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  • Report:  #438872

Complaint Review: Kaplan University

Kaplan University Huge Rip Off!!!! Davenport Iowa

  • Reported By:
    Massapequa Park New York
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 29, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 22, 2009

I'll keep this short and sweet. I'm a very well educated person, and thought it would be a good idea to persue an online degree since I work a lot and do not have time to be on campus. I saw an advertisement for Kaplan University and gave them a call.

This was a huge mistake. They will not force you into anything, but they will gently rush you into registering. Before you realize it, you are registered for classes and ordering your textbooks. For me this wasn't a huge deal because I only registered for one class but if I had spent the money for a full semesters worth of classes I would have been outraged by what happened next.

I was excited to start my masters degree program and began to do a little research on Kaplan. One of the things I had made a point of clarifying with my advisor was the fact that Kaplan University was in fact, an accredited school, which it is. What they did not tell me was that it is not an "Accepted" school. There is a huge difference. This degree would be worthless if I had gone through with it. As soon as I found this out, it was the start day of my first online class.

I was asked to log into the class by my advisor to make sure that it worked correctly, which I did figuring if these reports were true I could withdraw anytime during the first week with a full refund. I withdrew later that night. However because I logged into the class at their request I lost my $45 deposit. I am still fighting for this money back since I logged in for a total of 5 seconds and I have an e-mail requesting I do so. I did receive a credit to my lending institution from my student loan after a hugeeee hassle.

The bottom line is this. They will sucker you in and take your money, that is all they are interested in. They will tell you that you are eligible for a $1000 tuition voucher because you have an excellent transcript, are a patient person, they like you etc. This is not true, it is just another tool used to entice you. Everyone is offered this voucher which you can only use on your last semester. If you call them they will transfer you endlessly to avoid giving you your money back. You will have to call them everyday to get anything from them! Beware! This school is a scam!!!!

Massapequa Park, New York

22 Updates & Rebuttals



Don't wait for another job


Sat, August 22, 2009

This is in reply to the Kaplan teacher who was waiting to quit until they got another job. Don't wait. Get out of there right now. There are so many class action suits against Kaplan, you don't want to be there anymore. I quit before I had a job. I now work at a major university. The difference is like night and day. If you want to talk more, email me.



Not significantly surprising...

#23UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 03, 2009

I am an instructor for one of Kaplan's campuses, and let me tell you... What you're saying is not hard to envision. In fact, I don't have to imagine much at all. It materializes readily before my very eyes on any given day.

Most of the people who make their way into my classes cannot so much as spell their own names, let alone pass a standardized "entrance test." There sooooo has to be something up with that process. I want in to find out what the whole deal with that is.

At Kaplan, Director of Admissions = "Sales Manager" and Director of Education = "Customer Service Supervisor."

It's amazing how businesses such as this one are so grossly allowed to rape and take advantage of people in the lower socioeconomic strata, because they think that they're "changing their future." Most of the jobs they'll be looking for would provide on-the-job training. What? Going to school to become a security guard? That's just plain laughable.

It does provide me a check, though, but let me make myself perfectly clear: Once I can find a place where I can make an ethical living, I'm making like a fetus and heading out.

Nicole Freeman



#23Consumer Comment

Sun, June 07, 2009

please contact me via email so that hwe can talk. i have went through the same thing and they have not refunded me i think trhat we sholud all get to gether and make our voices heard i went 4 2 years and transfer and recieve no @ $$$ but quickly found myself owinfg my bank

Randall Lmsw

Cedar Rapids,


#23Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2009

I applaud anyone for wanting to continue your education. I am a firm believer in
life-long learning. Being a PhD. candidate I feel I know what I am talking about.
Now it's time for a lesson in reality. I did do the research to find out why my wifes degree from kaplan did not meet the requirements for her AAMT license.

First, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) cover 19 states in the mid-west, and is a private institution. when it comes to employment credentials the (NCA) accreditation dosen't really mean anything in it'self. The (NCA) only meets the minimum list of criteria of the (USDE).

They (NCA) set the guidelines for their regions. they are not part of the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and the (USDE) is not responsible for accreditation of institutions I feel that most people see (NCA) and assume that the (NCA) is part of the (USDE). Further more (USDE). does not authorize schools to operate, to enroll students, or to award degrees.

The point is; being accredited by the (NCA) sounds official, but when it comes to Kaplan credits transferring forget it, in our experience most won't. FYI most of the credits don't transfer in Iowa either.

When it comes to the professional degree governing bodies like the APA, NASW, or AAMT, these are the associations whose guidelines you have to meet, not the (NCA). Specialized and professional accreditors can attain legitimacy through U.S. Department of Education recognition, CHEA membership, or membership in the Association of Professional and Specialized Accreditors. This covers most of your professional degrees.

You cannot test or get a professional license to work in any state with just Kaplan credits.
Kaplan is considered a joke in the real academic world. I find it offensive that Kaplan calls itself a university I would never hire a Kaplan graduate. Kaplan is just a business no different from other online "universities". it's all about the money... money, money, money.

Yes, they charge well above what a state university would charge you, and the good news is, in a state or private college you don't have to retake classes provided you pass, and you will save money the credits earned do count.

My wife had the honor of having the Kaplan experience for convenience of (online classes). Let's just say that Kaplan when confronted about accreditation just shifted the blame and there was no one accountable for the lies told to my wife. When it came to class discussions, it was as Jennifer said it was no more than a "chat room". I was appalled that this was considered higher education.

If you are considering going down the road of the morally slippery (online degrees), forget it, to get a real degree it takes a lot of work and dedication. Unfortunately, many try to take the easy road, and it's done all the time.
My wife had a 3.0+ GPA for her Kaplan credits and they were not accepted. Therefore, the bad news is, you and I will have to pay forthe education again. By the way, the real tests (for licensing) that will be required take more in-depth class work than the Kaplan courses my wife took. FYI She did get her "degree".

I am trying to help others by advising them not to fall for these frauds. This was our real life experience.


New Mexico,

Avoid Kaplan at all costs!!!!

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, May 30, 2009

I graduated from Kaplan in 2004 with my Associates in Legal Studies. While at Kaplan I did enjoy my coursework, was excited about my future prospects, etc.... After completed my Associate's I tayed with Kaplan in an attempt to get my Bachelor's degree in Legal Studies. THIS is when all hell broke loose. When I went to enroll in my first classes for my Bachelor's I was told there was an error with Financial Aid and that I owed a little over $1500. But Kaplan was willing to help me by using the extra funds I would receive from student loans to pay that off over the next 4 semesters; how very nice of them!

6 days into my second semester towards my Bachelor's my mother died. On day 8 of classes I called my advisor, told her what had happened, and told her I would be withdrawing from classes due to my mother's death and having to deal with that, settling her estate etc... My advisor was somewhat supported, but continually tried to encourage me to stay with Kaplan; even though my mother was beiing buried the NEXT day. Her warning was because I would have to re-enroll in Kaplan blah blah blah. I told her it was fine; I didn't mind having to re-enroll, pay the application fee, etc. I also sent her an email describing what we had discussed and that my withdrawl would be effective immediately; to which she responded by wishing me good luck and she hoped to see me next semester.

Fast Forward 3 months. I finally found a job in the legal field! They requested a copy of my degree or official transcript for my position - NO PROBLEM! WRONG! Kaplan refused to send me my diploma because I owed them a little over $900 (past due tuition) AND because I was WITHDRAWN from classes ($$1900+). Huh? Yeah I WITHDREW on day 8! They are saying they never got my request and that I was forced out of classes for failure to log in for over 14 days! I supplied them with copies of the emails between me and my advisor; they said that didn't prove anything! I have paid the amount I did owe for my past due tuition because I owed that amount, I knew I owed that amount, and it was the responsible thing to do! Kaplan is saying that I owe them for the classes which I dropped out of because there is no evidence I willfully sropped the classes. To this day they are still holding my diploma, refuse to give me an official transcript, and have referred me to collections.Needless to say I do not work in the legal field because they will not release my diploma or official transcripts.

Sorry for the long rant. My advice is to be careful when dealing with Kaplan; watch your financial status. Get everything in writing; not just emails. I really did enjoy the time I was at Kaplan, but since leaving have had nothing but headaches! I am going to be returning to college in January and it will not be to Kaplan. Unfortunately I will be retaking some classes since Kaplan will not release an official transcript to anyone.

Cath D.

Massapequa Park,
New York,

The Reports Speak For Themselves

#23Author of original report

Fri, May 29, 2009

I'm sure you know more than the people who actually used to work for Kaplan. Get a degree from a real school, then you might be able to speak intelligently about how you got scammed. You are lucky you have the job you do with a degree from a University that isn't accepted. Sorry to be harsh here but people don't seem to understand that Kaplan just wants money and they don't care how they rip you off. I wised up in time, but most people don't and end up getting screwed out of thousands of dollars.



I swear people spend their days making up crap...

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, May 22, 2009

I went to Kaplan University online a couple years ago. I graduated in May 2007 with a bachelor's degree. I then transferred to UCLA to obtain my Master's degree in psychology (I had a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice with a focus in Forensic Psychology). I wanted to receive a PhD with hands on experience. I now have a very well paying job at the Sheriff's department in Santa Ana and no problem transferring my credits into UCLA.

If all you guys want to talk crap on a school, keep on going. There are laws and regulations in effect to protect students and their rights. If Kaplan did even HALF the things you people have accused them of, the government would shut them down. They receive government funding, therefore they are watched and kept on track.

Just because someone had one bad experience, and it was probably an honest mistake based on lack of communication or something was misplaced, does not give everyone the right to attack this school. Let's see, I think there are probably about 50 bad comments on here about Kaplan, if they were true, there should be a least a few hundred. Of all the thousands of students, don't you think that there would be more complaints?



You're exactly right!

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 29, 2009

I am an ex-employee of Kaplan. I am not a disgruntled employee; I got a better job opportunity, gave my notice, and left. It took me one day of working at Kaplan to know that it was scam. I lasted almost 4 years there and I worked up the ranks to being a department chairman. When my students "graduated", their courses were accredited but not "accepted". All of them who wanted to further their educations, even at the community college, had to retake almost all of the courses that they had taken at Kaplan. So, their Kaplan degree was virtually worthless. The admissions' counselors were unethical and did things that bordered on illegal. Every prospective student who came in there was a number and the admissions' counselor who enrolled the most students got all sorts of perks, including trips, golf vacations, you name it. They would falsify entrance test scores, so people could get into these programs even if they had no chance of ever being successful. The reps didn't care. All they had to do was enroll them. Kaplan has one of the highest default rates on students loans in the country. What does that tell you?

I was told by the school president not to tell the students that the course credits probably would not transfer to any other school. How's that for honesty and ethics? Those are foreign to the Kaplan way of life. Kaplan preys upon people who can not get admitted to any other school. They prey upon the poor people by offering them these students loans and money to live on. Of course, they're going to want to enroll. They don't realize that won't make it through the program and that they will have to pay all this money back.

Their curriculum is watered down so much, anyone could pass the classes. Many of the classes are 8th or 9th grade level as far as difficulty. And they want to call this a university? I hired a Kaplan graduate in Office Tech. as a part-time employee to help around the office. She did not know how to do email, spread sheets, Microsoft word, etc. She was just passed along without learning anything.

The employees at Kaplan also were not the best. Many were Kaplan graduates. One department director had been arrested and convicted of a sex crime and was only let go after demands from other employees to go to the media. Another employee who worked with young women had his own professional license revoked due to inappropriate contact with a minor.

There are red flags over over the place at Kaplan. They prey upon people who don't recognize them.

Cath D.

Massapequa Park,
New York,

The reports keep roll'in on in...

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, April 28, 2009

As the original poster I've sat back these last few weeks and watched as others read my story and claimed similar experiences in the form of rebuttals. To those who posted calling me a liar and calling me ignorant it should be clear now that I did not have to argue with you to prove my point. Others have spoken up and only further proved what I already stated. Kaplan is a scam and while their courses may be accredited they are not accepted. Do yourself a favor and look up the difference.



Kaplan discouraged

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 28, 2009

I am a returning student. very green with the FAFSA grants ect. The advisor was more than willing to help me enroll, then i talked to the financial 'lady". I did not realize how expensive their courses were, The pell was instantly, "miraculously" approved right away, odd, the website said i had to wait 3-4 days to find out exactly what i would be eligible for. I felt like I was being talked into getting a loan...she kept telling me to click "accept" on their website after reviewing the "loan" agreement. WTF? I never even asked for a loan, r u serious, hey I need to go back to college, but do u think I am THAT stupid? When I said, no..she basically blew me off, as if she was ready to move on to her next victim. Hey, maybe it is a good school..but looked just a little fishy to me. I should have done a little more homework..before even making the call. This is soooo sad. I have to spend my days sifting through "scams' to find a job, now on top of that, I now have to spend my days filtering out the "crooks" who want to take the last ounce of energy and dignity I have in trying to better myself. Ya know what...I work from home for a piece of crap company selling infomercial garbage.I can't stand it..I am literally getter sicker by the day.all this internet b#$*sh*t ....multiplying like cockroaches. You can't even click a link without some a-hole trying to make a dime off you nowadays. Why not put THAT on the curriculum.



Kaplan discouraged

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 28, 2009

I am a returning student. very green with the FAFSA grants ect. The advisor was more than willing to help me enroll, then i talked to the financial 'lady". I did not realize how expensive their courses were, The pell was instantly, "miraculously" approved right away, odd, the website said i had to wait 3-4 days to find out exactly what i would be eligible for. I felt like I was being talked into getting a loan...she kept telling me to click "accept" on their website after reviewing the "loan" agreement. WTF? I never even asked for a loan, r u serious, hey I need to go back to college, but do u think I am THAT stupid? When I said, no..she basically blew me off, as if she was ready to move on to her next victim. Hey, maybe it is a good school..but looked just a little fishy to me. I should have done a little more homework..before even making the call. This is soooo sad. I have to spend my days sifting through "scams' to find a job, now on top of that, I now have to spend my days filtering out the "crooks" who want to take the last ounce of energy and dignity I have in trying to better myself. Ya know what...I work from home for a piece of crap company selling infomercial garbage.I can't stand it..I am literally getter sicker by the day.all this internet b#$*sh*t ....multiplying like cockroaches. You can't even click a link without some a-hole trying to make a dime off you nowadays. Why not put THAT on the curriculum.



Kaplan discouraged

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 28, 2009

I am a returning student. very green with the FAFSA grants ect. The advisor was more than willing to help me enroll, then i talked to the financial 'lady". I did not realize how expensive their courses were, The pell was instantly, "miraculously" approved right away, odd, the website said i had to wait 3-4 days to find out exactly what i would be eligible for. I felt like I was being talked into getting a loan...she kept telling me to click "accept" on their website after reviewing the "loan" agreement. WTF? I never even asked for a loan, r u serious, hey I need to go back to college, but do u think I am THAT stupid? When I said, no..she basically blew me off, as if she was ready to move on to her next victim. Hey, maybe it is a good school..but looked just a little fishy to me. I should have done a little more homework..before even making the call. This is soooo sad. I have to spend my days sifting through "scams' to find a job, now on top of that, I now have to spend my days filtering out the "crooks" who want to take the last ounce of energy and dignity I have in trying to better myself. Ya know what...I work from home for a piece of crap company selling infomercial garbage.I can't stand it..I am literally getter sicker by the day.all this internet b#$*sh*t ....multiplying like cockroaches. You can't even click a link without some a-hole trying to make a dime off you nowadays. Why not put THAT on the curriculum.




#23Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

Clearly there is no point in arguing with someone who might just be one of Kaplan's employees. Although it would not surprise me if Kaplan's student body was comprised of naive and trusting individuals who would be too ignorant to see the financial hole they are in. I really wonder who would have written that rebuttal, I think it may just be the former.

The original poster's complaint is not the only one. After just a little research, clearly there is more complaining than support for this "university". Shame on Kaplan and shame on you!



Totally Agree

#23Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 20, 2009

I attended Kaplan in 2003 in Cedar Falls it was then called Hamilton...... Worst school ever only people I have found that like it are the ones that still attend... I've also spoken to MANY past advisors and work placement people and they all agree.. TOTAL rip off.... though there may be a few cases most employers DO NOT see the school as legit.... You may graduate fast with a fancy degree but you WILL NOT find a job that is going to pay you enough to pay of the student loans you aquire there........ pick a different school.

Stacy B

Rochester Hills,

This is a lie, sadly enough

#23Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 09, 2009

NYIT does accept Kaplan.

In fact, (as I can't post links you should look it up for yourself), one of NYIT's provosts was hired from Kaplan University.

My guess is that your admissions officer at NYIT was trying to make the school more money by trying to force you to take more classes at their college before qualifying for the Master's program.

And yes, having been a citizen of the State of New York, Brooklyn as a matter of fact, I can tell you that Kaplan is "accepted" in the State of New York. You just do not get state grants for it because it is considered an out of state college.

Stacy B

Cath D.

Massapequa Park,
New York,

Response to consumer comment

#23Author of original report

Wed, April 08, 2009

I don't really feel the need to argue on here. Why would I come on here and lie about something? That doesn't make any sense. New York state does not recognize a degree from Kaplan. NYIT will not recognize this degree if you want to get specific. I am well educated and many people can attest to that. I'm not arguing on here. Be warned, when you are done with Kaplan you will have wasted a lot of money and will not have anything to show for it.

P.S. I'd be mad and defensive too if I knew I was getting ripped off and there wasn't anything I could do about it because I'm already in too deep for a worthless degree. Tough break.

No Tolerance For Stupid And Ignorant People


I think your lying

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

I've received two promotions since enrolling in Kaplan's Master's Degree program. I havent even graduated yet and I've learned so much. The programs focus on real world scenarios, which help me to better understand the material. My supervisor noticed that I am more insightful and informative and keep piling on the responsibilites and of course the pay is going up. I've heard the same thing from my classmates that I started the program with last year. We bump into each other in classes throughout the program and chat about our careers.

I think you are mis-informed and maybe even untruthful. Why dont you confirm your information. Which institution did not accept your degree? and why?

No Tolerance For Stupid And Ignorant People


I think your lying

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

I've received two promotions since enrolling in Kaplan's Master's Degree program. I havent even graduated yet and I've learned so much. The programs focus on real world scenarios, which help me to better understand the material. My supervisor noticed that I am more insightful and informative and keep piling on the responsibilites and of course the pay is going up. I've heard the same thing from my classmates that I started the program with last year. We bump into each other in classes throughout the program and chat about our careers.

I think you are mis-informed and maybe even untruthful. Why dont you confirm your information. Which institution did not accept your degree? and why?

No Tolerance For Stupid And Ignorant People


I think your lying

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

I've received two promotions since enrolling in Kaplan's Master's Degree program. I havent even graduated yet and I've learned so much. The programs focus on real world scenarios, which help me to better understand the material. My supervisor noticed that I am more insightful and informative and keep piling on the responsibilites and of course the pay is going up. I've heard the same thing from my classmates that I started the program with last year. We bump into each other in classes throughout the program and chat about our careers.

I think you are mis-informed and maybe even untruthful. Why dont you confirm your information. Which institution did not accept your degree? and why?

No Tolerance For Stupid And Ignorant People


I think your lying

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

I've received two promotions since enrolling in Kaplan's Master's Degree program. I havent even graduated yet and I've learned so much. The programs focus on real world scenarios, which help me to better understand the material. My supervisor noticed that I am more insightful and informative and keep piling on the responsibilites and of course the pay is going up. I've heard the same thing from my classmates that I started the program with last year. We bump into each other in classes throughout the program and chat about our careers.

I think you are mis-informed and maybe even untruthful. Why dont you confirm your information. Which institution did not accept your degree? and why?

Cath D.

Massapequa Park,
New York,

Repsonse to Rebuttal

#23Author of original report

Mon, March 30, 2009

I am the person who wrote the original report. In response to your rebuttal, I have taken many online courses successfully. I graduated with c*m Laud honors from a state university, and many of my classes were online classes. I hold a bachelors degree and I know exactly what I am talking about here. This university is accredited, I never said it wasn't, but it is not "accepted". If you wish to pursue a masters degree at a local university after you have completeda bachelors degree with Kaplan, they will tell you that your bachelors degree from Kaplan cannot be accepted for real credits.

I requested information from my states education department before I withdrew from Kaplan, and they advised me not to pursue a degree with this university. It is a worthless degree.



I disagree with this misinformation.

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, March 30, 2009

I have been a Student at Kaplan for almost a year.

I checked with employers before going to college online to find out what they thought about that type of education. All the employers including the State recognizes Kaplan as being one of the best universities you can attend online.

I find the convenience of being able to go online when I want too, the best part of the program. I enjoy the interaction with the instructors and the other students and I learn more because of less interuptions.
As for $1000.00 of free money being offered.... It never came up for me.
I am planning on graduating with a Bachelors degree in another 6 months, and I have been using Kaplans Career center to help line up interviews.

They have helped me market myself and everything they said from the begining has been true.
I highly recommend Kaplan University online for those who work 50 hours a week and have a family to care for. It is accredited the same as most State Universities.

I also believe that the person who wrote about the problems they had, may not have been suited to take classes online. It's all up to you.

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