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  • Report:  #174199

Complaint Review: John Glenn Meazell

John Glenn Meazell lawyer unethical breaches fiduciary duty deceives clients not to be trusted Plano Texas

  • Reported By:
    Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 01, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 01, 2006
  • John Glenn Meazell
    5068 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 300
    Plano, Texas 75093, Texas, Nationwide
  • Phone:
  • Category:

1994, John Meazell obtained his law licence and became involved with a Professional Con Artist and extreme Sociopath by the name of Steven Mark Olschwanger. I hired John Glenn Meazell to put together an FDA/FTC meeting for my already existing company due to Steve Olschwanger committing consumer fraud with regards to a breast pill. I mailed Meazell $1,500's after calling the police on Olschwanger several times to stop defraudidng people.

I expected Meazell to inform Olschwanger that buying and selling breast pills, making false claims is consumer fraud, mail fraud, etc. Instead, Meazell carried out a sequence of events that intrapped me for the rest of my life. One $1,500 check and trusting that Meazell was ethical and would do what he was hired to do, ended up costing me over $300,000.00 in legal fees, 8 years of my life being a living hell, and has put my identity at risk for the rest of my life. This is what Meazell did:

I mailed Meazell a check and letter for $1,500 instructing Meazell that my Information NOw, Inc. company was hiring him to put together an FDA/FTC meeting, redraft my Will, and protect me from what STeve Olschwanger had done by running illegal breast pill products through my Information Now, Inc. dba's Looking Fit bank account. (Note: 6 years later, I learned that Olschwanger already had defrauded by bank with the help of a bank employee by the name of Jerry Gillstrap of State Bank and Trust and Bancard Systems by opening my Inforomation Now, Inc. dba's Looking Fit bank account as Looking Fit, Inc., a company that did not exist legally but a name that Olschwanger used to defraud me, consumers and my bank)

I waited for Meazell to contact me, but (3 years later I learned) that Olschwanger hand carried my check to Meazell and instructed Meazell to form a company with the same name as my company; being Looking Fit, Corp. and Meazell did so. Obviously at this stage, anyone would believe that Meazell was just deceived by Olschwanger, as I and my bank was and I agree with that assessment.

Olschwanger took the documents that Meazell prepared of Looking Fit, Corp. while Meazell also used my $1,500 check to pay for the forming of the fraudulent Looking Fit, Corp. company. Olschwanger took the documents that Meazell gave to him, opened a bank account at the same bank where my company account was, used my Information Now, Inc. federal tax I.D. number to open Looking Fit, Corp. and obtained a merchant account that due to Olschwanger's filing bankruptcy in 1984 with Meazell's help, Olschwanger could not have obtained a merchant account but once again Meazell helped Olschwanger defraud me, defraud my bank, defraud consumers, and defraud my merchant account company. Still, I didn't figure this out until October 2003, so, I could understand that Meazell would have no way of knowing that Olschwanger defrauding my bank, but Meazell absolutely knew that buying and selling breast pills was consumer fraud and instead of putting together an FDA/FTC meeting or instructing Olschwanger to not be involved in consumer fraud; Meazell instead chose to ignore the person who paid him, me, and instead aid Olschwanger in defrauding consumers and buying illegal breast pills. Meazell's justification of this is that other attorney's have sold illegal products that were not FDA approved so, go for it. Not the sign of an ethical attorney who has any regards for the law.

While Meazell was ignoring his only client, me, Olschwanger was going as fast as he could to divert my companies money to his fraudulently formed bank account and to his co conspirators in Florida. Thus diverting over $250,000.00's in two months while I continued to wait on John Meazell to put together an FDA/fTC meeting. Unknown to me, while Olschwanger was signing documents stating that Meazell was my attorney and that I make all decisions about the company; Olschwanger knew that he had already stolen my company name, used my company federal tax I.D. number, obtained a merchant account by defrauding me, my attorney and my bank and had stolen $250,000.00's through ongoing deceptions, Charlatan games, concealment, trickery, and intentional fraud of me, my bank, and my merchant account company.

Always go with your gut they say. Well, I did that. I became distrusting of Meazell when he didn't return my calls and because it was taking so long to put together an FDA/FTC meeting and because Meazell told me to start ordering the product so that he could put on the box a sentence that per Meazell is all that was needed to comply. How stupid is that? but, how stupid of me to do something just because my attorney tells me to? dah.

I froze my bank account because the product had shipped, Meazell wasn't returning my phone calls and no FDA/FTC meeting had been put together which was all that Meazell was hired to do. Upon leaving my bank, a bank officer called me into his office (Olschwanger being with me to watch my every move) saying "you need to sign signature cards of your company". The bank officer pulled out signature cards for Looking Fit, Corp. with STeve Olschwanger signing as SEcretary and President. I was shocked, furious and outraged. I immediately called John Meazell demanding a meeting, demanding an explanation, and demanding the Looking Fit, Corp. corporate books that he used my retainer money to form. Meazell's responce was to say nothing, but hang up on me. I refused to unfreeze my dba until Olschwanger told me that "if I will unfreeze my dba then we would go to Meazell the next day and get all of this cleared up". How stupid I was but, I was desperate being out $250,000.00, my attorney not talking to me, and Olschwanger obviously taking over my company name yet he had put up no money.

I met with Meazell and told him that he was hired to only put together an FDA/FTC meeting and that I am the sole owner and investor and I demanded the Looking Fit, Corp. books. Meazell said "well certainly, if you put up all the money, you should own all the stock". I told Meazell, I already owned everything before hiring you and your forming Looking Fit, Corp., consealing from me what you did, talking to a man who is not your client, and ignoring the FDA/FTC which is the only reason you were hired. Meazell assured me that he would get me the Looking Fit, Corp. books, that Looking Fit, Corp. would be shut down, that the name Looking Fit would not be used.

Since Meazell's telling me to order product before meeting with the FDA/FTC intrapped me, I was forced to take my CPA's idea to form two corporations: one for wholesale and one for retail with a license agreement between the two whereby the retail arm bought from the wholesale arm at the same $190 per box price as any other Distributor.

Meazel asked me to pay him $5,000's and assured me that the next thing he would do would be put together a simultaneous meeting with the FDA/FTC and that I would make all decisions about the structuring of my companies. Then, without my knowledge or awareness, Meazell hired Dale Briggs attorney to represent only John Meazell in the forming of New Body, Inc. and Natural Alternatives, INc. Olschwanger came up with the name New Body for retail and I came up with the name Natural Alternatives, Inc.

Once again, Meazell said one thing and did something entirely different. Meazell ignored my saying that he was only my attorney, he ignored my saying that I put up all the money, he ignored the FDA/FTC again, he ignored telling me that a simultaneous meeting with the FDA/FTC would be the first thing he did. Instead, Meazell formed New Body, Inc., Natural Alternative, Inc. (without the "s") and named Olschwanger President, stated that Olschwanger owned 50% of the stock. How stupid or conning is that to give anyone 50% of the stock; that's a stale mate and was done intentionally to aid in what would eventually unfold as Organized Crime, corporate fraud, Identity Theft, bank fraud, merchant account fraud, consumer fraud, mail fraud, and Organized CRime out of Florida with Steve Olschwanger being the master mind of it all.

While Olschwanger continued to divert my money to one of his conspirators in Florida, Robert Van Ovenbeck of Erdic; and Ovenbeck was cashing $50,000.00 checks (three in six weeks time)
leaving no trace for the IRS, no signature on the back of the checks, no form of identity, and no account number; obviously Olschwanger and Ovenbeck have insiders at the banks. Olschwanger handles his checks the same identical way; keeping his account drained while hiding money in bank accounts where he alters his social security number, uses 9 alias names that I've obtained to date and he just files bankruptcy to prevent bank records, discovery, depositions and his criminal acts from being discovered.

Two months later, my gut was telling me that I need to meet with Dale Briggs and quick because I bank statements, merchant account statement, and Olschwanger was becoming far too bezaar.
Briggs agreed to meet with me the next day, but John Meazell put a stop to any such meeting by sending Briggs and Me a fax saying that we are not to talk to each other. Still, I did not know that Meazell had hired Briggs to represent only Meazell in the forming of New Body, Inc., Natural Alternative (without an "S"), and that Briggs was limited to what he was to do while Meazell was to handle the actual corporate books. I know today that all this con was for, was to obtain my signature on corporate documents so that my signature could be moved from one set of corporate books to a different set of corporate books in order to deceive whoever looked at the corporate books. I know today that I was being set up as the fall guy to the law suits of the illegal consumer fraud scam while Meazell and Olschwanger were sitting things up for Olschwanger to receive the money, steal my money, steal my federal tax I.D. number and send the lawsuits to me. I recall Meazell saying quote "Dale Briggs Attorney made millions selling Alaver before it was FDA approved but he lost even more when the law suits began to hit". Well, Olschwanger with the aid of John Meazell had come up with the perfect con to set me up as the fall guy and divert the money to Olschwanger.

I was given 5 minutes notice that a meeting was taking place at Dale Briggs office. I thought this was the long awaited for FDA/FTC meeting but instead it was nothing other than a railroading to get my signature on documents that would eventually be moved from one corporate book to a different set of corporate books. Once again, there was no FDA/FTC at the meeting and I didn't get to make all decitions about my companies. Instead, Meazell, Briggs and Olschwager had already formed New Body, Inc. and Natural Alternative, Inc. (without an "s"), naming Olschwanger President, stating that Olschwanger would get 50% of the stock. Meazell had lied and deceived me.
The first thing I said when entering the meeting room was "Meazell, where are the Looking Fit, Corp. corporate books" and from that point on Meazell never said a word during the entire meeting. Meazell had instructed DAle Briggs to say only one thing repeatedly being "this meeting is not about the structing of the companies, this meeting is only to determine what title Hastings wants to be other than PResident". I went on as Director saying "you two attorney's are crooks, putin the corporate books that the PResident has no rights or say so about anything and without my signature notorized he can't do anything". Briggs named me Director but Meazell was in charge of what was said in the corporate books so Meazell ignored me, the person who paid him $13,000's while Olschwanger paid Meazell nothing. Is that the kind of attorney you want? An attorney who will take your money, not talk to you, not do what you tell him to do, divert your money, company name, and business to his sisters boyfriend? I figured if I ever get the corporate books then I can correct what my attorney did and I did exactly that. Olschwanger signed whatever I drafted but, while he was signing a license agreement stating that New Body, Inc. is to buy from Natural Alternatives, Inc. "with an s", Meazell was changing Natural Alternative to Natural Alternatives and drafting a license agreement saying that Natural Alternatives, INc. (with an S) would buy from New Body, Inc. for at $10's per box over cost. Now, I asked you, do the arithmetic. I pay $100 per box for 2,000 boxes of product or
$200,000 which I was out at this junction. The company is to let Olschwanger have the product for $10's above cost. How many boxes would I have to buy in order to recoup the $200,000 that I was already out? answer 20,000 boxes. I never wanted to be involved in consumer fraud/breast pills but due to Meazell and Olschwangers ongoing deceptions, trickery and concealment, this is the intrapment they put me in. Olschwanger immediately stole the rest of the product before I got my money of course. Immediately, Olschwanger and his brother began a non stop daily routine from SEpt. 1997 to SEpt. 1998 of calls, threats, putting a gun clip and bullets in a gun at my home to aid in another plan he had, my home burned and obvious objects that only Olschwanger could have placed next to the debris of the fire were found. This is when I became totally traumatized and new that Olschwanger had no limits as to how far he would go. Olschwanger told me and I taped him saying quote "I'm going to take all of your money, put you in prison and when you get out put you in a mental institution" and saying "a car is going to run over you and back up over you 3 times" and saying "you have a clean record, but all of that is going to change" and then, Olschwanger filed false criminal mischief charges against me claiming that I broke a $72 window at his apartment and then I taped Olschwanger saying quote "I broke my window, you saw me do it, but your the one going to go to jail for it" and I did due to my attorney, Doug Mulder, claiming that he filed the appeal in the wrong county. I don't believe Mulder and I could wrtie a book on the fact that attorney's are involved in Organized Crime, bank fraud, and fraud of their clients ever day. It was Doug Mulder and a Judge who put Mel Jettor in prison on murder charges by simply withholding evidence that they knew would prove Jettors innocense. Mulder did the same thing to me and it cost me $5,000's in legal fees, paying Mulder to file an appeal that he never filed. Did he give me any money back? no Did Meazell refund my money and look to Olschwanger to pay him? no

I sent John Meazell and DAle Briggs certified letters telling them that the corporate books that they drafted stated that "the first anual meeting of shareholders is to take place in Feb. 1998; and saying that I would pay them to be at this meeting; after all, Meazell claimed he was my company attorney and I was the only shareholder since I was the only person who paid for stock or anything for that matter". Meazell and Briggs ignored my certified letter and Olschwanger faxed back saying "Bite Me" while he laughed at his getting away with purgery and filing known false charges against me. Olschwanger is a Sociopath and the fact of Sociopaths is that they lie so conviencingly that their lies are more believable than the truth. Another trait of Sociopaths is they have no concept of seeing anything they do as wrong. They look at things one way being ethics are for idiots, the game is to win no matter what, winnind what they want is all that counts. Read "The Sociopath Next Door" and then you will know Steve Olschwanger: charming, a great talking, lies are more believable than the truth, and can deceive, con and trick anyone. Sociopaths are dangerous and known to kill if someone gets in their way.

From Sept. 1997 to March 2004, I hired attorney's telling them to do three things: (1) tell the courts what is going on, everything, (2) subpoena all bank records, (3) depose Meazell, Briggs and Olschwanger., (4) prepare everything for the authorities, DA's, etc. $300,000.00's later in legal fees, none of my attorney's had told the courts anything close to the truth and none attempted to get bank records or depositions. Instead, my attorney who's son was involved with Steve Olschwanger, Commonwealth Mortgage (ran my Sandy Profahl drug king pen lord, Ecstacy manufacture; and one of Doug Mulders clients) in 1984 churned me out of money at $450 per hour while aiding Olschwanger through Bankruptcy FRaud and while deceiving me, deceiving the TRustees, deceiving the courts, deceiving the Judges, and preventin the DA's from knowing what was going on and preventing the DA's from knowing what was going on.

I hired John Nation and Andrea Nation attorney's after Boyds admitting that he intentionally defrauding me in order to not get John Meazell into any trouble. Nation clearly saw and understood that this was bank fraud, consumer fraud, mail fraud, Organized Crime, merchant account fraud, and a long list of other criminal acts. Once again, I trusted an attorney. Meazell drafted documents for the Dallas DA's but he didn't allow the DA's to see or know the criminal acts. I called Christopher Milner with the Collin County DA's wanting to hear what Nation told the DA's and Milner agreed that I could come and hear what Nation told him. I paid Nation under contract to put a meeting together with Milner allowing me to listen. Nation drafted three contracts and I paid Nation $13,000 more dollars. One contract was the meeting where I get to hear what Nation tells Milner; another was to sue Bill Boyd; another was to sue John Meazell; and an additional $1,000 to meet with the FBI. Nation took my money, signed the contracts, never filed the suit against Boyd, never filed the suit against Meazell, never met with the FBI, and didn't allow me to know what he told Milner. I took Meazell to The State Bar and the BAr told Meazell quote "it's the law, you can't draft documents and withhold them from her; you have to turn everything over to her". Meazell ignored the STate BAr, never allowed me to see the Looking Fit, Corp. books, and instead, Meazell produced a different set of New Body, Inc. and Natural Alternatives, INc. corporate books; taking my stock away from me with a sentence of "stock certificates are not valid without a New Body, Inc. Nov. 16, 1994 yellow stick attached to them". Herman Lusky, an honest attorney, and I checked out this new discovery of there being another New Body, Inc. company formed in; you guessed it?

Florida where the breast pill came from; and where Olschwanger maintains two addresses by now. We discovered that there was a New Body, Inc. company formed in Florida on Nov. 16, 1994 and we learned that company was defuncted shortly thereafter and that it didn't exist in 1997 when Meazell formed my New Body, Inc. company. Well, that was the final nail proving solid that everything John Meazell did to defraud me of money, business, my federal tax I.D. number, a merchant account, and sit me up for the rest of my life was no accident but was planned before either of them entered my life. I've had a gun planted, a gun stolen, sent to jail on false charges, and most recently my home was staged to look like a break in with a picture of Amy Ralston Profahl Povah placed at the scene; which to me was no different than the pile of cigarettes and Connect Time magazines that Olschwanger planted next to the debris of my home burning. Yes, it is absolutely true that Organized Crime gangs have a strong network, set up boiler rooms to track cars, listen to phone conversations, plant evidence to set you up to put you away or shut you up, kill people, send innocent people to prison just by not allowing evidence to be known to the jury as Doug Mulder did in the Mel Jettor trial.

One week before John and Andrea Nation quit and filed nothing other than deceiving the DA's office; Andrea Nation told me in the presence of a roommate quote "Kathy, you have solid evidence proving that attorney's are involved in bank fraud. If John were to ever let the DA's know your evidence or if John ever allowed the DA's to understand your case and evidence; then, and the DA's prosecuted this, then before it ever got to trial, you would be seriously hurt or killed".
The attorney for STate Bank and Trust on Midway Road in Addison Texas denied me my rights to show the bank how one of their employees and an attorney aided Olschwanger in defrauding me, defrauding my bank and defrauding a merchant account company for the purposes of a consumer fraud scam and possibly the laundering of Sandy Profahls drug money.

The FBI did more in one day that all the attorney's combined did in 8 years. The U.S. Attorney's did more in one day also, but Teri Winborn of State Bank and TRust lied to the U.S. Attorney's office in order to protect the bank, and his employees involvement.

The State BAr, Charlie Royal said quote "It's a fact that attorney's have a license to steal more money with a briefcase than a man with a gun; and they get away with it because they play the system and they have clout and connections to play the system".

Justice Stands for Just Us Attorney's: don't hire them, don't trust them, and know that there are few attorney's who abide by the laws because they know the system doesn't work. It's a Kangaroo Court System and the criminals know it. That's why Identity Theft is growing at epedimic proportions. In Sept. 2003, I was notified by check tronic that checks were being run in Florida (where Olschwanger has addresses) using my drivers license which disappeared from my purse the same month that Olschwanger left my office for the last time. Just this month, I sent John Meazell an e-mail at his Mortgage company to ask him "which side of the law do you want to be on; do you want to aid the criminal and participate in criminal acts with him; or do you want to be on the side of the U.S. Attorney's to stop people like Olschwanger?" Meazell never wrote me back but instead, Meazell contacted Olschwanger and Olschwanger immediately closed one of his breast pill sites called "The New You". Obviously, Meazell made it real clear that he began aiding Olschwanger in bank fraud, consumer fraud, and corporate fraud by defrauding his client and he wasn't about to stop now and decide to actually care about his client or the one who paid him. So, when you read in Meazell's web site for his MOrtgage company these words "There is no greater victory than winning justice for someone in need"; then ask yourself, if Meazell cared about the injuctice he did to me? did he want to feel good about the victory of the U.S. Attorney's or DA's winning a victory against Olschwanger? absolutely not. Maybe Meazell was just deceived, a looser, niever, gullible and taken by Mr. Body beautiful Sociopath. But, if that were the case, Meazell has had plenty of opportunities from 1997 to 2006 to decide if he wants to be on the side of justice or the side of defrauding clients. Meazell chose to continue to defraud me, defraud the DA's, defraud the U.S. Attorney's and aid Olschwanger in obstruction of justice and a long list of other criminal activity. Well, I wait until the day when I'm killed, seriously hurt or most like put in prison on false charges whereby evidence has been planted that was stolen from my home to obtain a gun, hair samples, finger prints etc. LIke Olschwanger told me in 1997 saying quote "I can't wait until the day when you are walking the streets without a penny to your name; you will be begging me to stop, but I won't stop"

Dallas, Texas

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