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  • Report:  #314086

Complaint Review: Kasamba

Kasamba Sharing client info. Unethical practices. Internet Internet

  • Reported By:
    West Covina California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 03, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 06, 2010
  • Kasamba
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Kasamba Clients are Just as Bad *Consumer Comment: Adrianna - blocking is a blessing *Author of original report: P *Author of original report: Thank you Augusta *Author of original report: Thank you Augusta *Author of original report: Thank you Augusta *Author of original report: Thank you Augusta *Consumer Comment: Bad clients.... *Consumer Comment: Good comments *Consumer Comment: S - *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Looking through this thread *Author of original report: Great comments, I agree. *Author of original report: Patti *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Actually, Adriana *Consumer Comment: Patti - *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Augusta *Author of original report: Patti continues with her wild speculations *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adriana continues with her wild accusations *Consumer Comment: Patti please speak for yourself and not "everyone" *Consumer Comment: Wow *Author of original report: Wonderfully said, S & Augusta. *Consumer Comment: Patti *Consumer Comment: Confidentiality and Blacklisting of clients *Consumer Suggestion: Sick *Consumer Suggestion: Sick *Consumer Suggestion: Sick *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help. *Author of original report: "obvious"...?? *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Don't bother Obvious... *Consumer Comment: Adrianna - ignore negative posts *Consumer Comment: Adrianna - ignore negative posts *Consumer Comment: Adrianna - ignore negative posts *Consumer Comment: Adrianna - ignore negative posts *Consumer Comment: Augusta is right *Consumer Suggestion: here is a solution *UPDATE Employee: another solution *UPDATE Employee: another solution *UPDATE Employee: another solution *UPDATE Employee: another solution *Consumer Suggestion: Be for real *UPDATE Employee: then what are you still doing there? *UPDATE Employee: then what are you still doing there? *UPDATE Employee: then what are you still doing there? *Consumer Comment: Searching peace - you are condescending *Consumer Comment: Not only condescending but *Consumer Comment: I HAVE to ask *Consumer Comment: because i tried to get people together P *Consumer Comment: P, I want to make a couple of things clear *Consumer Comment: Well that's utter Crap *Consumer Comment: of course it it utter crap P *Consumer Suggestion: The Same *Consumer Comment: No Karen *Consumer Comment: The problem is... *Consumer Comment: Sadly you're right Mister Psycho but Kasamba isn't ONLY supporting psychic fraud *Consumer Comment: Correction Mr Pshycho *UPDATE EX-employee responds: This thread is bizzarre...

I was a client of Kasamba for over a year. I found maybe a few experts who were honest, ethical, and accurate.
I went through a rough patch in my life and found myself on there far more often than I should have been. I would usually stick with lower priced readers, but when I started to feel like I wasn't getting accurate info, I thought I would try some of the higher priced ones with the spectacular ratings.

A few times the chat session ended before I even said hello, when I tried to go back, I was seemingly blocked. One evening a reader asked me if we had spoken before. When I replied that we hadn't, she went on to say that there was a client with a similar username as mine, that other readers were aware of this, and that I might find myself being blocked. She never told me what the issue was that they were aware of, but she did go ahead and try to read for me anyway. Needless to say I was shocked. I went on to find myself being blocked by readers I had never spoken to before I even typed hello. What??? Could these were the same readers with rating after rating praising their accuracy, KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, ASSISTANCE??? Blocking me??? They didn't even know me. That is KINDNESS?

To add insult to injury, I was not even a bad client. I rated less tha 5 stars only once and that rating was a 4. When sessions were bad, I didn't even leave a rating. How foolish of me!! I had no idea why I was being blocked other than possibly having had the misfortune of having a username similar to some jerky client. So what is all this??? Readers are sharing client info??? What else are they sharing??? This is ETHICAL????

These some of the readers who blocked me before I even said HELLO. They're not all higher priced. I have absolutely no idea if they are accurate or not. Though, it seems like somehow they are sharing information and discussing clients behind the scenes.

Amber's Light
Willow Elizabeth
Supernatural Superserious (used to be Psychic Ariana)
Light Help
Lady Kathryn
Autumn Dancing Heart
Golden Spirit Dyani
A1 Angel the Original
Mystic Shelli-Ann
Psychic Love Connection

The following greeted me, but for whatever reason disconnected and then blocked me after.

Scottish Glendhu (Got as far as asking me to type my question. When I hit the first keystroke, she disconnected. I tried to go back but was blocked.)

Susan Axacoava (SHE told me she was unable to connect with me and suggested I try again another time. She seemed very willing to try again, but when I came back a couple days later, I was blocked.)

Elizabeth Antoinette (I was a few words into typing my question when we were disconnected. Again I was blocked)

I think there were a few more, but because I don't have records, I only want to list the ones I am absolutely sure of. I obviously can't say for certain that ALL of these readers are discussing clients, but it seems a bit suspicious doesn't it? How else do you immediately block a person you've NEVER spoken to before. Add in the info given to me by that reader (I choose to keep her anonymous to avoid any possible retaliation. After all she did give me a helpful warning.)

Decide for yourselves, and be cautious to whom you speak.

West Covina, California

59 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

This thread is bizzarre...

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 06, 2010

Ok, reading through this thread I see many things wrong with it. First place, if someone is blocking you due to your username, why not just change it? There is a feature for changing your username.

Secondly, I have a problem with the blaming. If you were working in a business and someone with a very memorable user name came to you and got a hired reading for 1 hour yet when kasamba tried to collect you got stiffed, I'm sure you would avoid that username in future after as well. On keen one gets paid regardless, on Kasamba the psychic gets their money deducted, but they also have option who to let hire and who to not let hire.

It's not a readers job to never decline anyone on a site giving you that option. If you look at the legals, it is an "Entertainment Industry". The reader doesn't owe anyone anything. But they are often treated like they do by clients who don't understand what being psychic means or is truly about and who either abuse it or expect psychics to be goddly and infallible or use psychics for things it shouldnt be used for. Clients can seem to sometimes assume any psychic who charges anything, that shouldn't happen because it should always be free if a psychic can't provide 100% accuracy in a world 100% accuracy is impossible due to free will.They assume they can treat psychics however they want to and they basically succeed. Due to the ratings system, it makes it hard for a psychic to set a boundary without fear of retaliation. Though yes there are some scamming psychics who are good at playing with clients neediness and desire to manipulate others.

Back to user names and reasons to hang up.... even on Kasamba when I read there I would even get perverts wanting chat sex things. They would always use the phone option, so yes, whenever someone would call with a male username, i would automatically hang up... no questions asked. It can also often be used as protection to prevent a crazy person hiring you and then feeling stuck like you can't let them down or you get rated badly. It happens. Its sucks. Yes, people do decline usernames that have proven in past dishonest. Sometimes you can spend an hour being drained by someone who is an energy vampire trying to suck you dry and you can never do anything right by them, never end up getting hired, or you get hired but still never get paid because the client refutes the charges. Also, no, contrary to client opinion, readings should not have to be always free or even 100% accurate, reading does not work that way, future has free will, abuse the occult and get too many readings and then accuracy starts going down the toilet. Add that it is meant to simply be an entertainment industry.

But, I don't understand why you are blaming experts for just being smart and declining what they think will be unstable energy before dealing with it? If you were on messenger and some person named john viagra kept contacting you and being vulgar, mean or sexual, would you not learn to decline anyone who approached you for chat using anything similar to that username???

Secondly, in reference to someones thread saying that a bad client is only one that rates badly and that is all that is about. Huh?? Get an account on Kasamba and see for yourself. Different kinds of bad clients are 1. ones that show up angry about a situation or at a partner and take it out on you before even saying hello. 2. ones that the second they contact you are like I only have 2 minutes so hurry up. And they expect their whole life story in 2 minutes and it to be 100% accurate. 3. Ones that tie you up in "connection" and who get connection validation but still dont want to hire and treat you very rudely about it, like you owe them free readings because readings should always be free or something. 4. ones that are psychic junkies and have contacted about 12 other psychics before contacting you and tell you everything every other psychic has said. 5. Ones that are clearly off balance, threatening suicide if you don't give them the answer they want "Oh I should just kill myself now" or putting onto you it is your fault if they do etc. 6. Ones that say things like "oh my ex started my house on fire and I'm so angry at him, police were called etc etc but can you please tell me if he is going to call me despite my having a restraining order on him? I just want to know he has thought about things and still cares". Or something like "I dreamed about my ex, is he coming back", if you say no, you get them getting angry at you because since they  dreamed about it it has to happen, even though the ex has a new wife, they have not really talked in 10 years, and when she tried the ex told her to "leave me alone". 7. Clients who hire you and spend 1 to 2 hours reading with you but you learn afterwards had a false credit card or declined payment so you were never paid. Maybe clients think this is no big deal but when you spend 1 to 2 hours dealing with other peoples heavy issues and take on all their range of emotions acting to try to console them or other things, I wasnt on Kasamba to chat for an hour with people and never get paid. For that people can use yahoo, myspace or facebook 8. People who contact for simply chat, looking for chat buddies, giving you their email address wanting you to contact them off kasamba. 9. Yes, people who expect you to be God and get mad when you aren't and leave nasty ratings. 10. Perverts. 11. Blackmailers... clients who contact for readings and hire but then email you after blackmailing you to provide additional reading and information using the fact they haven't left a rating yet... 12. OMG how many married people contacted me about lovers they were cheating on their husbands or wives with? How many Lovers did I get asking for readings on breaking up their love interests marriages? How many readings did I give for married people having affairs with married people??? It happens a LOT. This is the stuff spell casters love to prey on. Oh for 100$ I will put a spell to break up this marriage and bring you the commitment you desire. Unrequited love addicts can fall for this too. Forget, that another person has free will, lets just put a spell on johnny so he will fall inlove with sue, even though Johnny doesn't really love sue and likes Amanda... Lets take Johnny's free will away because Sue refuses to heal her unrequited love addiction to find someone who can truly love her without having to be manipulative. I only learned about spells because many clients would come to me asking if someone other psychic's spell was going to work etc.

Another misconception I read in the thread above here is that ratings get removed. Not that I know of! You are welcome to go on the site and get some bad ratings and contact Kasamba out them and find out yourself. Long as the client hires for 1 minute or something they can rate.  I tried to remove several ratings, mainly from perverts who punished me through ratings for hanging up on them when they got sexy. I found kasamba would do nothing about them as well.

Also, look at your whole posting this. Maybe psychics are just being psychic and feel this energy in you so its like "uh oh, better stay away from this one."

Lastly, when I worked on Kasamba I never even talked to other psychics or knew any, so the idea there is some conspiracy like psychics are chatting to one another telling one another to avoid certain usernames I dont get. Likely the username in question was a psychic addict roaming from psychic to psychic till they hit almost every one...

For all the "clients" who feel disgruntled or scammed by these services I have the advice. 1 it is an entertainment industry, so please do not use it for anything but entertainment only.  2. Know what being psychic is about, do your research so you are not having crazy or false expectations and feeling scammed. 3. Try psychic radio. its free and you can play and have entertainment in a venue hopefully you wont at least feel scammed out of money. 4. If you want a real reading with someone who is channeling higher source wisdom, arrange a real session with a psychic who has their own website. Make sure you dont demand outcomes but listen to their constructive advice from Guidance on how to grow, heal, and on how to change your life and circumstances without having to resort to desperation or manipulation.



Correction Mr Pshycho

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, April 08, 2008

Kasamba is not getting slow because they changed the name to Liveperson. Kasamba is losing business because clients are sick of wasting their money on fakes and frauds. It doesn't take much to figure out, people have stopped going to Kasamba Liveperson because they are tired of being ripped off by con artists and Kasamba Liveperson does absolutely nothing about it.



Sadly you're right Mister Psycho but Kasamba isn't ONLY supporting psychic fraud

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, April 05, 2008

I know you're right. If it were ONLY that issue I would let it go now. I am honestly very tired of it all.

The UNETHICAL (and I say that because they are not all frauds) psychics are not the only people that Kasamba offers, by its advertising, as legitimate and protects by it's practices.

They are enabling frauds to practice in the medical, legal and the 'homework' assistance (the internet is the modern paedophiles playground) catagories, responding to clients complaints by restricting their accounts. How do I know? I have got 'advice' (and paid for it) from the frauds just to add to the report (and not just in the psychic section), left bad ratings that have not been posted, had accounts restricted, complained to Kasamba and recieved an automated reply or been ignored.

The difference NOW with Kasamba is that it is outwardly becoming more legitimate and inwardly more crooked.

As far as the report is concerned it is now just a matter of finishing the editing and that is a mamouth task as i have to double check everything.

Mister Psycho, I was actually going to write to you on the Zhohora post last night but my eyes were hurting so I decided to wait. Can I ask did you ever complain to Kasamba about her behaviour towards you as Maggie suggested. If so would you mind telling me the outcome.


Ile Dupas,

The problem is...

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, April 04, 2008

The problems with these frauds Janice is that if Kasamba is to be shut down they wil simply move their buisness and start working on other experts website. They will go to they will go to another new expert website that i can't remember the name. They will open up their own personal website. In fact they will still continue to scam people. is not better than There "experts" are already talking of taking their buisness elsewhere if the kasamba is getting slow after the name change. They all got worked up lately when their little check from kasamba been delivred a week later. They all depend on kasamba,com and just want money. It will just be the same fake experts the same scam but on another website.

These "experts" have no life and are unable to have a real 9 to 5 jobs they are failure so the only way for them to make a living is find another way to scam people out of their money.

The only hope is that people lighted up and stop going to psychics well at least on the internet and if they want to go to psychics that they meet one in person.



No Karen

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, April 02, 2008

I actually can't be bothered anymore. Kasamba facilitates fraud by allowing multiple profiles, sharing client information, fixing the ratings, and allows the sale of spells etc. Their response is to suspend clients when they complain It hurts clients and it hurts the legitimate experts. I have always maintained that the company is set up to fleece people of money. I have put an enormous amount of effort in the form of resources and time into trying to do something about it by putting all the information in one form. This has been my choice but it does not detract from the fact that it is exhausting.

I don't need any more 'proof' as it is just a matter of finishing the updating of the report - i.e. since it moved to Live Person and hence is under the laws of the state of NY. I will finish what I started irrespective what you or anyone else thinks or writes. I wish I hadn't started it, mostly because it is so time consuming and it is tiring getting up in the morning at 5 am to work on it. However that is my choice and I accept that. It will be finished. You know I regret ever becoming involved but I DO accept that was my choice. I can't stop until it's finished. I wish I could but I have NEVER not finished a project or report and I intend to finish this one.


North Carolina,

The Same

#60Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 01, 2008

I think the difference is that Australians take a different approach to the issue of addiction than the Americans. We believe in harm reduction and have used this approach with HIV, injecting drug users and gambling. For example when the AIDS epidemic hit we opened needle exchanges, made methadone freely available and increased counselling centres, made condoms freely available, even in prisons. This was based upon evidence that shows addiction usually has a limited time span (about 10 years for heroin) but this can be shortened by implementing appropriate measures. We increased the penalties for traffickers but provided more assistance for users. The result was that last time I looked at the statistics more than 50% of IV drug users in the USA were HIV+ but our rate was not even 1%. We wanted to limit the damage that occurs until the person gets through it.

We have the exact same system in place here in the USA. If the people will not utilize it we cannot force them to do so. This is why the rate is still high in the USA. Although you can make the resources available it is a persons individual choice and personal responsiblity that will help them along the path of living healthier and longer. The USA does take the time to educate thier citizens in regard to drugs, HIV, etc. I deal with these kind of people on a daily basis. Helping them to recover, understand, and control their addictions. So actually Australians do not take a different approach as Americans. We take the same approach. It boils down to individual choice.

P, is right in regard to how clients should handle themselves in regard to readings from psychics that are frauds. If something does not feel right nor come to pass then you know that person deserves no more of your money and the next time you decide to get a reading from a psychic you will be armed with knowledge in regard to how they scam clients. If you choose to ignore your lesson and continue to believe although you know somewhere deep inside something is bogus then that is your own personal fault. Individual responsiblity. I expect you will post back to this with pure venom and wont let me down in that regard, and that will be ok. I will not respond to it for I do not feel it will be neccessary.



of course it it utter crap P

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, April 01, 2008

Of course it is crap. I know that, you know that and Kasamba support know it but is an admission that they are allowing someone to use the platform who breaches there Experts Warranties:

He will not misrepresent himself or create a misleading name or listing

I have the email from Nathan that states unequivocally that this is how they are 'cleaning up Kasamba'! I also have other emails from Kasamba Support saying I was blocked for 'unprofessional behaviour' for leaving a bad rating. The did not, and have not, replied to my request for an explanation of why leaving a bad rating was 'unprofessional'. They are getting worse. I have spent hours looking at the history of the feedback of lots of experts that are clearly frauds and the bad ratings are much more frequent in the earlier feedback. Why? Because they have developed a more ingenious system of 'catching' the bad ratings.

They put one psychic with a history of defrauding people by taking them offsite (I have proof of this) to pay for spells on the first client newsletter. She has feedback right up until mid last year from clients stating they ripped her off and has at least current three profiles. I pointed this out to Kasamba support and they did not reply

I think the difference is that Australians take a different approach to the issue of addiction than the Americans. We believe in harm reduction and have used this approach with HIV, injecting drug users and gambling. For example when the AIDS epidemic hit we opened needle exchanges, made methadone freely available and increased counselling centres, made condoms freely available, even in prisons. This was based upon evidence that shows addiction usually has a limited time span (about 10 years for heroin) but this can be shortened by implementing appropriate measures. We increased the penalties for traffickers but provided more assistance for users. The result was that last time I looked at the statistics more than 50% of IV drug users in the USA were HIV+ but our rate was not even 1%. We wanted to limit the damage that occurs until the person gets through it.

If I was the only person, or one of a small number of people who got myself caught in the spiral I WOULD have accepted it and moved on. However, Kasamba covers up the frauds because they make money. They block people who complain or point it out or just not answer their questions if they repeatedly ask for explanations and provide proof of a fraud. They have done this to me so many is all documented.

Actually, it was the accusations on the wahm board last year (that weren't true at the time) that I was setting people up that gave me the idea to do it. I figure may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb as the saying goes. I would NEVER do it to anyone who was not a fraud. However, it seems that leaves very few. The other thing is the frauds leave little opportunity for the genuine experts to work effectively. It is the same argument as doping in sport. I don't think many people would think that an athlete should be allowed to use drugs to gain an unfair advantage over those who don't.

Kasamba is engaging in wholesale fraud. Nobody benefits except the company and the frauds. I have the proof now and I am going to use it. I will be putting it up on the internet for ALL clients to see when it is finished. I have advice from a US attorney that it is not libellous and I am not breaching any copyright laws because it is research NOT designed to make money but to bring to light an issue of public interest. I really am an academic (with published academic work on social issues) and Kasamba can't sue me because it is not designed to make a profit. Besides, I want to get it finished and move on with other projects. It IS time consuming and I am so over it but
I am determined to finish what I started. I always do.

Please feel free to ask me any questions. Go over to the yahoo group mentioned in the other thread and post questions there if you have any :) (or here-whatever).



Well that's utter Crap

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 31, 2008

Thanks for the explanation Janice. I have my issues with Kasamba and the fact that they DO have frauds on their site, know it and continue to let them do business there. The whole bit about they make people with multiple profiles eliminate all but one is utter CRAP.

I have always believed Kasamba has good readers but, I also believe they are not oblivious to the frauds and crooks on their site but choose not to take the high road because, in spite of what these crooks are doing, they are making money from them and, after all, this is what it's all about....profit. Kasamba is also full of people (clients) who have such a vendetta against Kasamba that they even go after the good readers and play games with them.

I can kinda see both sides of the fence on this because I've seen some really unhealthy posts from Clients. I understand why you do this Janice but, too remember the responsibility of the CLIENT. As much as the reader has a responsibility to their actions and not taking the vulnerability of a client and running with it? The CLIENT has a responsibility to their actions as well. Along with far too many frauds on Kasamba there are equally far too many clients who repeatedly get reads and then complain about being screwed and take NO responsibility for their actions.

I still visit Kasamba now and again but, I honestly have been on the side of the fence some of these "needy" clients are where every time there was some crisis (emotionally or otherwise) I would contact someone. Can you say A D D I C T I O N ?? I used to get upset and annoyed when I would get blocked by readers I'd had good repports with but, now realize why they did. I used to go and yap with someone at LEAST daily for a while there. Now? I'm thinking it might be but every once in a great while I pay for a read? Once a month might even be stretching it.

While Kasamba needs to be held accountable for what they allow on their site, CLIENTS need to be held accountable to for something they DO have the power to control



P, I want to make a couple of things clear

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

I have always said that there are ethical experts on Kasamba but there are a lot of frauds.

Since I started this project my main aim has been to expose the Kasamba policies and practices that support the frauds. It is not fair on the ethical experts and it is certainly not fair on the clients.

Every time some idiot has attacked me on this site I have used it to support the research. For example, when I complained to Kasamba about an expert publishing confidential details of my life on this site I used the response from Kasamba to shore up the case that they engage in false advertising. She said she was an expert in one of the posts - perfect.

It is now in the report next to the email from Kasamba Support saying their policy is that confidentiality is limited to the Kasamba platform and is followed by an advertisement for Kasamba that guarantees clients a secure, confidential and anonymous place in which to seek advice. The FTC went after Time Warner and a bunch of health centres so you think LivePerson is exempt from the laws of the State of New York?

I ALWAYS finish projects and I know how to do research and how to put it together into a convincing report. That is what I do for a living.

I don't give a flying f*$ what anyone thinks or says anywhere in my life. I admit my experiences with Kasamba left me very depressed but I got over it.

Nonetheless, I cannot and will not walk away from this project until it is finished.

It was my idea, I did the work, I have copyrighted the research under academic licence and it is a global copyright according to the Berne convention (which also protects me against the Kasamba copyright policy) and I will finish it and then send it to the management of LivePerson with a request for comment within 14 days or it goes 'elsewhere'.

I have a good idea about who is legit on Kasamba and who is not. I have been on and off Kasamba for months under different names setting frauds up but I would NEVER even mention any expert unless I was 100% sure they were a fraud. I cannot tell you how many bottles of eye drops I have gone through from looking at feedback. Luckily I can read fairly quickly. Have a look at the feedback of someone like E.S.P. Psychic Diana or another one I checked out today from one of the other posts Wizard Z - their feedback is full complaints about mediating in the session, selling spells, typing one word a minute and that Diana woman has been on Kasamba for 3 years. Even if it is just 1 session, 1 spell that didn't work and cost $300 not $2,000 it is still fraud and Kasamba lets them do it!

There are a lot of people being ripped off and Kasamba Support are enabling it. So I don't think the issue of fraud is tired at all.

As for who is who on Ripoff well I don't really care. The focus of the report has NEVER been to 'expose' people, although I have used some obvious examples - I mean look who Kasamba put on the front of the first newsletter. Well, only one of her profiles-and they are all full of ripping people off with spells etc.

It has always been about Kasamba's policies and practices. I have an email from Kasamba support that says if they find someone has multiple profiles they have to close all but one. That contravenes the Expert Warranties and shows that Kasamba support knowingly support fraud.

I have had some communication with a Professor of Law in the US (I actually gave a lecture at his university when I was there in 2005 - obviously not in law) and the practices render them very vulnerable to prosecution.

So P the bottom line is some really evil people rip people off and Kasamba supports it. I am going to finish what I started and do in MY way in MY time frame and everyone who has tried to paint me as a liar and a fraud over the past months has just been turned into research.



because i tried to get people together P

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

I started a group which it turns out I was not very good at moderating. I was writing a report of all the frauds on Kasamba. It was in that context that she emailed me her efforts to get her money back.

I had a draft, and then because I got a couple of readings she objected and went nuts. Of course she wouldn't believe the fact that as a result of those readings I uncovered some frauds on Kasamba (not ONLY) in the psychic section.

I have only just got my second wind to finish the report.It is time consuming going through feedback and doing little experiments.

For example, Dr Love got the user name I was using banned because I complained about him and I have an email from him in which he calls clients stupid.

He tried to present himself as honest, yet, if you look at his feedback for march 11th 2007 there are two different ratings expressing disgust that he changed from a female to a male and didn't tell two clients he had previously under the female profile. They were angry-and rightly so. He conned them and he says he is honest.

Later I tested that account. I tried to get readings from 5 other experts under the account I used to complain about Dr Love and was blocked. Two minutes later, under another new account I wasn't blocked. So tell me why 5 different experts would block me under the client name that complained about Dr Love yet not under a new user name. I mean doesn't that seem strange to you? However, I have it all on time and dated screenshots.

My point is that person freaked out ostensibly because I said I was doing a bit of research but it was really because I wouldn't give her the research. I got really suspicious when she said that a well know expert advised her to put the report in before LivePerson took over. Then she made it clear it was all about money for her.

But to answer your question I think that she saw it as a way to get HER money back only and I do not view things from that perspective.

It is a lot of work and for a long while after LivePerson took over I just collected more research. I have been updating it all and finishing the report this last week. I will just keep plugging away at it until it is finished. I am used to doing huge projects as that is what I do for a living and I will do it my way and I know it will be finished and comprehensive enough to gain the attention of the company management.



I HAVE to ask

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

So I read Janice's response back a few posts back and I know i've commented on this particular comment before but the bit about the reader who emailed her confirmation of expert registration with Kasamba to her? Why would she just offer this up to you? This is the part that makes no sense to me aside of most of the crap in this thread anyway -- this constant P*ssing contest on who's who and who screws who outta money.....

Itsgetting old. So if you could offer up an explanation on why any expert would just decide to email their registration confirmation to you that would help me to better understand that bit




Not only condescending but

#60Consumer Comment

Thu, March 27, 2008

Searching Peace = Thinkerbell.
Why are you here under the guise of offering helpful solutions as Thinkerbell, and then being condescending and somewhat rude as Searching Peace?

Adrianna left her experience so others can be made aware, which I feel many here appreciate. The naysayers (those defending the readers) have not made a good case in my opinion. However, you come here as Thinkerbell validating Adrianna's post and offering solutions, and then you come back as Searching Peace telling her to apologise and asking what she's "still doing there"?

Maybe I misread, but I didn't see anywhere that a reader told her seek advice elsewhere. One reader asked her to come back at a later time. Is that the reader to whom you were referring? So then she should apologise for being asked to come back and not being able to get through.

Anyone can see you are both Searching Peace and Thinkerbell. I posted more detail in the Thinkerbell/Steven Carees thread, but I think most here can plainly see without me pointing it out. If you are the reader you claim to be, which I doubt, you should probably quit now and get out before you do any more damage to yourself.



Searching peace - you are condescending

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 26, 2008

I dont know about anyone else - but I would not appreciate being called "honey" by you - and the client who started this thread did so based on her experience. Your solution is she is to apologize? Doesnt sound peaceful to me, and also you state you are here to help clients find solutions? And you say that by asking "why are you still there?"

The caliber of these defensive posts on the part of those defending readers are very significant - it truly should show all exisitng and new clients that SOME of these readers are not in the least spiritual, they are condescending, and they do not believe a client has a right to express themselves. I found it to be quite obnoxious of you to say to that client that you and she should put your heads together.

To all clients that come here - please post what YOU feel was your experience in perhaps being ripped off - and please ignore these other posts. You are providing other clients with information of YOUR experience which helps.

Searching Peace

San Diego,

then what are you still doing there?

#60UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 24, 2008

I mean really, lets think together honey: if you believe that this is what is going on there what are you doing there? by the way in your thread you have offered several replies you got from several experts I found one of them very fair: the expert has told you she cant grant you the info you seek and offer you to seek help in other place. what is wrong with that? I believe you might got that feeling because I would got the same feeling myself if no one would offer me service however this one that told you she cant connect was very honest and you should not include her in your anger. just as you got hurt you can hurt others by giving them this kind of report all together and that takes their income away - did any one ever called you lier on public with your name and working address?

I think you should at least apologize for that one expert, I don't know the rest of them and I am not the one to judge I simply read complains here and try to bring them to solution in more productive way then trashing online.
many blessings to you and I hope next time you will find one that will meet you needs

Searching Peace

San Diego,

then what are you still doing there?

#60UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 24, 2008

I mean really, lets think together honey: if you believe that this is what is going on there what are you doing there? by the way in your thread you have offered several replies you got from several experts I found one of them very fair: the expert has told you she cant grant you the info you seek and offer you to seek help in other place. what is wrong with that? I believe you might got that feeling because I would got the same feeling myself if no one would offer me service however this one that told you she cant connect was very honest and you should not include her in your anger. just as you got hurt you can hurt others by giving them this kind of report all together and that takes their income away - did any one ever called you lier on public with your name and working address?

I think you should at least apologize for that one expert, I don't know the rest of them and I am not the one to judge I simply read complains here and try to bring them to solution in more productive way then trashing online.
many blessings to you and I hope next time you will find one that will meet you needs

Searching Peace

San Diego,

then what are you still doing there?

#60UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 24, 2008

I mean really, lets think together honey: if you believe that this is what is going on there what are you doing there? by the way in your thread you have offered several replies you got from several experts I found one of them very fair: the expert has told you she cant grant you the info you seek and offer you to seek help in other place. what is wrong with that? I believe you might got that feeling because I would got the same feeling myself if no one would offer me service however this one that told you she cant connect was very honest and you should not include her in your anger. just as you got hurt you can hurt others by giving them this kind of report all together and that takes their income away - did any one ever called you lier on public with your name and working address?

I think you should at least apologize for that one expert, I don't know the rest of them and I am not the one to judge I simply read complains here and try to bring them to solution in more productive way then trashing online.
many blessings to you and I hope next time you will find one that will meet you needs


North Carolina,

Be for real

#60Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 22, 2008

Thinker Bell are you even a REAL reader or do you just think that you are? Are you one of the readers that give cold readings and BS advice to clients? Do you just make up stuff to feed to the client? More than half the people on that site are fake and just give common sense advice and make up stuff and you are one of them too. You are on there trying to make a quick paycheck too. If you were not there for that purpose you would not be on there all the time. Now you are out here trying to get some business for yourself and trying to disguise it as if you are giving advice. The advice you provided here is just BS! NO CLIENT should go to that site anymore. NO client should go to you or anyone on that site. You are just as fake as the rest of them. Just go get a job and stop giving bad bogus advice to make a dollar! YOU ARE NOT A REAL READER!!!!!!!!

Thinker Bell

Central America,

another solution

#60UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 22, 2008

another solution can be of course looking elsewhere for a psychic for example did you know about one price for all no rating no expert knows the other in no way and way cheap in compare to others. you will be surprise but you can get there e readings in the most funny price you would think of and not only that if you didn't like the read (too short or not serious) you can complain and your complain will be dealt faster then you knew. give them a try and you shall see.

Thinker Bell

Central America,

another solution

#60UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 22, 2008

another solution can be of course looking elsewhere for a psychic for example did you know about one price for all no rating no expert knows the other in no way and way cheap in compare to others. you will be surprise but you can get there e readings in the most funny price you would think of and not only that if you didn't like the read (too short or not serious) you can complain and your complain will be dealt faster then you knew. give them a try and you shall see.

Thinker Bell

Central America,

another solution

#60UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 22, 2008

another solution can be of course looking elsewhere for a psychic for example did you know about one price for all no rating no expert knows the other in no way and way cheap in compare to others. you will be surprise but you can get there e readings in the most funny price you would think of and not only that if you didn't like the read (too short or not serious) you can complain and your complain will be dealt faster then you knew. give them a try and you shall see.

Thinker Bell

Central America,

another solution

#60UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 22, 2008

another solution can be of course looking elsewhere for a psychic for example did you know about one price for all no rating no expert knows the other in no way and way cheap in compare to others. you will be surprise but you can get there e readings in the most funny price you would think of and not only that if you didn't like the read (too short or not serious) you can complain and your complain will be dealt faster then you knew. give them a try and you shall see.

Thinker Bell

Central America,

here is a solution

#60Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 21, 2008

yes I am sorry that I have to confirm your suspicious there are several expoerts on kasmaba who indeed communicate outside of the site between each other some of them simply brought the other to the site thinking of fast profits.
However the best would be to ask for e mail reading and see what offers you will get. at times expert find it more easy to answer you by mail where they can type in the reply without the stress of the meter that is running time .
most of those psychic actually scared very much that you will rate them badly so they prefer to even skip your payment - lol.

never mind them post a request on the public board with names and birth dates - open another acocunt with a different user name and ask for lets say: relationship read of so and so - no need even for your complete names just the surname.

soon enough you will get replies and offer from some expert who does spend their days in helping and not using kasamba as a money machine.
you have to understand and I am saying that from expereince that Kasamba is like a giant market that offer many different products and at times you will find indeed some bad fruits among the good one and it goes so also in regard to clients.

If you would meet for example some of the experts that are reported very much on this site you would know that no all of us are that negative but we cant help it when someone decide to charge us without prove simply because rip off allows it.

more then ever it goes like this with both of the sites: they both offer good guys and bad ones because both of them don't care much about us they are simply here to make money. I read very well the reports here and I know that all this site is built actually to provide lawyers with work and this is not really the good heart protectors you imagine.


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

Augusta is right

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

It appears that there are a few people who have a history of attacking people who are just trying to report their experiences. If you look back through the threads you recognise the same names and they have particular targets. The names that I found were Katie, Karen (from Henderson) Freya, Got Me and a few more that pop up now and again.

They are just looney tunes. Because of my sexuality I understand what it feels like to be singled out and attacked and it is not pleasant. Those people just get off on abusing others which makes them either bad or mad.



Adrianna - ignore negative posts

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

Adrianna - you made a good post on your experience, so please ignore any naysayers who attack the clients on here by claiming they are experts. They cannot vouch for any reader's activities, no one can. So they divert with flaming untrue posts - since they are not here to post about a ripoff experience, they should not be here - so that doesnt make sense. And they clearly are NOT reading your post. In fact, reader hopping only occurs because the reads do not come true for the most part - if they did you wouldnt need anyone else for a read.
Anyway - this particular poster goes through the threads and attacks any client who is intelligent and it trying to make a point to help others.



Adrianna - ignore negative posts

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

Adrianna - you made a good post on your experience, so please ignore any naysayers who attack the clients on here by claiming they are experts. They cannot vouch for any reader's activities, no one can. So they divert with flaming untrue posts - since they are not here to post about a ripoff experience, they should not be here - so that doesnt make sense. And they clearly are NOT reading your post. In fact, reader hopping only occurs because the reads do not come true for the most part - if they did you wouldnt need anyone else for a read.
Anyway - this particular poster goes through the threads and attacks any client who is intelligent and it trying to make a point to help others.



Adrianna - ignore negative posts

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

Adrianna - you made a good post on your experience, so please ignore any naysayers who attack the clients on here by claiming they are experts. They cannot vouch for any reader's activities, no one can. So they divert with flaming untrue posts - since they are not here to post about a ripoff experience, they should not be here - so that doesnt make sense. And they clearly are NOT reading your post. In fact, reader hopping only occurs because the reads do not come true for the most part - if they did you wouldnt need anyone else for a read.
Anyway - this particular poster goes through the threads and attacks any client who is intelligent and it trying to make a point to help others.



Adrianna - ignore negative posts

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

Adrianna - you made a good post on your experience, so please ignore any naysayers who attack the clients on here by claiming they are experts. They cannot vouch for any reader's activities, no one can. So they divert with flaming untrue posts - since they are not here to post about a ripoff experience, they should not be here - so that doesnt make sense. And they clearly are NOT reading your post. In fact, reader hopping only occurs because the reads do not come true for the most part - if they did you wouldnt need anyone else for a read.
Anyway - this particular poster goes through the threads and attacks any client who is intelligent and it trying to make a point to help others.



Don't bother Obvious...

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 12, 2008

Anyone who does the kind of psychic hopping that Adriana lists and then magically finds someone who tells her the "truth" and throws around the ethical buzzword isn't really a client. She claims to be a client for over a year, but she has the same or similar name to another client and never had this problem before.

This isn't about psychics sharing information. Or at least the psychics Adriana listed. Those aren't the ones sharing. They're not the ones with the blacklist. It's about an expert who's playing client to divert attention from the ones who are really sharing information. You know. The one that sticks to astrologers.


West Covina,


#60Author of original report

Tue, March 11, 2008

Hmmmm...My memory might be failing. Oh, wait. It's not, and I have an entire thread here to re-read and be sure.
It's difficult to be finish something that's never been started. Therefore, to be "done blaming others for [my] own problems, bills, etc" doesn't follow.
Where is there even mention of "problems" or "bills" in any post other than the "obvious" one?

The slanderous and vicious personal attacks on some of the posters here is ridiculous. I'm done wasting anymore energy here. Some people obviously have nothing better to do with themselves. I have yet to determine why some of these supposed ex-experts/ex-employees even care (or why they are even lurking around here) - they no longer work for the company, so wouldn't need to protect their "business", and their "ex" status would automatically exclude them from being one of the experts listed right? Hmmmm...

Attacking me and others isn't going to change the facts.

Princess Obvious

Manchester Center,

Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help.

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 11, 2008

Ok so you're now upset that readers WON'T take your money? In previous threads here you guys complain that readers drained you of every penny and shared info. Now you're upset that they won't deal with you and are sharing information to avoid you?

If those readers were working togeher, wouldn't it be more lucrative to work together to take your money rather than avoid you? You've all gone to great lenths to show that the rating system is manipulated, so why wouldn't they care if you gave them with a nasty rating? They'd just get it removed and move on.

Could it possibly be that you're obsessive and insane and these people wanted to avoid dealing with you? Possibly they should have been nicer and referred you to get the medical help that you need. You don't stop to chat with a crazy person on the street, so why would you want to deal with a crazy person on the computer? Of course Adrianna, Janice and company would be blocked, a good psychic would be able to pick up on that insane energy they all have.

Since Janice has turned yet another thread into a cry for attention, might as well give her some. Of course Janice would have been blocked by readers because she's insane. She has a crusade here to fight online psychic readings, yet admits to still getting regular readings from "certain" readers. (You can't launch a crusade against porn then maintain a subscription to Hustler because you like the cartoons.)

Adrianna when you're done blaming others for your own problems, bills, etc you should probably give some thanks to those that didn't try to exploit you instead of lashing out at them for not wanting to deal with you. They're psychics, not counselors and don't owe you a dang thing.

Princess Obvious

Manchester Center,

Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help.

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 11, 2008

Ok so you're now upset that readers WON'T take your money? In previous threads here you guys complain that readers drained you of every penny and shared info. Now you're upset that they won't deal with you and are sharing information to avoid you?

If those readers were working togeher, wouldn't it be more lucrative to work together to take your money rather than avoid you? You've all gone to great lenths to show that the rating system is manipulated, so why wouldn't they care if you gave them with a nasty rating? They'd just get it removed and move on.

Could it possibly be that you're obsessive and insane and these people wanted to avoid dealing with you? Possibly they should have been nicer and referred you to get the medical help that you need. You don't stop to chat with a crazy person on the street, so why would you want to deal with a crazy person on the computer? Of course Adrianna, Janice and company would be blocked, a good psychic would be able to pick up on that insane energy they all have.

Since Janice has turned yet another thread into a cry for attention, might as well give her some. Of course Janice would have been blocked by readers because she's insane. She has a crusade here to fight online psychic readings, yet admits to still getting regular readings from "certain" readers. (You can't launch a crusade against porn then maintain a subscription to Hustler because you like the cartoons.)

Adrianna when you're done blaming others for your own problems, bills, etc you should probably give some thanks to those that didn't try to exploit you instead of lashing out at them for not wanting to deal with you. They're psychics, not counselors and don't owe you a dang thing.

Princess Obvious

Manchester Center,

Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help.

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 11, 2008

Ok so you're now upset that readers WON'T take your money? In previous threads here you guys complain that readers drained you of every penny and shared info. Now you're upset that they won't deal with you and are sharing information to avoid you?

If those readers were working togeher, wouldn't it be more lucrative to work together to take your money rather than avoid you? You've all gone to great lenths to show that the rating system is manipulated, so why wouldn't they care if you gave them with a nasty rating? They'd just get it removed and move on.

Could it possibly be that you're obsessive and insane and these people wanted to avoid dealing with you? Possibly they should have been nicer and referred you to get the medical help that you need. You don't stop to chat with a crazy person on the street, so why would you want to deal with a crazy person on the computer? Of course Adrianna, Janice and company would be blocked, a good psychic would be able to pick up on that insane energy they all have.

Since Janice has turned yet another thread into a cry for attention, might as well give her some. Of course Janice would have been blocked by readers because she's insane. She has a crusade here to fight online psychic readings, yet admits to still getting regular readings from "certain" readers. (You can't launch a crusade against porn then maintain a subscription to Hustler because you like the cartoons.)

Adrianna when you're done blaming others for your own problems, bills, etc you should probably give some thanks to those that didn't try to exploit you instead of lashing out at them for not wanting to deal with you. They're psychics, not counselors and don't owe you a dang thing.

Princess Obvious

Manchester Center,

Adrianna please don't join the pitty party. You all need serious medical help.

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 11, 2008

Ok so you're now upset that readers WON'T take your money? In previous threads here you guys complain that readers drained you of every penny and shared info. Now you're upset that they won't deal with you and are sharing information to avoid you?

If those readers were working togeher, wouldn't it be more lucrative to work together to take your money rather than avoid you? You've all gone to great lenths to show that the rating system is manipulated, so why wouldn't they care if you gave them with a nasty rating? They'd just get it removed and move on.

Could it possibly be that you're obsessive and insane and these people wanted to avoid dealing with you? Possibly they should have been nicer and referred you to get the medical help that you need. You don't stop to chat with a crazy person on the street, so why would you want to deal with a crazy person on the computer? Of course Adrianna, Janice and company would be blocked, a good psychic would be able to pick up on that insane energy they all have.

Since Janice has turned yet another thread into a cry for attention, might as well give her some. Of course Janice would have been blocked by readers because she's insane. She has a crusade here to fight online psychic readings, yet admits to still getting regular readings from "certain" readers. (You can't launch a crusade against porn then maintain a subscription to Hustler because you like the cartoons.)

Adrianna when you're done blaming others for your own problems, bills, etc you should probably give some thanks to those that didn't try to exploit you instead of lashing out at them for not wanting to deal with you. They're psychics, not counselors and don't owe you a dang thing.


North Carolina,


#60Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 09, 2008

Janice why do you INSIST on making every thread about you? No one cares what this woman has posted about you? ITS OLD NEWS! Why are you constantly bringing that up? Why are you constantly putting on the victim cape? You keep throwing that into your posts. Over and over and over and over again! ITS OLD NEWS NOW! Talk about something else. If what she said bothers you that bad, sue her. Your superwoman. I am sure you can do it. Go Janice Go.

I expect the usual name calling and dagger throwing coming from your next post. I will just laugh. I always do.


North Carolina,


#60Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 09, 2008

Janice why do you INSIST on making every thread about you? No one cares what this woman has posted about you? ITS OLD NEWS! Why are you constantly bringing that up? Why are you constantly putting on the victim cape? You keep throwing that into your posts. Over and over and over and over again! ITS OLD NEWS NOW! Talk about something else. If what she said bothers you that bad, sue her. Your superwoman. I am sure you can do it. Go Janice Go.

I expect the usual name calling and dagger throwing coming from your next post. I will just laugh. I always do.


North Carolina,


#60Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 09, 2008

Janice why do you INSIST on making every thread about you? No one cares what this woman has posted about you? ITS OLD NEWS! Why are you constantly bringing that up? Why are you constantly putting on the victim cape? You keep throwing that into your posts. Over and over and over and over again! ITS OLD NEWS NOW! Talk about something else. If what she said bothers you that bad, sue her. Your superwoman. I am sure you can do it. Go Janice Go.

I expect the usual name calling and dagger throwing coming from your next post. I will just laugh. I always do.



Confidentiality and Blacklisting of clients

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, March 07, 2008

Recently, a person on this site published a lot of personal information about me. She said she was a former expert. I know she is a disgruntld client who joined Kasamba as an expert and then published posts containing personal information about me under another name. For example:

Report: #295063: Psychic Stalker Janice D. is at it again! Mary Anne, Wyoming, U.S.A.
I am a former reader on Kasamba . I actually left the website because she kept on making up phony names and begging me on her hands and knees for psychic readings.

Mary Anne,Riverton, Wyoming, U.S.A.Stop the Australian Psychic Stalker Dr. Janice Duffy!!
Dr. Janice Duffy P.H. D has been stalking psychics for a long time now and she must be stopped. Her harassing emails have caused many psychics to go into hiding because of her blackmailing and forcing psychics to respond to her emails. She is from Adelaide, South Australia and has made numerous rip off reports and has lied about many psychics online

Dr. Janice Duffy has tried to blackmail numerous psychics begging them for free updates and email updates and if you don't respond to her, she starts creating rip off reports with many lies to try to gain sympathy from people who will respond to her posts.

Of course, she never provided any proof that I was ;begging her on my hands and knees for a reading". If this was true she would have the emails from Kasamba as proof. But she didn't provide any of that proof.

She wrote several posts in which some of the information was contradictory and wrong. For example, she said I had lost my job because of mental health problems yet in another post she says I have access to patient records at work.

Both of these statements are incorrect as well as contradictory. I didn't lose my job. In fact I just got a promotion. I do not have access to patient records because the sort of research that I do does not require patient data.

The person who wrote these posts is Susan from South Hampton (MaryAnne from Wyoming). She didn't even have the guts to write it under her own name.

In another post she says she is neither an expert or psychic. Yet, I have an email from her in which she sent me a copy of her acceptance from Kasamba as an expert.

The problem she had with me was that I would not give her the report that I compiled to sell to the media or to use to blackmail Kasamba into giving back HER money.

Karen says I have nothing on Kasamba or LivePerson. She is, as usual, wrong.

Currently I am updating the report to include information about breaches of confidentiality and issues about changing ratings that occurred AFTER LivePerson took over. Once that is finished the report is completed.

I know there is a blacklist on Kasamba and clients are blocked and I managed to get myself on it. I have screenshots proving it.

I also have emails from Kasamba about the issue of confidentiality that prove the company engages in false advertising about this issue.

The other point I wanted to mention is that there are a few posters on this site who will attack you (like they attack many others).

So Adrianna all I can say is that your not alone in this. It happens to many people.

People like Karen target certain people and make up wild accusations. I am one person about whom a lot of derogatory comments, false accusations and general malice has been directed. I don't actually care what they think because they are REALLY unimportant.

What IS important is that people such as yourself report your experiences because IT SHOWS THE CORRUPT PRACTICES THAT OCCUR ON KASAMBA.

Good on you for speaking out. Don't worry about the idiots.


West Covina,

Wonderfully said, S & Augusta.

#60Author of original report

Thu, March 06, 2008

There is quite a bit of deflection going on here. Thank you, S, P, Augusta, Lucy for your comments and information. I really appreciate hearing the experiences of others.

Patti - Your reasoning as to why I am not credible hinges almost entirely on my use of a common English word (your so-called "buzzword") and your assumption that everyone here is a current or ex-expert.
I don't mind if you don't find me credible enough to take seriously. There's no difference between us there. I can't say I find you particularly credible or that I find your comments to actually have much merit. I'm sure others can and will see through the flaws in your "reasoning" without me having to point them out. The real difference here is that I actually have facts (and evidence) behind what I have expressed.

You might be ok, Patti, with your personal information being shared or being on the receiving end of curious behavior without just cause. I, however, am not, and I hazard to guess others might not either. As I've learned here, I am not the first person to find themselves blocked this way, and I doubt I will be the last.
These readers might be very accurate (I did mention before but you probably didn't pay attention). Who knows? I was never given a chance to find out. You may disagree, but it IS nice to be informed.




#60Consumer Comment

Thu, March 06, 2008

Why is it so difficult for you to understand that a significant number of posters here are genuinely clients who are reporting their experiences?

As for Augusta being a reader, well, I am highly spiritual myself and I also understand how psychics/mediums work because I have read for others too. But I do NOT work on Kasamba. Augusta has stated time and time again that she is dissappointed with the readings she has paid for, but has never spoken a derogatory word about any expert other than to say her readings were not accurate.

I think its very plain to see that everyone who has posted on this thread, except for yourself, are clients who did not receive what they expected and/or paid for from Kasamba experts.

That is the reality Patti.




#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

Patti - that was some deflection for sure as others noted. I have no clue what you are referring to as EAK and anyway I have not viciously attacked any reader nor been "soft on the KU cartel". I read the reports on here and I do recognize other clients. You are entitled to your opinion but I do not agree the use of "ethical" in any way in normal usage is a buzzword making someone a reader. I am not a reader but if you choose to believe that, that is fine. I cannot help what I feel a spiritual counselor or reader should be like, and if my description makes you think I am a reader that is your angle of perception.
Anyway to everyone else, I am grateful for those of you who share, and it really helps in being more discerning when choosing a reader and it really has helped me to see I am not alone in these issues of blocking, feedback, predictions lacking and so forth.


United Kingdom

Patti please speak for yourself and not "everyone"

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

You have not been elected by anyone to be a speaker on behalf of everyone, yet your post continually refer to "every knows this" and "everyone knows that".

Apart from appointing yourself as "spokeswoman", your comments are laughable.

You claim to be psychic, yet you do not know who is a real client and who is not. If you did you would not make these absurd claims that everyone who posts here is a reader or ex-employee (like yourself).

Still your post fall in line with every other reader who posts here....false accusations, deflecting from the thread at hand. Its old old old.

It doesnt matter anyway, not for me it doesnt, I am perfectly capable of working out most of the poster's and whether they are real clients like myself or not. And I suspect other's are to.

As long as people keep posting their experiences and responding appropriately then you and your friends (and enemies you have enough of those on here) won't of stopped fake and scamming reader's be exposed.

Oh and by the way, there is nothing "miraculous" about finding Rip off report. If you want to see if there are complaints about the site you are using, and the reader's on it just put in a search engine complaints about kasamba and bingo!!! see, not hard is it, even you found it!

You see Patti, you can make all the accusation's in the world that you want to make, twist and turn what people say and even have the nerve to question their morals in respect of "slandering experts", talk about "outing" people because they used so called "buzzwords" etc but your under-estimation of people's ability to think for themselves and work out who is who and what is what is what makes you a joke.



Adriana continues with her wild accusations

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 05, 2008

You didn't lose a sou on any of these readers. There is absolutely no reason you should care. The ethical buzzword was your big mistake. It labeled you.

You throw a lot of wild accusations at me. The difference between us is I don't find you credible enough to take seriously. I'm just pointing out to others why you're not credible and why no one should believe you're actually a victimized client. I'm pointing out why everyone should believe you're like everyone else here - an expert with an agenda or an ex-expert with an agenda.



West Covina,

Patti continues with her wild speculations

#60Author of original report

Wed, March 05, 2008

Patti, I don't care if you believe me or not, but whether you choose to admit it or not, it is still YOU who are speculating and making assumptions here. You make the assumption that everyone here is either an "expert or an ex-expert". Well in this case you are wrong.
If you must know, I didn't just "miraculously" find Rip Off Report. I knew of it before, when I came across it one day by typing Kasamba into a search engine. Again, more assumption on your part.

Neither did I just magically pull out the idea that readers were sharing info, it was told to me by another reader. Let's use some common sense shall we? Someone is being blocked without a logical explanation, they are told by a reader that other readers know of this, they still try to contact readers and continue to be blocked. Think about that for awhile. Most people would come to a similar conclusion; however, if you cared to actually pay attention instead of just coming on here and slamming people, you would see that I specifically said in my FIRST post:
"I obviously can't say for certain that all of these readers are discussing clients." I shared MY experience, and the facts are they blocked me.

I find it interesting that you make a point of me not naming the reader who gave me the info, yet you claim that in my coming here, I've set up the readers I've rated well to be sought out. So you want me to believe you are concerned for those readers, yet you want me to expose the one who helped me?? I made a point of not mentioning my username here, so it will be difficult to find the readers I've visited.

Not only are you speculating and making unsubstantiated accusations, but you keep changing your story around: First I'm contacting ALL the experts, and being abusive, next I'm closing the session and not allowing them to contact me??? You are grasping at straws, and your attempts to discredit me are falling short. People like you are the reason I have kept some information private. I can only imagine the slanderous accusations you would pull out against the reader who helped me or those who I rated well if you were able to search them out.
Having the box checked so that experts could contact makes no sense. THEY closed the session. THEY blocked me. I attempted to go back more than once in case it was a technical thing. I was still blocked. What about the experts I DID try to contact and why they immediately declined? I gave them a chance to respond.

Make all the ludicrous accusations you like. I am neither an ex nor current expert.
Why are you lurking around Rip Off Report anyway? You don't seem to be a client, and you claim you are no longer an expert, but you are here slamming people left and right. Why should it matter to you if you really don't work as an expert there any longer? Seems like YOU are the only ex-expert (or expert) on this thread. So does that mean you are here to slander other readers?? It seems to me (and by your own accusation) that an ex-expert wouldn't have much reason or desire to lurk about Rip Off Report, unless it was the reason they were no longer on Kasamba. Suspicious.




#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 05, 2008

Yes, you are a reader. Anyone who reads your descriptions on what a reader should be knows you're a reader.

I'd suggest you look up buzzword in a dictionary. Ethical is a buzzword in relation to this subject matter. It was a buzzword that started in the old EAK days to attack an expert who disagreed with the overall control freak mentality of EAK and evidently has been brought forward to the control freaks at KU. Mind you the powers that be at KU are the very same people who were the powers that be at EAK. They just became more exclusive. But you knew that. Because you were from the old EAK days. This is why you're softer on the KU cartel and viciously attack those the KU cartel have issue with.

At risk of sounding like a broken record. No one who posts here is a client. The only people who post here are experts with an agenda or ex-experts with an agenda.



Patti -

#60Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2008

Patti - your comments do not make a lot of sense to me, and appear to be negative towards posters here who are trying to make others aware of negative and possibly ripped off situations on Kas. You always want to invalidate any poster's concerns. First off - no one said they wanted to re-use a reader they did not rate high - clients have just been summarily blocked from readers they never tried. I dont get your slavery comparison however businesses generally suffer when they treat their consumers poorly and canned blocking responses are not customer friendly. Perhaps LivePerson should change it's name to CannedPerson.

Secondly ethical is NOT a buzzword - it is a common used word in the English language - and appears in many reader's bios. When you are talking about being treated poorly - the subject of ethics comes up. In any area of life - political, religious, education, business - ethics is part of life.

Lastly - I am not a reader - you seem to think if anyone is somewhat knowledgeable about what they perceive as their spiritual life - then they must be a reader on KAS. A reader who vibrates high and comes from a purer sense of self is always going to bring in more accurate information - than someone vibrating to fear and if the client will rate four stars etc - that to me is only common sense. Water running through clean pipes comes out fairly clean,,,a rusty pipe - well the water is tinged with rust.



Actually, Adriana

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 05, 2008

The speculation is on your part. You assume that all the readers you listed are sharing information. I would bet that some of those readers tried to contact you, but you closed the session in the middle of the night and didn't have your e-mail option ticked so they could contact you. I used to work on Kasamba. So I know all the tricks "clients" used to play in order to fulfill their victim fantasy.

Then you miraculously find ROR and post accusations you have no proof of by believing some expert you won't name. You've set those readers up for failure. There is no way they could possibly respond to you after accusations like that. But you've also set the readers you've rated up for failure. Do you realize that one expert you have rated five stars will now be sought out and subject to speculation inside their own community? You didn't think of that, did you?

I never mentioned the third reason I doubt your credibility or even your claim of being a victimized client. You posted it all on RipOff Report dot com. Only Experts with an agenda and Ex-Experts with an agenda post here.


West Covina,


#60Author of original report

Wed, March 05, 2008

With all due respect, you should probably pay more attention and actually make sure you know what you are talking about before you comment and make accusations and speculations about me and this situation.

Please read more carefully. If you do so, you will notice that I never said I contacted ALL of the readers who blocked me. In fact I clearly state that I contacted a FEW of them after I was informed of the username issue.
In the hopes of rectifying the situation, I let them know that I had been recently informed of the similar username, and that if this was the reason why they blocked me, I was not that client, and would very much like to have a fair shake. I did once mention to a reader that she didn't really know for sure who was on the other end of the line (chat client). I was not rude or abusive and certainly never called them unethical. At the time, I was actually hoping they might still read for me!
After getting a few of those declined emails, I didn't bother to contact any of the others who blocked me in the future.
I NEVER rated anyone poorly and then expected service. If I had left a bad rating for someone (ANYONE) at least being blocked might have made sense.

I know what happened. You do not, and you are merely speculating about me and my actions. You have absolutely nothing on which to base your comments other than an obvious inability to read more carefully. I have the declined emails in my history, which clearly show that I never once used the word "unethical".

However, the reality is that 13 readers blocked me, and I was told flat out by ANOTHER READER that this would probably happen because the info was being passed around.

There were other readers who still took my calls and read for me. The reader who gave me the info obviously knew about the username, but she still tried to read for me.

What makes them any different? They don't belong to some inside group to share info? They're honest and are less concerned with money and ratings than helping clients?? How ethical and honest is it to click out and block someone you don't even know? Hmmmm
I came here only to let others know of my experience. They are free to decide for themselves.


West Covina,

Great comments, I agree.

#60Author of original report

Wed, March 05, 2008

Thank you S, Lucy, Augusta.

I now actually regret not rating bad (obviously inaccurate) sessions, as well as regret some of the 5 star ratings I left. I know that, on more than one occasion, I jumped the gun, because the reading was good/positive, and left great ratings for people whose predictions never came to pass. As the ratings system is so skewed, and I ended up being blocked anyway, at least I could have contributed to some honest ratings.



Looking through this thread

#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 05, 2008

Looking through this thread, I get the impression that you believe you have rights to be serviced by an expert after expressing a poor opinion and the right to be serviced at your discretion. You do realize, that in the free world, no one is obligated to service you if they don't want to. We did away with slavery ages ago. Granted, it would be nice to have a reason, but considering the demands and expectations being expressed on this thread, I don't have to make much of an imaginative leap to guess why.

Adriana, I am sorry you had that experience. I think the two things that made me doubt your claim is that buzzword thrown about so often of "ethical" and that you received canned responses from all thirteen or fourteen experts. I do not believe that not one of them gave you a response. I can only presume you sent them e-mails accusing them of not being --what is that buzzword again? Oh yes! Ethical! I would have sent you a canned response as well.

Augusta you go on about information only coming through "pure and clear channel". Careful! You're showing so much knowledge on how to be a psychic someone might actually doubt you are a client!

"S" Slander? Enough of that goes on here. I'm not saying I don't believe there is a blacklist. I know there is. I just don't think most of the lower priced psychics listed by Adriana are part of any kind of organized network like those who belong to KU. You people keep going after the wrong psychics. Most of the ones listed above are way back in the pages. Why tear them down? If they were in that network they'd all be in the front pages with the managers of the KU message board.

Get some perspective people! Keep this up and no one will believe you when you say you're clients. We'll all know you're either experts with an agenda or ex-experts with an agenda. Oh wait. You are!



Good comments

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 04, 2008

S, those are very good points and I do feel most clients who rate low have done so for the reasons you mentioned. Of course there may be the odd client who rates all readers low but that is offset by clients "over-rating" the reading before they even know if any of it is real or will happen. The rating system is indeed a sham now due to blocking, not taking clients who rate 4 stars, and blacklisting. I understand the experts want to maintain their status in order to make their income but I think they need to come from a more spiritual place, and remember that staying open and ready to serve since they are providing a spiritual based service is far more important than all five stars. It's degrading to be blocked and not know why and to put that on clients with no explanation will only eventually boomerang onto the business.

I also agree that I regret some of my past ratings but as you say, if you don't rate well that's basically it for you, unless you go to a brand new reader.



S -

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 04, 2008

Couldn't have said it better myself.
I'm sure there are a few "bad seeds" on the client side, however you are absolutely correct in your evaluation of the ratings system and how the experts manipulate this.

Kasamba also manipulates the system by removing and editing ratings. We have all seen this happen.


United Kingdom

Bad clients....

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, March 04, 2008

Hi Adrianna,

I am sorry you have had this experience, it's not nice, not knowing why you are being blocked, this happened to me in the past also and I suspect most people so take comfort in that and also in what Augsusta said re at least you saved yourself some money and didnt line the coffers of scamming experts.

However, I would like to take issue with the good client/bad client thing attributed to how they rate.

Experts call clients bad clients when they rate low. It's always "they didnt like to hear the truth" etc etc but the fact is clients rate when the reader is way off the mark, second guessing and hoping for the best. Most people have some idea about what is going on re the subject they ask about, so you can pretty much tell when an expert is grasping at straws, rather than giving them a real reading. Also clients rate bad when the predictions they have been given don't pan out. Random generalised readings are also another reason, but to be honest until you have had a few readings and have got a bit of experience behind you do you realise the generalised or scripted readings you have had. These are the reasons most clients leave one star not five. But of course that doesnt suit the experts to say that. They are dishonest. They don't like honest clients leaving a true rating as obviously this hurts their business.

I think being blocked is a godsend. A real and true reader would not worry about it at all. Experts who get together to form a black list are protecting themselves as they know that they are not real psychics and therefore clients who tell it like it really is are no good to them.

Experts will ALWAYS blame the client. Slander the client when they receive poor ratings. I have rated well in the past. I now wish that I had not, as looking back I can see how random the reads were. Also the predictions did not pan out that I had paid for. But clients get scared that they will be blocked from all these experts and rate to ensure that they still have the choice, this jsut perpetuates the situation and does not give the real deal to new clients looking at the ratings of readers before they hire.

Simply put the ratings system is a sham as it does not give a true reflection of the abilities of readers. They have monopolised the ratings system by these sort of actions so it is now worthless.


West Covina,

Thank you Augusta

#60Author of original report

Tue, March 04, 2008

You make a good point, and you are right. I should consider myself lucky I guess.


West Covina,

Thank you Augusta

#60Author of original report

Tue, March 04, 2008

You make a good point, and you are right. I should consider myself lucky I guess.


West Covina,

Thank you Augusta

#60Author of original report

Tue, March 04, 2008

You make a good point, and you are right. I should consider myself lucky I guess.


West Covina,

Thank you Augusta

#60Author of original report

Tue, March 04, 2008

You make a good point, and you are right. I should consider myself lucky I guess.


West Covina,


#60Author of original report

Tue, March 04, 2008

I appreciate your input. I do know that clients can be just as bad, but these readers clicked out and blocked me before I even said hello. They didn't even ask my real name or give me a fair shake. Why? Simply because I supposedly have a username which is SIMILAR to someone else. I read ratings carefully before I contact a reader, and I up until just recently, I had never seen a rating by any client with a username that was anywhere close to mine.

A few weeks ago, I finally noticed one, but when I did some more digging, I only found positive ratings from her(?). So, if it IS her to whom they are referring, I'm still a bit confused.
Regardless, if they had taken a moment, they might have noticed my sign up date - I know it shows in the chat box that such-and-such client has been a member since XX/XX/XXXX. They could have easily googled my username and Kasamba and seen my ratings. MOST IMPORTANTLY, they could have gone ahead and asked my real name and discovered that I was not this supposed client.

I didn't contact them, but I don't have much faith that Kasamba will do anything about this, especially since I don't have much info to go on. The username in question was never actually given to me, and the only one I found even similar to mine seems like a pretty good client.
When I was first informed of the username thing, I even contacted a few of the readers who blocked me to let them know. All I got in return was that canned, declined email response.

Again, I can't vouch for or deny the accuracy of any of the readers listed. They might be great. They certainly didn't try to scam me out of any money. Still, I was blocked immediately without even a hello. They had NO IDEA who was on the other end of the chat screen. That is questionable behavior as far as I'm concerned. I'm not even sure what they thought they were avoiding by doing this.

I know there are bad clients just as there are bad readers. I've seen those bad ratings left by the same client(s) over and over again. I'd probably block those people too, but this particular situation just seems suspicious and odd. As I said before a quick google would have shown that I am a good client who rates well. I've rated, therefore I have also PAID. So not only was I a good client, I was obviously not out to get a free read.

You'd think if they were really there to help people they'd give everyone a fair shake right? There's no risk involved in chatting with someone for a minute or two. They can't get a rating unless they've been hired. In fact they might have even found themselves a returning client.

And still there's the whole issue of my username and possibly other private information being discussed amongst readers. That makes me more than uncomfortable.



Adrianna - blocking is a blessing

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

Adrianna - I understand how you feel - but consider it a blessing they did not read for you and you waste your funds on a "channel" who would block you before feeling things out. Yes there are lists of clients to be blocked. I know it feels rude and annoying - but it is best you didnt spend your money on readers who would block you. I have had a read with several of the readers you listed over time, however I can assure you - not one prediction happened ever.
I keep my mind open and I know that the Spiritual intuitive information can flow, but it only flows accurately through a clear and pure channel. A reader can only pull from the level they vibrate to - and therefore you get distorted and inaccurate information most times on Kas. Blocking is a sign that those readers were not right for you. So as hurtful as it feels - be grateful. I truly hope you find the right reader for you.



Kasamba Clients are Just as Bad

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008


Be advised that there are clients who are just as scheming as some of the readers who aren't very ethical on Kasamba. A lot of the readers you mentioned are pretty accurate and not what I would consider the ones that screw the client for money.

If you have a handful of readers who are blocking you because of the very same thing then you need to contact Kasamba and let them know someone else is using your name that you've established with readers as a GOOD client and it's causing you to be blocked without having been read. I am not a reader but I can tell you that it's just as much an issue that readers get screwed out of payment as the client does out of paying for something they dind't really get or were satisfied with.

In this case I don't really think it's so much the readers fault as it is Kasambas for not having a tracking process for which readers AND clients are screened at registration.

I hope this helps

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