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  • Report:  #680307

Complaint Review: Karl Bryan

Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting REVIEW: Leader Global Consulting coaches feel safe, confident, assured of success when doing business. Foundation of Leader Global Consulting is unrelenting dedication to results, support, & customer satisfaction. Commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program benefiting consumers, ensuring complete satisfaction & confidence when doing business.

*UPDATE: Karl Bryan pledges commitment to always improving operations by joining Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. A program benefiting consumers by increasing confidence when doing business with a member business. Karl Bryan recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    Former Marketing Coach — Calgary Alberta Canada
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 08, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 29, 2015


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. This customer never responded to Ripoff Report’s email.


The posting is written by "anonymous" so difficult to defend something where the person is not willing to stand by, and not to mention, has no facts, times or events that can be defended. I am not perfect... and on an endless journey to improve my company and our offering(s). It's frustrating to NO END to have this kind of stuff out there. As a result our customer service is over the top EXCELLENT so I do not have to worry about complaints (within reason) in the future. I'd defend this post in this manner; 1. Its written by an anonymous person and I'd assume if you really ripped someone off this badly they'd place their name. Unless of course they were embarrassed or lying. 2. There is not a specific ANYTHING in the entire post 3. They've resorted to talking about my height... Can't defend that one!! LOL 4. This was written 5 years ago. Tigers don't change stripes and I'd have 50 of these if I was a ripoff merchant. 5. I've been in the EXACT same space (very small one of business coaching) for over ten years. If I was ripping everyone off then there would be more than this anonymous post added here. 6. If I was doing as he suggests (ripping off big names like Jay Abraham) I would be on criminal charges or in jail. That's what illegal activity leads to. 7. The "Ex-Employee" (clearly the same person) that says I cheated on y wife... spells her first and last name wrong. Plus her last name is actually Bryan and not Landrie (had been for 3 years pre this post). My wife works with me so to get these names that wrong... is ridiculous. I assume I know who this person is and if I'm correct they still owe me a lot of money as per a license agreement we signed. I have let them off the hook for the entire amount and not pursued in any way (not before giving them $50,000 of free product!!). We changed our model to 100% online and have 13 full time staff to help and support business coaches. If you have an IT issue or a challenge getting small business owners on the phone, we're 100% behind you and committed to your success. The foundation of our company is our unrelenting dedication to results, support and customer satisfaction.



Karl Bryan is a Scam. He tries to hide now behind is book "Scam".

It is no coincidence he wrote a book by this name. Karl Bryan is a scam that will stop at nothing to get your money and then disappear and give you excuses.

Karl Bryan's internet sites, coaching programs, franchises, licenses, web sites, and coaching is nothing more than a scam. The only one making money is Karl Bryan, everyone else will be a looser. Guaranteed!

Do yourself a favor and do not do business with this scam!







2 Updates & Rebuttals

Anonymous Critic

British Columbia,

Karl Bryan is the king of SCAMS!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 29, 2013

That shortly little weasel is the king of SCAMS!   His websites, sales & marketing books, and business coaching material are all rip offs.  I have had a drink with him, and trust me when he drinks he becomes scary..... and he gloated about stealing other peoples material.    If you ever meet this little guy, walk away!    The only people that look up to him (or look down haha) are the ones that embrace his bullshit and want to make money quick. 

They are the ones writing wonderful testimonials.  I heard that another character, Peter Singleton, is also a scam and in bed with Karl Bryan.  Funny thing is that apparently they scam each other and Peter Singleton, whom I have not met, but I have met an employee of his, keeps gloating how he is not paying Karl Bryan royalties and doesnt care if Karl Bryan is a scam, as long as he can make money off him.

All I can say is that I got out just in time before things fell apart for this pathetic little man. For all you people that will reply, I hope you get Karl Bryan to pay you before you do, otherwise he will scam you too!!!

Earl Hall

United States of America

Karl Bryan | Leader Global Consulting Will Help You

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

You know, I have seen some really despicable things online, but this one really offends me personally.  This attack on Karl Bryan appears to be completely without merit.  I have worked with Karl Bryan for some time now and am a personal coach to pastors and ministry leaders all over the world.  Unlike the “anonymous” person that has written this slander I will give my name.  I am Rev. Earl B. Hall.  Not only am I a coach that uses the principles that Karl Bryan and Leader Global Consulting teaches, I am also an instructor at AMES Christian University.  I teach a BA level course there on how to market a ministry. 

The principles that I have learned from Karl Bryan are a key factor in the success of my own company and in the ministries that I coach and teach as well.  I have received great results from using the strategies that Karl Bryan and Lead Global Consulting teach.  In the last 3 months my list has gone from just about 1000 to now over 5000 targeted leads.  Currently my websites are on the first page of google for the keywords that I targeted, and my income has tripled in those same three months.    

I came across this ridiculous post and simply had to respond to it.  Karl Bryan is an upstanding businessman and is dedicated to providing the tools and resources needed in order to help small business owners like me.  Again, unlike the “anonymous” person that wrote this slanderous post, I will give my name and contact information for anyone to call me at anytime for more information.   I am Rev.  Earl Hall, my web address is and my office number is 877 810 0303.

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