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  • Report:  #327216

Complaint Review: Kasamba Amber Robinson

Kasamba Amber Robinson , Amber Humphreys Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    melbourne Other
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 19, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 12, 2017
*Consumer Comment: True Psychics vs "Fortune Tellers" *Consumer Comment: So Stan, which category fits Master Z *Consumer Comment: TWO YEARS *Consumer Comment: TWO YEARS *Consumer Comment: TWO YEARS *Consumer Comment: TWO YEARS *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I feel your pain, but... *Consumer Comment: Margaritta *Consumer Comment: Margaritta *Consumer Comment: Watch for name changes *Consumer Comment: Former reader.... *Author of original report: stalker comments *Consumer Comment: Name change *Consumer Comment: Amber led me down the wrong path too. *Consumer Comment: Helene you are absolutely right - Amber should be ashamed *Consumer Suggestion: MULTIPLE PROFILE Top Reader Exposed For Fraud *Consumer Comment: Interesting connection *Consumer Suggestion: Sarah Fly I did the Math *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Now that you mention it, *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wow *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wow *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wow *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wow *Consumer Comment: Wrong again Patti.... *Consumer Comment: Wrong again Patti.... *Consumer Comment: Wrong again Patti.... *Consumer Comment: Wrong again Patti.... *Consumer Comment: Patti, would you mind listing my personas and provide proof that they are me-come on *Consumer Comment: I am still waiting Patti-and Amber is not the only one who leads people on *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Janice *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Its obvious Janice is Metafizzical, Spirit Sister, Spiritual Readings *Consumer Comment: Patti *Consumer Comment: Patti-so why didn't u just say that *UPDATE EX-employee responds: My dear deluded Got Me *Consumer Suggestion: Patti 'didn't just say so' because she lied *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Ranting, Raving, Rude, Nasty and STILL no report on fraud experts 2 YEARS later? *Consumer Comment: Got me -learn to read *UPDATE Employee: Regarding SaraFly's Accusations *UPDATE Employee: Regarding SaraFly's Accusations *UPDATE Employee: Regarding SaraFly's Accusations *UPDATE Employee: Regarding SaraFly's Accusations *UPDATE Employee: regarding RBD *UPDATE Employee: In retort. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Hadn't followed this thread but... *Consumer Comment: Well Iris , you must not be psychic after all *Consumer Comment: AmphoraBlue/Bella Brown *Consumer Comment: Just my two cents *General Comment: Liveperson is not worth it *Consumer Comment: Not a fair comment *Consumer Comment: About Ms Lisa M

I just wanted to say i have been a client with Amber for nearly 2 years. She has given me the worst advice with a man that i have loved and to not to contact him as he will contact me. I was waiting for this. I then found out months later he was with another and it was too late for me to even tell him the way i felt. Days and nights where i wanted to just tell him but she insisted after so many readings that i shouldnt.She said that i annoyed him, but instead i annoyed Amber.

After many readings from her and alot of unaccurate things happened, i then consulted Amber who i thought was my friend and she didnt even email me back. So many nights where she took nearly 300 dollars from my account nearly every week and she told me crap! crap crap crap!

She has ruined my life, ruined my confidence and ruined my trust in anyone. How dare she charge so much money and how dare she take money when she was telling me lies.

Never trust a psychic. Trust yourself and live life without knowing.


50 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

About Ms Lisa M

#51Consumer Comment

Sun, June 11, 2017

Ms. Lisa M is a phony.  She gets shared information so that your first connection to her is amazing. She tells you things she knows (but she thought my legs were crossed which they weren't, betting she says that to all her reads, and 50% of the time she's right). Kasamba is known to share info and that's where she got it. NOTHING she told me panned out. I had done live reads, and e-mail reads. On one issue regarding my daughter and her father's relationship, she insisted that they would be reunited. It's now like 10 years later, and it never happened. With regard to the relationship, she was oh so wrong.

These immoral creatures fueled something in me during a very bad period of my life. I didn't even really want a relationship. They spurred it on, basically because I had absolutely nothing going for me, and I suppose it was a band-aid (but not one I would have thought of). Indeed, the guy they insisted was such a significant part of my life, if I had thought of it on my own, was unimportant. I wound up being obsessed by the situation. Ms. Lisa M was a big part of it. I have nothing good to say about these people anymore.


beverly hills,

Not a fair comment

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, March 17, 2014

There are plenty of psychics who are friends with one another, it doesn't necessarily mean they are frauds. I haven't had a reading from all the psychics mentioned above, but I have had one from Lee ( Honest Answers with Lee), and I have to say she is the only one who has been able to tell me things that there is no way she would know, and I haven't mentioned these things to other psychics. She is very caring too, some of them are so rude. Not all psychics are scams, there are some fantastic ones on Kasamba, you just have to find them. I had a friend who paid a psychic thousands of dollars for spells and removals of curses, and that is just so wrong, something needs to be done about psychics who do that. It's criminal!


United States of America

Liveperson is not worth it

#51General Comment

Sat, February 02, 2013

I know that this thread is old, BUT Laura says: It is explicitly against Live Person policy for readers to socialize offsite. If readers are caught sharing personal contact information it results in a termination of their contract with Live Person. Ok. So, if this is the case why are many of these experts friends on facebook. I find that strange. Makes me suspect that the sharing of information is probably going on. It is just shady considering the business that they do. Liveperson is not worth being of part of. Save your money people. I think true psychic ability is rare and even more so on liveperson. Very dishonest folks on there who take advantage of people's vulnerabilities for money. It is bad that people fall for this, but even worse that these "experts" seem to either think that they have talent (are deluded) or know that they are full of it and preying on the weak.

You can see from these profiles that many of the experts are friends: - Amphora Blue aka Laura B - Raven Franks - Psychic Tarot Andrew - Honest Answers With Lee, - Shoshone - Danita Windsong

Just giving you an example of off-site contact. Nothing personal against these folks above, but you can see that clearly experts are in touch off the site. Just the thought of people's info being shared to profit off of and fool people makes me sick. Of course, they will probably change their names on liveperson, hide their friends on FB, open multiple accounts and keep on taking advantage of people. Beware of liveperson and other "psychic" sites is all I'm saying.


New York,
New York,

Just my two cents

#51Consumer Comment

Thu, July 23, 2009

I just want to say I agree that Laura's comments are very well articulated and logical. I do think the issue here is when people use these psychics and these psychic sites so often people aren't in a logical frame of mind. Usually they're heartbroken, scared, sad, tortured with pain, etc.

I have used Laura (Amphora Blue)'s services a couple of times and I have to say some of the things she has said about the other person have rung true, BUT I have found as time as gone on she hasn't provided me with less and less information and has been increasingly short with me. I have spent a lot of money with this woman and although I've seen some positive changes in my situation it's hard to know if I can credit it to this woman. As I said earlier I've used her services during a very frustrating time i my life with a particular man in my life (probably like 95% of us). I am responsible for making these purchases, but I have to say for the insane prices this woman charges I think she should provide consistently extensive feedback, not just when you first use her to give you a good impression. Also she can be very curt and even a little rude at times. I just want to give people a heads up to this before you spend a ton of money on this woman.



AmphoraBlue/Bella Brown

#51Consumer Comment

Wed, November 05, 2008

Had a very lengthy, and expensive, read with Laura a couple of years ago. Sounded like she connected with the current situation, but nothing came to pass.



Well Iris , you must not be psychic after all

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

I am surprised that you would want Laura's post bumped up. She articulates well doesnt she? But that doesnt mean she follows her own advice. Her remote sessions can be very misleading (wrong people, wrong intentions). She has broken LP's terms of service in the past, and I wont divulge it on here. She does in fact tell you what to do in strong terms during reads. So for someone who says it is ALL YOUR RESPONSIBLITY to the clients --- then stop giving advice, stop charging such high rates for your service, stop the other things you did in the past (perhaps you have now)....and you have very much pushed packages of services onto clients...for a high fee. Stop blaming clients for the wrong advice at a high fee they received on LP. Take some responsibily yourself for pushing such services.
As for LisaM - she does have ability but more present oriented - rather than outcome based. Outcomes didnt happen but the empath part was quite good and the price reasonable and no pushing of services.


Beverly Hills,

Hadn't followed this thread but...

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 30, 2008

Just wanted to comment that Laura's post rings true and has sound advice.

Unfortunately this kind of logic and common sense tends to fall on deaf ears because most people are caught up in a "blame" mentality rather than accepting personal responsibility.

What Laura says is well-articulated and deserves to be bumped up.



In retort.

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

I do not often come to these boards because frankly while some of the complaints may be warranted it seems its more or less a bunch of passive aggressive ramblings of those wishing to skirt responsibility for their actions and find a scapegoat. That said, in lieu of some of the unfounded and baseless accusations levied against my name I feel the need to "enlighten".

1) I, Laura (aka AmphoraBlue or Bella Brown, depending upon the network), have not in the past nor present shared or discussed clients with other readers. It is explicitly against Live Person policy for readers to socialize off site. If readers are caught sharing personal contact information it results in a termination of their contract with Live Person. Now I can only speak for myself but fraternizing with the many wonderful readers that I have had the privilege of working with on this site is not worth loosing the job that I love and also that allows me to support my family.
Are there readers who work around the trigger system devised by the company? I'm sure there are. I have had many clients and readers attempt to share their information with me and as any of my clients can attest to, I immediately send a copy of the email to Live Person Proper for them to handle accordingly. No one is worth loosing my job over. While I cannot speak for anyone other than myself I find the idea that I have such a lackadaisical attitude regarding my job that I would risk loosing it for of all things discussing a client utterly offensive and rather egotistical. I need not speak with another reader to get the ins and outs of your situation...I am after all a psychic and as such don't need the hand outs.

Live Person does provide a forum for experts to use to discuss work related suggestions such as advertisement, changes with the site...etc. etc. It is moderated by Live Person workers to make sure no discussion on clients takes place. Short of that I do not personally engage with other experts. I work from home for a reason, because I do not wish to participate in water cooler gossip.

2) I have a select few readers who I have grown to trust either through word of mouth or from my interactions with them on site. If I cannot assist someone then I want to send them to someone I know is ethical and genuine. Unfortunately not all on the site are. For this reason I will either verbally recommend a client or add a link in my profile. This is called networking and I am surprised that I need to explain this. I love how easily someone can look down upon readers who "link up" as it was so eloquently put when this is a rather common networking practice to advertise goods and services.
Now while I can only speak for myself I would imagine that all of those who recommend or link with someone do so not just for the advertisement but also because they trust or value their services and feel comfortable attaching their reputation with another advisers. This should not imply wrong doing or suddenly open those readers who participate in this form of networking to insult and accusation.

3) I am of the school of thought that we are each responsible for our own actions. I am shocked at how many posts on here blame readers for the loss of the clients confidence, home, sanity et. al. No one is responsible for the things that happen to you but YOU. If you find yourself so out of control that you are seeking readings before tending to your responsibilities then the reader is not at fault, nor is the boyfriend or friend or situation you are seeking help for responsible....YOU are responsible. YOU are the only one who controls your actions and what is done to you.
The mentality that implies external forces or individuals are responsible for your actions or in actions is an epidemic, apparently. I am no more responsible for your self esteem than the next girl. When someone comes in my box I expect that the person ringing through has made sure they are making a decision that is within their means. That is sort of what adults do, right? Practice discretion and good decision making? I understand we all have our moments when we screw up but the fact remains that's your issue, not mine...just as when I make a poor decision I have no one to blame other than myself.
I make it a point to tell my clients that it is not my position to tell them what to do. Prediction is for prevention, period. I wont tell you how to handle your financial affairs any more than I would expect a client to comment on mine. I let you make the decision on whether you can ring through for a reading with me. If that is a bad decision on account of your finances, self esteem or what have you then again, look in the mirror for someone to blame.


Lake Havasu,

regarding RBD

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

Sorry, I forgot to put this in my last post regarding Robin BlueDragon....

I was not defending the "man" personally. I wanted to let others know that clients do talk to experts about other experts. And trust me, it's rare when they say something positive. So my post where its taken as my defending Robin BlueDragon was not suppose to be a "glowing" diatribe about him. I can only attest to what it is I've heard myself. And when a client says he, and two other spellcasters whom I didn't mention in that post, detered her from spell work I HAD to speak up. If she had said the opposite, I probably would've spoken up on that as well. So I do apologize if it came across as my defending him personally. I was only stating what I had been told by a distraught and quite lost client who would risk any amount of money to have her husband return.

I do understand what all of you are going thru. I won't blast any of you by saying you are active participants in this, I know first hand from dealing with clients that when they are upset, or lost they want so much for that pain to go away and they have faith we can see all....We can't. Most of us try to empower clients, but to be honest, the majority only want to know what the other person they miss is thinking. I'm so sorry for all of those who feel they were scammed. And I'm not saying you weren't, I'm merely saying that to lump us all together is unfair.

Once again, I do apologize if it came across (in the other thread) that I was defending him personally....I need to make that clear that was not the intent, the intent was to say that I did know for fact he had ample opportunity with a mutual client and he didnt' take advantage of her. I can only speak for the woman, not for others.

Thank you, blessings, Lisa


Lake Havasu,

Regarding SaraFly's Accusations

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

I normally do not read the ROR but was referred to it by one of my regular clients, and when I read what has been written about me I was not only shocked but very upset.

I am Ms. Lisa M....and yes, Lisa M is my real name. How I'm linked to Melodie is beyond me. Other than seeing her on page one most times on LP I do not speak with her nor do I know her personally, nor am I her as well.

As for defending Robin Bluedragon, that is an out and out lie. I do not associate with this man, nor would I. I keep to myself and don't exchange information with any other experts. I prefer to just work and keep to myself.

Not that I need to justify myself, but with 30,000 experts on the LP/kasamba site, there are bound to be experts on Hiatus at the same time, so the coincidence of days gone are high. I took 5 days off to move, simple as that.

As for offering spell work...You really should read my profiles on the Wicca, Occult and Spellcasting area of LP because I do my best to DETER clients from purchasing spellwork. And though I get many (and I mean MANY) requests for spells, I don't do any. I prefer to empower someone and build their esteem and see their value. The only spell work I do is for abundance, prosperity and peace of mind. I would never reconcile lovers etc.....

I'm apalled at how everyone on here seems to just say whatever it is they want without offering proof of any allegations. And to be honest, it is upsetting to ethical readers who do our best to empower the clients. I give so much connection time and type 104 words per minute to save clients money. If I cannot connect with you, we know this and it NEVER goes into hire.

I've been accused of being linked with Amphora Blue, and yes, I do refer her because I've had some of my clients rave about her regarding her "remote" sessions. I don't do remote sessions, and don't offer this service....So yes, I refer her as I know from repeat clients that she is very good with this service. However, I've never personally received a service from her, and tell my clients this. I also refer other readers for they are known for special services I do not offer.

However, I need to reiterate this vehemently, I DO NOT HAVE ANY CONNECTION WITH ROBIN BLUEDRAGON! I do not associate with that man!

I would never have responded to this if someone was stating they were unhappy with my services or my predictions didn't pan out, that is their right to do so, and I do not profess to be 100% accurate and I am not God by any means. But I do my best with what I have in front of me and deliver it as such. I have been wrong, and I feel terrible when my time frames are off.....I would never challenge a poor rating and I would never blast anyone for not being happy with what I've helped them with. But when I'm being lied about and others stating I'm other people, or have multiple accounts etc, I'm livid. I'm ethical. And I will not sit idly by and have lies spread about me.

I wish you all well, and I sincerely hope others who are good, honest and ethical experts aren't run thru the wringer with ludicrous defamation!

Blessings, Lisa


Lake Havasu,

Regarding SaraFly's Accusations

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

I normally do not read the ROR but was referred to it by one of my regular clients, and when I read what has been written about me I was not only shocked but very upset.

I am Ms. Lisa M....and yes, Lisa M is my real name. How I'm linked to Melodie is beyond me. Other than seeing her on page one most times on LP I do not speak with her nor do I know her personally, nor am I her as well.

As for defending Robin Bluedragon, that is an out and out lie. I do not associate with this man, nor would I. I keep to myself and don't exchange information with any other experts. I prefer to just work and keep to myself.

Not that I need to justify myself, but with 30,000 experts on the LP/kasamba site, there are bound to be experts on Hiatus at the same time, so the coincidence of days gone are high. I took 5 days off to move, simple as that.

As for offering spell work...You really should read my profiles on the Wicca, Occult and Spellcasting area of LP because I do my best to DETER clients from purchasing spellwork. And though I get many (and I mean MANY) requests for spells, I don't do any. I prefer to empower someone and build their esteem and see their value. The only spell work I do is for abundance, prosperity and peace of mind. I would never reconcile lovers etc.....

I'm apalled at how everyone on here seems to just say whatever it is they want without offering proof of any allegations. And to be honest, it is upsetting to ethical readers who do our best to empower the clients. I give so much connection time and type 104 words per minute to save clients money. If I cannot connect with you, we know this and it NEVER goes into hire.

I've been accused of being linked with Amphora Blue, and yes, I do refer her because I've had some of my clients rave about her regarding her "remote" sessions. I don't do remote sessions, and don't offer this service....So yes, I refer her as I know from repeat clients that she is very good with this service. However, I've never personally received a service from her, and tell my clients this. I also refer other readers for they are known for special services I do not offer.

However, I need to reiterate this vehemently, I DO NOT HAVE ANY CONNECTION WITH ROBIN BLUEDRAGON! I do not associate with that man!

I would never have responded to this if someone was stating they were unhappy with my services or my predictions didn't pan out, that is their right to do so, and I do not profess to be 100% accurate and I am not God by any means. But I do my best with what I have in front of me and deliver it as such. I have been wrong, and I feel terrible when my time frames are off.....I would never challenge a poor rating and I would never blast anyone for not being happy with what I've helped them with. But when I'm being lied about and others stating I'm other people, or have multiple accounts etc, I'm livid. I'm ethical. And I will not sit idly by and have lies spread about me.

I wish you all well, and I sincerely hope others who are good, honest and ethical experts aren't run thru the wringer with ludicrous defamation!

Blessings, Lisa


Lake Havasu,

Regarding SaraFly's Accusations

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

I normally do not read the ROR but was referred to it by one of my regular clients, and when I read what has been written about me I was not only shocked but very upset.

I am Ms. Lisa M....and yes, Lisa M is my real name. How I'm linked to Melodie is beyond me. Other than seeing her on page one most times on LP I do not speak with her nor do I know her personally, nor am I her as well.

As for defending Robin Bluedragon, that is an out and out lie. I do not associate with this man, nor would I. I keep to myself and don't exchange information with any other experts. I prefer to just work and keep to myself.

Not that I need to justify myself, but with 30,000 experts on the LP/kasamba site, there are bound to be experts on Hiatus at the same time, so the coincidence of days gone are high. I took 5 days off to move, simple as that.

As for offering spell work...You really should read my profiles on the Wicca, Occult and Spellcasting area of LP because I do my best to DETER clients from purchasing spellwork. And though I get many (and I mean MANY) requests for spells, I don't do any. I prefer to empower someone and build their esteem and see their value. The only spell work I do is for abundance, prosperity and peace of mind. I would never reconcile lovers etc.....

I'm apalled at how everyone on here seems to just say whatever it is they want without offering proof of any allegations. And to be honest, it is upsetting to ethical readers who do our best to empower the clients. I give so much connection time and type 104 words per minute to save clients money. If I cannot connect with you, we know this and it NEVER goes into hire.

I've been accused of being linked with Amphora Blue, and yes, I do refer her because I've had some of my clients rave about her regarding her "remote" sessions. I don't do remote sessions, and don't offer this service....So yes, I refer her as I know from repeat clients that she is very good with this service. However, I've never personally received a service from her, and tell my clients this. I also refer other readers for they are known for special services I do not offer.

However, I need to reiterate this vehemently, I DO NOT HAVE ANY CONNECTION WITH ROBIN BLUEDRAGON! I do not associate with that man!

I would never have responded to this if someone was stating they were unhappy with my services or my predictions didn't pan out, that is their right to do so, and I do not profess to be 100% accurate and I am not God by any means. But I do my best with what I have in front of me and deliver it as such. I have been wrong, and I feel terrible when my time frames are off.....I would never challenge a poor rating and I would never blast anyone for not being happy with what I've helped them with. But when I'm being lied about and others stating I'm other people, or have multiple accounts etc, I'm livid. I'm ethical. And I will not sit idly by and have lies spread about me.

I wish you all well, and I sincerely hope others who are good, honest and ethical experts aren't run thru the wringer with ludicrous defamation!

Blessings, Lisa


Lake Havasu,

Regarding SaraFly's Accusations

#51UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 23, 2008

I normally do not read the ROR but was referred to it by one of my regular clients, and when I read what has been written about me I was not only shocked but very upset.

I am Ms. Lisa M....and yes, Lisa M is my real name. How I'm linked to Melodie is beyond me. Other than seeing her on page one most times on LP I do not speak with her nor do I know her personally, nor am I her as well.

As for defending Robin Bluedragon, that is an out and out lie. I do not associate with this man, nor would I. I keep to myself and don't exchange information with any other experts. I prefer to just work and keep to myself.

Not that I need to justify myself, but with 30,000 experts on the LP/kasamba site, there are bound to be experts on Hiatus at the same time, so the coincidence of days gone are high. I took 5 days off to move, simple as that.

As for offering spell work...You really should read my profiles on the Wicca, Occult and Spellcasting area of LP because I do my best to DETER clients from purchasing spellwork. And though I get many (and I mean MANY) requests for spells, I don't do any. I prefer to empower someone and build their esteem and see their value. The only spell work I do is for abundance, prosperity and peace of mind. I would never reconcile lovers etc.....

I'm apalled at how everyone on here seems to just say whatever it is they want without offering proof of any allegations. And to be honest, it is upsetting to ethical readers who do our best to empower the clients. I give so much connection time and type 104 words per minute to save clients money. If I cannot connect with you, we know this and it NEVER goes into hire.

I've been accused of being linked with Amphora Blue, and yes, I do refer her because I've had some of my clients rave about her regarding her "remote" sessions. I don't do remote sessions, and don't offer this service....So yes, I refer her as I know from repeat clients that she is very good with this service. However, I've never personally received a service from her, and tell my clients this. I also refer other readers for they are known for special services I do not offer.

However, I need to reiterate this vehemently, I DO NOT HAVE ANY CONNECTION WITH ROBIN BLUEDRAGON! I do not associate with that man!

I would never have responded to this if someone was stating they were unhappy with my services or my predictions didn't pan out, that is their right to do so, and I do not profess to be 100% accurate and I am not God by any means. But I do my best with what I have in front of me and deliver it as such. I have been wrong, and I feel terrible when my time frames are off.....I would never challenge a poor rating and I would never blast anyone for not being happy with what I've helped them with. But when I'm being lied about and others stating I'm other people, or have multiple accounts etc, I'm livid. I'm ethical. And I will not sit idly by and have lies spread about me.

I wish you all well, and I sincerely hope others who are good, honest and ethical experts aren't run thru the wringer with ludicrous defamation!

Blessings, Lisa



Got me -learn to read

#51Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008


1. It has NOT been 2 years it has been 1 year or 14 months or something and I am going to finish this and walk away.

2. I am starting to put the case studies from the report into the public group on yahoo. It is a slow process because I have only just started putting them up and there is so much information. But I HAVE STARTED MAKING THE RESEARCH PUBLIC. If you read the posts properly you would know this.

3. I AM NOT IRIS. She is AMERICAN AND SPELLS USING THE AMERICAN VERSION OF ENGLISH. For example, realize, utilize, color, behavior etc. AUSTRALIANS USE THE ENGLISH VERSION: realise, utilise, colour, behaviour.

4. Before you diagnose my mental health I would like to see proof of your qualifications. Let us start with a few simple questions to see if you are qualified. Can you name the subtypes in mood and anxiety disorders? In which class of mental health disorders is bipolar 2 placed and why. What are the diagnostic criteria for PTSD?

I actually know the answers because of my work. COPD has high rates of mental health disorders because of the relationship between smoking and mood disorders and respiratory symptoms and anxiety disorders. This is what I research. I do not research drugs.

I research a respiratory disease that is the only preventable leading cause of mortality in the world that is increasing in prevalence. The reason is, of course, that smoking is 80-90% of the attributable risk and environmental factors represent the majority of the rest of the risk. It is serious. For example, in one developing country it is expected that 50% of the children born this century will die from this disease. The prevalence rate in the USA is more than 20%. It is a serious problem.

On second thoughts maybe you better start with reading something a little less complicated, such as a dictionary. Got Me, learn to read because I have said I am slowly loading case studies from the report in order to inform clients in a public domain.

Got Me, unlike the nasty scumbags here, I actually feel sorry for you because, as we say in Australia, you have a few Roos loose in the top paddock. This means you are not well.

YOU ARE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF. It is beyond me why you cannot see the differences in spelling or find your way to a group that I have named several times in the reports. It is an open group and anyone can join and look at the files. I am loading information regularly now but it is a slow process for a number of reasons that I won't bother explaining to you but I have noted in the group.

Maybe in your case you should focus on basic skills like learning to read properly. This might actually help you understand that you need to take medication as prescribed.

You recent re-emergence indicates that someone hasn't been taking their meds.

I am not going to point this out to you again. It is not worth the time.

I have been accused of being many people as has S. Spelling is innate. This means that one does is automatically. Sure there are online dictionaries but really, you and the other idiots are not important enough to justify the time it takes to change spelling and grammar.

This is the LAST time I am going to tell you. It is not difficult to see that Iris uses the AMERICAN FORM OF SPELLING because she is American. S is British and I am Australian. WE USE THE SAME SYSTEM. i.e. s instead of z and ou instead of o. There are other differences but those are the simple ones. Surely, even you can see them.

Learn to tell the difference. It is NOT that difficult.

Got Me


Ranting, Raving, Rude, Nasty and STILL no report on fraud experts 2 YEARS later?

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 06, 2008

Come on janice how long do you think people are going to play this one? You have been saying, doing, ranting, raving, bitching, moaning, complaining for 2 SOLID YEARS now but STILL NO REPORT. Lots of excuses but nothing, nothing, nothing NO REPORT, YOU HAVENT TAKEN IT TO THE PRESS, YOU HAVENT BROUGHT IT havent done ANYTHING you said you were going to do except YAP more.....



Patti 'didn't just say so' because she lied

#51Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 05, 2008

Patti made those allegations in the first place Janice, stirring up sh*t as always..... I love how she's gets busted and blames it on others. Read back over the posts and you'll see it was her all along..... Sarah Fly never mentioned your name.

And here comes the vulture Got Me, picking at the remains. The timing is fascinating, isn't it ? She smells blood and swoops in looking for a carcass........ Either that or Patti called her over to cover her tracks....makes sense, now as even Patti claims she's an expert.

Janice I applaud you, thank you for what you're doing, Kasamba LP needs to be shut down or held accountable. Ppl like Patti, Got Me etc make that evident,


Beverly Hills,

My dear deluded Got Me

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 05, 2008

I just received an email from Janice, letting me know that your ugly head has reared itself again. I can assure you that Janice and I are not the same person. She lives in Australia. I live in the USA. She and I have totally different writing styles.

My clients know that I advise them against psychic readings and addiction; that's not news you're breaking. I would much rather see people empower themselves, believe in themselves, and NOT spend their hard-earned money on psychic readings (at Kasamba/Live Person, Keen, or anywhere else).

99.9% of the so-called experts on LP are frauds. They use scripts. They share information. Most are work-at-home moms who think it's an easy way to make money. I've personally been taken for thousands at that site, with predictions that never came true. The people who run the site have no screening process whatsoever. They let ANYONE sign up as an expert. They even have people in the medical categories who are NOT licensed. It's a joke.

LP only cares about making money. Their CEO, Rob LoCascio has just announced their partnership with in which you can now contact psychics without even providing your credit card. That demonstrates the lack of foresight in the management team.

I urge everyone to band together and form a class action suit to get your monies back. LP has engaged in false advertising. They do not have 30,000 experts. They do not screen the experts. They change or delete your feedback if you tell the truth about an expert.

GotMe, I'm not sure what I ever did to make you stalk me this way, but clearly you're still obsessed with me. Otherwise, why would you be visiting my profile regularly? I imagine you're that client I had who was obsessing over an ex-boyfriend, and when I told her to let go and stop calling me for daily updates, she turned on me, and I had to block her.

Janice and I are two entirely different women. Anyone with half a brain would know that. I haven't posted here in ages because it's a huge waste of energy. Had it not been for your accusation toward Janice, I wouldn't have expended the energy. However, I am totally in support of Janice's efforts to expose the fraudulent business practices at LP. She is not, nor was she ever, me.

GotMe, I gently recommend that you remove your cranium from your derriere.



Patti-so why didn't u just say that

#51Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

Your post was designed to cause trouble. Why didn't you just say well, check the codes and you will be able to find out. If you knew the answer why did you comment in a way that was designed to cast suspicion on someone.

But it is irrelevant now as I am doing exactly what I said I was going to do-disseminate the information on the frauds to the clients and take the information about the company to the authorities.

When it is done I will walk away-just like any research project.

You are trying to 'blame the victim'-it Is a bit tacky and so transparent.

How would you like it if your family were put in danger?

I can see you would have fit in perfectly with the majority of psychics on Liveperson/Kasamba-no psychic ability, no empathy, no morals and the attitude of blame the victim (or client).

One more thing. On a scale of 1 to 10 which is worse. A client who admits to a few 'personas' to set up frauds. Or so called experts who have bled clients dry emotionally and financially, used multiple profiles, scripted readings, false advertising, outright lies, oh and broken the law through committing fraud and theft in the form of copyright infringement).

You set out to hurt people. That makes you an immoral person. Karma has habit of coming back at bad people.




#51Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

Yes, i admit to a few identities. I always did. That is how I set up some frauds. In fact, the false accusations when it was first posted actually gave me the idea to do that but for a different reason. You do NOT do effective research by running off on tangents and stalking psychics. It is pointless because nothing is gained.

Your post was designed to cause trouble. Why didn't you just say well, check the codes and you will be able to find out. If you knew the answer why did you comment in a way that was designed to cast suspicion on someone.

No, you twisted things in a malicious way. The outcome was that defamatory posts that now more than ever endanger my family were brought up again.

You just tried to shift the blame on me for YOUR action. Why didn't you suggest that in the post instead of trying to cause trouble.

Your motives were so obvious in the post.

How would you like it if you felt your kids were in danger because someone had done the same thing to you?

You don't get it do you? That is what happens when you try to twist the truth by supposed subtle implications.

Make all the excuses you want. The line has been crossed and now I am going to hit back for every distressed client that has been ripped of through using, in good faith, what they thought was a professional and ethical company and for every client that has come onto here and been rediculed because they have been ripped of by evil frauds.

Already clients are posting that they recognise the scripted readings because they were given the same garbage.

I actually don't care what you or anyone thinks, I never have. I have just kept on doing what i intended. However, you people went too far and now all bets are off.

I have the proof and I have started making it public and I really hadn't quite got to that point until you and your cronies endangered my family.

You know what, you just reminded me of the so-called experts who blame the clients when things they say are 100% accurate while the client is paying suddenly, become the fault of the client when they fail to work out.

I have tried really hard to focus the information on those experts who are obvious frauds because the point was allways to show how the company facilitates it.

But right now the only thing I care about is finishing what I started. I will do what I wish with the research.

The report as a whole is copyrighted under the terms of fair use which, as an academic, I am permitted to use for the purposes of research or critique (under the Berne Convention).

I am considering giving it to the authorities so that they can commence investigations for prosecution. If experts are honest they have nothing to worry about but I am over keep it quiet.

Thanks to you and people like you my views on the outcome have changed. I must have been naive because I actually thought that the company might want to use the research to improve the safety of clients and to considerably reduce the damage on their emotional and finacial well-being.

I don't care anymore. You and people like you have not only engaged in multiple acts of defamation, you have endangered my family and, now you are trying to blame me for YOUR malicious action. Typical.

You can think, write or say what you want, I have the information and i am going to use it in the best way that I can to protect clients. It has already started.

I will tell you one more thing Patti. I feel sorry for you. I really do. You have the 'blame the victim' approach that is so tacky. You would rather blame someone who has been wronged than admit your part in it. And you can't see it-the post you wrote was dripping with malice...about Melodie and you just shot yourself in the foot because you knew how to find out. But instead of stating that you twisted things.

It doesn't matter to you that someone is worried about a family member. You blame them for your manipulation. Don't you have any morals at all?

Well I can tell you that I am going to push to finish this ,disseminate the information to clients and the authorities, and do what i always planned to do when it was finished-walk away.

Yes, I have been saying that for months but the difference is that now I am starting to disseminate the proof.

I will post here when I put up new files. Other than that there is no reason really to say anything else-it is a waste of time and energy that could be better utilised getting the information out.

Got Me


Its obvious Janice is Metafizzical, Spirit Sister, Spiritual Readings

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 04, 2008

Its easy to figure out who Janice is and many have known for a long time. Check out Metafizzical, she calls herself the anti psychic, profile, if it is still there........




#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 04, 2008

I wasn't the one who said you were Melodie and LisaM. Sarah Fly was. I just said she may have had a point as you do have a propensity for multiple personas. Its really easy to catch which ones are you because of the html codes left in your postings.

Apologies for the lateness of this response. I don't check these lists every day. Between kids, husband and clients I just don't have time.



I am still waiting Patti-and Amber is not the only one who leads people on

#51Consumer Comment

Sun, August 03, 2008

I just checked my documents-medical certificates and insurance claim for the computer and guess what. They just happened to match with those dates when the "postings slowed down". Now if you like I will do a graph of the frequency of my postings over the last year or so.

I think I can match them with my workoad and other proprities in my life. Besides, the activity with repect to this company that I have undertaken in the last few months is setting up a some frauds and writng up the results.

But you haven't answered my question. Who exactly are these personas. You must know. After all you are not trying to be a manipulative trouble maker are you.

Of course not! And your not involved with Roadkill are you? Of course you are. If anything happens to my Dad, trust me, I will expose your manipulations to your community.

Give it a week or two and after I REALLY start outing the frauds you may just believe me. How dare you. What is wrong with you? Do you not have a conscience or a soul or a brain for that matter.

Tell me what I did to you that was so bad that you would endanger somoene's safety?

You see people like you and Roadkill are examples of the lowest form of life and so are the frauds.

Too many innocent people are being hurt.

I was led on and then told some inane excuse by several frauds. I went through the whole self analysis of resonal reesponsibility viz fraud and the evidence points to mass fraud. Irrespective of the concept of personal responsibility, rigging ratings, false advertising,covering up scams and allowing the scum to rise to the top is fraud as is cripted readings, lying to clients, leading them on and then blocking them-these people are evil and the company facilitates it.

But Patti, if you don't work there why would you try to defame me (and yes, unless you can prove my 'personas' it is defamation because it hirts my reputation. Look it up-it is not that difficult.

Nonethe less, at this point I am more worried about the safety of my Dad. But I think the staute of limitations is 3 years and the law says it applies to bulletin boards etc. So you never know what the future may bring.

But you don't have to worry because you have proof of my personas...right?



Patti, would you mind listing my personas and provide proof that they are me-come on

#51Consumer Comment

Thu, July 31, 2008

I am challenging you to prove your accusations. I will admit to any that you get right (although I suspect there won't be any)

You list my personas with proof, of course, and please provide the dates that I was supposed to have disappeared and I will check them against my medical certificates and insurance claim for my drowned laptop and we will see if they match up.

I don't think any rational person will believe that I could be running two identities as an expert with pneumonia. It does tend to make one quite ill.

I am happy to scan my documents and post them or put them on the yahoo group next to the dates I was supposed to have morphed into Melodie.

I am also happy to tell you which 'personas' I used and provide proof (they all have at least one nasty email from LP support)

BTW, in my brief career as an expert I DID read all of the posts on the experts forum and you know what, it was not Melodie and several other psychics who spoke their mind who were controlling the forum but the brownnosers like dr Love and dr phil d.

BTW unless someone has a medical degree or a PhD or is a member of a church or whatever, isn't using the terms Reverend and Dr a misrepresentation and therefore contravenes the expert warrantees

So would you mind justifying you allegations in the post about why I disappeared? In other words provide some proof.

Come on Patti provide some proof. I told you I will make any documentation public.

I mean you wouldn't make incorrect allegations now would you? That is dishonest.

Besides, you do have the proof sitting on your computer don't you? It won't take me long to scan my documents.

Are you going to wimp out like MaryAnn/Roadkill whatever.

Since she said she had found an internet detective to find out all that information and of course she would have copies of the emails I allegedly sent blackmailing other psychics.

But she doesn't seem to have provided ANY evidence.

So I wait for your proof


United Kingdom

Wrong again Patti....

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

You just never make sense do you. The best way to "bury" a thread, is not to post, then it goes down the listings and off the first page! posting ANYTHING on a thread flags it back up again.

For example...if I take a past thread (which I will do) from another page and write a new post will turn up at the front!

You are always looking for snide and sneaky reasons why people post here, so much so that you look ridiculous.

Oh by the way, no I am not Janice, neither is Melody, LisaM, Amber, or ANY of the so called experts who come here or work on Kasamba.

Please get used to it.


United Kingdom

Wrong again Patti....

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

You just never make sense do you. The best way to "bury" a thread, is not to post, then it goes down the listings and off the first page! posting ANYTHING on a thread flags it back up again.

For example...if I take a past thread (which I will do) from another page and write a new post will turn up at the front!

You are always looking for snide and sneaky reasons why people post here, so much so that you look ridiculous.

Oh by the way, no I am not Janice, neither is Melody, LisaM, Amber, or ANY of the so called experts who come here or work on Kasamba.

Please get used to it.


United Kingdom

Wrong again Patti....

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

You just never make sense do you. The best way to "bury" a thread, is not to post, then it goes down the listings and off the first page! posting ANYTHING on a thread flags it back up again.

For example...if I take a past thread (which I will do) from another page and write a new post will turn up at the front!

You are always looking for snide and sneaky reasons why people post here, so much so that you look ridiculous.

Oh by the way, no I am not Janice, neither is Melody, LisaM, Amber, or ANY of the so called experts who come here or work on Kasamba.

Please get used to it.


United Kingdom

Wrong again Patti....

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

You just never make sense do you. The best way to "bury" a thread, is not to post, then it goes down the listings and off the first page! posting ANYTHING on a thread flags it back up again.

For example...if I take a past thread (which I will do) from another page and write a new post will turn up at the front!

You are always looking for snide and sneaky reasons why people post here, so much so that you look ridiculous.

Oh by the way, no I am not Janice, neither is Melody, LisaM, Amber, or ANY of the so called experts who come here or work on Kasamba.

Please get used to it.




#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 25, 2008

Wow! Isn't it interesting how fast this thread got dropped and other allegations about other readers fly fast and furious to bury this one.

Someone must be trying to bury this because somebody got too close to the truth.




#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 25, 2008

Wow! Isn't it interesting how fast this thread got dropped and other allegations about other readers fly fast and furious to bury this one.

Someone must be trying to bury this because somebody got too close to the truth.




#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 25, 2008

Wow! Isn't it interesting how fast this thread got dropped and other allegations about other readers fly fast and furious to bury this one.

Someone must be trying to bury this because somebody got too close to the truth.




#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 25, 2008

Wow! Isn't it interesting how fast this thread got dropped and other allegations about other readers fly fast and furious to bury this one.

Someone must be trying to bury this because somebody got too close to the truth.



Now that you mention it,

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 21, 2008

Now that you mention it, it looks like postings on ROR slowed tremendously around that time. Another connection might be that Janice and all of her personas pretty much disappeared too. Janice or persona du jour/Melodie/Lisa M. I never would have made that connection, but I wouldn't put it past Melodie and her manipulative and controlling history on the MSN message boards, client fraud lists, etc.


New York,

Sarah Fly I did the Math

#51Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 17, 2008

and something just doesn't add up.

I'd love to hear more about "A check of the originating computers shows the same area codes..." How would you have access to these expert's area codes [or IP addresses] through whatever means?

I also wonder why you would choose this thread to post these accusations. How do they relate to Amber Humphreys in any way? Methinks you're trying to deflect suspicion away from Amber and onto someone else.

Oh and let this be a lesson to all of you! Do not take time off work to move across country (Melody) and do not defend someone who's become ROR's whipping boy (Lisa M.) or all kinds of ridiculous claims about your skills and integrity and "multiple accounts" will be plastered all over these forums.



Interesting connection

#51Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2008

That is an interesting post - I would not have connected those two readers, however I did not know that LisaM defended BlueDragon which is odd in itself - I would not have connected her with him either but things change over time on LivePerson. She does offer spell work and was referred by AmphoraBlue and vice versa as well as Psychic Rhiannon I believe. Perhaps they connected due to the having the same interests? I have not used any of them in a long time as not one read panned out from any of them - but your post has made me even more wary of ever using that site again.

Sarah Fly

New York,
New York,

MULTIPLE PROFILE Top Reader Exposed For Fraud

#51Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 12, 2008

Melodie states on her profile that she is away june 22-july 1
a Random check of all the front page readers shows Ms Lisa M also away june 22 to june 30th

The profiles are similar: (as shown on the live person website)

Melodie:. ? Honest, accurate, ethical and reliable. !""

Ms Lisa M Highly respected and ethical.. Honest,

You do the math!

The photos ALSO appear to be the same person just one looks further away from the camera is this melodie when she was younger?

This should not be allowed to continue.

A check of the originating computers shows the same area codes...

Ms Lisa M is also on another thread defending Robin Blue Dragon , why would this occur unless she was a friend of his. Is it possible they are all in this together?

Does this scam go deeper ?



Helene you are absolutely right - Amber should be ashamed

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, June 30, 2008

Helene - that is such bad news. How dare she give you advice on your love life and on top of that it was wrong? These readers should stop giving advice as if it is a spiritual message - it is so wrong. Do they not know how many lives they are ruining with this? JUST DO THE DARN psychic part if they even have that skill - just give a reading as to the energies and messages they are receiving and do it RIGHT. Not the BS with oops free will, divine timing and FALSE advice.

Tell the client what you are getting, the strength of it, and that it could in fact change and to come back in a month or so - that is why the prices should be lower so that you can get the refreshed read. They cant tell you anything accurately for their high fee. But to give advice is wrong - they can barely do the psychic part so they should not be tampering with a person's innate feeling on how to act with someone unless they are accurate and they know themselves they are not.
I know my reading never ever happened either.


New York,
New York,

Amber led me down the wrong path too.

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2008

This woman told me so much BS. She also told me that I "annoyed" the guy I was asking her about. Meanwhile, I hardly ever even contacted him and played it very cool always. She wanted me to play games with him. That is her advice for everyone. Play games. Don't be the last to reply etc. Later we talked and he felt like I did not care about him in the first place because he was so d**n insecure..

Sometimes I wonder if I had not listened to her if things would have been different. She definitely gave me very bad advice and just wanted my money. Can't stand this woman. I always got bad vibes from her, I should have listened to myself.. shame on these people who mislead people and hurt their lives instead of help them. Karma...



Name change

#51Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

It looks as if Amber has changed her expert name to Readings By Amber now. I guess ROR is read pretty quickly as these changes happen soon after reports here.



stalker comments

#51Author of original report

Sun, May 04, 2008

Thanks for that. I wasnt stalking him at all. lol!
Anyways... I spoke to him a couple of days ago and i finally told him how i felt. All this time he did feel the same way i did but he never understood why i never opened up to him. But it is too late because he is faithful with another and starting a family with someone else so its too late for that.
Its my fault for listening and paying Amber.. yes.. But she isnt the only psychic out there that takes your money and doesnt give a crap about you.
Amber took my money weekly , but instead a REAL psychic should say stop!
Her replies werent even detailed and sometimes it would be a 2 liner sentence and i would give her $15 for a question.
Anyways i wish Amber all the luck in the world. Im not saying she is the worst person in the world but she should have known better to TAKE money weekly.
I say good luck to her and i hope she is ok. Maybe her gifts were wearing out?

Lets say Amen to this and learn from me. Dont listen to anybody but your instincts.
In the bible it says psychics are the devils work. They laugh at you and play with your life. I will pray for all of you that have been through what i have been through.


United Kingdom

Former reader....

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

I think you should re-read Margaritta's post properly before you do the typical "reader" or "former reader" attack.

Margaritta's post does not say she actually had a relationship with this guy, simply that it was someone that she loved, and had not told that to.

She states clearly that she was "advised" by amber not to tell him for 2 years. Maybe if she had, then she would of known where she stood. Maybe they would be together, maybe he would have told her that he was not interested in that way and she would of been able to move on.

Amber stopped that, in order to continue taking more and more money.

Your comments regarding her stalking this man are a joke. How would you know if she was stalking him from her post? It seems to me that she wasn't. She didnt tell him how she felt. Doesnt sound like a stalker to me.

I note your use of the word "ethical" when describing amber. I suspect that you are her, or a fellow cronie. That's the "norm" when someone posts their experience of being ripped off on here. Like it is to screech "stalker" "psycho" "therapy" blah blah blah........

Go away.


Bev Hills,

Watch for name changes

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

When a reader changes names, this is a red flag for me. Why would a business person spend years building a "brand" with one name and then suddenly change it? This is usually because they have been called out on sommething and are hiding from search engines. Not to say there can't be other reasons, but from a business standpoint it doesnt make much sense.




#51Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

Don't pay any attention to the ex-reader post. She dumped on me too. She sounds like she is a big bundle of anger looking for people to hurt. I have had so many idiots dump on me since I first posted and really they are not worth a thought.




#51Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

Unlike the some of the other posters on this thread who have attacked you and said you needed therapy - I do understand and empathize with you. Rather than being attacked as needing therapy - a very unspiritual outlook - or an explanation of what a psychic can and can't do (which should be clearly stated in the bio) - this reader took your money every week. IF you needed therapy or help as these other posters state - a significant question is - why did this reader keep reading and take your money?

You had a troubling issue in your life, you sought the accurate psychic impressions that these readers claim to be able to give you if you pay them - and you were given half a*s info until you woke up, and then were blocked. Which boils down to being scammed for every bit of money she could take. Besides telling you he was annoyed if you called - did she tell you she never saw it coming together - that he was with another or would be? And then telling you that she could no longer read for you on that issue thereby not taking your money after the first couple of reads since it wouldnt work in her estimation? NO. She didnt. She took your money.
I dont get why everyone blames the paying client...someone is taking the money - why are they not half the equation? The worst half in my estimation.

Do not feel bad. You paid for a service that was only meant to drain your pocket. I know of another client had this same reader tell her for nearly a year something would work out which did not in any way that Amber said. And then blocked her when the client questioned it. Luckily this client in the end within a few months of Amber blocking her has met someone new and is on the way to commitment. None of which Amber ever predicted. She would still be wasting her money.

I only had one read with her - none of it ever happened and the time frame is gone by at least 6 months so I won't hold my breath. I was lucky too cause I don't go back if the first read doesn't work.

Former Reader


I feel your pain, but...

#51UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 03, 2008

Let's go over this again. She ruined your life because she told you not to call a man who didn't want you and who she told you found you annoying. "She told me I annoyed him." So because you were told NOT to phone stalk this man, she ruined your life? If you ask me, she saved you from him taking a restraining order out against you.

Now who really ruined your life? How long were you waiting for this man to come back to you before you started hitting psychics? "She told me I annoyed him." Does that really say to you, "oh how cute! Being annoyed by a woman is a sign of love!"?

Because if that is what it says to you, then you really do need to start therapy and soon. As a matter of fact, I'd suggest it. You spent TWO YEARS hoping for this man to come back. Two years. How worthless do you consider yourself that you would do that to yourself, instead of healing and moving on?

Your behavior is not that of a normal person. I do hope you get the psychological help you need, so you can let go and heal and move on and love again. Unless of course, it's obsession again, which has nothing to do with love. Obsession is very unhealthy. And you do need to take responsibility for the fact that you refused to accept that this man didn't want you. Find a good psychiatrist. Not psychologist, but psychiatrist. Who can provide you with the proper medication for your obvious psychosis. I'm not trying to be mean, but I am telling you what you need. Trust me, I feel for you. I've been on the bad end of a break up too. But you know what? You cry, you eat ice cream, you mourn your loss and then you get over it. And yes, you do mourn the loss. Treat each breakup like he died. Because he is dead in your life at that moment and what if he hadn't broken up with you, but died in a hideous accident? Would you still be obsessing over him, or would you have moved on?

Treat this like he's dead. Mourn and move on. Don't spend the next two years going to psychics asking when he's leaving her. Get psychological help instead.




#51Consumer Comment

Fri, May 02, 2008

SSSSSSo you listend for 2 years to someone who has good ratings and you apparently chopped your brain into little peices took no responsilbity and now blame this ethical woman for your apparent downfall...

Isnt it easier to put your whole life decisions in another persons hands and blame them when you make a mess of your life ??

Lets all blame the psychics and lets all do nothing to better our life and consult a psychic every day and then complain when our lives go down the tubes...

Get off the computer and take charge of your own life....Stop blaming other people when your life goes to hell...

Find another man is there only one in the world .. you people are hysterical...




#51Consumer Comment

Fri, May 02, 2008

SSSSSSo you listend for 2 years to someone who has good ratings and you apparently chopped your brain into little peices took no responsilbity and now blame this ethical woman for your apparent downfall...

Isnt it easier to put your whole life decisions in another persons hands and blame them when you make a mess of your life ??

Lets all blame the psychics and lets all do nothing to better our life and consult a psychic every day and then complain when our lives go down the tubes...

Get off the computer and take charge of your own life....Stop blaming other people when your life goes to hell...

Find another man is there only one in the world .. you people are hysterical...




#51Consumer Comment

Fri, May 02, 2008

SSSSSSo you listend for 2 years to someone who has good ratings and you apparently chopped your brain into little peices took no responsilbity and now blame this ethical woman for your apparent downfall...

Isnt it easier to put your whole life decisions in another persons hands and blame them when you make a mess of your life ??

Lets all blame the psychics and lets all do nothing to better our life and consult a psychic every day and then complain when our lives go down the tubes...

Get off the computer and take charge of your own life....Stop blaming other people when your life goes to hell...

Find another man is there only one in the world .. you people are hysterical...




#51Consumer Comment

Fri, May 02, 2008

SSSSSSo you listend for 2 years to someone who has good ratings and you apparently chopped your brain into little peices took no responsilbity and now blame this ethical woman for your apparent downfall...

Isnt it easier to put your whole life decisions in another persons hands and blame them when you make a mess of your life ??

Lets all blame the psychics and lets all do nothing to better our life and consult a psychic every day and then complain when our lives go down the tubes...

Get off the computer and take charge of your own life....Stop blaming other people when your life goes to hell...

Find another man is there only one in the world .. you people are hysterical...



So Stan, which category fits Master Z

#51Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

Is he a fortune teller, a psychic or just a fraud who likes to fleece people of money any way that he can. Where do you out him?


Bev Hills,

True Psychics vs "Fortune Tellers"

#51Consumer Comment

Sun, April 20, 2008

Please don't loose trust in all people and all psychics because of this negative experiance. What you are going to is a "Fortune Teller" not a psychic at all. True psychics or mediums are far and few between on Kasamba. A fortune teller will read tarot cards, use a crystal ball or some other tool to simply pacify you and tell you what you want to hear. A psychic will guide you or steer you in the right direction. They will give you the power to make your own choices. Never give you advice (Like not to call your boyfriend, whatever) they will only empower you with information or insight so you are able to see a clear picture.

All the choices should be your own. No Fortune Teller should be giving out advise at all. If you do have a "Psychic" that starts to advise you on what choices to make, run. YOu are the only one who knows what is right for you. A true psychic will only show you possible outcomes and insight on your situation. There are genuine psychics or mediums out there. You have to just find them. There are a few on Kasamba, I will not name them here since they will most likely be crucifed on this site. I pray that if you decide to make another attempt at getting a reading you happen to stumble on one of the true psychics on the site. Remember the fortune teller will tell you what you want to hear, a psychic will tell you what you need to hear.

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