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  • Report:  #306880

Complaint Review: Kasamba

Kasamba Phony Psychics - Golden Eye - Zhohara - Love Psychic Penny, REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES, Voodoo Love Queen, Edith OLeary, Want to waste your money? Want to be told what you wanna hear? Contact these psychics now. Internet

  • Reported By:
    New York New York
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 07, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 06, 2013
*Consumer Comment: Golden Eye *Consumer Comment: GOLDEN EYE *Author of original report: Not Gonna fall for it twice *Author of original report: Not Gonna fall for it twice *Author of original report: Not Gonna fall for it twice *Author of original report: Not Gonna fall for it twice *UPDATE Employee: Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife *UPDATE Employee: Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife *UPDATE Employee: Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife *Consumer Comment: definately scammed.... *Consumer Comment: Hmmmmmmmmm *Author of original report: There Rachelle Happy now *Author of original report: Here visiting for 3 weeks *Consumer Comment: Golden Eye *Author of original report: Christine You forgot something *Author of original report: Rachelle did you have any other readings *Author of original report: How about this CON ARTIST Zhohara *Author of original report: HERE IS THEBEST OF THE BEST FOR LIARS *Consumer Comment: Kas expert - Psychic watchdog *Consumer Comment: Don't rate immediately *Consumer Comment: Golden Eye - Zhohara - Love Psychic Penny, REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES, Voodoo Love Queen, Edith OLeary REVIEWS *Consumer Comment: Comment *Consumer Comment: Golden Eye - ex Grish *Consumer Suggestion: GOLDEN EYE GRISHS REIGN OF TERROR AS EVE *Consumer Comment: Not true.... *Consumer Comment: Phony psychics *Consumer Comment: Reunites Lovers in Minutes is a FRAUD! *Consumer Comment: Reunites Lovers in Minutes is a SCAMMER! Magic 8 ball can do better! *Consumer Comment: tried a few *General Comment: Golden Eye is fake!!!

These are a few of the psychics that I got readings from last year under an old account. Everyone of them told me what I wanted to hear. Not one of them had a prediction come true. Was even offered a free love spell from Voodoo Love queen that didn't work. Amazing how all of their predictions were similar in nature. They all were the same in one sense, THEIR PREDICTIONS NEVER CAME TO PASS, NOT 1 OF THEM!!! Remember this when you are considering hiring one of these so called experts on Kasamba.

Psychic Awareness
New York, New York

30 Updates & Rebuttals


New Haven,

Golden Eye is fake!!!

#31General Comment

Sun, October 06, 2013

I also had reading with Golden Eye and I can tell she is fake. Nothing of what she said come to pass. Everyone please be careful with her. If you pay attention most of the time she is rated by the same person over and over. Almost everyday g-lee rates her outstanding, it's like she has nothing else to do then waste her money on reading with her all the time. Go to her reviews and you will see yourself. FAKE !


New York,
United States of America

tried a few

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, November 05, 2012

I am just a regular person who has tried Liveperson psychics - no relation to any - read this post and wanted to add to it -

I have used many psychics on live person last year and nothing panned out - not one thing -
here is my 

Divine timing - Sonia- now seven 7 seven - she tries scare tactics as if she won't read for you anymore if you dare to challenge her - not one thing she predicted happened - she had the nerve to predict engagement marriage and KIDS with the man in question - in reality I never heard another word from him again, even to this day almost 2 years later - Sonia will answer emails even when things do not pan out - but she just feeds you more of her expensive bs - 

ALexandra - she is one heck of a b itch - also uses scare tactics so that one doesn't challenge what she says - very bold and has a bedside manner that would kill even the devil - ugh she was awful - not one thing she said happened - not even a contact - she will block you when things do not play out

Amber - same thing - very abrasive personality - she's another done who is PMS - not one thing happened - she also blocks if you dare to even ask nicely if "timing might the off" - 

Angels for you - this lady is a fruit loop - I think she is a hoarder or something - not one thing she said came true - she said he will be calling and to wait for phone to ring because its going to any minute - Well Ann, I am still waiting ????? nut bag- she probably smokes medicinal weed 

Master Enigma - total idiot & full of hot air - uses excuses such as things are moving slow universally - well darn it - its two years later and still nothing !!!!  I should have been married and had kids with the person in question at this point -

Psychic Andrew Tarot - or something like that - "Andy" oh they all love andy - you know why ?? because he's so sweet thats why - in reality he is so far off base in predictions its ridiculous - not one thing he predicted happened - he was really nice though - but nice doesn't cut it - you are paying for predictions that come true aren't you ? 

Raven Franks was first one I used - she was awful - fake fake fake - used what they call "cold reading" on me - when I came back for updates she kept pushing dates out - finally I stopped going and smartened up - LOL smartened up by trying the above people who's predictions didn't happen either !

Breezy - an old nut bag - crazy - 
Spirit Amy - fake
Psychic Emma - nothing happened
Mystic Maggie - nothing happened
Karen - nothing happened
Larkeden - nothing happened- then gave a bs answer saying that guides sometimes lie to sooth you because thats what they think you need - ugh
Quietsound - nothing happened - guess the apparition she shows in her picture as her guide angel was wrong 
PowerfulInsights- snotty little brat - she needs a slap to straighten her attitude out - very immature
Psychic Andrew - he kept rambling on and on - put things so far out and painted a fairytale - kept repeating himself - you need to disconnect to stop the broken record - he will tell you the same thing ten different ways and keep rambling on over and over and over again - 


This year I did research and thoroughly read reviews for awhile before trying a select few -


Golden eye - Grish - I have had maybe 10 to 15 readings from her now and can  honestly report that every prediction to date has happened "so far"  - her timing might be slightly off at times but timing is always tough, but things DO happen - she is very cut and dry - gives you the answer really fast and then disconnects - She is the real deal -

Psychic Yazmin - I have used her a few times - her readings are so far pretty accurate - half the stuff has happened already and half is way out next year but nevertheless - so far dates have matched up with predictions -

Psychic Sonny Pietro - nice guy - I do think he is the real deal as well - so far what he has predicted for me has come to pass up to date  - you can't go wrong with him - hard to catch him online but if you get the chance do try him - his price is very low 

Stefans psychic soul - another nice person - he reads quite differently than the others- but gives you the answers as if you are talking to a friend - very easy going - if he cannot read something he tells you - so far his stuff has come through as well - he will not give you an exact date he works more in terms of "events" or how it will happen and area of time or about what time in month etc - which is nice in a way because you don't get hung up on exact timing or exact date - his stuff does play out as he says - 

Hope this helps -


United States of America

Reunites Lovers in Minutes is a SCAMMER! Magic 8 ball can do better!

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, February 15, 2010

Reunites Lovers in Minutes has to be a whole GROUP of people working the one listing.  Each time I called her/him/them  I felt like I was talking to a different person.  Oh and you can never phone Reunites Lovers in Minutes only chatroom--prolly becuz you would be talking to the grandma, the son, the boyfriend or who knows!

All I know is that NONE of her predictions came true and she would email me to COME SEE HER to milk me for every dime I had at nearly $20 bucks a minute.  Her 'spells' are a total joke0--they are nothing, did not work for me.

a MAGIC 8 BALL can tell future better than REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES!  All this one does is scam people out of ALL THEIR MONEY!


United States of America

Reunites Lovers in Minutes is a FRAUD!

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, January 26, 2010

I fell for the hype and her phony friendship and she milked me for thousands of dollars. Yeah at nearly $18 bucks a min and never a discount!  Nothing ever came true and when I tried to talk to her again she IGNORED me and blocked me./

Noone can REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES and neither can she--you know it seems like I spoke to a variety of other people playingh like they were REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES so I think it's a big scam!  DO NOT go to REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES and lose thousands of dollars like I did!

I think her 'good' reviews are fakes set up by family and friends to sucker people in!



Phony psychics

#31Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

I just wanted to say that I had a reading with Zohara and found her accurate, but I do agree on Golden Eye. The others I don't know of. But if you are offered a free spell, take it with a grain of salt and if it works great, if it doesnt you shouldn't complain about it, it was free. But I do see your point.


United Kingdom

Not true....

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, March 25, 2008

Eve also gave "Yogi" five stars, at the time she said she had finally found someone worthy of five stars.

"Yogi" appears to have gone now...(although could be back as someone else) maybe there is a connection between Grish, Dr Amit and Yogi?




#31Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 24, 2008

Eve well known for terrorising readers all over several sites is actually GRISH also known as Golden eye...

This reader is the only one eve has never ever given a poor review or rating but used to rave about .

If you follow the ratings of Golden eye and Amit . You will find that they have alot of clients on there who have down rated other readers .. Whereever a reader has a poor rating with A RANTING BAD COMMENT ... you can cross check over and find the same client then rates 5 stars to golden eye and with a raving nice comment...

This has been going on for many years and is very obvious if u really take a good look . Because often after the reader has used a name of a client to rate other readers down the client disappears...

Eve has rated everyone poorly for years and years yet never grish - golden eye...
Yet golden eye sits there now in top position still seeming to not be happy with this but to have to continue to attack any new readers as soon as they sign up and also to rate others down then give themselves glowing reviews.

Grish Amit Grow up ... Its sickening obvious what horrible people u truelly are!



Golden Eye - ex Grish

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

I have had a read with her when she was Grish and nothing panned out.




#31Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

Hi, since you asked for comments - I have tried Zhohara - she is very empathetic and could read on a medical condition. Also on the feelings of someone I was interested at the time and the situation. The prediction on that situation didnt pan out though but she did get the present very well.

VLQ - her strong prediction on a situation didnt pan out for me.

PCB - had one read but that didnt pan out either
These reads were a couple of years ago.

Maybe someone else has some feedback to help you too.



Golden Eye - Zhohara - Love Psychic Penny, REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES, Voodoo Love Queen, Edith OLeary REVIEWS

#31Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

A question for others.




Don't rate immediately

#31Consumer Comment

Sat, February 09, 2008

Clients are so wowed by what they say, they rate immeditely, hard not to though sometimes. I suggest waiting but have found, that if you do wait to rate, the readers might block you. And they are complaining about how traffic/income is down, also can see that on They are killing their own business with these tactics.



Kas expert - Psychic watchdog

#31Consumer Comment

Fri, February 08, 2008

On another thread Kas expert mentioned that Tracey was part of the group with Amber and Simone. I checked Tracey's bio and it has similiarity in skills to simone - especially being able to SEE what lies ahead and KNOW the thoughs and feelings of others - to the point of being able to tell a client verbatim in the correct dialect what someone is thinking - these are both skills of simone and tracey which are very unique. This is NOT to say they are the same reader - it is just a strong similarity. However what was interesting was that simone, under "simone" "simone197" left over 30 feedbacks for Tracey between May 6th through December. Both these "clients" are the same if you read the feedback and the words used...almost like selling the reader "predictions on cue, come to pass"....that's a lot of reads!

psychic watchdog - yes I have tried some of those readers in the past but again, predictions did not happen

What's good about all this is that we are clearly learning that the feedback system is definitely not what it appears and to be wary of anyone consistently posting that "predictions come true"...if they were they wouldnt need over 30 reads. It must be a selling technique..

What's bad though is that the readers probably read this and then change their "client" name...arrgh

Psychic watchdog

New York,
New York,


#31Author of original report

Fri, February 08, 2008

LOOK FOR "PSYCHIC LOVE GUIDANCE" she claims she can talk psychically to a living human like a real conversation. That is impossible!

Psychic Watchdog

New York,
New York,

How about this CON ARTIST Zhohara

#31Author of original report

Fri, February 08, 2008

Anyone have dealings with the con artist Zhohara? Please inform.

Psychic Watchdog

New York,
New York,

Rachelle did you have any other readings

#31Author of original report

Fri, February 08, 2008

Rachelle, it might be possible that you are a victim of info swapping. Check your records with other readers you have dealt with.

Psychic Watchdog

New York,
New York,

Christine You forgot something

#31Author of original report

Fri, February 08, 2008

Christine, you were basically on the mark when you said Edith O'Leary was an old con but you forgot to say an old "EXPENSIVE" con. I really hope that consumers will watch for this person and not fall for the sweet old lady routine. Which, in this case, is a total farce. Thanks for your input - CLIENTS BEWARE


Oakleigh VIC,

Golden Eye

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

I just went back throught my session. I did not give her any info ( apart from my name DOB) and questions.

It seems I was one of the lucky ones. Im sorry others have not had the same positive experience.

Psychic watchdog

New York,
New York,

There Rachelle Happy now

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Here ya go. As I travel extensively, I like to put my current location as my whereabouts. Interesting how your so interested about my location (Hmmmmmmm) but will defend an obvious con artist like Golden Eye, if you don't believe me read the previous posts.

Psychic watchdog

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Here visiting for 3 weeks

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Rachelle - I'm here visiting for 3 weeks looking at a university faculty position. Should have left address the same but didn't. Thank you for asking


Oakleigh VIC,


#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

When did you move from New york to Korea Psychic Watchdog??


United Kingdom

definately scammed....

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

Golden Eye lives with Spiritual Diagnoses (formerly Dr Amit).

I had a reading with Golden eye once per usual did not go for another due to predictions not coming through. Also, I just checked my history, and I was asked for the situation, prompted alot and questioned. Golden Eye was one of the first I read with and I gave WAY TO MUCH INFO than I should of. I think that is another subject though. How much info are people actually giving prior to and during the read they are paying for.

This can obviously affect the reading and make it easy for psychic scammer's who are good at it to provide what looks like an "authentic reading" just to get the rate, and then the predictions not happen or situation not be as you had been told.

I think the only way, if you are going to have a reading, is to check the number of re-occuring clients (and Im not talking about the ones that go day after day after day) to have some chance of not being ripped off.



Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife

#31UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 07, 2008

They used to be named 'Grish' and 'Dr. Amit'. Theyre crooks. They share client details back and fourth. It used to be they would be logged on together until one of them got a reading then they both became unavailable, but not anymore.

Edith Oleary is a big old con but that's all that is 'old' about her. She's phony as a three dollar bill, so is voodoo love queen and reunites lovers.



Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife

#31UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 07, 2008

They used to be named 'Grish' and 'Dr. Amit'. Theyre crooks. They share client details back and fourth. It used to be they would be logged on together until one of them got a reading then they both became unavailable, but not anymore.

Edith Oleary is a big old con but that's all that is 'old' about her. She's phony as a three dollar bill, so is voodoo love queen and reunites lovers.



Golden Eye and Spiritual Diagnosis are husband and wife

#31UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 07, 2008

They used to be named 'Grish' and 'Dr. Amit'. Theyre crooks. They share client details back and fourth. It used to be they would be logged on together until one of them got a reading then they both became unavailable, but not anymore.

Edith Oleary is a big old con but that's all that is 'old' about her. She's phony as a three dollar bill, so is voodoo love queen and reunites lovers.

Psychic Watchdog

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Not Gonna fall for it twice

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Thanks for your input but I'm not gonna go right back to the scene of the crime. Do you think that Golden Eye just got lucky in your case? She does prompt for a lot of information. Sorry to hear it was bad news however. Don't trust them one bit, she was so far off base that it was ridiculous. I believe she has no psychic ability at all and I am totally done with them. I'll find better ways to waste my hard earned money and actually get something out of it. Thanks for your reply.

Psychic Watchdog

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Not Gonna fall for it twice

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Thanks for your input but I'm not gonna go right back to the scene of the crime. Do you think that Golden Eye just got lucky in your case? She does prompt for a lot of information. Sorry to hear it was bad news however. Don't trust them one bit, she was so far off base that it was ridiculous. I believe she has no psychic ability at all and I am totally done with them. I'll find better ways to waste my hard earned money and actually get something out of it. Thanks for your reply.

Psychic Watchdog

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Not Gonna fall for it twice

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Thanks for your input but I'm not gonna go right back to the scene of the crime. Do you think that Golden Eye just got lucky in your case? She does prompt for a lot of information. Sorry to hear it was bad news however. Don't trust them one bit, she was so far off base that it was ridiculous. I believe she has no psychic ability at all and I am totally done with them. I'll find better ways to waste my hard earned money and actually get something out of it. Thanks for your reply.

Psychic Watchdog

Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Not Gonna fall for it twice

#31Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

Thanks for your input but I'm not gonna go right back to the scene of the crime. Do you think that Golden Eye just got lucky in your case? She does prompt for a lot of information. Sorry to hear it was bad news however. Don't trust them one bit, she was so far off base that it was ridiculous. I believe she has no psychic ability at all and I am totally done with them. I'll find better ways to waste my hard earned money and actually get something out of it. Thanks for your reply.


Oakleigh VIC,


#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

I am very sorry that you have had these experiences. It seems the psychics you mentioned are some of the higher rated psychics ( which may have tempted you to use them in the first place).

I have used Golden eye (once). She gave me news that I did not want to hear, but it turn out to be correct.

Did you try contacting these psychics about their predictions? Some of them MAY be prepared to have another look at your situation for free.



Golden Eye

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

Can't speak for the others but I have had a reading with Golden Eye and none of her predictions came true for me either.
Thank you for your post.

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