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  • Report:  #321176

Complaint Review: Kasamba Master Z

Kasamba Master Z Master Z likes to hurt women for 79c a minute New York Internet

  • Reported By:
    Canberra Other
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 26, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 22, 2008

Master Z has worked on Niteflirt in the extreme category since July 2001. For several years he worked the gay section in which he offered services containing humiliation and pain to men for $2,59c a minute (although late last year he upped it to $2.79 a minute..

Master Z added a listing earlier this year - providing pain to women for 79c a minute. He was often online at niteflirt and Kasamba at the same time but on Kasamba he charges $17.70 a minute.

This is the text:

Master Z still calls himself 'Tough Guy' and says:

Sick of losers? Call a REAL Man.

Like to be submissive like the little s**t you are? I will treat you right, make you feel real good before I hurt you.

I'll have you squirting c*m all over me as I take that tight little a*s for myself, make you beg for more just as you're on the edge of pleasure and pain.

I am discreet, and service many of the ladies on Niteflirt, you will be satisfied!


He cancelled the listing today but we have dated screenshots that we took yesterday and have been tracking him for some time.

I wonder if he declared the 79c a minute he charges to hurt women? Maybe he dropped his price because he is getting old or maybe HE JUST LIKES HURTING PEOPLE-MEN, WOMEN, IT OBVIOUSLY MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.

Hey maybe Angels for no-one should move to Florida and they can suck the life-blood out of each other instead of Kasamba clients.

Since one of his ratings says he had to close the door so his wife wouldn't hear maybe he might need a new wife soon.

We have looked at his early ratings (obviously before Kasamba really started editing them) and many say that he types slow, tries to stretch out readings, and uses other methods to con clients like using generic readings.

His later ratings tell the same story as those of angels for no-one - the clients are complimentary and happy, then express doubt or disappear altogether.

If you put all the evidence together it shows he is a fraud who uses scripted readings, takes ages to say nothing, repeats himself, lies and generally tries every trick in the book to make more money.

When a client confronts him to tell him his predictions were wrong, often after months of his readings and of course after spending 100s and 1000s of dollars he tells them the problem is them because they are not spiritual enough and not his readings. Then he just blocks them.

But he is into money and providing pain so it is hardly surprising.

We can prove this!!!! We are not stupid and wouldn't post this report without substantial proof. We will disseminate this proof when the time is right!

In the meantime beware of Master Z.


25 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 22, 2008

Janice the thing is, you should of never came out of here under numerous personalities. Opening up the group for all to see was a good idea and I stand by that. The thing is to come out here with numerous rants sounding unstable does you NO justice. Regardless of your justifications. It only makes you look quite insane. I am not concerned about being right or wrong. That never crosses my mind and I do not make that my focus. What is crazy is the constant banter going on around here about the same thing from you. Change the way live person does business and be done with it. So far its not much different if the fakes are still on the site making money. That will never change. Be careful that they don't slap you with a big fat lawsuit and I am sure they are NOT concerned with what you are doing. I am quite sure they are waiting for anything you dish out to them with all their corporate lawyers and all. This forum should be used to make people aware of who is real and who is not and leave it up to them to make thier own personal choice if they want to deal with certain psychics or not. Having to read your many rants about this and that does them no justice. For instance your rants about your father that has NOTHING to do with live person at all. You have made this forum your personal sound off board. That in itself is whats disgusting around here. You can call people names all day long but the fact remains that your mind has the tendacy to slip and constantly go OFF topic. With that said I will continue to read your non sensical rants and laugh. You will always have a small gathering of followers because the world is full of unstable people who want to belong to something or someone. Who want to be heard no matter what they sound like in the process.

Thank You



You can better information from the group that I started

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

This site is a good place to start. Karen has always maintained that I had no 'proof'. Yet when I posted the proof under (under another logn (the name I used to 'test' that old perve Master Z is and was a fraud in a group (called 'weakguyonkasamba'). she congratulated 'me'.

That suugests Karen is more concerned with being right than client information. It is irrelevant and shee is irrlevant. The information that i collected in the group.


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 18, 2008

I really have to apologize to the CONSUMERS who come to this site to look up information in regard to psychic frauds and how to spot them, how they work, etc. When they get here they find the obsessive rantings of Janice from Australia on EVERY single thread saying the SAME THINGS. I apologize for the annoyance. IF you can look past these posts of hers thats been going on for such a long time (well over 2 years from what I understand) then perhaps you can find some valuable information on the psychic fraud threads. Many have chosen to ignore this woman by now because she has mulitple names and pretends to be ripped off clients AND Janice supporters.

You can get some useful information from this site but its important to take this Janice stuff with a grain of salt because you can see by the many posts to every thread in this category she is clearly unstable and you can see her unraveling. Its sad.

So please excuse her and the rants and hopefully you can get some good useful information from this site.

Good Luck



The reality is Karen that Liveperson are changing the way they do business

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2008

Yep they are finding more and more ways to support the frauds and rip of the clients. Spells are not considerd a reason for removal because, well the expert is providing a service - to the detriment of the clients of course. Somehow I don't think that the dissemination of the report is going to take years. It has started.

As for Master Z, I did pick my battle. I can now prove that Liveperson refuse to put up ratings refering to obvious frauds if they are the cash cows and instead suspend the client in trumped up reasons.

Given that the account was open for a day, even I couldn't stalk and harass multiple experts during that time and especially since it was night time here when we opened and did this and by the time I got to the computer the next day we were banned.

You had no idea, you really didn't.




#26Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2008

Funny about that.

Yet, she played a big role in getting the research. Early on she reminded me about the disclaimer. So I looked for away around it. Sure I spent a little money, but I got the proof.

Everytime I would run out of steam she would write something utterly rediculous but abusive and that would motive me.

I am starting to load the proof that the COMPANY PRACTICES HIDE AND FACILITATE FRAUD. I got that proof by having 'reads' as she put it.

If she was involved in wring lies about me in those reports that endangered my family well that sort of stuff tends to annoy one to say the least.

But her analysis of my character was wrong. I wasn't vindictive or obssessive when I started posting here. I was actually shocked and confused and depressed.

Now I am far more angry and vindictive than even she could have imagined.

I wrote in the other group that I would like to see Powerful Visions hanging in Times square with her affirmations stuffed in her mouth.

I wasn't joking. I am going dob in the worst of them.

For the record I had a read with Robin and he wasn't correct but he didn't try to scam me. It is the ONLY contact that I have ever had with Robin and I have never been associated with the KU, but I actually believe that they try to get the worst frauds out.

Unfortunately, the management now protect the biggest frauds.

I hate the frauds with a passion but I will defend those I know to be honest - there are so few of them. I had several reads with Nicola and she is as ethical and honest as they come. She wouldn't keep any client on a second longer than it took, never went beyond her stated abilities, and she was pretty much correct. She was the only one who got things right. SHE IS ETHICAL HONEST AND TALENTED.

THE PROBELM IS THE MANAGEMENT. They re not only dishonest, they are endangering the lives of clients by lying about checking the credentials of health experts.

I have tried to tell them and they banned me so there is no other option but to take the evidence elsewhere.

I would recommend a client to go anywhere else that Nicola and Northcar and Melodie and even Robin worked. They don't string people along like Powerful Visions, Master Z, Ladriele or use scripts like Lee and Fruno, or try to flog spells like the others in the 'spells' research.

Yes Karen, you were very helpful to the research. You should pop over to the group and check it out. After all you did compliment me on starting the group. Oh that's right. It was before you knew it was me. Gotcha on that one. Your stupidity was showing. Well I am going to make you look more stupid, if that is possible.

See I was really never into the vicious payback stuff but you and the others showed me how LOW people can go.

Malicious little trolls-the lot of you. You just didn't get it. I had those reads for a reason and the investment of a few dollars is unimportant when people's lives are at stake. You didn't have any idea. You still don't.

It wasn't my experience with the psychics that was at the core of all this. It was finding out that the health experts were fakes and that the company was ignoring complaints of sexual harrassment of minors.

The psychics were just case studies to show how bent the company is. The real issue is that they carry that dishonesty into the health and tutoring areas and that is where peoples lives are endangered. You're so stupid, you really are.



The readers just gave me justification Karen-u better have proof of every lie

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2008

I am going to expose the frauds. I hope you, like everyone else has proof of the lies that you have written about me over the past year because I have had enough.

If you do not have proof then I suggest you find some because I can sue you for defamation.

I remeber you said I don't have a thing on the company. You were wrong, You have always been wrong.









North Carolina,

Listen Janice

#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Learn to pick your battles. Everything is NOT your business! Guess you have made yourself the "official" Kasamba police. Well I am sure they are waiting for you and your "lawyer". In the meantime CHANGE THE WAY THEY CONDUCT BUSINESS! That is what your trying to do right? If I recall that is what you said, now LET'S SEE IT ALREADY! Oh, I forgot, its gonna take years and with that being said you will be justified with the harrassing and stalking of these readers.


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Janice, I am sorry but you sound like a nut! Now you have a lawyer telling you to be decietful huh? You have a lawyer telling you to harrass these readers and find them on other sites as well huh? You have a lawyer encouraging your obsession huh? The only thing I am interested in seeing from you and "your report" is THAT IT HAS CHANGED THE WAY KASAMBA/LIVEPERSON CONDUCTS THEIR BUSINESS! NOW YOU GO AND PROVE THAT! THAT THEY HAVE CHANGED BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE DONE! All the stuff you go on and on about on this site will be irrelevant if you do NOT produce those results. Now lets see how long it will take you and your "lawyer" TO DO THAT! Oh and the name calling Janice was very funny. Thanks for the laugh.


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Janice you are a BORE!! A big bag of wind! PROVE THAT YOUR RESEARCH CHANGED/CHANGES THE WAY KASAMBA/LIVEPERSON CONDUCTS THEIR BUSINESS! Then the repetitive crap you keep going on about will be well worth it! NOW PROVE IT!! PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Of course its going to take you the next five years right? So that will justify you harrassing and stalking the kasamba readers right?


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Janice you are a BORE!! A big bag of wind! PROVE THAT YOUR RESEARCH CHANGED/CHANGES THE WAY KASAMBA/LIVEPERSON CONDUCTS THEIR BUSINESS! Then the repetitive crap you keep going on about will be well worth it! NOW PROVE IT!! PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Of course its going to take you the next five years right? So that will justify you harrassing and stalking the kasamba readers right?


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Janice you are a BORE!! A big bag of wind! PROVE THAT YOUR RESEARCH CHANGED/CHANGES THE WAY KASAMBA/LIVEPERSON CONDUCTS THEIR BUSINESS! Then the repetitive crap you keep going on about will be well worth it! NOW PROVE IT!! PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Of course its going to take you the next five years right? So that will justify you harrassing and stalking the kasamba readers right?


North Carolina,


#26Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 15, 2008

Janice you are a BORE!! A big bag of wind! PROVE THAT YOUR RESEARCH CHANGED/CHANGES THE WAY KASAMBA/LIVEPERSON CONDUCTS THEIR BUSINESS! Then the repetitive crap you keep going on about will be well worth it! NOW PROVE IT!! PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Of course its going to take you the next five years right? So that will justify you harrassing and stalking the kasamba readers right?



proof that i am stalking Kasamba readers all over the net:

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Where is it?

Lister you f^&*(%$ stupid troll prove what you say or shut up.

Prove that I am stalking Kasamba psychics all over the net. Just like Maryann (who couldn't get her facts straight from one post to another).

Plenty of people have seen drafts of the report and there is s lot you don't know.

Why dot'y YOU help the homeless?...huh!!!

You are stupid-period! And anyway, what are you doing posting here?..

Like I said to the es-reader-put up the proof or shut up...she shut-uo what will you do you flyridden scumbag



proof that i am stalking Kasamba readers all over the net:

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Where is it?

Lister you f^&*(%$ stupid troll prove what you say or shut up.

Prove that I am stalking Kasamba psychics all over the net. Just like Maryann (who couldn't get her facts straight from one post to another).

Plenty of people have seen drafts of the report and there is s lot you don't know.

Why dot'y YOU help the homeless?...huh!!!

You are stupid-period! And anyway, what are you doing posting here?..

Like I said to the es-reader-put up the proof or shut up...she shut-uo what will you do you flyridden scumbag



Listen Karen,

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

I will spell it out in simple sentences. Maybe then even you can understand
1. Yes I have had readings but the purpose was to set up frauds I have got a lot of them that way.
2. Mater Z knew my login and would have just blocked me
3. I found out he has been sexually harrassing female clients
4. My lawyer and I decided to create a new login-so if we wanted to set the p%^&* up, of course we would use an unknown name. Especially if we were posing as a 29 year old man..get stupid $%^$(*&^ idiot.


North Carolina,

Aussie boy

#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 06, 2008

Janice why are you posting out here as Janice AND Aussie boy? I mean what is the point of that? Is it to decieve? It really makes no sense. Why are you also stalking kasamba readers all over the net? Oh, I forgot; its RESEARCH. I personally think its to feed your obsessive personality disorder. You really do not need to stalk kasamba readers all over the net but keep your focus on kasamba. Now you say master z is sexually harrassing girls. I guess this is to justify your actions towards him. When does it stop? Does it ever? How long does this research take? Years like your other report? So this means you will be justified in stalking these readers all over the place because your "research" takes years? Makes no sense whatsover. You really have to find something to do. Something that brings a much better soulful pleasure. Like helping the homeless and hungry in australia. Perhaps helping the addicted a bit more. Something that is instantly rewarding unless stalking kasamba experts all over the net is more instantly rewarding, which I suspect it may be for you.




To clarify

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, April 29, 2008

Master Z used the same picture on a S & M website as he uses on one of his many keen listings. He does not use the same name. He removed the listing on the sexsite the day after we confronted him about it (big indication of guilt). However, all the screenshots are available for public viewing (and to download) on the yahoo group 'weakguyonkasamba'.

You have to join the group. however, you can download them and then unsubscribe.

The 'revenge' aspect is to get back at him for sexually harassing his female clients in a derogatory manner.

We should have stated this more clearly. He is a lowlife who not only leads people on at Kasamba and then, when he is confronted about it, blocks them (like many others), he sexually harrasses female clients in a sick derogatory manner.

If you don't care for that opinion - that Liveperson/Kasamba restricts the accounts of people who complian too frequently about one of their cash cows engaging his sick predelictions on innocent femeale clients during PAID sessions, fair enough. But we apologise for not writing the initial post in a clearer manner.




#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

You state this is revenge...which accounts for about 98% of the files on this site. Just because you had a bad experience with the reader doens't mean all will. I just find this whole post wierd. I know you don't care about our opinions etc etc etc, we are just telling you how much we don't care for yours either lol.




#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

You state this is revenge...which accounts for about 98% of the files on this site. Just because you had a bad experience with the reader doens't mean all will. I just find this whole post wierd. I know you don't care about our opinions etc etc etc, we are just telling you how much we don't care for yours either lol.




#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

You state this is revenge...which accounts for about 98% of the files on this site. Just because you had a bad experience with the reader doens't mean all will. I just find this whole post wierd. I know you don't care about our opinions etc etc etc, we are just telling you how much we don't care for yours either lol.


New Hampshire,


#26Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

WOW! That's all I have to really say. I am not convinced that someone would use the same name on a psychic profile and then on an s & m profile. Some people are all about S & M and it really is not about the pain, it is about the mentality of it. No I am not into that, I do however, have a friend that talks about it constantly! LOL. So even if he did have a thing with bondage and stuff, who is anyone to criticize? Are you saying that someone who is "into" that sort of thing can not be caring? My friend is into that, and they are caring. It is just a sort of escape for some, not a way of life persay. I don't see what your point is.



Not bogus-here is the explanation from Kasamba support

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, March 27, 2008

This is the email we received last night. As I explained in a report I just posted we have challenged it in order to see what they say. We sent the proof to Kasamba support - i.e. screenshots of the same picture on his sexsite profile AND his other psychic site profile.

RE: account resriction and ratings (LTK14302966892X)
Kasamba Support
Kasamba Support
AddThursday, March 27, 2008 9:15:07 PM


Thank you for contacting Kasamba.

Please note that due to misuse of Kasamba sessions and multiple complaints of harassment from experts, your account has been restricted.

We do not allow any Kasamba member to harass another client or expert in any way, and we have reason to believe that the rating left in your session was done maliciously. For this reason, it will not be added to the website.


Jeff P.
Kasamba Support

Why are we doing this? Because he is a scumbag who hurts people, leads them on for a couple of years decimates them emotionally and financially, then, when he is confronted, says it is their problem because they are not spiritual enough and blocks them.

Stan, you can think it is bogus if you like. We don't care what you think, it is unimportant, the man is a monster and a fraud and we have proof. We do not have to answer to you. We are simply reporting a ripoff here.

Why are we doing this. It is called revenge!!! Yes we know it's not spiritual but he is STILL hurting people on Kasamba except now the company edit the ratings more.



Yes he is that dumb - same picture

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, March 27, 2008

He used the EXACT SAME PICTURE on his sexsite accounts that he used on one of his other profiles on another psychic site except on the sexsite he wants to cause pain ad on the psychic site he says he is caring and spiritual. What a jerk-and a stupid one at that.

We have it all on dated screenshots and sent it to Kasamba Support last night.

He thinks he has cancelled the PROFILE IN WHICH HE WANTS TO HURT WOMEN FOR 79c but the url is still in my cookie - it just comes up with his MEMID and cancelled account - funny that he cancelled it the day after we sprung him. I am like computer challenged but the IRS have 4,000 experienced people who are not and i have the 'cancel' url documented.

So basically if he hasn't paid his taxed he is F*&$%* :).

I didn't know about the other sites - I must add them to our list. Thankyou. :)


Ile Dupas,

Don't forget

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, March 27, 2008

don'T forget that like the other scams he have multiple account WIZARD Z and MASTER Z are one of the same. He is also RAVENTHEWITCH on a less well know advisor webstie that i can'T remember the name right now.

If you notice on kasamba he charges way more money on one of his account that the other account. I would be angry if i went to the account he charges the most only to find out that he opened a new account recently to post on the public board where he charges significently less.

WHat they do is stealing really. We hire to get a psychic reading and they don't provide service they provide script and other scams.


Bev Hills,

Would Master Z be that dumb?

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, March 27, 2008

I see there is also a website about S&M called Master Z. I seriously doubt it is the same person. Do you think Master Z would be so dumb as to use the same name? This is obviously someone else using the handle Master Z who is into this type of sexual stuff. What is your vested interest in doing this? Did Master Z take you for a lot of money? I don't see the scathing review you said you left. Why would you take the time to post this, which is obviously not true and ridiculous?

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