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  • Report:  #929815



  • Reported By:
    jc — Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 20, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 14, 2016
    100 West Mulberry
    Kaufman, Texas
    United States of America
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My family were also victims of kaufman county cps injustice. I would like to join the many other families that they have destroyed so we can stop this before anymore families are destroyed. Victim

In 2008 I was beaten and assaulted by a Kemp police officer name: Johnny Law waited 3 months for 1st court date court appointed attorney failed to show case postponed 1 month returned following month my court appointed attorney failed to show again went back 2 weeks later and still she failed to show 3 times in a row judge Tygrett (the tyrant) sentenced me to 9 months probation for being beaten by a cop. I asked him (judge Howard Tygrett) to look at the on on board camera from his police car. He told me to shut my mouth and that I was a liar. As of that day there was no on board camera (conveniently). It was gone and I would do my 9 months probation or go to jail for 2 years but before I left the court room I told him (judge Tygrett) that I would get even.

Get this: 3 years later he (Tygrett) tracked me down and framed me on a sexual assault charge. I spent 1 month in jail for allegedly sexually assaulting a girl I didnt ever even come into contact with. I had proof. They threw it out and now Im a sex offender for life. I received 4 years probation. Had to leave my family home, got fired from work, had to pay over $10,000 in fines court cost probation and that doesnt include $30.00 a week for four years taking sex offender therapy classes. I know Kaufman County is corrupt. Im living proof of it and there are so many more people in Kaufman County who have had the same happen to them.

The City of Kaufman Texas Police Department and the City of Forney Texas Police Department and the Kaufman County Public Defenders Office (KCPDO) and the Kaufman Count Court / District Attorneys Office seem to have clearly perpetuated some very serious offenses against citizens, at the expense of others reputation and freedom.

Some of the offenses
1. Illegally withholding from the public requested evidence of defendants statements in police reports.

2. Defendants statements to prove their innocence disappearing from police files, and court files.

3. Ignoring public calls for help, assistance, and investigation of false statements by David Miller of the Kaufman County Texas Public Defenders Office.

4. Obstruction of Justice by Forney Texas Police Department, Kaufman Texas Police Department, the Kaufman County Texas Public Defenders Office, and the District Attorneys Office.

5. Shelton Gibb III tampering with witnesses by threat and intimidation so as to provide successful prosecutions.

9. Digitally recorded threat by David Miller, Kaufman County Public Defenders Office, to file a harassment charge on a citizen if they pursued filing a complaint against him to Andrew Jordan.

10. Threat by court clerk that if a (defendants) requesting a copy of the transcript of their certain case, and it was produced, the defendant was asking for trouble.

11. Arrest of citizens by means of contrived, false, and misleading probable cause evidence.

12. The practice of synthetic legal process and false color of law leading to unjust convictions.

13. Denial of due process, and true and ethical legal support.

In the name of Justice The true story behind these charges is almost assembled, and ready to publish.

We are in the midst of our own nightmare with these two -  Linda Duggan and Howard Tygrett!!! Desperate for help! ~Victim

I am a parent that has been done wrong with the justice system in Kaufman Texas. Judge Tygrett should have to be made to resign. Judge Tygrett ruled in the other parents favor with no evidence what so ever.All because I left then and moved to another Jurisdiction. I left them to put my children in a better environment. They were physically, mentally and verbally abusive to me and my children. The ex spent hours on end on the computer looking at porn. Some of which were children. I basically went from living in prison to living in hell. My children are my world. A Loving Parent, Kaufman, TX ~Another Victim

Have you ever noticed that only poor people lose their children? HmmmmI wonder why that is. Do not assume that worthless Tygrett is hitting only on the poor people. My divorce in his court lasted over 3 years. He awarded a 49% visitation to my ex who merely paid the retainer while I fed nearly $50K to the worthless alcoholic Rebecca Calabria to do her job. Come to find out that Calabria and Cathy Adams (lawyer on the other side) played patty cake behind closed doors. My ex had 4 affairs which resulted in him leaving us or  one of them. The ex got on the stand and stated that I was the one that had the affair. Tygrett burned holes through me with his glares. I wore business suits to each court appearance in respect of the court, and my ex was wearing the good ole boy look of Wranglers.  So- it isnt what money you have in your wallet so much, but whose wallet you are putting your money in! For Tygrett to call my attorney (Calabria) and ask for a $10K donation to his campaign during the time of my case is simply a way of saying, may the highest bidder win. With Tygrett being one of the most corrupted Republicans (I pride myself in being Rep), Calabria (Dem) was not about to donate, and she said that in the most colorful way, while smoking away in her office. Backwards country at its absolute worst! IF PEOPLE KEEP VOTING HIM IN, NOTHING NEW WILL TAKE PLACE. ~Another Victim

 I was falsely accused and was court ordered to pay for supervised visits with my children. I can see them for 2 hours per week UNDER SUPERVISION. I have to pay to see my own children. The costs is high and plus I lose money for time off from work because the Physiologist that supervises the meeting only has day time hours available. Keep in mind that I have NO criminal background of ANY kind, and when Linda Duggan was asked in court why this was her recommendation she had NO evidence and actual ly took the 5th (pleaded the 5th amendment). Yet, still judge Tygrett based his decision solely on her opinion.~Another Victim

 I am another Victim of Howard Tygretts Tyranny and Linda Duggan his partner in the crime of destroying families. I too am the victim of Judge Tygrett.  My divorce has been pending for over a year. My ex was awarded temporary custody because I showed up without an attorney. I took the judges advice and hired one for  several thousand dollars only to have him absolutely do nothing. I have spent the last year and few months researching on what I could possibly do in my situation. I hurt so deeply for my children. My ex/their other parent was abusive toward them . He is now leaving our very young children at home by themseIves, unattended. I was given advice from our family doctor to leave the home and I did so, only to cost me my girls due to the immoral ruling of judge Howard Tygrett. ~Another Victim

I too am the victim of Judge Tygrett.  My divorce has been pending for over a year. My husband was awarded temporary custody because I showed up without an attorney. I took the judges advice and hired one for thousands of dollars to have him absolutely do nothing. I have spent the last year and few months researching on what I could possibly do in my situation. I hurt so deeply for my children. Their father was abusive toward them. He is now leaving my very young children at home by themseIves. I was given advice from our family doctor to leave the home and I did so, only to cost me my girls due to the immoral ruling of judge Howard Tygrett. If you have any advice it would be extremely helpful. ~Another Victim

I am writing not my story but in a way my autobiography to you. I read and now go back and read what you have written and I feel the same way. If we just replaced our names it is almost identical. There is a saying that is used that goes like this The game remains the same, the players just change. I thank you for your courage because I can (as I believe everyone going thru this that has found your web site by Gods good graces) now sees how the game is being played. Another saying is Its hard to see the forest when your standing in front of the tree. When I thought all was lost and starting to be losing faith and hopeless, my mother (who has also written you) was trying so hard to have me not give up. I just didnt see a way anymore until I called her and she informed me of your web site. Because I know Im not alone I have hope back, even though I dont know what Gods plan is for me yet. But I do know to keep focusing on the Lord God. And all good things come thru Him. Thank You, P.S. Malachi 3:16-18 ~Another Victim

I will be writing you my story, about what is taking place in Kaufman county with Eric Williams, Linda Duggan, and Carla Herron. Im scared of losing my children. ~Another Victim

 Eric Williams made recommendations to the court to lessen my summer visitation with the children this year. Linda Duggan and Eric Williams outright lied. I got to visit with my children for 1 week this summer and am scheduled for final trial in soon.

Also, Linda Duggan recommended Carla Herron to do a psych test on me, my wife and ex-spouse and Ill give you a good guess as to who got rave reviews and which two have issues. And, that was turned into the court. I too have never had a chance to present my evidence to the court. There was sexual misconduct that took place at ex-spouses house and the court totally disregards that information.

I dont live in Kaufman County, my wife and I were both ordered to a social study over $1,000 later it was recommended to the court that she saw no reason why the children could not live with us if the ex-spouse wanted to. This was disregarded by the judge. He then ordered us to attend therapy sessions with Linda Duggan but since she never returned our calls nor emails we could never schedule anything. Looks to me like this is a game that Eric Williams and his posse have learned to play well. We need to gather up and get the media to pick up this story. A Desperate Father ~Another Victim

Your story could just as easily have been mine.  The only reason I came across your web site is because the child that is currently living with me was represented by Eric L. Williams as Attorney and Guardian ad Litem in the 86th Judicial District Court of Kaufman County, Texas.  Sandra Harwood was the Attorney for DFPS (CPS) and Cathy Adams was the attorney for the childs mother, who was a minor at the time. 

They apparently convinced the childs mother that she would lose all custody and visitation if she did not sign the Rule 11 Agreement transferring managing conservatorship from CPS to the foster parents, which also specifically granted that any and all access and possession of the child by the mother be as specifically directed by the [foster parents].  This meant the mother could see the child if and when the foster parents said she could.  What attorney in their right mind would recommend that a mother (who was a child at the time and needed protection herself) sign such a document? What do you think can be done to stop this ridiculousness?  ~Another Victim

Hello, I found your website today.  Im the Grandparent. My son is living your exact story.  It has been a nightmare for us all. Linda Duggan & Eric Williams are involved.  This has been going on over a year.  Everyone has complied with everything. Accusations are totally false and untrue.  They spent last year with all the social worker visits.  He was ordered counseling with Linda Duggan and calls were never returned & he was therefore non compliant.  Duggan has met him once briefly.  He & his wife were ordered to do psych evals & we find the person who did it, Carla Herron is a partner with Duggan. He has never had an opportunity to say one word in court.  His lawyer, who is from outside Kaufman County,  has barely been able to speak. We are a Christian family.  We pray for justice & fairness & the simple idea that a very good man should have access to his children.  It will not happen at this point.  The only thing we can change in your story, is my sons name.  We are all at a dead end & I believe prayer led me to your site.  I am not going to give more information at this point.  Please know you will be hearing from us.  It is not right.  It is not what the Justice system was created for.  You will hear from us again. ~Another Victim

I am amidst a nasty custody battle with my soon to be ex and have encountered Linda Duggan at her worst as well. I would be interested in hearing from you in hopes of any advice you could provide. She is an old family friend of my spouses family and is treating my children as well as blatantly lying to further his motives of having them removed from my home.  I am a loving parent, professional and have done nothing but lived and breathed my children for the past years since they were born, to hear the accusations this woman is providing my ex, his lawyer as well as the judge sickens me.  I apologize in advance if this email brings you memories youd care to forget, please know that it has taken every ounce of courage in me to contact you. ~Another Victim

I recently found your website while I was trying to google some information on Linda Duggan.  I was appalled, because I felt like I was looking in a mirror.  I too am caught up in the miserable war with Linda, Judge Tygrett and Eric Williams.  My 5 year old daughter and my 7 year old son have been ripped away from me due to allegations that have never been proven and are completely false.  I have not seen my children or spoken to my children since January 21, 2009.  I am supposed to be in court ordered counseling with Ms. Duggan, only she will not return ANY of my many phone calls.  This was ordered Feb. 12, 2009, and I still have not been allowed access to my babies to this day.  Eric Williams has told me that if I didnt go along with everything he was saying, I would lose any chance of ever seeing my babies again.  I thought that entering into this arrangement would prove that I was not committing the acts my Ex husband accused me of.  I never even had a voice in the court.  Since then I have been forced to pay $950 dollars for an unlicensed social case study investigator to come and grill me over my entire life, not had ANY of the court ordered supervised visitation, and am being told that I am abusing my children.  I even have to pay for my Ex husbands attyeven though I cant afford one for myself.  I do not know what to do, or how to fight this at this point and I am desperate to see my children.  Any advice or information that you could give me would be appreciated.  I do truly feel for you, I know that losing your child is the most painful experience a parent can endure.  Thank you in advance for any help you could possibly give me. Respectfully, ~Another Victim

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Patrick M

United States of America

Combatting Kaufman corruption

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, March 13, 2016

 I came across your story. I'm trying to expose Kaufman crooks and help a friend. Please check this link, like and share. Also any info on the Kaufman crooks will be greatly appreciated

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