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  • Report:  #337570

Complaint Review: John Sorbera Remax Realty Enterprises Inc. Remax Hallmark Realty

John Sorbera, Remax Realty Enterprises Inc., David Ferrari, Remax Hallmark Realty, Deborah Bain Deceptive, Completely Dishonest, Scammer, Liar, Pure Piece of s**t, Unethical, Immoral, Pure Low Life Maggot, Repeat Offender Mississauga Ontario Canada

  • Reported By:
    Mississauga Ontario
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 06, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 11, 2008
  • John Sorbera, Remax Realty Enterprises Inc., Remax Hallmark Realty
    125 Lakeshore Road East Mississauga Ontario
    Mississauga, Ontario
  • Phone:
    905-278 3500
  • Category:

John Sorbera is the most unethical, dishonest Real Estate agent who has recently been written up and warned by the Real Estate Council of Ontario. He has been fined $5,000.00 by the RECO board for unethical and dishonest business practices which in no way deters this maggot from continuing his practice of lies and B.S.

I unfortunately happen to be a victim of Mr. Sorbera. I am a home renovator who purchased a few properties from Mr. Sorbera. I got to know this man quite quickly over a short period of time and had given him my trust as one would in a business situation when you rely on the "professionals" you think your working with.

Mr. Sorbera approached me to assist another renovator. Mr Sorbera wanted me to advance him $10,000.00. Mr Sorbera was initially told 'no' that I would not be able to loan someone money that I did not know. Mr. Sorbera persisted to the point of telling me he would cover any loss and that he himself would advance the money which would mean cashing some investments. The 'loan' was suppose to be for (3) weeks. Mr Sorbera vouched for the "friend/client" making claims he had properties listed with him and knew the gentleman so well and for a number of years.

At the time the money was advanced a payback cheque was issued (post dated of course). The money was supposed to be used for the man own renovation which he was working on. Mr Sorbera verified the man owned the home he was renovating.

Needless to say the payback cheque bounced! I contacted Mr Sorbera who informed me it was no problem and not to worry. Well this went on for months still giving Mr Sorbera the benefit of the doubt. I still offered Mr Sorbera listings on homes figuring that the money would be paid back soon.

After about (6) months I started to look into the matter more. The man who was loaned the money which was orchistrated, arranged and secured by Mr. Sorbera was not well known to him at all. In fact the guy was and is a complete broken down owning NO real estate whatsoever. In fact he didn't even own the home he was renovating as Mr Sorbera indicated to me.
He did not own large plots of land in Toronto as Mr Sorbera indicated this was all a lie. When I urged Mr. Sorbera to come clean on the matter he admitted (only after being backed into a corner) that he didn't even know where the man lived or his home phone number. All he had was a pager number for him.

I hired a lawyer in Toronto and low and behold he was familiar with Mr. Sorbera referring to him as the maggot agent as though he was well known as a scammer. Well he was and is. Mr Sorbera will never change. But the story gets better. The $10K that was loaned out was not even used for the reno property in question. In fact it was used for a down payment on a completely seperate property Mr Sorbera had listed. Mr Sorbera had no problem ethically deceiving me and chancing the money on some long shot in which the gentleman could not even get financing for.

I contacted Deborah Bain of Remax Hallmark Realty (Queen St. /Beeches) who did absolutely nothing even though they promised they would do the "right thing" and resolve the matter. After several letters and follow up calls they simply got rid of Mr Sorbera who then went to work for David Ferrari at Remax Realty Enterprises in Mississauga.

Mr Sorbera has been issued several warnings for his conduct by the RECO board of Ontario as wel as a $5,000.00 for selling his own home and not disclosing that information as well as additional false information Mr Sorbera lied to the client about. Mr Sorbera was issues another written warnign for this incident as well. Unfortunately he still holds a licence. You certainly have to be careful when dealing with these folks. This is generally a fall back career in which just about anyone qualifies for even criminals like Mr Sorbera. There is very little ethics, morals or professionalism in the offices Mr Sorbera seeks employment at.

His present employer David Ferrari of Remax Realty Enterprises in Mississauga clearly condones Mr Sorbera's behaviour and simply only looks at the bottom line with no care as to how it is achieved. It's unfortunate as there are many agents who take the job serious and understand the definition of INTEGRITY. Mr Sorbera has been also fined and had action taken against him by Canada Revenue Agency for trying to scam them as well out of money he did not declare nor pay taxes on. This piece of garbage will rip off anyone he can take advantage of.

Seriously consider purchasing through another agent and certainly DO NOt list with this maggot. You will be misled and lied to if it gains Mr Sorbera an extra nickel in his pocket.

The compaints on Mr Sorbera are now with the Consumer Affairs agency and the Ombudsmen Officials for the Real Estate Council of Ontario. He has been reported to the BBB, the internet (such as this) as well as follow ups to the RECO board as he certainly has not been dealt with in a manner which has had any affect on the way he does business. John Sorbera is an agent in real estate of the worst kind. STAY AWAY he will burn you the moment your back is turned and clearly individuals such as Deborah Bain and David Ferrari condone and accept such behaviour.

Former client
Mississauga, Ontario

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Remax Realtors

11 Updates & Rebuttals

John Sorbera


STAURT MORRISON Been Reported to the Police and yes he does have a History of Harrassing others including his ex wife for which he was arrested for.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 09, 2008


I just came across this Article.

Does anyone have any experience with It's basically a non-edited database of consumer complaints. Anyone can file a "report" and say virtually anything about you regardless of the merit or validity of the claim (many companies have things posted like "The CEO is a pedophile"). The report is then posted and for many companies instantly shows up on page 1. Rip off Report will not remove the report. They allow you to post a rebuttal - or for a fee, the "editor" will post something next to the claim stating that it is false. What is seemingly a good service to consumers is basically nothing more than an extortion scheme. I am wondering what the best way to get something like this off the first page of google results. It seems like one would have to take measures such as releasing press releases and other documents and increase the amount of in-bound links in order to bump the rip off report further back in the SERP. I'm just wondering if anyone else has any experience with this website. thank you!

STUART MORRISON it seems that only the Feeble minded and Creeps Like you use this site.

John Sorbera


STUART MORRISON LOOK They are talking about you in this article

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 06, 2008

STUART MORRISON LOOK They are talking about you in this article

The Rip-Off Report has become a boon to the disgrutled, unbalanced and nutbars who've posted complaints often without a shred of proof. For Ed Magedson, it's been an even bigger gift. It's made him powerful, and it's made him money -- although certainly not a dot-com milionaire.

Magedson won't remove posts. He's not interested in evidence that would offer vindiction.

Like these Ripoff Morons will ever post this LOL

John Sorbera



#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 02, 2008

Stuart Morrison

I read this article and you came to mind.

Is there a problem?

There are many criminals and business rivals reporting FAKE complaints at Rip Off Report about their business competitors and rivals for the purpose of threatening and damaging competitors good will and extortion. Many companies are suffering from fake reports published at ripoffreport by their rivals and competitors with bad intentions to damage their trade mark, cause business loss and hurt their good will.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison do you really think you have the right???

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 18, 2008

Stuart Morrison

You have never met Debra Bain or David Ferrari nor do you know anything about them (you got their names by simply calling the reception desk).


Debra Bain and David Ferrarri are 2 of the finest and well respected Broker/Owners in the Real Estate Industry both with very high Volume and award winning Offices.

They are the nicest people you can ever meet and both are very Classy, with an infinite amount of Integrity. They both Employ some the very Best Real Estate Agents in North America if not the world.

Do you really think you have the right to write about them????

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison is a Cyber bully

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 14, 2008

You have to fight bullies or they will continue to bully and harass if you ignore them.


I will NOT Be a Victim Stuart Morrison of your Lies and False Reports and Harassment and Extortion attempts and CYBERNET BULLYING.

Stuart Morrison needs to be exposed for what he is.

Stuart Morrison the reason every dimisses and ignores your False Reports, Complaints and you is because every sees the complaints and you for what they are...

Now Stuart Morrison you have to resort to CYBERBULLYING.

If you had a Real Complaint you would have signed your name to the Complaint.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison is a Cyber bully

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 14, 2008

You have to fight bullies or they will continue to bully and harass if you ignore them.


I will NOT Be a Victim Stuart Morrison of your Lies and False Reports and Harassment and Extortion attempts and CYBERNET BULLYING.

Stuart Morrison needs to be exposed for what he is.

Stuart Morrison the reason every dimisses and ignores your False Reports, Complaints and you is because every sees the complaints and you for what they are...

Now Stuart Morrison you have to resort to CYBERBULLYING.

If you had a Real Complaint you would have signed your name to the Complaint.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison is a Cyber bully

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 14, 2008

You have to fight bullies or they will continue to bully and harass if you ignore them.


I will NOT Be a Victim Stuart Morrison of your Lies and False Reports and Harassment and Extortion attempts and CYBERNET BULLYING.

Stuart Morrison needs to be exposed for what he is.

Stuart Morrison the reason every dimisses and ignores your False Reports, Complaints and you is because every sees the complaints and you for what they are...

Now Stuart Morrison you have to resort to CYBERBULLYING.

If you had a Real Complaint you would have signed your name to the Complaint.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison is a Cyber bully

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 14, 2008

You have to fight bullies or they will continue to bully and harass if you ignore them.


I will NOT Be a Victim Stuart Morrison of your Lies and False Reports and Harassment and Extortion attempts and CYBERNET BULLYING.

Stuart Morrison needs to be exposed for what he is.

Stuart Morrison the reason every dimisses and ignores your False Reports, Complaints and you is because every sees the complaints and you for what they are...

Now Stuart Morrison you have to resort to CYBERBULLYING.

If you had a Real Complaint you would have signed your name to the Complaint.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison get a Job

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 14, 2008

Stuart Morrison

Do you really think people will pay you to go away if you Harass, threaten and File False reports long enough.

You even abuse the services of Collection Companies to Collect False Debts and to help you Harass people, you are on your 4th or 5th company now if not more.

You always want something for nothing.

John Sorbera


Stuart Morrison your a Liar.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 12, 2008

Stuart Morrison

I have no clue what your talking about in this rambling complaint. It is all lies and full of False Information greatly embelished to make it sound more Dramatic and sinister.

I think the nature of your complaint is that you loaned someone $10,000 for a deposit for a home and from what I recall you wanted $12,000 back after 2 week loan. The cheque from that Individual bounced and you want me to pay you back just Because I am a Real Estate Agent.

Guess what Stuart Morrison its never going to Happen "keep dreaming"

For the Record

The only Complaint I have ever had at RECO (the Real Estate Council of Ontario) or anywhere else, is from you, it was investigated and found to be a Complaint without merrit and False and dismissed as you very well know.

I have never Been fined $5000 by RECO at anytime for anything nor do I have any convictions or judgements on my File. This is Public Information and can Be Verified at the RECO website.

Stuart your Bullying and harrassing me will not get you anywhere. Please Respect the Restraining order By Peel Regional Police.




#12Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2008

Unfortunately Cowardly sites exist to feed venemous people such as yourself..
Your vendetta is personal. It has nothing to do with buisness..

If you were a real man?? and you had any substance to your complaint..
You would take it up in a COURT of law..Instead you use a useless site that feeds IDIOTS such as you..

Everyone knows that in the Province of Ontario..Unethical Realtors are NOT
ALLOWED to deal in Real Estate..SO the only people who are going to listen to you..are THOSE..who are misinformed..AS an should know how to behave better then this..DON'T FORGET..STUART MORRISON..It was all good ..when you were getting a lot of buisness sent your way..from Mr. Sorbera..

The only people who actually use sites like this..are people like you..
If you were busy Renovating homes properly..instead of doing such a shabby woudn't have the time to come on here and wine..Are there any law suits or complaints about you??

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