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  • Report:  #156543

Complaint Review: Kevin Trudeau

Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About Waste of money - sheer robbery ripoff Internet

  • Reported By:
    Chicago Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 09, 2005
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 01, 2008

This book is the biggest rip-off in years - it is practically malicious. The information in this book is laughable. Do not buy this book ! Any time any useful information is about to be presented you are instructed that "THEY" banned it but you can get the information from his website. On his website, you need to become a member for $9.95 a month OR a lifetime member for $499 !

What a scam. To the people who ordered the book but didn't get it, you might be lucky - you possibly could have been scammed into joining his website ! Kevin Trudeau is laughing all the way to the bank. Statements made in the book are so ridiculous and misleading that it should be a crime. Why "THEY" didn't ban such statements as the n**i's inventing the microwave and the healing powers of magnets is beyond me.

Do not buy this piece of trash.

Chicago, Illinois

26 Updates & Rebuttals



Your missing the point (to whom the shoe fits)

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, April 01, 2008

Where's the proof that people are living longer?

The people referred to as living 78 years were born in 1930. Things are not nearly the same now as they were then. In the more recent years we have managed unnecessarily addict them to dangerous drugs and kill them off systematically. The people who died in 1900 at age 48. Also a very different situation.

Medical doctors surely hacked up and poisoned enough people to give some unfortunate people a very short life. I suspect that wars also had some way of skewing the statistics since we are seeing people who are over 100 and healthier than many of todays teens.

None of this information has anything to do with us today. Unless you take control of your own health your doomed.

Sorry that Kevin's book did not impress you. If you read the book as it was presented you might have gotten more out of it. It's full of great information and gets someone interested in health to look further. Kevin did not claim to invent these cures and remedies. He is simply giving valuable information that obviously took a lot of time and effort to gather. Do you expect it to be free? Can you write a better book?

In my personal opinion Kevin is on a crusade to save the world. This takes money. People who are successful are successful for a reason. One of the greatest ways of all time to become successful is by helping other people.

I bought the book and got what I paid for.

A few dollars to get started in the right direction toward a healthy life is worth millions.

You people obviously have a monetary interest in medical industry, some other large corporation that's all about the money. Otherwise your not paying attention to what's going on in the world today.


Rancho Viejo,

You are going too slow and still paranoid, Tim

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, November 20, 2006

Ok Tim,
One last time. Then I promise you I wont be back here, its too unclean for me. I wonder if you are being paid by some pharm company??? Sure sounds like you are up to your teeth in it. Now I know you havent read any research with any objectivity. If you had you wouldnt have said what you did. Continue to resist, see where it gets you. I hope someday you come to know there is something better out there.
Bye, Georgia, Rancho Viejo



I'll try again, but slower

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, November 19, 2006

Georgia, I'm not trying to make anyone buy into my "opinions." Nor have I presented any "opionions" in the first place. What I present are logical inferences, based on rational thought. Apparently you aren't familiar with such a "formal" way of interpreting reality, and instead rely on the word of individuals with questionable motives.

So let me lay out at least one basic truth for you (I'll break it down into it's individual parts for you), and let's see if you can refute it logically, or if you will instead resort to some insane diatribe per your current m.o.:

1. The FDA has set up a system whereby the effectiveness of purported cures can be tested and proven. Even short of the FDA's protocol, cheaper university studies are available. Either way, the "cures" can be put through the scientific method.

With me so far? Let's keep going . . .

2. Results obtained by virtue of the scientific method are far more reliable than anecdotes advanced by individuals with a vested interest in the subject matter.

3. The field of alternative medicine generally refuses to put its cures through the scientific method.

4. If a "cure" is actually effective, or even if its promoter just has some confidence in it, it is in the promoter's best interest to go through formal research processes.

5. Usually, when someone would rather you just believe their side of a hotly contested story and outright refuses to prove the tale, it is becuase they are afraid of what the objective truth is.

Now, with those general truths in mind, we can draw a natural conclusion. And that natural conlusion is that, as the promoters of alternative medicine choose to avoid the objective truth-finding process, they have no personal confidence in their own advice.

That's critical thinking for ya. I will now await what will surely be a well-reasoned, logical response.


Rancho Viejo,


#27Consumer Comment

Sun, November 19, 2006

Hi med student,
Correction, it is cervical cancer that HPV causes, sorry. In fact, Im sorry for even comming to this web site, it seems to fuel some angry stuff I have pent up inside myself and I feel poorly when I respond and get these ugly responses back. I am happy for you that you have chosen an honorable profession to go into. I know many lovley doctors. The problem with the people in this site who are complaining about one petty thing or another or naturopathic medicine is that you are all RESISTANT. If you let that go you might learn something. I have already learned all I need to about Western medicine and have wittnessed first hand what naturopathic medicine can and does do for many people. I am completely sold on it and have given pharm drugs to many, many people in my life. I have seen Western medicine save many lives in the ER, but I saw no one cured on any long term basis (those with chronic disease processes). I did see lots of people die and get sicker and sicker, and lots of suffering. I wish I had known then what I know now, but, alas, it does no good anyway because most people dont want to listen. They resist. Those same people resist so much in thier lives and it makes them stressed and miserable. Full of oxidative stress! I prefer to keep an open mind and you all are entitled to your opinions. I wish you all well and hate to see you suffer, but suffer you will. I hope one day you will see the light(it's comming soon, something around 40% of the people in the US use alternative medicine or vitamins, minerals and herbs now).

The issue here is not Kevin Trudeau, he is just like the rest of us, exactly the same, whether you know it or not. The issue here is your health, or lack of it, and lack of education. That ignorance will get you and keep you sick, or worse, not having any quality of life. We will all die when it's time but to be cripled or not be able to think or have limbs cut off when this is perfectly preventable is unforgiveable. Plus, it puts a burden on society. I hear "it's my body and Ill do what I wish with it" all the time. When it comes down to it, and you are full of diabetes and senile (oh, yes, that is what comes along with most diabetes cases) you end up in a nursing home and on welfare (Medicaid) and guess who pays for your "right" to do as you please with your body?

It's time to listen and stop resisting. Sorry if I offended anyone. I wont come back here, you all are too negative and you are creating your own hell, I dont want to go there (I still cant figure out why I am drawn, except that I might think I am on some white horse trying to save you from yourselves).
God Bless you all and good luck.
Georgia, Rrancho Viejo


Rancho Viejo,

To the poor med student

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, November 18, 2006

Hi med student,
Before you go giving your opine on natural meds remember that you are being educated by the pharmaceutical companies. How many classes do you have on nutrition? On natural remedies? On herbs? On alternative therapies? On ANY healing therapies not involving chemicals or western medicine. One man wrote that "believe me if there were a natural cure the pharm. companies would have a big blue pill patented...." Nope! Right there you have the whole problem. The pharm companies know very well that these are valid claims and cures. They CANNOT patent a natural substance!

By the way, have you ever heard of vitamin B12 deficiency? Yes? Well, how about an aspirin deficiency? Beware, the pharm companies will not teach you anything about natural things. They, in fact, will try to teach you just the opposite. There are many, many natural cures. Including cures for Cancer, and yes, there is HPV, a virus that causes breast cancer! The abnormal cell growths you speak of can be destroyed (or rather encouraged to commit apoptosis or CA cell suicide) with an alkaline diet. (That is soft tissue cancers). Oncologists will get real mad at you if you mention this to them, very threatening information indeed!

What your education will teach you is to cut, burn or poison others. What about your hippotomous oath? To do no harm? What ever happened to that anyway?? I am glad you are getting a nice education but remember, this is Your Choice of careers so dont expect any sympathy; the doctors who make the least amount of money are psychiatrists and pediatricians (because they cant do "procedures").

So, choose your specialty well. Also, you have a limited scope of knowledge with western medicine, remember there are 5000 years of knowledge and proof backing Chinese medicine. Dont tell me it is no good (I have been there twice and seen and studied it!). Because you were educated for 8 to 12 years doesnt mean you know it all, none of us does, so listen and learn. I like what Chase-Grundy of Virginia said. It was honest, humble and straight to the point without pointing fingers.

Thanks, God Bless and good luck, youll need it in the near future.
Georgia, Rancho Viejo, TX


Rancho Viejo,

There u go again, Tim, with your erroneous critical thoughts

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, November 18, 2006

Once again, Tim, you are expousing your "opinions" as facts. "To rely on anecdotes (so you dont read research studies either) as proof of effectiveness shows a lack of critical thinking skills"????!!!!! (So I guess that means your critical thinking skills are intact??) and "this is because the underlying premise of the book is wrong" (meaning u r right???) Are we supposed to rely on your opinions as facts??? Could it be that our scientific "facts" are erroneous??? (as have been proven to be over and over again and again throughout history). Also that just maybe the system that goes with it could be WRONG??? The only thing you can rely on is that there is no such thing as a MEDICAL or SCIENTIFIC "FACT"!. Medical professionals (western trained) are trained by pharmeceutical companies, period. YOu were brainwashed by them, obviously.

Did you not read the humble and excellent script by Chase-Grundy, Virginia? You obviously dont listen, you are too impressed with your "critical thinking skills" to see the writing on the wall. I am sorry for you. We are all in this together. We are all the same. Dont be afraid, you can learn something from everyone, if you listen. I learned how not to "think critically" from you. Thanks.
Georgia, Rancho Viejo, TX



Response to Abiziel

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, November 03, 2006

Abiziel stated: "Instead of saying the book is a bunch lies say the book lies on this part . . ."

We don't need to pick and choose what does and doesn't work and make respective proofs as to our respective opinions on the respective "cures."

This is because the underlying premise of the book is wrong. Everything this jacka** says flows from his assertion that the medical field wants to keep you sick and is therefore "hiding" these wonder cures.

Like the learned med student stated above, some of the stuff MIGHT work for MINOR ailments. But that's beside the point. The purpose of the book is NOT to give you some good natural cures that you can work with. Rather, the purpose of the book is to convince you of a host of lies in the hopes that you will sign up for a recurrent-billing membership in Trudeau's website where, he claims, the REAL cures are located.

Also, individual anecdotes are not acceptable as proof of the effectiveness of any of Trudeau's advice. We have a scientific system set up whereby the effectiveness of cures can be determined in a very reliable manner. To rely on anecdotes when such a system is available is just silly and evinces a lack of critical thinking skills.



Kevin Trudeau

#27Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 28, 2006

This man has experience behind bars in a correctional facility. Although I do enjoy his tenacity, he seems to be vaccuuming monies nationwide from people so very gullable, repeatedly with new scams.

He has done the "mega-memory" thing and has made a fortune on this. He was involved in some vitamin multi-level marketing scam which landed him an indictment in Illinois by the Attorney General circa 1995. Hilarious. He, I believe was convicted of credit card fraud in the past. He may be an ex convict. In short a con man.

I have viewed him on infomercials, which he used the same background as the Larry King thing, making it look like you're watching the news, sort of, to sell you a program on not eating evil carboydrates. Now it seems that he's panic peddling the whole "they" are not telling you about cures thing. Playing on the emotions, gullability and the nature of peoples' suspicions so you can buy his book about what "they" are withholding from you about natural "cures".

Please believe if drug companies found out about a natural medicine, there would be a patent, a blue pill and ten thousand commercials and a very large margin.

Keep deeply in mind that anyone that writes a book is looking to sell it for, say $24.99 each, after paying overhead, netting say, $4.26 for each book. Playing on fears, suspicion and the gullabilities of human beings, which historically prove to be all three, he sells, say 3 million of these books. Mulitplied by what he nets, which are all total examples, you get the drift.

Who are "they". Perhaps it's who you think it is. Kevin Trudeau is "they". What he don't want you to know is that you are making him bloody rich and he has now found a way to do it best, by playing on human nature.

Maybe he's not lying so much. Putting on a front to be a medical genius is acutally a financial one at the expense of human nature. He is not to blame. Perhaps we are if we fall for his bull*&%@.

More power to him. Keep in mind, there is a big difference between kneeling down and bending over. Beware. The best way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. More power to Kevin.



Alternative Treatments

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 25, 2006

i am submitting my opinion because some of us have exhausted all resources and are still fighting to live. i have been battling different types of cancer for 19 years and asthma for 55 years. i found the cancer in my body in late 1987, went to my family doctor [the one that was treating my asthma] i told him i had most of cancer signs and asked if the blood test i had saw on pbs television could detect cancer cells in blood. he called the lab and they told him yes they could do the test. my insurance would not cover it so i wrote a check to pay for the lab test. it was 7 weeks before i found out he had thrown the blood test in trash.

i went to another doctor that immediately put me into surgery to remove tumor, when he got the lab results back it showed 3 different cell types of cancer. i was sent to a large university hospital for the second operation that was very bad. no chemotherapy or radiation this time. i made it to 1997 before it came back again in left kidney it was renal cell carcinoma. went thru surgery to remove left kidney adrenal gland and 2 ribs, again no chemotherapy or radiation. i made it again to 2001 before the cancer raised its head again. this time it was in left lung, lymph nodes and tumor in right breast,this time it was renal cell carcinoma.

i was told it was stage 4 and terminal. i was told they could remove right lung lymth nodes in chest and anything else that showed cancer. the doctor told me that would slow it down a while but would soon be in the brain. i told the new doctor i had asthma and with only part of lung left i could not breath and was refusing the operation. he got abusive and told me i was refusing to fight. i told him i had to fight this time on my own. this was march 1, 2001. i came home and listened to trudeau and others on television and decided to start research on computer, did a google search for alkaline diet, then sugar feeds cancer. i was never told in 14 years of cancer and surgery that cancer is fed by sugar and i lived with something sweet in my hand and soda to wash it down with.

i started putting all the information from the internet and with other doctors that were in same boat and it was sinking fast. I put an alkaline diet together, stopped consuming any kind of sugars and drinking only spring water. the diet was vegeterian type with no preservatives or additives. it was 3 months before i went back to university for my last checkup by my urologist and final chest xray, june 1, 2001. xrays showed the cancers had went into remission and were going away. i have not been back to university since then. the cancer specialist told me in march to go home and die since i didn't want to fight his way. i never saw him again.

i told my urologist what he had said and he told me he was a nut. well its been 5 more years now and the cancer is in remission because of high alkaline diet and no sugars of any kind. while in the middle of fighting cancer a doctor gave me the wrong combination of asthma drugs and caused me to have a massive heart attack and was found dead on ground outside of my machine shop. a friend just decided to visit and was the only person to come by shop all day. glad he did, he started cpr and worked his but off to save me. i woke up in hospital days later on a list for heart transplant and a pacemaker in chest. when i got able to talk to cardiologist i told him i was battling treminal cancer and wanted to be taken off the list and the pacemaker removed. 5 days later it was removed. this doctor is the greatest a person could find. he listened to every word i told him and has been a very dear friend for the past 3 years.

i stayed on the diet and started exercising slowly to rebuild my now very enlarged heart [my heart was healthy with no problems before the wrong medication] 3 years later and im walking 6 to 16 miles in woods rebuilding my body. i no longer have asthma. i lost 35 pounds by eating right and feel great. im now doing things i never thought i would ever be able to do. i have numerous hobbies like hiking, metal detecting, genealogy research, bike riding, gardening, blacksmithing and knife making [historical knives] civil war reenacting and living a full and happy life.

so before you all try and knock and destroy all the alternative ways to fight diseases give us a chance to try everything we fill may give us a fighting chance. im now working with other terminally ill and have had success with quiet a few so i know a healthy diet and lifestyle with exercise does work. may you all be blessed as i have. give everyone a chance because the large drug companies are only interested in profits and herbal remedies are not on their list.



to both parties

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 23, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We all should understand that in this world where we live, almost everyone is after the money. The reason is that for everything you want to do or get, for every goal you want to reach, there is always need for the use of money. I understand that the book needs to be sold and profit needs to be made.

I just ordered the book I have not read it yet. I do not know if I will even receive it, or if I will find the answer I am looking for, or at least a path to it. I will not tell my disease/illness, but I will tell you it is harmful to me or anyone who suffers from it. I went to look for help to a regular doctor. He just listened to me, charged me certain amount of money and wanted to give me a prescription. More money would be needed for the medicine and continuation of visits to the doctor on a regular basis. As time pass by, my suffering increases. I believe that it is time for me to move on to another direction.

I have read about people who suffer from problems like mine and what drugs have done to them. I have personally known people with problems alike and I would prefer to try something more natural before I try the drugs that usually produce some side effects that we do not want.

The next is just an example:
I proved to my Primary Care physician that I could lower my cholesterol just with a diet. He had prescribed me a medicine. I refused to continue taking it because of the side effects I was getting. He wanted to prescribe me milder drug. He said that I could not lower it just with a diet because in my case it is inherited from my family so it is in my genes. Despite his belief I refused to continue with the current medicine, take a new one, and started my diet.

Of course, I had to do a research online about the natural foods and stuff that help lower cholesterol It took time. I changed my diet and bought some natural supplements garlic pills, fish oil pills, etc. After a few months I went to the doctor for a check up. My cholesterol had lowered to normal levels. I demonstrated that even though it is an inherited problem, I lowered it by natural means. The only natural thing I did not do was exercises this would have helped a lot more.

My father gave me the advice; he even got more drastic results. From over 800 in total cholesterol, he lowered it to normal. After long time trying with the pills and getting a lot of side effects, he decided to get natural.

Another story I would like to tell is about a person I know. She had a cyst. She could not get pregnant because of it. Having sex was painful as she stated. The cyst was huge it was blocking all inside and putting so much pressure that some days she could not walk due to the pain not mentioning the cramps when menstruation came over. No drugs were helping her in any ways.

After months of medical care, the doctors said they had to perform surgery the cyst just kept on growing. They explained the risks. They could not guarantee that she could get pregnant after surgery the cyst was too big. She decided to go natural. A friend she had told her she had had the same problem and how she got rid of it. We confirmed through a friend in Canada with a Canadian doctor who recommended the dosage I do not remember now. I remember Cat's claw and Shark cartilage this happened over 7 years ago.

In less than a month on the plan, she got the cyst completely destroyed. She woke up one nigh with the biggest pain ever. Pieces of the cyst were being dropped in the toilet. A few days later she went to the doctors who recommended surgery as their last an only hope. They performed some tests and confirmed that actually the cyst was gone. They couldn't just believe it. I witnessed all this. She is my ex-wife. She has now a son.

We all need to understand that if you do not try something you will never know if it would work. Sometimes natural ways are just not enough because your condition could be severe and you might need emergency call more aggressive medicines. Sometimes a combination of both would be the best. Remember that all organisms are different and not everything has the same effect in everybody at the same level.

There are also allergies to natural stuff and products and even though a natural product is helpful to somebody it does not mean that will help a person with an allergy to it in this case, its use could be lethal.

There is an endless source of information that only we, the lucky ones, have access to Internet. Use it. It is time consuming, but worthy. The book, I do not know; but before electricity, computers, internet, or any other thing was invented, even paper; human being found a way to pass on their knowledge to others so they got information about every single aspect of life. Perhaps this book did not help some of you, but perhaps it did help some others.

It would be nice to at least have a compilation of information to ease the search about certain topics. If the book gives you this, it might help a little; but remember the first help starts in yourself. You can not expect a book to give you all the answers.

Do not feed the hate, stay focuses and be objective when you make an allegation. This is the best way to get your statements heard and understood, therefore to pass on the message correctly and avoid misunderstandings.

Instead of saying the book is a bunch lies say the book lies on this part; instead of saying the book does not give any help say the book did not help me on this and give proof for your statements. Do your little research and make sure that you exhausted all your ways to prove first that you were wrong before you put something on writing; to make sure you do not just full yourself and make other to say this guy does not know what he is talking about. This would definitely empower the other.

Thank you.
Abi - Miami, Florida.



I'm a Med. Student

#27Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 21, 2006

OK Firstly, BOTH sides of the field have valid arguements, There are "natural cures" that can help with minor diseases, but this is mainly because the natural propertys have antibiotic propertys to them, such as vinegar, which, can be used to treat earaches and ear infections (unless it's an inner ear infection then an injested antibiotic will be required as the antibiotic propertys of vinegar aren't strong enough and will only work on contact)

But to state that your Family Practice doctor is trying to scam you is just plain RUDE the average Family Practice MD will make around 110-140k a year, yes, that's alot of money, but compared to the rest of the medical disciples, there not making anything. Also add they will only make that much if they treat there customers well, then add in the fact that they have to pay for tests, equipment, and salery's of anyone working for them, there making alittle more then they did in residency, if there lucky. Family Practice MD's are doing what they love, and there there to help people, I know when I was uninsured my Doctor would mark the lowest payments, and make things realy cheap for me. And contrary to popular belief, they don't make money for perscribing a chemical, actually, that's illegal and they can loose there liscense.

Here's the TRUTH of the matter, while there are some "Natural Cures" they have been tested and found out WHY they work that part of the equation was taken, and reconstructed to be stronger so it will work more effectivly. That's why if you eat penecilin off of an orange, you'll get sick, but when you take it in pill form you get better.

In summery: Natural cures can be fine for MINOR ailments (minor ache or pain, things you would get over the counter drugs for) but they should NOT be relied upon for some of the things in these books, like Cancer (there is NO natural cure for cancer, if you realize what cancer is you will see why there can't be a natural cure, because it's not a virus, it's not a germ it's excess cell growth, meaning that poisons have to enter the body to destroy them, and they have to be cut out, there is no "cancer antibody" because of this fact, therefore there can't be a shot for it, and therefore there can't be a natural cure for it)



No, don't go!

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, October 13, 2006

Don't give up so easily Georgia!

If you have some valid, reasoned arguments as to why we shouldn't decry the activities of a scam artist (or a scam "field" for that matter) then by all means let's have a reasoned debate!

Scared? Paranoid? Hardly! Isn't the whole philosphy upon which the industry you tout is founded one of fear? "Modern medicine wants to keep you sick," "you are surrounded by harmful toxins that are killing you," and so on.

To be perfectly honest with you, I'm only here raising these gripes, and contributing to the gripes of others, because I have a great time doing it. I'm a cynical, skeptical b*****d, but I'm also a very happy individual who is very comfortable with his life and his health.

So don't worry about me, I'll be just fine. I'm free to use the money I'd be wasting on snake oil for something useful, like a delicious meal full of preservatives and refined sugars. Yummy!


Rancho Viejo,

How bout some "anti scared" pills???

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 11, 2006

Hi yall,
Whew!! I feel the hate flying off the pages at me! That must have consumed lots of energy to spewe all that venom at a little old nurse in TX!!! My, how threatened you sound!! If youre so scared you should go to your local western doctor and get some "anti scared" pills. That will fix you up. I support Kevin Trudeau 100 million percent! He is your champion. I am sorry you all are so ignorant as to have missed this. You may continue to wine about your ills and do whatever you like.

I have no time to get sucked into your vacuum of paranoia, self deceipt and delusions. Continue on, later you will know how wrong you are. You will soon find someone or something else to consume you and make you even sicker than you are already. Grow up! Get off his back. Read the articles that many of his followers have written on how they were cured of cancer, etc. Do you have the guts??? I think not. They are after your complaints on the natural cures search page. God bless you anyway. Bye Bye!



More logical fallacies and misinformation

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Let me just address Georgia's "big picture" question: "we're living longer, but are we living better?"

YES! We are living MUCH better!

You don't die at the age of 45 if you're living a nice healthy life, Georgia.

Now we have a nation of obese people who, thanks to modern medicine, still manage to live long, comfortable lives. When the "natural cures" were the only medicine around, we had a nation of malnourished, skinny people who lived painful lives and died painful deaths.

Lorraine makes the best point, however, which is prima facie proof that the "alternative medicine" field is built on a foundation of logical fallacies.

Georgia, we have a system set up whereby purported medicines can be put through a rigorous process whereby their effectiveness and safety can be gauged. Yet the quacks that puch "alternative medicine" refuse to put their "cures" through this process. There is NO logical reason for such a refusal other than a lack of faith in your product.

And we really needn't go further than that. Modern medicine helps us live better, live longer, and we KNOW that it does so because it's been proven.

We have NO idea whether alternative therapies help anyone, or how many people they make sick or kill.

Given the choice between proven effectiveness and blind faith, I'll take the former.



More logical fallacies and misinformation

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Let me just address Georgia's "big picture" question: "we're living longer, but are we living better?"

YES! We are living MUCH better!

You don't die at the age of 45 if you're living a nice healthy life, Georgia.

Now we have a nation of obese people who, thanks to modern medicine, still manage to live long, comfortable lives. When the "natural cures" were the only medicine around, we had a nation of malnourished, skinny people who lived painful lives and died painful deaths.

Lorraine makes the best point, however, which is prima facie proof that the "alternative medicine" field is built on a foundation of logical fallacies.

Georgia, we have a system set up whereby purported medicines can be put through a rigorous process whereby their effectiveness and safety can be gauged. Yet the quacks that puch "alternative medicine" refuse to put their "cures" through this process. There is NO logical reason for such a refusal other than a lack of faith in your product.

And we really needn't go further than that. Modern medicine helps us live better, live longer, and we KNOW that it does so because it's been proven.

We have NO idea whether alternative therapies help anyone, or how many people they make sick or kill.

Given the choice between proven effectiveness and blind faith, I'll take the former.



More logical fallacies and misinformation

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Let me just address Georgia's "big picture" question: "we're living longer, but are we living better?"

YES! We are living MUCH better!

You don't die at the age of 45 if you're living a nice healthy life, Georgia.

Now we have a nation of obese people who, thanks to modern medicine, still manage to live long, comfortable lives. When the "natural cures" were the only medicine around, we had a nation of malnourished, skinny people who lived painful lives and died painful deaths.

Lorraine makes the best point, however, which is prima facie proof that the "alternative medicine" field is built on a foundation of logical fallacies.

Georgia, we have a system set up whereby purported medicines can be put through a rigorous process whereby their effectiveness and safety can be gauged. Yet the quacks that puch "alternative medicine" refuse to put their "cures" through this process. There is NO logical reason for such a refusal other than a lack of faith in your product.

And we really needn't go further than that. Modern medicine helps us live better, live longer, and we KNOW that it does so because it's been proven.

We have NO idea whether alternative therapies help anyone, or how many people they make sick or kill.

Given the choice between proven effectiveness and blind faith, I'll take the former.



More logical fallacies and misinformation

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Let me just address Georgia's "big picture" question: "we're living longer, but are we living better?"

YES! We are living MUCH better!

You don't die at the age of 45 if you're living a nice healthy life, Georgia.

Now we have a nation of obese people who, thanks to modern medicine, still manage to live long, comfortable lives. When the "natural cures" were the only medicine around, we had a nation of malnourished, skinny people who lived painful lives and died painful deaths.

Lorraine makes the best point, however, which is prima facie proof that the "alternative medicine" field is built on a foundation of logical fallacies.

Georgia, we have a system set up whereby purported medicines can be put through a rigorous process whereby their effectiveness and safety can be gauged. Yet the quacks that puch "alternative medicine" refuse to put their "cures" through this process. There is NO logical reason for such a refusal other than a lack of faith in your product.

And we really needn't go further than that. Modern medicine helps us live better, live longer, and we KNOW that it does so because it's been proven.

We have NO idea whether alternative therapies help anyone, or how many people they make sick or kill.

Given the choice between proven effectiveness and blind faith, I'll take the former.

Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-)


You scare me Georgia!

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

"We may be living longer but are we living better? No! We are a sick nation, obese, full of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Do you know what the number one killer really is? Check your precious numbers now... This is published in Life Extension Magazine, a recent months publication: It is drugs from the pharmaceutical companies!"

"Chrons; good colon cleanse, suppliments, change the diet that got you the Chrons in the first place. We are full of toxins and they collect in the colon. Simple cheap chelation? Cilantro, packed, about 1/2 cup a day for 2 weeks and clay (the kind you drink between meals, can get it on the internet) will clean you of neurotoxins (heavy metals and stuff)."

The above quotes are from Georgia

The first thing that caught my attention is the fact you claim to be a nurse, but you don't know how to spell Crohn's. Normally when I see it spelled Chrons instead of Crohn's I think it's a typo, but you did it twice that way, so that tells me you really don't know how to spell the name of the disease.

I'm the ROR's resident Crohnie. When I see someone include in a rebuttal a bunch of nonsense, such as you have done here, I must reply. Do you even know what Crohn's is? If you are a real nurse, you should know that someone with Crohn's suffers from horrible diarrhea and does 5 to 20 runs to the bathroom a day, if not more. Are you really so ignorant of the disease you would tell someone like us to give ourself enemas? Hahahaha. Tell me how that would help and not hurt. The last thing we want to do is spend more time in the bathroom. Trust me, there is NOTHING left in us when flaring, there is nothing else to be removed as you claim. A colon cleanse is nothing more than an enema folks, but sometimes they add coffee or other junk to it so it looks like it may do more. The only time we would consider that advice is when we get a bowel obstruction, used in an attempt to get it loose and passed before it becomes worse and our bowels explode. Will someone please pass the Imodium. :)

Change my diet that caused me to get Crohn's? No one knows what causes Crohn's Disease. Are you seriously telling me here that it's caused by diet? You better go back to school if you are. While they are doing research into Crohn's and Colitis, there is no finding yet on how someone gets it, but they found it does run in families in some cases, but not all of them. I'm flaring now, I'm down to 78 pounds. You honestly would tell me to stay on a strict diet that could end up hurting or killing me, rather than to eat foods that I find don't cause the chronic pain that I pass out from a half hour to an hour after I eat them? You are telling me to eat a certain diet, even if it is foods that I have found I don't digest well and to avoid the few foods I have found I'm able to get digested and actually somewhat absorbed by my very scar tissued up small bowel, causing me to loose even more weight? Sorry, I'll stick to eating what doesn't hurt and at least helps me maintain the weight so I don't lose more and die of malnutition.

Next you suggest Chelation therapy. I will admit that's one I never heard of, so I Googled it. Anyone interested can check the URL below to read the entire findings and information. I am only including a few paragraphs to give you an idea what I read there. BTW, there was no mention of Crohn's (or Chrons) at all.

((link redacted by ROR))

Chelation therapy, as discussed in this article, is a series of intravenous infusions containing disodium EDTA and various other substances. It is sometimes done by swallowing EDTA or other agents in pill form. Proponents claim that EDTA chelation therapy is effective against atherosclerosis and many other serious health problems. Its use is widespread because patients have been led to believe that it is a valid alternative to established medical interventions such as coronary bypass surgery. However, there is no scientific evidence that this is so. It is also used to treat nonexistent "lead poisoning," "mercury poisoning," and other alleged toxic states that practitioners diagnose with tests on blood, urine, and/or hair.

In 1992, a group of cardiovascular surgeons in Denmark published results of a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study of EDTA treatment for severe intermittent claudication [6]. A total of 153 patients in two groups received 20 infusions of EDTA or a placebo for 5 to 9 weeks, in a clinical protocol duplicating the conditions used by Olszewer and Carter in 1990. The changes seen in pain-free and maximal walking distances were similar for the EDTA-treated and the placebo group, and there were no long-term therapeutic effects noted in 3-month and 6-month follow-ups. These investigators concluded that chelation was not effective against intermittent claudication.

If chelation therapists practiced in a scientific manner, their publications would show an interest in obtaining objective proof that chelation could alter the progress of the atherosclerosis, that occluded blood vessels could be cleared, that plaque deposits could be reduced, and that hardened arteries could be "softened." Their data would include carefully documented case reports with long-term follow-up, comparisons of angiograms or ultrasound tests before and after chelation, and data from autopsies of former patients. But chelationists have published no such data. The few well-designed studies that have addressed the efficacy of chelation for atherosclerotic diseases have been carried out by "establishment " medical scientists. Without exception, these found no evidence that chelation worked.

Based on numerous reviews of the world's medical literature, these same conclusions have been reached by the FDA, the FTC, National Institutes of Health, National Research Council, California Medical Society, American Medical Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Heart Association, American College of Physicians, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics, American College of Cardiology, and American Osteopathic Association.

Notwithstanding claims to the contrary, the chelation "establishment" is not being victimized by a prejudiced and arrogant medical orthodoxy, but by its own unwillingness to mount a rigorous, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial and stand by the results.

In December 1998, the FTC announced that it had secured a consent agreement barring ACAM from making unsubstantiated advertising claims that chelation therapy is effective against atherosclerosis or any other disease of the circulatory system.

The National Council Against Health Fraud believes that chelation therapy is unethical and should be banned and that chelation therapy of autistic children should be considered child abuse.

Next you say to eat Cilantro. Another 'cure' I haven't heard of yet. It even sounds worse than eating worms, which at least they have proven to help some people and is being studied/researched by real doctors. Here is what I found out about this herb. I'm really glad I read it, now I know what to avoid in restaurants in the future and will ask for it not to be put in any food I'm ordering.

Cilantro, is a fast growing annual reaching 12 - 24 inches tall. The entire plant including the leaves, the seeds and roots are all edible. Coriander can easily be grown in pots. Simply pick or trim fresh leaves of whole stalks as required. The leaves get a stronger and sometimes disagreeable flavor as they get older and larger. If you want to harvest seed for your next crop; do so after the leaves and flowers turn brown.

((link redacted by ROR))

These stories describe this herb as tasting like a bug, soap, and much worse. One man gets violently sick just smelling it after the first time he took a bite of food at a restaurant and they used it in the dish. That's enough for me to know I never want to try it.

Do me a favor Georgia. Please stay where you are, I'd hate to have you as my nurse the next time I'm in the hospital, now that I finally have health insurance again and try to regain my lost health when I was without it the past few years. I want only real doctors and nurses caring for me, not those into 'alternative health' and 'witch doctor' cures.


Rancho Viejo,

One last response back at you, Russ

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

HI Russ,
I didnt figure you could let it go without having the last word. Well, I am much the same. I will answer you one last time. You are in deep trouble at this moment because of your bitter, venomous attitude. The head lock you refer to having Trudeau in? What is he doing while you are using your strength and energy to rail at him? Probably getting a good night's sleep. You insist on hating and getting even and THIS is a major cause of cancer. It makes you acidic, which is the enviorment for cancer to grow and thrive in. (it also needs sugar for food from processed foods and chemicals they add into our food supply). I am glad you can transfer your hate to me for awhile, gives Kevin a break (bet he really needs it, NOT). I have to pray to forgive whoever I feel angry toward so I dont get sick, so it is for me that I forgive, not them. Understand? While you are so heroically defending your Mother's pocket book why not switch to defending her health? You would be so much better off redirecting your energies to something possitive. Research on whatever disease process you like. There's all kinds of stuff on the internet on Parkinsons (my sister has it too). It depends on the cause which can be difficult to find (hers was from an allergy to Niquil she took and had a stroke, twice! She didnt know she was allergic to it). Again it is lack of circulation, the Substantia Nigra (a part of the brain)is not producing the chemicals it is supposed to. Depends on why it is damaged, from what as for the cure. Natural cures are expensive but, you either look for a cure or for a bandaid. If you go to the western doctor they will feed you chemicals until you die. The chemicals make you really sick. I know one person who went through cleansing and detox (the one in New York named 911 something or other for survivors who got sick and toxic from the burning buildings and it did wonders for him (a Parkinson sufferer I know, his symprtoms went away!). There is another place in San Diego Calif that is also for detox, organ cleansing and organic diet that will help a Parkinson sufferer put him/herself in the right place to at least cease and maybe reverse the progression of the disease. YOu have to research. The cost of the 911 program is about $10,000. What I read is research, and it has to be clean research. That is how I know Trudeau is on the right track and so much of what he says is right on the money. I knew it before he came out with it. Your issue is about a few bucks, mine is about peoples lives.
I will again tell you this, everything boils down to circulation. If you cleanse your organs and feed your body good, clean, whole foods (that God made, not in a box, bag or can) you will keep it fairly clean so the circulation doesnt get impaired again and the disease will naturally abate. YOu have to suppliment with good quality vitamins, minerals and certain herbs for specific things. It is not about cholesterol, it is about C-Reactive Protein, about inflamation, about cleansing your liver, about all kinds of things I cant talk to you about. You have to stay away from chemicals at all costs (remember the old Alcoa commercial, "better living through chemistry"? HA). Let it go, man, you are poisoning yourself, mentally and physically. If you think possitive things the cancer has less chance to get you. You need an attitude adjustment.
I sincerely wish you the best and God bless you and yours. I know how hard it is to have sick family.


Cedar Rapids,

One last response to Dr. Georgia.

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Thank you Dr. Georgia for diagnosing me as paranoid. Saved me a trip to the shrink.

I only take issue with one statement of yours.
"Let go of Kevin" you advise.
Wrong attitude there Georgia. Very wrong.
Sorry,I will NOT let go of Kevin. I've still got this scammer in a headlock for a good long time.
Writing off a loss to a con artist is just what they are banking on.

They figure that most people they have decieved will just shrug thier shoulders, consider it a lesson learned,and forget about it.
Meanwhile,he pockets your cash and laugh's his way to the bank.
For justice to be done, the victim has to keep the pressure on,not write off his loss,don't throw in the towel and make the world aware of what he is doing.

Giving up to a crook is not my style.
Running his rear into the ground till justice is done IS my style.

I will NOT let go of Kevin untill my Mother get's her money back. Money wasted on his book filled full of fluff and lacking much substance.
A book full of his half baked drug company conspiracy theories. A book designed mostly into leading one into giving him even more money.

Seeking another answer to my father's Parkinson disease,my mother lined this quack's pockets with her money. And then got little if anything in return.

Sorry. Throwing in the towel to this Grand Master of Deceit is just what he want's. Ain't gonna get it.

Now go curl up with Kevin's book tonite get a good nights sleep and then check out James Randi's web site in the morning.

It's strictly for open minded people like you and I.


Cedar Rapids,

One last response to Dr. Georgia.

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, October 10, 2006

Thank you Dr. Georgia for diagnosing me as paranoid. Saved me a trip to the shrink.

I only take issue with one statement of yours.
"Let go of Kevin" you advise.
Wrong attitude there Georgia. Very wrong.
Sorry,I will NOT let go of Kevin. I've still got this scammer in a headlock for a good long time.
Writing off a loss to a con artist is just what they are banking on.

They figure that most people they have decieved will just shrug thier shoulders, consider it a lesson learned,and forget about it.
Meanwhile,he pockets your cash and laugh's his way to the bank.
For justice to be done, the victim has to keep the pressure on,not write off his loss,don't throw in the towel and make the world aware of what he is doing.

Giving up to a crook is not my style.
Running his rear into the ground till justice is done IS my style.

I will NOT let go of Kevin untill my Mother get's her money back. Money wasted on his book filled full of fluff and lacking much substance.
A book full of his half baked drug company conspiracy theories. A book designed mostly into leading one into giving him even more money.

Seeking another answer to my father's Parkinson disease,my mother lined this quack's pockets with her money. And then got little if anything in return.

Sorry. Throwing in the towel to this Grand Master of Deceit is just what he want's. Ain't gonna get it.

Now go curl up with Kevin's book tonite get a good nights sleep and then check out James Randi's web site in the morning.

It's strictly for open minded people like you and I.


Rancho Viejo,

Someone sounds a little paranoid

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 09, 2006

Hi Russ,

Sounds like you want me to do your homework. I dont have time to do ALL of your work and it would take too long. Rather than focusing on some guy that wrote a book you dont like how about a shift in focus to the real rip off artists who are the pharm companies and the FDA??? Theyre the ones bilking us out of billions of bucks. How about Medicare and Medicaid fraud??? The doctors and the hospitals??? Many are crooks too, many, not all, mind you. These are the people you should rail at! Me? Im a poor nurse working to keep her family going, not trying to cure or condem the world. If I can help someone I am grateful and honored. Oh, about those thousands I could be curing? I teach anyone who will listen and has the gumption to change the way they have been living. I try not to waste time on the naysayers, like I may be doing now (Im such a hypocrite).

Ok, I will humor you a little, here are the answers to some of your rather paranoid queries:
Diabetes- change the diet that got you the diabetes in the first place ,if it's type 2. (Type 1 is a malfunctioning pancreas, the diet and suppliments will still help LOTS). Orange peel tea (Chinese) also cinnamon in your food or in capsules, it will take your blood sugar down nicely. Also chromium, about 6 to 800 mcg daily divided. Also USANA food and diet suppliments which are listed in the PDR and of pharmaceutical quality. They have a fab plan that will take your type 2 diabetes away if you follow it. Just order the Reset pack and ask for the stats on diabetes, they will be happy to oblige, the web site is There are suppliments and meal replacements that will put your bod in a place you want it to be. Bet yours isn't. (yes, mine is).
Cancer; if you alkalize your body (use organic fruits and vegetables for 42 days, juice if you like) you will be alkaline. You need suppliments. Any soft tissue cancer cannot survive in an alkaline enviornment, also amino acids will help to prevent problems. Oncologists know this too. They would go broke if everyone knew. Many of them get mad if you mention it. Go read for yourself. I have seen several people cured this way, both in China and in the US. There are all kinds of testimonials on this on the internet, you dont need me.

Chrons; good colon cleanse, suppliments, change the diet that got you the Chrons in the first place. We are full of toxins and they collect in the colon. Simple cheap chelation? Cilantro, packed, about 1/2 cup a day for 2 weeks and clay (the kind you drink between meals, can get it on the internet) will clean you of neurotoxins (heavy metals and stuff).
Heres a simple one; Leg Cramps: (restless leg syndrome? Take magnesium. (great for your heart and blood vessels, too). I told a doctor I worked with about it, he couldnt believe it, said it is hard to cure leg cramps; NO IT ISNT! The Dr called me the next day and told me he got it for his wife and it took her cramps away right away! He thanked me. There are a million of these, but you have to open your mind, read, and shut your mouth for awhile.

Parkinson's; start with chelation, depends on if it's vascular or toxic (cause) (can be from amalgum fillings removed from your teeth, or still there), hyperbaric oxygen dives, organic foods, keep enviornmental toxins to a minimum, several suppliments, especially omega 3,6,and 9 EFA's. Lots of suppliments, coQ10, etc.
Epilepsy? What kind, what caused it? How long?
I see you dont know the first thing about health, you wouldnt be arguing with me if you did.

You dont have to pay anyone 29.95 a month, this is for people who WANT to get healthy, it is voluntary, and you cant do it with one book. How much does it cost for one of your high blood pressure RX's? Or a trip you your doctor??? More than 29.95???

I dont claim to be an expert, Mr, I just READ, LISTEN AND KEEP AN OPEN MIND. I do have a medical liscense, tho, how bout you? (Means nothing) Not many medical pro's know a thing about health.

God bless you and keep you on the path to health. Let go of Kevin and get yourself a real cause. Like improving your health.
Georgia, from Tx


Cedar Rapids,

Response to Georgia

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, October 08, 2006

A few questions please.
You state with authority, "Only natural medicine will cure people with chronic diseases"

That is a statement that seems to ring with final authority backed by 100% total conclusive proof.
What do you have to offer for conclusive proof to back up that statement?

You claim to have seen these wonderful Chinese doctors using thier wonderful natural medicines to cure people.

Please list treatments and natural herbs, etc, to treat and cure these chronic diseases.

Do you realize you could be saving thousands of lives right now with this wonderful insight?
Please list specifically what a person with cancer needs to take to take to treat or even cure thier disease.

Please list specifically what a diabetic needs to take.

Please list specifically what a person needs to take for something like Parkinsons disease,or Crohns disease,or epilepsy,anything.

Or do we have to pay you, like Mr Trudeau, $29.95 a month to find this out ?Plus a small initial membership fee?

I do have a treatment to cure what ails you and your battle with Kevin Trudeau Shill Disease.
Do a simple Google search on this snake oil felon and read all of all the links about him.

Check out James Randi's web site as well and look for articles about natural medicines,holistic treatments,etc.

Your'e a Nurse? An insider in the business. Whoopee. That makes you an "expert and final authority" on what can cure a chronic disease?
I worked part time as a resturant busboy back in my school days. I was an "insider" so to speak. Yet I don't claim to be an expert and final authority on how to run and manage a restaurant.
Please respond Georgia. Many lives are at stake with your expertise on curing these desperate peoples chronic diseases.


Rancho Viejo,

Common Sense??? Please!!

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, October 08, 2006

Dear Timmothy,
The numbers dont tell the whole story, not anywhere near. I am a registered nurse and I see exactly the results of the pharmaceutical companies "medicine"; death. We may be living longer but are we living better? No! We are a sick nation, obese, full of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Do you know what the number one killer really is? Check your precious numbers now... This is published in Life Extension Magazine, a recent months publication: It is drugs from the pharmaceutical companies! By far!

The numbers you speak of include people who are vegetating on ventilators and in nursing homes without any quality of life, along with a host of other slanted statistics I wont go into. I have seen these ancient remedies (I have been to China and studied with several Chinese-herbalist- doctors) and have seen many diseases cured. The fact is we wont let the cures into the states, rather the FDA and the pahrm companies won't. They are trying hard to ban our right to obtain suppliments at this very moment. You sir, know not of what you speak. Leave this to those who really have "commom sense". If you had any you would know that chemicals will eventually hurt you. Think about it! Nature/God made everything we need to cure or prevent the disease in the first place. Who uses common sense? Not us when we rely on chemicals to "cure" us. Chemicals only mask symptoms, that's why theyre called "anti" this and "anti" that.

They go against a symptom, plus they take something away from a part of your body to "fix" the problem. On the other hand, if you get an acute condition, like a sudden infection, please, by all means, go to the local ER, they will save your life. There is a time and place for western medicine. It is just not for people with chronic disease processes. Only natural medicine will cure them. It takes a long time, too, just like the disease process did to impair their lives enough for them to seek a cure. The problem is everyone wants a pill to cure what ails them! They dont consider the lifetime of abuse to their bodies that got em that way!
Georgia, RN of Texas



Don't buy into this garbage

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

But here's the thing.

Simple logic defies this whole "THEY don't want you to know about"/"THEY're just in it for the money" thing.

First, keep in mind that these "natural cures" are synonomous with the stereotypical "ancient Chinese secret." They are the means by which illnesses were dealt with before the advent of modern, research based medicine.

The "alternative health" industry claims that because these "cures" are ancient, that they are not only viable, but drastically better than today's synthetic medicines and the modern practice of medicine as a whole.

This argument is complete bunko, and it doesn't take much thought to figure it out.

What was the average lifespan in 1900, when medicine was primarily "natural?" Answer: 45. What was the infant mortality rate? Answer: about 15%.

What was the average lifespan in 2000, with the advent of modern medicine? Answer: 78. What was the infant mortality rate? Answer: less than 1%.

So the "alternative health" industry wants you to believe that you're better off with medicine as practiced before modern times. The numbers clearly state otherwise. Modern medicine has contributed to a roughly 75% increase in lifespan and a 94% reduction in infant mortality.

But, of course, there are other factors that lead to the increased health of our nation. The alternative health industry could have a great argument to the effect that our increased health is a result of environmental factors rather than improved medicine.

But guess what: the alternative health industry wants you to think that you are surrounded by the toxic by-products of modern life so, in legal terms, they are "estopped" from raising such an argument.

Listen. Is the modern medical/pharmaceutical industry profit driven? You betcha. Does this translate into ineffective care? No. Quite the opposite, in fact. Doctors aren't necessarily the best business-men, but they do understand that, if you fail to heal people, that you will soon be out of business. If the modern medicine industry were as ineffective as the "alternative health" promoters want you to believe, then nobody would bother going to doctors. This would hold especially true if alternative medicines were actually effective.

So not only do the raw numbers belie Mr. Trudeau's philosophy, but so do basic market forces. The bottom line is that modern medicine has GREATLY increased health world-wide, whereas the "alternatives," even as they were practiced exclusively for years, have failed to do so.



Not a total waste

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

I puchased the book (for $15 at a warehouse club) and while it is a rather repetative read, I do think he has compiled some really usefull and relevent information.

I think everyone is kidding themselves if they think that conventionl medicine, pharmacudical companies and big business care about us average consumers. Kevin repeats over and over that "it's all about the money". They are the one's misleading us, not just Kevin.

The "cures" and alternative disease preventions discussed in his book are relevent and accurate. He has compiled lots of other people's work into one source. For that, it is worth the money. He even states, if you read the book, that it is a bit fanatical to follow it all. (and no, he doesn't do "it all". He states that he includes it all so you are aware of what is out there and so you can make informed choices.

From what I've been reading on this site, it sounds like the credit card scam and web site are useless. I personally have not been able to even do the "free" week trial as his web site is not taking my credit card #. Looks like a blessing in disguise according to all the bad press.

Overall, the book is worth reading (though long winded) if you truly want to change your lifestyle and be healthy. Lots of "alternatives" are given but it does mean a mindset change and a lifestyle change.

If you are looking for a quick fix... go do your convential doctor and get a high priced prescription.

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