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  • Report:  #299757

Complaint Review: Kelly And Eva Mahan - Kansas Shity LANDLORDS From HELL!!!

Kelly And Eva Mahan - LANDLORDS From HELL And Curves Owners Curves Owners and Bully Landlords - Harassing Me Doing EVERYTHING They Can to Destroy My Life!!! Involving me in their personal problems, make me homeless so their stupid "family member" can have a roof over their head! And they said "God" told them to do it! - I lost my job because of them. Grandview Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Grandview Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 14, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 12, 2011
  • Kelly And Eva Mahan - Kansas Shity LANDLORDS From HELL!!!
    13106 13th Street
    Grandview, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Could you be any more dramatic? *Author of original report: TO: Sweetybird68 *Author of original report: To: Sweetybird68 *Consumer Comment: Take Responsibility *Author of original report: TO: BeeNicer *Author of original report: TO: BeeNicer (and SweetyBird) *Consumer Comment: Unfortunate Addiction *Consumer Comment: Unfortunate Addiction *Consumer Comment: Unfortunate Addiction *Author of original report: "BeeNicer" is a Freekin' IDIOT!!!! *Author of original report: "BeeNicer" is a Freekin' Ignorant Moron!!! *Author of original report: "BeeNicer" is a Freekin' Ignorant Moron!!! *Consumer Comment: You have my sympathy Tammy! *Consumer Comment: All the other reports about the same landlords *Consumer Comment: I agree *Consumer Comment: Rental property isn't yours. *Author of original report: TO: Robert *Author of original report: To Robert: *Author of original report: A ***REAL*** MAN DOESN'T KICK WOMEN OUT ON THE STREET! *Author of original report: A ***REAL*** MAN DOESN'T KICK WOMEN OUT ON THE STREET! *Author of original report: A ***REAL*** MAN DOESN'T KICK WOMEN OUT ON THE STREET! *Author of original report: STILL Homeless Thanks to My P.O.S. Landlords From Hell and Mama's Boy Mark Mahan!!! *Author of original report: 7 months later, and STILL HOMELESS!!!! - because of my stupid, thoughtless, idiotic, good-for-nothing P.O.S. "Christian" landlords from Hell! *Consumer Comment: When? *Consumer Comment: Forget these people * : 19 Months, Homeless....and STILL COUNTING! * : 17 Months, Homeless....and STILL COUNTING! Thanks to My Kansas Schitty Scumlords *Author of original report: 16 Months Later and STILL Homeless! *Author of original report: Homeless 21 Months Because of Kansas Schity Landlords Who Call Themselves "Christians" *Author of original report: Christmas Day: Homeless 22 Months, 11 Days Because My "Christian" Landlords SON Isn't a REAL Man - He's a little P***Y *Author of original report: Kelly, Eva and Mark Mahan Lack Honesty, Integrity and TRUE Christian Character *General Comment: A couple of things that make me wonder... *Author of original report: 24 Months Homeless, and Schizophrenic Landlords are Still Lying *General Comment: OK...not making any more sense... *Author of original report: TO: The person in Australia *Author of original report: Still Homeless *Author of original report: 3 Years, Still Homeless *Consumer Comment: Still Homeless... *Consumer Comment: Three years *Consumer Comment: Message for Tammy


The nightmare continues, and I'm in fear of my life and my property. I don't even want to leave my house now or open my door.

Last Friday, January 4, 2008 cops showed up at my door - whatta way to start the New Year! I was in bed, and wasn't going to answer. I didn't know what they wanted, and I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone.

On Saturday morning, January 5, 2008 they came back. My landlord gave out my house key, and the cops came inside my house while I was in bed, and they were drawing their gun at me.

It was wrong for my landlord to give out the key to the cops. He can't give the key out to someone or enter in this house without giving me notice - he has absolutely NO business handing the key out to ANYbody!!!

The cops told me they were here to serve me an "Ex Parte", which I guess is a type of restraining order. I've never heard of an Ex Parte before, so I'm not really sure what it means. They made up a phony excuse for breaking into my house that they "wanted to make sure I was okay".

Anyway, they left the Ex Parte on my dresser. When they left, I got out of bed and looked at the papers, and I saw one exaggerated, distorted lie after another! My a%#hole landlords, Kelly and Eva Mahan took EVERYTHING I said in my emails to them COMPLEEEEEETLY out of context to the point that what I said wasn't what I said AT ALL!!!

For example: When they said I had to move out because their stupid "family member" has an "emergency", and I had to move after I had JUST MOVED the last of my stuff in here 2 days one email I told them that when they said I had to move because they want their stupid "family member" to move in here, that I felt like they dropped a bomb on me....I put pictures of animated exploding bombs in my email to express how I felt. Well, in the request for a restraining order, Kelly and Eva Mahan wrote that I sent them pictures of exploding bombs, but FAILED TO MENTION or EXPLAIN the rest of what I wrote BEFORE the pictures. So they made it sound like I wanted to blow them up! They took almost everything I said in my emails out of context, exaggerated, and distorted it and lied by omission exactly like they did with the bomb pictures so they could make me sound like I was threatening them, so they could get a restraining order on me because they are big fat LIARS!!!

They also wrote in the restraining order that I was sending them "angry" emails. LoL - I didn't know there was a law against being angry!

They said I put signs in my window facing their house. Yes, this part is true, and its the *ONLY* thing they said in the Ex Parte that was true. I did it because they obviously didn't read ANY of the emails I wrote. Or maybe they are so mentally incapacitated that they just didn't understand one single word I said. So I thought if I put signs in my window it would make what I said even clearer to them, the problems they are causing me, and that what they are doing is wrong! And hoped they would see they were wrong, apologize, and tell me I could stay. But that didn't happen. The problems only escalated and got worse.

I TRIED getting help from people, but nobody, I mean NOBODY would help me!!! Not my friends...not even the pastor of Kelly and Eva's former church!!! When people don't step in and help when they should, problems only elevate to a critical level, and that doesn't have to happen if people would help, instead of standing by and letting people run someone else over.

Kelly and Eva Mahan are BULLIES to the MAX! They treat people like they're speed bumps, and will run anybody over to get what they want. It doesn't matter if anybody gets hurt in the process - just as long as they get what THEY want!!! thats *ALL* that matters!

They are *NOT* Christians! Not everyone who calls Jesus "Lord, Lord" will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven! No REAL Christian would ever behave the way Kelly and Eva have towards me. And they deserve EVERY BIT of judgment God sends their way - Exodus 22:22-24. Any logical, reasoning, RATIONAL thinking person would not do what they are doing (or have done) to me in the name of God and call themselves a Christian!

This is the first time in 17 years I had draws to put my clothes in because I was homeless for several years!....and now everything just might have to go back into storage again for another 17 years! Every time someone derails me and screws my life up, it takes me a really long time to get back on track! No matter WHAT I do, or how HARD I try, it NEVER works because I'm just spinning my wheels all the time, not getting anywhere because I'm ALWAYS having to do damage control to fix all the problems OTHER PEOPLE create for me!!! To repair the areas of my life that people broke and screwed up! All I do is spin my wheels, walk around in circles cleaning up other peoples messes, and putting out the fires they started! That's lost time I cannot get back! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG!

I stay to myself all the time because people have hurt me so bad, that I don't want to be around anyone. And people who do what Kelly and Eva Mayhem have done to me only push me further, and deeper into isolation.

I left church several years ago because of people like them, and I won't ever EVER go back!!!!

I HATE Christians, and Kelly and Eva give me more reason to hate Christians.
My hate grows even more towards the church and towards Christians because of the HELL they are putting me through. They are LANDLORDS from HELL --- quite literally!

I got off track...back to the story....Saturday, the cops were in my house and gave me an Ex Parte. I thought it was an order to appear in court. The cops never told me if I went over to Kelly and Eva's house that I would be arrested.

Tuesday morning, January 8, 2008 at about 9:00-9:30 am, Eva came over to my house knocking on my door several times. I was in bed, and I wasn't going to get up to answer the door. I really didn't want to see her face, I was so angry. I just want these devils out of my life! I know it was Eva because I looked out my window, and I saw a woman with long, red curly hair. And NOBODY I know has long, red curly hair. Nobody ever comes over to my house. I don't even know anybody here in Kansas Shity, except for a couple male attorneys and one male friend who is black. I have zero women friends here. So I KNOW it was Eva! But she and Kelly lied to the cops and told them they were never at my house.

The next day after I got the Ex Parte, I found out my truck had been repossessed - the truck I've been trying so hard to get for 4 years now so I could reestablish my credit, build up a business, so I could hire someone to work for me, so I could transition out of my job and still have money coming in to pay my bills, and be able to afford to stay home and go back to school, and get out of driving altogether. If I quit the kind of work I'm in now, I will end up putting little pink stickers on people's packages at WalMart, and I can't pay my bills on minimum the truck was my way out - the ticket to solve all my problems But that part of my life is all destroyed now too thanks to Kelly and Eva! (and TryHours in Maumee, Ohio). The problem started with TryHours, but it was Kelly and Eva that added to the problems I already had, and caused me to lose my truck.

I tried and TRIED talking to the leasing company, but no matter what I said, they wouldn't listen to me! All they wanted to do was verbally abuse me, use condescending comments, threaten me, and harass me 20 times a day. I told them I wanted to be honest and pay them, but I leased on with 2 bad companies - Try Hours in Maumee, Ohio, and Nations Express. Both of them screwed me over really badly. I finished orientation with Nations Express, passed the drug screenpassed everything. Nations Express fired me within minutes of them giving me my first load - just because I didn't pull the emergency brake on the truck! It cost me HUNDREDS of dollars to get to Charlotte, North Carolina, never mind several days of down time (two weeks) while I was going through orientation and meeting all their rigid demands. So from there I spent MORE time and money to drive to Try Hours in Maumee, Ohio. With this company, they gave me only 2 trips per week *IF* I was lucky, at 250 miles per trip, and that was ALL! As a result, I used up ALL my savings, and was not able to make any payments on the truck. I finally left that sucky loser company, and went to another one, and they were working me nearly every day. I was JUST getting to the point where I was going to be able to start paying the truck lease payment. And thats when my landlords dropped the bomb on me that I had to move.

The truck leasing company rushed to conclusions, and came and took my truck away - the truck I was needing to use for moving - the truck that was my ONLY source of income. Now I'm out of work AND have nowhere to live! *PLUS* I have a repossession on my credit report for the next 7+ years! My truck would not have been repo'd IF I HAD BEEN WORKING instead of sitting at home for the past month looking for a place to live, because Kelly and Eva put me in this situation by involving me in someone else's personal problems! If it werent for them and their selfishness, I would have been working, and would have made my truck payments, and would still be working, and still have the truck! And I wouldnt have a repossession on my credit report for 7+ years EITHER!

So my life is screwed up for at least another 7 years - probably longer - because of these Kansas Shity landlords, and I've been working so hard to clean it up for so long and change my life. And now its all screwed up AGAIN! Because of Kelly and Eva involved me in their personal problems and told me I had to move, INSTEAD OF WORKING like I should have been, and needed to so I COULD make my truck I wouldn't lose my truck.....I was sitting AT HOME looking for another place to live because my stupid anal landlords wanted to involve me in their "family members" "emergency"....I should have told them to take their "emergency" and shove it up their a*s! Don't involve me in YOUR personal problems! a result of their random, careless, senseless, thoughtless, acts of UN-kindness, I lost more than a whole months' income, lost my truck and job, AND my home! My truck would have been saved and NOT repo'd if I had been working! If I had not been forced to stay home to look for somewhere else to live! [And if Try Hours and Nations Express hadn't screwed me over]. I have to travel for a living, be away from home for 3 weeks at a time, so I can't be in another state AND look for a place to live at the SAME time.

Kelly and Eva are very counter-productive. They are doing anything AND EVERYTHING to hurt me and DESTROY my life!!!!! Because they're thoughtless! They're selfish, SELFISH people!!!

If they wanted me to move so badly, then they would stop taking me to court. I cant work and be home to go to court. Theyre using the legal system to harass me!

I got off track I was served an Ex Parte on Saturday, and Eva came knocking on my door Tuesday morning. She knocked several times. I didn't answer because I was in bed. So the next night, I was outside when they pulled into their driveway. They got out, and said, "oh there she is." So I thought maybe this would be a good time to ask what they wanted - and also ask them if they told the repo company where my truck was (ONLY Kelly knew where I parked it). So I went over to their house to ask what they wanted, and they CALLED THE POLICE ON ME!!! (@$$holes!!!!)

The cops came out. I went outside to talk to one of the police officers thinking they only wanted to know what happened, and if I explained what happened, that whatever the reason was for them being here would be all settled, and they would leave. But that didn't happen. Eva and Kelly lied and told them they werent at my house the night before. So the cops started grabbing me, and it frightened me SO BAD! I didn't know what they were doing. I was just scared out of my mind. They grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I was wallowing around and screaming because they were hurting me. I broke my back AND arm really bad about 3 years ago. I have three screws in my arm - I'm permanently disabled. I wasn't trying to hurt the stupid butt-faced cops. I was only trying to protect MYSELF from being hurt by them! They were overly forceful. I didn't understand what they were doing, and they misconstrued my confusion and assumed I was resisting arrest. They should have explained to me what they were doing. I wasn't resisting! I just didn't understand what they were doing and I was scared!

Because of Kelly and Eva Mahan, I spent a night in jail, and it was so traumatizing that when I got home, I had to take sleeping pills to help me relax and go to sleep, and I accidentally took one too many. My nerves were so shot, I was shaking, and I still dont want to leave my house unless I absolutely have to. I didn't realize how claustrophobic I was until they locked me up in the tiny little cell. The walls felt like they were crashing in all around me; I was shaking, sweating, felt like I was going to vomit. I couldn't breathe, and I was going into horrible panic attacks. The cell they put me in had no water either - the water fountain was broken. And there was no toilet paper.

I had to bail out of jail - they wanted $1,000, but I talked them down to $500, which I will get most of it back when I go to court in March.

My attorney, Stephen Mayer, looked at the restraining order and told me that I didn't break the R.O. by going over to Kelly and Eva Mahan's house to ask them what they wanted. So I was cruelly and wrongly punished and imprisoned, and traumatized unnecessarily. A*%hole landlords, Kelly and Eva Mahem could have at any time told the cops to leave me alone, and to not arrest me. But they didn't do that! This is just another example of the Mahans bully ways, and taking things way too far! So much for "Christian" LOVE! So much for GRACE! It only goes to show you what KIND of "CHRISTIANS" they are!!!!

My attorney, and only friend in Kansas Shity came to my rescue and bailed me of jail. If it hadn't been for them, I would have been moved to another jail to be with prostitutes, felons, child molesters, drunks, and druggies.....all weekend until I went to court on Monday.

After I got released from jail, both my attorney and my friend came over to my house with me. When I was taken off in the police car, I left my front door open, and left my keys and purse at home. I didn't know what I was coming back home to - if my stuff would even be here, or what. Luckily, somebody closed and locked the door, but I couldn't get in because I had no keys. So my attorney, Stephen Mayer went next door to my a$%hole landlord's house and told them he is my attorney, and I needed the keys to get in my house. Kelly and Eva copped an attitude - even my attorney said they weren't very nice people! I think maybe they were intimidated by Stephen saying he's an back off buckos!!! Or I'll sick my attorney on you dogs!

Before Kelly would unlock my door, Kelly put on a big act that he is scared of me and told my attorney that he wouldn't come over to my house unless I got inside the car that was parked in my driveway. Kelly is about 6'4. I'm 5'6. Tells you what kind of "man" he is - that he's afraid of a little girl like me. Whatta freekin' P.o.S. W-U-S-S!!!!

I finally got inside my house, and the cops showed up AGAIN within a few minutes. Apparently SOMEONE called and told them I was going to kill myself. I never told anybody that! Kelly and Eva Mayhem/Mahan are using the cops and the legal system to harass me! I had just gotten out of jail, and now the cops were in my house again. I was shaking really bad. I didn't want them in my house. All I wanted was to be ALONE!!! I had enough of the police for one week already! They had been at my house almost every day. I want the cops out of my life! - I want my a$$hole landlords out of my life. I am sorry I ever came to Kansas Shity, Misery! There's been nothing but B.S., misery, heartache and grief ever since I came here. Kelly and Eva are at the top of my a$$hole list they are the ones who have caused me the most pain and misery.

I tried warning Kelly and Eva to back off, but they are big huge bullies, and all they do is push, and push, and push, AND PUSH me to the edge. They are the instigators! THEY are the troublemakers! They create problems and instigate the problems in the first place, and then if/when I react, they act like the anally mentally challenged people they are, and don't seem to understand why I am reacting - they feed on getting reactions out of me. I THINK KELLY AND EVA GET A LOT OF PLEASURE FROM CAUSING SOMEONE ELSE TREMENDOUS PAIN - emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially!

The more pain they cause, the more it makes them feel better and more powerful! They've caused alot of grief, heartache, tremendous pain and hardship for me, and have cruelly and severely traumatized me.

All they do is practice random acts of rude, senseless, selfish, thoughtless acts of UN-kindness!

What ever happened to "love is patient, KIND, its not RUDEit does not SEEK IT'S looks to PROTECT and PRESERVE"? 1 Cor. 13
Love does not steal, kill and destroy! John 10:10

What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"? Matthew 7:12

I guess Christians don't do this anymore, because it's TOO INCONVENIENT.

I HATE Christians! I hate Kelly and Eva Mayhem. And I hate church. People like them are the reason I quit going to church in the first place!

Because Kelly and Eva Mahan (Mayhem) were rude, inconsiderate, selfish, self-centered, thinking only of themselves by involving me in someone elses personal problems, they have destroyed my life completely!

The world would be a BETTER PLACE without people like Kelly and Eva Mahan/Mayhem! They can go to Hell for all I care! - with all the child molesters, thieves, prostitutes, serial killers, and so on. That's where people like Kelly and Eva belong. They are Satans children! A real child of God would NEVER treat someone else the way they have treated me!- all the harsh, unjustified, cruel treatment, and creating EXTREME hardships for me, just so they could help someone else and put a roof over their family members head! Doing all this destruction to my life, and harassing me while they claim to be Christian, and say that "GOD" told them to do it....makes absolute sense to me! - that's what Jesus would do, RIGHT?!?!?

According to Exodus 22:22-24 and Galatians 6:7, I hope they lose EVERYTHING they have. I hope God causes them reap 10 times what they sowed towards me. They deserve EVERY bit of it!!!!

There's 3 things you don't mess with:

YOU DON'T SCREW WITH PEOPLE'S MONEY and steal from them...

Also, dont taunt them or call them names.

I was abused as a kid. I was always the kid in school who was abused, bullied and beat up on a daily bases. I let people beat me up all the time and never fought back. But I learned that I have to stand up for myself or people will mow you over and kill you if they can (emotionally, physically, or spiritually), like Kelly and Eva are doing to me! So when people push me around I push back because I got tired of being walked over all the time, and having people play me like a deck of cards, like Im good for nothing but to be kicked around like a garbage can or a soccer ball, and to play with my life like its a toy.

If someone had stepped in to help me when I asked them to, then the situation would not have elevated to a critical level. Why do you think school shootings happen? Why do you think people shoot their bosses? Why do you think people go on senseless shooting rampages, killing co-workers, bosses, or people in malls? It's because someone wasn't there for them when they needed it - when they asked for help. Because nobody wanted to be inconvenienced for a few minutes in their life to mediate the situation, and as a result, many lives were lost.

Im not a violent person, and I have no intentions whatsoever of inflicting any harm my @$$hole landlords. But I can understand how someone WOULD be pushed so far to the edge that they would take their own life, or want to get rid of their harassers/tormenters because they won't stop harassing and bullying them around, and nobody will step in to help them like Matthew 18:15-17 says to do. And when it happens, NOBODY IS TO BLAME BUT THE BULLIES WHO DROVE THEM TO THAT POINT.

People DO kill themselves because of relentless harassment and bullying - just watch these videos and see:
People do go off on random senseless shooting sprees in schools, malls, at work, or wherever because of bullying and harassing, or because someone stole something from them.and even because an employer ripped them off, didn't pay the employee and created an extreme hardship for them to the point where the employee couldn't pay their bills and they lost their home and everything they have.

Violence can be curbed if people would step in and help, instead of covering their eyes and ears, pretending nothing is happening, and not wanting to get involved

You can see videos about kids who killed themselves because of bullying right here:

and here:

To find out the rest of my story about my landlord's from Hell, go to the other reports filed against them on aka

Grandview, Missouri

40 Updates & Rebuttals



Message for Tammy

#41Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2011


Please go to the library and check out  "The Secret," by Rhonda Byrne.  If you follow the steps in this book, it will change your life!
The DVD is even better.

I hope to hear back about all the positive changes in your life soon!


Apple Valley,

Three years

#41Consumer Comment

Fri, March 04, 2011

After all this time I have a feeling the landlord's needing to evict you in favor of their son was more a response to having rented to someone who was batshit insane and wanting to get the loose cannon off their property.  You continue to whine about how they did you wrong and make no effort to move forward on your own behalf.  Arrest warrants don't die at the county line, and if you draw the attention of the police where you are they will take you in and transport you, so just staying out of the courthouse isn't protecting you.  In any event, you have to be able to assist your lawyer in your defense and I don't see where the attorney was getting any help.  I can understand why he might withdraw from the case if he wasn't being paid for his work.  And in any case, if Kansas City is anything like my city the place is lousy with resources for the homeless, but they won't beg you to accept help because they don't have the time to go find you because they're too busy helping those who ask them.

You know, if you turned yourself in, the county would be only too glad to get you the help you so plainly need.  And you'd be in out of the cold.



Still Homeless...

#41Consumer Comment

Thu, February 24, 2011

One has to wonder what kind of person:

Has no friends.  Pretty big red flag there.  It might be time to consider getting some mental health care to find out why no one wants to be friends with you, and fix that within yourself that prevents it. Here's one tip: you have to BE a friend first. 

Can't fall back on family.  I can't imagine an entire family would completely disown their flesh and blood.   Even the families of the sickest, most malicious individuals still take them in until they wear out their welcome or do something that forces the family to shut them out.

Would stay homeless for three years.  I'd flip burgers, shovel snow, anything to keep a roof over my head. 

Has time and resources to spend on the internet posting complaints, but does not have time to look for a job, pay off debts, find a place to live, or make friends.

I'm sorry for your troubles Tammy. I hope you are able to find forgiveness in your heart and shed some of the hate.  Your former landlord might have caused your homelessness years ago, but only you can choose to stay that way.

 If you stop placing blame and start taking responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your life, you might get somewhere. 

Good Luck.



3 Years, Still Homeless

#41Author of original report

Mon, February 14, 2011

Three years later to this very day, and I still can't go home because I have no home to go home to. But that would all be different, and I wouldn't be in this hopeless, desperate situation for the last three years if the Mahan's hadn't been thinking only of themselves. Every time I turn to someone for help, all they do is hurt me and make my life worse than it already is. The church is nothing but an abortion clinic. It gets rid of what it doesn't want at any cost. Abortion is a very selfish act. It doesn't think of the damage that will be inflicted upon the other person's life. It only thinks of itself and it's temporary wants and needs. There's no love in selfish ambition, or kicking someone out on the street so someone else can have a place to live!  I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up.  That would be the best thing that ever happened to me.



Still Homeless

#41Author of original report

Fri, November 26, 2010

I am STILL homeless and have only $4 in my bank account.  I hope these aholes who put me out on the street so their 29 year old wussy mama's boy SON could have a place to live are proud of themselves. Just to show how selfish, self-absorbed and thoughtless these people are who call themselves Christians, they never invited me over for Thanksgiving or Christmas - NOT ONE TIME - and I lived right next door to them!  The most caring and loving thing anyone can do is to share your home and your food with someone who has nobody to spend the holidays with.  For the last 10 years, I have spent every holiday alone. I'm spending Thanksgiving in a cold wet parking lot, while these bastards are in their warm homes stuffing their faces with turkey and pumpkin pie. I have no friends or family to help me. But I told them that - but they wouldn't listen and didn't care.

I am glad Nola Wood lost the election for State Representative. She's a freakin witch and a liar.  America doesn't need people like her who falsely accuse people of doing things they didn't do, and commit perjury on court documents. America doesn't need people who claim to be Christian but can't do the simplest things the Bible says to do.  Washington has enough hypocrites already!  We need honest leaders with character, backbone and integrity and Nola Wood doesn't fit that description! She doesn't deserve anything better except to be a lowly stupid housewife who mops floors and scrubs the toilets.

"My slanderers pursue me all day long; many are attacking me in their pride". Psalm 56:2.

"He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me." Psalm 57:3.



TO: The person in Australia

#41Author of original report

Mon, February 15, 2010

I'm sure you have some personal vested interest in these people.  It's quite odd that of all the hundreds and thousands of posts on this website, that you 'happened' to come upon this particular one I posted.  I think you are putting your nose where it does not belong, especially since you have no clue what you're talking about, you've more than likely never been homeless before, and this post has nothing to do with you.  My comments are complaints about these idiots, and I have the right to post complaints against people who did me wrong.  It is not harassment or 'cyberbully' as you call it.  If someone doesn't like what I'm saying about them, they don't have to read it.  You obviously went out of your way to troll around the internet to find my post and read it.  Anyway, my landlords can dish it out, but they can't take it.  Yea, that's a bully for ya!  I know EXACTLY what a bully is.  I was beat up, taunted, teased, harassed - verbally and physically abused every day in school, and it continued when I went to church. I've never beat up a single person in my entire life.  I can't fight back. I freeze up when I'm being attacked. My landlords are the perfect model of a bully.  I lived the hell they put me through for the last two years, and are STILL putting me through - you haven't! Nobody cares about me.  I tried getting help while I was living in that house.  Nobody helped me. Other people, including a good friend of mine are aware of my situation, but he never offered ONE time to let me come stay with him.  I don't have friends or family to go to for help. This is none of your business, really. Now whoever you are, please don't bother replying.  Since you think I'm wasting my time with these posts, you'd equally be wasting your time by responding.  Mind your own business.  You're probably some troll from YouTube.



OK...not making any more sense...

#41General Comment

Mon, February 15, 2010

So now they're schizophrenic and bullies? Can I provide you with some definitions first?

Medically, a schizophrenic has hallucinations, hears voices, their thoughts are disorganized as well as their's known as "word salad", as well as being socially isolated from their peers and displaying unusual behaviours (courtesy of Wikipedia). If hallucinations and hearing voices are


Bullying-repeated behaviours over a period of time intended to intimidate or hurt the "victim"so to speak. In this case, your form of bullying is cyber-bullying, that is, to carry out acts of bullying through various websites such as these. Your goal seems to have gone from wanting help or compensation right down to posting derogatory and harassing comments constantly and basically hurting them, which in turn, seems to not be helping your own goal of getting a roof over your head.

People have tried to help you and you have turned them away by continually harassing THEM as well as the Mahans. That I would consider to be bullying.

I should add as well, following on from my earlier points. (the numbers are not intended to correspond to my original points by the way)

1) The Bible is open to interpretation. I'm going to quote from The Da Vinci Code here: "the bible did not arrive by fax from heaven." Anyone can rewrite the Bible, claiming that God spoke to them. For instance, I could get up on a podium and claim that He told me that homosexuals should be allowed to marry.

2) I'd ask how you still have computer access, although that seems to be fairly obvious-local libraries.

3) There would be plenty of places around that support homeless people regardless of their age, status or anything like that. I would be extremely surprised if a) they turned you away or b) there weren't any services.

4) YOU are in control of your own future. NOT anyone else. YOU are the one responsible for trying to solve your own problems, not anyone else. NOBODY can predict if something bad is going to happen.

5) Finally, just because it's religious doesn't automatically make it right. If you are that literal about the Bible, I'm surprised the Amish haven't asked you to join them...they do take the Bible literally, but at least they help and support each other out.

(Oh and before you go accusing me of being "one of them", "with them," "on their side" or "a bully" know this: I'm not from the US, I haven't been to church since I was four but I know the Ten Commandments off by heart, I was verbally, emotionally and cyberbullied until I was fifteen and I've never had contact with any of the parties mentioned in your original letter. EVER.)



24 Months Homeless, and Schizophrenic Landlords are Still Lying

#41Author of original report

Sun, February 14, 2010

As of today, February 14, 2010, I have been homeless exactly 2 years. Its a date Ill NEVER forget because my life spiraled into Hell on Valentines Day. It actually started just before Christmas, but Valentines Day is the day I had to move out and go live on the streets so my former landlords wussy mamas boy SON could have a place to live because GAAAWWWWD told them to do it! Which is utter B.S! They can believe that if they want to believe, but the voices theyre hearing in their heads sure wasnt God.

I FINALLY got my mail when I was in Kansas City on February 8th that had been sitting in my mailbox since LAST MARCH!

Kelly C. Mahan has a Jezebel spirit. He is a lying coward, a bully and a wuss! Like father, like 31 year old irresponsible son, Mark W. Mahan. What the Mahans did to me and are continuing to do is demonic! Straight from the pit of Hell!!!

My former p.o.s. landlords have persisted in propagating their lies by accusing me of harassing them. That is totally IMPOSSIBLE! I dont have their home phone number, cell phone number or email address, and I have had no personal contact with them - nor do I have the desire to see their butt-ugly faces or talk to these thugs! They just dont like me posting this stuff because they dont want the whole world to know what evil, wicked schizophrenic sociopaths they are. So they falsely accuse in a desperate attempt to try and make me shut up.

They had absolutely NO mercy or grace for me, so have none for them! As long as these bullies; thats right - I said BULLIES! As long as these BULLIES persist in maliciously using the legal system, police, courts and anything else to harass me, keep me homeless, create more hardships for me, and inflict extreme emotional duress and financial injury upon me, I will continue to exercise my 1st Amendment rights and post complaints against them. Nobody has been elected the thought police, and it is not against the law to file complaints about businesses or stupid idiotic people.

So with that in mind, I continue with my complaint against these stupid pieces of schitt.

They have turned my life completely upside down and into a literal living Hell. They utterly DESTROYED everything I worked my whole life for, and Im sure they are thoroughly enjoying it, being the psychotic sociopath's they are. They are deliberately and maliciously attempting to KEEP me homeless. Theyve already inflicted extreme emotional duress and extreme financial injury upon me, and are continuing to this day to do this to me.

They might as well have just literally murdered me, because thats what they did to me in the figurative sense.

These selfish, thoughtless low-life bastards have hurt not only myself, but everybody else in my life whom I owe money to. I needed my accident settlement to pay my hospital and doctor bills so they will come out of collections - my unpaid bills are severely hurting my credit score. My credit is so bad, Experian wont even give me a score! I also needed my accident settlement to get myself a place to live - one that nobody can ever take away from me ever again! But now none of these doctors will get any money, and neither will I because I cant appear in court for my accident case with an outstanding warrant or Ill be thrown in jail and unjustly punished for something I never did!!! Something these a*holes falsely and perjuriously filed against me with trumped up charges and flagrant lies. Im already suffering tremendously from their thoughtless, selfish actions every day I cant go home. The last thing I need is to be locked up in jail. As miserable as homelessness is, Id rather be homeless than be in jail for something I didnt do.

The Mahans did everything within their power to utterly destroy my life in every way their evil, wicked pathological minds could devise against me. I lost everything I have because of these thoughtless, reckless, self-centered sociopaths. As if I havent lost enough already, but now Im going to lose my accident settlement too that was going to get me off the streets and get me a place to live! And Im not supposed to be angry and complain about this!?!?!?!

My former landlords, their son, and Nola Wood are in denial about what they did to me. They are too dumb and blind to see what they did is wrong. If they cant see it is wrong, then they are the heartless, calloused narcissist sociopath freaks I think they are.

When Mr. Mahan gave me the eviction notice, I TRIED to do Matthew 18:15-17. "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector."

I only tried communicating my concerns to them about being forced to move. I thought they would listen; that they would care - obviously not!  When they werent replying to my messages, I thought they weren't getting them. So I thought I would try again until I got a response. When they didnt respond after my third attempt, I went to their church. I got absolutely NO help from them at all. As usual, when I try to do things the RIGHT way - the CHRISTIAN way - the way the BIBLE instructs, it NEVER EVER works! The pastor at Metro Christian Fellowship was absolutely pathetic and USELESS. So I tried talking to Nola. She was equally apathetic and useless and didnt take me seriously, just like everybody else. Despite my efforts in talking to her as a witness (Matthew 18:16), she just had to get in on the mob-lynching and false accusatory lies that the Mahans were propagating about me. So Nola followed the Mahans lead and filed a bogus restraining order against me for harassment, when I wasnt harassing her at all!!! I just needed someone to talk to; needed some help. I thought she would be reasonable and level-headed and could mediate for me with the Mahans. Boy, was I mistaken! I was at the end of my rope, grasping for help wherever I could find it. I didnt know who else to go to. I TRIED to do what the Bible says, and it turned into a complete hellish disaster! The Mahan clansman and Nola Wood used lies, deceit, defamation, slander and false accusations; misused and abused the legal system to turn my life into a literal living Hell!

I TRIED telling everyone I didnt have money to move, but NOBODY listened. They were too SELF-ABSORBED to notice or care to do anything to try and help me! All they could think of was...THEMSELVES!

I Corinthians 6:1-10 clearly says to settle matters AMONGST YOURSELVES. If the Mahans and Nola Wood were truly Christian, they would have not jumped to conclusions and gone directly to the courthouse and filed a perjurious restraining order against me - thats where all the trouble began. They would have come directly to me FIRST and tried to work it out like the Bible says to! Their actions were cowardly!!! If they had done what the BIBLE says to do, everything else that happened would not have happened.

Real Christians do what the Bible says even when they dont like it or when its inconvenient. The Bible is superior to any other source of revelation or any human reason alone. Christians find absolute truth from the Word of God. Regardless of what culture says, regardless of what is politically correct, regardless of what we feel is right or not right, we base our beliefs on what the Bible teaches, not what our feelings dictate! Thats what it is to have a Christian worldview, and this will affect the way we see and do everything.

Im in this situation to begin with because they disobeyed Gods Word. They falsely accused of doing things I never did, they were only thinking of themselves and had their heads up their freekin butts. If they had just made their wussy mamas boy son BE A MAN and told him he is old enough to be responsible for his life; grow up, be a man, and figure out your own problems without involving others - and done what the BIBLE says to do (1 Cor. 13, Matthew 7:12, I Corinthians 6:1-10)...I wouldnt be homeless right now...and everything else that has happened would not have happened, and I would have my accident settlement and my own house!

These low-life scumbags need to quit blaming me and take responsibility for their thoughtless, selfish, reckless actions!!!

  THEY are the ones who gave me a Christmas card in the form of an eviction notice. Merry Christmas!

Got me thrown in jail for the New Year - Happy New Year!

They used the police to terrorize me day and night for several days in a row. Shows you what cowards and bullies they are!

Because of them, I was deathly ill for two solid straight months with near pneumonia from being out in sub-zero degree temperatures for 10 days straight in the snow, freezing rain, and ice moving stuff onto my truck ALONE, with NO HELP because I was forced to move.

They STOLE my $500 security deposit; and then on top of all this, Ive lost hundreds of dollars in court costs and other fees associated with their slanderous false allegations, and now Im potentially going to lose HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of dollars from my accident settlement.

I suffered so much up to this point, but the hellish nightmare continued and has not stopped to this day.

Additionally, as a result of these narcissistic pathological liars decisions, for the last two years:

I have not felt CARPET under my feet.

Nor have I been able to sleep in my own bed - I live in parking lots - fun FUN!!!

I have not had a good home-cooked meal that I prepared myself.

Have had absolutely NO privacy whatsoever; not to brush my teeth, eat, not even sleep because people come banging on my door, waking me up all hours of the day or night when Im sleeping, telling me I cant park in their parking lot and I have to leave. Ive even had people try to open my vehicle doors and break in while Im sleeping. I actually had one guy do that to me the other morning. I thought I had locked my door, but I didnt. I dont know what makes people think they have the right to walk up to someones vehicle and open the doors!

I havent been able to use my OWN toilet, my OWN shower, my OWN sink.

I havent been able to watch any TV, use my own computer, printer, or fax machine.

I cant store food in a freezer or refrigerator so most of the money I earn is being exhausted from eating out all the time. In an effort to cut back on expensive fast food, Ive even taken food out of trash bags. I really dont have much of a choice!

I have to drive EVERYWHERE to do ANYTHING!!! - eat, take a shower, brush my teeth, use the restroom, use a computer, copier, fax machine or whatever I need to do!

And Im not supposed to be angry and complain about this????!!!!!

Im in this situation because these pathetic morons cant let go of their son and make him be a man! They seem to think my life is a toy to play with for their own personal amusement.

These good for nothing stupid p.o.s. Mahans did all this to me, and Im supposed to say, Thats okay! No problem??? They must think Im some kind of punching bag and Im supposed to just sit here and let them viciously assault me, punch me in the face over and over and over again, and Im supposed to passively sit here and take it, smile and say, Thats okay. No problem...keep on doing it. Thats fine! Are you out of your freekin mind!?!?! IM NOT A PUNCHING BAG YOU FREEKIN BULLIES - you mentally incapacitated morons!!!

My God. Why do I always get mixed up with the wrong people no matter where I go?!?!?! Even when I try to keep to myself, the a--holes find me!

Ive been abused my whole entire life, starting in grade school. It continued when I went to church. Thats why I dont go to church anymore! Im sick and tired of people thinking Im some kind object to punch around and treat like a sack of trash; like I dont matter. Im not taking it anymore!

Im trying with all my strength to get out of this situation, but Im getting nowhere - and its not because Im not trying hard enough. Once youre on the streets, its EXTREMELY difficult to get off of them if you dont have family or friends to help you. I dont have the resources to get myself out of this situation - Im not making enough money to come up with 6 months rent up front. The only hope I had to cling to was the accident settlement I was going to get. But I can no longer hope for that because of these good for nothing stupid p.o.s. thugs who are going to take that away from me too, as if they havent stolen enough from me already! As if they havent hurt me enough already, now they are going to take that away from me too!!!! Oh, Im sure they will gloat with joy over that, being the sick sociopath freaks they are! Its real amusing to cause someone else so much pain, hardship and anguish, isnt it?

If they want to persist in oppressing and afflicting me, go right on ahead and keep on doing it. But they should be aware and warned that they are storing up bowls of wrath and judgment from God against themselves. Exodus 22:22-24 says God will kill them with a sword, meaning: their finances, their health, their credit, their business...and whatever else God sees fit. And God will judge them BY THE SAME measure they have judged me! Matthew 7:2. They are dangerously playing with fire.

 Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. Zech. 7:10

Godlessness in the Last Days                                                                        2 Timothy 3:1-5

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love (heartless - ESV), unforgiving (no grace or mercy - Strongs Concordance cross reference Rom 1:31), slanderous (false accusers - KJV), without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good (doers of evil), treacherous (traitors -KJV), rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV: "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers."



A couple of things that make me wonder...

#41General Comment

Mon, February 08, 2010

Just a few things...

1) I'm VERY surprised that you haven't already had a slander/defamation lawsuit slapped upon you since I DID do some research and you have copied and pasted the exact same thing on a lot of websites, including a couple of blogs. No matter if it's true or not, if you are really a good Christian as you claim to be, then I'm sure that posting something like this which continues to go down the path of constantly harassing them and slandering them would be very un-Christian. (Doesn't the Ten Commandments also state "do not bear false witness to thy neighbours?" meaning that you do not spread rumours or defame your neighbours, no matter how much you hate them)

2) How is it that you can still have a lawyer? (If you still have one)

3) Religion and law do not always mix. If that were the case, then women would be prohibited from doing anything except cooking, cleaning and becoming a baby making machine.

4) Rent does not automatically mean that you are guaranteed to stay in that house for the WHOLE of your contract. Think about it this way-if you have a job, you are "renting" out your skills, labour and experience to an employer and in turn, you are paid. The employer can cut you off if money is an issue or if there is another problem such as you are failing to meet your end of the bargain (such as failing to show up for work on time or you're rude to people).

5) Families do not give up on one another the second their child moves out of home for good. And I mean BLOOD relatives. In this case, I'd also say DECENT families, since it seems like you haven't been able to get hold of your own family members.



Kelly, Eva and Mark Mahan Lack Honesty, Integrity and TRUE Christian Character

#41Author of original report

Sat, January 16, 2010


As of today, I've been homeless 23 months. It's HOPELESS!!!  The Mahans have screwed me over SO BADLY, it's not even funny!!! If they (and Nola Munsell Wood) had ANY integrity and humanity at all, they would go down to the court in Independence and tell Judge Jeffrey L. Bushur that they lied and perjured themselves on court papers to get a bogus restraining order on me so the court will dismiss the warrant on me...then I can get my accident case for my broken arm going again and get the case settled so I can get my money and can get a place to live.  That's the ONLY thing that is going to get me out of this situation the brutal, ruthless, calloused, cold-hearted, stupid senseless self-centered mentally incapacitated P.O.S. Mahan's put me in. 

Mark Mahan is a WUSS. He's not a real man! A REAL man would stand on HIS OWN two feet and take care of his own problems instead of involving other people in them. A REAL MAN doesn't go running home to mommy and daddy either, to have them rescue him and fix his problems for him...a REAL (Christian) MAN wouldn't kick a WOMAN out on the street either or lie to make yourself look better.  You all really have your heads up your butts!

The Mahan's sacrificed me in the name of rescuing their wussy mama's boy son, but created one big HUUUUGE mess for me that won't go away! - and I bet they don't even care! I hope you all rot in Hell! The Mahan's are people who can't let go of their kids and let them grow up, but want to keep them little bitty babies and clean up after them whenever they make a mess and need rescuing.  I bet they still wipe their kids butts for them too.  

Whoever made up that slogan "Life is good" must have been smoking crack. They've never had horrible things happen to them. Life sure has not been good to me. It's been down-right MEAN!!!  Every time I turn around, I'm getting my butt kicked!



Christmas Day: Homeless 22 Months, 11 Days Because My "Christian" Landlords SON Isn't a REAL Man - He's a little P***Y

#41Author of original report

Fri, December 25, 2009

Christmas day. Not much to celebrate. I've had nowhere to live now for 22 months and 11 days.  Wishing I was home. But instead...I'm in a parking lot in the freezing cold weather this Christmas because Kelly, Eva, Mark Mahan are good for nothing stupid pieces of schitt!!! You evil mentally incapacitated sociopaths! And your son is a mama's boy who is not MAN ENOUGH to stand on his OWN two feet and be responsible for his OWN life without running home to MOMMY and DADDY to solve his problems for him. That's real man of you to kick a WOMAN out on the street who has nowhere to go so your SON can have a place to live, instead of getting him an apartment down the street! That's real "CHRISTIAN" of you too, you freekin' a-holes!

My rent was $575. Cost of moving - at least $2,000! The last time I checked, apartments wanted 6 months rent UP FRONT because my credit is SHOT! I'm in this situation all because you thought your little "emergency" was more important than mine! I have been living on the streets for almost 2 years now! It's stressed me out so badly that it has made me physically ill!  You're the evil grinches who stole my Christmases! Since Satan is the one who steals, kills, robs and destroys and your behavior is just like his, that makes you children of Satan! 

Ice flows through your veins!!! I've been homeless ever since February 14, 2007 because of you stupid, thoughtless, calloused pieces of schitt. Something to be real proud of yourselves for, isn't it?

How does Mark sleep in that house with a clear conscience knowing I am homeless and have nowhere to live, and he's living in the house you all kicked me out of when I wasn't even behind on my rent??? That is just senseless and inhumane!

Only a nutjob could do something like that to another person! Only a nutjob freak would LIE and file a bogus restraining order on someone to stack up PHONY charges against them and throw them in jail to make yourself look better and create more hardship for me and make my life harder than it already is!!!! Only a nutjob FREAK would think GOD told them to kick me out on the street, commit PERJURY on court documents, falsely accusing me of things I didn't do or say, and put me in jail so I have to dish out thousands of dollars WHILE I'M HOMELESS to fight your bogus pathetic lies so I can't get a place to live, and can't pick up my mail for several months or go to court so I can get my accident case settled. ONLY A NUTJOB FREAK WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO ANOTHER PERSON!!!

I wish I had never met you miserable pathetic slithering sleazy slimy Kansas Schitty freaks!!! There is not ONE OUNCE of humanity left in you! I wish I had never moved to Kansas Schity, Misery because I wouldn't have gone through all the HELL you put me through, and all the hell others put me through while living there - and I wouldn't be homeless right now either!

I live with your thoughtless, WRECKLESS selfish decisions EVERY DAY I have nowhere to live!!!!! Every day I wake up in a parking lot is a reminder of what you did to me!  You DESTROYED my life in EVERY way you could possibly think of! Maniacal Mahans! It never fails.  When I finally get back up on my feet and get my life going in the right direction, someone always comes along and sabotages all my hard work and ruins my life again.  That's why I can't get anywhere in life because thoughtless, selfish, inconsiderate people like you are always kicking me down and destroying everything I've tried to do, and makes my life harder than it already is. 

EVERY CHRISTIAN I HAVE EVER KNOWN HAS DONE MORE TO HURT ME THAN THEY EVER DID TO HELP ME! I've NEVER had a good experience with a Christian! But YOU are the WORST of THE WORST! You're the worst people I've EVER met! You're at the top of my worst list people, right next to the people who stole my motorhome in KC and robbed me (Charles Fauzee/Fauzae, Rebecca and Charity White)! And Nola Munsell Wood is not much better than you Mahans! Birds of a feather flock together! Whatever bad things happens to you, you deserve every bit of it you good for nothing stupid MENTALLY INCAPACITATED pieces of schitt!!!

Ezekiel 22:12-13 says, In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take usury and increase; you have made profit from your neighbors by extortion, and have forgotten Me, says the Lord GOD.

I've lived through HELL the last 22 months and 11 days! I live with your THOUGHTLESS wreckless SELFISH unChristlike decisions EVERY DAY I wake up in a parking lot and can't go home! I don't know how you live with yourselves!  You're the very epitome of evil and wickedness! Y'all can just go to hell! Anyone who can laugh and get pleasure from my pain is a very, very, VERY sick person!

Christmas day brings back very bad vividly clear memories of me sitting alone in the living room of my Grandview, Missouri home wondering where I was going to go after Kelly Mahan gave me an eviction notice a few days earlier while the Mahans were laughing it up, celebrating Christmas with their family with absolutely no thought or consideration as to how their irresponsible, wreckless, selfish decisions would effect my life for the next several months or years to come.




Homeless 21 Months Because of Kansas Schity Landlords Who Call Themselves "Christians"

#41Author of original report

Thu, November 26, 2009


I've been extremely depressed, crying and don't want to live anymore.

I want to go home, but I can't!!!  My credit is shot so nobody will give me a place to live; which is something I tried to emphasize over and over with the good for nothing piece of crap landlords I had, but they wouldn't listen. All they could think about was...THEMSELVES!

My court date for my broken arm accident was rescheduled for this past September, but it had to be cancelled, and no new date has been set yet. The cancellation was due to a warrant put out for my arrest which was a result of the freekin' piece of crap Mahans lying to get a bogus restraining order on me! I couldn't appear in court for my accident case with an outstanding warrant or I would have been arrested and put in jail for a long time.

I was supposed to go to court for my accident case in December of last year, but the judge died. So my attorney rescheduled, and the soonest he could get a new date was this September - which tells you how long it will take to get a new court date!

I have been waiting FIVE YEARS to go to court so my case could get settled. It finally came, but now because of the P.o.S. maniacal Mahans, it got all screwed up. Thanks you a-holes!

I was counting on the money from that accident to pay off medical bills so all the "collections" on my credit report would be removed. I was also counting on the accident money to get me a place to live. At this point, it doesn't look like that's going to happen now, and I'm going to be homeless probably until I die! THANKS ALOT YOU STUPID GOOD FOR NOTHING PIECE OF CRAP LANDLORDS! ....something you all should be very proud of! Have me go live in parking lots so your mama's boy SON can have a place to live! You bunch of mentally incapacitated morons! Losers!!! Sociopaths!!! I wish I had NEVER met you stupid people! Ice flows through your veins!!!!

I wish I had NEVER moved to Kansas Schity, because none of this would have happened to me! I wouldn't be homeless now. Nor would I have not been robbed, had my motorhome stolen, been ripped off by three employers in a row....would not have had my car broken into twice or my muffler cut off; would not have been spit on in the face by a neighbor and threatened to be killed and have my tires slashed just because I asked him to turn his car stereo down!...and I would never have been put in jail, harassed/terrorized by police and the Mahans, and lost hundreds of dollars fighting BOGUS trumped up charges, or be homeless - AGAIN. Nor would I be going through all the unnecessary agony, pain, hardship, misery and suffering that these mentally incapacitated people inflicted upon me simply because all they were thinking about was....THEMSELVES!

Rent was $575. Cost of moving is at least $2,000 with moving truck, first/last, utility hookups...and that doesn't even include all the money lost from taking over 10 days off work to move! It also doesn't cover the cost of losing my job from taking too much time off work.  When you have a commercial vehicle and don't make payments on time, there's no grace period. They just come get the truck. I lost alot of personal belongings in that truck as well that can never be replaced.  The repo people went through everything and helped themselves to MY stuff!  I got the shaft on all ends from everyone!  People have a way of kicking someone when they're already down.  That's especially true with Christians.  All my experiences over several years proves that Christians are the most calloused, uncaring, selfish, self-centered people I've ever known!



19 Months, Homeless....and STILL COUNTING!


Mon, September 14, 2009


It's been 19 MONTHS since the buttholes kicked me out on the street - not 17 months.  I WANT TO GO HOME!  I want a place to live!  I don't have family or friends to go running to for help like that Mayhan mama's boy does.  Stupid good for nothing pieces of dog schitt!



17 Months, Homeless....and STILL COUNTING! Thanks to My Kansas Schitty Scumlords


Mon, September 14, 2009

I'm STILL HOMELESS you stupid good for nothing piece of Kansas Schitty landlords! I had a court date scheduled this month for my accident. I've been waiting for this for 5 years.
Since I have been homeless, I've been looking forward to the day to get this money so I could buy a home so I don't have to live in parking lots anymore!!!!! It's the ONLY thing that's been keeping me going! It's the ONLY way I'm going to get out of this freekin' nightmare these stupid incompetent senseless morons created for me!!!
But because my stupid good for nothing piece of schitt landlords LIED - committed PERJURY on COURT DOCUMENTS about what actually happened, and got a BOGUS restraining order on me....I can't go into Kansas Schitty because there's a warrant out of my arrest!  As a result of the BOGUS restraining order and warrant being out on me, I can't appear in court, so my court date for the accident case was CANCELLED!!! it will be AT LEAST another YEAR - PROBABLY LONGER, before I can appear in court again to wrap up this accident case.  I have to come up with several thousand dollars to get the warrant set aside first!!!  Or if I appear in court for my accident case, or get caught in Kansas City, they'll throw my butt in jail. 
This is absolute B.S.!!!   I'm been homeless for 17 months , and instead of concentrating on getting money to get a place to live, I have to pay attorney's fees, court fees and for warrants on something I didn't deserve and was FALSELY ACCUSED of doing!!! (Probably so they wouldn't have to give me my $500 security deposit back, which they still have!  Thieves!!!)  I could have bought a really nice house by now if it weren't for all the people who have screwed me over and stolen so much money from me!!!
There wouldn't be a warrant in the first place if they hadn't lied , and I wouldn't be homeless either if it weren't for my stupid good for nothing piece of schitt landlords had some common sense ; that you don't throw people out of their home and put them on the street to help someone else! No matter who it is!!! Especially when they are current on their rent!!!
I HATE the Mahans! They DESTROYED my life!!!  I HATE them!!!!   I wish I had never met these people!!! I can't even call them "people" because they act like inhumane mindless, mentally incapacitated animals. Practically everybody I have ever had in my life has screwed me over really badly, but this is pretty much at the top of the list!
They also drew other people into their scheme to lie against me (Nola Wood).  Stupid b***h!  She filed a restraining order against me too.  All I did was send her emails telling her I couldn't get a place to live, and asked her to talk to the stupid Mahans because they weren't listening to me!  Nola Wood KEPT WRITING ME BACK!!!! SHE NEVER TOLD ME TO STOP WRITING HER, but then she filed a restraining order on me falsely accusing me of harassment?!?!??? I don't know how the court granted a restraining order.  I wasn't harassing her or threatening her  AT ALL!!!!   Nola Munsell Wood (nola.m.wood) is just as bad as the Mayhems (Mayhans). Birds of a feather flock together! 
The Mahans heads are up their A$$ and so is Nola's! . Nola 816-761-9828.



16 Months Later and STILL Homeless!

#41Author of original report

Sat, June 13, 2009

I'm STILL homeless after all this time. It takes a good couple thousand dollars to get moved and get a place to live. When you have bad credit like me, it takes more money. Their P.o.S. mama's boy's son, Mark Mahan has had a roof over his head for the last 16 months, and I've been sleeping IN PARKING LOTS! I have nobody to go running to for help like there mama's boy son does! They are all extreeeeeemely selfish, thoughtless, cruel, cold-hearted P.o.S! I see no end in sight to this nightmare! Everybody reading this who has never been homeless before should withhold their negative comments, because there is no easy way off the streets! I know - I was homeless for several years before I moved into that little house in Kansas Schity, Misery. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER MOVED TO KANSAS CITY in the first place and this would have not happened to me AGAIN!!! The Mahans freekin' SSSSSUCK! They screwed my life up!!! They could have helped their family member by getting him a place to live SOMEWHERE ELSE, instead of distrupting and destroying MY life to help someone else! But nOoOoo....they wouldn't listen to me!!!! Mark Mahan is a GROWN MAN who is old enough and more than capable of taking care of HIMSELF! They all should be very, VERY ashamed of themselves!



Forget these people

#41Consumer Comment

Mon, September 15, 2008

Get them out of your life. If you have any family or friends perhaps they can help you out. Its over with your former landlords and only you don't seem to realize it. If you are a truck driver work for someone else. Being an owner/operator is too risky these days. For a middle age person you sound unusually alone. Find some friends or make some. You are not the only person with problems who could join together for mutual benefit. You are coming across as very frustrated and irrational and that is not helping you. Good luck. That's not the only place to rent so find another.


New York,


#41Consumer Comment

Sun, September 14, 2008

When are YOU going to accept responsibility for your life?

Aren't you guilty of what you accuse them of? Aren't you 40 something? Why does anyone have to be responsible for you?

They asked you to leave their property-as is their right. They gave you plenty of notice.

They did not cause you to lose your job or have your vehicle repossessed-YOU caused that.

Even now, many months later, you blame others for your CHILDISH and irrational behavior. With your own postings here, you make it clear that you squandered your settlement money-mismanaged your meager assets. That is no one's fault but your own.

If you are still homeless, contact social services in your area. They will assist you in obtaining a place to live and in receiving the treatment you seem to need.



7 months later, and STILL HOMELESS!!!! - because of my stupid, thoughtless, idiotic, good-for-nothing P.O.S. "Christian" landlords from Hell!

#41Author of original report

Mon, September 08, 2008

I've been homeless now for over 7 months due to my inconsiderate, selfish, stupid, thoughtless, idiotic, good for nothing P.O.S. landlords from hell.

I have to live with their thoughtless, selfish, inconsiderate decisions EVERY DAY!!!

I don't know WHAT PART of "I DON'T HAVE MONEY TO MOVE" and "I DON'T HAVE FAMILY OR FRIENDS TO GO TO FOR HELP" they didn't understand!!!

They don't care about anyone BUT THEMSELVES and what THEY want!!!

And now I have to hire an attorney that is going to cost me upwards of $2,000 PLUS court fees because when my stupid thoughtless, incompetent, p.o.s landlords called the police on me and got me put in jail right after New Years (happy New Years to me!), it triggered an arrest warrant. So instead of using whatever money I earn to get a place to live, I now have to use it for attorney's fees to defend myself against something I was wrongly and falsely accused of!

The Mahan's have their heads up their butts, and their son is a momma's boy who can't grow up, be and act like an responsible adult without his parents intervention, and make decisions for himself, and live with them.

The maniacal Mahan's are down-right EVIL people, and they have cost me thousands of THOUSANDS of dollars in lost income; not to mention, they've DESTROYED my life.

I know they could care less, because THEY have a roof over THEIR heads, a home to go home to at night, showers to use, carpet under their feet, a roof over their heads, a TV to watch, a refrigerator to put food in and stuff their faces, and all the nice luxuries homeless people don't have!!!!

I don't know how they can live in a house with a clear conscience knowing that they put me out on the street. I know I couldn't do that! I couldn't kick someone out on the street just because I want a place to live! Nor could I sleep in the same house knowing that I kicked them out and made them homeless, and I'm in the house they were living in. I couldn't be in that house with a roof over my head, knowing that the person I kicked out has no roof over theirs! Nor could I do any of this and still call myself a "Christian"!!!



STILL Homeless Thanks to My P.O.S. Landlords From Hell and Mama's Boy Mark Mahan!!!

#41Author of original report

Thu, August 14, 2008

6 months later, after I moved out, as of today,and I am STILL homeless!!! I have to live every day with the decision my stupid, idiotic, incompetent, p.os. landlords from Hell made. The last time I was homeless, it took 5 years to get a place to live. If I knew this was going to happen to me again after choosing the maniacal Mahans to be my landlords, I would have never moved to Kansas Schity, Misery!

After they got me arrested right after the New Year (happy New Year to me!), it triggered an arrest warrant, and I'm STILL having to deal with that! I can't even get a place to live, and I have to hire an attorney which is going to cost me upwards of $2,000! Stupid landlords!!! Their heads are up their butts. They just wouldn't listen. I TOLD THEM I DIDN'T HAVE MONEY TO MOVE!!! THEY DIDN'T GIVE A RIP. ALL THEY CARED ABOUT WAS ***THEMSELVES*** and what ***THEY*** wanted!!! Stupid of Pieces.O.S.

.....mamma's boy Mark Mahan can't take care of HIMSELF, and be a responsible ADULT!




#41Author of original report

Thu, May 15, 2008

Today, May 14th, marks exactly 3 MONTHS since I lost my home (*sigh* cry*)....and I it looks like I will not be getting a place to live any time soon BECAUSE OF THESE CRAZY P.oS. self-serving Scumlord B****!!! And now instead of focusing on getting a place to live, I have to spend whatever money I do get to fight the warrant and get it lifted, because if I don't, I'll be imprisoned for something I was falsely accused of doing for something I never did in the first place on ANOTHER problem the maniacal Mahans caused me which resulted in me being put in jail just after New Years (happy New Years to me!). So now my homelessness will be even FURTHER PROLONGED because of the MENTALLY INCAPACITATED MANIACAL Mahans! THEY put me in this situation because of their SELFISHNESS; they got what they wanted.and they are doing everything they can to KEEP ME HERE! First they give me a vacate notice for Christmas, and then they put me in jail for the New Year! Such Wonderful "Christians" they are!!! LoL! Ppphffff!

Hey cyberbully BeeNicer. Why don' t you go grab a shovel, find a good spot in your back yard to dig a really deep hole, then jump in and shoot yourself, cuz the world would be a lot better place to live without people like you and the mentally incapacitated maniacal Mahans.

Charles who??? Are you Charles F----? The one who stole my motorhome and robbed me 4 years ago while my arm was in a cast after having major surgery on my arm that left me permanently disabled? Or are you a different Charles?
I'm not removing any of my comments. You could be one of the Mahan's for all I know, trying to get my comments about them removed because they don't want their name plastered all over the internet because they don't want the embarrassment of everyone knowing what they did to me.

To "ROBERT" and the others who posted comments:

You're a real man, aren't you? Just as much of a man as Kelly and Mark are!
I bet you would kick your best friend out on the street, wouldn't you? You fail to see how wrong you are. I pitty your ignorance in how you treat others! I guess it's perfectly acceptable in your world you're living in to destroy another person's life, but when it happens to YOU, it's not going to be OKAY anymore, will it?!?

Kelly and Mark are not REAL MEN, and neither are you, Robert! A REAL MAN would never kick a WOMAN out on the street, make her homeless, so HE can have a roof over HIS head! That's close the same level as making a female sleep on the floor instead of giving her your bed. ***REAL MEN*** take the floor (or the couch) and let the woman sleep in the bed!

One person said something like Are you surprised they chose their son over you?

My answer is YES!

First of you always make your decisions based on your feelings? DO YOU ALWAYS LET YOUR FEELINGS MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU? Or do you let the Bible tell you how you are supposed to live? The Mahans claim to be Christian, so choosing their son over me based on emotions is anti-Biblical (see notes below) and self-serving. Not only that.Kelly and Eva are at LEAST 10 years older than I am. Kicking me out on the street, making me homeless to give their SON a HOME is not only IRRESPONSIBLE, but it defies ALL logic, reason and common sense!!!

Secondly, P.o.S. scumlords, Kelly and Eva did Mark no favor by kicking me out. All they are teaching Mark is:

1) How to be an irresponsible adult that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY every time he gets into trouble; that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY, because MOMMY and DADDY will RESCUE him, clean up his messes, put band-aids on his boo-boos, and make everything alright, instead of teaching him to STAND ON HIS OWN TWO FEET and act like a RESPONSIBLE GROWN MAN should! It's time for Mark Mahan to grow up and act like a REAL MAN, and be responsible for HIS OWN life, instead of involving other people in his personal problems, and screwing my life in the process! It's also time for his parents to let him fly away from the nest and let him go, and let him figure out ON HIS OWN how to solve HIS OWN problems! His parents are crippling and disabling Mark and the others by holding onto their kids like they are still little bitty babies. I can see why two of the kids moved hundreds of miles away. Their parents are probably suffocating them, and they needed to get away so they can breathe and be themselves.

....all they are teaching Mark is:

2) That it's perfectly acceptable to be SELF-GRATIFYING, and SELF-SEEKING, as long as it meets your own SELFISH, SELF-SERVING needs!

....all they are teaching Mark is:

3) That's it's perfectly OKAY and acceptable to kick someone out on the street, create unnecessary hardships for them, completely destroy another person's life, and create extreme unnecessary hardship, to help someone else.
4) To treat women like crap.
5) And how to be insubordinate to the Word of God (see notes below).

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of 'logic', rationale, reasoning to:

Falsely accuse a person of doing and saying something they didn't do OR say.

LIE on court documents (perjury) to obtain a bogus restraining order against me so I get put in jail.have my life destroyed had to use what little money I DID have to bail myself out, instead of using that money TO MOVE the hell away from these INSANE people! And now have to come up with MORE MONEY to fight from going to jail AGAIN because of their pathological lies.

Make me get a criminal record so I can no longer return to the profession I have been working in for SEVERAL years, causing more hardship so I am unemployable because all employers in my line of work do criminal background checks, and they will NOT hire me now because of what Kelly and Eva did to me! (Do you think it's reasonable to ask me to go work at Burger King on minimum wage at my age because someone else destroyed me life?).

Make me lose all the money I had, make me lose my truck so I have no job, no home, destroy my life, my credit report and make me have a repossession on my credit report for 10+ years. Because instead of WORKING so I could pay my bills like I should have been, I was staying at home to find another place to live because I unexpectedly had to MOVE!!!

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of logic, rationale, reasoning to do all this to destroy my life in EVERY way they could possibly imagine, and say ***GOD*** told them to do it!

The mentally incapacitated Mahan's were my FIRST landlords, and they'll be my LAST! Also, people like them are the reason I QUIT going to church, and people like them are the reason I will NEVER ever ever ever ever EVER go back!!!!
Beso mi nachas you mentally incapacitate, incompetent, maniacal Mahan's!

People are supposed to treat others the way THEY want to be treated! - Matthew 7:12.

Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:8-10.

inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU DID IT TO ME [Jesus]. Matthew 25:40.

Jesus commanded His followers to Love one another as you would love yourself. Mark 12:28-31.

Jesus said, If you SAY you love Me you WILL keep my commandments. John 14:15,21.

The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does NOT keep His commandments, is a LIAR, and the truth is NOT in him. 1 John 2:4
He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's good, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:11,14-18].




#41Author of original report

Thu, May 15, 2008

Today, May 14th, marks exactly 3 MONTHS since I lost my home (*sigh* cry*)....and I it looks like I will not be getting a place to live any time soon BECAUSE OF THESE CRAZY P.oS. self-serving Scumlord B****!!! And now instead of focusing on getting a place to live, I have to spend whatever money I do get to fight the warrant and get it lifted, because if I don't, I'll be imprisoned for something I was falsely accused of doing for something I never did in the first place on ANOTHER problem the maniacal Mahans caused me which resulted in me being put in jail just after New Years (happy New Years to me!). So now my homelessness will be even FURTHER PROLONGED because of the MENTALLY INCAPACITATED MANIACAL Mahans! THEY put me in this situation because of their SELFISHNESS; they got what they wanted.and they are doing everything they can to KEEP ME HERE! First they give me a vacate notice for Christmas, and then they put me in jail for the New Year! Such Wonderful "Christians" they are!!! LoL! Ppphffff!

Hey cyberbully BeeNicer. Why don' t you go grab a shovel, find a good spot in your back yard to dig a really deep hole, then jump in and shoot yourself, cuz the world would be a lot better place to live without people like you and the mentally incapacitated maniacal Mahans.

Charles who??? Are you Charles F----? The one who stole my motorhome and robbed me 4 years ago while my arm was in a cast after having major surgery on my arm that left me permanently disabled? Or are you a different Charles?
I'm not removing any of my comments. You could be one of the Mahan's for all I know, trying to get my comments about them removed because they don't want their name plastered all over the internet because they don't want the embarrassment of everyone knowing what they did to me.

To "ROBERT" and the others who posted comments:

You're a real man, aren't you? Just as much of a man as Kelly and Mark are!
I bet you would kick your best friend out on the street, wouldn't you? You fail to see how wrong you are. I pitty your ignorance in how you treat others! I guess it's perfectly acceptable in your world you're living in to destroy another person's life, but when it happens to YOU, it's not going to be OKAY anymore, will it?!?

Kelly and Mark are not REAL MEN, and neither are you, Robert! A REAL MAN would never kick a WOMAN out on the street, make her homeless, so HE can have a roof over HIS head! That's close the same level as making a female sleep on the floor instead of giving her your bed. ***REAL MEN*** take the floor (or the couch) and let the woman sleep in the bed!

One person said something like Are you surprised they chose their son over you?

My answer is YES!

First of you always make your decisions based on your feelings? DO YOU ALWAYS LET YOUR FEELINGS MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU? Or do you let the Bible tell you how you are supposed to live? The Mahans claim to be Christian, so choosing their son over me based on emotions is anti-Biblical (see notes below) and self-serving. Not only that.Kelly and Eva are at LEAST 10 years older than I am. Kicking me out on the street, making me homeless to give their SON a HOME is not only IRRESPONSIBLE, but it defies ALL logic, reason and common sense!!!

Secondly, P.o.S. scumlords, Kelly and Eva did Mark no favor by kicking me out. All they are teaching Mark is:

1) How to be an irresponsible adult that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY every time he gets into trouble; that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY, because MOMMY and DADDY will RESCUE him, clean up his messes, put band-aids on his boo-boos, and make everything alright, instead of teaching him to STAND ON HIS OWN TWO FEET and act like a RESPONSIBLE GROWN MAN should! It's time for Mark Mahan to grow up and act like a REAL MAN, and be responsible for HIS OWN life, instead of involving other people in his personal problems, and screwing my life in the process! It's also time for his parents to let him fly away from the nest and let him go, and let him figure out ON HIS OWN how to solve HIS OWN problems! His parents are crippling and disabling Mark and the others by holding onto their kids like they are still little bitty babies. I can see why two of the kids moved hundreds of miles away. Their parents are probably suffocating them, and they needed to get away so they can breathe and be themselves.

....all they are teaching Mark is:

2) That it's perfectly acceptable to be SELF-GRATIFYING, and SELF-SEEKING, as long as it meets your own SELFISH, SELF-SERVING needs!

....all they are teaching Mark is:

3) That's it's perfectly OKAY and acceptable to kick someone out on the street, create unnecessary hardships for them, completely destroy another person's life, and create extreme unnecessary hardship, to help someone else.
4) To treat women like crap.
5) And how to be insubordinate to the Word of God (see notes below).

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of 'logic', rationale, reasoning to:

Falsely accuse a person of doing and saying something they didn't do OR say.

LIE on court documents (perjury) to obtain a bogus restraining order against me so I get put in jail.have my life destroyed had to use what little money I DID have to bail myself out, instead of using that money TO MOVE the hell away from these INSANE people! And now have to come up with MORE MONEY to fight from going to jail AGAIN because of their pathological lies.

Make me get a criminal record so I can no longer return to the profession I have been working in for SEVERAL years, causing more hardship so I am unemployable because all employers in my line of work do criminal background checks, and they will NOT hire me now because of what Kelly and Eva did to me! (Do you think it's reasonable to ask me to go work at Burger King on minimum wage at my age because someone else destroyed me life?).

Make me lose all the money I had, make me lose my truck so I have no job, no home, destroy my life, my credit report and make me have a repossession on my credit report for 10+ years. Because instead of WORKING so I could pay my bills like I should have been, I was staying at home to find another place to live because I unexpectedly had to MOVE!!!

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of logic, rationale, reasoning to do all this to destroy my life in EVERY way they could possibly imagine, and say ***GOD*** told them to do it!

The mentally incapacitated Mahan's were my FIRST landlords, and they'll be my LAST! Also, people like them are the reason I QUIT going to church, and people like them are the reason I will NEVER ever ever ever ever EVER go back!!!!
Beso mi nachas you mentally incapacitate, incompetent, maniacal Mahan's!

People are supposed to treat others the way THEY want to be treated! - Matthew 7:12.

Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:8-10.

inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU DID IT TO ME [Jesus]. Matthew 25:40.

Jesus commanded His followers to Love one another as you would love yourself. Mark 12:28-31.

Jesus said, If you SAY you love Me you WILL keep my commandments. John 14:15,21.

The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does NOT keep His commandments, is a LIAR, and the truth is NOT in him. 1 John 2:4
He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's good, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:11,14-18].




#41Author of original report

Thu, May 15, 2008

Today, May 14th, marks exactly 3 MONTHS since I lost my home (*sigh* cry*)....and I it looks like I will not be getting a place to live any time soon BECAUSE OF THESE CRAZY P.oS. self-serving Scumlord B****!!! And now instead of focusing on getting a place to live, I have to spend whatever money I do get to fight the warrant and get it lifted, because if I don't, I'll be imprisoned for something I was falsely accused of doing for something I never did in the first place on ANOTHER problem the maniacal Mahans caused me which resulted in me being put in jail just after New Years (happy New Years to me!). So now my homelessness will be even FURTHER PROLONGED because of the MENTALLY INCAPACITATED MANIACAL Mahans! THEY put me in this situation because of their SELFISHNESS; they got what they wanted.and they are doing everything they can to KEEP ME HERE! First they give me a vacate notice for Christmas, and then they put me in jail for the New Year! Such Wonderful "Christians" they are!!! LoL! Ppphffff!

Hey cyberbully BeeNicer. Why don' t you go grab a shovel, find a good spot in your back yard to dig a really deep hole, then jump in and shoot yourself, cuz the world would be a lot better place to live without people like you and the mentally incapacitated maniacal Mahans.

Charles who??? Are you Charles F----? The one who stole my motorhome and robbed me 4 years ago while my arm was in a cast after having major surgery on my arm that left me permanently disabled? Or are you a different Charles?
I'm not removing any of my comments. You could be one of the Mahan's for all I know, trying to get my comments about them removed because they don't want their name plastered all over the internet because they don't want the embarrassment of everyone knowing what they did to me.

To "ROBERT" and the others who posted comments:

You're a real man, aren't you? Just as much of a man as Kelly and Mark are!
I bet you would kick your best friend out on the street, wouldn't you? You fail to see how wrong you are. I pitty your ignorance in how you treat others! I guess it's perfectly acceptable in your world you're living in to destroy another person's life, but when it happens to YOU, it's not going to be OKAY anymore, will it?!?

Kelly and Mark are not REAL MEN, and neither are you, Robert! A REAL MAN would never kick a WOMAN out on the street, make her homeless, so HE can have a roof over HIS head! That's close the same level as making a female sleep on the floor instead of giving her your bed. ***REAL MEN*** take the floor (or the couch) and let the woman sleep in the bed!

One person said something like Are you surprised they chose their son over you?

My answer is YES!

First of you always make your decisions based on your feelings? DO YOU ALWAYS LET YOUR FEELINGS MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU? Or do you let the Bible tell you how you are supposed to live? The Mahans claim to be Christian, so choosing their son over me based on emotions is anti-Biblical (see notes below) and self-serving. Not only that.Kelly and Eva are at LEAST 10 years older than I am. Kicking me out on the street, making me homeless to give their SON a HOME is not only IRRESPONSIBLE, but it defies ALL logic, reason and common sense!!!

Secondly, P.o.S. scumlords, Kelly and Eva did Mark no favor by kicking me out. All they are teaching Mark is:

1) How to be an irresponsible adult that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY every time he gets into trouble; that he can go running home to MOMMY and DADDY, because MOMMY and DADDY will RESCUE him, clean up his messes, put band-aids on his boo-boos, and make everything alright, instead of teaching him to STAND ON HIS OWN TWO FEET and act like a RESPONSIBLE GROWN MAN should! It's time for Mark Mahan to grow up and act like a REAL MAN, and be responsible for HIS OWN life, instead of involving other people in his personal problems, and screwing my life in the process! It's also time for his parents to let him fly away from the nest and let him go, and let him figure out ON HIS OWN how to solve HIS OWN problems! His parents are crippling and disabling Mark and the others by holding onto their kids like they are still little bitty babies. I can see why two of the kids moved hundreds of miles away. Their parents are probably suffocating them, and they needed to get away so they can breathe and be themselves.

....all they are teaching Mark is:

2) That it's perfectly acceptable to be SELF-GRATIFYING, and SELF-SEEKING, as long as it meets your own SELFISH, SELF-SERVING needs!

....all they are teaching Mark is:

3) That's it's perfectly OKAY and acceptable to kick someone out on the street, create unnecessary hardships for them, completely destroy another person's life, and create extreme unnecessary hardship, to help someone else.
4) To treat women like crap.
5) And how to be insubordinate to the Word of God (see notes below).

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of 'logic', rationale, reasoning to:

Falsely accuse a person of doing and saying something they didn't do OR say.

LIE on court documents (perjury) to obtain a bogus restraining order against me so I get put in jail.have my life destroyed had to use what little money I DID have to bail myself out, instead of using that money TO MOVE the hell away from these INSANE people! And now have to come up with MORE MONEY to fight from going to jail AGAIN because of their pathological lies.

Make me get a criminal record so I can no longer return to the profession I have been working in for SEVERAL years, causing more hardship so I am unemployable because all employers in my line of work do criminal background checks, and they will NOT hire me now because of what Kelly and Eva did to me! (Do you think it's reasonable to ask me to go work at Burger King on minimum wage at my age because someone else destroyed me life?).

Make me lose all the money I had, make me lose my truck so I have no job, no home, destroy my life, my credit report and make me have a repossession on my credit report for 10+ years. Because instead of WORKING so I could pay my bills like I should have been, I was staying at home to find another place to live because I unexpectedly had to MOVE!!!

It's perfectly acceptable in the Mahan's world of logic, rationale, reasoning to do all this to destroy my life in EVERY way they could possibly imagine, and say ***GOD*** told them to do it!

The mentally incapacitated Mahan's were my FIRST landlords, and they'll be my LAST! Also, people like them are the reason I QUIT going to church, and people like them are the reason I will NEVER ever ever ever ever EVER go back!!!!
Beso mi nachas you mentally incapacitate, incompetent, maniacal Mahan's!

People are supposed to treat others the way THEY want to be treated! - Matthew 7:12.

Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:8-10.

inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU DID IT TO ME [Jesus]. Matthew 25:40.

Jesus commanded His followers to Love one another as you would love yourself. Mark 12:28-31.

Jesus said, If you SAY you love Me you WILL keep my commandments. John 14:15,21.

The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does NOT keep His commandments, is a LIAR, and the truth is NOT in him. 1 John 2:4
He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's good, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:11,14-18].



To Robert:

#41Author of original report

Sat, May 03, 2008


By the comments you wrote Robert, it's obvious you don't understand the circumstances or my situation. I wish people wouldn't rush to make comments before assuming they know everything and say something to someone they have no or little understanding of! If people would read everything I wrote, then I wouldn't have to repeat myself either.

Your first mistake was assuming I had money to move, which I stated already in my reports that I DID NOT have money to move, and I made that perfectly clear to the Mahans.

The second mistake you made is I don't think you get it. Just because someone has the LEGAL right to do something doesn't make it MORALLY right! And when someone uses God's name to justify their actions, such as the Mahan's did in my case by saying ***GOD*** told them to kick me out to give their momma's boy son a roof over his head, that is morally WRONG in more than one way; and it's also SPIRITUAL ABUSE!

When Mr. Mahan gave me the vacate notice, I should have kicked him in the nutts, and while he's bawling his head off I would have said, 'What's wrong? I prayed about it, and GOD told me to kick you in the nutts!'

If you were in my shoes Robert, you would not be saying all the things you have said. Apparently, you've never been homeless before, and have never had a hard life. I don't have ANY family to fall back on for help. I'm now back to where I started 4 years ago - homeless AGAIN! FOR THE SECOND TIME, not by MY choice - but because some selfish, inconsiderate, mean, narcissistic, pathological lying sociopathic scumlords made this decision FOR ME.



TO: Robert

#41Author of original report

Fri, May 02, 2008

To Robert:

I don't think you get it. Just because someone has the LEGAL right to do something doesn't make it MORALLY right! And when someone uses God's name to justify their actions, such as the Mahan's did in my case by saying ***GOD*** told them to kick me out to give their momma's boy son a roof over his head, that is WRONG, and it's also SPIRITUAL ABUSE!

When Mr. Mahan gave me the vacate notice, I should have kicked him in the nutts, and while he's bawling his head off I would have said, "What's wrong? I prayed about it, and GOD told me to kick you in the nutts!"

If you were in my shoes Robert, you would not be saying all the things you have said. Apparently, you've never been homeless before, and have never had a hard life. I don't have ANY family to fall back on for help. I'm now back to where I started 4 years ago - homeless AGAIN! FOR THE SECOND TIME, not by MY choice - but because some selfish, inconsiderate, mean, narcissistic, pathological lying sociopathic scumlords made this decision FOR ME.

By the comments you wrote Robert, it's obvious you don't understand the circumstances or my situation. I wish people would keep their mouths shut before assuming they know everything and say something to someone they have no or little understanding of!



I agree

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 29, 2008

I agree with the previous person. You seem to be all out there on what exactly was going on. I do understand (to a point) where you are coming from, but you seem so upset and vindictive that it can hurt you in the long run. I understand that your feeling upset, used, abused , ect but from my experience there is more to be gained from holding back your initial feelings about things. Especially like this. These people seem to have gotten your number and knew exactly how you would react. They got their wish.

Putting it on a public forum as this especially with your anger they can use that against you , and trust me , from what you have stated about them, they most likely will. Its sad really to know that people can do things and get away with them. But in this day and age people can use anything against you and get away with it. Unless you have proof and hold back from your initial first reaction....yours being anger. I agree with the previous person , and think that you should somehow get this removed , if any way possible. I can almost bet your last dollar this is what they were hoping for.

I hope things get better for you in the future.

Best of luck



New York,

Rental property isn't yours.

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 29, 2008

Just some comments:

Whenever you are renting a house or apartment, it is not yours and the landlord can request you to leave. Most leases require a 30 or 60 day notice and in most states if there is no written lease, then it's a month-to-month tenancy - 30 days notice is all that is required - it's not even necessary to give a reason.

You seem to have unreasonable expectations as to what folks should be doing for you. They chose their son over you. Is that such a surprise? And, it appears they did give you adequate notice to vacate. The burden to find another place to live is on you, not them. They were not required to give you a reason, although they were courteous enough to give you one.

I fail to see how giving you a notice to vacate is the cause of your truck being repoed. Most truck lenders do not reposses for being a month behind, unless you have a history of being late. You don't state exactly how far behind you became, but I suspect you were more than one month behind. You claim to have lost a months income because you had to look for another place to live. Well, one month of loss income would not have made your truck payment more than a month behind. Further, it doesn't usually take a month to find another rental unit. I was in the AF for 20 years and rented everywhere including Turkey and Germany and it never took me more than a few days to find another rental unit.

An "ex parte" court action is a court action that is decided without you being present. That's what the "ex parte" means - you weren't there in court. It can be almost anything; protective order, small claims judgment, etc. This often happens if you don't respond to a summons.

I don't know what you think you're going to sue them for. As landlords, they have every right to request you vacate THEIR property and it appears that they gave you adequate notice. No court that I know of is going to award you lost wages because you didn't work while you whiled away a month "looking for a place to live."

Perhaps you should take a job at burger king or some other place. After all, isn't it better to have an income than to not have an income? If you're going to demand that other folks help you, perhaps you shouldn't project so much hostility and start admitting that some of the unpleasant things that happen to your are of your own making.

A smile and a touch of humility will go along way when ASKING others to help you.


Kansas City,

All the other reports about the same landlords

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 29, 2008

are posted by you, can your point us in the direction of similar complaints from another party?


Kansas City,

You have my sympathy Tammy!

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 29, 2008

You are obviously extremely upset and I hope things get better for you soon.

I suggest you talk to your lawyer ASAP and let him know about this letter you have posted on a PUBLIC website. This letter could very well hurt any chance at justice you have in the future. Most lawyers discourage posting about a possible case in a public forum. Letters written as a complaint to as business should be as PROFESSIONAL and possible this is even more important in a public forum. Your lawyer may as you to have this removed and I'm not at all sure how easy it would be.

I don't know your or ANYONE involved in this situations. But from it looks like your desired best outcome for this situation would be for you to win a legal case against your landlords and send them to jail out of spite. Though this may feel good. This may not be what's best for you. Have you considered letting the past be the past and rebuilding your life for the sake of YOU! To me it wouldn't be worth it to waste all sorts of time and money on a long-shot of revenge. Also be EXTREMELY careful if your lawyer is either making you pay now or recording billable hour for you to pay later. If it were my decision I would only pursue this legally IF my lawyer would accept payment ONLY from money from winning the case (meaning if you lost you'd owe him nothing). Your lawyer MAY or MAY NOT be being so nice because he feels you will keep at this no matter what and work up a hefty bill in the process. This seems like backward progress. Focus on YOU and YOUR future success not petty revenge. Stop being a victim and start being a success story I believe you can do it.

I'm not going to even pretend to understand your situation because this letters is a whole lot of dramatic sizzle and very little fact based logical steak.

It seems as if there is not a lease involved or if so it was a month to month. Both of these situations would limit your rights as a tenant. I almost get the feeling this couple was renting this house to as a way to "help" you after all you've been through, possibly at a lower than normal rent. But only you and your landlords know for certain because you've left the facts of your situation out.

You make no mention of how much notice that you were given to move out. Was it the 30 days the law usually but not always requires. You say "I had JUST MOVED the last of my stuff in here 2 days before" which does not take into account how long you took to move in (28 days maybe). These looks like your trying to give the reader the impression you were only given two days notice to move out, but again who knows because there are so few facts here.

As far as the police go you should have answered the door on 1/4 when they first tried to serve you. It only would have took a moment. I'm not a huge fan of police but its easier to cooperate in the long run. When they tried again the next day and you still didn't answer they had reason to fear for your safety that why they broke in guns drawn. It was not to intimidate you but to be prepared had you been in some sort of harm (like if you were being held against your will). Getting the key from the landlord was better than breaking down your door.

As far as your truck goes, it sounds like you had gotten behind on your payments before this whole housing thing started. You given the impression that you were hiding your truck from creditors. If so they would have eventually found it no matter what.

If your were behind on your payments and had the possibility of working 3 weeks a month, it seems quiet easy to not have a permanent residence until you had your money together. Where your driving your truck is your home and for that week a month you could make other temporary arrangements that can be cheaper than renting a house.

My advice to you take ANY job you can find (seems like you can't afford to be picky at this point). Minimize your expenses (think carefully before incurring legal costs) and avoid drama. I bet you will be a very happy person in six months or so.

The best of luck to you.



"BeeNicer" is a Freekin' Ignorant Moron!!!

#41Author of original report

Tue, April 29, 2008

Oh really?!?!? LoL! The more you talk the more you expose your ignorance and the heights (more like depths) of your IQ!

So, you know and have met EVERY single person in my life I have ever known??? NO!!! So shut the "F" up and get the hell off my page you ignorant moron!!!

You don't even have the COURAGE to say what your REAL name is, because you're a COWARD!!! So you have to HIDE behind a screen name!!!

I will sue Kelly and Eva Mahan to the FULLEST extent, and take from them what they took from me! What's good for the goose is good for the GANDER! They shouldn't dish out what they can't take! Whatever a man sows, that he shall ALSO REAP!!!

Mark Mahan is a MOMMA'S BOY! He isn't a big enough boy to take care of HIMSELF, so he has to go running home to MOMMY and DADDY to have them solve all his problems FOR him, and screw my life up in the process! IT'S TIME TO GROW UP MARK!!!

More reports on these P.o.S. scumlords are filed here:

And if all you see above is, it's because the mod's edited my post....type in "Kelly Eva Mahan" in the search window above if the entire address is not showing. There are supposed to be more characters after the /searchresults.asp?



"BeeNicer" is a Freekin' Ignorant Moron!!!

#41Author of original report

Tue, April 29, 2008

Oh really?!?!? LoL! The more you talk the more you expose your ignorance and the heights (more like depths) of your IQ!

So, you know and have met EVERY single person in my life I have ever known??? NO!!! So shut the "F" up and get the hell off my page you ignorant moron!!!

You don't even have the COURAGE to say what your REAL name is, because you're a COWARD!!! So you have to HIDE behind a screen name!!!

I will sue Kelly and Eva Mahan to the FULLEST extent, and take from them what they took from me! What's good for the goose is good for the GANDER! They shouldn't dish out what they can't take! Whatever a man sows, that he shall ALSO REAP!!!

Mark Mahan is a momma's boy. He isn't a big enough boy to take care of himself, so he has to go running home to mommy and daddy to have them solve all his problems for him, and screw my life up in the process! IT'S TIME TO GROW UP MARK!!!

More reports on these P.o.S. scumlords are filed here:



"BeeNicer" is a Freekin' IDIOT!!!!

#41Author of original report

Mon, April 28, 2008

Oh really???? And you know and have met EVERY single person in my life??? NO!!! So shut the "F" up and get off my page!!!

You don't even have the courage to say your name, because you're a COWARD!!! So you hide behind a screen name!


Kansas City,

Unfortunate Addiction

#41Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008


If you would put as much energy and thought into productive behavior instead of destructive, mean behavior then maybe you could get somewhere. Too bad you feel like attacking everyone in your path. I don't think all of the people around you are unfair, I think they don't like being threatened by an unreasonable person such as yourself.

You sound like the kind of person who likes to sue people. Maybe you make a living doing so. Most folks look down on such behavior.

You could find refuge in a mental health shelter where you would be fed and have a roof over your head, also maybe get yourself straightened out. You sound like a sociopath, and if the shoe fits........

I hope you get over yourself real soon.


Kansas City,

Unfortunate Addiction

#41Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008


If you would put as much energy and thought into productive behavior instead of destructive, mean behavior then maybe you could get somewhere. Too bad you feel like attacking everyone in your path. I don't think all of the people around you are unfair, I think they don't like being threatened by an unreasonable person such as yourself.

You sound like the kind of person who likes to sue people. Maybe you make a living doing so. Most folks look down on such behavior.

You could find refuge in a mental health shelter where you would be fed and have a roof over your head, also maybe get yourself straightened out. You sound like a sociopath, and if the shoe fits........

I hope you get over yourself real soon.


Kansas City,

Unfortunate Addiction

#41Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008


If you would put as much energy and thought into productive behavior instead of destructive, mean behavior then maybe you could get somewhere. Too bad you feel like attacking everyone in your path. I don't think all of the people around you are unfair, I think they don't like being threatened by an unreasonable person such as yourself.

You sound like the kind of person who likes to sue people. Maybe you make a living doing so. Most folks look down on such behavior.

You could find refuge in a mental health shelter where you would be fed and have a roof over your head, also maybe get yourself straightened out. You sound like a sociopath, and if the shoe fits........

I hope you get over yourself real soon.



TO: BeeNicer (and SweetyBird)

#41Author of original report

Sun, April 27, 2008

Excuse me? And who the hell are you, BEENICER, from KANSAS SCHITY?!?!? I think you need to practice what your screen name means - 'BE NICER', and if you can't 'be nice', then change your screen name, you hypocrite! Just like the P.o.S. Mahans should QUIT CALLING THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS until they can start ACTING LIKE ONE!!!

You obviously don't understand the depths of the problems they have caused me, and inflicted up on me or you wouldn't make such stupid, IGNORANT, rude, and unkind comments!

I *AM* a victim you stupid idiot!!! I didn't choose this! My scumlords chose this FOR ME YOU FREEKIN' MORON!!! Get your head out of your butt! The world would be a better place without people LIKE YOU! I hope a tornado hits your house so I can say to you the same stupid things you said to me! YOU are the kind of person who would tell me it's MY FAULT that my catalytic converter was cut off my car in October! YOU are the kind of person who would tell someone who was raped or robbed that is was THEIR fault! YOU are the kind of person who would tell all the people in the Twin Towers it was THEIR fault they died because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a few selfish bastards decided to take innocent lives into their own hands! YOU are the kind of person who would tell the Israeli's that it's THEIR fault for living in Israel, and that they DESERVE to have their homes stolen from them by the Palestinians! There's no difference! What happened to them happened to me! My home was STOLEN from me! If it happened to you, you would understand and you wouldn't make such STUPID, FOOLISH, IDIOTIC COMMENTS.

I want to go home, but I CAN'T!!! Because someone else is sleeping in MY HOUSE, and parked in MY driveway!!! I'm sleeping in parking lots. I DON'T HAVE FAMILY TO FALL BACK ON FOR HELP WHEN I NEED IT LIKE MOMMA'S BOY MARK MAHAN DOES who has to go running home to MOMMY and DADDY because HE'S NOT A BIG ENOUGH BOY TO TAKE CARE of HIMSELF!!!!



Kelly, Eva and Mark Mahan have cost me THOUSANDS of dollars!
They cost me thousands of dollars in lost income because I had to STOP WORKING to look for another place to live. I never did find something I could afford. I didn't have money to move, and I told them this, but what I did have left in the bank was all sucked out of me as a result of the cost of moving. Then I had to bail myself out of jail because these bastards framed me and put me in jail! I supposed *GOD* told them to do that too?!?!?! - that cost me $500, and I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to deserve what they did to me!

Now I have to hire an attorney to get the warrant lifted, and bail amount is $25,000. I didn't do ANYTHING to deserve this either!!! This is a bunch of bullcrap!!!

This IS NOT FAIR!!! All because their momma's boy son isn't a big enough boy to take care of HIMSELF, so they kick ME OUT of MY HOME to give THEIR stupid immature SON a roof over HIS head, and now I have NO ROOF OVER MINE!!!

Oh...and they said ***GOD*** told them to do this to me!!! BULLSH*T!!!

If I can, I am going to get the restraining order overturned...prove they falsely accused me, lied about me on court documents, which is perjury. And then I will SUE THE MAHANS for PUNITIVE DAMAGES, and PUT THEM in JAIL!!!

These people can't seem to understand what the Bible says about not taking your brother to court. They don't understand what 1 Corinthians 13 is all about. They are NOT Christians. NO ***REAL*** Christian would do what they did to me, and then say ***GOD*** told them to do it!!!

They have brought a curse upon themselves! Exodus 22:22-24!


I'm guessing BeeNicer and SweetyBird are RipOffReport moderators who have nothing better to do but kick people down, and kick dirt in people's faces who are already down in life enough as it is. I've heard stories of how the mods here on RipOffReport do that sort of stuff to people for their own entertainment purposes. Whether it's the mod's or not who are doing these rebuttals to my reports, it's obvious you're still one sick person - as mentally ill as the Mahans.



TO: BeeNicer

#41Author of original report

Sun, April 27, 2008

Excuse me? And who the hell are you, BEENICER, from KANSAS CITY?!?!? I think you need to practice what your screen name means - "BE NICER", and if you can't "be nice", then change your screen name, you hypocrite! Just like the P.o.S. Mahans should QUIT CALLING THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS until they can start ACTING LIKE ONE!!!

You obviously don't understand the depths of the problems they have caused me, and inflicted up on me or you wouldn't make such stupid, IGNORANT, rude, and unkind comments!

I AM a victim you stupid idiot!!! I didn't choose this! THEY chose this FOR ME YOU FREEKIN' MORON!!! Get your head out of your butt! The world would be a better place without people LIKE YOU! YOU are the kind of person who would tell me it's MY FAULT that my catalytic converter was cut off my car in October! YOU are the kind of person who would tell someone who was raped or robbed that is was THEIR fault! YOU are the kind of person who would tell all the people in the Twin Towers it was THEIR fault they died because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when a few selfish bastards decided to take innocent lives into their own hands! YOU are the kind of person who would tell the Israeli's that it's THEIR fault for living in Israel, and that they DESERVE to have their homes stolen from them by the Palestinians! There's no difference! What happened to them happened to me! My home was STOLEN from me! If it happened to you, you would understand and you wouldn't make such STUPID, FOOLISH, IDIOTIC COMMENTS.

I want to go home, but I CAN'T!!! Because someone else is sleeping in MY HOUSE, and parked in MY driveway!!! I'm sleeping in parking lots. I DON'T HAVE FAMILY TO FALL BACK ON FOR HELP WHEN I NEED IT LIKE MOMMA'S BOY MARK MAHAN DOES who has to go running home to MOMMY and DADDY because HE'S NOT A BIG ENOUGH BOY TO TAKE CARE of HIMSELF!!!!



Kelly, Eva and Mark Mahan have cost me THOUSANDS of dollars!
They cost me thousands of dollars in lost income because I had to stop working to look for another place to live. I didn't have money to move, but what I did have left was all sucked out of me. Then I had to bail myself out of jail - that cost me $500, and I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to deserve what they did to me!

Now I have to hire an attorney to get the warrant lifted, and bail amount is $25,000. I didn't do ANYTHING to deserve this!!! This is a bunch of bullcrap!!!

This IS NOT FAIR!!! All because their momma's boy son isn't a big enough boy to take care of HIMSELF, so they kick ME OUT of MY HOME to give THEIR stupid immature SON a roof over HIS head, and now I have NO ROOF OVER MINE!!!

Oh...and they said ***GOD*** told them to do this to me!!! B******T!!!

If I can, I am going to get the restraining order overturned...prove they falsely accused me, lied about me on court documents, which is perjury. And then I will SUE THE MAHANS for PUNITIVE DAMAGES, and PUT THEM in JAIL!!!

These people can't seem to understand what the Bible says about not taking your brother to court. They don't understand what 1 Corinthians 13 is all about. They are NOT Christians. NO ***REAL*** Christian would do what they did to me, and then say ***GOD*** told them to do it!!!

They have brought a curse upon themselves. Exodus 22:22-24!


Kansas City,

Take Responsibility

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

You seem to want to be a victim. Only you can be responsible for your own success, happiness and well being. Blaming the entire world for your shortcomings is more self destructive and fruitless.
Grow up and stop being a parasite.



To: Sweetybird68

#41Author of original report

Fri, April 18, 2008


You already jumped to conclusions. I don't work a Monday through Friday 9-5 job like everybody else does. You don't understand the type of work I do, and I don't live next to those goodfernothin' worthless P.o.S. SCUM-SUCKING, SOCIOPATHIC, NARCISSISTIC, LOW-LIFE, PATHOLOGICAL LYING aholes anymore anyway. I'm HOMELESS now! Oh, and I didn't choose this for myself - my landlords made this decision FOR ME!!! I was homeless for several years before moving into their house, and now I'm back to where I started 4 years ago. Now their momma's boy SON, Mark Mahan, has a roof over HIS head, and I have NO ROOF over MINE because he's a momma's boy, and he's gotta have MOMMY take care of him, because he's not grown up enough to take care of himself!!! I have also been very sick ever since I moved out on Valentines Day.

Oh, and because of these scumlords, there's now an warrant out for my arrest, with a $25,000 bond. These people call themselves Christians!!! What a crock!!! They've done EVERYTHING to destroy my life! They falsely accused me of doing and saying things I didn't do or say. They lied on the court documents, which is PERJURY! If anybody should be going to jail, it should be THEM, NOT ME!!!



TO: Sweetybird68

#41Author of original report

Sat, April 12, 2008


You already jumped to conclusions. I don't work a Monday through Friday 9-5 job like everybody else does. You don't understand the type of work I do, and I don't live next to those goodfernothin' worthless P.o.S. people anymore anyway. I'm HOMELESS now! Oh, and I didn't choose this for myself - my landlords made this decision FOR ME!!! I was homeless for several years before moving into their house, and now I'm back to where I started 4 years ago. Now their SON has a roof over HIS head, and I have NO ROOF over MINE! I have also been very sick ever since I moved out on Valentines Day.



Could you be any more dramatic?

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, April 08, 2008

I'm sorry, and I don't mean to sound cold-hearted, but you need to dispense with the drama. If these people really are harrassing you, then maybe you SHOULD move. Why would you want to stay somewhere where people are harrassing you?

Also, you seem very bitter and angry. You are blaming everyone else for your problems, saying others have caused you pain and heartache. You need to accept some responsibility for your own life and your own problems. That's what's wrong with the world today. No one wants to accept responsibility for anything. They just want to pass the buck and dump the blame on someone else. You blame your landlords for not being able to work, because you have to find somewhere else to live. You could work nights and look for an apartment during the day.

Not to be mean, but you seriously need to quit your whining and get up off your butt and deal with your situation and fix it. You can't expect someone else to do it for you.

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