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  • Report:  #1053032

Complaint Review: Joel Leyden

Joel Leyden, Israel News Agency, Israel SEO PR, Reputation Management PR Fraud, Abuse, Cybersquatting, Identity Theft, Defamation, Cyberbullying, Cybercrime, Bullying, Internet Internet

  • Reported By:
    LeydenWatch — NYC New York
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 22, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 25, 2014

Joel Leyden appears to abuse everyone in his sight. We've witnessed him lie about, attack, harass, defame, cyberbully, impersonate, threaten and defraud many different people. He works in the realm of Jewish and Israel advoacy and presents himself almost as a war hero. If you search for him you can see he does a great job at SEO and "reputation management" for himself. Not his clients, many of whom, upon research, claim to have been ripped off by him. There's been several legal cases against him.

If you or anyone else  you know have been harassed, defamed, impersonated, threatened and/or spammed by the Joel Leyden (as we, and many other friends, Jews, and Israel supporters have been), there is now a legal precedent which may help you. - And here's the result of the complaint:

Please also ee this 66 page PDF: which documents his harassment of Jews and Israel supporters, even further.

Please be aware of this jerk. Neither he nor any of his associates can be trusted. As documented in the aforementioned case, he attempts to cybersquat, defame, threaten, harass, and endanger various Jews and Israelis, as well as Jewish and pro-Israel organizations.

Some of the information contained in these documents indicate that he may be armed and dangerous, and he does threatens people and tries to extort money from them. Please be very careful of this man. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Leyden Watch


Lawsuit Against Joel Leyden

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 30, 2014

I found the following very interesting, it's from one of the lawsuits against Joel Leyden. You can see the PDF of it here:

1. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff is a well-respected law firm with offices at 125 Broad Street, New York, N.Y., which with its predecessor firms, has been engaged in the practice of law in New York for over sixty years. It is well lmown in the legal community, anaong lawyers and judges for its professionalism, responsibility, integrity, and dedication to the interests of its clients.

2. On December 12, 2005, Plaintiff prepaxed a Will for its longtime client, Bernard Leyden ("Bernard"), the father of defendant. The Will was reviewed and republished when a Codicil was prepared and executed on December 3, 2007 after the initial execution of the Will. Bernard died on January 22, 2009.

3. Bernard’s Will provided, among other things, for a Trust which became effective on Bernard’s death. It designated as Trustee, Brian Leyden ("Brian"), the other son of Bernard, and the brother of Joel Leyden ("Joel"), the defendant in this action.

4.The Will was probated in New York County and the Trust is, therefore, subject to oversight by the New York County Stm’ogate’s Court. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2012 INDEX NO. 154004/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2012

5. The Trust was established because Bernard did not have confidence in Joel’s ability to manage funds and because of the frequency and severity of the physical, economic and including legal conflicts with women with whom he was not married and his ex-wives over arrears in alimony and non-support, and their potential and actual penal consequences. Bernard desired to create a mechanism with Brian as Trustee, which would safeguard the funds he was allocating for Joel from Joel’~ behavioral difficulties. Accordingly, he entrusted them to Brian to be available to Joel as Brian’s "sole and absolute discretion, deems necessary or advisable."

6. For many years, Joel had been residing in Israel where he had engaged in a variety of failing enterprises and relationships which required repeated support and rescue by Bernard.

7. Joel, in his computer published biography, portrays himself as an Israeli war hero, and a seasoned, respected and responsible international public relations practitioner, In fact, as Joel also admits in published documents, he describes himself as evicted from his home, and separated from his children and work opportunities in Israel. He claims to b~e subject to arrest if he returns to Israel. He also claims to own hundreds of computer domains, which he buys and sells. As described below, he perverts and abuses his computer domain registrations, not merely by nuisance attacks on persons he seeks to damage, but by deliberate defamation, coercion and other violation of law.

8. Brian, as Trustee, after Bernard’s demise, has acted with prudence to administer the Trust assets to prolong their availability over Joel’s anticipated life span, to carry out Bernard’s intent to avoid their being squandered by Joel and to protect them from Joel’s creditors.

9. Plaintiff has acted as attorney for Brian, in his capacity as Executor of the Estate, and as Trustee. At no time has Plaintiff acted as attorney, or in may other fiduciary
capacity for Joel.

10. Approximately two years ago, Joel left or was caused to leave Israel in the context of failure to support and other charges in respect to his relations with his children.

11. Arriving in the United States, he contacted Brian ~and requested payments from the Trust which Brian determined were unwarranted. Negotiations with Joel successive attorneys failed to resolve Joel’s advanced and irrational demands.

12. Thereafter, Joel commenced his campaign of harassment, threats and coerce to force Brian to make payments from the Trust which, in Brian’s judgment, were inappropriate and contrary to his obligation under the Trust.

13. Joel’s response to Brian’s rejection of Joel’s demands was to cause his attorneys successively to press his demands thi’ough judicial action. He sued in three separate proceedings, ha the New York County Surrogate’s Court, through one or more of such attorneys, or pro se. The Surrogate’s Court dismissed each of Joel’s proceedings, finding that each claim was meritless.

14. The Surrogate, in dismissing the most recent proceeding brought by Joel, directed him to stop his unsupported claims, in deference to the resources of the Court, as well as to avoid the depletion of the assets of the Trust by his irrational and frivolous applications.

15. Finally, the Surrogate, in August, 2011, issued an order prohibiting Joel from commencing any new proceeding without making a prior application to the Court and receiving the Court’s permission.

16. Nevertheless, Joel has brought action in the Supreme Court, Bronx County repeating the same issues which were rejected in the New York County Surrogate Court.

17. Having failed in his judicial applications, he intensified his campaign of non-judicial tactics to try by false, malicious, distorted, and defamatory attacks on Plaintiff, and his brother Brian, the Trustee of the Trust, to gain, by harassment and denigration of Plaintiff and the Trustee, the results denied to him in the judicial proceedings. Aware that Plaintiff has registered its firm name on the internet as "Herzfeld-, as in numerous other instances of his harassment of others, he illegally appropriated that name by registering the name, and variants of the name, as computer domain names controlled by him. In furtherance of his illegal conduct, he posts or causes to be posted what he claims to be news articles, written by him under fictitious names, which are false and defamatory statements about Plaintiff. These articles are posted on an illicit, domain name as well as the domain names of,,,, and

18. In consequence, persons seeking authentic information about Herzfeld & Rubin, are diverted to Joel’s defamatory, false and denigrating materials posted or caused to be posted by him on his illicit and other domain names.

19. In his campaign, he has deliberately mad maliciously invented purported news services and fictitious newspaper writers to send his malicious, defamatory anddistorted purported news releases to be posted under the aforesaid domain names. His objective is to pressure Plaiutiff to advise Brian to pay him moneys from the Trust, and to extort and extract moneys from Plaintiff by forcing a coerced sale if his demands are not met.


20. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 19 as though in full set forth.

21. Similar to his pattern of illegal coercion with num~erous other targets, on or about May 5, 2012, acting, among others, under the fictitious name of "Jonathan Ariel," ’°Israel Beach" and a pretended "Israel News Agency," operated by him, Joel issued for posting in the public press, his illicit domain names, and other domain resources, a false and malicious news article written "Herzfeld & Rubin Accused of Malpractice, Breach of Trust." The writing falsely recites that "the case will be heard in the New York Supreme Court" and that "Herzfeld & Rubin has refused to answer or respond to emails or telephone calls by "Israel News Agency" The article also recites accusations of Joel "that Herzfeld & Rubin are depleting my Trust to fund the brutal and unnecessary legal battles," that it has °’taken over $80,000 in legal fees from my Trust", "that they march off to Court where they can find blank checks from my Trust" and "bully, intimidate and coerce in ways one could expect from Tony Soprano, not Law and Order."

22. In a posted purported "Update," dated May 7, 2012, Joel issued a false purported news release that "The court decided that Daniel (Joel) was suffering from several emergencies for which the Trust is responsible for addressing and has accepted the case." This is followed by a purported news release asserting that Plaintiff was acting as "thugs in suits to mislead both the court and legal counsel." All of the above are false, misleading and defamatory.

23. In an email under the email address of Joel Leyden (, under date of May 17, 2012, Joel accused Plaintiff of stealing $80,000 from the Trust, stating "My father, who retained HR, never intended for Herzfeld & Rubin to steal 80,000 USD of his money, my money." He also refers to Plaintiff and its personnel as "crooks." The email which he published, and caused to be posted on another illicit Herzfeld & Rubin domain name, is addressed to his attorney and various third parties, to give it an imprimatur of dignity and reasoned discourse. It includes the direction to his attorney to "Please send the news story that editor/writer Jonathan Ariel wrote to the Supreme Court." The news story, the purported writer,
Jonathan Ariel, and its contents, are the fictitious inventions of Joel. In another posting, he accuses Herzfeld & Rubin of"committing perjury in court."

24. All of the foregoing recitals are false. There is no malpractice and no case of malpractice which will be heard in the New York Supreme Court. It is not Plaintiff
but Joel who is depleting the Trust by his repeated frivolous proceedings. Herzfeld & Rubin have not taken over $80,000 from the Trust. They do not march off to Court. It is
Joel who files the frivolous claims and marches to Court. They do not bully, intimate or coerce or act like Tony Soprano. No Court has decided that Joel was suffering from
several emergencies. Plaintiffs are not acting like "thugs in suits." They are not stealing Joel’s money. The claim of perjury in court is simply more fiction.

25. , Plaintiff sustained damages for such defamation in the amount of in excess of $500,000 together with punitive damages of $500,000 damage in a total of $1,000,000.


26. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 24 as though in fall set forth.

27. Plalntiff has conducted its law practice under the name Herzfeld & Rubin for over fifty years. In the course of its operating, it maintains a computer website of www.Herzfeld-Rubin.col~n in which it posts relevant informatiqn to be disseminated to clients, prospective clients and other interested parties regarding its personnel, the practice areas in which it operates, and other facts which describe the practice.

28. Plaintiff was the attorney for Bernard Leyden. It had warm personal and professional relations with him for over fifty years until his demise.

29. Plaintiff has served clients throughout the United States, and many other areas in the world including Europe, Asia and the Americas. It has succeeded in achieving respect and a highly favorable reputation with its clients, its colleagues of the bar, and the judiciary, for its integrity, compassion, judgment, and professionalism. It is widely regarded by clients, bench and bar as anaong the most top law firms in the profession.

30. In about 2010, with intent to appropriate Plaintiff’s good will, and to damage, denigrate and destroy the reputation of Plaintiff among members of the bar, bench, clients, potential clients, and the general public, Joel appropriated the name "" and similar forms of the na111e Herzfeld & Rubin for domain names including ",, He used the illicit domain naanes to post or cause to be posted, false, derogatory and malicious materials about Plaintiff. He also caused to be published, circulated and posted articles on other websites, such as,,,,, and ostensibly constituting bona fide news information being released by bona fide news sources for bona fide news outlets. He intended to cause persons seeking by computer to contact Herzfeld & Rubin, P.C., which is registered as ", to be diverted to such illicit websites from which Joel directly and inqlirectly disseminated his false, derogatory, distorted and damaging statements regarding Plaintiff.

31. The registry by Joel of the Herzfeld & Rubin domain names controlled by him violated 15 USC Section 1125(d), New York General Business Law Section
148, and Plaintiff’s common law rights.

32. Plaintiff has demanded that Joel desist from posting false and derogatory information, and either discontinue the illicit domain names or transfer same to Plaintiff.

33. In response, Joel demanded a payment of $100,000 for Plaintiff to purchase the domain name "" and that Plaintiff cause its client, Brian,
to make the payments from the Trust which Brian had refused.

34. In addition, Joel advertised to the public offers to sell the illicit domain name for $100,000. See Exhibit "A" armexed.

35. Joel rejected Plaintiff’s demand that the illicit domain name and postings be discontinued. He continues to maintain the domain names and to post, or causes to be posted, further false and derogatory materials regarding plaintiff.

36. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff is entitled to damages of at least $500,000 together with punitive damages of $500,000.


37. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 35 as though in full set forth.

38. By reason of the unlawful conduct described before, clients, prospective clients and persons doing business with or desiring to do business with Plaintiff have been diverted from Plaintiff’s website which recites the true information regarding Plaintiff to the illicit domain names, have become confused and uncertain about the recitals in Plaintiff’s website, and have been deterred, from entertaining into relations with Plaintiff, and Plaintiff’ s professional reputation and status has been damaged.

39. Plaintiff has been caused to expend extensive time and energy, at significant costs, to investigate and determine the illicit activities and to seek counter action thereto.

40. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff had sustained damages in the amount of in excess of $500,000 and is entitled, in addition, to punitive damages of $500,000.


41. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 24, 26 through 34, 37 through 39 as though in full set forth.

42. By reason of the damage recited herein, Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law and is entitled to preliminary and permanent injunction of the maintenance of the illicit domain names and such other relief as the Court may deem proper.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands damages of $500,000 together with punitive damages of an additional $500,000, and interest on each of Counts 1, 2 and 3 of the Complaint, and a preliminary and permanent injunction as to Count 4, barring and precluding the direct and indirect issuance and posting on any domain name of materials
containing or referring to Herzfeld & Rubin, P.C. and requiring the turnover of the illicit domain names to Plaintiff, together such other relief as the Coul:t may deep proper, with the costs of the action.

Jewish Internet Defense Force

New York,

Full Report on Joel Leyden, His Alias, Project, Lies, Fraud, Scams, Etc.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 29, 2013

The following information has been falsely reported on Facebook and thus, repeatedly censored, by Facebook. We've been, and will continue to be, posting about Facebook's harassment, censorship, and discrimination against Jews and Israel supporters, soon. In the meantime, please note that the following network of accounts are involved in spreading hatred and lies against Jews and Israel supporters. However, many of them appear to be Jewish and/or pro-Israel. There is a chance they have been hijacked and hacked our enemies. Some of them appear to be fake profiles. Others simply seem spammy, as they are spreading malicious links. Please help report the fake profiles or spammers, or if any of these accounts are actually real, and if you happen to know them, please make them aware that they might have been hacked, or ask why they are involved in a hateful spam campaign to spread lies against Jews and Israel supporters. Are they actually friends of Israel and the Jewish people? Or are they our enemies? Are their accounts hacked? We're not sure. However, If any of the folks listed below are indeed real, please have them contact us discuss:

(we believe this is a former business partner of Joel Leyden, and Joel is now stealing his identity to post defamatory spam in an effort to harass Jews and Israel supporters. This account is even linking to antisemitic Holocaust denial sites in their its effort to harass and attack Jews. We've researched the real Richard Maize and don't think this is anything he'd involve himself with, and it does appear that Joel Leyden has been criminally harassing him online as well. We hope to get to the bottom of it soon. We're uniting with many who have been victimized by Joel Leyden)

We feel all of this is being orchestrated by a notorious self-promotional spammer by the name of Joel Leyden, and that many of the aforementioned accounts are either fake or controlled by him in some capacity. Also note, that none of them are officially linked to the IDF in any way (despite the fact that some of them try to appear that way). Joel Leyden claims to have been an IDF soldier, and to have several university degrees (one from Columbia), but we can find no real evidence to verify those claims. He's been know to harass women, as well, filing fake reports, and publishing fake escort ads. Meanwhile, many actual police reports have been filed against Joel Leyden in the UK, Israel, and they soon will be filed in the USA, as well. Here's the story: we once went out of our way to help Joel Leyden to restore groups and pages he lost control of, because he does not know what he is doing online. He then wanted to work with us, but we were not interested, as his many backwards and hypocritical stands on Israel and other issues, as well as his general stupidity made us never want to work with him or trust him (and as you'll see, we were right, obviously). This insulted Joel Leyden so much that it seems he now he spends every waking hour of his existence to go to every corner of the internet, trying to harass, defame, and spam this Jewish and pro-Israel effort, which has been recognized by the Israeli Defense Forces and covered by many newsorganizations, and supported by many Jews, Israelis, IDF soldiers, and other Jewish and Israeli organizations (contrary to Leyden's lies), as well. We don't have to sell ourselves to you. People generally either love us, or hate us, but no one can deny that we go out of our way to help people, and we in fact repeatedly tried to make "peace" privately with Joel Leyden, but he thrives on negative energy and attacks and he simply would not cease and desist his public nonsense about us, and many others. So this public response was needed, even though we risk further harassment and defamation by going forward with it. Many of his victims are terrified of him, and will not come forward. For that reason alone, we must do the right thing to set the record straight.  When we looked into what was up with the trainwreck of a man that is Joel Leyden and why he's become so insanely hostile toward us, especially when we never did anything to him except try to help him, we found that he actually does this to many other people, not just us! The man is a serial cybercriminal! Among the many people he's harassing, cybersquatting, attacking, defaming, and flat-out trying to bully online are:

  • His own brother, "Brian Leyden" (see here and here)
  • His brother and deceased father's law fiim, "Herzfeld and Rubin" (see here and here)
  • "Moti Kahana"
  • "Michael Martinez"
  • "Richard Maize"
  • "Diane Leyden" (Joel's ex-wife)
  • "Julie Portner"
  • "Amanda Leyden"
  • "Rahel ("Rachel Maybri")
  • "Rikki DeWolff" (may be misspelled)
  • "Nayhum Hofri" (Mayor of Ra'Anana, Israel)
  • "Vorah Hoffman"
  • "David Brotsky"
  • ""
  • "David Appletree"
  • "Jewish Internet Defense Force"
  • "David Pitch"

As you can more read about them here, these are Joel Leyden's main targets. He seems to spend all of his time cybersquatting dozens domains in order to post defamatory and malicious lies about all the aforementioned parties, even trying to endanger Jews and Israel supporters in some cases. If you search for information about any of these folks, chances are you will find Joel Leyden's cybersquatted domains of their names, and bunch of false and defamatory information about all of them, some of which he is plagiarizing from antisemitic, and anti-Israel sites, including sites that deny the Holocaust, promote Islamic terrorism, claim "Jews did 9/11", and other hate speech and vitriol.   We are currently working with many of his victims to pursue Joel Leyden legally, as both a civil and criminal matter. We may perhaps be filing a class action suit. Please stay tuned on that front. If you would like to support us to that end, you can, here. Since this is Joel Leyden's MO, and what he's all about (attacking innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are doing great work) we are not the first to consider legal action against Leyden. Many have already done it  already, and all have succeeded. As we have reported:

Joel Leyden
Important information about Joel Leyden: PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! Please very careful with whom you associate. Not everyone who appears to be "pro-Israel" is a good person. If you or anyone else  you know have been harassed, defamed, impersonated, threatened and/or spammed by the Joel Leyden (as we, and many other friends, Jews, and Israel supporters have been), there is now a legal precedent which may help you: And here's the result/settlement of the complaint: Since we went public with this, many of his victims have come forward. Lastly, please see this 65 page PDF: which documents his harassment of Jews and Israel supporters, even further. Please be aware of this jerk. Neither he nor any of his associates can be trusted. As documented in the aforementioned case, he attempts to cybersquat, defame, threaten, harass, and endanger various Jews and Israelis, as well as Jewish and pro-Israel organizations. We have also learned that Joel Leyden is now trying to defame Jews and Israel supporters, by plagiarizing articles from antisemitic sites and anti-Israel sites, including sites that deny the Holocaust, promote Islamic terrorism, claim "Jews did 9/11", and other hate speech and vitriol. This is how low Joel Leyden has sunk to attack Jews and Israel supporters with his defamatory spam. It's, by far, the worst case of online criminal defamation and harassment we've ever seen, (and we've seen a lot).

While we hate to be against anyone who might appear to be Jewish and "pro-Israel," we must all be hypervigilant against those who are trying to bring harm to Jews and Israel advocates in any way. As you can see by reading through the aforementioned PDF's, Leyden is not the mensch he makes himself out to be by spamming the internet with crappy websites, presenting himself as such. Leyden does admin several Facebook pages, and operates many different sites. We don't wish to promote them here, but if you are a friend, please contact us and we will share them with you, so you may help to report their fraudulent and defamatory posts.    Also, you should note that Joel Leyden is involved with several other businesses, projects, websites, and online properties, such as:

  • "Leyden Digital"  (  
  • "Israel News Agency" ( 
  • "Israel PR" ( 
  • "Jewish PR" (
  • "Israel SEO PR" (
  • "Reputation Management PR" (
  • "London SEO PR" (
  • "israel Public Relations Institute" ( 
  •  "Internet Marketing SEO PR" (
  • "Joel Leyden New York" (
  • "Joel Leyden SEO PR" (
  • "Joel Leden" (
  • "Leyden Communications Internet Marketing, SEO, Digital PR" (
  • "Passover" (
  • "Hatikvah" (
  •  "Jerusalem - Capital of Israel" (
  • "Israel Humanitarian Aid" (
  • "Joel Leyden" (
  • "Jewish Business Networking" ( 
  • "Jewish Fathers" (
  • "Children 4 Israel (
  • "Israel News Agency" (
  • "I Support the Israel Defense Forces In Preventing Terror Attacks From Gaza" (
  • "Online Reputation PR" (
  • "Joel Leyden" (
  • "Joel Leyden SEO" (
  • "Joel Leyden LInkedin" (
  • "IsraelBeach YouTube" ( 
  • "Joel Leyden Slideshare" (
  • "Joel Leyden" (
  • "Joel Leyden" ( 
  • "Phillip Pasmanick's Israel & Stuff" (
  • "Fathers for Justice Israel" (
  • Joel Leyden Wikipedia ( - where he was blocked/banned from the site. Not a big deal, we publicly talked about it happening to many Jews and Israel supporters that are friends of this effort, but he attacks others for being blocked from a site that he was banned from? Hypocrisy. 
  • Suspected Sockpuppets of Joel Leyden: (
  • "Digital PR 4 Israel" ( 

    If you know of any others, please let us know. We're not linking to any of them directly, as we don't want to give any of these spammy and scammy crap sites and pages any Google juice or real attention, but you do need to know about them. However, If you're really interested, you're free to check them out to see how duplicitous, crappy, spammy, and scammy they all are, just beneath the handful of legitimate news items they try to post. We believe the underlying goal of all these properties is to promote Joel Leyden, and most of them would be fine if he did not use them all to harass and defame other innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are just trying to do good work. Also note, that now Leyden is working with others, including a violent criminal with a serious criminal record, David Haivri. According to the NY Times, David Haivri "has had several run-ins with the authorities in Israel over the last two decades, including an arrest for celebrating the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in a television interview and a six-month jail term in connection with the desecration of a mosque."  While we are pro-settlement and anti-Islam, we do not support violence in any way. Violent criminals like David Haivri hurt the world's perception of Jews, Israel, and of settlements. Both Joel Leyden and David Haivri try to endanger Jews. Haivri even goes so far as to celebrate the death of any Jews whose views he does not like. This is sick. And terrible. These two, along with others, are helping to spread defamatory vitriol against Jews and Israel supporters and must be called out. On a final note, our website is - if you see any other links out there  claiming to be the Jewish Internet Defense Force, do not click them and do not trust the people posting them or the information contained therein. There's apparently cybersquatting campaigns created by Joel Leyden, antisemites, Israel haters, and Islamic terrorist supporters designed to harvest and spread false information about our effort, as well as other Jews and Israel supporters. Be careful! Our enemies are trying to step up their game in the efforts to attack us, but we will, with the help of G-d, always be victorious. Gen 12:3. 


    Also note the comments to our piece about Leyden:

    Barbara:  Yup. He's terrible and has harassed my lady friends for YEARS! Notice this complaint board about him (of course his fake accounts respond, but I think the original complaint is correct:

    It states:

    Our ex consultant got into our godaddy account and transferred our domains to his godaddy account. After I used my (personal) credit card for web hosting, domain renewal etc. He has not returned our domains.

    He called godaddy tech support pretending he was my partner and transferred my domains because he knew my card was on file. We just want our domains back, but I have found some slanderous allegations on our sites. Now they are being held hostage from the ex-consultant at Joel Leyden Seo PR Marketing Agency. Godaddy says i need a court order to get them back.

    Joel Leyden SEO PR Marketing Agency said they will give them back for $15,000.00. As you can see from my bank account, I don't have 15K to give up. BUYER BEWARE!!!!

    ZionistGirl: Some more complaints about him apparently:


    He keeps calling and harassing for more money, what do we do?"

    Also note the obviously fake response, by Joel Leyden himself. I've heard many bad stories about him.

    Brooke: More complaints about him here: where they say he's a con artist and the following:

    "Don't work with this con artist. He scammed me for money and now tried to steal my websites. He knows 6 digits from my credit card and tries to rip off my SEO clients. He is big assh*le."

    Worried: Wow people have been complaining about him all over the internet. Here's another one:

    "Some how he got into my godaddy account after my credit card was charged for web hosting, domain renewal etc. He has not returned my domains called godaddy tech support and transferred my domains. I just want them back, but I have found some slanderous allegations on my sites. Now they are being held hostage from the perpetrator. Godaddy says i need a court order to get them back."

    Todd Mandel:

    Kelly from Alabama: wow, thank you so much for this. i've always had my suspicious about joel leyden. this really verifies all my worst fears about the guy.
    More info:

    Firm Reaches Settlement With Longtime Client's Son

    Wow, so he harasses and defames his own brother and the lawfirm of his deceased father, who never trusted poor Joel with the family business. What a loser this guy is. Even his dad knew it. Thank you for letting me know about this. One of my friends is listed as someone he's been harassing. I thought the information could be true. Now, I see it's just Leyden defaming and harassing people. This guy has serious issues and must get a life
    FUNNY ONE OTHER THING------!! I just noticed how he also goes around the internet claiming "CHILDREN MUST HAVE BOTH PARENTS" But from the legal docuemtns, it ooks like he's a deadbeat dad. It's no wonder why his ex-wife wouldn't want this lying dirtbag anywhere near her kids! I wouldn't either!

    Keep up the great work JIDF. You've been very helpful to me, personally, when I was dealing with a nightmare person like this Joel Leyden LOSER. I will help spread the word so more won't be VICTIMS and so that people know this guy has NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever. I also hope people searching for accurate information on his victims will come here, to see that these people have just been HARASSED AND DEFAMED BY JOEL LEYDEN. It seems like the JIDF has a very GOOD INSTINCT to never go into business with such FRAUDS LIKE JOEL LEYDEN!

    This is a great and THOROUGH report and why I continue to be a PROUD SUPPORTER OF THE JIDF! WORKING HARD TO KEEP US ALL SAFE ONLINE!
    Beth:  I hear the guy posted fake escort ads in the name of his ex girlfriend or maybe it was his business partner. Either way, Joel Leyden is such a low life! Be careful out there. Lots of terrible people and weirdos. Thank G-d for the JIDF, who's exposed many of them, and helped me, personally, to deal with them.
    Moti Kahana: Joel Leyden did the same to me!!! during hurricane sandy. I donated gas and food, please note:

    Joel Leydenl contact me and advised me he could help with pr and would charge me $2000 for it. I agree! Soon thereafter, he was doing PR for himself and started collecting donations, for himself.

    I never asked for any donations, as I was giving my own money. Immediately i contact PayPal to my payment to Joel Leyden, and asked Joel to remove his name from any associations with me or IFA.

    He refused, and demanded $2000 (to to PR and publicity for himself and defraud people). He then went on to create a website with MY NAME (cybersquatting)

    Then, he started his blackmail. I did said to him, "I am an Israeli we do not respond well to blackmail"

    ....and I promised him we will see him in jail. His day in court will come soon!



New York,
New York,

Jewish Internet Defense Farce Suspended by Facebook

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 28, 2013

Go to Facebook and look up the JIDF

Not very active anymore!

The so called Jewish Internet Defense Force aka David Brotsky of Dallas, Texas aka David Appletree aka David Pitch has been banned from Facebook for computer hacking, criminal harassment, abuse, fraud and personal attacks against respected members and organizations in the Jewish community.

Write to Facebook and say thank you!

Write Facebook and demand that they make this suspension permanent as there is no place for cyber bullying and computer hacking on the Internet.

David Brotsky cannot create lies and defame anybody he wants - and he can't say it on Facebook!

Jewish Internet Defense Force

New York,

Joel Leyden continues to file fraudulent reports here

#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 27, 2013

Lies. All of it. Most of this "complaint" by the way is plagiarized from the anti-Israel, antisemitic, Holocaust denying "Jews did 9/11" article about us in Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Richard Silverstein's plagiarism of that article as well. Good job, Joel! You know how to find attack pieces on Jews and Israel supporters on antisemitic and anti-Israel sites. Mazel tov. Who knew such a "hero" of the Jewish pro-Israel world could stoop so low? Turns out many do now. You have no shame.

Here's the story: we once went out of our way to help Joel Leyden to restore groups and pages he lost control of, because he does not know what he is doing online. He then wanted to work with us, but we were never interested, as his many backwards and hypocritical stands and flat-out stupidity online made us never want to work with him or trust him (and we were right not to trust him, obviously.)

This insulted Joel Leyden so much that he now he spends every waking hour of his existence to go to every corner of the internet, trying to harass, defame, and spam this Jewish and pro-Israel effort, which has been recognized by the Israeli Defense Forces and many well-respected news media organizations, and other Jewish and Israeli organizations, as well. We don't have to sell ourselves to you. People either love us, or hate us, but no one can deny that we go out of our way to help people, and we in fact repeatedly tried to make "peace" privately with Joel Leyden, but he thrives on negative energy and attacks.

When we looked into what was up with the trainwreck of a man that is Joel Leyden and why he's become so insanely hostile toward us when we never did anything to him publicly except try to help him, we found that he actually does this to many other people, not just us. Among the many people he's harassing, cybersquatting, attacking, defaming, and flat-out trying to bully online are:

  • His own brother, Brian Leyden
  • His brother and deceased father's law fiim, Herzfeld and Rubin
  • Moti Kahana
  • Michael Martinez
  • Richard Maize
  • Diane Leyden (Joel's ex-wife)
  • Julie Portner
  • Amanda Leyden
  • Rahel (Rachel Maybri)
  • Rikki DeWolff (may be misspelled)
  • Nayhum Hofri (Mayor of Ra'Anana, Israel)
  • Vorah Hoffman
  • David Brotsky
  • David Appletree
  • Jewish Internet Defense Force
  • David Pitch

These are Joel Leyden's main targets. He spends all of his time cybersquatting domains in order to post defamatory and malicious lies about all the aforementioned parties. If you search for information about any of these folks, chances are you will find Joel Leyden's cybersquatted domains of their names, and bunch of false and defamatory information about all of them. We are currently working with many of his victims to pursue Joel Leyden legally, as both a civil and criminal matter. We may perhaps be filing a class action suit. Please stay tuned on that front.

Of course, since this is Joel Leyden's MO, and what he's all about (attacking innocent Jews and Israel supporters who are doing great work) we are not the first to consider legal action against Leyden. Many have already done it  already, and all have succeeded. As we have reported:

Please very careful with whom you associate. Not everyone who appears to be "pro-Israel" is a good person. If you or anyone else  you know have been harassed, defamed, impersonated, threatened and/or spammed by the Joel Leyden (as we, and many other friends, Jews, and Israel supporters have been), there is now a legal precedent which may help you: -

And here's the result  or settlement of the complaint: whereby Joel Leyden has been legally forced to remove all his defamatory spam against another entity, already. -

Since we went public with this, many of his victims have come forward. Please see this 66 page PDF: which documents his harassment of Jews and Israel supporters, even further.Please be aware of this jerk. Neither he nor any of his associates can be trusted. As documented in the aforementioned case, he attempts to cybersquat, defame, threaten, harass, and endanger various Jews and Israelis, as well as Jewish and pro-Israel organizations.

As you can see, this is simply another fraudulent post by Joel Leyden. It's fraudulent in every way, and it's a reflection of Joel Leyden's fraud, not ours. He tries to harass and endager people he falsely alleges to be behind the JIDF, because he learned that information on antisemitic, anti-Israel, "Jews did 9/11", Holocaust denial websites, and tries to use such defamatory nonsense against us. That is how low Joel Leyden will stoop. Thus, our advice is to take him and his very bogus nonsense with a grain a salt. He's a joke that makes himself out to be some great hero, but as you can see from all the documentation above, he's overcompensating for his serious pyschological issues. We never did anything to the guy whatsoever. Oh, and the "hacking" claims? Y'know why he thinks we hacked him? Cause someone forwarded an email to us that he spammed to many different people. We sent it back to him telling him how stupid it was. That made him insanely paranoid that we hacked into his email. What a nutter. Just disregard him, and stay turned for more legal action against him.

Main points to know about Joel Leyden and his lies:

  • Read the recent legal complaint about Joel Leyden: it gives a detailed background about him, and what he does to many different people)
  • Read the settlement of the complaint aginast Joel Leyden here:
  • Read 66 pages of documentation, proving these same patterns of abuse on many of Joel Leyden's many victims:

And simply understand that this "complaint" is just another defamatory spam post of Joel Leyden. Nothing in is is true. People are free to contact us directly if they are interested in learning more about our effort or about the fraudulent cybercriminal that is Joel Leyden. And if you're a victim of Leyden as well, please unite with us.



Another Joel Leyden Fake Account, Continuing to Post False and Defamatory

#7Author of original report

Sun, May 26, 2013

As you can see above, Joel Leyden continues to pretend to be fake people, and post fraudulent and defamatory information about people. He's posting lies and information he learned on anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial websites. Joel has scammed many people out of money, and has threatened and extorted money from them as well. The aforementioned PDF's show this clearly. And the "rebuttal" is from Joel Leyden himself. As documented in many different places, and different legal proceedings Joel makes up lies about the following people and organizations, including:

  • His own brother, Brian Leyden
  • His brother and deceased father's lawfrim, Herzfeld and Rubin
  • Monique Lester
  • Moti Kahana
  • Michael Martinez
  • Richard Maize
  • Diane Leyden (Joel's ex-wife
  • Julie Portner
  • Amanda Leyden
  • Rahel (Rachel Maybri)
  • Rikki DeWolff (may be misspelled)
  • Nayhum Hofri (Mayor of Ra'Anana, Israel)
  • Moti Kahana
  • Vorah Hoffman
  • David Brotsky
  • David Appletree
  • The Jewish Internet Defense Force

If you search for information about any of these people, or entities online, you can see for yourself that Joel is determined to try to maliciously defame these innocent victims. Joel Leyden is wanted for questioning by the the FBI and Israeli authorities for his crimes. He may also be armed and dangerous. Please be aware of this scammer and fraud and do not do busines with him. If you research you can see the people he's done business with are some of the same people listed, above. You can see how every single business dealing he's involved with turns out to be him defaming and harassing his former business partners online. Joel Leyden is no one to do business with, or trust. Any type of so-called "Jewish" or "pro-Israel" advocate that would support lies on Holocaust denial and anti-Israel sites is a total fraud. And that is what we have here with Joel Leyden.



New York,
New York,

David Appletree aka David Brotsky

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

If there was ever a case of pure libel and slander, this would qualify.

I have known Joel for over 15 years. He is a highly respected member of the Jewish community. Joel, who works as a journalist and international media consultant, has served in three wars defending Israel, was an officer in the IDF combat engineers and IDF spokesperson's office. He currently serves as a senior advisor to many commercial, non-profit and governmental organizations including the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He says that David Appletree aka David Brotsky created a so-called Jewish Internet Defense Force which actually attacks the Prime Minister of the State of Israel and dozens of Israeli, Jewish and Christian leaders and organizations. David Brotsky aka David Appletree who has been banned from Wikipedia and Facebook for abusive personal attacks, has attacked and attempted to defame such respected Jewish and Christian organizations such as Nefesh B'Nefesh, ADL and Christians United for Israel.

David Brotsky is currently under investigation by the FBI for computer hacking and criminal harassment. If you have been victimized by David Brotsky of Dallas, Texas, please contact your local police department and or the FBI.

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