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  • Report:  #1199438

Complaint Review: Lamplighter Jack Accurate Readings Internet

  • Reported By:
    KeenUser — Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 05, 2015
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 08, 2017
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Lamplighter Jack is among the readers on who is scamming callers.  I had had Lamplighter Jack on my Favorites List for a long time....Something always prevented me from calling him -- an intuition that he might not be as good as the feedback let on.....On the surface he looked like a decent reader who was there to help people and who conducted himself with integrity....but then if you look further back into his feedback, you see numerous reports of predictions failing to manifest.....

Here is Jack's listing:


I say Jack is a scammer as when I called him he searched through his listing of callers Keen readers share and went into "unavailable" mode. Then when I called back, I saw that he had blocked me. 

What this told me is that Jack is among readers who share informatoin and coordinate messages and readings for readers so that they all appear to be singing from the same play book and giving you consistent -- and apparently accurate readings, only these people are scammers....They generate positive feedback by blocking anyone who gives them fewer than five stars and by pre-emptively blocking callers who have given honest feedback that was in no way glowing, thereby undermining the integrity of the feedback system.

The fact is, good, honest readers protect consumer; client information and do not share it with this parties. In fact, they are forbidden from sharing it at Keen, but do it anyway. Good readers are also not afraid of honest feedback as they are confident in thieir own abilities. (Jack, based upon his own feedback, doesn't have a solid track record), but he is not doing his best -- he is scamming....If he were genuinely here to help people as opposed to shake them down for money with fake readings, he wouldn't pre-emptively block, as the scam readers do. 

You can always recognize them...They have over the top glowing feedback with a few scattering negative reviews about inaccuracy....which get pushed back....When you call, you can see that those bad reviews actually corresponded to their quality....They also block if they sense you are dissatisfied...and they preemptively block....Dissatisfied callers are then inclined to not leave feedback and will just not call again.

Quite a few callers have done this...I have noticed...interesting, glowing feedback...and then a few outliers of people commenting on inaccuracy...CAllers have said -- these readers have told them what other readers have said -- (ie, sharing readings among readers to maintain consistency of message ) -- and then preemptive blocks.....Queen of Cups....and some reader who claims to offer "Straight a*s Truth" or some such thing, injecting obscentities in her heading/message....

The truth is, honest, good readers consistently get great feedback. I Have tried a few others as my favorite has been offline for a while...and I have a question I would like to get answerd...and yet have encountered nothing but frauds on Keen. I kick myself for calling these people. Another reader who got glowing praise turned out to be another card flipper who responded with every question, even questions requirly clarity -- with long pauses followed by furious card shuffling only to come with some stupid generic answer five minutes later. He talked a mile a minute, repeated himself but appeared sincere and like he was not trying to drag out the call..and yet the d**n call lasted for half an hour....and I got nothing out of it.....I was kicking myself afterward for tolerating this and not hanging up on the guy, having paid him this money for nothing.

The reader I have has been consistently accurate -- for years...accurate in terms of timing and predictions. While not everything she has said has come to pass. I can trust her message and integrity, and she has not tried to drag out calls. This reader is trusted and usually has people waiting in line to speak to her....I don't think she has ever blocked anyone either....She's not a scammer on Keen just reading scripts, repeating readings, and preemptively trying to block anyone before they call her out on her BS....

Good readers are not even concerned about honest feedback as they know that not everyone can be satisfied with every reader, and not everyone connects with everyone else. Even negative feedback provides insight that helps consumers make informed decisions. People may even pick readers based upon that negative feedback -- as they see elements in that that they like....Such as, some may like abrupt, undiplomatic readers as they like blunt styles. While some consider airy fairy talk a waste of time, othes appreciate it. Not everyone is concerned with predictions not manifesting as they understand that reasders aren't God... 

WHat is at issue is readers who are intentionally misleading people, giving fake readings and who are not even confident enough in their own abilities that they preemptively block people to cover up the truth.

Lamplighter Jack is clearly among the readers who is fake and who does not have his clients' best interests at heart. If his clients were loyal and pleased, why would he be afraid of someone who might leave honest feedback. IF were so good and honest, why is he coordinating messages with other readers and sharing client information? This is automatically a betrayal of trust and demonstrates a startling back of integrity. IF he were so good, why isn't he treating every call with fresh eyes instead of relying on other readers? Why is he even talking to other readers at all? Arent' they supposed to be in competition with each other to provide the best service or do they just cover up for their fraud by sharing information to lend the appearance of genuine readings.

THe fact that Jack blocked me also reflects that he is not psychic as I leave LOTS of glowing feedback too -- for good resaders. THe fact is, my feedback is honest...I am actually a happy, positive person, not an energy vampire...and why he was so threatened, he preemptively block....

Since Jack is so so threatened by the prospect of my leaving feeback on his page, I am leaving it here on

Please share the names of other readers who scam in the pattern of Lamplighter Jack, so we can avoid them and give our business to readers who deserve it. By the way, readers share and post online lists of clients who should be scammed (to be given false readings...or blocked, etc.) for God-forbid exercising their right to leave honest feedback that was not glowing. Somehow despite not being screened, tested, these readers who don't even provide their real names nor have verifiable credentials feel entitled to consistently glowing feedback and taking your money with no resistance or accountability from you, the client. 

There are a few excellent readers on KEen -- my favorite is among them. Most are scammers....unfortunately you can spend a lot of money trying to find them since the Keen rating system is so flawed. Even PsychicSource's rating system reflects positive/negative feedback, providing integrity so callers canmake informed decisions. PS readers are screened and tested, unlike Keen's, where everyone can just put up a post. Does anyone really believe Keen's ratings? Everyone has five stars? 

















2 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake Havasu City,

Actual reality what really goes on...

#3UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, August 08, 2017

Just felt compelled to bring a bit clearity and truth and actual reality about what Really goes on on "behind the curtains"...

First and most importantly - there is Never customer information shared as a general rule and policy. No one organizes customer data or stories for others to see as that would get them so kicked off the platform.
Advisers are not allowed to share their private phone numbers with each other nor the caller. I am not saying that there may be an advisor who brought a friend to Keen and they of course had their phone #s prior to being on Keen. 

What happenes when a call is placed by you it will go into the Keen's computer system which then dials the phone  # of the adviser of your choice and connects. When the connection is established a little monitor pups up on the advisors screen to announce the screen name or the caller and if there were prior calls from that caller. 
There is the oportunity given by the Keen computer program to add notes about the call if the advisor chooses to do so but this is ACCOUNT BOUND and absolutely no one else can Ever see these notes! unless some one would hack into an other advisor's account...not happening.

There is an adviser forum where advisers can communicate with each other openly BUT any comment that would identify a caller i.e. the mentioning of a real name OR member name OR a question that a caller asked literaly will be deleted from the forum in no time and the adviser will recieve a warning from Keen that if it happens again they will be terminated.

Now about the blocking thing...advisers run a business and their livelyhood depends on the feedback they get from callers. Rephrased your 'honest' feedback may cause an advisor not be able to pay their rent or mortgage. 
I am not saying everybody is legit and a truely honest psychc on Keen or on any other site but you can do a lot of damage to someone by leaving negative feedback.

               Blocked or not you can leave feedback for 90 days after your reading and if you don't use the "f -word" your feedback will stay there for ever!! and that is a Fact.

Now truth be told there is a "BASHER LIST" on the internet that is run by one person who collects so called serial basher's feedback and there are callers who have never left more than 1 star with excruciating text -- meaning after such a feedback the phone just dies. Keen itself has nothing to do with it and there is nothing they can do about it. Advisers are not allowed to mention the list in the forum.
If you ever look at a specific serial basher you will see comments like this: 1 star b/c she was talking too slow, 1 star b/c this one was talking too fast I couldn't keep up, 1 star b/c she sheveled her cards too loud, 1 star for the next advisor b/c she was making it up b/c there was no sheveling of cards....on and on...

If you put yourself into the advisor's shoes would you take the risk of getting bashed, having your business disruppted? And yes, advisers can google each and every feedback you ever left for any other adviser. That is where someone gets blocked before ever talking to an adviser. 

Imagine you had a little store and every time a specific person came in they would pee on the floor b/c you didn't have their fav snak...or someone was to enter your store and you know from other store owners they do that to them...would you not rather pass on that customer and put your "Closed" sign into the window?




Keen readers love to block callers

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, January 10, 2015

Here are some comments based on my own experiences with Keen...this is not directed to the OP who filed this report, but to everyone who is looking for help avoiding bad readers and con artists on Keen:

There have been several readers I have tried to contact on Keen who blocked me before I ever spoke to them.  And others would suddenly became unavailable every time I tried to call, and would not take any calls from me.  If I wrote to them to ask why, I never got a response. 

Here are a couple of readers I remember offhand, who I never had a reading with and avoided taking any calls from me at all:



It's really strange and makes you wonder why.  But of course the reasons are usually either 1. other readers have shared information about you with them privately or on a list and/or 2. they see that you have left negative feedback for other readers.  I am not just guessing here, I have been told by a reader on Keen that this is what happens.  

This is a good reason to leave negative feedback whenever it is justified because it helps you avoid those types of scammers.  They become so intimidated by the possibility of receiving negative feedback that they won't even take your call. 

It's better if you never have to talk to such a person.  Harder to deal with if you have already started talking to someone and started trusting them and THEN they block you.  I have had that happen too and it can be very upsetting.  Especially if you are already in emotional turmoil for whatever reason you are calling. 

I would advise everyone NOT to use Keen to begin with. But if you must, read the feedback very carefully and take it all with a grain of salt.  The Keen system is designed to skew feedback towards the positive, so you can't trust it.  Also don't assume that very emotional negative feedback is written by people who are irrational or who lack intelligence. 

Many readers have loads of positive feedback with only a handful of negs.  It makes it seem like just a few people were very disgruntled.  But if you actually talk to the reader, eventually you find out the negative feedback was true, and you realize the people who leave the positives (typically the same people who call again and again every few days) are just deluding themselves.

Lots of readers will have their negative feedback removed by Keen.  There is a rule that if one customer leaves more than one neg, Keen will only leave the first and remove all others.  Of course the same rule doesn't apply to positive feedback.  So you will only see a few negatives among lots of positives. 

Also some readers will really pressure callers to leave positive feedback.  They will offer bribes or use emotional manipulation.  Some put it in their description that you have to give 5 stars or else never expect another reading from them again.

When you see lots of positive feedback from repeat callers, who call more than once a week, and only a few rare negatives, it's SEEMS like this would be a good person to call because they have lots of happy customers, right?  and only a few unhappy ones?  But what is actually means is those repeat callers are totally hooked into dependency on the reader, and are not leaving accurate feedback.

If you get hooked on a reader, here's a good way to break the cycle:  take notes every time you call.  Write down as much as you can of what they say, but especially any predictions or anything else that can be followed up on in a factual way.  Read these notes frequently and check to see how much of it proves to be true.  They may get some things right, but when you see how often they are WRONG, it begins to break the habit.

I have spoken to readers who seemed really good and sincere, and I do believe that some of them had genuine psychic ability.  They were accurate about some things, but they still made some very misleading and damaging predictions.  They won't admit it when they are wrong, even when it is blatantly obvious, and they have no accountability for their actions.  They can simply block you, or avoid taking your calls. 

In my experience, the readers who have the most positive feedback, and who give the most positive and encouraging readings are usually the absolute worst of the whole bunch.  Those are the ones who really hook you the worst.  Be especially careful if you feel ELATED after the call, and/or you begin to think of them as not just a reader, but a friend.  The fact is they are only your friend for as long as you are paying them to be one, and they can block you at any time for any reason or no reason at all. 





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