump saved 150,000 lives. If Joe Biden was in office to make what was the wrong decision, he would have been responsible for 150,000 deaths. Could that be any clearer that Trump is far superior to Biden in handling the virus. The majority of deaths were a result of carelessness by Governors and Mayors, most Democrat, Republican as well to a lower degree. For example, Governor Andrew Cuomo of NY, who has been known for corruption and awful decisions for the last decade, decided to place virus patients in nursing homes, in the same rooms as elderly residents. This led to what looks to be a total of about 13,000 elderly people dying. But this was no careless mistake.

Cuomo was given 3 alternative locations to place the virus patients to receive the treatment they needed. Who gave him those locations? President Donald Trump. Cuomo then thanked and praised Trump to the sky. Cuomo had also admitted about a week and a half earlier that nursing homes just by themselves (without virus patients) was a dangerous place for the elderly due to their age making them susceptible to catching the virus and if they did, their chances of survival were worse than any other segment of the population. Cuomo had everything he needed. What did Cuomo do? He completely avoided placing even one person in any of the 3 places that Trump had provided for him and decided to place all of them in nursing homes. Based on those circumstances, there can be no question that Governor Cuomo’s actions were an intentional and very sick plan to kill elderly people.

What other rational conclusion can you derive from that? So Cuomo then was invited to speak at the DNC recently, was introduced as a hero for his handling of the virus, spoke as if he was a hero, outrageously blamed Trump who had given him alternative resources who he then thanked (this is all evidence from Cuomo’s press conferences), and then claimed he was writing a book due out in October about how he is the greatest virus handler that ever lived. He is the sickest of all and should be in prison for 1st degree mass murder. But he shares a lot in common with other Democrats. The amount of people at the DNC that had committed murders and rapes and the amount of victims is off the charts. So what does this say about this political party of unsavory lunatics? Who in their right mind would want to be under the government of people like that?

The idea that anyone would vote for Biden defies any sense of logic that a human brain could function in a manner that would allow a reasonably sane person from making that choice. The economy that was outstanding under President Trump before the virus was obviously going to take a beating due to the catastrophic results that would no question lead to a domino effect, especially with businesses shutting down or functioning in a limited capacity, which had to lead to excessive unemployment. No President could have avoided that. But who is more capable of reviving the economy, someone like Trump who has already proven he can get things in great shape through hard work and smart business decisions or a guy who has no leadership skills or experience at any point in his 48 years in government and now in his deteriorating condition is claiming he is running for Senate in South Carolina—no Alzheimers, you are running for President, remember? And whose most inspiring speech focused on him having hairy legs?

I can spend the better part of the day showing with solid evidence how far superior Donald Trump is to Joe Biden, but I think I made it clear with just a small amount of examples. If there was any consistency across the board of even an average amount of logic amongst the American people, Donald Trump would win all 50 states.

Donald Dump aka Melanie nudes

Washington DON CON / MAGA+ my azz got arrested ,
District of Columbia,
United States

Trump2020 a freaking nightmare

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 02, 2020

 You must be stuck on got dang stupid to post this crap on this site you sound like a 9th grade drop out or should I say a typical Trump supporter who have been hit on the head with a glass of reality ...Trump 2020 is a freaking disaster ..more people been arrested from his camp than any other in the history of presidency ..I bet you are a fool who donated to the wall MEXICO will pay for ...Bro get a life please Trump is not weening bigly or smally unemployment 70 million 170 deaths and dumb motherdukklers like you is the reason this country is in there worst year ever support this foul mouthed CON liar in chief/thief....shame on you bigly FOOL ...

Law And Order 2020

United States

The Truth of The Democrat Terrorists

#5Author of original report

Wed, August 26, 2020

Stacey, there is no hate speech. Everything that is said is 100 percent true. You can’t contradict anything and that is why you made a weak rebuttal and didn’t bother to try. The Democrat Party is now a bunch of terrorists. They want to destroy America. You obviously don’t see it, which is a shame. All the hate speech are lies and distortions of President Trump from politicians, mean spirited media, and people like you who have listened to them and have never tried to see the truth.

Fox News that you sarcastically spelled differently is what is known as honest news. You and everyone thinking of voting for Joe Biden should watch Fox News before you make a big mistake. Because him and the Democratic Party will put your life in danger and everyone else’s by defunding or even worse abolishing police. President Trump just recently helped broker a peace treaty in the Middle East between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Did you know that, Stacey?

I’m guessing no because anything positive that President Trump accomplishes is ignored by the hateful Liberal media. Just like all the rioting is ignored by them as if it is not happening. They are supposed to report the news, not give their biased, dishonest opinion on it. But that’s the only thing they ever do.


United States

NOT a rip off!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 26, 2020

Please take your hate speech to Faux News - this is a site for REAL ripoffs not hate speech. 

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