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  • Report:  #176441

Complaint Review: JULIE LUBAS


  • Reported By:
    Warrenville Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 16, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 21, 2007
    209 Julie St
    Belvidere, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

First off let me tell you about this woman. Julie as we all call her has been my bestfriend for several years until just recently when she hooked up with my brother her last victim far as I'm concerned. Her trouble started when she was 17 years old when she got pregnate with her first child Nicholas. The father was decent guy far as I'm concerned. He was not around for the first 5 years of his life but he supported him financially without crying about it. The father stayed away because he figured julie went on with her life and was going to get married to her fiencee Eric. (Who was never her fieence' at all). While she was pregnate with her first child she hooked up with a guy named Eric who she stayed with for about 5 years. Jerry, the father of the child she was carrying replaced him during her pregnancy while she was still hooked up with him (why?). Jerry went to college to make better money and she couldn't stand it because he would not move in with her since she lived all the way out in the sticks and his parents lived closer to his schooling. She had 2 more children by Eric. Jerry, the father of the first child stayed away because julie was horrible towards him. Additude and all just money hungry. Then Eric, she got a restraining order against him for no real reason. THe court papers she file said he tried to run her over with the kids in the car. WHAT A LIE! then have the "my children used as tools against me". She filed this as custody was going to be determined. During that time she ran back to jerry saying all kinds of things how abused she was. Jerry was concerned for his son and hooked back up with her. Jerry ruined his police officer carrer because she was Bitching about him not spending time. When he was in transition to his job and worrying etc. She eventually got more money out of him. THen she was awarded sole custody of the two girls yet joint custody with his with Jerry. Why? Because she couldn't lie about jerry and get away with it. Eric couldn't afford a lawyer when she went to prarie state legal services and took him to the cleaners. She used to let jerry see his kid then held it over his head. If she didn't get what she wanted she would withold visitation. Jerry taken legal action against and was granted joint custody. Now she continued to let jerrys son see eric after 5 years. I know its hard but her son nick has no respect for his real father and his real father has always wanted to bond. Julie had to complete an anger managment & counciling program based on a 911 tape that was admitted into evidence. THen she moved on to a guy named frank atherton...she is once again trying to cover her tracks by saying she never was dating him. Because now she lied her a*s off once again. The man is ready to go to jail for Child Molestation. She corsed her son to lie to protect her. No child at 9 years old should have to go through this. She knows she will get her children taken away. Now she is lying that a man is living with her again...who else this time my brother. She knows its illegal and her and I got into a fist fight. She is telling everyone she knows she beat my butt. But that is not true. I want to make men aware she uses men for money until the fun stops with the flow of money. Her mom has been married like 5 times and done the same thing with men now she has been practicing this for several years. Now what's more sad is Jerry has not seen his son for over a year now because of her. Since Jerry would not claim him on his taxes because she wanted the tax credit. He gave her that right so she should claim. Just becasue she doesn't work doesn't mean he has to claim his son. She wanted the right she should take it. She wanted him to claim their son and give her the money. She would get more since she has 3 children. What a scam artist. Next, she frauded the state of illinois on a section 8 certificate she was holding. My brother got out of the army right. Her and my brother lived together at her old place on main street belivdere. My brother and her saved money and bought a house together. That was when she was collecting almost 35-30K in child support between 2 fathers. Now she barely pays anything to help out with the house they bought together. She was to pay half of the mortgage. She has my brother name on the house. I'm afraid she is going to claim abuse because she did that to Eric to get him out of the house and get everything in the house. This time She will get the house and get back on section 8 to survive with her kids. She uses men, abuses, then leaves. You think men are bad try this girl on. She's in her upper 20's and there is no talking to her. If you don't fit in with her program she gets pissy. She tries to pick fights by getting into peoples faces. She has pawned her children off and left and came back when she felt like it. When someone has done that to her she tries to play the rightouges role. She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. She knows how to talk crap behind peoples backs. She never knows how to shut up or put up. She just talks out of her but. One girl she came in confrontation with dared her to touch her. She came close but I think Julie chickened out so I think. But julie painted a different story in "her favor". She is a loser and always will be. If she actually thinks that I don't know she is trying to get along with me because of my brother guess again. I know. When the time is right she'll pay for it.

Algonquin, Illinois

12 Updates & Rebuttals



You need to read this entire post to understand it!!! If you have read any of the posts you need to read this!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, January 20, 2007

I want to start off by letting anyone who may read this and the people who already have know who I am and a little about me. My name is Karl Hoffman and I am Julie's roommate and Jessica's brother.

However Unlike what Stacy says in her first response to this I am not Stacy's brother. I will come back to this point later. Anyway I am 26 years old and have recently gotten out of the military as a Sergeant where I served almost seven years including one year in Iraq and one year in South Korea. Now I am currently working for a very respected railroad as a machinist. I was not going to respond to this post but I changed my mind.

I do have a lot to say about the content of all the posts but I am not going to waste my time instead I will just point out all of the evidence that shows why this should just be taken as an attempt of slander from someone who was proven to be a deceitful lying antagonist in front of an attorney.

For starters Jessica is my sister and yes there have been some disagreements between Jessica and Julie but thanks to this post they are now closer.

My sister is unfortunately a lot smarter than me so it was really hard to believe that she would have posted anything like this and if she would have she may have at least spelled righteous correctly after all she really likes the Righteous Brothers. If she did spell it wrong she would probably hit the little spell check button at the top like I did. There are many indicators through out the post from Jessica that indicate to me that she did not write that. The spelling and the grammar are two pretty big things as well as her saying that Jerry is a decent guy. Now I could see me as saying that Jerry is a decent guy (because I don't really know him)and I tend to break down every aspect of people before I classify them as it is truly our place to judge them as a whole. Let me break this down for anyone I just confused.
As I said I was in the military for a long time. I have worked with many men that to me were great men and some heroes. However not all of these men were the greatest dads, husbands, or boyfriends. Some of the men I know would have or did give there lives for there fellow soldiers/Americans but there wives/ex-wives would have talked very bad about them. That doesn't mean they were not good men they just were not good dads etc of course there were some that were the opposite and others that were rotten to the core. Anyway there are many types of people in the world and we all have our opinions on that. In other words my sister really does not like Jerry. Some more indicators that she didn't write this were the posts that followed.

The Second post on this matter was signed by Stacy - Warrenville, Illinois but the content of the post makes it sound like either she is my sister or my sister wrote this pretending to be Stacy. Either way the grammar and spelling errors are consistent with the first post. Again if my sister would have posted this she definitely would not have said that the man being written about is innocent and she wouldn't be saying anything about me not getting custody of my children because I did have sole custody of my children.

The third post on this was started off as: 'First of all Jessica please do not put my name to any of your posts.' Now this post is the one that seals the deal for me that Stacy wrote all of the previous posts. The first word in the third sentence is Congraduations. Um.. well as you can see here we go with the grammar and spelling like the first two posts.
I was not going to take on the contents of the posts but I will address this point. Jerry the father of Nicholas was not informed of what was going on with (Frank Atherton) because it did not happen to his son. Secondly, the accusations did not come from Julie or this household. Finally, the last thing I will say about this is that every victim has the right to privacy and if certain people were to find out namely Stacy Migot-Haslett it would be smeared all over the Internet and the little girl that was hurt by all of this and was afraid to have anyone find out what happened to her would get hurt more. Well look at this everyone here it is on the Internet brought up by Stacy. Now I wonder why Jerry wasn't told.
The last paragraph of this post says,
"One last thing Jessica I don't know what was going through your mind when you put my name to one of the reports maybe you were thinking of me for what ever reason. But I don't live in Warrenville and haven't for almost 2 years now. So if your going to get your lie straight at least get my location right Stacy --Round Lake Beach IL"
Note again the grammar and at the end she says she hasn't lived in Warrenville in almost two years then tries to make it look like the signature at the bottom is from the site. Well thanks to her grammar teacher she made the same mistakes in that line as she did in all of the posts. Here they are, (--) no comma after the city and that is the only place the state is abbreviated. The best part is right after that the site did put her tag on it as Stacy - Warrenville, Illinois. Wow it takes a lot of brains to come up with a scheme like this.
I think the only reason that she posted the third post was to cover up that she tried to make a post as Jessica and forgot to change the name from Stacey to Jessica but on the third she forgot to change Warrenville to Round Lake, Good Job Einstein.

The funniest part of all of this is that last year
there were things posted on different sites (, written by Stacy. The same grammatical and spelling errors were present and it was obvious that it was about 78% fiction. All you had to do was compare the posts from the two sites to see this. Oh yeah and I was just wondering, How was Iraq, Stacy? Maybe we could get together some time to talk about it. (She said she was in the Air Force and had orders to go to Iraq on classmates) Shortly after Jerry, Julie and Stacy sat down with an attorney and the some of the content of these posts was brought up, they all disappeared. (The posts were not the reason they were with the lawyer but it did come up)
The last thing that I am going to say to prove that it was Stacy that wrote all of the Stacy and Jessica posts is that yesterday Julie received a letter from the school district. I will leave out the contents but it was about Nicholas and was sent because of a meeting that the fathers family had with the school. His family? Anyway the kicker was the father's address (as far as Julie knew he lived in Carroll Stream, but apparently) his new address is Warrenville, IL

Oh I almost forgot I do want to address the issue of Jerry and Nicholas. I am not exactly sure what caused the breakdown in the relationship that was forming between them but I do know that their relationship was growing. It was growing slowly because Jerry was not around for the first five years of Nicks life. The problem with this is that it is hard to just jump right into the role of dad
and the role of son when you don't really know the other person. Julie and Jerry did get along fairly well and could work out most problems that they had until Stacy came along. Now apparently there are problems.
1. Jerry lives to far to come see Nick
2. Julie wont let Jerry talk to Nick
3. Julie is mentally abusing Nick
OK now these are the supposed problems
1. I live in Belvidere and my kids Live in Palatine. I work weekends and work from 11pm to 7am so does that mean I don't see my kids? Nope I still drive all the way to Palatine after work and pick up my kids and then I drop them off on Sunday before I go to work and my car had over 160,000 miles on it. When I was a kid I lived in Algonquin and my father lived in Chicago and guess what. He would drive out and pick us up and drop us off. I could name many more fathers across the state of Illinois that do the same thing.

2. If there is a problem with this have Jerry call my phone to talk to Nick my phone number is 719-499-2584 but if it is to much trouble to call long distance why don't you have Jerry send me his phone number through myspace and I will program it in my Phone so nick can call him whenever he wants.
3.I Live with Julie and Nick and I don't see her do anything that would be classified as mental abuse.

well I hope that if nothing else nick and Jerry will be able to talk on the telephone. Finally I will be contacting Jerry about this matter via myspace in case he is unaware of this and to open the lines of communication between him and his son.

Finally, to Valerie I would agree with your response where all of the posts were truthful but don't worry this has been taken to the States Attorneys office and a civil attorney is currently reviewing all of the posts from this website as well as classmates and collegeclub and is looking into filing a change of venue so that we can proceed with this matter. This has been an ongoing problem for quite sometime but luckily one of the people involved does have a backbone and is bringing it to the authorities.



response to valerie

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, January 19, 2007

1. Both of these "people" are the same person.
2. She does not go to a lawyer about this, because she knows that all of these statements are false, word-of-mouth, from 1/6 of a story that has no documented evidence. Attacking Julie and her children gets us nowhere.
3. May the courts and the devil decide what happens to that man's soul.



"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander"--Abraham Lincoln

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, January 19, 2007

There are a few points that I would like to address here and now.

1. Concerning Jerry: If he was such a great and trusting father, why is it that he was not in his child's life for the first five years? Okay, there is that one excuse that regards him wanting to give Julie her space; however, his legal right as a father was to get visitation (however it may have come). If he wanted a relationship with his son, why is it that he hasn't called Nicholas since approx. July of 2005? I'm sure phone records will prove that what you are doing, Ms. Stacey, is called Libel, or written slander (for those of you who don't know the difference between the words "pregnate" and "pregnant"). Another item I'd like to address concerning Jerry is the fact that Nicholas doesn't want a relationship with him. As I have spent many-a-hours with this child (most definitely more than Jerry has), his first response to who he'd rather spend a weekend with(Jerry or Eric) is, in fact, Eric. I can most definitely say that this is due to Jerry's poor "relationship" skills with his son. From what I have heard (living with Julianna Lubas and her three beautiful children) on a majority of the visitations that Nicholas went with Jerry in the year 2003-2004, Nick spent much of his time at his grandmother's house (Jerry's mother, a grandmother who has been hospitalized for her violent behavior due to acid flash-backs--which also is documented). As much as I do not like Eric, I will give him the great credit of being more of a father to young Nicholas than Jerry EVER WAS OR WILL BE. Okay, okay, let me stop you before you say that "Julie is brainwashing her children"...If you KNOW those children, then you would probably KNOW, that they are one hundred percent outspoken, honest, loving, and caring people...that's right THEY ARE PEOPLE...and you have no right to come here and say that they were forced to do anything. Those children know who they are and they are not afraid to tell people what is TRULY on their minds. However, if you deem it necessary to batter the lives of children for the sake of your own personal gain (whatever that may be on this blog), then that just shows what kind of parent you would be.

1a.Police officer career? Ha Ha Ha. Could it be possible that a man not able to drop the sack to call his child can also be a man that cannot pass field training in Barrington Invernes? I think so. Say, I got an idea, why don't you tell more lies and say that Julie is whole-heartedly responsible for the Kennedy Assassination? While we're at it, let's blame her for world hunger and lack of peace in the middle east.

2. Concerning "Jessica": What you are doing, Ms. Stacey, is called identity theft. It is much more illegal than that of Libel; however, I have no problem pursuing this as well. When you merely speak to someone at a bar or restraunt, it does not give you the position, nor the right to take that person's name and say terrible things about other people. "Jessica" will be notified about your use of her name, and she will do what she deems necessary as far as legal action is concerned.

3. Concerning Frank: As my emotions run high with the sound of his name, I can only say this: I can only hope that his soul will fall to hell and his eyeballs will be eaten by rabid wolves over and over again for the rest of eternity. The fact that you mention his name, and call that wonderful child a liar (and several others who are filing the same charges against him), gives you the award of being the absolute lowest level of scum. Because of the fact that you are attempting to protect him just to deface a single person shows that you do not care that you are the absolute lowest level of scum, which leads me to believe that you will attempt to tear my character to shreds after you read this. In any case, if I see another false word written about either Julianna or Myself, I will press charges, and no, that is not a threat, that is a promise.

4. My Mother: Where do I begin? Let me start with this: HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT ANYONE LIKE THAT! You don't know my mother, you don't speak to my mother, and what you hear from Jerry is worth about as much as your life...which, as I've stated above, cannot be much. If another word is spoken about her, rest assured that several, SEVERAL lawsuits will be knocking down your door.

5. Anger Management: Sure, Julie did have to take an anger management class...but let's explore the truth behind your veiled reality, shall we? Eric called 911 on Julie after Eric ATTACKED HER. Now, if you don't know, or cannot figure out due to your lack of worldly experiences, it is common in abusive relationships for the abuser to claim that he was the one being abused... Now adding up the components of this (1+1 still equals 2); abuser (Eric) + False claim of abuse (911 call) = Julie taking anger management classes. Why don't you check police records and the 911 call from ANOTHER DRIVER WHO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW JULIE OR ERIC, stating a Silver Galant was running a Blue Durango off of the road. Wow, these Libel suits just keep adding up don't they?
To prove several of my above statements I can say this, Eric has come after me to attack me (when I was 13 years old), he has put my OTHER sister up against the wall in anger, and...yep, he's hit Julie. Now, I know what you're thinking, because I know the kind of person you are, so let me just say that NO WOMAN DESERVES TO GET PHYSICALLY ABUSED BY A MAN. No woman. Now, if one puts his or her face up against a window of a car with a dog in it and gets bitten by said dog, and gets a scar on his or her lip, one definitely deserves such pain. However, physical violence between a man and a woman is completely unacceptable in my opinion.

6. The Parenting Skills of one Julianna Lubas: Having lived with Julie and her three children for over a year (Which is much longer than any duration which Jerry has)after her separation from Eric, I can only say this: I have never seen her raise an angry hand to her children, I have never seen her talk down to her children, I have only seen her encourage her children, love her children and care for her children. She has allowed her children to make their own decisions and has taught them well. If you have further concerns regarding my point of view, and the truth, may I direct you to my email address, Feel free to apologize for every false statement you made separately (I realize that cutting and pasting each sentence of your blog will require a lot of time and effort, but seeing as I haven't even responded to the entirety of your lies--and I can go on--I feel that you owe it to yourself to retract all of the statements you have falsely made against Julianna in order to save you the trouble of multiple lawsuits) Please title the Email, apologies from scum.
Thank you for your time.
(oh, and it would be polite to apologize for wasting mine...but I suppose Abraham Lincoln was right,
"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander"--Abraham Lincoln



Julianna Lubas

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

To Start with three wrongs do not make it right, while the two of you are fighting on the internet
a man who did nothing, is going to go to jail until he dies for lies. Of course it's not your life that's being fooled with. I suggest that if either one of you two have any information and know for a fact that this Julianna is is covering her story with lies. It's time for someone to step up to the plate and do something about it.

A man who didi't do anything has to pay for these lies with his life, that doesn't seem fair to me. Why are the two of you not saying anthing to his lawyer or to the state's attorney. Are you two weak,or does this Julianna chick scare you, what is the matter are you two afraid of her. Or don't either one of you have a back bone at all. Why haven't you turned this DCFS worker over to the police or even called the state and have her fired or turn her in to a crime stopper program ,contact your Congressman, tell the Attorney General, you know she could come after one of you next, think about it for a minute. If personally knew this, I would contact someone who would something about this.

For one thing if any person has knowingly testifed untruefully againist this man in court and the state finds out aboutit you two will go to PRISON and that is a class 2 (8 to 12 years.) I think that it is time to do the right thing, right now. Also what does this teach the children, that they can tell lies to hurt someone and get away with it.

Sounds like the children will grow up just like their Mother did, to me. Someone needs to set this Julianna lady straight right now, and tell the truth in court. You two are not helpless open your mouths and say what you know is the truth no more. I fell very sorry for this man, who has to do time for a crime built on lies. What about his family & his children, oh, lord his Mother & Father to know in their hearts that their he didn't do anything wrong and will never get to come home ever again. How can you two do this and let this man die in jailfor something he didn't do. You two women do not have the right to call your self women. It's sound like you two are a pair of scared babies to me. If I knew either one of you, I'd all three of you over to the police.




Julianna Lubas

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

To Start with three wrongs do not make it right, while the two of you are fighting on the internet
a man who did nothing, is going to go to jail until he dies for lies. Of course it's not your life that's being fooled with. I suggest that if either one of you two have any information and know for a fact that this Julianna is is covering her story with lies. It's time for someone to step up to the plate and do something about it.

A man who didi't do anything has to pay for these lies with his life, that doesn't seem fair to me. Why are the two of you not saying anthing to his lawyer or to the state's attorney. Are you two weak,or does this Julianna chick scare you, what is the matter are you two afraid of her. Or don't either one of you have a back bone at all. Why haven't you turned this DCFS worker over to the police or even called the state and have her fired or turn her in to a crime stopper program ,contact your Congressman, tell the Attorney General, you know she could come after one of you next, think about it for a minute. If personally knew this, I would contact someone who would something about this.

For one thing if any person has knowingly testifed untruefully againist this man in court and the state finds out aboutit you two will go to PRISON and that is a class 2 (8 to 12 years.) I think that it is time to do the right thing, right now. Also what does this teach the children, that they can tell lies to hurt someone and get away with it.

Sounds like the children will grow up just like their Mother did, to me. Someone needs to set this Julianna lady straight right now, and tell the truth in court. You two are not helpless open your mouths and say what you know is the truth no more. I fell very sorry for this man, who has to do time for a crime built on lies. What about his family & his children, oh, lord his Mother & Father to know in their hearts that their he didn't do anything wrong and will never get to come home ever again. How can you two do this and let this man die in jailfor something he didn't do. You two women do not have the right to call your self women. It's sound like you two are a pair of scared babies to me. If I knew either one of you, I'd all three of you over to the police.




Julianna Lubas

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

To Start with three wrongs do not make it right, while the two of you are fighting on the internet
a man who did nothing, is going to go to jail until he dies for lies. Of course it's not your life that's being fooled with. I suggest that if either one of you two have any information and know for a fact that this Julianna is is covering her story with lies. It's time for someone to step up to the plate and do something about it.

A man who didi't do anything has to pay for these lies with his life, that doesn't seem fair to me. Why are the two of you not saying anthing to his lawyer or to the state's attorney. Are you two weak,or does this Julianna chick scare you, what is the matter are you two afraid of her. Or don't either one of you have a back bone at all. Why haven't you turned this DCFS worker over to the police or even called the state and have her fired or turn her in to a crime stopper program ,contact your Congressman, tell the Attorney General, you know she could come after one of you next, think about it for a minute. If personally knew this, I would contact someone who would something about this.

For one thing if any person has knowingly testifed untruefully againist this man in court and the state finds out aboutit you two will go to PRISON and that is a class 2 (8 to 12 years.) I think that it is time to do the right thing, right now. Also what does this teach the children, that they can tell lies to hurt someone and get away with it.

Sounds like the children will grow up just like their Mother did, to me. Someone needs to set this Julianna lady straight right now, and tell the truth in court. You two are not helpless open your mouths and say what you know is the truth no more. I fell very sorry for this man, who has to do time for a crime built on lies. What about his family & his children, oh, lord his Mother & Father to know in their hearts that their he didn't do anything wrong and will never get to come home ever again. How can you two do this and let this man die in jailfor something he didn't do. You two women do not have the right to call your self women. It's sound like you two are a pair of scared babies to me. If I knew either one of you, I'd all three of you over to the police.




Julianna Lubas

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 02, 2006

To Start with three wrongs do not make it right, while the two of you are fighting on the internet
a man who did nothing, is going to go to jail until he dies for lies. Of course it's not your life that's being fooled with. I suggest that if either one of you two have any information and know for a fact that this Julianna is is covering her story with lies. It's time for someone to step up to the plate and do something about it.

A man who didi't do anything has to pay for these lies with his life, that doesn't seem fair to me. Why are the two of you not saying anthing to his lawyer or to the state's attorney. Are you two weak,or does this Julianna chick scare you, what is the matter are you two afraid of her. Or don't either one of you have a back bone at all. Why haven't you turned this DCFS worker over to the police or even called the state and have her fired or turn her in to a crime stopper program ,contact your Congressman, tell the Attorney General, you know she could come after one of you next, think about it for a minute. If personally knew this, I would contact someone who would something about this.

For one thing if any person has knowingly testifed untruefully againist this man in court and the state finds out aboutit you two will go to PRISON and that is a class 2 (8 to 12 years.) I think that it is time to do the right thing, right now. Also what does this teach the children, that they can tell lies to hurt someone and get away with it.

Sounds like the children will grow up just like their Mother did, to me. Someone needs to set this Julianna lady straight right now, and tell the truth in court. You two are not helpless open your mouths and say what you know is the truth no more. I fell very sorry for this man, who has to do time for a crime built on lies. What about his family & his children, oh, lord his Mother & Father to know in their hearts that their he didn't do anything wrong and will never get to come home ever again. How can you two do this and let this man die in jailfor something he didn't do. You two women do not have the right to call your self women. It's sound like you two are a pair of scared babies to me. If I knew either one of you, I'd all three of you over to the police.





#13Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

Ok I need to respond to this. First of all Jessica please do not put my name to any of your posts. Congraduations on waking up and smelling the coffee on her. I don't feel sorry for you either.

You went along with her "program" for several years. Not to mention I heard about some things that you did at a bar in a certain place and talked smack about me. You NEVER met me. THe girl she supposed "beat her butt" on was me. She NEVER layed a hand on me period. I dared her too. I'm the one who called the cops and got a police report. Truely, its none of your business why I was there that day. Trust me, she is the one who went psycho. I did it for the good of her son.

What is more funny was when it happened she wanted her son to call the cops on me. Her son was supposed to be in school that day. Or did she forget to tell you the father of her son found out he was tardy like 37 times to school and missed well over 20 days. Hmmmm. Oh ok lets go there...

The father of her son. Who went to his sons school and they gave him a hard time. WHY? She used a false birth certificate not having his name on it. Hmmmm? Why is that? when the name was changed before he started school? When a paternity test had to be conducted. She was talking with the father of her 2 daughter (the man she claimed abuse on) while she was still dating the father of her son. The father of her son didn't know if they were sleeping together. SO let's do the math he had to protect himself and just make sure. SHE MADE THE BIG STINK. She came crawling on his door step after she threw him to the curb for her replacement to a mr. money bags. Yes, Juile and the new guy drank quiet a bit. Let me clairfiy the 911 tape. Her and prarie state legal services tried to cover up that tape. Guess what it didn't work. It was admitted and she was sentenced to anger management. We do know she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and was on med's for it. She is not taking those meds now.

Far as my good friend is concerned. He misses his son. He has joint custody and because he lives so far away. She couldn't meet him 50% of the way. He has paid back child support from day one with no questions asked and all the medical insurance rates. Outside of a court order. He felt to take care of his child too. SHE IS LAZY! she doesn't care about the welfare of her son. Instead she wants money. WHen this court thing was going on what did she do. Try to turn to public aid for more money to try to raise his child support not even less than a year ago after he was awarded joint custody. Hmm sound familiar? I don't believe your posts either. Let me tell you why. Your a con yourself.

You brother is just unfortunately stupid for staying around. Your stupid for going with her program.

Ok now you mentioned frank atherton...lets go there. Why is it the father had to find out by getting a phone call asking for permission to video tape his son's statements? Julie wouldn't give permission. You know what there son said. They tried to tell Julie about it. Julie ignored it like she always ignores them & there welfare. She has not even spoken a word to my friend about their son about any of this. NOT A WORD! We have had to find out from the police and state's attorney. Why is she tried to hide this? She's guilty of it right? Or no? My personal belief...she is using this man as a deterring her physical abuse towards her daughters. Not towards her son. DCFS has been called so many dam times its not funny. Bruise marks have been found on her daughters. DCFS did nothing. Ok lets go a little father. Isn't it true she used to work directly with her DCFS worker. Don't say yes. I have proof becuase that is how she has fooled the system & gotten away with child abuse. If I ever brought this up to the attorney general some's a*s would be grass.

It wouldn't surprise me if she finds other people to go with her program. My friend hasn't said a word to her. She never answers her phone, return calls, nothing so why bother. My friend dances cirles in many ways around her and she doesn't even know it. Legally speaking he has a court order to do so and there is nothing she can do. What's a matter lost control?

Now, the question why hasn't her son's real father seen his son since they got joint custody. 1) he lives to far away, 2)she continues to mentally abuse him. 3) it was tearing his son apart. 4) it was about claiming income taxes, 5) The boy has anxitey. He has talked with his son's social worker. What is more sad that his son calls the supposed abuse father of her two girls his dad. I give the guy credit for being there. But you know he also stepped on his toes to try and be a dad. After they split apart he should of seperated himself from her son. Now the mess is 2 times aweful. This child supposed told his mom I abused him. After I invited him and his father out for a day at the beach with me and my daughter and friends. How do you get kite flying, skipping rocks, playing football and grilling at a beach at lake michigan abuse?

Also, the father of her son was claiming his son on his income taxes and helping her get more money back by giving her the money. Since she claims her two girls ever other year. On the other years she only claims one of the girls. Every year the father of her son claimed and didn't keep a cent. You can't claim if you don' t have an income. So who did who a favor here. She played him like a sorry SOB that he is not. He is the nicest person in the world. His family are the kindest people I know. His family may not be the perfect family like most family's have flaws. But no one is perfect. Not even julie lubas who thinks she is. She never cuts anyone slack.

Now to answer the question of abuse. Her son is the peace maker. He get's his sisters up in the morning while she sleeps in. She didn't take them to school. She doesnt' work and there no excuse. If one of them get's up late they don't go to school or she beat's there A**. The son is so secretive he won't talk to his real father. He will talk to person he has grown to be known as his dad the father. There is no reason why he should be afraid to talk to his real dad. She let this deadly triangle go on past her sons 5th birthday. The other father was wrong to let it on too. That is why the other father will not get custody of his children. He has to save his children before someone elses child. He doesn't get the picture. As much as it hurts, that is the only way he is going to prevail. He can't take my friends son to the doctor, sign him up for anything, he has no legal rights to him. We all know why he has anxiety. He always sticks up for his mom. He seems to believe his mom can do no wrong. Her son is changing his story that he never said he tried to tell his mom about the physical abuse of his sister. Why would that be said if the mother had nothing to hide? Yes, her kids have been abused. The daughters have been hit so hard DCFS had been called an nothing happened. THe son is being mentally abused.

It won't surprise me if this child grows up and tries to talk to his real dad for a college education. I tell you what he will get everything that is coming to him. He knows his mom is in the wrong. I know at the age he is at he may not realize it. But he does have a mouth and he knows and has fessed up to people of trust about his feelings. He knows its wrong but continues to go with her "program". THe real father gave him an out of all this madness. He feels he has to protect his sisters by being the mental pole of abuse for them. Since the mother physically abuses. If that isn't abuse to his son I don't know what is. DCFS doesn't care.

He told his son he can talk to him at any time. He can call he can write any time. Does he no. He has to be forced by the father of her girls to write his cousins. My friends nephews. Its sad the mother doesn't encourage phone contact or write him. NOPE. My friend might as well be dead in her eyes, because she found a new man to sponge off of and that is your brother.

You want to read something else. I heard she kicked your butt around november of 2005? Sound familiar? I wont tell you let's just say I got lots of friends too in all of this. Just as I told julie before. I known the father of her son well over 12 years ago. I never met her during that frame when she came into the picture(s). I heard all about her. I had no desire to meet her or get ot know her. I seen trouble with a big T.

One day she will come to his front door step again asking for help since she is on the last stop of her gravy train with your brother. Her resort is going to be is she is going to have to leave her son with his real father. She won't have the state's assistance. She will have to wait another 3-4 years for help with housing once again. If that is not the truth I don't know what is. Or even worse she will say nothing at all and go live in another s**t hole draggng her kids down with her or living with another man.

She is a piece of crap for a mother, a piece of crap for a girlfriend, and piece of crap for a friend from what I'm gathering. No matter what truth of the matter a certed you don't go with her "program" you will get s**t on. That includes the state of illinois who allow such mothers to mentally and physically abuse there children.

One last thing Jessica, I don't know what was going through your mind when you put my name to one of the reports maybe you were thinking of me for what ever reason. But I don't live in warrenville and havent for almost 2 years now. So if your going to get your lie straight at least get my location right.
Stacy --Round Lake Beach IL




#13Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

Ok I need to respond to this. First of all Jessica please do not put my name to any of your posts. Congraduations on waking up and smelling the coffee on her. I don't feel sorry for you either.

You went along with her "program" for several years. Not to mention I heard about some things that you did at a bar in a certain place and talked smack about me. You NEVER met me. THe girl she supposed "beat her butt" on was me. She NEVER layed a hand on me period. I dared her too. I'm the one who called the cops and got a police report. Truely, its none of your business why I was there that day. Trust me, she is the one who went psycho. I did it for the good of her son.

What is more funny was when it happened she wanted her son to call the cops on me. Her son was supposed to be in school that day. Or did she forget to tell you the father of her son found out he was tardy like 37 times to school and missed well over 20 days. Hmmmm. Oh ok lets go there...

The father of her son. Who went to his sons school and they gave him a hard time. WHY? She used a false birth certificate not having his name on it. Hmmmm? Why is that? when the name was changed before he started school? When a paternity test had to be conducted. She was talking with the father of her 2 daughter (the man she claimed abuse on) while she was still dating the father of her son. The father of her son didn't know if they were sleeping together. SO let's do the math he had to protect himself and just make sure. SHE MADE THE BIG STINK. She came crawling on his door step after she threw him to the curb for her replacement to a mr. money bags. Yes, Juile and the new guy drank quiet a bit. Let me clairfiy the 911 tape. Her and prarie state legal services tried to cover up that tape. Guess what it didn't work. It was admitted and she was sentenced to anger management. We do know she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and was on med's for it. She is not taking those meds now.

Far as my good friend is concerned. He misses his son. He has joint custody and because he lives so far away. She couldn't meet him 50% of the way. He has paid back child support from day one with no questions asked and all the medical insurance rates. Outside of a court order. He felt to take care of his child too. SHE IS LAZY! she doesn't care about the welfare of her son. Instead she wants money. WHen this court thing was going on what did she do. Try to turn to public aid for more money to try to raise his child support not even less than a year ago after he was awarded joint custody. Hmm sound familiar? I don't believe your posts either. Let me tell you why. Your a con yourself.

You brother is just unfortunately stupid for staying around. Your stupid for going with her program.

Ok now you mentioned frank atherton...lets go there. Why is it the father had to find out by getting a phone call asking for permission to video tape his son's statements? Julie wouldn't give permission. You know what there son said. They tried to tell Julie about it. Julie ignored it like she always ignores them & there welfare. She has not even spoken a word to my friend about their son about any of this. NOT A WORD! We have had to find out from the police and state's attorney. Why is she tried to hide this? She's guilty of it right? Or no? My personal belief...she is using this man as a deterring her physical abuse towards her daughters. Not towards her son. DCFS has been called so many dam times its not funny. Bruise marks have been found on her daughters. DCFS did nothing. Ok lets go a little father. Isn't it true she used to work directly with her DCFS worker. Don't say yes. I have proof becuase that is how she has fooled the system & gotten away with child abuse. If I ever brought this up to the attorney general some's a*s would be grass.

It wouldn't surprise me if she finds other people to go with her program. My friend hasn't said a word to her. She never answers her phone, return calls, nothing so why bother. My friend dances cirles in many ways around her and she doesn't even know it. Legally speaking he has a court order to do so and there is nothing she can do. What's a matter lost control?

Now, the question why hasn't her son's real father seen his son since they got joint custody. 1) he lives to far away, 2)she continues to mentally abuse him. 3) it was tearing his son apart. 4) it was about claiming income taxes, 5) The boy has anxitey. He has talked with his son's social worker. What is more sad that his son calls the supposed abuse father of her two girls his dad. I give the guy credit for being there. But you know he also stepped on his toes to try and be a dad. After they split apart he should of seperated himself from her son. Now the mess is 2 times aweful. This child supposed told his mom I abused him. After I invited him and his father out for a day at the beach with me and my daughter and friends. How do you get kite flying, skipping rocks, playing football and grilling at a beach at lake michigan abuse?

Also, the father of her son was claiming his son on his income taxes and helping her get more money back by giving her the money. Since she claims her two girls ever other year. On the other years she only claims one of the girls. Every year the father of her son claimed and didn't keep a cent. You can't claim if you don' t have an income. So who did who a favor here. She played him like a sorry SOB that he is not. He is the nicest person in the world. His family are the kindest people I know. His family may not be the perfect family like most family's have flaws. But no one is perfect. Not even julie lubas who thinks she is. She never cuts anyone slack.

Now to answer the question of abuse. Her son is the peace maker. He get's his sisters up in the morning while she sleeps in. She didn't take them to school. She doesnt' work and there no excuse. If one of them get's up late they don't go to school or she beat's there A**. The son is so secretive he won't talk to his real father. He will talk to person he has grown to be known as his dad the father. There is no reason why he should be afraid to talk to his real dad. She let this deadly triangle go on past her sons 5th birthday. The other father was wrong to let it on too. That is why the other father will not get custody of his children. He has to save his children before someone elses child. He doesn't get the picture. As much as it hurts, that is the only way he is going to prevail. He can't take my friends son to the doctor, sign him up for anything, he has no legal rights to him. We all know why he has anxiety. He always sticks up for his mom. He seems to believe his mom can do no wrong. Her son is changing his story that he never said he tried to tell his mom about the physical abuse of his sister. Why would that be said if the mother had nothing to hide? Yes, her kids have been abused. The daughters have been hit so hard DCFS had been called an nothing happened. THe son is being mentally abused.

It won't surprise me if this child grows up and tries to talk to his real dad for a college education. I tell you what he will get everything that is coming to him. He knows his mom is in the wrong. I know at the age he is at he may not realize it. But he does have a mouth and he knows and has fessed up to people of trust about his feelings. He knows its wrong but continues to go with her "program". THe real father gave him an out of all this madness. He feels he has to protect his sisters by being the mental pole of abuse for them. Since the mother physically abuses. If that isn't abuse to his son I don't know what is. DCFS doesn't care.

He told his son he can talk to him at any time. He can call he can write any time. Does he no. He has to be forced by the father of her girls to write his cousins. My friends nephews. Its sad the mother doesn't encourage phone contact or write him. NOPE. My friend might as well be dead in her eyes, because she found a new man to sponge off of and that is your brother.

You want to read something else. I heard she kicked your butt around november of 2005? Sound familiar? I wont tell you let's just say I got lots of friends too in all of this. Just as I told julie before. I known the father of her son well over 12 years ago. I never met her during that frame when she came into the picture(s). I heard all about her. I had no desire to meet her or get ot know her. I seen trouble with a big T.

One day she will come to his front door step again asking for help since she is on the last stop of her gravy train with your brother. Her resort is going to be is she is going to have to leave her son with his real father. She won't have the state's assistance. She will have to wait another 3-4 years for help with housing once again. If that is not the truth I don't know what is. Or even worse she will say nothing at all and go live in another s**t hole draggng her kids down with her or living with another man.

She is a piece of crap for a mother, a piece of crap for a girlfriend, and piece of crap for a friend from what I'm gathering. No matter what truth of the matter a certed you don't go with her "program" you will get s**t on. That includes the state of illinois who allow such mothers to mentally and physically abuse there children.

One last thing Jessica, I don't know what was going through your mind when you put my name to one of the reports maybe you were thinking of me for what ever reason. But I don't live in warrenville and havent for almost 2 years now. So if your going to get your lie straight at least get my location right.
Stacy --Round Lake Beach IL




#13Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

Ok I need to respond to this. First of all Jessica please do not put my name to any of your posts. Congraduations on waking up and smelling the coffee on her. I don't feel sorry for you either.

You went along with her "program" for several years. Not to mention I heard about some things that you did at a bar in a certain place and talked smack about me. You NEVER met me. THe girl she supposed "beat her butt" on was me. She NEVER layed a hand on me period. I dared her too. I'm the one who called the cops and got a police report. Truely, its none of your business why I was there that day. Trust me, she is the one who went psycho. I did it for the good of her son.

What is more funny was when it happened she wanted her son to call the cops on me. Her son was supposed to be in school that day. Or did she forget to tell you the father of her son found out he was tardy like 37 times to school and missed well over 20 days. Hmmmm. Oh ok lets go there...

The father of her son. Who went to his sons school and they gave him a hard time. WHY? She used a false birth certificate not having his name on it. Hmmmm? Why is that? when the name was changed before he started school? When a paternity test had to be conducted. She was talking with the father of her 2 daughter (the man she claimed abuse on) while she was still dating the father of her son. The father of her son didn't know if they were sleeping together. SO let's do the math he had to protect himself and just make sure. SHE MADE THE BIG STINK. She came crawling on his door step after she threw him to the curb for her replacement to a mr. money bags. Yes, Juile and the new guy drank quiet a bit. Let me clairfiy the 911 tape. Her and prarie state legal services tried to cover up that tape. Guess what it didn't work. It was admitted and she was sentenced to anger management. We do know she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and was on med's for it. She is not taking those meds now.

Far as my good friend is concerned. He misses his son. He has joint custody and because he lives so far away. She couldn't meet him 50% of the way. He has paid back child support from day one with no questions asked and all the medical insurance rates. Outside of a court order. He felt to take care of his child too. SHE IS LAZY! she doesn't care about the welfare of her son. Instead she wants money. WHen this court thing was going on what did she do. Try to turn to public aid for more money to try to raise his child support not even less than a year ago after he was awarded joint custody. Hmm sound familiar? I don't believe your posts either. Let me tell you why. Your a con yourself.

You brother is just unfortunately stupid for staying around. Your stupid for going with her program.

Ok now you mentioned frank atherton...lets go there. Why is it the father had to find out by getting a phone call asking for permission to video tape his son's statements? Julie wouldn't give permission. You know what there son said. They tried to tell Julie about it. Julie ignored it like she always ignores them & there welfare. She has not even spoken a word to my friend about their son about any of this. NOT A WORD! We have had to find out from the police and state's attorney. Why is she tried to hide this? She's guilty of it right? Or no? My personal belief...she is using this man as a deterring her physical abuse towards her daughters. Not towards her son. DCFS has been called so many dam times its not funny. Bruise marks have been found on her daughters. DCFS did nothing. Ok lets go a little father. Isn't it true she used to work directly with her DCFS worker. Don't say yes. I have proof becuase that is how she has fooled the system & gotten away with child abuse. If I ever brought this up to the attorney general some's a*s would be grass.

It wouldn't surprise me if she finds other people to go with her program. My friend hasn't said a word to her. She never answers her phone, return calls, nothing so why bother. My friend dances cirles in many ways around her and she doesn't even know it. Legally speaking he has a court order to do so and there is nothing she can do. What's a matter lost control?

Now, the question why hasn't her son's real father seen his son since they got joint custody. 1) he lives to far away, 2)she continues to mentally abuse him. 3) it was tearing his son apart. 4) it was about claiming income taxes, 5) The boy has anxitey. He has talked with his son's social worker. What is more sad that his son calls the supposed abuse father of her two girls his dad. I give the guy credit for being there. But you know he also stepped on his toes to try and be a dad. After they split apart he should of seperated himself from her son. Now the mess is 2 times aweful. This child supposed told his mom I abused him. After I invited him and his father out for a day at the beach with me and my daughter and friends. How do you get kite flying, skipping rocks, playing football and grilling at a beach at lake michigan abuse?

Also, the father of her son was claiming his son on his income taxes and helping her get more money back by giving her the money. Since she claims her two girls ever other year. On the other years she only claims one of the girls. Every year the father of her son claimed and didn't keep a cent. You can't claim if you don' t have an income. So who did who a favor here. She played him like a sorry SOB that he is not. He is the nicest person in the world. His family are the kindest people I know. His family may not be the perfect family like most family's have flaws. But no one is perfect. Not even julie lubas who thinks she is. She never cuts anyone slack.

Now to answer the question of abuse. Her son is the peace maker. He get's his sisters up in the morning while she sleeps in. She didn't take them to school. She doesnt' work and there no excuse. If one of them get's up late they don't go to school or she beat's there A**. The son is so secretive he won't talk to his real father. He will talk to person he has grown to be known as his dad the father. There is no reason why he should be afraid to talk to his real dad. She let this deadly triangle go on past her sons 5th birthday. The other father was wrong to let it on too. That is why the other father will not get custody of his children. He has to save his children before someone elses child. He doesn't get the picture. As much as it hurts, that is the only way he is going to prevail. He can't take my friends son to the doctor, sign him up for anything, he has no legal rights to him. We all know why he has anxiety. He always sticks up for his mom. He seems to believe his mom can do no wrong. Her son is changing his story that he never said he tried to tell his mom about the physical abuse of his sister. Why would that be said if the mother had nothing to hide? Yes, her kids have been abused. The daughters have been hit so hard DCFS had been called an nothing happened. THe son is being mentally abused.

It won't surprise me if this child grows up and tries to talk to his real dad for a college education. I tell you what he will get everything that is coming to him. He knows his mom is in the wrong. I know at the age he is at he may not realize it. But he does have a mouth and he knows and has fessed up to people of trust about his feelings. He knows its wrong but continues to go with her "program". THe real father gave him an out of all this madness. He feels he has to protect his sisters by being the mental pole of abuse for them. Since the mother physically abuses. If that isn't abuse to his son I don't know what is. DCFS doesn't care.

He told his son he can talk to him at any time. He can call he can write any time. Does he no. He has to be forced by the father of her girls to write his cousins. My friends nephews. Its sad the mother doesn't encourage phone contact or write him. NOPE. My friend might as well be dead in her eyes, because she found a new man to sponge off of and that is your brother.

You want to read something else. I heard she kicked your butt around november of 2005? Sound familiar? I wont tell you let's just say I got lots of friends too in all of this. Just as I told julie before. I known the father of her son well over 12 years ago. I never met her during that frame when she came into the picture(s). I heard all about her. I had no desire to meet her or get ot know her. I seen trouble with a big T.

One day she will come to his front door step again asking for help since she is on the last stop of her gravy train with your brother. Her resort is going to be is she is going to have to leave her son with his real father. She won't have the state's assistance. She will have to wait another 3-4 years for help with housing once again. If that is not the truth I don't know what is. Or even worse she will say nothing at all and go live in another s**t hole draggng her kids down with her or living with another man.

She is a piece of crap for a mother, a piece of crap for a girlfriend, and piece of crap for a friend from what I'm gathering. No matter what truth of the matter a certed you don't go with her "program" you will get s**t on. That includes the state of illinois who allow such mothers to mentally and physically abuse there children.

One last thing Jessica, I don't know what was going through your mind when you put my name to one of the reports maybe you were thinking of me for what ever reason. But I don't live in warrenville and havent for almost 2 years now. So if your going to get your lie straight at least get my location right.
Stacy --Round Lake Beach IL




#13Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

Ok I need to respond to this. First of all Jessica please do not put my name to any of your posts. Congraduations on waking up and smelling the coffee on her. I don't feel sorry for you either.

You went along with her "program" for several years. Not to mention I heard about some things that you did at a bar in a certain place and talked smack about me. You NEVER met me. THe girl she supposed "beat her butt" on was me. She NEVER layed a hand on me period. I dared her too. I'm the one who called the cops and got a police report. Truely, its none of your business why I was there that day. Trust me, she is the one who went psycho. I did it for the good of her son.

What is more funny was when it happened she wanted her son to call the cops on me. Her son was supposed to be in school that day. Or did she forget to tell you the father of her son found out he was tardy like 37 times to school and missed well over 20 days. Hmmmm. Oh ok lets go there...

The father of her son. Who went to his sons school and they gave him a hard time. WHY? She used a false birth certificate not having his name on it. Hmmmm? Why is that? when the name was changed before he started school? When a paternity test had to be conducted. She was talking with the father of her 2 daughter (the man she claimed abuse on) while she was still dating the father of her son. The father of her son didn't know if they were sleeping together. SO let's do the math he had to protect himself and just make sure. SHE MADE THE BIG STINK. She came crawling on his door step after she threw him to the curb for her replacement to a mr. money bags. Yes, Juile and the new guy drank quiet a bit. Let me clairfiy the 911 tape. Her and prarie state legal services tried to cover up that tape. Guess what it didn't work. It was admitted and she was sentenced to anger management. We do know she was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and was on med's for it. She is not taking those meds now.

Far as my good friend is concerned. He misses his son. He has joint custody and because he lives so far away. She couldn't meet him 50% of the way. He has paid back child support from day one with no questions asked and all the medical insurance rates. Outside of a court order. He felt to take care of his child too. SHE IS LAZY! she doesn't care about the welfare of her son. Instead she wants money. WHen this court thing was going on what did she do. Try to turn to public aid for more money to try to raise his child support not even less than a year ago after he was awarded joint custody. Hmm sound familiar? I don't believe your posts either. Let me tell you why. Your a con yourself.

You brother is just unfortunately stupid for staying around. Your stupid for going with her program.

Ok now you mentioned frank atherton...lets go there. Why is it the father had to find out by getting a phone call asking for permission to video tape his son's statements? Julie wouldn't give permission. You know what there son said. They tried to tell Julie about it. Julie ignored it like she always ignores them & there welfare. She has not even spoken a word to my friend about their son about any of this. NOT A WORD! We have had to find out from the police and state's attorney. Why is she tried to hide this? She's guilty of it right? Or no? My personal belief...she is using this man as a deterring her physical abuse towards her daughters. Not towards her son. DCFS has been called so many dam times its not funny. Bruise marks have been found on her daughters. DCFS did nothing. Ok lets go a little father. Isn't it true she used to work directly with her DCFS worker. Don't say yes. I have proof becuase that is how she has fooled the system & gotten away with child abuse. If I ever brought this up to the attorney general some's a*s would be grass.

It wouldn't surprise me if she finds other people to go with her program. My friend hasn't said a word to her. She never answers her phone, return calls, nothing so why bother. My friend dances cirles in many ways around her and she doesn't even know it. Legally speaking he has a court order to do so and there is nothing she can do. What's a matter lost control?

Now, the question why hasn't her son's real father seen his son since they got joint custody. 1) he lives to far away, 2)she continues to mentally abuse him. 3) it was tearing his son apart. 4) it was about claiming income taxes, 5) The boy has anxitey. He has talked with his son's social worker. What is more sad that his son calls the supposed abuse father of her two girls his dad. I give the guy credit for being there. But you know he also stepped on his toes to try and be a dad. After they split apart he should of seperated himself from her son. Now the mess is 2 times aweful. This child supposed told his mom I abused him. After I invited him and his father out for a day at the beach with me and my daughter and friends. How do you get kite flying, skipping rocks, playing football and grilling at a beach at lake michigan abuse?

Also, the father of her son was claiming his son on his income taxes and helping her get more money back by giving her the money. Since she claims her two girls ever other year. On the other years she only claims one of the girls. Every year the father of her son claimed and didn't keep a cent. You can't claim if you don' t have an income. So who did who a favor here. She played him like a sorry SOB that he is not. He is the nicest person in the world. His family are the kindest people I know. His family may not be the perfect family like most family's have flaws. But no one is perfect. Not even julie lubas who thinks she is. She never cuts anyone slack.

Now to answer the question of abuse. Her son is the peace maker. He get's his sisters up in the morning while she sleeps in. She didn't take them to school. She doesnt' work and there no excuse. If one of them get's up late they don't go to school or she beat's there A**. The son is so secretive he won't talk to his real father. He will talk to person he has grown to be known as his dad the father. There is no reason why he should be afraid to talk to his real dad. She let this deadly triangle go on past her sons 5th birthday. The other father was wrong to let it on too. That is why the other father will not get custody of his children. He has to save his children before someone elses child. He doesn't get the picture. As much as it hurts, that is the only way he is going to prevail. He can't take my friends son to the doctor, sign him up for anything, he has no legal rights to him. We all know why he has anxiety. He always sticks up for his mom. He seems to believe his mom can do no wrong. Her son is changing his story that he never said he tried to tell his mom about the physical abuse of his sister. Why would that be said if the mother had nothing to hide? Yes, her kids have been abused. The daughters have been hit so hard DCFS had been called an nothing happened. THe son is being mentally abused.

It won't surprise me if this child grows up and tries to talk to his real dad for a college education. I tell you what he will get everything that is coming to him. He knows his mom is in the wrong. I know at the age he is at he may not realize it. But he does have a mouth and he knows and has fessed up to people of trust about his feelings. He knows its wrong but continues to go with her "program". THe real father gave him an out of all this madness. He feels he has to protect his sisters by being the mental pole of abuse for them. Since the mother physically abuses. If that isn't abuse to his son I don't know what is. DCFS doesn't care.

He told his son he can talk to him at any time. He can call he can write any time. Does he no. He has to be forced by the father of her girls to write his cousins. My friends nephews. Its sad the mother doesn't encourage phone contact or write him. NOPE. My friend might as well be dead in her eyes, because she found a new man to sponge off of and that is your brother.

You want to read something else. I heard she kicked your butt around november of 2005? Sound familiar? I wont tell you let's just say I got lots of friends too in all of this. Just as I told julie before. I known the father of her son well over 12 years ago. I never met her during that frame when she came into the picture(s). I heard all about her. I had no desire to meet her or get ot know her. I seen trouble with a big T.

One day she will come to his front door step again asking for help since she is on the last stop of her gravy train with your brother. Her resort is going to be is she is going to have to leave her son with his real father. She won't have the state's assistance. She will have to wait another 3-4 years for help with housing once again. If that is not the truth I don't know what is. Or even worse she will say nothing at all and go live in another s**t hole draggng her kids down with her or living with another man.

She is a piece of crap for a mother, a piece of crap for a girlfriend, and piece of crap for a friend from what I'm gathering. No matter what truth of the matter a certed you don't go with her "program" you will get s**t on. That includes the state of illinois who allow such mothers to mentally and physically abuse there children.

One last thing Jessica, I don't know what was going through your mind when you put my name to one of the reports maybe you were thinking of me for what ever reason. But I don't live in warrenville and havent for almost 2 years now. So if your going to get your lie straight at least get my location right.
Stacy --Round Lake Beach IL



Julie Lubas Update 02/20/06

#13Author of original report

Mon, February 20, 2006

Hey america, let me tell you something. This girl just keeps on ticking. She has just corsed her kids into lying and there ready to go to court. An innocent man is ready to go to jail. Currently, she is living with my brother and putting up a good act. She tried to get a job at the local school district working in the kitchen at the local high school. I guess it was too complicated and she quit.

Her road has run out going after folks for child support. Not to mention my brother lost his chance trying to get custody of his children because he is living with her. This is a sisters nightmare and I'm still horrified of what she is going to do when she gets tired of my brother. My brother won't open his eyes and smell the coffee. This woman can ruin him financially for the rest of his life. They got a house together. She ripped off the United State Government to get ahead and by this house. Our tax dollars helped her in her shrade of being poor. Its called she is lazy and doesn't want to work.

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