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  • Report:  #1494733


JUDGE JEFF WENTWORTH CONSPIRED WITH THE PLAINTIFFS TO HURT A SENIOR LADY Judge Jeff Wentworh Conspired with the Plaintiffs to commit fraud on the courts San Antonio Texas

  • Reported By:
    Court Watcher — Austin United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 02, 2020
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 25, 2020

The following is my opinion from my observation:

Judge Jeff Wentworth, (former Senator Wentworth and lost the election) actually consplicityly conspired to commit fraud on the courts with the plaintiffs in his  JP court.  How:  He had a conflict of interest with the plaintiffs and their attorney, Paula Beasley, who was seen having an ex parte meeting in Judge Wentworths office before the "trial".  They were in there for about 20 +  minutes, walked into the courtrm at the sametime, with Judge Wentworth glaring at the innocent senior lady the whole time.  Why? it was so obvisious, something was up.  

More proof of the conspiracy to commit fraud was the case was intentionally filed in the wrong jurisdiction so Judge Jeff Wentworth would hear and allow the fraudulent eviction hearing that anyother judge would've dismissed, due to lack of evidence and verifable perjury and the fact everything the plaintiffs and their unethical attorney Paula Beasley were testifying to....was NOT even against the lease or TX Landlord Tenant Laws.  Corrupt (my opinion) Judge Wentworth was suppose to recuse and disqualify himself from hearing the case due to a serious conflict of interest.  Which I heard the plaintiffs in bad of the courtroom talking about the money they gave him, and the promise of votes from LULAC.

The sweet innocent senior lady, was noticiably in shock and crying and kept telling corrupt (my opinion) JUDGE JEFF WENTWORTH that the plaintiffs were committing perjury, and that she had not done any of what they were committing perjury over and had proof.  He refused to listen or reveiw the evidence and started glaring and yelling in his weird southern accent, at the senior lady, "YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU!" then even lied about what she said, which she didn't and she even said she never said "Slapped"  Dispeciable Judge Wentworth, started yelling again as he pointed to a tape recorder on the bench, "YOU DID TOO!! YOU WANT ME TO PLAY IT BACK FOR YOU!!" "THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU IF YOU THINK FOR ONE MINUTE I GOING TO BELIEVE YOU!!"  Wowww.  The galley just gasped.  Luckily I taped it, since he's known for his bad temper and thinking he's above the law.

Corrupt (my opinion) Judge Wentworth had already signed the orders to evict the innocent senior lady.  She said very quietly she was going to appeal it, and unstable Wentworth started yelling again, "WELL I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU HOW!!" the lady didn't ask him how to appeal it....he was just being rude, unprofessional and in complete and noticiably conpriacy with the was so obvious the people sitting next to me were all saying "This is sooo rigged! There's something wrong with him!" 

Unprofessional and disrespectful Judge Wentworth then yelled at the sweet senior lady again, "YOU HAVE TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY!!" Wowwww.  No, she didn't have to hire an attorney, it is her right to file pro se.  He was being such an SoB. 

I stopped the lady outside and asked WTH was that all about...there was obisiously some bribe or some pay to play.  There atty Paula Beasley (can't forget that name, he said it so loud and she was so disgusting) and Judge Wentworth had obviously commited fraud on the courts, and what was even weird, VERY THING THE PLAINTIFFS (VoA TX) WERE TESTIFYING / COMMITTING PERJURY OVER, WAS NOT AGAINST THE LEASE OR TEX LAWS, ANYONE, ESPECIALLY A JP JUDGE THAT HEARS GOD KNOWS HOW MANY EVICTIONS A MONTH...INTO THE HUNDREDS, SHOULD'VE KNOWN WHAT THEY WERE SAYING WAS NOT AGAINST ANY LEASE OR TX LAWS!

I spoke with the senior lady, asked he if she'd ever not paid rent or any lease violations, since that was NEVER brought up as evidence, and 99.9% of evictions are due to non payment of rent or serious crimes.  The lady was very sweet and said she had never been late with her rent, no lease violations, nothing....she had contacted HUD about a fraudulent $118 a month increase....which is over fair market value.  She said she and all the other tenants had a note taped on their doors to contact Sandi Orta with HUD regarding the, why did the management freak out?  I think it was because they were scaming and defrauding taxpayers and probably getting a kick back from VoA.

I asked the lady if she was going to appeal.  She said yes.  So...I'm going to find out what happened, since it was so disturbing how Judge Wentworth conducted the hearing. I'm sure the sweet senior lady is stressed to the max. 

I've been researching Judge Jeff Wentworth, and he has been in govt being paid by taxpayers for over 40 YEARS!! what?  And check out these who appted him 'judge' must of also gotten paid, bc this guy had a really shady reputation as a senator and from what i witnessed on several occassions, he's a horrible "judge" and probably, in my opinion, taking bribes big time. 

Wentworth caught lying:

Worthless Wentworth:

This one is the pot calling the kettle black ethics violations:

More ex parte meeting for money all the while hurting and killing innocent citizens with known dangerous drugs;

Illegally lobbying, Wentworth thinks he's above the law and gets away with it because he pays them:  :

Wentworh's sons arrested several times for DWI and not abiding by their probation rules, Judge Wentworth lied and said, "they didn't violate their probation." When in fact they did, even according to their probation officer, which he probably couldn't bribe, and Susan Reed, D.A.


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