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  • Report:  #1057038

Complaint Review: Jonathan Abramson

Jonathan Abramson The scumbag Montreal Quebec Canada

  • Reported By:
    Raluca Montano — H2L 3E7 Quebec
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 06, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 15, 2020

Run away as fast as you can from this sick individual!

He is a full coke head that uses people for his own pleasure. He will lie to you and act like an inocent, good lovable and fun person...


Don't trust any of his words!!

He will  do or say whatever it takes to make you be part of his game, he will play with your head till you will  start falling for him or any of his intentions

He has no empathy, regrets or any sort of feelings!!

Please stay away of this psycopath!!!!


His recent behavour it blew my mind and Im gonna make sure to let everybody know what a scumbag he really is...

Right Johnny boy????







11 Updates & Rebuttals



Jonathan Abramson

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 20, 2014


Jonathan Abramson. Ice Colored Diamonds Inc, Jordan Dobrosky Ice Colored Diamonds Inc Ice Colored Diamonds is a bait and switch Investment Scheme Mont - Jonathan Abramson

Jonathan Abramson
1 1.0
1 Review

March 8, 2011, Anonymous
United States
I also recently purchased Diamonds from Ice Colored Diamonds for $5000 and only after realized that not only was it a scam but that they were continuously trying to call me and buy back my diamonds for $10000 and then offered to sell me an even more valuable diamond for $50 000. I have already contacted the authorities and they mentioned to me that their office address is a postal box and that their main phoen number is a prepaid cell phone that is always answered by Jonathan Abramson. I would stay away from this company and if you have already been scammed please contact the RCMP or PhoneBusters as this is a very common scam. Jonathan Abramson and Ice Colored Diamonds have no Diamond Experience they are just trying to take advantage of innocent victimes. As for your post Jonathan where is your proof of your clients ever making any money whatesoever off any of your diamonds. Where is the proof. You will be in Jail very soon for the crimes you are committing. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SEND THIS COMPANY OR JONATHAN ABRAMSON ANY MONEY AND IF THEY CALL YOU HANG UP AND CALL THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN MONTREAL.



First of all...

#12Author of original report

Mon, August 26, 2013

This rebuttal most definately was written by a female, no man would take his time, especially Jonathan to put these words down...

Jonathan should be very thankful to you and apreciate the gesture ...wich I doubt...

Im not sure how much time you're spending with Jonathan, but I garantee you after a while...everything that has been said here, has nothing, but the true


The nasty Cu*




You want Proof?

#12General Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

Dear Wait A Second,

GD, you're dumba** comment really got my blood boiling.

You asked for proof?  Careful what you wish for (you can relay this message to Jonathan).  If you want proof, i will post the proof my friend.

I have countless amount of court documents issued in the Superior Court of Quebec in court file no. 500-17-053479-096 against this sociopath.  It's public record.  Go take a read if you so desire.

Here's the title of proceedings issued in the Superior Court:


PROVINCE OF QUEBEC                                                                                           



NO:    NO:     500-17-053479-096                                                                                   




3888304 CANADA INC.



We order:

Jonathan Abramson


I will not post the remainder of this document.

If you wish to see any further proof, just ask.  i do not bite:)

Have yourself a wonderful day.  A**hole.



No wayyyy

#12Author of original report

Thu, August 22, 2013

 wooo Im soooo soooo SCAREDDDD!!  Definetly it must be somebody from the CROOk side.... "Wink" 



Wait A Second

#12General Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

Dear Wait a Second,

I would like to also add the following.  As the scum very well knows, i work in the legal field.  I did meet with a defamation lawyer regarding a post the scum posted on a few website.  One in particular was Twitter in which he created an account using my name and information.  I was able to resolve this issue quickly with the help and support of Twitter.  I believe they are currently conducting their own investigation regarding this issue.

The other post, unfortunately, i am unable to do much with as it also falls under the terms & conditions of, search engines.  Having said this, i AM able to take legal action however, i would need to furnish the lawyer with a $20,000 retainer simply to get the ball rolling.  I've lost too much money already with this scum, so i decided to 'let it go'....for now.  I will decide on a later date whether or not i wish to persue this matter.

Jonathan does not have a pot to piss in so, he will not take any legal action.  As well, he owes numerous lawyers money for services rendered which he simply ignores.  His MO is always that.

Again, Jonathan does not know what it is to earn a honest livinig.  He does not receive a pay cheque, remit taxes.  he only knows how to purchase disposable cell phones, call random people, and scam whatever he can from them.

He is a waste of space.

I have stated this numerous times.  If this sociopath should drop dead today, would anyone, ANYONE give a rats a*s????  I for one would dance on his grave.  

His own parents are ashamed of him.  His sister will not engage in a relationship with him. Do you know his own sister warned me about him back in 2007????  

In any event, he is my past and I am grateful that i was strong enough to overcome his sociopathic ways.  I am grateful for the people in my life who stood by me and helped me heal.




Dear Wiat A Second

#12General Comment

Thu, August 22, 2013

Dear Wait a Second,


Firstly, i am uncertain whether you are Jonathan himself or someone in his circle.  Your post was written with the proper use of the English language so i'm guessing it was not Jonathan.  I'm going with the latter.

I disagree with your statement that the woman deserved what she got!  NO WAY SHOULD A MAN EVER, I REPEAT EVER STRIKE A WOMAN REGARDLESS WHETHER THAT WOMAN "PROVOKED" or "STRUCK HIM".  With all due respect, a slap does not warrent physical abuse from a man (again, i use this word losely when describing this monster) double in size, in height, etc.  See where i'm going with this?

Your rebuttal is shameful.

If you do indeed know this monster, then you are as ruthless as he is.  Anyone associated with this monster possess no morals, values or sympathy towards others. 

In a nutshell, Jonathan Abramson is nothing but a scum who deserves all he gives out.  

I have no remourse for my words.  I never wish anyone ill, but this monster deserves EVERYTHING he puts out in this universe.



The woman he beat to s**t back in 2008.  The woman who he scammed $150,000 from.  The woman is walking tall and proud.






Wait a second.....

#12General Comment

Wed, August 21, 2013

 Ok first of all I do not know this person. So let me get that out right up front. My question is this. How is he being narsacistic if you slapped him in the face and you get tossed out because of it. What you did is assualt and battery.

It looks like you gave him ample opportunity to cause you harm by slapping him. I see no where on your post that he beat you or anything else to that nature. So its obvious that he learned his lesson from 2008. So I ask you again. How is he in the wrong when youre the one who hit him? Im not saying this guy deserves the award for best person of the year, just that you hit him then you post about him online. Seems even more shady when someone else pipes in about domestic abuse from 5 years ago. It really looks like you are attempting to destroy this persons rep online.

I understand that YOU feel the need to inform ppl but your informing the entire web going public. All anyone has to do is google his name and every site that has his name on it. Im not saying DO NOT inform ppl, but dont you think its slightly unfair of you to post about someone with just your word to back it up. Dont you think SOME proof of wrong doing would be acceptable before to go defaming someone online? You would be potentially impacting his future with your words. You could cost him a job, or a loan, or whatever.

I only bring this up because if he knows WHO you are, then he can go after you in civil court for defamation of character and slander. This may have seemed like a good idea at the time but like any medium out there, there are rules as to WHAT you can say or do. I would suggest that you get some proof of his evil and post that as well. This way you can continue to post about him and you would have proof so you would be protected against a lawsuit because proof would negate possible dafamation and slander.



Larock Investment/Jonathan Abramson

#12General Comment

Sun, June 23, 2013

Dear Not Considered an Ex GF,

I'm sorry to hear all you have been through.  All i can say now is, i hope you have learned a lesson.  A valuable one at that!  Stay safe.  Have your eyes open.  He's scum.  He'll NEVER change but YOU can.

 All the best,





#12Author of original report

Tue, June 18, 2013

First of all I never considered myself as an "Ex Girlfriend"  Was the only section where I thought my report would fit in, regarding all the women he dealed with, including myself...

I would've not end up to post somthing on his behalf, but its hurtful to see someone who really gives a d**n about himself and nothing else

I guess his actions are related mostly with his sickness, a truly narcisistic, wich I felt it from long time ago, but I wasnt so sure till the last night when he kicked me out of his place like a truly maniac after I slapped him in the face

He deserves it, this is for all the women he dealt with...I have no regret....  I would do it on and on with the same pleasure I did it before;)




You must tell!

#12General Comment

Tue, June 18, 2013

Dear Ex-girlfriend,

You cannot leave us all hanging!  Please, do tell what the recent events were that 'blew your mind'.  You shouldn't leave us all hanging!

Jonathan Abramson is such a worthless human being.  Taking up such precious space on this earth of ours.  If he died, do you think anyone would shed a tear?  I for one would dance joyfully on his grave:)

So, spill the beans lady!  The general public should be fully aware of this sociopath and what he is capable of.


Thank you,

All Smile:)



Scumbag,'s all the same when it comes to Jonathan Abramson

#12General Comment

Tue, June 18, 2013

 Dear Ex-Girlfriend,

Firstly, aren't you slightly embarassed to openly acknowledge that you are 'an ex-girlfriend'?  LOL....I'm shamefully embarassed to ever admit it!  Sadly though, i must admit that i too was falling prey to Jonathan Abramson's sociopathic ways. 

 All the author above states is factual.  However, you omitted a very important fact about JONATHAN ABRAMSON, the sociopath.  He was also arrested and convicted on domestic dispute charges back in June 2008!  Not only does he enjoy scamming woman, men, families, the elderly out of their life savings he also enjoys beating on defenseless woman half is size!  tisk, tisk, tisk.  Such a sociopath!

Stay FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR away from this psycho!

 Hey, perhaps we can find a bunch of ppl he screwed and start a FACEBOOK PAGE?!  Hmmmm, how'd you would like Jonathan??? 

 Stay far away from this indivdual.  He's a sick sick sick person.

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