2.2 Integrity  failed  to  pay  due  regard  to  the  information  needs  of  its  clientsfailing  to  record  adequately  why  the  GTEP  product  was  the  most  suitable product for the client.

2.4 Integrity  in  its  role  as  product  provider  failed  to  ensure  that  its  GTEP  promotional material  was  drafted  in  compliance  with  the  requirement  to  be  clear,  fair  and  not misleading, in contravention of Principle 7 by: 

failing  to  ensure  that  the  GTEP  promotional material,  particularly  its  earliest brochures, that were provided to IFAs and subsequently to clients  explained the product in a manner that was clear, fair and not misleading; 

failing to give the IFAs sufficiently balanced information in relation to the  risks of the GTEP product.  This contributed to IFAs advising clients to  purchase a GTEP  product  that  was  potentially  unsuitable  considering  their  individual circumstances, also breaching COB 3.8.8.R; and 

not  ensuring that Integrity clearly and consistently communicatedto to IFAs the appropriate risk rating to be attached to the GTEP product. 

2.5 Integrity’s failures are regarded by the FSA to be serious for the following reasons: 

as product provider, the lack of a balanced explanation of the risks of  GTEPs in its brochures may have contributed to IFAs advising clients to  purchase GTEPs that were unsuitable to their individual circumstances;  and a significant proportion of Integrity’s direct GTEP sales reviewed by the FSA consisted  of  clients  who  had  raised  the  capital  for  the  investment  by  re- mortgaging  their  primary  residence.   

Failing  to  demonstrate  adequately  the suitability  of  the  product  is  more  serious  when  the  security  used  for  the investment  loan  is  the  family  home  as  the  impact  on clients  is  potentially  the 

loss of this home. 

Katrina Stamp

Is now Group Operations Director at Vitesse PLC,  her CV is here


Katrina Stamp commits CV fraud as she lies about being an operations director in her past career.

Katrina Stamp commits CV fraud as she omits from her CV that she was the compliance director at Integrity Financial Solutions Ltd

Katrina Stamp commits CV fraud as she lies about beinga an operations director at UKIFD and PPF.

Katrina Stamp commits CV fraud as she lies about being a film producer,  she is a freelance makeup artist http://katrinastamp.com/


Many innocent people lost their life savings and homes in part because of her compliance failures and now shehas lied about her CV to get a high powered job.  Profiting from lies, deceptions and missrepresentations has to be wrong.