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  • Report:  #1163306

Complaint Review: Joy Speed Fitness

Joy Speed Fitness Victor Nica Andreea Anghel Joy Speed Fitness fura banii clientilor bucharest Bucharest

  • Reported By:
    Roxana — Bucharest
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 19, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 19, 2014
  • Joy Speed Fitness
    Vasile Lascar 143, Sector 2, Bucuresti
    bucharest, Select State/Province
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In urma cu ceva timp, am cazut in plasa celor de la JOY SPEED FITNESS. Am cumparat initial 2 vouchere de pe un site, dupa care am platit 2 abonamente in valoare de 1500 RON. Am aflat ulterior ca "produsul" promovat de dansii este foarte daunator sanatati intrucat transmte socuri in sistemul nervos si in inima. Am cerut banii inapoi si mi s-a raspuns cu fraze de genul "te uiti prea mult la televizor", "da nu ai ce face altceva decat sa ceri banii inapoi".

Din cate am inteles, nu sunt singura persoana inselata de acestia. Au o tehnica foarte bine pusa la punct prin care dovedesc ca nu ar fi la prima "intamplare" de acest gen. Mai mult, intuitia imi spune ca firma atrage clienti cu diferite oferte. Celor care platesc abonamentele in continuare si se trezesc li se refuza dreptul de a isi cere banii inapoi, desi legea specifica clar acest drept.

Am depus sesizari la ANPC si la Sectia 6 Politie. Daca mai sunt si alte persoane care au fost inselate in acest mod, va rog mergeti si depuneti si voi plangeri. Veti fi surprinsi sa vedeti ca institutiile chiar isi fac treaba si chiar va veti primi banii inapoi.


I would also want to make their contacts public:

Victor Nica - director general
Telefon: 0724 238 581
E-mail: victor[at]

Andreea Anghel - manager studio
Telefon: 0733 056 008
E-mail: office[at]

Raul Toma - antrenor personal
Telefon: 0727 393 828
E- mail: personal.trainer[at]

Victor Papusa - antrenor personal
Telefon: 0724 280 663
E- mail: fitness.trainer[at]

I can assure all readers & staff of the website that the complaint is real. If needed, I can upload scans of the receipts I received from them. The post is made in Romanian because it addresses to Romanian customers.


After some time, I fell for those of JOY FITNESS SPEED. I originally bought two vouchers on a website, then I paid two subscriptions totaling 1,500 RON. I later learned that the "product" promoted by them is very harmful because transmte good health shocks in the nervous system and heart. I asked for my money back and was answered with phrases like "you look too much TV", "give nothing you can do nothing but ask for the money back."

From what I understand, not one person cheated by them. They have a very well planned technique by proving that it would not be the first "accident" like this. Moreover, intuition tells me that the company attract customers with different offers. Those who pay subscriptions still and wake refused to ask their money back, even though the law clearly states that law.

I filed complaints to the ANPC and District 6 Police. If there are other people who have been cheated in this way, please go and submit complaints made​​. You will be surprised to see that even institutions do their job and even you will get your money back.


I Would Also want to make Their public contacts:

Victor Nica - general
Phone: 0724 238 581
E-mail: victor [at]

Andreea Anghel - manager studio
Phone: 0733 056 008
E-mail: office [at]

Raul Thomas - personal trainer
Phone: 0727 393 828
E-mail: personal.trainer [at]

Victor Doll - personal trainer
Phone: 0724 280 663
E-mail: fitness.trainer [at]


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