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  • Report:  #494674

Complaint Review: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures Revealed

Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures Revealed natural cures Complete scam to get you to subscribe to monthly subscription Internet

  • Reported By:
    nwicitizen — Indiana USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 14, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 12, 2012

I know nothing is too good to be true when it's free. I paid for the shipping and handling charges for the book and the extra book. Then had to constantly tell the lady on the other end no to the countless amount of other items she tried to get me to subscribe or purchase. After that I kept all the information on hand because of the "free" trial of the monthly newsletter. I never recieved a confirmation of the books or the website link to the newsletter. I did recieve the book a couple weeks later.

The book is a complete waste of time. If you're looking for any cures I promise you won't find it in here. Let me save you the time of reading: eat right, exercise, and be positive. That's all you need to know instead of hoping that there are some secret natural cures that he's researched. Basically this is some business man that has regurgitated some copied material from someone elses books.

After about a week of getting the book (3 weeks total) I called and canceled my subscription to the newsletter, which I never recieved anyway. I was given a confirmation number and everything. Guess what I found the very next week? A charge from natural cures for $9.95. I called them and now have to "prove" to them I was charged. So I have to send them a copy of my bank statement with the charge on it.

If you are thinking you may want this even for free please don't. It's not even worth using for a firestarter!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Don't drink the koolaid

#4General Comment

Mon, March 12, 2012

Whoever wrote defending Kevin Trudeau must work for him. They use the same tactics in their tv advertisements to get you to buy their worthless books. They know that everyone hates paying so much for prescription medications(and rightfully so, but thats another issue) so they use that to their advantage. They act like they are on your side and that all they want to do is to help you. What a load of bull, they are worse than the pharmacutical companies. They both take your money but at least the pharmaceuticals help you, all Trudeau's book is good for is for burning in the fireplace. My mom bought his book and I read it, there is nothing in it that will really help you. Nothing new anyway, and nothing that you can't find anywhere else for little to no money and they won't try to rip you off. This guy is nothing but a rip off artist and he will get what he has coming to him someday, hopefully sooner than later. There is a special place in hell reserved for him for ripping off those that need the help the most.


rancho viejo,

Kevin Trudeau really a rip off? Or is it someone else?

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, January 16, 2011

I am reading all these horrid stories about Kevin Trudeau being such a scam artist and rip off, about how his books tell you nothing and he rips off money from poor lonley sick old men, etc. Well, I am a consumer too. I am savey, educated, but still have lots to learn.

Kevin has taught me a lot! I give him much well deserved credit for putting himself "out there" and telling the truth about the real scamers; the big pharmaceutical companies!!!

I subscribe to the internet site of natural cures, and it is by no means not specific; in fact, it is very specific. I have ordered several books and have never had a problem getting exactly what I ordered and for a very fair price. Trudeau has taken an incredible amount of "heat" from the real scammers: The Big Pharmas! I have a sneaking suspicion that they are behind many many of these blasting "articles", many of which sound to be fake uneducated.

Trudeau is a book author! Why would someone be so venemous toward him? Is he not allowed to make a buck like the rest of us? Get serious! I have found meticulously written, specificanswers to help me cure what ails me or my family or friends. Directions are not hard to follow, even though you may need a little bit of an education on naturopathy and herbology, even some on aromatherapy. He doesnt try to sell a bunch of balogna either.

Big Pharma has been afterTrudeau since he began his crusade against them, rightfully so. I commend him on his guts to tell the truth about them, something I have known for years. I am a medical professional, and ashamed to have been trained and educated by the pharmaceutical companies. I spent all that time and money on learning how to make people sick. Now, there are some frauds!

The drug companiesknow very well how sick the drugs make you. The real stat's are that they kill, yes kill, 500,000 people a year with their "medicine". It is easy enough to look up for yourself. That is saying nothing about the countless millions they make sick and cause slow deaths and misery for.

Look and read between the lines! You complain about $9.95??? Heres something to sink your teeth into: President Clinton did the only report known on price gouging by the pharmaceutical companies. Look it up, again! big pharmas try to squelch the results! No one else dared do this! The end result is thatbig pharmasmake more money in a year, that is MAKE, not spend, that is PROFIT, in one year, MORE THAN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT does!!! Can you imagine???

An example: This comes from Life Extension (a free monthly periodical on line at Read it for yourself. A dose of xanax, common drug, way too common, costs the pharma company about 1/4 cent to make (I know my math is rotten, but its just an example). Yet they charge about 60 cents a pill. This is, of course, not an exact figure,but a commonexample of a common practice by pharmas everywhere. The profit is over 2000%!!! It is sickening. I also used to be an investigator for Medicaid in one of the states (I wont mention the name). There were 8 of us at the time. The doctors who were "exempting" (making more than their peers, always more than one million dollars per year), were investigated. They were, every one, crooks.

No one even mentions them! That is our money, too! And how about durable medical equipment? "you wont pay one cent out of your pocket", yeah, well how about medicare? Who pays that? We do, and they pay for the wheel chairs! We pay for them!!!

One commercial after the other, drugs and wheelchairs, that is all you see! Those things are shoved down our throats. What rip offs! big pharmas OWN the news stations along with all other TV stations, everythingyou see on TV. If they try to do an article on natural medicine the drug companies threaten to pull their commercials, and the TV channel would fold. They cant run anything the drug companies dont want them to! Talk about communism, filtering and twisting facts!

And the drugs cure NOTHING, repeat NOTHING, AT ALL! They in fact put a bandaid on an arterial bleed, and THEN they make you sick, and sicker, and dead,in the long run. So, tell me again what a rip off scam artist Kevin Trudeau is. Then turn around and see who has your back and who is blatently ripping you off, with your full permission!

You are willingly giving your money to these crooked doctors (not all of them but a great deal of them) and the drug companies (every single damned one of them are scammers and rip off/con artists. Start looking at the real money and where its going. Not the nickle dime stuff.

I often hear about "ripping us offgettingfood stamps". Nickle dime! Come on! What about the doctors ripping us off of millions!? Or the drug companies ripping us off of our health and well being,our lives, AND OUR MONEY, ALL OF IT, not just $9.95! Get real, will ya?

By the way, I dont know any company who takes less than two billing periods to refund your money, this is a common practice, and there is a reason for it; computers.

I wish you all the best of health and happiness and sincelelyhope you open your eyes and minds to look at who is really ripping you off.



natural cures by kevin trudeau


Fri, September 18, 2009

I ordered the book natural cures by kevin trudeau in 3/09, never got the book and then was charged 9.95 a month from april to august. at first, I did not know were this charge came from and my credit card company could not trace this and only put one month in dispute ! I figured out that the newsletter was connected to the natural cures book that I never received and called natural cures and they agreed that they were connected and that when I received the book i was supposed to decline the newsletter. I explained that how could I decline the newsletter when I never received the book! I was told that I would receive a credit and that it would take 2 months! I called back and tracy from natural cures said that I would not be getting any of my money back and if I wanted 9.95 back I would have to fax her my credit card statement! I said that the company will be reported and she said "do what you want to do"! I had to cancel my credit card to make the charges stop and my credit card company has not been helpful!

there is a lot of negative info on on this crook and I do not understand why a lawyer is not advertising if anyone has been negatively affected by his companies to contact them!

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