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  • Report:  #1081169

Complaint Review: Jonathan Cavalea

Jonathan Cavalea Jon Cavalea Jon Balsamo Jay Balsamo and who knows how many more scammed robed clients showed up high showed up late did not show 2 times at all Mount Sinai New York

  • Reported By:
    MaggieG — Mount Sinai New York
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 03, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 10, 2013

  New company to add to Jonathan Cavalea the  new company called  ( Embrace Everyday)  his fiancé Melissa DiRffaele has 3 boys she is posing as the owner Jon being is a pathologic liar and he is thief ripoff artist and talks a good line of bullshit to people he has no photo booth half the equipment he climes to have he does not your best bet is never hire Jonathan Cavalea your best bet is when you see his address  search harder for an honest DJ there are many out there Jonathan Cavalea is not one you want to hire.   Jonathan Cavalea spent 9 months in jail for having sex with a minor and is Bi sexual in his video he stated he likes guys better then females I was sick when I seen the video! The videos can be found at he lies so much he believes its not even him! I really do not think you want a person to do your daughters sweet sixteen he has many names he uses Jon Cavalea Jon Balsamo Jay Balsamo and who knows how many more! Ive known Jonathan Cavalea 8 years and I worked for him and ended up on ripoff report.He Ripped me off too   he scams clients and uses multiple business names to avoid losing potential clients he does not even have insurance to run a business he photoshops the same one just changes the date! He also is a drug addict with all this said please save your money and be careful do not use his company! new url bewear

  Super Sweet Sixteen DJs Long Island DJs, Jonathan Cavalea, Jon Cavalea, Maggie G, Amanda V, Music to Your Ears DJs, MTYEDJS, MTYE, New York City DJS, Diva DJs Rip-Off, Didn't get what I paid for, Screwed me, Screwed Others, Should be taken out of business, HABITUAL FRAUDSTERS Bohemia , New York and apologized to the people he ripped off even EJ the DJ all I have left to say is take my word for it and check out for your self what kind of white trash he really is!

Also check out oh and people's court when the judge made him look like a fool! peoples court date air 9/10/2012

   Tell tail signs    Pathological liars - or "mythomaniacs" - are people who engage in objectively puposeless story telling behavior. The stories they tell are not the products of delusions and serve no external purpose other than to inflate the value of the teller in the eyes of the listener. The actual existence of mythomania separate from other diagnoses as a symptom set is a controversial topic in the mental health field. The symptom set for Mythomania is strictly limited: 1) The subject is not delusional and the stories they tell are at least technically plausible. If the subject is actually delusional, a diagnosis of a condition with psychotic features is more appropriate. 2) The tendency to construct such stories is non-transient, and long lasting. The story telling behavior is an actual personality trail. 3) The tendency is clearly non-situational and the subjects motives are objectively internal. The stories are not lies told from fear, or to cover a long pattern of misconduct (spousal abusers and confidence tricksters for instance are not mythomaniacs although they often construct elaborate webs of lies for years to cover their abuse or trick their victims. Such lies are situational and objectively external. The abuser is attempting to evade punishment). 4) The stories tend to present the teller in an extremely positive light, but otherwise provide no material benefit to the teller. The story may suggest that the teller is intensely brave, wealthy or may know many famous people, but the teller derives no benefit from fostering this belief, other than people believing the story.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

A. Major

New York,


#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 10, 2013


I have seen some of the reports on this website in the past, but I did not feel that it was appropriate that I respond, since I am a current employee. However, this comment thread, after reading just the first two sentences, I knew I had to respond.

I have worked in the D.J. Entertainment and Event Planning Industry for a little over ten years. And not only have I worked on the weekends at events for ten years, but I also worked in the office of my past employer at the same time. Not saying I am perfect or I know everything, but I do know when a company is all pumped up with lies and the ONLY MOTIVATION FOR BEING IN THE INDUSTRY is greed/making money - or if the promises of an amazing event along with the company actually caring about their clients is true.

When I started working for MTYE and Jon, I was completely shell-shocked, in a good way. I could not believe how nice and honest he was. For ten years I worked for a company where the owner was, and he admits it, not a nice boss. That company was ONLY ABOUT THE MONEY!!!! JON IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM only cares about money. On top of that, which still to this day surprises me, is the fact that we all have fun at events. Instead of looking at the clock and saying, "this sucks three hours left," now I look at my clock and say "I cannot believe there is only 30 minutes left." Over the years, I have worked for a bunch of different entertainment companies as an outside vendor, and it was all the same - time literally stood still, because we were all bored and it was just a job.

SO FIRST OF ALL, AND I AM NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS NOTICED IT, BUT MY PARENTS, MY BOYFRIEND AND MY FRIENDS HAVE ALL TOLD ME THAT I AM OBVIOUSLY REALLY HAPPY WHERE I AM; WHICH IS TOTALLY TRUE!!!! I am being treated with respect by an amazing boss who shows genuine concern for us and our health/well-being.  Jon is also VERY honest with us and as I have learned personally, he supports and defends all of us if need be; other companies, it is always staff is wrong no matter what, which is why it is a revolving door of staff members at most of these companies and people never seem to leave on good terms.


Jon told me from day one that at each event, the staff splits tips evenly. In my own mind I was like yea right, whatever, since for ten years, I have only seen the owners of companies pocketing tips at every event, and of course, the MC's (that are always trained by the owners), do the same exact thing. So yes, I was hesitant, but much to my surprise, as Jon promised, tips are ALWAYS split down the middle. At the end of my first event, the Bat Mitzvah Girl's Mom came over to me and Jon and tipped the two of us; meanwhile there were four people on the job. MC Jon, DJ, Photo Favor Personnel and me. I refuse to pocket a tip; that is a scumbag move - the whole crew works so hard to make an event great, everyone deserves their equal share. The mom gave me $40 and gave Jon $100. I saw her give it to Jon and I saw him count it out; I was standing next to him with the Mom. I literally thought I was gonna hit the floor, because he took his entire tip, we combined what we both got and split it evenly between the four of us. That is something I have done many times in the past when I was given the tip money to dole out, because I already had an established relationship with them and they trusted me. But to see an owner actually share his entire tip, I didn't think that was even possible or ever happened in this industry. 

And if that didnt show me that he is a good and honest boss, the fourth event I worked, proved that my first impression that I can trust him, was a million percent true. As soon as we got to the venue, he came over immediatly and brought something up from the past event and told me something that he not only did not have to, but I would have never brought it up again. Seriously, not even in the DJ Industry, but everywhere, an owner or a boss will not tell you the truth about something that was already in the past and forgotten. So really, he isn't a trustworthy person???? In almost 11 years, he is the absolute MOST TRUSTWORTHY, HONEST AND THE ONLY OWNER I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED THAT TRULY CARES ABOUT HIS STAFF AND VALUES THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP HE HAS WITH US!!!!



4x6 Pictures: A Photo Booth is where guests go and take a picture or pictures, we print it out, and depending on the package a client booked (we offer a photo favor package where we can just print out the pictures without frames), we lay the pictures out without frames, put the pictures in cardboard frames that the people in the picture pick out or in our deluxe package, there is a larger selection of frames, both paper and higher end frames and photo clips. 


NEXT: For the woman trying to bring Jon down - Color me shocked that all you are doing is once again, trying to cause problems for him and his company. And I know first-hand that is what you are trying to do. And how do I know this.... because you thought I was an idiot and tried to cause problems between me and Jon using his old phone number. I know how he talks, so when you tried to text me acting like you were him, it made me laugh. Not because you were actually funny, but because you thought I bought it, and believed the BS that you were texting me. So, I did what I do best, and I got you to admit who you really are by asking you stuff i knew you wouldnt know. When you realized that your first route of trying to cause problems wasn't going to work, well, you then tried to cause problems by trying to get me to believe he is this terrible person. Again, wasn't going to happen. Believe whatever you want, but Jon is NOT AT ALL A TERRIBLE PERSON LIKE YOU TRY TO MAKE HIM SEEM!!!! THERE IS A REASON YOU HAVE TO TALK ON RANDOM WEBSITES.... BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO KNOW YOU BOTH, KNOW THAT HE ISN'T TERRIBLE AT ALL.

And just to set the record straight....

Jon is open to suggestions and new ideas; It has been great actually working together with Jon and Melissa - unlike other owners I have encountered, he doesnt get offended if I have an idea. You cannot understand where I am coming from and what my mindset is, because you never worked for another DJ Company, let alone, a DJ Company with an owner or owners who are self-proclaimed mean and not caring people - AND HAPPILY ADMIT THAT FACT!!!!

Just so you can somewhat see a little picture, I have done a bunch of work for Jon from home on my own time, because I wanted to. I wanted to show that I am not only loyal and I care, but when you work for someone who treats you the right way, you willl always go above and beyond for that employer.

MOST IMPORTANT IN MY OPINION: Jon cares about his clients and the success of his business. I know he does, because if he didn't, I wouldn't have stayed. I dealt with a company where the owner openly said to me on my first day, your job is to make my life easier. Your job is to talk to the clients after I book them, go over all of their final paperwork, so I dont have to speak to them. At that point the economy didnt tank yet (and this applied to four other companies that I know of, BUT PROBABLY A LOT MORE), but these owners wouldnt even go out to a clients house for a sales appointment unless they were planning on spending over $3,000. Obviously, companies don't do that anymore, but it is a great example of the industry and how the owners actually operate.


Jon wants the roof to be brought down at every single event, where every single client and every single guest walks out and tells everyone about us, and the amazing party they just went to.

SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU LEFT OUT, BECAUSE YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE HIM LOOK BAD - YOU CANNOT MAKE EVERY PERSON HAPPY!!!! YOU ARE ATTACKING HIM ON THAT AND AGAIN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!! Unfortunatly, not all people and clients have the best intentions. I have seen it for ten years, people trying to swindle their vendors out of money, by complaining about the dumbest stuff. Not because of Jon or the company.... because some people are just scumbaggs, and will do anything to save money and receive as much of a refund that they can get. In all reality, if you cannot afford to pay for all of your vendors, people should cut back on their packages.

JON DOESNT DEMAND AN INSANLY PRICED PACKAGE TO COME TO YOUR EVENT BECAUSE HE IS THE OWNER!!!! There is no its a Saturday night so I am going to double your package price. Or, its a February event, so I will give a bigger discount or its a May/June event, so I will charge double (apparently, companies think it is appropriate to double their prices during the Seasonal Months, especially if it is a Saturday event - your paying double). THAT IS GREEDY!!!! DO YOU THINK THE EXTRA MONEY WILL BE SPLIT PARTIALLY WITH THE STAFF????

Jon does financially help his clients, and they are all really appreciative - the clients that I have spoken to have all been so thankful for us working with them on pricing. I would never hire a company that had a mandatory minimum package with the package's pre-determined price, for each MC - if I want the owner to MC or DJ an event, I shouldnt have to pay thousands of dollars for it (DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF EVENT, MITZVAHS, $5,000 MINIMUM FOR OWNERS UNLESS ITS OFF-SEASON OR A WEEKDAY). YOUR GOING TO BOOK A PARTY WITH A COMPANY THAT HAS THE MANDATORY MINIMUM PACKAGES FOR MC'S, SO EVEN BEFORE YOU TALK PRICES, YOU KNOW THAT SINCE YOU ARE ONLY SPENDING $2,500 FOR AN MC AND DJ, YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE MC WHO IS THE CHEAPEST, WHICH ALSO MEANS THE LEAST EXPERIENCED!!!!

WHY DO COMPANIES DO THAT WITH THEIR MC'S???? First, it makes more money for the company to book a bigger and more expensive package. Second, each MC is paid different salaries, based on experience, popularity, talent, requested, etc. So, for the number two MC in the company, your going to have to book that MC's minimum package or higher. THAT IS A RIP OFF AND SHOWS HOW THE COMPANY DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE SMALLER PACKAGE EVENTS - ONLY THE EVENTS THAT COST ENOUGH FOR AT LEAST THE NUMBER 2 MC!!!! 

BIG RIPOFF: WHEN MOST PEOPLE GET MARRIED, THEY BOOK A DJ AND AN MC - (THIS HAPPENED TO AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE WHEN HE GOT MARRIED IN MAY). I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIM, AND GOT CONFIRMATION FROM AN OLD CO-WORKER. HE PAID FOR A DJ AND THE MC, THE MC BEING THE OWNER. BUT SINCE IT WAS A WEDDING, IN ORDER TO SAVE MONEY, AND BECAUSE MC'S AT WEDDINGS ARE A LOT LESS OUT THERE, HE JUST WENT BY HIMSELF (with two roadies), AND WAS BOTH THE MC AND DJ. I FELT AWFUL. MY FRIEND GOT CHARGED AN EXTRA $1,000 FOR TWO STAFF MEMBERS (JON GIVES HIS CLIENTS A CHOICE, IF YOU WANT THE DJ TO BE THE MC OR IF YOU WANT TWO PEOPLE).  YOU SHOULD GET EVERYTHING THAT YOU PAY FOR AND AT EVERY EVENT I HAVE DONE WITH JON, HE ALWAYS THROWS SOMETHING EXTRA IN FOR FREE, THAT DOES NOT ADVERTISE THE COMPANY!!!! I wouldnt want my daughter to have a sweet 16 and the free thing that is brought are T-Shirts, but only because the guests become walking billboards.Yes, all companies market themselves a little during events, but Jon does it in good taste and most importanrly, he is respectful of his clients. It is about the guest of honor, not promoting te company. Again, another example of how you don't know anything about DJ Entertainment and how truly greedy the owners are!!!!

Yes, I know this was long, and honestly, I dont care. You sound ignorant and obviously have no idea about the way the DJ Entertainment industry actually works. Yes, again I am a current employee, but I have nothing to gain by spending so much time writing this at all. I have tried to not say anything with your ridiculous postings, but this, I couldnt hold my tounge anymore. And just so you know, since you dont know one iota of how this industry is, the other comments that are negative, are all from other companies, and I know they are. Clients do not speak of equipment and the technical side of events. I know firsthand SOME of the companies who have tried to bash MTYE and Jon personally because he has the clients and the market for the type of events that they cannot make a dent in. They can't attack the company saying it is too much money to book with them, or they don't do a good job, because we work very hard before, during and after to make sure every party is amazing!!!! We have so many clients who have told us repeatdly that they would be more than happy to speak to a potential client over the phone and give us a recommendation and answer any questions that the person might have about the company. We have so many recurring clients (i.e.,we are the only DJ that a school will use for all of their dances - and every year we get the call to book the date as soon as they have it), so you claiming that none of our clients are ever happy is completely obsurd and ridiculous - IF THAT WAS THE CASE, THERE WOULD NEVER EVER BE A CALL FOR THE NEXT UPCOMING EVENT!!!! Again, all you are trying to do is tarnish Jon and the Company, and you are saying the same things over and over again, because you have nothing bad to say. You are taking two points and rephrasing it in a million ways. There is a VERY GOOD REASON THAT WE HAVE OVER 1,100 CLIENTS!!!!  

These OTHER companies, who have posted negative reviews have no other recourse for trying to sway clients. They can't compete with the pricing because they think they are too good to help their clients financially by lowering their prices to fit a client's budget (people arent spending ten grand on DJ Entertainment anymore).  The biggest and the most important thing that we offer that NO OTHER COMPANY OFFERS, IS THAT WE AREN'T KNOWN AS BEING A ONE EVENT TYPE COMPANY. Every other DJ Company that I have ever heard of are all known for being just, for example, mainly a Mitzvah DJ or a Wedding DJ. It is a question that I am asked often. People are worried about hiring a DJ Company known for Weddings to do their child's Bar/Bat Mitzvah. To make things easier for clients and to lay everything out for them, I re-did the paperwork for every event. And when I made the forms, I made sure that I put all of the information in the basic order of how each event is run schedule-wise. I made it so it is easy for the clients to see right in front of them, the layout of their event.

So, with us, you have a company that is affordable and who will, completely customize an entire package, in order to save our clients money - by customizing a package, we are making it so our clients do not have to pay for something that they dont need.

The Reality is that the companies who try to tarnish Jon and the company's reputation, with the OBVIOUSLY fake comments, just proves how successful we are, and how much of a threat we are to them. It is a compliment that other companies take the time to try and damage our reputation. And it just shows how desperate they actually are, if the only way is to attack Jon personally, not professionally.  I would also like to thank you for your numerous comments attempting to hurt Jon's reputation and damage the reputation of the company. All you have actually done is show that after all this time, Jon must have been a great and important friend in your life and that you cared about the company, since you worked in the office, and are still going on about it. If he was a terrible person and you never liked him, or you hated his company, you would never ever have continued with the comments. Plus, the good thing about Ripoff Report is the fact that it shows the date that each comment was posted. So everyone can see how determined you are with trying to hurt Jon and the company. Your comments are not only compliments to show us and other visitors that Jon and MTYE made such an impact on your life, that you still harbor negative feelings. THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE, RIGHT!!!!


This is a fun industry to be a part of, and I CAN SWEAR THAT JON KNOWS THAT ITS ABOUT HAVING FUN AND MAKING EVERY EVENT AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE THAT OUR CLIENTS WILL REMEMBER FOREVER!!!! We really do have a blast at every party and today, the way this industry has become so cut throat and nasty, you walk into one of our parties and you can tell it is about having fun for us and not only about getting as much money as possible or charging people for things they don't need (nor should they have at their event). You don't need uplighting for a daytime party where the main room is wall to wall of mostly windows - instead of the uplighting, we can replace it with photo favors or a higher end light show.  I actually had this conversation with a client a few weeks ago, regarding extras after I explained why up-lighting for his son's Bar Mitzvah would not be a good idea - he sent me the link for the venue and it is an afternoon party, but all windows. I was honest with him and the dad thanked me - his exact words were, "I like the way you think, I like that you are honest and understand our financial limitations - I like that I can trust you".

I get thank you texts and phone calls after events, most of the time the following morning or even the same night, and that GRATITUDE from our clients for making their events, the best parties that they have ever been to....  That is Jon and MTYE's REAL REPUTATION!!!!


Brentwood ,
New York,

I know everything about Jonathan.....

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 09, 2013

Honestly this has nothing to do with her socio-economic status or anyone elses people break everyday and no longer speak does that mean that you have to be so obsessed that you actually show you are uneducated and pathetic and I'm sorry if you actually believe she is there because of Jonathan that's just ignorant on your behalf she is a grown women who needs to take responsibility for her own actions I have seen she has be arrested, she sells drugs and also calls the police and makes false reports about her prescriptions being stolen I have read these reports this is the kind of women she is....

I think that TRYING to ruin peoples lives because you no longer talk is ridiculous move on let it go if the money situation is a so called fact then go to court it's a civil matter not a matter that you make false reports through websites Facebook any police departments... I thank God everyday for dying for our sins because no one is perfect and we all have a past some maybe proud and some not but people change and they grow up you can't hold things that happened 10 years ago over peoples heads that's just not can air out as much so called dirty laundry as you want no weapon formed against me shall prosper but she clearly looks like she is obsessed with Jonathan...she needs to move on.....


Mount Sinai,
New York,

Up date on Jonathan Cavalea

#7Author of original report

Mon, September 09, 2013

 Just letting consumers know that nothing has changed with Jonathan Cavalea. He still up to no good and I have not receive my money back  as to date 9/8/2013 still clamming not to know me and that I paid 500.00 to take a picture with him who does he think he is Eminem?

  haha he is no Eminem lol now that is a real man I would pay to have my picture with Jonathan Cavalea has a head to big for his body and thinks he is a famous male model  ROFLMAO! In fact the logs show how many times he signed to come see me and pick me up with the kids stop with the age s**t Im not 50 but the guy hanging off him is in his 60... I leave it at that on that end!
   His greed will put him out of business its a shame at one point when DJing clubs he was off the hook his mixes were hot now his love for music is lost in the game of MONEY money won't change the fact he is white trash! Until he tells the truth I will continue to let the consumers know as they have a write to know! A little something for you to think about ( Melissa DiRffaele
Leviticus 19:18 - Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I [am] the LORD.


Mount Sinai,
New York,

Maggie G the truth

#7Author of original report

Thu, September 05, 2013

     Your words have nothing to do with the fact that Jonathan Cavalea is not an honest man never was and never will be people do not write rip off reports for nothing I know of several times where he shot dope and screwed up a party among other things. There were times he never showed and kept deposit's. He changes the name of his company names often cause when people catch on that is Jonathan they cancel before the deposit is in! Until you know what my circumstances are and the truth why I,m here keep my name out of your mouth! Your only telling these people what Jonathan Cavalea tells you!
   I'm not Uneducated I Just happen to be out of work I'm a licence CNA but due to having  Crohns Disease and am unable to work and who are you to judge me I know Jonathan very well I still have documents of all the work I did for him! This is how well I know him!
   With all do respect this is to prove I'm not a liar or crazy! Jon and I were friends with benefits since 06 and In  August 20th 2012 we were official till May 1 2013 I have help him money wise and did web pages for free! 
   Oh and Angel is creamed that I paid for because Jon was so upset about his puppy and is on a shelf in his room with the brass head board 2 long dressers on the side of his bed a dresser with a mirror and the one with the shelf's that have his trophy's on it He even keeps his room smelling fresh with glade pluginand a fan always!  
    I even know what the inside of his mothers beautiful house looks like beautiful home looks like when you walk in the front door by the stairs is a large plant! The kitchen is pink with hanging plants it in the living room with a black leather couch glass coffee table love seat many pictures of the family on the gorgeous shelf with the mirror behind it with nice lighting and the exercise bike moms  bathroom has a a Jacuzzi tub with a stand up shower then a loft room with the computer and bookcase filled with books. Jon's brother has trophy's baseball ones and is the strength trainer for the Yankees I think I made my point she has a beautiful home! 
   So Melissa before you talk about me think first as for Jon you really need to get to know him I have his documents to back my word! every thing I have said is the truth about him being a rip off and I worked in the office Jon had a glass white desk and all the stuff we went to ikea to pick it out! Its sad he suckered you in now I refuse to change a word I've said about Jonathan Cavalea's work ethics!  WHATS DONE IN THE DARK SHALL COME TO THE LIGHT!
So maybe you should talk to him and get the real truth! You are making your self look like a fool thinking your better then others! Christian as you clam to be do not speak Ill of others but look to help I do not lie and by no means am I a psycho! 
‎"We are Light. Beyond the appearance of skin and bones is a vibration that has the power to transform the soul of humanity and bring the world together as One." ♥


New York,

Jonathan is a liar....

#7General Comment

Thu, September 05, 2013

I happen to know for a fact he used to go see her. I would see his HUMMER drive up and then her and her children would get in and he would take them out. Its not a roach infested shelter... I happen to be in the shelter across the street due to Sandy does that make me a low class women? I DONT THINK SO.

He was dating her.And the Bisexual porn he was in I saw for myself DISCUSTING! I have no problems with peoples sexuality just be honest about it. You are believing everything hes telling you... so sad. And she is still in the shelter because he stole her money he was holding for her. I believe you should see the video for yourself. 


Brentwood ,
New York,


#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 05, 2013

I do not know this women she is acting like I do I am a educated women and she is a jealous women who is 50 years old  that is in love and obsessed with a 26 year old man that was never interested in her she would try and do anything for him just to have him talk to her she has her grand kids because her kids are drug addicted she lives in emergency housing that is roach infested and filthy and she is unkept and her grand kids are also unkept

this women should have these children takin from her She makes many reports about Jonathan and now me because she needs psychological help she is unstable she should worry more about herself and her grand kids than a man she has nothing better to do but make up different facebooks, emails and many other reports to try and attack someone that clearly wants nothing to do with her

maybe if she worried about herself this much she would not be in the situation she is in...she has no car, no home, no money, uneducated and she is just clearly getting anything she can from the government and hard working people have to support this women and her grand kids. This women clearly makes up many things so dont believe everything you hear, read or see cause they are all lies.

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