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  • Report:  #1455532

Complaint Review: John Ritcheson Voice Of Deliverance/ Church Of God/ Motivational Speaker...

John Ritcheson Voice Of Deliverance/ Church Of God/ Motivational Speaker... John Ritcheson And Pam Ritcheson Scammed Me Deliberately Of $15,000.00 I Worked Almost 4 Months For! Boiling Springs South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Trusting Too Much! — New Milford Connecticut United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 08, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 08, 2018

    Where do I start? After many failed attempts with other brokers of wasted time and money to John and Pam Ritcheson, I finally decided that I would do their loan myself! I told Brian, the guy who had their loan documents, and previous broker who had the loan, let me do this. My company fixes credit and then does the mortgage financing for our clients. It's very busy for me here all the time, and I usually don't have the time to take on a project such as this. I say that, because their file was very complicated. Because he files taxes under the religous code section of the IRS, the way most banks look at John Ritchseson's income isn't typically correct, and most lenders securitize or sell their loans to Wall Street or much bigger banks. I told John since that seems to be the ongoing theme that the underwriter are interpretting your income one way, when in reality they should be looking at it another way, we may need to go to a Federal Credit Union or Credit Union that holds their loan paper in house, if I can convince them of how to look at your taxes, and why your write offs that most of us cannot put on our taxes, should be added into your income.

   After speaking with John, and asking Brian, his previous broker about John and Pam Ritcheson, and Brian saying they're okay, they're a pain in the a*s, but they'll pay you, I decided I would take the time to help John. I normally don't do this, because if I bring a loan to a credit union, typically I cannot be on the HUD to be paid at closing when the loan is done. This is very risky, and I let John know that, with him responding on many occassion, "I believe we're friends, good friends, and I consider your a good friend"? "I wouldn't beat a man out of a dollar"? I'm from the Northeast, and are very weary of people, let alone people who make there living from preaching the good word. Needless to say I had consulted a Federal Credit Union, and spoke to a man named Creeg Davies I believe. He sounded positive about the file, but wasn't sure if it was to far out of there lending area, and said we can give it a shot.

    Since John and Pam lost $1,500 from the last person who tried to get this done, and I felt this man was quite deceptive in how he handled the whole thing, I didn't ask John for money upfront, because truthfully, I wasn't sure if even I could get this done for him. I also didn't want John and Pam to lose anymore money in there quest to build the home on the land he paid $130,000 dollars for already. John and Pam, especially Pam, are very taxing! I probably have around 600 or more texts and emails from them. I knew this would be a file that wasn't going to be easy, because of the income situation, and the way they panic about things, which triggers constant calls, texts, and emails. Because of this, I had to push this file the best I could, and make the bank and Creeg understand the income. Jumping forward, Creeg Davies, the loan officer at South Carolina Federal Credit Union, ended up being a complete unprofessional jerk! We were going into month 2 and didn't have an approval, which most banks would have given in a much smaller amount of time to come up with. I ended up telling Pam Ritcheson, who I spoke with and texted with every single day, multiple times a day, while this was going on, that I don't understand this guy's problem?

He has had the loan all this time, and claims he understands the income, but I would later find out in conversations with the Ritcheson's, that he didn't understand the income, and would let days or a week pass before getting back to me. When he did finally get back to me, it would be a snotty in your face text or email, which I have as proof. I finally told Pam, please call his boss and let her know what's going on. I said that to her because I just got an email from Creeg stating that he thinks that they're going to pass on this file. I also have another email saying the same thing before this escalated. Pam was on hold for 20 minutes, and Creeg's boss never answered. Then Pam noticed Creeg ringing in on the other line? According to Pam, he was so nice "He could have melted sugar in her mouth"? This I find very interesting, because he went from I think we'll pass on this construction loan to melting sugar in her mouth? After all this, still, the file never moved at all after the drama, and another week or two went by, and now we're in month 3 of this loan. We all were thinking maybe we should go to another bank at this point. I told John and Pam that I've killed myself so far with this, and if you want me to continue to work on this, and if you like the work I've done so far with you, I'm going to need a small retainer to continue. They agreed and sent me $1,500.00 through Walmart wire, because I guess that's the way they know how to pay, and I was okay with it, because I felt I earned there trust obviously?

   Not wanting to declare defeat because of an over paid, bad attitude loan officer, I pulled up my boot straps and found at 1:00 am in the morning the email address to Scott Woods, the President of South Carolina Federal Credit Union. I explained the situation to him, and went on to say that this is what's happening etc etc, which I believe upset him greatly at me? I informed John and Pam what I did, after John called me at 12:00 am on the same Friday night beforehand, and Pam stated "They're not probably going to do anything, do you have another bank to send this too"? I told her I did, but let's wait and see. Scott Woods actually responded to me abruptly the next morning, and like I said, seemed upset with me, but said he would inform the bank Vice President David Dulaney, and he would be getting in touch with them, and getting to the bottom of this. It worked! David came in and removed the file from Creeg's desk temporarily, and assigned another loan person to work with Creeg on this file. They also seemed a bit upset by my email, and the fact that Creeg was speaking to me about this loan, and told Creeg nobody at the bank could speak to me about John and Pam Ritcheson's file, even though I had verbal and written permission from John Ritcheson, who is only one on loan?

At that point, we were just waiting for the appraisal, and probably, knowing this bank, some last minute documents. In June John Ritcheson opened an account at that South Carolina Federal Credit Union and put enough money in there for the appraisal. After all that, the Ritcheson's calls and texts went from 6 to 8 times a day, to every other day, to not much at all. I would call once a week, and they would return my calls with, we're just waiting on the appraisal etc. Then another couple weeks to July, and I would call. "We're just waiting on the appraisal, and no we're not avoiding you etc, just doing speaking engagements etc. In these conversations, texts, and emails, they said we appreciate how much you've done for us etc. I felt I pulled off a masterpiece in getting their $540,000 construction loan, and if appraised value come in at $680,000 or higher, they're at or below 80%, and they wouldn't have to send the loan out for M.I. (Mortgage Insurance), where the bank felt it would be denied. I found out in late July that the appraisal came in at $700,000.00 I told John and Pam you're fine, and have room to spare. Ask David if he can up the loan amount for your a little to cover more of the closing costs, which by the way were very fair and very low. John was scared to ask, because he felt rightly, that David may get angry and not want to do the loan? 

   After all this time, with weeks turning into months, I got fed up with John and Pam. I was getting very concerned, because in my agreement it said our agreement expires July 19th. I called John a week before this happened, with him knowing the situation with Creeg wasting weeks, if not over a month doing nothing on their loan, and me emailing the President of the bank at 1 am in the morning on a Friday night, which I believe saved this loan from being not worked on, or declined all together, and he never responded. I just thought it was something he didn't care about because now we were good friends, and I felt I was practically part of the family, and even said I'd like to take my 11 year old daughter out to South Carolina soon, and stay at your house for a week or so. John thought that was great saying "We'll show you around!" After getting upset at them for now the 3rd time, I finally called John back from his message I didn't listen to a day earlier. He said I finally got the commitment on July 27th? I said John, after everything I've done, our agreement says you need to pay me 1% minus the $1,500 you gave me, and the rest we'll work out. He went into telling me David Dulaney and Creeg said I had nothing to do with closing etc etc. I went nuts on him at that point, with him knowing because I got President and Vice President involved, which ultimately saved this loan, that they said I was not allowed to speak with anyone there, and vice versa. I told him I found the bank that got this done with no one's help, and told him how much of a deceiving you know what he and his wife were.

   This was all plotted on their part! This is a man who preaches the word of God for a living. Building a $700,000 dollar house, and couldn't get it done, and came to me. What upset him enough to call me the day before was, before I knew this was going to happen, I left him a message saying, don't put me on the he's not important list right now. Meaning, this guy was so thirsty to get the house approved and done for his wife Pam, if he could fast forward to the future and see the result of my hard work for nearly 4 months, he would have paid our agreed fee right there, and put it into escrow, no questions asked, or I wouldn't do it. I often hoped he wasn't like the dirtbags you see on TV who pretend really well, and put on a good show? He was and is! Do not give money to this man or his wife Pam. She is just as bad as he is, and is a tremendous enabler. As soon as they knew they could get away from me, they did it. John Ritcheson asks people to give him money for preaching the word? The trouble with John is, he's a false prophet, and talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk! Both of them are conniving con artists that have no sense of morality what's so ever, they only act like they do. Pam told me John is in witness protection on two different occasions?

Not many loan officers could have pulled this off, let alone agree to take payments over a small period of time after the loan was closed to boot. John also told me two weeks before our fateful conversation, "I know I owe you a lot of money?" My father was voted the best Family Divorce Attorney in the state of Connecticut this year, but doesn't practice in South Carolina unfortunately, and suing him will take time and money. So since this man and his wife so willingly wasted probably over a 1,000 or so hours of my time, and hurt my 11 year old daughter indirectly as well, it's better I hurt him by putting out the truth! I'm not a one sided person, and will admit my faults commonly. I'm great at my job, and I couldn't see for the life of me what I did wrong, other than get it done, and save their loan from certain peril! These people are about one thing, money! They have no respect for people and their time, and willingly waste it at will, with no regard or care for anyone it seems? I'm sure he's probably done this before, but Karma is real, and I hope it finds both of them well! I'm sure it will! I have all texts messages and emails to prove this story! I will gladly forward all of them, if you have 3 days to read them, because there are so many. Check out my You Tube Channel at CreditFreedom with the yellow Northstar for more on John and Pam Ritcheson...

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