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  • Report:  #1165887

Complaint Review: John Bloom of C to C Transport

John Bloom of C to C Transport John Bloom, C to C Transport Animal abuse, Illegal animal transports, DNT California

  • Reported By:
    The rescue community — Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 29, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, June 05, 2015

John Bloom of C2C Transport out of California but operates nationwide. According to his FB page, he has been operating since 2012 yet he is transporting animals illegally each time he crosses state lines without a health certificate.  At one time, Brandy Basham told people via FB pm that John Bloom told her she did not need health certificates.  At that time he was transporting a pregnant pit to from Texas to Indiana when it was over 100 degress out in Texas. The momma dog went into labor as he was getting her from the shelter. He kept them on the trailer for days while driving to Indiana. Upon arrival, two of the babies had died during the long, hot transport in his truck trailer.  At that time Basham (Basham-Helm) confirmed the temp inside the trailer was just 76 degrees but she was checking the temp on arrival in Indiana where it was much cooler out.  This incident WAS reported to the proper authorities.  Basham had quickly deleted her posts about the dead puppies from her timeline once she had been contacted about them and this whole illegal, unethical issue.  Not to mention that Brandy Basham-Helm was/is DNA herself (and has a criminal record) so he shouldn't have been taking her dogs anyways, but when you are in business to make money I guess that part doesn't matter. 

This event was just one of other transport incidents in which dogs have not lived to make it to their destination on his transports.  Just transporting across state lines without a health certificate is illegal in itself.  Everytime John is called out about the dying dog or dogs from a transport, he replies he is quitting the transport business anyways but he never quits.  Right now he is having a fundriaser for his "transport business" so people can donate their hard earned money to buy him a better transport vehicle to drive so he can make even more money transporting animals.  He claims the truck is so they have more room, but that won't matter since they are crated anyways. He just wants to pack in more dogs so he can make even more money.  You can report his fundraiser as a fraud

Comments from rescuers:

"Here is the lowdown on John Bloom. Last summer he was transporting dogs across the Us from California to Florida some dogs on the trailer for 6 plus days. He had no AC in the trailer and was driving them in areas where temps were 110 degrees. The first run he had two dogs die. He claimed it was parvo and the second dog was emaciated that is not true both died from severe heat stroke. He then went on a second run again with temps over 100. He took a dog from Tony Jacobs who was heart worm positive. It is illegal to transport a HW positive dog across state lines. That dog was in his trailer for days in very high temps. When he stopped for gas he did a check and the dog was dead. Again heat.. He swore there was a necropsy being done. Amazing the results never came the dog was cremated"

"It's pretty simple someone willing to take a dog and break federal laws crossing state lines without HC is not someone who is concerned with your dogs welfare or safety because they are willing to expose it and the entire country to numerous diseases. That says a lot about their character and pretty much wraps it up in a nutshell."

"No animal advocate, no responsible transport company, no caring person would transport a full term mother dog cross country.  No real resuer would pay a transport company to transport a full term mother dog cross country.  A real rescuer would KNOW they need health certificates to transport across state lines.  A real transport company KNOWS IT IS ILLEGAL TO TRANSPORT ANIMALS ACROSS STATE LINES WITHOUT A HEALTH CERTIFICATE"

"(I hope it's true) Hi great news I just read a post John bloom put up. He is hanging up his transport business. Apparently he tried to put a run together but no one wants to use him anymore between dead dogs constantly breaking down and delaying everyone he also took quite a bit of money from a few people last time including laura. He has yet to pay her back. He apparently was supposed to do a run his truck broke down and he had already been paid. He then told people he would pay another guy to do it. That guy never showed up and he never refunded the money people paid
I am relieved he won't be putting dogs in danger any more"  Once again, it was not true.

"Pointing out hsi xprt rig.. NO VENTILATION - WINDOWS not covered up from the sun.. IS this how you want to see animals xprt'd" on the photo of his trailer which will be uploaded.

"He had multiple issues with breakdowns but continued to take reservations and money. He had to cancel the runs.. and months later still has not paid people back claiming he put that money into repairs and supplies for a trip that never happened"

"I was aware of him having several breakdowns including one that blew his engine that put him out of commission."

"I DID just read, while un friending him, that he is gearing up for a transport to begin right NOW> UGH."

"I personally used John..but on cooler months when he had a good reputation. He does have heat. However I no longer feel any dog is safe being transported with him for several reasons
1 he does not go by the laws. 
2 not always are the dogs healthy and no health certs. 
3 he is not financially sound because of this if he is to run into any issues on the road he can not financially support himself to get through it any issues that arise .
With out AC he should not be putting dogs in that trailer it is a death trap
4 his truck is old and very unreliable it is a danger to the animals if he were to break down while driving in very hot conditions the dogs will parrish. There are often 40 plus dogs in that trailer."




5 Updates & Rebuttals



More Garbage By Low life Folks who know nothing but how to gossip about fiction.

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 05, 2015

Hello again, My Name is John Bloom. I am the Owner of John's C2C Transport. my number is 541-232-9958

here is a Video I put together of the Many Dogs I helped Transport thru all weather it and then you tell me How Aweful they all look at the end of their trip with me....

I am Currently Putting a Bus together for transport Duty, and this is why these FB flakes have come back out from under their rocks and bridges to stir the proverbial Pot.

I have 2 questions for anyone who reads this...

1.) Why does the original Rip Off Report Poster feel the need to HIDE....???   cause they know what they have written is Rottten Apples.....:( 

2.) If I had something to Hide, why am I here with my Full Name and Site info, and Phone number....????


Read EVERYTHING written in these reports as well as responses to their crapfest....before you Judge me.....

I have a Clean and Clear Conscience And I have nothing to Hide from, as I have done Nothing Wrong, and Do my level best to keep all critters safe and happy on my Runs....

Good day to all.




Katherine brynelsen is a cyberstalker

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, May 14, 2015

 Katherine brynelsen is a cyber stalker who uses websites like this one to destroy and defame legitimate businesses who she has never been a customer of. I am a foster and I own an insurance brokerage. Katherine went after my insurance brokerage because she doesn't like me being a foster for whatever crazy reason she worked up in her own head. Katherine brynelsen aught to be ignored as she is a big fat nobody who is uneducated, unemployed and simply psychotic.

Beth McCombs


How can a non-customer complain?

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2014

Katheryn is not, nor has she ever been, a CUSTOMER of John's C2C Transport. For some reason she is spreading lies about Mr. Bloom and his company anywhere she can. She refuses to speak with John directly to address any concerns she has.   

I am a paying customer of John's C2C Transport. A very happy customer. John loves animals. He goes above and beyond to get them from point A to point B as quickly, safely, legally, and loveingly as possible. He DOES require quarantine time, current vaccinations, and health certificates for transport. I would not hesitate to use him and his company again. No company is perfect 100% of the time but John goes above and beyond to fix thing as quickly as possible and make things right.



Who's ripping off who?!?!

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2014

My name is Tara Neely, i am both shocked and appalled at this rip off report for several reasons... 

As an active member of "The Rescue Community" for over 2 years,  I strongly resent this rip off report being posted by an individual who has chosen to label herself, "the rescue community"!  

I have a huge network of rescue groups, crossposters, veterinarians, fosters, transporters, shelter volunteers, and individuals who want to make a POSSITIVE difference in the lives of animals, from all over the United States,  none of whom would hide behind,  or be pleased with being assumed a part of,  this report by this person calling herself "the rescue community"!!

I have NEVER seen anything constructive in ALL the daily rescue community activity, come from this Katherine, Kathy, Katie, whomever she may be. I have not seen her crosspost, pledge, share, or have ANY active involvement toward the rescuing of shelter animals period!! 

What i am seeing is that she has chosen a "target" for what simply has to be an activity to fill the days of a miserable life... Anyone who truly cares for helping the animals, is not hiding behind multiple drama and gossip filled private pages, but rather has open communication with the real rescue community,  Addresses any and all questions or comments openly and honestly, and actively works with everyone to IMPROVE the workings of the rescue world in every aspect, which in turn saves the lives of many animals!! 

I have adopted 2 dogs from Florida,  one from Orlando and one from Miami. The adoptions were approximately 8 months apart. 

John of John's C2C Transport, transported both of my dogs to me from Florida to Washington state on 2 separate runs. 2 separate times of the year,  therefore, 2 separate seasons and temperature levels... BOTH of my dogs arrived completely healthy, happy, nourished, hydrated, AND WITH HEALTH CERTIFICATES.  Both of my dogs did their quarantine time before transport, and BOTH of my dogs climbed all over John with tails wagging and tongues kissing when they arrived. 

I received 2 gorgeous pit bulls from death row in Florida high kill shelters, because of the real rescue community, which John's transport company is very much a part of!!! 

To waste your days slandering someone who busts his butt to get dogs from shelters to safety. Someone who has never lost a dog, who has to rely on other peoples integrity regarding payment, the quarantine periods and the factual health of each animal (just as her rip off report is FULL of dishonesty, so can the health information of a dog be) is to truly be grossly unjust and severely damaging to the lives of thousands of shelter animals. 

I have first hand experience with John and his company from multiple rescues and multiple online real rescue world activity. I have stated nothing but cold hard facts and truth, and that is why i can openly state my name at the top of this rebuttle... 

So tell me,  who is ripping off who here!!!! 



Hiding behind rescue

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 07, 2014

I am John Bloom, I am the owner and operator of Johns C2C Transport. LLC....all of this information is fiction about me, I am not here to explain other's actions, only my own. I Operate out of Oregon Not California

Katherine Brynelsen has gone out of her way to try and run my name and my bisiness name thru the dirt.

She has nothing factual to show anyone, it is all rumor mill c*** off the different private chat groups she has either made or been part of on Facebook and twitter, and what ever else she uses I have Factual PROOF of this.

This lady has many private facebook groups where she invites other folks into to get them to turn info over to her on myself and others. She then takes this info good or bad and turns it into her version of the truth.

I have had several lengthy FB conversations with some of her groupies. as well as Customers I have moved Dogs for who she has pulled into her lil groups. All asking me the same questions.

If a person took the time to actually ask around and Investigate someone the right way, you would see the Kind of transporter I am....Everything about me in this report is bad information....

Miss Kate aka Katie, aka Katherine, aka....???  has several different FB names, and she uses these to Prey on the people she feels are not doing right...

I have no issue with a person outing a bad rescue or a bad transporter, but you need to do so properly....

I transported over 500 Dogs last year, from November 2012 thru August of 2013....

I REQUIRE Health Certs, Quarantine time, and vetting. as well as any other info a rescue can provide me with.

That is 500 plus dogs I helped save from Death...

I had one Single dog die on all my transports. He was an older Hound mix, who should never have been put on a transport. There were several lies told by several people before he came to me. I was Lied to as well....And unfortunately he Paid the highest price.

Dogs get transported cross country in many ways. By air in cargo holds that are noisy, and hot or cold, so can only be done part of the year.. By ground with Many hand offs every 100-150 miles imagine that for 2500 or 3000 miles, and at each hand off you run the risk of an escape... and a dog already stressed due to shelter or kennel noise is now handed off 10-20 times over a weeks time...?  Or myself and others who Transport the dog from Pick-up to drop off....From what I have seen with my own 2 eyes, The dogs I move all handle the drive awesomely. they get on the transport a bit spun, but thru a days travel, they de stress, and by the time they get off, they are all happy dogs..... Every single dog on my transports came out of High Kill shelter environments where 100-200 dogs per day are being killed, Euthanized.

I do not know if Miss Kate has ever done a transport or not, all I know is I called her out on her lies and gossip, on my transport page as well as my personal page, and she continue's to hide behind her lil computer screen. and then this rip off report.....She and her lil groupies are not doing the Dogs any good by hounding me. I have nothing to be ashamed of, or to hide from. As soon as this report was brought to my attention I came here to let everyone know it is just her trying again to spread rumor into fact. You can look my page up on FB by searching my transport name...

Below is a youtube link to a Video of my transport dogs...As it shows, these dogs all thanked me and had no issue with my handling of them for 2 or 5 or even 10 days on transport.....

Have a good life all, John Bloom and John's C2C Transport LLC.


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