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  • Report:  #1103374



  • Reported By:
    JUSTIFIED — millet alberta Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Sun, December 01, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 11, 2014
    Edmonton ab .Spruce Grove ab. Nisku ab
    Edmonton, Spruce Grove, Alberta
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Well lets start with Uship & js transport jim matheson js mechanical are all working together to Regulate the online bidding on there load broker site they're using jim matheson js transport js trucking j&s transport outa Edmonton alberta canada and he also says hes outa spruce grove alberta canada and sometimes nisku alberta canada saskatoon Regina Toronto Ontario winnipeg mb Langley bc Vancouver bc grande prairie alberta canada .reddeer alberta canada all of his companies are a smoke screen to hide from DOT RCMP THE LAW  James matheson and his son son's & wife are really good at lying they lie there way threw every thing .there equipment is not safe for road never mind haul my tractor they droped on hwy . Uship did nothing uship washed there hands basically told me I was screwef  jim matheson js transport j& s transport Edmonton did nothing but deliver my broken tractor told me I should have had insurance on it ive been investigating them and uship for awhile now making case to put them all in jail before someone gets hurt or worse dies because of uship allowing unfit carries like js transport js trucking  jim matheson haul loads on the hwy where your families & mine are on .I saw pictures at Ritchie brothers where they used a 4" 20000lb strap to tie down s truck by wraping it over the box the damage was unreal it needed new box and likely it didnt fall off why is the dot rcmp Edmonton police officer the law doing anything sbout fly by nite clowns puting everybody at risk .I've been doing investigation online and have found 9 very reputable carriers that have been suspended or removed off of uship site for bring to uship attention of jim matheson js transport and his actions .if a carrier talks to uship or trys to flag or remove jim matheson uship remove s that other carrier uship & jim matheson & alk his companies are setting the rate there bidding down to which is again against the law the trade act the freedom act in canada and usa there a illegal broker company which charging up to 30% user fees to carriers & customers & no one is insurance d or liability coverage plates nothing Ritchie brothers condones it as well they allow carrires loke js transport jim matheson mugump tobefare getterdone j&s trucking transport he lists it so many ways .

Pleasesomeone read this and do not hire or post loads on uship hire a real trucking companies transport companies go on google search Kijiji 

We all need to complain like I have to the rcmpEdmonton police dot insurance companies & tell them about how dangerous uship & jim matheson james matheson js transport is before you lose alot of money or someone you car about gets hurt please read global Edmonton global Vancouver Edmonton sun Vancouver sun rcmp alberta rcmp leduc area 

7 Updates & Rebuttals


prince George,

LEGAL???? Really

#8Author of original report

Wed, June 11, 2014


AUTHOR: JKM Trucking - ()

SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 10, 2014

If you run totally legal as you claim why has your equipment been impounded and seized several times at the various scales in both Leduc and in BC?????  How is it you hire a owner operator/lease operator with improper insurance,equipment and most of all no driver's license???? Talk about putting the public at risk!!!!! In regards to your claim of your mother getting threatened by this carrier lets set the facts straight about who threatened who!!!!  Your dad was blocking the gates at Ritchie Bros. yard in Nisku/Edmonton at closing time as my equipment was outside the gates strapping our load down and you come flying into the parking lot and try threatening MY driver as he is strapping down his load for transport!!!

You smelled of alcohol and we have the whole exchange caught on security camera  by Ritchie Bros.!!! So if you are going to start trying to sound superior and slinging mud then remember one true fact there are other people who have been screwed over by your company and you should feel very fortunate that i instructed my driver not to knock you out on Ritchie Bros. property as you have no idea who you were threatening in the first place as we had no involvement in your pissing match!!! As for the threats there were NONE and i repeat None directed towards your mother !!!!

My driver was a witness to this whole exchange and it was also caught on security camera.It actually was YOU who in fact was screaming the threats and insults towards this other driver totally witnessed by once again my driver and the security cameras!! Also i am a witness to the fact of equipment having fallen off your equipment inside of Ritchie Bros. yard and have accompanying photos!!! Would you like to see them!! The company who's equipment it was, hired my company to haul the equipment in question after your GAFFE!!So maybe instead of trying to deflect attention away from yourself maybe you should stop trying to sound superior and own your company's own problems that many people know happen on a daily occurence.

As for USHIP i don't trust them any more than i trust you. I too operate off that site almost since day one of that company's existence and have seen first hand how protected you are!!! You continually bid jobs into the ground then subsequently cancel the bids or if you win the job keep putting the customer off and delay their transport as you have already gotten them to take the bait.They have already paid their deposit to Uship so they are hooked and you manipulate the system .That my friend is a scummy way to do business. As for your taxi-cab business!! Enough said !! i have heard first hand about your shady business practices and you continue to try and throw mud on other people!!

TAKE A LONG HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR !!!Also in regards to Uship i too employ an impeccable record with never a negative occurence and what did i get for that ? SUSPENDED PERMANENTLY!!! They did not like the fact i was calling out illegal operators and uninsured carriers so their opinion isnt even relevant as they protect illegal operations every day!! This person who posted this original comment obviously must know you or your company's business practices to post such intimate details and for you to feel so threatened by them.  If they have no merit then why respond?All you are doing is adding credibilty to the report because now I have responded with more truths about you.

Instead of having let a dead dog be you have opened an old wound and lit a fire as i instructed my driver not to press charges against YOU when YOU made the threats!!! You were extremely lucky that we happened to be speaking on the phone when you approached and went into a tirade threatening my driver.You were very fortunate as he had his load snipe in his hand and did not beat you with it after your tirade and threats period.  Take your toys and go home little boy. Get out of the sandbox and stop stirring the pot you really do not want any part of as your version is not even remotely close to what actually transpired as i have all the proof to this scenario if anyone cares to see it! So Brad,Jim,Jurgen and all your other illegal operators who the CVSE is closely monitoring along with local RCMP, watch where you  try to light fires as it may be a fire you want no part of!!!

I have stayed out of this battle as i have better things to do with my time and business but you have  tried to post inaccurate information that involves my company and driver and deflect blame onto someone else.If you would like to pursue this further then i am sure my driver would still like to put you in your place considering i did not allow him to do it himself at the time!!I am not saying eveything in this original report is 100% accurate or true as i am not privy to all the info  but your rebuttal of the particular incident most definitely was not accurate in the least orvery well thought out as you never expected me to respond or see this tall tale of yours!!

Try running your business and operations and bids without shady undertones as there is more than enough work for everyone and at proper and realistic prices!!! When you bid jobs for coffee money or less than gas money you hurt our industry and all carriers. You bid jobs like the new Canadians who destroyed our gravel hauling industry and who have continually undercut rates to the point of everyone having to work 2-3 times as hard to run and fund their operations before they even collect a paycheque.This sets the precedent which the general public thinks is an accurate cost of running freight when it is nowhere close to covering costs.You know this as well as i do but you don't try to fix the solution you only compound it by making it worse.

Why do you think i never made a new profile on USHIP as they are a major problem by promoting cutthroat under cost transport and companys like yourself get greedy and figure this is a goldmine and keep damaging it further by underbidding and cutting the rate so now you need to haul 2-3 times the amount of freight to make the same amount of revenue you should be making in 1 trip!! Pretty screwed up mentality. So maybe this person who originally posted this story is sick and tired of companies like yourself who keep screwing up the industry for everyone!!!!

peter pan

surrey bc,


#8Author of original report

Tue, June 10, 2014

Now she's your grandma .first she was your swamper/spare driver then Mommy. Whats Next A Heart attack  lol. For your Delay or mishaps .or maybe even blame it on no phone service .or I didn't book that So it's not my Fault.

How about DOT inspection WOW !  &  If anybody can misspell  Words . You your company wrote the Book Wbc lol.

And can come up with BS excuses .please everyone read all attachments .there's the TRUTH. Do your home work Stay away from this company ....oh and people this doesn't have to do with me getting removed off of Uship .

I'm just trying to protect You .Your $$$... Uship removed me for .posting phone numbers on Regular basis. If anybody is Intrested .


The bully



#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 09, 2014

This is a ex-member you uShip. Who recently got kicked off. This member (brian go all around transport out of millet alberta is suspended form uship, for violating there terms.) I have many great reviews and feedback. I run fully insured and run commercial logs and weght regularly. have yet to drop anything off my trailers. UShip has all my jobs and reviews to look threw. This is a slanderous attempt to stop me from doing good work.  We operate by the book. No corners cut. Plus if this guys so upset. He never called the police and there no record of this event happening anywhere in Canada's media. Papers, news, Internet. I haven't Found anything other then this guys post. UShip is a new but expanding company, that has a tv show. They make money off of orders being successfully delivered. I am a platinum carrier for them but they do not choose favourites! Like this guy claims.its a auction site for carriers of all kinds. many who run illegally! But the are figured out soon. I have been in transportation industry my whole life. Starting 39 yrs ago. Own city of edm taxi cabs, mechanic shop, parts delivery service and hotshot services company. That are all legal and following all canadian laws. I've been on uShip for couple of years(2012) I have over 300 good reviews and 4 negatives. All negatives are for late shipments and communication issues. Not for dropping  phantom tractor.  This guy is all class! He actually threatened my 65 year old mom outside the ritchie bros gate in edm ab. I showed up and the little goof wouldn't get out of his truck. It takes a real man to threaten a grandma.  thanx for listening. Brad jstransport 

JKM Trucking


Why is this story fishy???

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, April 10, 2014

It really does not matter what links they did not provide or proof as to who did what.  It is merely a warning ,nothing more! I really don't care whether or not they can spell correctly or not . The message is a warning .So if this person was  another nationality or foreign national that the warning wouldn't be valid or would be any less serious?

Get a grip and believe that what this author claims is real. I know first hand. Whether they can spell or not is irrelevant.If they can speak and you can understand the words does that mean they are illiterate as well.Obviously not!

Just because someone does not or maybe does not have the ability or experience to post supporting documents or proof does not mean they don't exist.

I have all the relevant supporting material for many of these same claims and choose not to post them but will make them available to anyone who cares enough to pursue the subject and has genuine interest.

It is internet trolls who make ridiculous comments about subjects that they usually have absolutely no idea about what they are commenting on or any experience in the field.

Do you fit into either of these categories?If so then maybe you need to go read a Reader's Digest or something as your types of unwarranted comments do nothing to enhance the purpose of the report!

If you do have some real evidence or a opinion related to the article warning the general public about this company USHIP  that is a real danger to the public at large then please offer some constructive support.

All your negativity does is look like you have something to hide or have nothing constructive to add.


JKM Trucking


Does it really matter how it is said!!!!

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, April 10, 2014

The whole purpose of this site is to alert people about the unscrupulous scumbags out there! Is it really an issue about grammer. Maybe this person may bot be as educated as you ,but then again maybe they are! You really miss the point and maybe you have something to hide. I know firsthand what kind of losers USHIP are and have made my own submission about the way they proclaim to honor our military but then trounce all over the rights our military personnel  fight to protect . Sound like a great broker to work for. Yes i said BROKER!!!  They are a BROKER in every sense of the word and they act in collusion with certain carriers or loosely worded transporters.I myself hired a private investigator to do background searches on some of the so-called legal carriers.Guess what, only 1 out of 26 that we investigated even remotely had legal operating authorities or proper equipment and insurance. So the fact you are taking issue with this report about grammatical errors means you are either one of the guilty or have something to hide or protect.

Are you one of the hundreds if not thousands who operate illegally? Are you one of the low-lifes who put everyone's safety and lives at risk? If not then step off!!! Otherwise give the story's author  its kudos for speaking up and attempting to educate and warn the public about potentially serious consequences with unlicensed or insured operators!!!

It could be your loved ones or someone you know who gets wiped out and killed, then what??  The public paints all us legally insured and licensed operators with the same broad stroke as all villians.

I am sorry but i am not one of those kinds of operators and fully applaud this person who cared enough to speak out!

It is people like you who have nothing good to say about anyone who attempts to correct a great wrong that is going on all around us because they are different.I am sure you would be first one to complain if it happened to you though!!!Do you know the history about this author? Doubt it!Maybe they had to leave home without proper education to support a family or could not afford to go to school.Did that enter your self righteous mind?

As far as i am concerned you detractors owe this person a massive apology and should look in the mirror or go back and hide in the gutter as it is disgusting when someone attempts to do a good deed and gets kicked in the head  for doing so.

Kudos to you author and hopefully more intelligent people will take up the cause!!!




Something seems fishy with this report.

#8General Comment

Wed, January 08, 2014

After reading this report I'm not sure if this person even understands what they are saying. Seems like a tyranical rant with no actual proof. Do they have pictures, video evidence, a police report, a reciept or proof of a transaction, a rebutal from U-ship or even from the numerous trucking companies that they slander in this write-up? Where are the links to all these articles you list? These items could have easily been uploaded to make this report more crediable. I was confused as well. They listed several companies with the name "JS" something or other making it seem like they don't even remember who they actually recieved services from. They also list all these so called atrocities that this/these companies are doing (still confused who they are actually slandering) with reference to specific people making it seem like they are a disgruntled employee or another competative company that is taking to the internet to slander other companies. How do you know so much about how U-Ship operates? I've looked for the information you talked about, where is it? It was also hard to take this person seriously with all the spelling and grammatical errors. This report is similiar to a child throwing a temper tantrum with a onslaught of garbled words and sentences. I'm not believing it for one minute, sorry to say. My bet is on a disgruntled employee.




#8Consumer Comment

Sun, December 01, 2013

Perhaps STEP ONE is for YOU to find a third grader to teach you how to write complete sentences, punctuation, spelling and grammar.  Perhaps that third grade child can tell you how to use the word "there", not to mention these gems...outa, threw, droped, screwef, carries, sbout, trys, alk, insuranced, loke, tobefare and getterdone.   

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