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  • Report:  #1473260

Complaint Review: Julia Polanski

Julia Polanski Terri Sohn Julia Polanski scammed me Los angeles California

  • Reported By:
    Fraud victim of Julia Polanski — dallas TX United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 11, 2019
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 11, 2019

I worked for them. The created me a business under my name. They offered me a job that seemed legit when all I wanted was to provide for my family. I received shipping packages to my home with someone else’s name, i’d go to a website and take a picture. Make sure the item was in good condition and print a package slip.

This happened in a website I no longer have access to. A month after, they offered me to be a manager of a warehouse. The investment was meant to purchase affordable goods in Asia and sell them here on eBay or amazon (revealing they were purchased there of course). As soon as I got the money "for the investment” in the business account and received instructions to purchase the goods from a trusted "business partner”, I never heard from her again.

I found out when the bank put on hold and under investigation the account and she stopped answering the phone. Also, another report against her said she lived in Missouri. She told me she lived in Los Angeles

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Collections Guy

#2General Comment

Mon, February 11, 2019

I am very familiar with your industry, and know what you are up against when collecting and the best possible strategies to collect your money. My Company specializes in getting money collected from companies that don't pay within 5 days, please call me for my "No Collection, No charge" rate at 972-663-8593

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