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  • Report:  #363814

Complaint Review: JRP - John Robert Powers

John Robert Powers - JRP Scams, false advertising, just wants money, Don't let this happen to you Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Brighton Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 17, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 17, 2008

I was one of those kids/ teenagers that tried out for the JRP auditions not to long ago. But I first heard about it on the radio. Sounded professional, and promising. They had a number to call to reserve a spot at the end of the advertisment. So my mom and I wrote it down and called them. When we called they told us to dress casualy as if we were going to a nice dinner or picnic, and they told us where they were located at and what time we have to be there by. Well, I couldnt wait for that day. I was thinking well my birthday is on the day I go audition maybe it'll be a good day for me.

The day came and I got all dressed up than what I usually dress like. When we got there, they had my mom fill out some papers of why we are here and what we would like to improve on for example shyness, talking, acting, singinng, ect... I was there for acting but I needed help on trying to get out of my shyness. We filled it out than they put us in a waiting room with other kids and teenagers hoping to have thier dreams come true and become stardom. We had to wait one hour before they started calling people in to audition. They had a TV in there, where it just played the same thing over and over agian of who they found is is staring in either hannah montana or Click or even just modeling. After an hour passed a woman came in telling us about JRP and she asked us some questions like 'who here watches the show Hannah Montana?' of course every little kid and teenager raised their hands. She said they found Jason Earles that plays Jackson. Than she asked us other questions like 'who seen the movie click?' & 'what do you think helps you become famous?' after she talked for 15mins she introduced us to the woman who flew out of california to here to colorado and is the main person who decides who has potential to become a celebrity.

After she was done they had the first two rows stand up and go in this room that had lights and mirrors all over, oh yea and lets not forget the floor that had a painted on catwalk. I was the oldest in that group, and the first. A guy came in and started talking to us kids/ teenagers about modeling and how to walk the walk. So he showed us how the guys do it, than he showed us how the girls do it... of course it was funny to see a guy do the womans walk but he talked like he was gay and walked like a woman too. Kinda freaky there. But he spoted me, the tall and oldest one in that room. I had to do the catwalk first but before I could walk it i had to stand there and he had to check me out and i mean check me out which was really disturbing to me. After he was done I finally got to do the walk. He said I was stiff some and I needed to relax more but other than that he liked what he saw. Than he sent us away into another room were we got interviewed and were asked yet agian why we were here and what do we want to do, and we were also asked what our grades in school were. I had one more step after that so called interview, where I was sent agian into another room to do the commercial audition. We had to wait another 15mins. After they gave us a script to read and practice emotions while saying the script. I had to go first yet agian. I got up there infront of the other kids that were just in the catwalk room with me and played out my script. They seemed pleased with what effort I put into it. They finally realesed us to go home and give them a call back to see if we made it to the next part at a certian time.

I go home I'm happy and I tell my boyfriend what I just had to do. Thats when he told me that they are a scam. He went through this whole story of how his cousin did the same auditions and made it through and than later after he paid over $2,000 for 'acting classes' found out it was a scam and he begged me not to go back. I didn't listen to him and i just called back to see if I made it through. They said come back tommarow and we will discuse what you need to know and do. When i went back there, their office had photos of the 'people' they found and are either modeling or acting. The gay guy was there agian and gave me a script(s) to memorize wile with the emotions. If it said say this line with this emotion thats the emotion you'd have to say it with. I did that agian than they asked us if we had any questions.... I didn't but my mom surely did. They were trying to make everything under the sun seem like it's real and they arn't lieing about it. Than they gave us a paper that had money cost's for certian classes and how long they were. Some of them were over $12,000, who can afford that money? But they said they want the money now and there is a 100% refund if you're not satisfied.

We asked more about when do we fly out to California and when the classes start. They said the fly out to california was either when you complete the classes or if they feel you should just go out there and start your stardom, oh and did I mention we have to pay for the flight and they hotels and everything else!? I told them I couldn't afford the money so I can't do it.

Luckly though if it wasn't for my boyfriend to tell me that they were a scam I'd been screwed and stuck in california with no money to get home. So just do the reaserch, trust me it pays off and ask evryone if they heard about the place and if there is something fishy about it.... usualy if it seems weird and somethings not right its usualy a scam. Please don't be a victom and do the research before you put the money out on the table. I don't think you'd want your kids dreams crushed by stupid low dirt scams that don't care of what other people and kids think.

Brighton, Colorado

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