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  • Report:  #240929

Complaint Review: Kevin Jewelers

Kevin Jewelers no disregard for ruining the ring you are supposed to wear the rest of your life ripoff Valencia California

  • Reported By:
    Valencia California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 27, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 27, 2007
  • Kevin Jewelers
    24201 Valencia Bl #2202
    Valencia, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

In 2005, I bought my husband's wedding band. I had been looking for some time and finally found one that caught my eye. My husband was specific NO DIAMONDS. Therefore, my challenge was to find a special ring that did not have stones but didn't look like one of those cheap $200 dollar gold bands.

One day while at the mall, I decided to stop by Kevin Jewelers. I saw one ring that caught my eye - It was a two banded ring (not two toned) with white and yellow gold - it was big (my husband wears a size 13) and it was heavy. I fell in love with it - the tag said $2,200. They were having a huge sale (something like 70% off) so the sales guy said it would be a little over $800, so thought about it.

The next day I came back to look at it again, but I was still unsure, so I took another day to think about it. Next day, went back to look at it again. Thought about it some more. The next day, I took my dad to see it. He agreed that the ring would be perfect for my husband, so I bought it.

I told the sales guy (Al) that I didn't know my husband's exact size, he said to buy the ring regardless of this fact and the first sizing would be free. He also gave me a card for the engraving to be free as well. Everything seemed perfect. I got approved for their free financing for a year. I put the billing address to my father's address so that my husband wouldn't know I bought it. Everything was great.

About 4-6 months before the wedding, I showed my husband his ring so he could try it on and confirm the fit. I had bought a 13.5 and it needed to be a 13. So we took it to get sized - free of course. Which, Kevin Jewelers did without a hitch.

We got married on October 14th, 2006.

We went on our honeymoon the next day.

We happened to be out shopping and wandered into a jewelry store. I had them clean my ring and asked for them to clean my husband's. To my amazement, they stated that they couldn't, due to the fact the bands we breaking apart. We continued the discussion and come to find out, those types of rings are not supposed to be sized; they have to be ordered in the size that you need.

We returned home and a few weeks later we stopped back by the store in my mall. I spoke to Mark (Al no longer worked for the company) and explained the situation. He agreed that the ring should have never been sized. He stated not a problem to bring in the ring with my receipt and they would take care of it for me. So a few weeks after that I took my husband's ring and put it on a chain around my neck and headed to Kevin Jewelers.

This would be the last time my husband would wear that ring.

I spoke to Mark sometime in the late December or early January.
He stated that they would fix the ring. I asked how they were going to do that. He stated that they would need to sauder the bands back together. If the jeweler in the store could do it, it would take a couple of days, if they had to send back to the office in New York to do it, it would take a couple of weeks.

I point blank asked if the ring would look like s@#$. He stated no, they don't do that type of work there and that it would look as good as the day I bought it. He would call me in a few days to let me know if they were going to able to fix in the store or need to send it to New York.

Two weeks went by - no phone call.

I called the store on a Sunday requesting to speak to the manager. Advised that I had turned in the ring 2 weeks before and the Mark had not called me. His response was that Mark had been on vacation for the past week. I stated that's great but what is going on with my ring. He stated he would check into it and call me back. Either later that day or the following day I received a call from the manager stating my ring was ready for pick up.

I went back to pick up the ring. On examination you could clearly see the line that had been saudered. It was a little line with pin holes on the inside yellow gold band. I asked Mark what was up with the bubbles on the bottom side of the ring. He stated that maybe it just needed to be polished more. He went back to the room with the jeweler (5-10mins) came back out and stated that they would need to order me a new ring. I asked how long that was going to take. Another 2-3 weeks.

About 2 weeks went by and I got a phone call from them stating that my ring was ready for pick up.

I went in to pick up the ring (with my husband this time to make sure it was a correct fit). Mark was sitting in the front display, laid back with his arms behind his neck. He didn't even move to get my ring. Another man (Reggie) who I had not been dealing with handed a ring to my husband to try on. The ring fit. I turned to Reggie and stated that it was a nice ring but that was not the ring that I had originally purchased. Mark stated that is the new style. I stated no that is a two tone ring not a two band ring. Reggie stated that this is the ring (item number) on your invoice.

We went back and forth; I kept trying to explain that is not my ring. His response we WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I replied I want you to get the right ring or give me my money back, what do you mean what do I want you to do. Immediately he stated we do not give refunds. I again reiterated that it was the wrong ring. He stated well that is the argument you are going to have to have with the office. I stated fine give me the number. He stated well the office is in New York. I replied I don't care where the office is, give me the number. He stated that we do not give that out. I replied you just stated that I have to have that argument with the office so give me the number - he wouldn't budge. I of course became outraged and started cursing. He stated he was no longer going to help. I requested they give me the wrong ring they attempted to pawn off as the original.

3 mins later I was on the phone with the Northridge store requesting the corporate office number and explained the situation. She did not give me the corporate number but gave me a 510 number to call stating that they handle these types of problems.

2 mins later I was on the phone with Marie. I explained the situation to her. It was a Sat. or Sun so she was unable to call the office in New York until Monday. She asked that I call her back with my invoice number and SKU number to research why the ring was wrong.

Monday came around, Marie called the office and again stated that the ring I was given should have been the correct ring. I told her I don't know what you did that day to sell the ring but that the replacement ring was incorrect. After several conversations, the decision was that they would have the ring sent back from New York with the old ring so that they could compare.

About 1 to 1 and half weeks later I got a call letting me know that the rings were in.

Went back. Spoke to Reggie again. When the rings were presented he commented that yes the rings were different and that he had never really looked at the ring before (Which was stupid because a few weeks ago when I told him they we different he acted like I was a crazy person). I also had him weigh the rings - My original ring was 13.5 grams and the replacement ring was 11. The new one was two toned and mine was two banned.

Reggie stated that they would need to send both back so that they could compare the two and make the correct ring. I asked how long this would take. He of course was not sure. I requested a call back with a time frame.

6 days went by - no phone call. I called Reggie to request a status of the ring - His response was, have you talked to Marie.

Called Marie. She stated that they needed to get approval from "Mr. Kevin" to order the ring because the manufacturer of the original ring they no longer did business with. I became upset. What do you mean you need an approval - if you have already agreed that you will not give me my money back, what other option do you have? She stated that they had given me the option to pick another ring, which I again told her I either wanted the ring that I bought or my money back. After arguing with her for some time about how they had wasted a week for nothing, she still couldn't actually tell me when they would have approval (because Mr. Kevin did not have schedule) to order/make the correct ring, she stated she would make some more phone calls and get back to me.

Later that day she left me a message that the ring was being ordered. This would be another 2-3 weeks from this date.

I don't know what sparked it. The fact that I realized that the ring that my husband wore the day of our wedding, the ring that was blessed by our father(priest), the fact we had been married for 4 months and my husband didn't have a ring for 2 months of our marriage. I snapped. I called Marie back that same day - told her to forget it. Just give me my money back because the likelihood of if being the right ring was a long shoot and I didn't want to waste more time. She asked for me to be more patient that they were trying to fix their mistake. I yelled MISTAKES

1. You sized a ring you shouldn't have
2. Did a crappy job of trying to patch it up
3. Tried to replace it with the wrong ring

I demanded my money back at the store in 1 week from that day.
She called me back - stated they couldn't. I requested to speak to her manager.

The next person in line to talk to me was Jesse - the regional manager - who I had to leave messages for a day and a half to get a call back because in was the big jewelry holiday - Valentines.

I finally connected with Jesse after several phone tags. I explained the situation - upset of course - he stated why I hadn't contacted him earlier--that was a joke (Even to this day I don't have a direct number for Jesse and when he does call me, he calls from a blocked number). So over course, I was upset 2 months no ring - I used 1 curse word (not even directed at him) and he stated that he was not going to help me because I talked to him like that and hung up the phone. I called back - he answered. He stated that he would not talk to me until I calmed down and requested that I don't use foul language with him. I said fine I am not yelling and I am not cursing so tell me how you are going to help me.

NO, NO I am not going to help like this. I replied again I am not cursing so tell me how you are going to help. He kept refusing, I kept asking. He hung up on me a second time. I called back, Lily answered the phone. Asked to speak to Jesse or Gene (another women I had spoke to that night) - she placed me on hold - she stated that Gene was with customer and that Jesse would not be taking any more of my phone calls that night. I responded to put me back on hold I would wait - that way when I sue the s@#$ out of you I can show them the phone records.

I held for about 15 mins. Either Lily or Gene came back on the stating that I would be on hold for a long time to talk to Jesse. Requested I be put back on hold. Held probably for another 15 to 30 mins. When they picked up the line again, they stated that Jesse was upset because people don't talk to him like that. My response was that if you are a regional manager you should be able to handle that - you do not hang up on a customer. After discussions that night - Jesse was to call me back to let me know if I would get my money back. The response was that I would need to wait for the new ring to come back in.

On Thursday that week, I got my pictures from my photographer with a clear picture of my husband's ring. A two banned with white polished gold on the outside ring and yellow satin finish gold on the inside. I called Lily to give her specific details about the old ring to ensure that the new ring would be identical. She stated she would take care of it.

The following Monday was the day the ring was supposed to be in. I took a vacation day from work to guarantee that this would be taken care of once and for all. I showed up at 11:00am. I was informed that my ring was still not in. However, I was told that it would arrive between 12pm and 2pm and they would call me. 3:30 rolled around, and still no phone call. Went back to the store, my ring had arrived, but I never received a call. Sure enough, the ring came in wrong. They made phone calls and finally decided to give me my money back.

This would take another 10 business days.

After 3 months of arguing with these people, I finally got my money back.

I have been back and forth with these people to see if they realize that they ruined something that should have lasted forever. I can definitely say without a doubt that Mark and Reggie do not have the slightest remorse for what they have put me thru (and because I am young the coined me with the name "KID", which is by the way, completely inappropriate. No customer should be referred to or addressed as KID).

I work two jobs, 8:30 to 5 and from 6:00 to 9:30 - 63 hours a week. All these phone calls, visits to the store were done on breaks, lunches, lay over between jobs, and on the few days I have off when on my only free day, day to day chores must be done. I have probably made over 40 calls to both the Valencia and 510 stores and had to use a vacation day.

This was probably the worse experience of my life. I bought from Kevin Jewelers because they are big chain and as you call know, from hearing their commercials every day on the radio, they choice for diamonds in southern California.

I guess writing this is to warn people not to buy from that store and hopefully teach jewelers a lesson. You sell rings with like 200 plus percent markup, with the slogan buy something they will love forever, and then you mess it up. You are seriously f#$#%^& with something that people have sentimental value for - And if I had the time I would sue you for the time, mileage, cell phone bills, and stress you caused. Who knows, maybe I'll see you in court soon.

Valencia, California

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