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  • Report:  #1182765

Complaint Review: Judith Richey Photography


  • Reported By:
    Only in Hand Cuffs — Scottsdale Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, October 14, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 19, 2022

At weddings, no guest is perhaps more valued than the photographer. Charged with capturing priceless, fleeting moments of a once-in-a-lifetime event, wedding photographers had better deliver. In Anthem, Arizona, however, one wedding photographer has proven to be interested in only one thing: MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and More MONEY.

Operating under the alias EYE FOR AN EYE, a photographer named Judith Richey has been exposed and accused of scamming 3 couples out of $7,500—and the numbers continue to rise as more couples come forward claiming that Richey "Eye for an EYE" performed poor-quality work, or in many cases, never delivered any wedding photographs at all. This lady seems real nice in the beginning but in the end is really a women with a snakes rattle.

Shockingly, this is not the first time that Eye for an Eye has been charged with fraud. In 2009,  Tammy Ackerson, sued Richey for ripping off at least 7 clients in similar fashion.

Through the years, Judith Richey moved from Seattle to Arizona on the run to con more clients in a new state. This lady also sucks in the sack and has no real woman power. She is lonely and has the Eye for an Eye. 

Judith Richey filed for bankruptcy in Seattle to avoid the 2009 charges and shortly thereafter moved to Arizona, where she immediately opened another studio and began scamming unsuspecting couples again.

Her history shows a character defect dealing with men on lying about her profession and tricking men into the sack and getting them to take their pictures, then dumping them after leaving them with a high bill.

I advise anyone who runs into this snake to be very precausious. In the upcoming weeks let's see what's about to hit her camera's lens.  

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#12Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2022

 HEY SANDERS!! REAL AUTHORS don’t plagiarize other authors’ work!!! YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHOR! STEALING IS THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW HOW TO DO!!! AND there are MANY posted BY YOU (YES, YOU!!) that have paragraphs completely plagiarized!! You definitely LOVE Tony Robbins!! YOU even know you SUCK!! LOSER!!!! Plagiarizing is against the law, but nothing is to YOU!!!!

Coming To Get You

United States


#12Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2022

 RALPH SANDERS PROVES HE CAN’T WRITE AND IS NOT AN AUTHOR!! HEY SANDERS!! REAL AUTHORS don’t plagiarize other authors’ work!!! YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHOR! STEALING IS THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW HOW TO DO!!! AND there are MANY posted BY YOU (YES, YOU!!) that have paragraphs completely plagiarized!! You definitely LOVE Tony Robbins!! YOU even know you SUCK!! LOSER!!!! Plagiarizing is against the law, but nothing is to YOU!!!!

Sanders' Victims

United States

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 04, 2022

It's time we put this psychopath in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!!

Contact us @ Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let's unite and send him back to prison where he belongs!!! and his wife, Lauren, too! Lock him up and throw away the key!

Ralph Sanders Victims

United States

Ralph and Lauren Sanders Need To Be Stopped!

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, September 12, 2021

  Are you or someone you know a victim of the dangerous criminal serial scammer, Ralph Sanders?  Contact us now: It is time this psychopath is sent back to prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together ,and NOT allow this malicious CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT THIEF Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Christian, Malik, or whatever name he is going by these days, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!!

Don’t believe a word he says. He only knows how to lie. Don’t let him convince you of anything especially giving him keys to your home or car, buying a car and don’t give him any money to borrow!!! YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN! He will say he will pay because he’s not a criminal, but HE IS just that, a CRIMINAL who learned nothing after serving 15 years in CA hardest and most violent of crimes’ prisons. He plays his wicked games until he gets what he wants and then he will turn on you and just like he says, “You have awakened the Beast!” or "Watch the devil do his work."

He will take everything from you and then using fake names, slander you on websites like this one. But that doesn’t have to happen, because his past victims are here for you. Do you need help and feel alone? You’re not alone, because there are many victims here waiting to guide you in the right direction. You are not alone! Please Contact us @  Website: Under Construction.  His victims have united and are determined to STOP this career criminal and put him back behind bars where he belongs.

Along with his Pasteur Middle School teacher wife, Lauren Sanders. Lock um’ up and toss the key so no one else can be added to the victim’s list and has to endure the malicious and conniving acts of this monster and his monstress.  Contact us now at:'t be afraid anymore! Help us put an end to this monster!

United States

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2021

Are you a victim of the dangerous ex-con and serial scammer, Ralph Sanders? 

Contact us:

It's time this psychopath is put in prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together and NOT allow this CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Malik, or whatever name he is going by, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!! Contact us @  Website: Coming soon- Under Construction.  Let's unite and take him DOWN!!! Lock him up and throw away the key!



Seeking Subpoena for Identity of Authors

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 05, 2015

  Case Name:* Ralph & Lauren Sanders *Case Number:* 2013-25491 I will be seeking a subpoena for the authors/IP addresses for this RipOff Report. The case noted above will be heard on June 2, 2015 in Sacramento California at 9:30 am, 501 I Street, 6th floor, Courtroom 35, Dept C.

A Victim refusing to be intimidated

Boca Raton,

Ralph Sanders your Cover is Blown, no one is buying your lies any more

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 02, 2014

Ralphs Sanders you are more the than welcome to continue with your exhortation racket, No one is afraid of your intimidation, bullying and vague threats to silence your victims in fact you own Text message to a 24 year old woman victims clearly shows how you threatened to make her child molester on Rip-off report. More importantly the last time I check, it was Ralph Sanders who is trying to avoid a gantlet of victims you scam, and all are coming forward now to tell their stories to law enforcement.

There is an entity, besides God, who knows the Bible inside and out, has memorized every word of it and can quote a verse for every circumstance that might come his way. 

Who is that brilliant person?

It's Satan. Satan knows the scriptures inside and out, but no matter how much he quotes the words, his existence never improves or changes. He never modifies his behavior because of what has been written. And he certainly is incapable of doing anything to improve the world. 

Ralph, go right ahead and quote scripture all day long. 

Use it as a "weapon" against others. Impress the gullible people who equate knowledge of the Bible with godliness. 

But where we, your victims, are concerned - stow it. Stop quoting words you can't and won't live. Stop making a mockery of people who actually live God's word. 

You, Ralph, in print have cursed, ranted and raved. You have whined, demanded and lied. You have slandered others. You have manipulated and bent God's words. The ONLY thing you've never done is actually LIVE the words.  You've never loved your neighbor as yourself. Or repaid debts you owe. Or spoken the truth. And those are the BASICS!!  Let's forget, for the moment "laying aside filth" - because that's too much for you. Laying aside filth means being faithful to your wife. It means no more playboy mansions and seducing gullible women. No more gambling. No more excessive spending. No more driving luxury cars you finance off other people’s money, Like the 24 year old woman you drove to South Lake Tahoe con her out of over $10,000.00 and then you as a 47 year old twice convicted felon forced yourself on this innocent child.  Please note all the threatened e-mails and texts you sent her to further intimidate this young victim will be posted in short order.


Stop chastising other people until you clean up your own huge, hot mess!!  You have lied, stolen, slandered, threatened and cursed - all the while quoting scripture. 

Please STOP!!!

Take the massive log out of your own eye before you comment on the splinter in your neighbor’s eye. Yep. That's a direct Bible quote. 

Write it ON your mirror so that when you are admiring your natural face (per your earlier quote), you might absorb a little wisdom at the same time. Or just keep us all laughing. It's up to you. 


El Dorado Hills,


#12Author of original report

Tue, November 25, 2014

George Semeil you are doing a really good job at Satans work, the god of this world who has blinded the minds of those who come to Christ John 4:4.  It is so amazing after two years and three months you have attacked the Sanders family with a vindictive vengence of evilness.  My God, My God! when will you stop? now you are dragging anyone who is struggling in their own faith and lives to twist and use their remarks about Ralph Sanders.  I have to give it to you, you are a good narrator and possibly will be famous after BREAK LOOSE is published.  Wow, I just thought of it, sooner or later Ralph Sanders won't have to borrow any money because he will be interviewed by so many news stations on how you have attacked him for so long.  You have abused, misused this site to your own knowledge; to manilpulate your point. We know who you are and still are praying for you.  Keep up the good work because every man has to answer to his own thoughts when he lays down at night to sleep.  It is very strange how you have this obsession over Ralph Sanders. May God continue to use you to test his faith, but may God stop the enemy from using you to harm yourself.

Gossip is common—people like to get a tidbit of “insider knowledge” about others. But is gossiping wrong? What does the Bible say about taming the tongue?

What does the Bible say about gossip and taming the tongue?

Not only is gossip commonplace today, there are people who advocate that it is positive! Robin Westen reported in Psychology Today about social scientists who have researched gossip: “In the vast majority of cases, they contend, it’s beneficial. Gossip serves important social and psychological functions; it’s a unifying force that communicates a group’s moral code. It’s the social glue that holds us all together” (“The Real Slant on Gossip,” July 1, 1996).

Is that really the case? Is gossip a beneficial and unifying force in the vast majority of cases? Will those who regularly engage in communication that destructively harms others use this “slant” to justify their continued maiming of others?

Gossip addicts

Some people traffic information so much that their identity literally becomes that of a gossip. They are addicted to hearing things about others and passing them along. When you see such a person approaching or hear his or her voice, you know that gossip is on its way!

Addicted gossipers frequently imply by their tone and choice of words that the subject of their gossip is inferior, flawed or simply unworthy of respect. People caught in this trap of gossip consciously or subconsciously parade themselves as the standard of all true knowledge and judgment. They seem driven to search out and speak of the shortcomings and failures of others.

Defining gossip

You might expect that defining gossip would be unnecessary, but in light of articles such as the one cited above, perhaps defining gossip is very necessary today! According to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, gossip means: “A person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others” and “rumor or report of an intimate nature.”

The etymology of the word gossip is rather revealing. Here is an example: “Old English godsibb—‘sponsor, godparent,’ from God + sibb ‘relative’ (see sibling). Extended in Middle English to ‘any familiar acquaintance’ (mid-14c.), especially to woman friends invited to attend a birth, later to ‘anyone engaging in familiar or idle talk’ (1560s). Sense extended 1811 to ‘trifling talk, groundless rumor’” (Online Etymology Dictionary).

So, our modern English word gossip has evolved from words that describe people in a position to know private facts about others and has come to mean not only knowing those private facts, but also spreading them around.

The 17th-century French philosopher Blaise Pascal disagreed with modern social scientists’ view of gossip. He wrote: “I maintain that, if everyone knew what others said about him, there would not be four friends in the world.”

What does God say about gossip and about taming the tongue?

God addresses gossip

“You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people,” God instructed the congregation of the children of Israel in Leviticus 19:16. Clearly God was not referring to some benign social interaction. “Talebearer” is translated from the Hebrew râkìyl, which “refers to spreading rumors or falsities about someone. It is always used in a negative manner” (Spiros Zodhiates, Complete Word Study Dictionaries, 2003). The Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary defines this word as “a scandal-monger (as travelling about):—slander, carry tales, talebearer” (2011).

Gossipers love to secretly reveal embarrassing and shameful details of associates and even friends. Furthermore, their desire to share is so great that it is “like a burning fire” on their lips—they feel they must spread the word! God speaks plainly about a gossiper: “An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire” (Proverbs 16:27, emphasis added throughout).

Gossip does serious damage to people

There is no need for a costly survey to find out if gossip is damaging. All people whose reputation or relationships have been damaged through gossip would have no trouble identifying it for the evil that it is. God’s Word speaks plainly about gossip. It hurts others: “The words of a talebearer [a gossiper] are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly” (Proverbs 18:8, King James Version).

James, the half-brother of Christ, explains why gossip occurs: “But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:8). Sadly, it seems that everyone eventually finds himself or herself the recipient of gossip and tempted to gossip about others. The tendency to gossip is part of human nature, and taming the tongue requires God’s help.

The New International Version renders Leviticus 19:16: “Do not go about spreading slander among your people.” In the New Testament, we read: “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” (James 1:26, NIV). These are strong words! But according to this verse, the religion of those who slander is worthless!

Those who gossip will answer for it

Isn’t it uncomfortable to think that you or I would be made to answer for every time we gossiped? Gossip is so serious that—unless we are repenting and seeking God’s help in taming the tongue—we will indeed answer for it. “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).

The words we listen to, as well as those that come out of our mouths, indicate our inner character. Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). How we communicate is clearly something our Creator takes very seriously. It is also clear that gossip greatly angers our Heavenly Father, just as a human father becomes angry with his children for hurting each other!

Enough to make God angry

Is gossip a sin? We have not read all of the scriptures on the subject, but what we have seen leaves no doubt that the answer is yes. And all sin carries the death penalty (Romans 6:23). While some are tempted to rank gossip as just a tiny, inconsequential sin, we have to remember that all sin is spiritually fatal unless repented of!

It is sobering to find gossip listed among other deeds or attitudes that provoke God to wrath. He inspired Paul to write: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. …

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers” (Romans 1:18-19, 28-29).

The NIV renders the last three words: “They are gossips.” It is shocking, but also revealing, to find gossip in this list.

The Greek word that is translated “whisperer” is psithurités, meaning also “a secret slanderer” (Spiros Zodhiates, Complete Word Study Dictionaries). Strong’s Greek Dictionary uses an old word, “calumniator”—a person who knowingly makes false or malicious statements about someone—a false accuser.

How many people do you suppose would actually think of gossip alongside unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, evil-mindedness and murder? Obviously God does! Having it listed among these other obvious evils surely answers the question of whether gossip is a sin. And it shows us the importance of taming the tongue.

Character of those who will be in the Kingdom of God

Psalm 15 discusses the character required to dwell with God. This psalm has been called an “entrance liturgy” (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary), with a would-be worshipper asking the conditions for entering a relationship with God: “LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” (Psalm 15:1).

Believers today can understand the two questions of Psalm 15:1 as follows: Who is truly in God’s Church and who may dwell forever in His Kingdom?

David answers these questions by telling us to add three righteous characteristics to our lives (verse 2) and to remove three evil characteristics from our lives (verse 3). These characteristics that we are to remove include or can relate to gossip: “He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up a reproach against his friend” (Psalm 15:3).

The Hebrew for “backbite” means to be “a talebearer” or “slanderer,” who does evil to a neighbor and reproaches (“shames” or “scorns”) friends (Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary and Spiros Zodhiates’ Complete Word Study Dictionaries).

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible adds: “The word ‘backbite’ means to censure; slander; reproach; speak evil of. The Hebrew word ‘râgal—a verb formed from the word ‘foot,’ means properly ‘to foot it’ and then ‘go about.’ Then it means to go about as a talebearer or slanderer; to circulate reports unfavorable to others” (comments on Psalm 15:3).

So, is gossip a sin?

David’s psalm answers this question once again: Yes, gossip is a sin. And James summarizes: “The [unbridled] tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell” (James 3:6).

As a contrast, the apostle Paul tells us how to use our words for the benefit of others. He encourages us: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. … Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:29, 31-32).

Are you surprised that God says so much about taming the tongue?

Here are the facts

New york,
New York,

pursuant to the terms of our publishing contract with Mr. Sanders, Outskirts Press will be terminating the publication agreement and permanently ceasing all distribution of Mr. Sander’s book, Halftime

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 07, 2014

The individual responsible for the defamation by the use of damaging lies against a reputable and hardworking photographer in the spoken form of slander, and in the written form of libel is Ralph Innachia Sanders. A two times convicted felon, (((REDACTED))) and master con artist hiding out in rental house located at (((REDACTED))). Ralph Sanders not only has a long history of financial crimes, to include duping two California mayors into believing he is a retired Pro NBA player but also preys upon vulnerable and gullible women in order to perpetrate further financial fraud using their money and credit.
Amongst other things, Sanders apparently pretends to be a professional basketball Player for the Sacramento Kings and that he played for a number of European and Latin American teams, Including in Italy, Brazil, Argentina and Spain, and dishonestly claiming non-existent associations with Nationally known sporting and educational organizations, including the NCAA, who were provided with a false “clean” background check for Sanders by an agency he duped into representing him. (Read more about the con man @

Further, Sanders is believed to deceive restaurants, local businesses, churches and fitness clubs into donating money, food and coupons under false pretenses, while masquerading as a principal fund raiser and public relations director for a non-profit organization. This low life ignorant street thug is illiterate and unable to write Basic English comprehension while cloaked as an author using his shameless wife Lauren Sanders a school teacher for Unified School District in Sacramento County California to write and post his libelous diatribes.

Ralph is living with the results of the discovery of his copyright infringement by the above mentioned photographer, who owns the pictures.  He not only used a copyrighted photo on the front page, he also used a copyrighted photo on the back fly-leaf and yet another copyrighted photo on the Introduction page.
Apparently this photographer, who he insists on maligning, was producing such excellent work that Ralph used her pictures, not once, not twice ~ but three times.  And that's just the book.  He used and continues to use the photos on his website, his Facebook page and any other place he needs marketing. 
When the copyright infringement came to light on Ralph's underwhelming book "The Half Time Hustler", Ralph, not surprisingly, produced a bogus invoice to claim to his publisher that he had paid for the pictures.  Instead of proving payment, it only proved the photographer's complete ownership of the photos.  He then claimed to his publisher that he paid the photographer "in cash".  This claim was made by a man who the photographer had a restraining order against, and who lived 800 miles to the south. 
Outskirts Press, in a fleeting moment of lucidity, did not buy Ralph's story of a "cash" payment, and ceased all distribution of his book notifying the photographer via e-mail as follows “Given these circumstances, pursuant to the terms of our publishing contract with Mr. Sanders, Outskirts Press will be terminating the publication agreement and permanently ceasing all distribution of Mr. Sander’s book, Halftime Hustler.” 

In a childish fit of rage, and his textbook tradecraft of intimidation his victims, similar to slashing his neighbors car tires, while ringing older people’s doorbell late at night and threatened to burn down the homes, Ralph phoned the photographer using a blocked identity number which was unmasked using TRAPCALL software, and on speakerphone, in the presence of a witness screamed "I will make your life a living hell by posting things on RipOff about you every day for the next five years."  True to his word, Ralph began to post strange, fictional stories about this photographer.  One involved abuse to a dog she does not own, in a city she does not live in, and one involved defrauding wedding clients, which is impossible as she works for a large national firm who handles all payments and delivers the photographs through their channels.  He then added his trademark "she sucks in the sack" comment ~ which apparently animal rights activists and wedding clients would somehow know.  Wait, what???? Just keep

This is comedy at its best.
Apparently his creative streak died after two ridiculously laughable stories, and he stopped posting.
But the heat just got turned up another notch.  This photographer, apparently in between abusing animals and defrauding clients, managed to shut down the distribution of his book AND expose a web of lies and deceit on the part of Ralph Sanders, Outskirts Publishing and a new player in the game, Karin Knapp of Folsom, California.
Outskirts Publishing, in a regrettable move on their part, attempted to settle the copyright infringement with the photographer for a sum of money equivalent to a fancy dinner at McDonalds.  In an email, they stated that they had only sold ELEVEN books, and therefore could only pay approximately $3.30 per book sold, as royalties to the photographer.
They stated "we feel victimized by Ralph Sanders too."
Unfortunately for Outskirts, the photographer was provided, by another source, proof that 1,025 books had been printed and delivered to either Ralph Sanders, or in the case of his most recent order of 150 books delivered to Karin Knapp in July 2014.Another scam by Ralph Sanders and his slackers to launder money, evade Federal Bankruptcy Trustee and more importantly paying IRS its fair share in tax revenues.
So now the real comedy match begins.
In one corner is Outskirts Publishing, who apparently is unable to count past eleven.  They also have a problem telling the truth.
In another corner is Ralph Sanders, illicitly obtaining copies of a book that is owned by the US Bankruptcy Court.  We know that he doesn't intend to read all 125 of these books himself, so what could he possibly want with so many copies?
And in a third corner is Karin Knapp, who is colluding with Ralph and Outskirts as the shipping name and address for the latest publications.  Surely she is vaguely aware of the part she is playing.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on here.  Outskirts is feeding Ralph Sanders multiple copies of a book he does not own, now using Karen Knapp as the receiver, and Ralph is still running the streets hustling.  Hustling his own "Hustler" book.  The book where he found Christ and a set of morals at the same time. I applaud the all good people at Serrano El Dorado Hills California for their united efforts to get this VERMINE AND HIS FREE LOADING WIFE Lauren out of their community and into orange jump suits.
You just can't make this kind of comedy up.


Cactus Revenge


pursuant to the terms of our publishing contract with Mr. Sanders, Outskirts Press will be terminating the publication agreement and permanently ceasing all distribution of Mr. Sander’s book, Halftime

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 06, 2014

Editor’s Note:  We thank our users for considering Ripoff Report as a source for information and providing warnings to the general public.  That being said, sometimes, after a review of the text, our team will determined that the content filed by an author appears to be serious in nature and therefore questionable and, as such, the Report is placed on hold for further investigations prior to publishing OR is otherwise flagged after publication and is placed into a Review Bin.  If and when Reports are flagged for these types of issues, especially when there are specific serious criminal allegations, we may, as we did here, try to follow up with the Author of the Report to obtain more information.  Our Terms of Service require that information posted be truthful and not defamatory and we are in no position to determine what information is true or false (we are not a trier of fact); the author affirms the truth of a posting prior to posting.  We understand that allegations made by an author may very well be true, and we respect an author’s right to Free Speech, but in order for the information to be published once it has been flagged, or for the information to be later (((REDACTED))) once flagged after prior publication, Ripoff Report may ask the author to provide some form of explanation or documentation to support certain allegations in their positing (WE DO NOT FACT CHECK EVERYTHING IN A REPORT – ONLY CERTAIN FLAGGED MATERIAL – ADDITIONAL CONTENT NOT REDACTED MAY BE TRUE OR MAY BE FALSE).  Depending on the circumstances, if the author fails to respond or timely provide adequate notification, at the sole discretion of Ripoff Report, the Report may be considered “incomplete” and may not be approved or may be (((REDACTED))) to remove the serious allegations from the Report.  In other instances an Author may have responded, standing behind their Report, but the documentation provided may not support all of the specifically questioned allegations.  Redactions below may be due to the author’s failure to adhere to our Terms of Service and/or because the author failed to timely respond with an appropriate response to our inquiry and/or because only certain questioned information was supported by documentation. 

 CONSUMERS:  It is always encouraged that you do additional research, from credible sources, before making any decisions on whether or not you want to do business with a named individual or entity.



The individual responsible for the defamation by the use of damaging lies against a reputable and hardworking photographer in the spoken form of slander, and in the written form of libel is Ralph Innachia Sanders. A two times convicted felon, (((REDACTED))) and master con artist hiding out in rental house located at (((REDACTED)) El Dorado Hills California. Ralph Sanders not only has a long history of financial crimes, to include duping two California mayors into believing he is a retired Pro NBA player but also preys upon vulnerable and gullible women in order to perpetrate further financial fraud using their money and credit.
Amongst other things, Sanders apparently pretends to be a professional basketball Player for the Sacramento Kings and that he played for a number of European and Latin American teams, Including in Italy, Brazil, Argentina and Spain, and dishonestly claiming non-existent associations with Nationally known sporting and educational organizations, including the NCAA, who were provided with a false “clean” background check for Sanders by an agency he duped into representing him. (Read more about the con man @

Further, Sanders is believed to deceive restaurants, local businesses, churches and fitness clubs into donating money, food and coupons under false pretenses, while masquerading as a principal fund raiser and public relations director for a non-profit organization. This low life ignorant street thug is illiterate and unable to write Basic English comprehension while cloaked as an author using his shameless wife Lauren Sanders a school teacher for Unified School District in Sacramento County California to write and post his libelous diatribes.

Ralph is living with the results of the discovery of his copyright infringement by the above mentioned photographer, who owns the pictures.  He not only used a copyrighted photo on the front page, he also used a copyrighted photo on the back fly-leaf and yet another copyrighted photo on the Introduction page.
Apparently this photographer, who he insists on maligning, was producing such excellent work that Ralph used her pictures, not once, not twice ~ but three times.  And that's just the book.  He used and continues to use the photos on his website, his Facebook page and any other place he needs marketing. 
When the copyright infringement came to light on Ralph's underwhelming book "The Half Time Hustler", Ralph, not surprisingly, produced a bogus invoice to claim to his publisher that he had paid for the pictures.  Instead of proving payment, it only proved the photographer's complete ownership of the photos.  He then claimed to his publisher that he paid the photographer "in cash".  This claim was made by a man who the photographer had a restraining order against, and who lived 800 miles to the south. 
Outskirts Press, in a fleeting moment of lucidity, did not buy Ralph's story of a "cash" payment, and ceased all distribution of his book notifying the photographer via e-mail as follows “Given these circumstances, pursuant to the terms of our publishing contract with Mr. Sanders, Outskirts Press will be terminating the publication agreement and permanently ceasing all distribution of Mr. Sander’s book, Halftime Hustler.” 

In a childish fit of rage, and his textbook tradecraft of intimidation his victims, similar to slashing his neighbors car tires, while ringing older people’s doorbell late at night and threatened to burn down the homes, Ralph phoned the photographer using a blocked identity number which was unmasked using TRAPCALL software, and on speakerphone, in the presence of a witness screamed "I will make your life a living hell by posting things on RipOff about you every day for the next five years."  True to his word, Ralph began to post strange, fictional stories about this photographer.  One involved abuse to a dog she does not own, in a city she does not live in, and one involved defrauding wedding clients, which is impossible as she works for a large national firm who handles all payments and delivers the photographs through their channels.  He then added his trademark "she sucks in the sack" comment ~ which apparently animal rights activists and wedding clients would somehow know.  Wait, what???? Just keep

This is comedy at its best.
Apparently his creative streak died after two ridiculously laughable stories, and he stopped posting.
But the heat just got turned up another notch.  This photographer, apparently in between abusing animals and defrauding clients, managed to shut down the distribution of his book AND expose a web of lies and deceit on the part of Ralph Sanders, Outskirts Publishing and a new player in the game, Karin Knapp of Folsom, California.
Outskirts Publishing, in a regrettable move on their part, attempted to settle the copyright infringement with the photographer for a sum of money equivalent to a fancy dinner at McDonalds.  In an email, they stated that they had only sold ELEVEN books, and therefore could only pay approximately $3.30 per book sold, as royalties to the photographer.
They stated "we feel victimized by Ralph Sanders too."
Unfortunately for Outskirts, the photographer was provided, by another source, proof that 1,025 books had been printed and delivered to either Ralph Sanders, or in the case of his most recent order of 150 books delivered to Karin Knapp in July 2014.Another scam by Ralph Sanders and his slackers to launder money, evade Federal Bankruptcy Trustee and more importantly paying IRS its fair share in tax revenues.
So now the real comedy match begins.
In one corner is Outskirts Publishing, who apparently is unable to count past eleven.  They also have a problem telling the truth.
In another corner is Ralph Sanders, illicitly obtaining copies of a book that is owned by the US Bankruptcy Court.  We know that he doesn't intend to read all 125 of these books himself, so what could he possibly want with so many copies?
And in a third corner is Karin Knapp, who is colluding with Ralph and Outskirts as the shipping name and address for the latest publications.  Surely she is vaguely aware of the part she is playing.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on here.  Outskirts is feeding Ralph Sanders multiple copies of a book he does not own, now using Karen Knapp as the receiver, and Ralph is still running the streets hustling.  Hustling his own "Hustler" book.  The book where he found Christ and a set of morals at the same time. I applaud the all good people at Serrano El Dorado Hills California for their united efforts to get this VERMINE AND HIS FREE LOADING WIFE Lauren out of their community and into orange jump suits.
You just can't make this kind of comedy up.




Respect a job well done

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, October 28, 2014

I am Judith Richey, owner of Judith Richey photography. I have never declared bankruptcy, there is no "Tammy Ackerson" and I photograph weddings under contract with a well known national wedding photography company. I don't negotiate pricing, nor am I paid by the bride and groom. I am paid hourly by the company I work for, the wedding party is unaware of my full name or any contact information.  I send all wedding photos to an editing house and the editing house distributes them to the bride and groom. 

It seems to be the current mind set to send wedding photos away for off-site editing, so I've branched into photographing models and creating 360 interactive panoramas. I have 100+ spheres on the website - if you google my name, you can see more of my work. I'm a google authorized photographer available for hire! 

Whomever posted this (ficticious) story is quite confused, but I do appreciate the opportunity to market my freelance photography skills. I have a Facebook page and a website - just google my name and you'll see the quality of my work and the reviews from my (real life) customers. If there's any doubt, pick any shoot I've done, contact my client via Facebook messaging and talk to them about their experience with me. 

I have a feeling that this post came from a certain someone who loved my work so much that he put it on the cover of his book, but refused to pay me for my expertise. We are now dealing with copyright infringement issues, and he is upset. 

I'm a skilled photographer and I love what I do, but I have utility bills and car insurance and a house payment...just like everyone else. I don't work for free, unless it's immediate family. I have invested over $10,000 in my gear and spent years perfecting my skills, and for me there is a principle at stake here. The bottom line is - respect whomever you have hired to do a job, and they have done it well. And then pay them for their work. Whether they are your gardener or your lawyer...or your photographer. 

Enough said :)



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