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  • Report:  #238771

Complaint Review: John Beck Mentoring America

John Beck Mentoring America Telephone Fraud Fork City Utah

  • Reported By:
    Staten Island New York
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 11, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 02, 2007
  • John Beck Mentoring America
    7030 Hayvenhurst Ave
    Fork City, Utah
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Cancel it now. *Author of original report: John Beck Mentoring of America.. Should be called John Beck Fleecing of America. *Consumer Comment: Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously. *Consumer Comment: Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously. *Consumer Comment: Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously. *Consumer Comment: Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously. *Consumer Comment: Keep me updated. *Consumer Comment: Keep me updated. *Consumer Comment: Keep me updated. *Consumer Comment: Keep me updated. *Author of original report: Enrollment Confirmation Page *Author of original report: Enrollment Confirmation Page *Author of original report: Enrollment Confirmation Page *Author of original report: Enrollment Confirmation Page *Author of original report: Inbound call or outbout call. Whos zoomin who?? *Consumer Comment: YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL WITHIN 3 DAYS. IT'S UTAH STATE STATUTE! *Author of original report: It is time to fight Fraud wit Fire! *Consumer Comment: A further note to Bryan. *Author of original report: Question *Consumer Comment: I checked "No" on mine. *Author of original report: Update *Consumer Comment: Bryan. *Author of original report: thank you for this website *Author of original report: REFUND total increases *Consumer Comment: Don't expect a CD in the mail. *Consumer Comment: Update? *Author of original report: Yes!!! Finally Final. *Consumer Comment: Mentoring of America LLC goes down yet again! Superb!

I signed up to learn how to buy Real property for pennies on the dollar. They pressured me into buying coaching lessons for of $10,000.00. They (Wes Terry and Elisha Marti) said I had a right to cancell within 3 business days of recieving their materials. THEN I found this website and became alarmed. I have not recieved any materials yet and plan to excersise my right to cancel upon reciept. I also plan to contest the charge with my credit card company which still shows as "pending" on my online banking profile. Does anyone think I will have any luck with my credit card company?? Should I try this first before they actually get my money??

Bryan Staten Island, New York

28 Updates & Rebuttals



Mentoring of America LLC goes down yet again! Superb!

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2007

Congratulations on you full refund! You followed all my steps and advices and you did a superb job.

Mentoring of America has committed fraud and trickery by editing out parts of that CD recording were you brought up the 3 day right to cancel. You Bryan can legally get them fined by the Utah Division of Consumer Protection for that with your tapes. Keep reading.

I knew that if you did get a CD in the mail as likely as it might be, it would be edited/modified to suit them. If I where you, I would send both the edited tape that leaves out your verbal mentioning of a 3 day cancellation, as well as the other tape where you caught Wes himself admitting to you that he DID tell you about the 3 day cancellation, as well as the other guy who told you Wes could not have told you that to Mr. Ao Pauga. Explain to him that "Steven 5126" is the guy who said he would burn the CD and the guy who likely committed this illegal deceptive act.


Bryan, this is your chance to get some personal revenge, legally.

That's right. Mentoring of America will be fined by the Utah Division of Consumer Protection for every deceptive act or practice found to have occurred as part of a file amended complaint the Utah Division filed with the Third Judicial District Court of the State of Utah against Mentoring of America (read below). Here is you chance Bryan to get some legal revenge by sending Ao those tapes and explaining the details.

Mentoring of America has committed fraud and tricker by editing out parts of that CD recording were you brought up the 3 day right to cancel in an attempt to avoid having to issue you a full refund.


On April 4, 2006 the Utah Division of Consumer Protection (the Division) filed an amended complaint with the Third Judicial District Court of the State of Utah (the Court) against Mentoring of America LLC, John Beck Amazing Profits LLC, and Jeff Paul (MOA). Charges filed indicate MOA breached the settlement agreement dated October 28, 2005 by failing to file the disclosures required to sell assisted marketing plans; honor the three-day right to cancel; and reform its business practices. The complaint indicates that MOA violated the Consumer Sales Practices Act, the Business Opportunity Disclosure Act, and the Telephone Fraud Prevention Act. The Division is seeking: damages and restitution for loss suffered by consumers to date; a fine for breach of the Settlement Agreement; an administrative fine for each deceptive act or practice found to have occurred; and for an order enjoining MOA all acts and practices in violation of the Consumer Sales Practices Act, the Telephone Fraud Prevention Act, and the Business Opportunity Act.

Congratulations Bryan. Your dollar amount will now be added to my "Mentoring of America Refund Revenge Tally". You did a superb job.


Staten Island,
New York,

Yes!!! Finally Final.

#29Author of original report

Mon, April 02, 2007

The refund has been made final. I did however actually recieve a CD with the conversation between me and their "compliance" people. As anticipated it was a very poor quality and could barley be heard even at full volume. It does appear that it was edited. My response "with a 3 day right to cancel" seems to have been eliminated. Just for the heck of it I was able to re-edited the digital file and add my comment back in. Prooving how easy these files are to manipulate. This took all of 10 minutes to complete.

The Better Business Bureau has recieved a response from Karen Johnson acknowledging the the chargeback by my credit card company and agreeing to not contest this charge back so therefore the refund is final. As a precaution I have closed the credit card account in question and confirmed with my bank that any subsequent charges by MOA will NOT flow through to the replacement account, What follows is my response to the BBB.

True my credit card company has refunded my money. Ms Johnsons claim that I entered into an All Sales Final with No Refunds Given is NOT TRUE.

I have tape recorded a telephone conversation with her Mr Wes Terry in which he admits to having told me that I would have a 3 day right to cancel. This 3 day right to cancel was the sole reason that I chose to proceed with the transaction and allowed them to send the materials for my review.

When I excersised this right in a very timely fashion Ms Johnsons customer service people denied that any such right to cancel existed. In fact they told me that within 45 days the chargeback by my credit card company would be reversed and they would indeed "get their money".

I have taken steps to prevent this by closing the credit card account in question. I also filed a complaint with the State of Utah dep't of consumer protection. Ms Johnson is not acting out of the goodness of her heart or any other act of business ethics.

Thank You very much for your help!!!

So hopefully that wraps it up. Thank You again for your invaluable guidance!!!!!Please add $10,695.00 to your total!!!




#29Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2007

So has that pending $10,695.00 refund credit gone all the way though yet?



Don't expect a CD in the mail.

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 22, 2007

Thanks for your kind words. I am here for you. I want YOU to get your money back as bad as I wanted to get my own $7,000 back. I know the feeling. If you want to read my personal reasoning for my Mentoring of America refund revenge tally, read this link below and sroll down a little to where the rebuttal title reads "Here is why this is such a big deal to me."


The likely hood of this happening is about as likely as you or I winning the lottery or being stuck by lightning twice in the same day. It was a lie and a tactic to dodge your demand to hear it over the telephone by "Steve 5126". There is no reason you could not be able to hear it over the phone and no reason "Steve 5125" could not play it. You should demand that he give you his full true last name. It is against Utah statute for a solicitor (Mentoring of America) to use false or fake names when talking to you. If you can hear his voice, you certainly could hear the recording being played also. He has no such recording and he knows it. They are all full of it. It's all a fraudulent lie. That is why I can't see how these people (Mentoring of America LLC) can go home each day, look at themselves in the mirror, and consider themselves humans.

I told you all you would get from them is BS excuses as to why they can't let you hear it but will keep saying they have it anyway. They are all trained and taught this intimidation technique when they are hired. They have been using this technique for years. I hope you did tape record this part and sent it to Ao with the rest of your tapes. Investigator Ao Pauga should be made aware of their intimidation techniques such as this. It's fraud.

They tell EVERYBODY wanting their money back this same lie. It's all about scaring you so that you stop trying to get your money back from them. The sad truth is most people who are attracted to this type of get rich quick garbage will infact quit and give up fighting for their money back when they are told this. To everyone reading, please don't be one of these people who quit. That's what Mentoring of America wants. Don't fall for this fradulent technique.


Even if you do get a CD in the mail with the tape recording burned onto it ( about as likely as winning the lottery ), your verbal mentioning of the 3 day cancellation period right on it has already ruined it for Mentoring of America. If you do get a CD in the mail listen to it and see if it's a fake voice (they have played fake voice recordings for people before). Also see if your voice has been edited as you suspect. Send a copy of this CD to Ao Pauga explaining the discrepancies if you get one in the mail. Steve is not going to send it even if he did have it, because what it says in the recording will contradict what he had already tried to tell you about the 3 day cancellation not existing. Don't wait for the CD, just continue with the complaint process. If you get the tape and it's fake or edited, then send it to Ao.

If you wife's name is on the credit card you used, that makes her involved in this. Since you state that your wife is over the age of 60, this is another violation in several states. Again, if you want to know the details about this and if this applies to New York, contact the FBI agency in New York and they should be able to give you the code/statute number for this age violation.


Staten Island,
New York,

REFUND total increases

#29Author of original report

Thu, March 22, 2007

Get ready to add $10,695.00 to the refund total. I was notified by my bank yesterday that a temporary credit had been issued by "the merchant". The bank said that if the merchants bank determined that the purchase was valid I would be charged again.

Today I recieved a phone call from my bank indicating that a credit was issued last night and there were no notes attached that would indicate it was temporary. I have been told that within 24-48 hrs I should see a complete refund posted to my online banking statement for my credit card.

I feel confident that we are very near to closure on this nightmare. I will advise you when it all has become permanent. At that point I think I might close the credit card account and replace it with a new one that John Beck and his cohorts have no knowledge of. After all of this I just don't trust those low lives.

Again, on behalf of my wife and myself, please accept our sincerest thanx for your help, support and encouragement during this crucible.

I will make one more update when this has all been made final so you can add this amount ($10,695.00) to your ongoing tally.


Staten Island,
New York,

thank you for this website

#29Author of original report

Tue, March 20, 2007

Before I go into the update I would like to take a moment and tell you how grateful I am for you, your website and your advice. Even before my issue is resolved (one way or the other) I felt it important that you know how valuable your guidance and encourgement has been. This has been an extremely stressful situation for my wife and I. She is 60 years old and permanently disabled. The thought of loosing upwards of 10K is bad enough. But this isn't the same as loosing 10K of our own money. This is 10K against a credit card! clearly NOT our own money. This makes it all that much more stressful. I feel rather stupid for having fallen for a scam of this nature. If there is anyway I could help you in your work please don't hesitate to call upon me. I could perhaps help with research ETC. I am a business person and run a succesfull contracting firm (all the more why I feel so embarassed about having been taken) where I deal fairly and honsetly with my clients. I pride myself on this and teach it to my juniors.

There should be more websites like this and even more people like you in the world.

Now for the update. I did call Steve 5126 and asked to listen to the recording they suposedly have of me agreeing to this with "All sales final/No refunds will be given" I remember when I answered that question I qualified my answer by saying "based on the 3 days to cancel". Steve said he could not play it back for me because I would not be able to hear it over the phone. He said he would burn it to a CD and mail it to me so I could listen on my computer. I half expect to never reieve this CD or if I do get it I expect a doctore/edited version. It does not matter. I have him on tape telling me there is no such policy and I also have Wes Terry on tape admitting to telling of the 3 day cancellation period. We also said (on tape) that the whole thing is his fault and he was sorry for mis-leading me.

Today I made a dupe of the tape with all the conversations and sent it to the Utah Dep't of consumer affairs. Along with copies of all the other documents that you advised I furnish them with. I believe I am done speaking with MOA and will now wait for the outcome.I keep the recorder right near the phone just in case.

I'd also like to thank all the other folks who have fallen prey to these low lifes and made their expierences available on this site for others to gain strength from............




#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 20, 2007

It does not matter if Mentoring of America reads and monitors this site whatsoever. You should not be concerned about this. There is nothing Mentoring of America can do about the BBB, the FTC, the SEC, or the Utah Division of Consumer Protection. There is nothing they can do to stop us from filing complaints against them for our money back after they cheat, lie, coerce, defraud, and take advantage of us the consumer. There is nothing they can do to stop people like you from exercising their right to cancel for a full refund within 3 days. All they can do is play the numbers, and screw the majority of the people who will quit fighting, be intimidated by their lies, not find out about this website, etc.

There is nothing Mentoring of America can do about the Utah consumer statutes that exists to proctect us which contain the Consumer Sales Practices Act, the Business Opportunity Act, and the Consumer Sales Practices Act just to name a few. All 3 of which Mentoring of America has continued to violate and has been fined thousands of dollars by the Utah division for since October 2004. They are known for fraud and bad business practices. The lawsuits agains them have even been on the local news (see my other posts for a link to the video). I am amazed that this company is still in business despite the many times they have already been sued by consumers and hundreds of similar complaints against them.

Family Products LLC is the parent company that owns Mentoring of America LLC. Family Products LLC produces and sells other TV infomercial products and gadgets. The Mentoring of America LLC coaching is just one of their product lines, but is never mentioned in any of their money making TV infomericals. It's a solicited upsale after you buy the TV package. John Beck is not the only TV infomerical guru that Mentoring of America is affiliated with to sell their coaching for. There is another real estate guru called John Alexander and yet another guru called Jeff Paul. They all use the same Mentoring of America LLC to upsell their garbage coaching programs to each guru's customers.

Their infomecials are simply lead generators. They are there to upsell you Mentoring of America coaching which they never mention in any infomercial on purpose. This is what they really want you to buy. They lure you in for $39 with the initial infomerical package. They make you beleive that if you spend $39 for the package, you will become rich or make a lot of money. After you buy, your contact info is sent over, sold/given to Mentoring of America in Utah who then solicits you over the telephone into buying coaching for many thousands of dollars depending on your credit limits or available funds. Their sales people like "WES" were trained to ask you about your credit cards, their limits and about your current financial situation or available money. What they are actually doing without you knowing it is secretly determening the maximum amount that you would be able to place on your credit cards to buy this stupid program. They sugar coat the price by saying that you are using other people's money and will make it all back in 30 days or so with the program guarenteed. Since they know you are not tape recording their sales pitch, they will give you fake guarantees, promises, and lies to get you to join. This is pure fraud. If you don't call the 800 number they tell you to call when you opened the infomerical package to find out about their coaching, they WILL call your house. Your are simply one of many many telephone sale leads. The higher the salesman get's you to spend on the coaching, the more his commission is. He has a vested interest in getting you to pay the most he can get you for. The more you pay, the more he will make in commission. And he knows that the program he's selling you is garbage and won't work or he would be doing it from home instead of working at and office calling people like you all day.

The big money is made in the coaching here. You Bryan only spent $39.95 on the John Beck TV infomercial package because they made you think that with the $39 package you can become rich or start to make a lot of money right away. But Mentoring of America was able to upsell you for $10,000 AFTER the sale for someting they never mentioned to you in the infomercial and that you never knew about. See the big difference? Everyone pays a different price for the same product and service from Mentoring of America. They fradulently price everyone based on what the credit limits are on their credit cards. It's all designed into their employees training.

All Mentoring of America can do is hope that less of the people that they have taken advantage of actually find or come across this site and read my personal advices and suggestions that has already costed them at least over $74,000 in refunds within the last 8 months. Mentoring of America would rather wish I or Ripoff Report never existed. Hey, them and their lowly JAYDER SALAZAR (the guy who told me I had a 100% money back guarentee to get me to buy at $7,000) should have never cheated me and pissed me off. This is what happens when you stiff the wrong customer like me.

I am determined to make my Mentoring of America refund revenge tally reach OVER $100,000!!



Staten Island,
New York,


#29Author of original report

Sun, March 18, 2007

OK I'll ask to hear their tape before I file the Utah complaint form. I have it all filled in and ready to go, Only question was that check box. Do you know what media they can use to listen to my recordings?? Should I dupe the cassete tape? try to put it on a CD or some other media?

I have already filed online complaints with the BB and the Federal Trade comission. Will do the SEC later today.

Thanx Again

By The Way, what are the chances that they monitor this website and learn what people are up to in order to take evasive measures?? Just a thought I had...



I checked "No" on mine.

#29Consumer Comment

Sun, March 18, 2007

I checked "No" on mine. Since you said the "Enrollment Confirmation" paper you got in the box did not ask for your signature, you never entered any type of written contract. So no written anything for you.

Now about the verbal or telephone part of it:

What you need to do Bryan is this:

If Mentoring of America won't prove to you that you did eneter a verbal agreement over the phone, check "No".

Call back Mentoring of America (I know I said stop talking to them, but this time it's nessesary). Demand that Mentoring of America play you back this supposed recording they claim that they have of you over the phone so that YOU can hear it. You know, the same one that lowly "Steven 5126" said he heard (I guarantee he didn't hear anything. It's all about intimidating you). Make sure that it's clear and it's really even you talking and not one of the fake recordings they sometimes play to people.

In fact, YOU should have YOUR tape recorder running when you call them. If you catch a fake recording being played back to you, you can prove fraud, intimidation, and attempted trickery by Mentoring of America against you. If they refuse to play it and give you BS excuses you'll catch all those on tape too. Then they can't prove that you did enter a verbal agreement over the telephone. Give them several opportunities to play this recording back for you. If they refuse again, just end the call and get off the phone. If this happens check "No" in that box of the complaint form.

In another complaint, according to an FBI agent that someone recently spoke to regarding Mentoring of America, a verbal agreement/contract in excess of $5,000 over the telephone is not considered valid and cannot be held legally binding. It is against Federal Statute. Call the FBI agency in your state of New York and ask them to give you the statute number for this. If you are over 60 years old, that is yet another violation in some states.


The whole verbal agreement deal here is totally irrelevant to you. That is not what your case is about. Either way this does not affect or have anything to do with your 3 day ROR that you legally are entitled to.

Your case is about Mentoring of America not honoring your 3 day ROR. Verbal agreement or not, tape recording or not, it does NOT get rid of your 3 day ROR period. Send copies of all your tapes and documentation with your Utah consumer complaint form. Also send a copy of your bank/credit card statement showing the pending $10,000 charge highlighted.


Staten Island,
New York,


#29Author of original report

Sun, March 18, 2007

On the Utah dep't of consumer affairs complaint form where is asks if I entered into a contract (verbally, over the phone or otherwise) what do I say??



A further note to Bryan.

#29Consumer Comment

Sun, March 18, 2007


Be advised, that even if Mentoring of America did have you recorded on tape agreeing to an all sales final like they claim, it would not matter in your case anyway. Why? Because you are still legally entitled to a 3 day period to cancel for a full refund regardless. Since this transaction between you and Wes was done over the TELEPHONE, it is considered a TELEPHONE SOLICITATION. This would fall under the UTAH TELEPHONE FRAUD PREVENTION ACT. It does not matter who called who. All that matters is that it was done over the telephone between you and Wes (Mentoring of America), which it was.

Since you HAVE exerisiced your 3 day ROR in time and can prove it, Mentoring of America has nothing on you, weather the supposed recording existed or not. And the fact that they have failed to respond to your e-mails requesting cancellation and/or honoring it does not help their cause either. Follow the suggestions and you'll be in good shape. You're doing everything right so far. You've gathered good proof and documentation. I'll be watching. Keep me up to date. I'd like to ad your $10,000 refund to my Mentoring of America refund revenge tally soon.


Staten Island,
New York,

It is time to fight Fraud wit Fire!

#29Author of original report

Sat, March 17, 2007

I have all the documentation and voice recordings that I need, I now have the complaint form for Utah and will find all the others. I sent formal written notice of excersing my ROR and have signature proof of delivery. I will spend the rest of this week end filling in the compaint forms and sending them out on Monday. My bank has sent to me a form to be filled in describing my contest of the charges. I will include all the documentation to the bank as well.

On one tape I have customer service saying there is no such thing as a right to cancell. On another tape I have Wes Terry admitting he told me of the 3 days by mistake. As I've said before Whos zoomin who??

I feel confident I will prevail by following the advice of yourself and all the kind people have been here before me.

Many Thanx to you all.

Stay Tuned....




#29Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2007


It makes NO difference who called who first. You, by Utah state law have 3 days to cancel after receiving your package in the mail no matter what these idiots tell you period end of story. To prove to you how stupid these guys are, even if they never did tell you that you had 3 days to cancel like they now claim, that is another violation of the Utah Telephone Fraud Prevention Act and your 3 day ROR will now be extended to 90 days for that. Not honoring your request to cancel like they are doing and you have proof of with your dated saved emails and tape recordings is also in violation. Mentoring of America is violating Utah law by both not honoring your 3 day cancellation and also by claiming that they never told you that you had 3 days to cancel. Both are violations of the law. Mentoring of America has been legally fined and punished repeatedly since October of 2004 by the Utah Division of Consumer Protection for not honoring the 3 day cancellation and reforming it's business practices.



They are all trained to deny and turn down all refund and cancellation requests. There is no such recording of you agreeing to all sales final. It's a lie and an old fraudulent tactic they use on anyone wanting a refund. They know that when you spoke to Wes Terry and Elisha Martin that you were not tape recording the call. Therefore Wes was able to lie and tell you basically anything he wanted to get you to joying and buy this garbage for 10 grand. It's all part of their system. They used the same lie on me over two years ago. If you demand that they play it back for you over the phone, then won't. All you'll get it a bunch of BS excuses of why they can't but keep insisting that they have it. Or they will play something else that is not you talking. Just stop talking to these idiots and file all the complaints I have mentioned on the other most recent complaint page all at the same time. What you want to do is land numerous complaints on their supervisor's desk from different agencies and directions all at once.

This one:

This person just went through the EXACT same thing with these people and just got back her full $12,499 from them the other day. Just follow all my steps there too like she did and you WILL get your ten grand back.


Right of rescission -- Cancellation under the Utah Telephone Fraud Prevention Act

13-26-5. Right of rescission -- Cancellation.
(1) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (1)(b) and (c), in addition to any right to otherwise revoke an offer, a person making a purchase from a telephone soliciting business required to be registered under this chapter may cancel the sale up to midnight of the third business day after the receipt of the merchandise or premium, whichever is later, provided the solicitor advises the purchaser of his cancellation rights under this chapter at the time any solicitation is made.
(b) If the solicitor required to be registered under this chapter fails to orally advise a purchaser of the right to cancel under this section at the time of any solicitation, the purchaser's right to cancel shall be extended to 90 days.
(c) If the solicitor required to be registered under this chapter fails to orally advise a purchaser of his true name, telephone number, and complete street address at the time of any solicitation, the purchaser may cancel the sale at any time.
(2) Sales shall be canceled by mailing a notice of cancellation to the telephone solicitor's correct street address, postage prepaid. If the telephone solicitor provided no correct street address, cancellation can be accomplished by sending a notice of cancellation to the division's offices, postage prepaid.
(3) (a) If a cancellation involves durable goods, as defined by rule, those goods shall be returned to the seller.
(b) If expendable goods are involved, the purchaser shall return any unused portion of those goods.
(c) A reasonable attempt shall be made to return goods to the solicitor's correct street address within seven days of exercising the right to cancel, providing the solicitor has provided the purchaser with the address. If the solicitor has failed to give a correct address, no return is required to qualify for a full refund of the purchase price.
(d) If the purchaser has used any portion of the services or goods purchased, the solicitor or telephone soliciting business shall receive a reasonable allowance for value given. This allowance may be deducted from any refund due the purchaser.
(e) A solicitor shall be jointly and severally liable with the telephone soliciting business for any refund amount due following the cancellation of a sale made by the solicitor.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "business day" does not include Sunday or a federal or state holiday.

See it here:

The person on this link below has just gone through the EXACT same situation you are going through right now with Mentoring of America. She just got a full $12,499 refund issued after getting the same BS from them like they are now giving you. It's all part of the system for them. They know that's enough to make most people scared, quit, and give up fighting for a refund.

Follow exactly what she did and YOU do the same thing and file all the same complaints. Send copies of your tape recordings of your cancellation requests as well as printed out emails asking to cancel well withing 3 days. Highlight the dates and send it to Utah Investigator Ao Pauga along with a consumer complaint form. File all the other complaints I mentioned on the above link as well all at the same time. Give the names of all the people you have spoken with at Mentoring of America like the lowly Wes Terry and Elisha Marti. Just stop talking to these idiots on the phone. They are trained to refuse refunds and cancellations.

Don't forget to keep me update or I can't help you.


Staten Island,
New York,

Inbound call or outbout call. Whos zoomin who??

#29Author of original report

Fri, March 16, 2007

Well I finally got an "official" response via telephone from the customer service superviser his name is Steven 5126.
He claims to have listned to the tape and heard me agree to "all sales final". He denys hearing me say "after the three days". He further denys that Wes Terry would have ever told me I had a 3 day cancellation period. I told him I had frozen this transaction with my bank based on my ROR within 3 days. He said that within a month or two the tape would be played for my bank and they would ultimatley get paid. He got testy and ended our conversation.

Now Wes terry says he remembers telling me I had 3 days but he did that mistakenly. Seems it has to do with who calls who. Wes thought they cold called me, and if they did I would have 3 days. But I reacted to their infomercial and that means I called them so I really dont have 3 days afterall.

Stay tuned.....


Staten Island,
New York,

Enrollment Confirmation Page

#29Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2007

I recieved their "package" yesterday via Fed-Ex. The Enrollment Confirmation Page does NOT conatin a request for my signature.
They have not asked me to sign and/or return anything.

The welcome letter from John Beck directs my attention to a page called an "activation certificate". This is described as John Becks "Free Gift" to me, a $650.00 value FREE!!. It seems that John has put together an exclusive website just for me. This website allegedly contains all manner of land deals that I can purchase and then sell for up to 4 times what I pay for them.

John urges me to call the toll free number immediatley and activate my membership in this. I have done no such thing. What I have done is send via Fed-Ex (with signature required) a formal notice that I am hereby exercising my ROR well within the 3 days as I had discussed with their Mr. Wes Terry the night he called my home and convinced me to join up. I indicated in the letter all my efforts to date (emails, voice mails and conversations)and enclosed copies of the unanswered emails.

I sent this letter to their address in Van Nyus Ca and their address if Utah. I also sent a copy of the letter to the attention of the complaint processor at the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

I have downloaded but not yet filed the Consumer Complaint Form. My bank has this transaction under contest and I have not (yet) been charged by my bank. The transaction is posted as "pending" when I look at my online banking.

Should I send back the package??




Staten Island,
New York,

Enrollment Confirmation Page

#29Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2007

I recieved their "package" yesterday via Fed-Ex. The Enrollment Confirmation Page does NOT conatin a request for my signature.
They have not asked me to sign and/or return anything.

The welcome letter from John Beck directs my attention to a page called an "activation certificate". This is described as John Becks "Free Gift" to me, a $650.00 value FREE!!. It seems that John has put together an exclusive website just for me. This website allegedly contains all manner of land deals that I can purchase and then sell for up to 4 times what I pay for them.

John urges me to call the toll free number immediatley and activate my membership in this. I have done no such thing. What I have done is send via Fed-Ex (with signature required) a formal notice that I am hereby exercising my ROR well within the 3 days as I had discussed with their Mr. Wes Terry the night he called my home and convinced me to join up. I indicated in the letter all my efforts to date (emails, voice mails and conversations)and enclosed copies of the unanswered emails.

I sent this letter to their address in Van Nyus Ca and their address if Utah. I also sent a copy of the letter to the attention of the complaint processor at the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

I have downloaded but not yet filed the Consumer Complaint Form. My bank has this transaction under contest and I have not (yet) been charged by my bank. The transaction is posted as "pending" when I look at my online banking.

Should I send back the package??




Staten Island,
New York,

Enrollment Confirmation Page

#29Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2007

I recieved their "package" yesterday via Fed-Ex. The Enrollment Confirmation Page does NOT conatin a request for my signature.
They have not asked me to sign and/or return anything.

The welcome letter from John Beck directs my attention to a page called an "activation certificate". This is described as John Becks "Free Gift" to me, a $650.00 value FREE!!. It seems that John has put together an exclusive website just for me. This website allegedly contains all manner of land deals that I can purchase and then sell for up to 4 times what I pay for them.

John urges me to call the toll free number immediatley and activate my membership in this. I have done no such thing. What I have done is send via Fed-Ex (with signature required) a formal notice that I am hereby exercising my ROR well within the 3 days as I had discussed with their Mr. Wes Terry the night he called my home and convinced me to join up. I indicated in the letter all my efforts to date (emails, voice mails and conversations)and enclosed copies of the unanswered emails.

I sent this letter to their address in Van Nyus Ca and their address if Utah. I also sent a copy of the letter to the attention of the complaint processor at the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

I have downloaded but not yet filed the Consumer Complaint Form. My bank has this transaction under contest and I have not (yet) been charged by my bank. The transaction is posted as "pending" when I look at my online banking.

Should I send back the package??




Staten Island,
New York,

Enrollment Confirmation Page

#29Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2007

I recieved their "package" yesterday via Fed-Ex. The Enrollment Confirmation Page does NOT conatin a request for my signature.
They have not asked me to sign and/or return anything.

The welcome letter from John Beck directs my attention to a page called an "activation certificate". This is described as John Becks "Free Gift" to me, a $650.00 value FREE!!. It seems that John has put together an exclusive website just for me. This website allegedly contains all manner of land deals that I can purchase and then sell for up to 4 times what I pay for them.

John urges me to call the toll free number immediatley and activate my membership in this. I have done no such thing. What I have done is send via Fed-Ex (with signature required) a formal notice that I am hereby exercising my ROR well within the 3 days as I had discussed with their Mr. Wes Terry the night he called my home and convinced me to join up. I indicated in the letter all my efforts to date (emails, voice mails and conversations)and enclosed copies of the unanswered emails.

I sent this letter to their address in Van Nyus Ca and their address if Utah. I also sent a copy of the letter to the attention of the complaint processor at the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

I have downloaded but not yet filed the Consumer Complaint Form. My bank has this transaction under contest and I have not (yet) been charged by my bank. The transaction is posted as "pending" when I look at my online banking.

Should I send back the package??





Keep me updated.

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2007

The person in the above ROR weblink just got her full $12,499 back. Bryan, if you follow my steps like she did you too will get your $10,000 back. All I ask is that you remember to come back and tell me about it. Keep me updated.



Keep me updated.

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2007

The person in the above ROR weblink just got her full $12,499 back. Bryan, if you follow my steps like she did you too will get your $10,000 back. All I ask is that you remember to come back and tell me about it. Keep me updated.



Keep me updated.

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2007

The person in the above ROR weblink just got her full $12,499 back. Bryan, if you follow my steps like she did you too will get your $10,000 back. All I ask is that you remember to come back and tell me about it. Keep me updated.



Keep me updated.

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2007

The person in the above ROR weblink just got her full $12,499 back. Bryan, if you follow my steps like she did you too will get your $10,000 back. All I ask is that you remember to come back and tell me about it. Keep me updated.



Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously.

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2007

Get the "Enrollment Confirmation" page out of the material package and KEEP it. You are going to have to open the package to get this form out (The same page that they are calling the "Agreement" form). Do not let this page go back to Mentoring of America. You want to get this in YOUR hands UNSIGNED. Do not open the software Cd's or anything else in the package though. Return the rest of the materials and put a tracking or confirmation number on it to prove they got it back if they say they never did. Also, take digital picture of the pacakge and materials to proove that you returned the contents UNOPENED incase they try to lie. An unsigned copy of the "Enrollment Confirmation" page will help you tremendously with any complaints you may file if Mentoring of America refuses to honor the 3 day right to cancel and give you a full refund.

Also, be aware that Mentoring of America tells some customers that they have 3 days to cancel starting from the day they RECEIVE the materials in the mail. Then when these same people request cancellation and refunds after getting the package in the mail, Mentoring of America then tells them that it's now too late. That the 3 day period began on the day they paid over the phone and deny that anyone of their people told them otherwise. This is simply another one of their fradulent tactics they use to try and drag out the 3 day period. Sometimes they never even tell you that you have 3 days to cancel, which is fraud and against the above Utah statute. Beware.



Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously.

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2007

Get the "Enrollment Confirmation" page out of the material package and KEEP it. You are going to have to open the package to get this form out (The same page that they are calling the "Agreement" form). Do not let this page go back to Mentoring of America. You want to get this in YOUR hands UNSIGNED. Do not open the software Cd's or anything else in the package though. Return the rest of the materials and put a tracking or confirmation number on it to prove they got it back if they say they never did. Also, take digital picture of the pacakge and materials to proove that you returned the contents UNOPENED incase they try to lie. An unsigned copy of the "Enrollment Confirmation" page will help you tremendously with any complaints you may file if Mentoring of America refuses to honor the 3 day right to cancel and give you a full refund.

Also, be aware that Mentoring of America tells some customers that they have 3 days to cancel starting from the day they RECEIVE the materials in the mail. Then when these same people request cancellation and refunds after getting the package in the mail, Mentoring of America then tells them that it's now too late. That the 3 day period began on the day they paid over the phone and deny that anyone of their people told them otherwise. This is simply another one of their fradulent tactics they use to try and drag out the 3 day period. Sometimes they never even tell you that you have 3 days to cancel, which is fraud and against the above Utah statute. Beware.



Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously.

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2007

Get the "Enrollment Confirmation" page out of the material package and KEEP it. You are going to have to open the package to get this form out (The same page that they are calling the "Agreement" form). Do not let this page go back to Mentoring of America. You want to get this in YOUR hands UNSIGNED. Do not open the software Cd's or anything else in the package though. Return the rest of the materials and put a tracking or confirmation number on it to prove they got it back if they say they never did. Also, take digital picture of the pacakge and materials to proove that you returned the contents UNOPENED incase they try to lie. An unsigned copy of the "Enrollment Confirmation" page will help you tremendously with any complaints you may file if Mentoring of America refuses to honor the 3 day right to cancel and give you a full refund.

Also, be aware that Mentoring of America tells some customers that they have 3 days to cancel starting from the day they RECEIVE the materials in the mail. Then when these same people request cancellation and refunds after getting the package in the mail, Mentoring of America then tells them that it's now too late. That the 3 day period began on the day they paid over the phone and deny that anyone of their people told them otherwise. This is simply another one of their fradulent tactics they use to try and drag out the 3 day period. Sometimes they never even tell you that you have 3 days to cancel, which is fraud and against the above Utah statute. Beware.



Get the Enrollment Confirmaton page out of the package and KEEP it. It will help you tremendously.

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2007

Get the "Enrollment Confirmation" page out of the material package and KEEP it. You are going to have to open the package to get this form out (The same page that they are calling the "Agreement" form). Do not let this page go back to Mentoring of America. You want to get this in YOUR hands UNSIGNED. Do not open the software Cd's or anything else in the package though. Return the rest of the materials and put a tracking or confirmation number on it to prove they got it back if they say they never did. Also, take digital picture of the pacakge and materials to proove that you returned the contents UNOPENED incase they try to lie. An unsigned copy of the "Enrollment Confirmation" page will help you tremendously with any complaints you may file if Mentoring of America refuses to honor the 3 day right to cancel and give you a full refund.

Also, be aware that Mentoring of America tells some customers that they have 3 days to cancel starting from the day they RECEIVE the materials in the mail. Then when these same people request cancellation and refunds after getting the package in the mail, Mentoring of America then tells them that it's now too late. That the 3 day period began on the day they paid over the phone and deny that anyone of their people told them otherwise. This is simply another one of their fradulent tactics they use to try and drag out the 3 day period. Sometimes they never even tell you that you have 3 days to cancel, which is fraud and against the above Utah statute. Beware.


Staten Island,
New York,

John Beck Mentoring of America.. Should be called John Beck Fleecing of America.

#29Author of original report

Tue, March 13, 2007

Anyway..I have begun a dialog with MOA and their customer service people. As I have not even recieved their package of paper work yet. And they are now aware of my intent to excersise my ROR (via phone, email and voice mail). I am not so sure I should follow any of their advice. They have advised me NOT to accept the package of paper work when it does arrive. They say I should refuse the delivery. Should I do this? Don't I need the "agreement" to include UNSIGNED in any possible complaint packages I might have to send to The State of Utah, the BBB Etc?? What do you think? should I accept the package and then send a written letter excersising my ROR with a copy of the unsigned agreement via certified mail, return reciept requested??

Thanx again and keep on keeping on...



Cancel it now.

#29Consumer Comment

Sun, March 11, 2007

I recommend that you cancel the program right now. Do it both by phone and by email. Tape record your call to them requesting a cancellation and refund so that you have proof that you did attempt to exercise your right to cancel. Also, request the cancellation by email as well. Then print out the dated emails you sent and any replies from MOA denying your request. Safekeep them and highlight the dates. This will provide you with documented proof that you did infact exercise your right to cancel for a full refund incase Mentoring of America does not comply. You will then be able to staple these to your Utah consumer complaint form if it goes that far (very likely that it will).

Also, do not sign an "Enrollment Confirmation" page if you get one. If yo don't get one, call MOA and ask them to send you one. But DON'T sign it and return it back to them like they want you to. Just keep it and sent a copy of it if you file a Utah complaint form against them.

Right of rescission -- Cancellation under the Utah Telephone Fraud Prevention Act.

Utah Telephone Fraud Prevention Act:

13-26-5. Right of rescission -- Cancellation.
(1) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (1)(b) and (c), in addition to any right to otherwise revoke an offer, a person making a purchase from a telephone soliciting business required to be registered under this chapter may cancel the sale up to midnight of the third business day after the receipt of the merchandise or premium, whichever is later, provided the solicitor advises the purchaser of his cancellation rights under this chapter at the time any solicitation is made.
(b) If the solicitor required to be registered under this chapter fails to orally advise a purchaser of the right to cancel under this section at the time of any solicitation, the purchaser's right to cancel shall be extended to 90 days.
(c) If the solicitor required to be registered under this chapter fails to orally advise a purchaser of his true name, telephone number, and complete street address at the time of any solicitation, the purchaser may cancel the sale at any time.
(2) Sales shall be cancelled by mailing a notice of cancellation to the telephone solicitor's correct street address, postage prepaid. If the telephone solicitor provided no correct street address, cancellation can be accomplished by sending a notice of cancellation to the division's offices, postage prepaid.
(3) (a) If a cancellation involves durable goods, as defined by rule, those goods shall be returned to the seller.
(b) If expendable goods are involved, the purchaser shall return any unused portion of those goods.
(c) A reasonable attempt shall be made to return goods to the solicitor's correct street address within seven days of exercising the right to cancel, providing the solicitor has provided the purchaser with the address. If the solicitor has failed to give a correct address, no return is required to qualify for a full refund of the purchase price.
(d) If the purchaser has used any portion of the services or goods purchased, the solicitor or telephone soliciting business shall receive a reasonable allowance for value given. This allowance may be deducted from any refund due the purchaser.
(e) A solicitor shall be jointly and severally liable with the telephone soliciting business for any refund amount due following the cancellation of a sale made by the solicitor.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "business day" does not include Sunday or a federal or state holiday.

See it here:

Also read this:

This person is in your exact situation and has already gotten Mentoring of America to agree and to authorize a full refund after they first rudely turn her down and attempted to keep $870 dollars for a non existing fee. Do exactly what she did if Mentoring of America plays the same game with you, and you will prevail.

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