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  • Report:  #1302147

Complaint Review: Journey Into The Light Radio Show and Michael

Journey Into The Light Radio Show and Michael Fake Radio Show. Inaccurate Psychic Readings for 10 years Internet

  • Reported By:
    Anon — Alabama USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 27, 2016
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 06, 2016

 Journey Into the Light is a free fake psychic readings program. I contacted this show on and off for the past seven years, and they have consistently lie to me on the air. None of what the psychics said have come true. The show recently lied to me last week. Mike Long is fake person and psychic as well as the radio show, Journey Into the Light. The psychics, healers, and mediums that are brought on to the program are fakes, including Michelle Whitedove, Greg Khen, Lizzy Star, Christina Nicole, Polly Wirum, Christina "Tina" Bliss, and so many others. This show : Journey Into The Light - is a fake show. None of readers are tested. Mike Long is a bad person. Stay away from Journey Into the Light and Mike Long and their psychic guests. They do not care you, the callers and their programs, and their listeners.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Jennifer Taylor


The Truth Behind Psychic Readings

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 06, 2016

I am a guest and intuitive coach on Journey Into the Light.  From you post, it sounds like you may be unclear about how psychic readings work.  

First of all, there is NO charge for listeners of Journey Into the Light so it's hard to understand how you feel ripped off from a free service that Michael and his guests provide to the community.  

Second, psychic and intuitive readings are designed to help the listener or client gain insight into themselves.  Psychics do not control your future destiny - only you control your future.  The whole purpose of the reading is to help you gain insight into yourself so that you can create a more positive future.   

It sounds like you are not happy with your circumstances and are looking outside of yourself for change.. but the change must come from you if you want a different life.  It is not the fault of a psychic that things are not flowing how you would want things to be.   

Michael and the guests on the Journey show are loving, caring people and are here to help faciliate the healing process for others - but we can not do the work for you.  



Kimmys Universe

West Chester,

More about you! Michael is Awesome!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 06, 2016

After reading your rant, one can very clearly see that it is most telling about your character and has nothing to do with the Journey Into the Light radio show and its host Michael. From what I could make out, as the writing was not appropriate; you are upset because you felt the FREE READINGS were not helpful to you.

First and foremost, I have been with Michael and the show since the beginning and have been there all 8 years. That is alot of shows and alot of guests. The guests are seasoned and no matter, we ALL know that psychics and mediums are not 100 % accurate. Some of his guests HAVE been tested. Michael has top notch guests and his compassion for helping people and the homeless are unmatched. Michael has fundraisers to help people. Real fundraisers that have helped people pay their bills and prevent homelessness. Michael and his family have gone through alot themselves and knows first hand about needing help. He pays it forward and has so much love for his listeners AND guests that his listeners and guests become his friends. It is an outrage to read such rubbish from you.

If you have been lied to just once and are so angry about your readings, than why continue and keep coming back getting FREE READINGS for 7 years from Michael's show? Are you kidding me? Michael, his guests, the listeners, the chat room people all are full of love and light. There have been many trolls over the years before you and you are the epitome of immaturity and hatred. Lastly, as a sensitive, if you are reading for someone who is closed, angry, already not believing, etc. the energy cannot be read accurately which lends itself to a reading that will fall short of your intention, as it has already been compromised.

I have had readings from the show and all have been spot on to the point that the guests have even accurately pinpointed my most horrible childhood and I have told noone. Additionally, the aftercare that Michael sometimes arranges with certain guests is also not widely known. There are some listeners that really need more help that extends beyond the FREE READING. Michael is not a bad person at all and goes above & beyond. He does not ask for anything other than help him if you can keep the show on and help with costs.

These types of rediculous rants makes us stronger. Michael will not stop because it is his passion to do what he does. He loves what he does and losing his Mother and Father when he was a tennager was his catalyst to begin this beautiful journey. I thank God for Michael as he has helped me multiple times even beyond his radio show and with 8 years of shows, the amount of people his show has helped is a blessing. Your Troll Patrol will be ignored, however if you truly seek spiritual help we will help in any way we can. Yes we all have the right to state our opinion and freedom of speech, however to speak this negativity and hatred will not be tolerated.





#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 06, 2016

 Michael is a very honest guy. He is interesred in helping people and give people hope. No one can tell the future. There is no psychic that knows the future. i trust Michael fully and any recommendation he has made to me I listen carefully. You have to find your own path. No one knows the exact right path for another. They don't charge any money for the help and talk. After listening to any recommendation I decide myself in the path I want to take. I have never been lied to by Michael or others on his show. I Listened and made my own decisions. I hope that you find your truth and path but to say anything but kindness about Michael is wrong.

Loyal Listener

Hollywood ,

Loyal to Journey into the Light

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 05, 2016

 I have been listening to Journey into the Light for two years and had good reason to continue to do so. This show is free for any caller and no one is coerced to calling in, it's all Free Will and to reiterate it's Free. Michael Long will never ask you for money and neither will his guests that do come onto his show giving their time and free readings to the multiple calls coming in. Theses guests are Mediums, Psychics, Tarot Readers, Life Coaches, Astrologers, etc. This is all up to the caller with whom they would like to speak to and a person doesn't have to be a believer to hear something amazing. It's Free will all up to the individual caller. Not everyone will resonate with a reading and unfortunately this person that had these horrible words to say to this Radio Talk Show host should apologize for this s childish outburst. So, whoever you are when you grow up maybe you can write something intelligent about this show. You are apparently miserable and was blocking every energy to get a reading you so truly deserved, but this time you might have to pay for it because every reading Michael Long allowed you to have was Free. Your negativity will not help you and only be more destructive towards your life. To anyone who is reading this Michael Long is a Terrific Radio Talk Show Host, he helped me without even knowing he did and now is the time to tell him. He probably thought it was just another call but that day when I called in Michael Long gave me that opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you for saving my life. Today I am successful and grateful and will continue to listen and tell everyone who needs a little encouragement to call into his show for some guidance or just listen, it could change your life forever. I cannot imagine anyone speaking like this about this show and Michael Long or even his guests. I would suggest you listen to the show yourself and see what I'm talking about before you pass judgement. This other person well what can I say, well apparently all this.


Fort Saskatchewan,


#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 05, 2016

First of all how old are you?  I am just curious as some of your sentences don’t make sense or the English isn’t great which makes me think you are really young and maybe shouldn’t even be calling the show.

Psychics lied to you eh? That’s an interesting concept, first of all maybe you have a block up or because you are so skeptical you can’t be accurately read ever think of that? Some psychics pick up on the energy at that time which can change of course, we also have our own free will so if we do something they didn’t see it can change the result.

Unfortunately no psychic is 100% accurate that I am aware of and maybe someone else’s energy was picked up on the show or someone in your presense.For example my ex was not single and I had NO idea, because I was so happy, he treated me good and I wanted it to work they had to let me learn my lesson even though my gut told me something was off. Not one psychic that I highly trust picked up on that until it was too late. I loaned him money and that was a life lesson I needed to learn, I had to fight 2 years with law enforcement to get it back, clearly that will never happen again.

I have also called into Michael Long’s wonderful show many times and the reason I continue to do so is he has amazing psychics and healers on the show for FREE. You are complaining about free readings interesting, you do realize Michael doesn’t get paid a great amount of money to do these shows he does them out of the goodness of his heart and you have the NERVE to say he is fake and the psychics are fake? REALLY I have had a few readings from a couple of the psychics you listed and they were all quite accurate, interesting eh !! That’s Why I continue to support his show and call in. If something is offered for free and you are not happy with it why in the world would you continue to call in? Michael Long is an amazing person and so are all his guests sorry to say but you clearly have nothing better to do but complain about a free service, are you happy in your life ? good question isn’t it.

I recently had a reading with Greg Kehn and he did nothing but WOW me and I have had many many readings in 20 years and paid for most. He even knew I was thinking of changing some things in my house, which at first I didn’t know exactly what he was talking about then I did as I just custom built a house and made a few mistakes along the way and I really want to change the kitchen sink considering I just bought this house last year he obviously has a gift to know that I haven’t told many people. Greg seen me decorating my house which I haven’t done yet surprisingly. He told me my tolerance for people has worn thin which is extremely true as many of my friends keep making plans and don’t follow through so I don’t bother anymore with them. He knew that I need concrete information which I do as the unknown doesn’t work for a planner.


Oklahoma City,

Troll Posting! So Sad!

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 05, 2016

So sad when you work so hard on my daily program for past now 8 years and over 4,000 radio shows I have hosted. I do usually over 4+ hours of Free Readings and Healings from guest from all over the world and its totally Free for people to get readings.. Anybody knows a Psychic reading may and may not come true for the person but what the total purpose of doing my show is helping people. This show has helped many that have thought of commiting sucide and to me that makes the show worth every minue I spend on it. Also in past month we helped Melvin in George, long time caller, former marine who son was shot and later died and then Melvin lost his job and then was about to be homeless. I organised a 10 day fundraiser for Melvin where we raised $1300 to catch him up on his rent and electric. Melvin called into the show with such joy of his life turing around because of the effort that we started on Journey into the Light. So No I am not a fake, I am a real caring person. It is a shame that anybody out of the blue can post such hateful stuff to try to ruin someone personal hard years of work, very sad to be honest. The people that is written about, like Michelle Whitedove and Greg Kehn our some of the very top Spiritual people in USA and great people. The rest of the people mentioned our awesome people also that work everyday to help people. As that is the whole goal of the show to help people...

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