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  • Report:  #1416618

Complaint Review: Julian Huerta

Julian Huerta SIU CONSULTANT GROUP Julian Huerta. Bait And Switch Hiring Practices, Mass Anxiety Attacks, Fear of Going To Work, Depression Etc Etc Brea California

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Brea California United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 13, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 31, 2017

Lets talk about the man who has caused me to have such anxiety that I have dropped a lot of weight, live on a diet of 10 excedrin a day, stomach cramps and shaking and haven’t had a good nights sleep in over a year and 8 months and genuinely gives me the worst possible depression and fear for my financial safety every single morning as I drive to work. As I walk up to the office I have a cold sweat and my heart is pounding through my chest wondering what “game” hes going to play today to get me to finally quit and what round of childish name calling is going to emerge as he tries desperately to make me break down (hes already demanded that I quit several times well get to that later) because he doesn’t have the power to outright fire me YET. so having to come to work every day trying to stay 2 steps ahead of his bs is causing so much stress that its making me extremely unhealthy and even ruining my home life.

Julian Huerta. An over glorified used car salesmen with a superiority complex with a closeted dose of little man syndrome. This guy thinks hes Steve Jobs and prances around every day acting as if he founded apple. He forcefully gives off the impression that he is the CEO and OWNER of SIU Consultant group (which he is not the company is owned by Sandy Lopez, wife of Mike Lopez [oversees HR]). However because he thinks hes the boss and Steve Jobs he makes it his personal mission to treat everybody like they are absolute trash.

Julian Huerta is a Master Manipulator and credited with owning the worlds largest encyclopedia of nonsense. Lets talk about how its like to get hired at SIU Consultant Group. If your hired in a department that Julian Huerta is not a part of, Julian will cry and moan until he gets to be a part of the interview. Once he is, he takes over and starts telling you about how big of a deal he is.(well get to that later) then he makes you crazy promises and offers to make you want to take the job that you already made the effort to come in to interview for.

He promised me 13 per hour to start on the grounds that I will then be paid 16 per hour after a probationary period. He did so after I declined to interview because I had another employer offer me 15.50 per hour.  Julian not only told me that I would be getting 16 dollars an hour after 3 months probation but also stated that after probationary I would have access to medical benefits provided by the company. 3 months later I ask and he dodges my questions for weeks. Of course at this point I thought he was the one to ask because in every conversation he stated that he was the boss and wanted me to call him the boss as to ensure that he can enjoy his raging orgasm every time he hears his name.

After a month of asking about my raise I group message everyone and he straight up tells me No he never said hed pay me 16 and I make 13 because im starting at the company and the range is 13 to 16 per hour. The Position is for a Video Editor. A position which I am OVER QUALIFIED for. The Ad Stated that compensation was based on experience, after having a in person meeting he clarified that its my fault for expecting 16 dollars an hour because im a “stupid millennial” and I should be lucky to have a job and “stop being so F*cking Money Hungry”. You know, an Employee with a disability and a family to support he calls me “Money Hungry” I wanted to punch him right in the mouth right there. He then proceeds to tell me that I pissed him off because I tried making him look stupid by second guessing his position at the company because he IS THE BOSS. At this point I asked about the medical benefits and his response was “I never said that, are you stupid? I would never offer medical benefits”.  A Day later he would have a meeting with me telling me if it’s a good idea to make the company more competitive by offering private investigators a “Stipend” to use under the table to buy health insurance. Almost in a way to rub it in my face that I am in serious need of medical assistance and im not getting benefits.

This kind of treatment and behavior would go on for some time until finally I got tired of it and started calling him out on his bs, its because of this why he has not stopped tormenting me every day in an attempt to make me quit my job since he cant fire me. Oh yeah, mind you he cant because hes NOT THE BOSS.

To the point where Mike and Dennis (oversees surveillance) had a talk with him. This wouldn’t last long because he found a way to torment me that wouldn’t leave a paper trail. Whenever id email anything he would call and just start running his mouth calling me a money hungry selfish idiot so on and so fourth. 

At one point he attempted to start another company without asking Mike and Dennis for approval and attempting to use Dennis’s License and had me making logos for him and telling me “Listen carefully because I know your SLOW but don’t tell Dennis about my Subrogation Company or your done”. I have a family to support and medical bills to pay…so of course I obeyed.

Knowing I had a graphics background he offered to give me 16 an hour to become a web designer, content manager/creator, social media marketer and graphic designer. Bare in mind he wouldn’t even pay me 16 to edit as a video editor, now hes trying to offer me 16 for a position that pays 30 everywhere else. Whatever right I have a family that needs me so I tried to deal with it. Through out the process he just kept talking down to me about how im making the logos wrong (I wasn’t and they were approved by mike and dennis) and about how he knows more about graphic design than I do and that hes smarter than me and has a degree from Sacramento state university (yet he spells Sacramento SACAREMENTO ) [ another rip off report proves he dropped out of school there and never earned a degree] WHICH GUESS WHAT



Yet every day while I tested this position he kept reminded me about how hes Smarter than me, and better than me and how im stupid and im poor because I make stupid decisions and that its not his fault im money hungry All over the phone so I have no way to prove it to the bosses and if I were to record a conversation he would ruin my life with lawsuits. Finally after feeling like a failure for not being able to earn more at this company, with tears in my eyes I declined the offer to do 4 jobs for the price of 1.

Yet as the video editor I got roped into doing preliminary investigations for him,  a job that would be a part time job for another person he would torment afterwards. Yet I was doing both jobs for the price of one(technically not even since I wasn’t getting paid what he promised) Since he tormented that girl to the point that she couldn’t deal with the anxiety and stress she decided to leave the company as well. Julian Huerta did to her exactly what he did to me and Now I do both jobs again. This time around I get paid alittle bit more (still not the 16 that Julian promised me in april 2017 but a little closer)

My life as described at the beginning is to go to work and attempt to deal with whatever set up Julian tries to throw at me to fail. He sets tasks for me to do without communicating with me or telling me what he wants than yells at my supervisors to reprimand me for not doing the thing he (didn’t) ask me to do. Usually he just calls the office and tells me how I “ruining the relationship with the client with my selfish mistakes”. Ya see why I have so much anxiety and depression?

Okay this is getting to long now and I know Julian didn’t read this far because he never reads more than 2 lines of text (Maybe if he finished that college career of his he might have learned how to read and maybe pay his child support)


Lets talk about how hes hurt others.

Everyone who leaves SIU leaves for ONE REASON. Julian Huerta. Not one person has quit in the history of this company without it being tied to dealing with Julian Huerta.

The person who had my desk before quit because Julian made it his personal mission to harass her everyday (keep in mind he shouldn’t even be able to do so since hes not our boss)

Julian promised Diane (the employee who was hired part time to do preliminary investigations) that she would get hired for 13 an hour at a part time rate. She informed him that she was planning on going to school when he then promised her that if she took the job SIU would pay for her tuition. (this of course never happened).

Before she was hired Julian got really creepy and tried to lure a friend of mine into his hotel room for an interview. Before hiring Diane I was asked if I knew anyone who would like the position and I recommended someone. Julian of course demanded to be in charge of hiring and set my poor friend up to fail. 

He emailed my friend and gave my friend 24 hours notice on meeting up with Julian in his hotel room in Newport Beach at 7 am in the morning on a Friday. My friend works nights so that’s just not doable, why not interview in the  brea office like everyone else?  We live in whittier a healthy hour and a half away from Newport beach. Why would Julian Huerta want to do an Interview with my friend in a hotel room in Newport for a position in Brea? Fearing my friend being sexually assaulted I told my friend to drop the interview as it was short notice and too far. Julian lashed out at me that day saying im not to be involved in the process anymore. I guess he was mad because he really wanted to get off and I prevented him from doing so.


Honestly I can go on, 1780 words so far im really paraphrasing here and its just the tip of the iceberg and im tired now so ill wrap it up. 

Julian Huerta is a Liar and a Scam Artist. He claims the company is like a family he loves and cherishes. Yet, he doesn’t even love and cherish his own family as hes separated from his wife and his kids hate him and hes a DEADBEAT who wont pay child support.

He claims to be the smartest man in the room but he dropped out of college (or was flunked for not knowing how to spell Sacramento)

He claims to have over 10 years of investigations experience yet when he worked at APEX he was only an investigator for 7 months, a bad one at that since they pulled him from that position and threw him in  sales.

He actually does do surveillance for clients here and there but he doesn’t actually have a PI License. Isnt that great?  You want to put your trust in him your probably better off  doing a trust fall with your shadow on the edge of a cliff (at some point your shadow catches you there)

He is the master of Bait and Switch. He has ruined my trust of employers for the future and I now suffer from anxiety and depression due to the damage hes done to my psyche over the past year and 8 months.  If only I had meds for that, But according to him im too dumb and money hungry  and selfish for wanting insurance. So its my fault.

If you plan on Investing in Julian Huerta, Don’t. If this guy is ever in charge of a company, trust me that company will be sued by every employee he hires.

Im not really trying to hide here anyone who knows the history of me and Julian will easily know who wrote this, Doing so I know that I am a dead man walking. Every bone in my body is screaming not to write this but honestly im tired of Julian Huerta getting to skate through life on the tears of all the people whos lives he has ruined. So after I submit this I wonder what wonderful assault will come my way. Ive dealt with anxiety for a year and 8 months worrying about my job security with this company, with someone as unhinged as him I might have to worry about my personal safety.


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