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  • Report:  #297643

Complaint Review: Kelly And Eva Mahan - Curves Owners And Terrible P.O.S. Landlords

Kelly And Eva Mahan Kelly And Eva Mahan - Curves Owners And Terrible P.O.S. Landlords P.o.S. Landlords! Who Claim to Be "Christians" - Yea Right! Grandview Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Grandview Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 07, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 07, 2008
  • Kelly And Eva Mahan - Curves Owners And Terrible P.O.S. Landlords
    13106 13th Street
    Grandview, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:


The Scriptures require us to protect the rights of those in society who virtually have no voice, who are easiest to exploit, and who have the least political clout -- people like the orphans and widows and the fatherless (Deuteronomy 10:18; Psalm 68:5; Proverbs 15:25; 22:28; 23:10-11; Exodus 22:22-24). Tampering with their boundaries or in other ways diminishing the use and value of their property and belongings -- whether through legislation or deceptive contracts or manipulative lawsuits -- provokes the vengeance of their Redeemer according to the Bible, and we should intercede to take their side as well. This is especially needful in a culture where it has become so costly (and tricky) in civil court to resolve disputes and guard one's rights.

"Love is patient, love is is not RUDE, it is not always protects...always preserves." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Whatever you do to the least of these my brethren, you do it unto me." (Matthew 25:40)

"And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also." 1 John 4:21

These are GOD's laws that Christians are supposed to live by. GOD'S laws are the ultimate supreme authority in a Christians life BEFORE man's laws. As a Christian, you give up your rights.

If someone can't love others, care about others, and treat others the way God says to, then they need to quit calling themselves Christian!

Kelly and Eva Mahan think I'm a speed bump - an object they can just run over. As long as it helps them get where they want to go, it doesn't matter if people get hurt in the process!

"By their fruit, you shall know them."

"Whatever you sow, that you shall also reap."

All the Bible is also about the Judgment of God: When people are faithful, God rewards them with greatness...on earth! When people are unfaithful, God punishes them... I.E. - With the Flood of Gen.7:17, with burning sulfur in Sodom and Gomorrah of Gen.19:24, with the 10 Plagues of Exodus 7-12. Blessings and Curses of God, in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus.

Exodus 22:22-24 - God will destroy your finances and/or your spirit and family will be judged when you oppressed. God is particularly protective of the fatherless, widow and the orphan. GOD said it, I didn't! I warned them...they have a chance to repent, but if they don't, then God will bring judgment upon them and your family. Also read Deuteronomy 28.

"....neither will he help the evil doers" (Job 8:20).

Psalm 94 -
O LORD, the God who avenges,
O God who avenges, shine forth.

2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
pay back to the proud what they deserve.

3 How long will the wicked, O LORD,
how long will the wicked be jubilant?

4 They pour out arrogant words;
all the evildoers are full of boasting.

5 They crush your people, O LORD;
they oppress your inheritance.

I quit going to church several years ago, because I got hurt really bad by too many Christians, so I will never EVER go back!


All I got for Christmas was an eviction notice from my "Christian" landlords!....and that's ALL I got! How nice, huh? Gee....I thought my landlords, Kelly and Eva Mahan were my friends. NOW I know what KIND of "friends" they are! Kelly and Eva Mahan SUCK!!!! Friends don't throw people out on the street so their "family member" can have a roof over their head!

Kelly "said" he was asking me to move out - not because I did anything wrong, but because one of his "family members" has an "emergency". SO! Like I care! If they want to help them, GET THEM AN APARTMENT DOWN THE STREET! DON'T INVOLVE ME in THEIR PERSONAL PROBLEMS, disrupt and destroy MY life because their family/friend can't solve their own problems!

This just isn't right! I don't deserve this! Their logic makes absolutely NO SENSE to me!!!! help one of their supposed relatives while creating a major, MAJOR crises for me! They said they "prayed" about this, and this is what "God" told them to do! Yea right! kick me out on the streets, disrupt and destroy MY life so someone else can have a roof over their head, and be all warm, comfy and cozy....that's what Jesus would do, right???!!!

Kelly and Eva would not want anybody kicking THEM out of THEIR home so a "family"/friend can move in! The Bible says to DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU! Point blank - it's SIMPLE! There's NOTHING to think about! - NOTHING to "pray" about! Whatever you do to the LEAST of these my brethren, you have also done it unto Me." When they kick me out of here, they are doing it to JESUS too!!!! And Exodus 22:23-24 says to not afflict the orphan, widow or the fatherless - THAT'S ME!!!!....AND YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE NEXT VERSES SAY? IT SAYS: "If you do and they cry out to me, then I will surely help them. My anger will blaze forth against you, and I will kill you with the sword. Your wives will become widows, and your children will become fatherless."

So there's no need to "pray" about whether or not I should be kicked out nor is there any Biblical grounds for them getting a restraining order against me! These scriptures make it VERY clear! You wouldn't want someone to do kick you out of YOUR home! And neither would Eva or Kelly!

They may have prayed about it, but realize how much my life is going to be destroyed by their decision? Because of the stress they are putting me under, I'm sick and throwing up, can't sleep, don't want to live....and they use the police to harass me....that doesn't sound like God to me or how Jesus instructed His followers to behave!

I don't know if I believe Kelly's story that a "family" member is buying the house because first Kelly told me it was a friend, and then he changed his story to the person being a "family member". For all I know, it could be a really good friend that they consider to be LIKE "family".

Nobody explained to me WHY I was being forced out of my home. Kelly was very evasive about the details of the situation, which left too much room for my imagination to wander. So since nobody explained to me WHY I was being forced out of my home, I checked with the Jackson Country recorders office to see if the house was sold, and there is NO RECORD of it being sold - NONE! And if they DID sell it, then my landlords cannot evict me - ONLY the "new owner" can do that! So this is just ANOTHER lie my landlord is telling me.

I don't take too kindly to people who kick me around like a soccer ball and treat my life like it's a toy to play with....or a car that can be disposed of and traded in for a newer and better model. People who treat me like that really bring out the really bad side of me.
There really should be MORE LAWS to protect tenants from BS like this! This is discrimination! Some states have rent control, like New York, but Missouri (misery) doesn't have that.

Kelly and Eva are the one's who made the decision to involve me in someone else's personal problems. They didn't have to do that!....they should have thought this out more carefully! "Do unto others as you want them to do to you" - that golden rule is so simple a 2-year old could understand this! They could always take back what they did....I've been waiting! But I don't think they have the balls to admit they are wrong and to apologize for everything they've done and make things right with me. I gave them plenty of chances to make things right with me. They're the ones who are exacerbating the problem. They brought all these problems ON THEMSELVES for being so selfish and self-centered. So they have nobody to blame BUT THEMSELVES because they started all this - I didn't!
Kelly and Eva are only creating problems for themselves, and hurting themselves by their selfish, self-centered, cold-hearted, senseless, calloused decisions. They are also hurting me and everybody else in my life! Their actions are counter-productive! If they want to resolve this issue, then they should try to be more Christian about it, but I don't think that's within their capacity to behave like Christians, because in truth, they aren't Christian at all - only in word, but not in deed - "you shall know them by their fruit".

I never hurt my landlords. Never threatened to hurt them. All I did was send them several emails and put some notes on their cars in case they didn't get my emails. I just wanted to tell them they are wrong, and hoped they would reconsider, and let me stay. What was I supposed to do WHEN NOBODY I WENT TO FOR HELP WOULD HELP ME???????

I reached out asking for help, and I got NONE! The kind of help I need is NOT prayer, a homeless shelter or counseling! The kind of help I need is someone to mediate with these crazy insensible, careless, thoughtless, cold-hearted calloused people who are my landlords.

Nobody helps me - no matter who I go to - NOT EVEN THE CHURCH! Matt. 18:15-17 says to confront someone if they have hurt you, and if they don't listen to take a witness with you. But HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE a WITNESS WITH ME when NOBODY - NOT EVEN A PASTOR WILL HELP ME???!!! And all they say is they will "pray" for me! And then people wonder why I go off and do crazy things like put signs in my window facing my landlord's house, highlighting the most important parts of what I told them in my emails because they didn't seem to understand anything I said in all the emails I sent them. So I figured signs in my window would make it clearer to them!
I tried EVERYTHING else I could to resolve and diffuse the situation, and bring a reasonable resolution, and nothing worked, and nobody...I mean NOBODY will help me! Nobody EVER helps me - not even the one friend I have here in Kansas City. Not even the pastor I went to visit yesterday at Floyd McClung's old church where Kelly and Eva used to go. I wanted/needed someone to mediate for me, NOT pray for me! because my one and only friend who is a pastor won't even help me! I'm always left on my own to fend for myself. And then people wonder why I go off and get crazy, and do crazy things. It's because I've tried everything else, and I don't know what else to do! I'm left on my own AS USUAL to FEND FOR MYSELF!!!

If people would step in and help when I ask them to, then things would not escalate to the critical level. But I guess it's too inconvenient for Christians to do what Matthew 18:15-17 says to do!

If we are the Body, WHY AREN'T HIS ARMS REACHING? Oh yea...they're reaching alright - reaching with fists to punch me and stab me, trip me and kick me!

They only care about themselves. They would rather one of their "family members" have a roof over their head and be all warm and comfy-cozy, and for me to be on the street sleeping in my car. I have nerve damage and numbness in my toes due to frostbite from when I was homeless last time for several years. But I guess none of the problems Kelly and Eva are causing me matters, because I don't matter. All that matters is them and their STUPID family! People with families are so STUPID! The whole earth revolves around them, and nobody else exists outside their family circle. They take it for granted that just because they have family, that everybody else does too!

Since these a-hole landlords who call themselves "Christian" gave me the eviction notice, I TRIED to do things the CHRISTIAN way like the bible says to in Matt. 18:15-17 says to do. I confronted them by writing them emails to explain why I can't move, why they shouldn't MAKE me move, and come to a sensible, reasonable resolution....and after all that, they leave a 30-day notice on my door and filed a restraining order on me!

My landlords gave the cops keys to my house and they walked right into my house this morning while I was in bed pulling their gun out at me, using the excuse for their illegal entry that they "wanted to make sure I was okay". My attorney said that's a false and illegal premise to enter a property, and the restraining order was illegally served. Grandview police SUCK!!!! The Sheriff's department is currently under investigation for corruption.

After looking at what my landlord's wrote on the restraining order, it turns out to be one big huge joke! - just one excessively exaggerated lie after another! Doesn't surprise me...they lied to me about a lot of other things, and even digitally manipulated and FORGED my signature by scanning it into his computer, and attaching it to the notice.

I looked over the Exparte (temporary restraining order), and Kelly and Eva wrote bogus fabricated lies - so the lies CONTINUE! They took what I said, twisted it and turned it around so badly into something completely different other than what I said so they could get a restraining order against me. I read the Exparte, and it's a complete joke - all completely fabricated lies, one after the other for their own benefit!....such as when I told them "you dropped a bomb on me when you gave me the eviction notice" (and I placed animated gif's of exploding bombs to express how I felt). They turned that around and told the judge that I threatened to drop bombs on them! These people are so mentally incapacitated, it's not even funny! Judges hand out restraining orders like candy. There doesn't have to be any proof - just say someone is bothering you, and you get a restraining order.

I haven't bothered my landlords since they put the 30-day notice on my door on which Kelly - I told them I never want to speak to them again! They're back-stabbers! And they'll do whatever it takes for them to get where they want to go, regardless if it hurts other people.

I JUST got the rest of my stuff out of storage in California and put it in the house (which was VERY hard for me) when Kelly gave me a Christmas card in the form of an eviction notice. He dropped a reeeeaaaalllllly huge bomb on me when he told me someone already "bought" the house and that I had "X" number of days to find a place to live and move out. I don't have money to move!!!

Prior to being served the eviction notice from Kelly Mahan, I called my landlords at least 3 times to tell them I was getting stuff out of my storage unit in California. I called them once when I got back in town to tell them to move their cars out of my driveway so I could get my truck in. The cars were not moved when I got home, so I called them AGAIN while I was outside my house. The truck sat in my driveway for 2 days before I even unloaded anything, because I was too tired after being gone for 3 weeks. Then the day I started unloading everything and putting my stuff in my house, my landlord's wife, Eva, came out of her house and talked to me. I was getting dizzy and having bad chest pains; my knees can't handle going up stairs. I also had to move big heavy furniture in here all by myself, and now it's very badly damaged! Irreplaceable furniture I've had since I was 13 years old!!! NOT ONE SINGLE TIME DID ANYBODY EVER offer to HELP ME move my stuff in here! I was sick for 3 days because it took EVERYTHING I had from me just to get everything in here.....ALL BY MYSELF!

They had PLENTY of time to break the news to me before I moved everything in here, but instead, they waited until AFTER I had struggled to get all my big heavy furniture in the house all by myself, and hauled boxes up and down stairs 100 times to tell me that now I have to move! HOW INCONSIDERATE!!! I tried and tried and TRIED to go to Kelly's house several times in the past few weeks, and even before I left on my last trip out of town to sign another lease, but nobody was home except for Eva's mom, and I couldn't wait any longer. It was already after 5:30pm, and I had to be in Laredo, Texas the next morning. If I'm late, my company fines me $200.
I broke my arm really bad 3.5 years ago, and now I have three screws in it. My arm is messed up for the rest of my life; and then I broke my back 8 months later. I have to have another operation on my arm. I am PERMANENTLY DISABLED! When I was in the hospital and at home all alone by myself, NOBODY HELPED ME!!!! Nobody helped me wash my clothes, wash my dishes, cook my food, help me carry groceries into the house, or offer to help do ANYthing for me!!! Not one single time did Eva or Kelly come over here and ask if I needed ANYTHING!!! And they live right next door! I had to use a WALKER to get around just to go to the toilet...and I couldn't stand in the shower. I had to sleep in my office chair for MONTHS, because it was extremely difficult for me to get in and out of bed. I couldn't hardly do ANYTHING....and nobody helped me either, or even bothered to ask if I needed help! My whole body is messed up bad because I've been in over 10 car accidents - and the broken back/arm only made matters worse. And to top it off, I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia, just like my mom does. Due to my back injuries, I am in constant pain. I can hardly stand for very long without being in tremendous pain! And like I said's nice that Kelly and Eva and their family have friends and family to fall back on when THEY need help, but I DON'T!!!

In all these situations, I had to do everything MYSELF! I have no family or friends to fall back on for help when I fall into extreme hardship. And now Kelly and Eva are creating even MORE financial burdens and extreme hardship for me, as if my life isn't hard enough as it is already!

It took me
To get all my stuff out of storage and get my life back on track.
.....and in 1 day,
Kelly and Eva completely threw my life off course!

It's like I'm having my own personal Hurricane Katrina over here! I've been so upset that I've been throwing up! So I don't want to talk to Kelly and Eva anymore unless they are coming to tell me I can stay - at least until the end of 2008. Becaaausssssse:
I don't have money to move - don't have first and last or have money for utility hookups, and everything else - OR good credit.
I don't have family or friends to go to for help.
I will lose my truck that I've been trying to get for almost 4 years. If I lose my truck, I lose my job AND my ONLY source of income. I HAVE to get caught up on my late payments!
I don't want to move three times in one year either....

I have to get my life in order, and if I don't, nothing else is going to line up correctly! I have several things in my life that need to get sorted out first before making any drastic changes - especially moving! And it's going to take me a few more months to get everything straightened out that some people screwed up for me. And unless I stay here, I won't be able to do any of these things.

Kelly and Eva didn't think too deeply about how their decisions were going to affect me. I think what they are doing to me is really, REALLY cold! I never thought they would stoop so low to do something like this to me! I think they left my fate up to a coin toss. Kelly told me they made the decision in ONE day! I doubt it was even one day - it was probably just a few minutes! No rational, logical, reasoning person would ever do this to another human being!

This is the first time I have had ANY stability in several years, because before moving here, I was homeless for several years, and every second of it SUCKED! Home was wherever my car was parked - I had no home to go HOME to at night! I shouldn't be alive now for several reasons. One of them is because I nearly killed myself several times because there was no way out. The only reason I was even able to get this place to live here is because 1) Kelly didn't run my credit and 2) I received a settlement from an accident that I was in when an 18-wheeler ran me off the road down in Tyler, Texas on December 5, 2002. If it weren't for that money, I'd still be sleeping in parking lots every night in my car! And if I can't get a place to live now, that's where I'll be - AGAIN! Christmas joy and happy New Year to me!
Either they didn't think too deep about what they were doing, or they don't care if I end up on the streets AGAIN, because at this point, that's where I'm headed. They are really big into family and friends, and I know they put family first, so I guess they assume that everybody has someone to fall back on when they fall on hard times - BUT I DON'T!!!! I don't have family or friends to go to when I need help.

I'm just soooo hurt and angry over this that I wish I had ended my life back when I was homeless 3.5 years ago, and I wish I never came here to Kansas Shity. I could have stayed in Texas or gone somewhere else! I just want to go far, far away from here. I never want to see these aholes again! I HATE them! And I hope they lose their Curves business and everything they own! I want to go to greener pastures. There is so much brown stuff in the pastures here, that I'm neck deep in poop! That's just a nice way of saying that this is all a bunch of BS! I'm so discouraged and I've lost my confidence with God because of this. It's just one more blow I cannot take; and this was a BIG blow!

.....whatever their "family" member's problem is, they need to solve it themselves, and get another place to live instead of involving me, putting me onto the streets and screwing up my life. My life is hard enough as it is! I don't need anybody making it harder for me!!!

The Bible says to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"....and....."as you have done unto the least of these my brethren, you have also done it unto me"....and to "prefer others above yourself" - seems pretty clear to me! There's no need to "pray" about whether or not I should be kicked out! And Exodus 22:22 says to not afflict the orphan, widow or the fatherless.....

They are the one's who brought all this on themselves for being so freekin' moronic and mentally incapacitated. They are idiots, unreasonable, selfish, thoughtless, and they don't care about ANYbody but themselves! They have absolutely NO CLUE - NONE how SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED and UNchristian they are!

I have to QUIT WORKING in order to find another place to live because I travel for a living, and I'm gone for 3 weeks at a time. I can't look for a place to live AND WORK at the same time! If I'm not working, I can't pay my bills, and I won't have money to move ....I can't make truck payments either. If I lose the truck, then I lose my job...if I lose my job, I lose my income. Then I have NO MONEY for sure! No job, no money = nowhere to live.....and instead of catching up on truck payments and other bills I'm behind on so I can fix my credit, and buy my own house, my life and my credit will be FURTHER DESTROYED because I will then have a REPOSSESSION showing on it for the next 7+ years..... PLUS I will have no place to live, and no job! And yes...this will all happen because I have no money and not good enough credit to go somewhere else right now, and because Kelly and Eva decided to make me move so their "relative" could move into MY house that I have FOUGHT so hard to keep! I already tried two different people, and both turned me down for a place to live because of my credit! Kelly and Eva's decision is going to affect me for the next SEVERAL YEARS!!! NOT JUST the next few weeks or months.

Furthermore....if I'm not working, I can't pay bills I'm behind on so my credit will get better, so I can get a place to live because instead of paying the bills I have, and the bills I'm several months behind on, now I will lose more money and get even FURTHER behind on those bills because I have to quit working to find somewhere else to live!!!

So, it's not JUST my home I'm losing - their selfish, inconsiderate, unthoughtful decisions are effecting every....I said EVERY area of my life and causing extreme hardship for me for which it will take me SEVERAL months/years to recover from. For sure years, if I lose my truck, and my job because then I'll have a whole mess on my hands to clean up with a repossession showing on my credit!!!!

I always have to fight for what I have, and have to FIGHT to keep what I've got, because every single time I turn around, someone is trying to take what I have away from me! They are either stealing from me, or they are doing something to hurt me, screw my life up, cost me money, derail me, and run me off course so I can't get somewhere with my life; and then I spend several months AND YEARS trying to get back on track because of their selfish actions. I'm not a sacrificial lamb!!!

No matter how hard I try, or what I do, people are ALWAYS screwing things up for me and hurting me. It NEVER stops! Instead of focusing on where I'm going, I'm always having to put out fires and clean up the messes everybody causes and creates for me, and it takes me YEARS to recover from the setbacks stupid selfish people create for me!

Since I travel for a living and I'm gone for 3 weeks at a time, I can't work and be here at the same time looking for another place to live. So I'm losing money that I desperately need to pay bills because now I have to look for somewhere to move to. And now I have to take MORE time off work to go to court because they put a restraining order on me! THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING *EVERYTHING* THEY CAN TO DESTROY ME!

Satan comes to KILL, STEAL and to DESTROY. That's what my landlords are doing to me. I know who their father is now, and it's certainly NOT the Heavenly Father.

Additionally....I have bad credit that I've been trying to fix for quite some time! I'm several months behind on a vehicle payment. I was just getting to the point where I was going to fiiiiiiinally start making payments before I lose the truck when Kelly dropped the bomb on me that I have to move! Now instead of paying on the vehicle which provides MY PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME, I have to use what money I have TO MOVE!!!! If I lose the truck, I lose my job...if I lose my job, then I have NO MONEY! And then instead of catching up on payments, my life and my credit reports will be FURTHER DESTROYED because I will then have a REPOSSESSION showing on it for the next 7+ years, no place to live, and no job!

Every single time I turn around, someone is stealing from me, or they are doing something to hurt me, screw my life up, cost me money and run me off course so I can't pay my creditors that I'm several months behind on payments, and get my credit fixed so I can get somewhere with my life.
I have to get my credit straightened out so I can be approved for a place to live. I was using the box truck I finally got to re-establish my credit. And thanks to all the BUTTHOLES in my life, they keep screwing everything up for me. I can't straighten out my credit problems, and take care of my responsibilities and obligations I currently have, because someone is always kicking me down! Now I have to take time off work to find a place to live. I can't be out of town for 3 weeks at a time AND look for a place to live. So either way, if I stay home to look for a place to live, I don't make money. And if I go to work, I can't look for a place to live. At this point, I have no money to move anyway because so many previous employers have ripped me off! The most recent (Try Hours) stole $500 from me! And even though I told them I have nowhere to live anymore, they didn't care! I HATE THEM! I'm going to spit, pee, defecate and vomit on their graves because people like them deserve no respect! All the good they did for me is all awash now because of their thoughtless, inconsiderate, selfish, self-centered actions!
Well, I guess I'll be sleeping in my car again - back to where I was before I moved here. It took me 17 years to get all my stuff out of storage and get my life back together. Who knows how long I'll be on the streets this time before I get another place to live! At least nobody can evict me from my car because they want their stupid "family member" to move in! I never thought Kelly and Eva would stoop so low to do something like this to me! I should have just ended my life while I had the chance, like I almost did several times when I was homeless. Then all the crap I've been through would have never happened! I give up....I'm tired of trying. No matter how hard I try, nothing EVER works! I fight and fight to get and keep what I have, and people are always taking it away from me! I'm tired of fighting. I don't want to go through another 40 years of people putting me through the same bullcrap. Kelly and Eva could take what they have done all back. But I don't think Kelly has the balls to admit he is wrong, to apologize, and make things right. It's already obvious he doesn't, because he could have stopped the restraining order from being served by just one phone call! Or he could have told the cops he didn't want it served.

Don't let appearances fool you! Eva and Kelly Mahan are a**holes. I would NEVER join Curves OR recommend it to anybody because of them. They are owners of Curves womens gym at 12036 Blue Ridge Extension Grandview, MO 64030 - (816) 965-5554...their home number is: (816) 966-8144. Their home address is 13106 13th Street, Grandview, Missouri 64030. Their current email address is

Their Curves franchise contract should be revoked! They don't have money to keep the business going anyway, or to buy the 10K worth of new equipment this Spring. They have yard sales, sell off their vehicles and liquidate what assets they have just to pay the rent. They are going in the red every month, borrowing against everything they can, robbing Peter to pay Paul just to try and keep Curves going. That game will catch up with them soon, if it hasn't already. They know it's a losing battle, but they won't let anybody else know how bad off they really are. Let God's judgment upon Kelly and Eva begin! And may it be measured back to them 10 times worse than the blow they dealt me!

Repentance is required of all who desire Gods forgiveness (Lk. 13:3; Acts 2:38). God will never forgive an unrepentant soul, nor does God expect us to. The Bible is clear about what constitutes repentance. Repentance is a change of mind, preceded by godly sorrow, and resulting in a change of life. "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation, not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death." (2 Cor. 7:10).


Yes, we should love our enemies. And yes, we should ask God to destroy His enemies. To keep the element of personal spite out of our prayers, we should practice imprecatory prayers in a congregational setting, under the leadership of the leaders. (Rev. 8:1-3)

When we get the prideful and deluding notion that we're supposed to be nicer than God, however, we are treating His Word with contempt. Should we not honor His whole Word, by finding the appropriate ways to use it, even the more difficult passages?

Where do you recommend a man go to check his manhood in, if he is called to "be cool with" the abortionist's grisly trade? Planned Parenthood's eugenics-driven genocide against non-white peoples? The pornographer's commerce in the flesh of daughters and sisters? The German state's assault on Christian families? The incineration of 80 American citizens inside their own church?

There is a place for anger in the faithful Christian life. And a legitimate channel for that anger, a mode of prayer provided for us in the Bible, that invites God to do that which we are forbidden to do.

After I remove Psalm 109 from my Bible, what other parts offend tender sensibilities, and should we therefore cut out? Counsel me, o folks who are wiser than the Author of the Bible!

More on repentance:

Grandview, Missouri

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