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  • Report:  #6663

Complaint Review: Sheriff's & prosecuting attorney Brent Davis

JUSTICE FOR B.J. SMITH JR. corruption Sheriff's & prosecuting attorney Brent Davis of Crittenden County, Arkansas *UPDATE..Police Corruption and stupidity

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 19, 2001
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 28, 2001
  • Sheriff's & prosecuting attorney Brent Davis
    Crittenden County, Arkansas
  • Phone:
  • Category:


On December 20th around 3 PM, I arrived home and found my only son with my 44 magnum laying in his hand. Someone had to have planted it in his hand. I became hysterical, grabbed the gun and laid it in the hallway.

I ran outside for help. My next door neighbor, Dennis Janis, was waiting on me. As I ran screaming B. J., B. J., B. J., I fell in the ditch. Dennis ran straight in my home and straight to B.J.'s room, Dennis shouted,"Oh my God!" I grabbed my gun from the hallway floor and stuck it to my head. Dennis grabbed the gun around the barrel and took it away from me. He then hid it in the garage.

When he came back from the garage, he grabbed me and said, "When I heard the dogs barking, I should have known someone had broken into your home. I should have come over to make sure everything was all right. Now have to live with guilt on my conscious the rest of my life.

Dennis picked up the phone and dialed 911. He reported that someone committed suicide. The sheriff's office arrives with approximately 20 to 30 people. They didn't put even out any crime scene tape. In fact, they destroyed the crime scene.

For 14 days after my greatest loss,I can't renning.I tell B.J., shut your door son, then I tell my wife Delores, if someone comes through the door, I'm going to kill him.
He runs into my garage, turns, and heads towards the back of my house. I told Delores that it sure looked like Dennis. The next day, I went over to ask Dennis about what happened. Dennis's son and wife meet me at the front door. As soon as spoke one word, they said, "yeah, that was dad, and slam the door in my face.

Later on, I found out that Dennis Janes has 2 social security numbers and 2 different birth dates. His wife, Aloha goes by, Denise Troutman, Brenda Janes and Aloha Jane Janes. We had a meeting with police. They police tell me to write all this information down and they would investigate. I waited, there was no investigation.

Soon after, they started attacking my son's reputation. Jason reported, "I know B.J. smoked pot." I called me a liar and said B.J. did not smoke pot and the blood and urinalysis test will confirm it. This judge is in Jonesboro.

2nd report says two guys have tuberculosis real bad, they even have to get shots, and they keep them in population, and they don't report this to health department.

3rd report says this black guy is beat by jailer's [I'll get you their names] and beaten bad, witnessed by jailer named Jimmy Stewart. A little girl in juvenile shows her breasts, in return gets cigarettes, pot, and beer.

We have another meeting. My brother gets angry and tells Jason he better get out and start investigating B.J.'s case.

The investigation starts and all of a sudden they find out there is no investigator. After a lot of research, I found one well connected in Arkansas. I hire Marvin Russell. The first time he walked in my home, he was wearing all kinds of diamond rings. I asked him where he got all the rings. He told me he got them from the Sheriff's Office. He said he had helped out over the years. I knew then that Marvin was the right man.

I then learned about the Brad Larrimore case, a rich man connected that stabbed his wife 128 times. After he stabbed her he turned the ceiling fan on to make it look like she had been dead for a long while. A lot of agencies helped cover that case up too. Marvin had investigated that case also.

Marvin goes to work on my son's case and gets me a lot of reports from police department and medical examiner. The medical examiner's report showed the gun shot residue test was 100 per cent negative. I start getting these reports, and I knew I had a lot of tapes, so I do some inquiring myself.

One month after my son's death, Aloha comes over and says, Dennis said the dogs were barking because they heard the gunshot. I found that interested because I only have one dog. Dennis calls and says to me when they put him in prison, he will be able to sleep. Dennis also tells the police the same thing.

I called and asked the medical examiner if we could have B.J.s death certificate overturned. The medical examiner says,"no way." On May 10th, Frank J. Peretti, overturns B.J.'s death certificate, first and only in the world. We didn't get an autopsy, never will be an autopsy performed on little b.
I called prosecuting attorney, Brent Davis and tell him if all ya'll are worried about is a lawsuit that I'd sign whatever they wanted, but I just want B.J.s justice. He asked me if I was sure I didn't have any more pistols at my house. I told him no that the 44 magnum was the only pistol I owned. I suddenly realized, B.J. must have been shot with a different gun.

I called a pk, a local thing, but they don't do civil rights anymore. They did tell my brother to get the best lawyer I can and sue. When you can prove a cover-up to call back. Brent Davis and Judge John Foggelman all tell my ex-lawyer to do the same.

I knew we couldn't depend on these two guys because they both had their hands in the kettle. Then I heard about a picture Marvin Russell had seen. A very honest patrolman calls and says he saw that picture. I knew this was a major league cover-up. I called the FBI. They don't do cover-up's anymore. Everyone is trying to cover-up because Dennis Janes is a crook and they know it.

Jason Oliver, Tommy Martin and Gary Banks have broken every law under the sun and still have their jobs. There's been federal laws broken, still no justice department. I asked the FBI if they know there's a lot of things wrong here. Their reply, "yea, we know it." I got that on tape. The FBI did say they can't believe the governor hasn't looked at my son's case. I called the governor's office but he won't help me. He'll help get cri of the house. Before he moved someone told me whoever done this won't be able to sleep for a while.

I was video taping at night and I recorded on tape, Dennis pacing, talking to his dead infant son's ashes, in a urn. Walking back and forth, going from room to room. I called for another meeting and got one with 3 Crittenden Sheriff's, 4 State Patrolman, 3 Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys and Prosecuting Attorney Brent Davis. My side consisted of Billy Joe, Smith Sr., , Johnny Smith and Billy W.Smith..

We also learned that the gun was 2 to 5 foot from B.J.'s head when fired. The entry wound was one half inch in diameter. A 44 magnum would have blown my son's head off. I learned Sheriff d**k Busby did me a favor. He said Mr. Kellum made a complaint against me. Mr. Kellum said, "that's a lie, he never ever made a complaint." Dennis Janes made that complaint. b our lord tonight. They even tried to get one of his girlfriends to twist her words and say my son was depressed, but she wouldn't lie for them. The whole state of Arkansas is trying to cover-up my son's death.

Delores and I are without our greatest treasure in life for a little while, but we will see our son again. B.J. was the greatest son God could five a man. There's a lot more on those tapes, and I'll get them out and replay them and write the rest of the information down. My brother is writing some things too. The day of B.J.'s funeral, it was real cold. Our preacher said he hadn't ever seen that many people at a graveside service. There where white and black people at my son's funeral.

I'm not criticizing the whole sheriff's office, because their is a lot of good men up there. There are also a few bad one's, but when they attacked B.J.'s reputation,

I couldn't and won't stand for that, no matter what these people try to do to me. My uncle was county judge for 40 years here in crittenden county also

2 Updates & Rebuttals

(15) to (20) people allowed to enter actual crime scene, neglects to check for finger prints, allows evidence to be taken away, ... Corruption and stupidity


Fri, September 28, 2001

To understand this family's passion for getting final justice for B.J. and all of the law inforcement agencies who have violated our civil rights, you need to know B.J. jr. B.J. was a 17 year old young man who loved the lord, his family and life. He was so kind to others. Getting ready to graduate , get a new car, go to college or go into the family business.

B.J. worked out frequently, keeping himself looking great. He didn't get mixed up with groups that would steer you to do drugs or drink. All parents pray that their children will grow to be a special person, someone that stands out in a crowd, I must tell you, B.J. was so much more. All to be taken away on December 20, 2000 by a person still walking the streets in our community or

I've always wondered why we hear about the child of a president, mayor, ect. when something happens to them on every television station, the papers, radio, but when it's a citizen no one seems to care. The complete judicial system is truly working against the citizens and for the criminals.

In the days and weeks ahead you will hear of one case where this is still happening today. The negligence of crittenden county sheriff's department and Jason Oliver, lead detective on this case. The Arkansas State Police who would only attend a meeting with this family and take the case over, but has yet to take the first step into bringing justice for this family. The out
pouring of phone calls, letters, e-mails for help to the state of Arkansas for help has strained this family. When you so sincerely need their help, they turn the other way. The very people we depend on to protect and serve us
are doing just the opposite, they are protecting the criminals by not prosecuting them.

(DAY "1" ) Jason Oliver receives a 911 call, that someone had
shot themself. The first blunder by Oliver. I quote from Oliver's testimony " I assumed I was going to a suicide." He had already started investigating this scene has a suicide in his mind. He from the very first ring of the phone destroyed the case. Oliver arrives at the scene and doesn't maintain proper control of the scene , violating the laws he is governed by. There were (15) to (20) people allowed to enter the house and the actual crime scene. Detective Oliver proceeds to test the hands for gun powder. The results were negative. He doesn't do any investigating at all.

(A) doesn't interview anyone to see if they had seen or heard anything,

(B) neglects to check for finger prints anywhere at the home at that time,(returns 8 days later to finger print the house),

(C) allows evidence to be taken away from the crime scene and thrown in a trailor, hours after the actual crime never to be tested for hair samples or other possible evidence,)

(D) neglects to investigate if anything is missing from the home, only later does he realize items are missing,

(E) he writes in the crime scene report that the gun used
was a 357 magnum, later to change it to a 44 magnum. All of this negligence by this detective has caused this family much grief and many days of struggles to try and get help through the legal channels.

As citizens of the state of Arkansas we deserve the civil duties that these men and women are sworn by. Their esponsibilty is to serve the people ,what ever the situation. It is my opinion that the Crittenden County Sheriff's Department has a tremendous lack of good leadership.

This is only the beginning of a true story that will open your eyes to how justice is really served. Is justice for the citizen's of this country or is justice for the criminals?
You make that decision as you read this real life tradgey.

UPDATED info from another family member ..The crime scene was allowed to be distroyed by the very persons that should have been protecting it.


Fri, September 21, 2001

For me to begin to help you understand everything about this case by e-mail would be impossible. From the 911 call that was made the day of this horrible crime to where we are today has been a complete failure of the justice system, who by law should be providing civil service to this family.

They have violated the civil rights of Billy J. Smith,s entire family. The crime scene was allowed to be distroyed by the very persons that should have been protecting it. Jason Oliver ,the lead detective at the crime scene is one who allowed the area to be trampled by 15 to 20 people. He comes back to the scene 8 days later to do finger printing. They discard evidence the very

day this happened. The detective then tries to guide potential witnesses to alter their testimony to his liking.

We have the documented evidence to prove this. The report tells of a 357 mag. used at the crime scene, later to be changed to a 44 mag. There is very strong evidence that either weapon was used. Several items missing from the home, a folded blanket that had been shot through several times,money missing from B.J.'s wallet, these things point to an intruder in the home.

Dennis Janes a prime suspect in this case who can here dogs barking next door but doesnt here a gun go off. I find that very strange that from 40 to 50 ft you can't hear a gun shot. He calls 911 and tells the operator that someone had just shot themself. Why would anyone say such a thing not having any idea of what might have happened there. He and his wife get a divorce a few days after this happens.

They sell the house for 20 to 26 thousand under apprised value. Seems to me they wanted to dump it quick. The police never

check this guy out, the way he should have been. Dimario Williams the son of the deputy that was on the scene that day, writes in his statement he was with his dad that day. Mr. Banks was on duty all day, he rode with Jason Oliver to the scene. How could Dimario have been with his dad when he was at work. The reason I tell you about Dimario is that about two to three weeks

earlier he was seen raising the garage door by hand and entering B.J.'s home.

Also in his statement he says he has never been out to B.J. 's home. Why would he lie????? The police act is they are scared to investigate this case properly, when we and the police know that a murderer is still walking the streets in our neighborhood.

The negligent misstake of ruling this a suicide was over turned without the body being exumed. That alone shows they know

someone murdered this young man but they refuse to act accordingly.

What I have told you here is only scratched the surface of what has happened. There is so much more I would like to share with you a bout this case.

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