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  • Report:  #881965

Complaint Review: Keen

Keen GIFTED11, Donna Carvalho Fake Psychics Internet

  • Reported By:
    vicky — Florida Nationwide Australia
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 13, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 16, 2013
  • Keen
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I would also like to further comment on the readers on  I find most of the readers on this site fake.With regards to GIFTED11, Donna carvalho...she seems to claim she is an excellent reader and stuff but i had a reading with her a few months ago and nothing she said has manifested...she told me she was not good with timingn but could give me a range of time...i waited for the whole duration to end and gave it even more time but nothing happened...

moreover, she is very picky and would not take in new clients..and when u have a reading with her, she literally DEMANDS that u leave feedback  automatically...if u dont she will keep emailing u and harrassing you to do so..she claims its a way of saying thank you??? we aree paying for the service and should be able to give feedback whenever we want not by demanding..

Other readers who i have come across to be fake aree as below..

Jo Starks





Jane Wilcox


Leslie Hale



josephine eyes

Radiant Spirit

Neptune Seer

In fact the first few pages of highest rated on love and relationships are also fake..

Some of this readers have many good feedbacks, but be careful as most of this come from other advisers who are their friends. and there are so many here who work together to deliver same info with other advices..

So be careful of this took me a longggggg time to find a good reader here..


11 Updates & Rebuttals

Jane L. Wilcox


Fraud? Fake?

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 16, 2013

Like Donna, I know who you are. I exchanged at a minimum 30 emails FOR FREE with you explaining my reading that you gave me all of 2 minutes to perform. This makes me a fraud? This makes me a fake? This makes me a con-artist? No, this makes YOU what you are: dillusional and unwilling to handle a reading that contains any information that you do not want to hear or conflicts with what you want, so it's just easier to rant and rave about us in a forum like this. 

To the gentleman that posted about the 1,000,000 by whoever to "test" out a "real" psychic, may I suggest you check 



Anonymous Client

New York,

Client of Donna Carvalho

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2013

I have been a client of Donna Carvalho for over 10 years. I came across this slanderous comment made by accident and I am glad I did.  I was looking for Donna's site and this came up on the google internet. I wanted to say a few words regarding this person who started this rediculous and most of all false accussation about Donna's Character and her readings. They have helped me and I am sure many others for years, Donna I would have to say is one of the most honorable and dedicated reader I have ever come across and I am sure many other clients if they know of this comment that was placed here at this ripoff report that is exactly what this is a rip off to Donna and her awesome insights. Donna has never given false hope as a matter of fact she always states in every reading, she is not God and she would never tell anyone anything that was not true. I have been around her enough in all the readings to know her mannerism and she is a solid gold angel. I have had quite a lot of absolutes that she has predicted come true and she never tells anyone that she is good with timing. As a matter of fact, she tells you not to focus on timing rather the moment your in, and I have become a better person and wife and mother because of Donna Carvalho. Donna seen a illness I had and I know that no one is accurate all the time, if I did not follow her directions to go to the Dr. I could have been in quite a lot of trouble thanks to her direction. If I had to say one word about Donna Carvalho it is geniune! I have had my share of readings from others, She is by far the most loyal and loving woman and does not do her readings for money alone she does it because she loves her clients. I am disgusted with this person who has tried to destroy her reputation by saying false statements about Donna. I wanted to let you know who ever you are being a reader of jealousy or a mean and ruthless client, you just did her justice by putting her name on here for people to google her and go to her website and to give her a call because that would be the best move you could make if you need help or a true answer that is from someone very gifted. Donna you deserve a million stars for all you have ever done. Don't let one crazy person stop you from being you and shining and being that angel you really are we all know who you are, all your loyal clients and we love you very much!! so go check her out she is wonderful and that is the truth!

Love ya girl!

9 to 5


Gifted 11 ,Donna Carvalho, Response

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 17, 2013

I have been Gifted all my life and I have been on keen since 2002, never have I had anyone make accussations such as the one who started this false and phoney accussations. I will start with this 1. I never have "demanded" feedback, saying a Thank after any service is called manners. 2. No one on this earth is a 100% accurate and that is stated on my website private and on keen. You are fully responsible for your choices on how you live your life.

3. Being you decided to come here to lie, and try to hurt myself and others, you obviously are hurting very badly, if you continued to call "advisors" for answers to your questions you are responsible for doing so, do not blame anyone for your choices. You could of stopped and not continued to call.

4. Being mean and rude is not my mannerism, being honest is, and if I tell you the truth and you do not like the truth, than maybe I am not the person for you. I will not lie to you or feed you what you would like to hear, I will not feed your wants, I will use my Gifts and that is what they are Gifts from God, Inwhich I have always taken seriously, I do not work all the time, and I do not charge outrageous rates, and I certainly have a right to not take on "new" clients due to the reason that I have many already to work with.

5. I do know who you are and I know you do not like I will not work with you anymore for sessions. I have made a clear concise choice not to work with you, due to your very mean spirited attitude when asking for advice and not liking the advice your given. You bounce from adcisor to advisor and change your names all the time.

6. There is no reason for you to come to this level to cause yourself karma, because you are out to attack out of being bitter and not getting your way. I am sorry I will not take you anymore, I cannot work with someone that is living a fantasy and believing in it as a truth. I am not here to keep you locked into a fantasy world, I am here to be truthful and honest and to help you to set yourself free. Not to play games my "job" is serious work and I take it serious and I am sorry if you do not like that.

7. Befre you decide to criticize and lash out with anger think before you react. Maybe that is why you continue to stay stuck and locked into the world you do with pain. I have spent numerous of my time trying to help but- God helps those who help themselves as well. No one is 100% I will say that again and again, and if you think a Gifted person can "fix" you that is untrue, someone can help you on your path of life they can not do the work for you.

8. I Gifted 11 Donna Carvalho have always done my best and will continue to use my Gifts to help with those who are open and willing to do their own work as well. I am not feedback unfortunately, saying Thank you is manners and we do it in a grocery store after our sale, Most people say it after most services. Using the world Con Artist is a whole other area that is when you are roped into a situation out of your own control and calling readers is a choice you decide to do all on your own, and if there is an addiction there is help out there for that, however- please do not blame readers for your problem. No one makes you call, no one asks you to keep going back and no one is twisting your arm to stay with anyone one reader, but beware if you do not hear what you want to hear, do not blame the messenger. Than maybe not calling is a better option for you.

9. There is NO one coming on a white horse and a red carpet being put out for you. That is the truth, no one is swooping you away from real life. I know we all would like that and it would make life easier, however- we have to come to terms with true reality, that we have to make our own changes and change our perception to our life.  If we do not like something we have Gods will to change it every day. Thats my motto, that what I have lived by oath wise with my clients. Great things happen when we start dealing with our issues and allow ourselves to be real, and true with ourselves on a daily basis.

10. Last but not least I hope that anyone leaving a rebuttal realizes that what we put out always comes back. If you chose to say something out of anger make sure that you think long and hard before doing so, because we reap what we sow. I know this person who wrote this orginal post here on rip off and unfortunately, I will not be taking another call from her. I had chosen to allow her to find someone that can help her, I cannot. I tried and she refuses to "see" the "truth" to her issues. I wish her well and have, But- I am sory 9 to 5 I cannot take you back into my sessions anymore. God Luck and God Speed...

BTW****I have not been on KEEN in a long while and if I am on it usually is for small periods with clients that have an established relationship with me for years and know how I work and we are able to work together. I will not take on NEW clients. There are many other advisors/ readers that are out there for you to work with and may fit you better and your needs.Not everyone fits just like any profession we need to find who we fit with and feel comfortable with inorder to feel stable.


Best Regards,

Donna Carvalho AKA Gifted11







Hmm - a little defensive?

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

I can make sweeping comments because there indeed no psychics at all.  None.  There are people who are pretty good at doing simple magician party tricks like - cold reading, warm reading, internet searches, lucky guessing, use of mystical sounding words, shared databases and a number of others.

You said: "All you do is spout about some oft-expired 'offer' by some institute to prove psychics are real that has never been claimed.  "

While this is clearly not all I do, it would sure put any doubts us skeptics have to bed wouldn't it?  You are talking about James Randi's JREF foundation offer of over $1,000,000.00 to anyone who can demonstrate psychic (and other) ability under mutually agreed on controlled conditions.  You will never try it because you know for a fact that you would fail.  Why would you try it, there is a ready supply of suckers waiting in the wings.  All you have is a long sorry list of excuses.  Which ones on the list would you use?

Name calling and hissy fits are not a real good defense but are entertaining.

If you or anyone else can win the JREF prize, I will be the first to issue an official apology anywhere you like.  Like I said, it would be very cool if anyone could actually do any of these things. 

Hissing Kittycat

United States of America

I agree with the O/P

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

There are bad psychics and good ones, the ones who help people and the ones who defraud people. It's the same with any type of trade from doctor to gardener. You just have to search until you find the right one and I am glad she has a good consultant for her needs. Unfortunately, there are people with no common sense who are easily swayed by the fraudster and those are the situations that give legitimate psychics...sensitives...a bad rap. 

As for you, Miss Sassy Stacey, I don't even charge for my services---I read for friends and by word of mouth because it's a gift that I have and use. But it's not my livelihood. So watch what you spew when you make those ramjet-like sweeping generalizations.

To all of you that feel the need to put people down because you don't believe what they're entitled to do whatever you want. Same as people are entitled to get readings. You just sound like ignorant and whiny toddlers who can't get their way. Toddlers grow up. But it is clear you have not.

Vicky, I am very happy you found a good advisor. Blessings!



My perspective

#12Author of original report

Sun, May 20, 2012

welll..i do know psychics exist but DOnna Carvalho is definately one..she is a con artist and mean lady..Thankfully after a very long time i have found a genuine psychic, everythign she said has happened and she a really caring lady..her timing is good too :)




#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

"Pyschic"?  Yea right kitty - there is no such thing as a "psychic, spellcaster, love guru" etc etc.  There is such a thing as a CON ARTIST and Ramjet was right!!! You people are nothing but cons who suck the life outta of desperate people!

Hissing Kittycat

United States of America

You go Ramjet...

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

Blah, blah, blah. You respond within seconds of a post, which tells me you have no life whatsoever.
I won't get into a debate with you about what you do or do not believe regarding persons with psychic ability (known as sensitives in some cultures, btw, but you clearly have no grasp of the concept). All you do is spout about some oft-expired 'offer' by some institute to prove psychics are real that has never been claimed. 

You also probably believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that God gave Moses the 10 commandments. I have news for you...there's no proof of either of THOSE concepts, either.

Thanks and good night. Go nuke some leftover pizza and go back to mama's basement to read more alerts.



It's true

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2012

You are correct that people are indeed free to get ripped off all they want.  It's their choice. 

I would not have a problem with poor deluded fools believing psychic silliness if they weren't getting ripped off of thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars.  Many have lost their entire life savings to you frauds.  It seems like you would be ashamed but alas you are not. 

No, their have never been anything that you call 'sensitives' (whatever the hell that is).  It's more of the psychic lingo you use to sucker people.

Until a 'psychic' agrees to and passes some kind of scientifically controlled testing procedure, I see no reason to believe any of it.  It would be simple for you to prove if you were legitimate, but you aren't.  Believe me, I really wish it was all true, it would be very cool.  Unfortunately, it's never been validated except by anecdotes and stories which are, of course, proof of nothing.



More poor deluded fools

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2012

Actually the easiest way to tell if a psychics as a fraud is the fact that they claim to be a psychic at all.

They are all 100% frauds and they know it.  You would do yourself a favor by getting away from all of them.

Incidentally, how much do you spend on these disgusting frauds per year?  Just curious.

Hissing Kittycat

United States of America

Keen has its ups...and downs

#12General Comment

Sat, May 19, 2012

Regarding the list of readers, I am adding to it with my own hall of shame. Yes, there ARE some good readers on Keen but for the most part, me.

And here is a big clue...if a psychic has a name that includes Madame, Mistress, Miss, Mother or Sister, there is a possibility they are just a gypsy scammer who does cold readings and then offers spell work or cleansing. Sometimes they won't bring this up until you call again. And if a reader says call them back, they must meditate...nope. Don't. And this comes from me, who IS a legitimate reader (but who can't read for myself, as most sensitives can't) because I know how they operate. I read sometimes right next to an ofisna on my local pier. We just acknowledge each other...and that's that.

OK, to names...and these are supposedly some of the better readers.

Luna Sue...talked fast with names, dates, situations. Not ONE of  her predictions came to pass, but her feedback is glowing. When you question why, she shrugs it off as free will. She may be back under another name, so beware.

Morgana Le Fay...nothing accurate at all and even a dice roll has some chance of success. Strings you along.

Norah Jones...nice lady, nothing happened as she saw and she missed two huge bad situations that happened to me. When I asked why, she said spirit takes you to the edge so you can feel the pain and grow from it, so we're not supposed to know. Huh?

Julia Jordan...very nice lady, but again, weeks of advice led to nothing manifesting.

Shelly first seemed legit, but when predictions did not happen, started grasping at straws. Told me to work on myself instead. What that means is anyone's guess...could get a haircut or move to the moon or anything in between, I suppose.

Angelic Whispers 11...was accurate at first, then when things did not happen as she predicted, started saying to pray to the angels, spirit would protect me, we are not meant to know everything, work on myself, let it go to god, put it at the foot of the cross, it would come together at the last minute, stay positive, all the new age nonsense from The Secret. She is pleasant but whatever guides she claims to have must be on crack.

Gerryraes...sweet soul. But nothing she predicted manifested. Big on astral and spiritual and dream connections, so if she says you will be in contact with another person, it could be in the astral for all you know (and you won't remember).

Annetta...another nice person but nothing happened as she said and she can be judgemental as well. Scripted readings at times, too. 

SweetPsychic...says the same scripted things to everyone. You will run into each other in a restaurant! 

Phoenix Arisen...insisted everything would be all right regarding a job and a love interest. Nothing happened as he said. Then he backpedaled, saying the right job was being prepared for ME (but it would take time!) and that the guy would come around in the universe's timeframe (which he then said could be the next life..or a few years down the road) because he wasn't ready and had used his free will to live his life instead...yeah, sure.

Lydia...when I asked why her predictions did not happen, she blocked me. Nasty piece of work altogether.

The Love Whisperer...from what I learned, this is a gypsy family and you never know who will answer or what they will say. Complete bunk.

Love Psychic Robin...another gypsy, probably back under another name. Takes calls from anywhere he is, which includes the bathroom!

Anyway, that's a list compiled over time. And to all the skeptics (ramjet especially, and a few others), please spare the usual claptrap you spout about there being no psychics. Either you believe or you don't. There have always been sensitives on this planet. It's our choice what you think but don't shove your opinions down the throats of everyone and think by belittling people you will prevail. It's like the bully who swears and intimidates, thinking it will gain respect through fear.!

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