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  • Report:  #751194

Complaint Review: Kherson Girls

Kherson Girls Racist Kherson Ukraine, Internet

  • Reported By:
    This Is The Truth — St. Petersburg Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 10, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 10, 2012
*Consumer Comment: Dude *Author of original report: Its time I told the truth *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Fale statement *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Fale statement *General Comment: Culture *Consumer Comment: You are a nut! *Consumer Comment: My comment was directed at the OP... *Author of original report: This is a Truthful Statement about Racism: Kevin Hayes *Consumer Comment: You're still a nut! *Consumer Comment: You're still a nut! *Author of original report: This is a TruthFul Statement: Dealing with Kevin Hayes Nutcase of Cultural Excuse *Consumer Comment: All these sites STILL no date??? *Consumer Comment: "Also, who said I was no white anyway?" *Author of original report: Lana Hayes is also an Evil Racist: Thank you Ed that She and Kevin Hayes can be exposed! *Author of original report: Lana Hayes: The Evil Racist Exposed *Consumer Comment: For once I agree with Rik *Author of original report: Agree With The Truth! *Consumer Comment: We don't want anything to come down. *Consumer Comment: See *Author of original report: See!!! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Front page responce *REBUTTAL Owner of company: author is part of company asking to remove comments *REBUTTAL Owner of company: My Beautiful wife *General Comment: Off base *Author of original report: OnTopic: The Lies of Delusional Kevin Hayes and Racist Lana Hayes (Princess of Prejudice) *General Comment: Off base 2 *Consumer Comment: Honest agency *REBUTTAL Owner of company: rebuttals are being modifed and deleted. *Author of original report: The Lies of Kevin and Lana Hayes The Model of Racism Continues *Author of original report: Racial Dishonesty: The Lies of Kevin Hayes and Lana Hayes The Model of Racial Prejudice! *Author of original report: Lana Hayes The Model of a Racist Exposed With Her Racial Dishonesty! *Consumer Comment: It's the whole f'in country! *Author of original report: Lana Hayes: Miodel of Discrimination And Its More Of A Family Affair *Author of original report: This is About a Website And Its Owners And Not About a Country

This is the appropriate categorization and listing of this site called Kherson Girls owned by an American businessman named Kevin Hayes.

This site can be correctly deemed and defined as racist based of course on the definition of what racism is which is the elevation and exaltation and promotion of one race over all others.

On the site we see this clearly demonstrated in terms of the singular race or one-race dominant projections found on the site that is overwhelmingly emphasized by the site especially in its "testimonial" evidences that picture only one race in abundant dominant fashion!

There are no pictures or publicity abundantly projected of blended/mixed ethnic relationships portrayed on the site because it would hurt the marketability of the site to the one racial group it believes it can gain most of its profit from although I am certain other-race participants have used the site!

Such of course would not be expected from the one-ethnic relationship dominantly portrayed by the site's owner as if happiness is found only within the confines of the owner Kevin Hayes' own ethnic composition.  A truth that actually is openly painted by the site!

It is for this shame and disgrace of painting the clear bias of racism that the Kevin Hayes and the site Kherson Girls is now appropriately blacklisted for its racist representation in its portrayal of one racial composition in an exalted and superior fashion!

The site Kherson Girls and Kevin Hayes always needs to be seen for their disgusting one-race exaltation.  It is the truth that needed to be greatly exposed about the site's shameful racial inequality.

This site and Kevin Hayes need to know that the truth about such racist activity from a racist site like this cannot be hidden as the site may have liked to do but such would eventually get exposed even if the lies of racial inequality that sites like these try to project try to silence the truth about their shameful system!

34 Updates & Rebuttals

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,

This is About a Website And Its Owners And Not About a Country

#35Author of original report

Sat, March 10, 2012

To AUTHOR: Chantillian - Chantilly (U.S.A.)

It appears that intelligence does not seem to rule the head or the brain of To AUTHOR: Chantillian-Chantilly (U.S.A.).  This report never highlighted a country but a site and its corrupt owners.  Those who can read will also use their brains to make intelligent responses which is not the one you most certainly gave.

To: AUTHOR: khersongirls - Weirsdale (United States of America):

Using your "connection" (not the quotes) to justify yourself makes you a Racist similar to that "connection" as well...Sorry though about your Fall...and your disconnection.

To: Lana Hayes (Model of Spiteful Racism)

I am sorry about your Leukemia and your Fall.

To: Kevin Hayes

You are going to learn the hard way and you are going learn eventually that stubbornness always pays because it indeed eventually has a payday and the pay that it pays is always what one justly and rightly deserves because one will indeed be paid from it in a very hard way.

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,

Lana Hayes: Miodel of Discrimination And Its More Of A Family Affair

#35Author of original report

Mon, October 31, 2011

I see we have a fool in our midst:  No need to quote Wikipedia because this report is not referring to a country but to a website.  That's the first point but when clowns and fools speak they speak like a clown and talk like a fool.

I think one needs to find Kevin Hayes and see that him and his fellow racist named Lana are totally finished with of course.

His p.o. box address is interesting.  It is p.o box 133 weirsdale, fl 32195, USA

Also as well if one of the supporters of the site is supporting Kevin Hayes and Lana in their discrimination then they are operating with discrimination as well themselves.  Kevin and Lana I am certain probably teach and pass down to their entire family their discriminatory practices and ways.

If Lana Hayes as our previous contributor has stated came from a country where discrimination is practiced then the point is proven that she is indeed a discriminator as well-her selection processes only reflect it.

Just goes to show what often gets exposed when clowns and fools speak.  In time there will be more exposures yet to come and that is a truth that I am most certain of.



It's the whole f'in country!

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, September 28, 2011

Whoa - back up.  I think commenter cpco02 (#24) is on to something...

According to Wikipedia, the fact is that 98.3% of the Ukrainian population are Eastern European (including Russian) with only 1.7% "other"!  OMG!!!  The whole friggin' country is against ethnic diversity!

So OP, think big and just imagine winning your anti-racism crusade at the Supreme Rada in Kiev (lots of smiles there) instead of at Suvorova 31 in Kherson.  You'll be immortalized as a historic figure and I'd even go so far as to bet you'd be nominated for a Nobel Peace prize!  No WAY you can accomplish all that by just focusing on KhersonGirls.

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,

Lana Hayes The Model of a Racist Exposed With Her Racial Dishonesty!

#35Author of original report

Fri, September 09, 2011

A great photo of a great racist model has been exposed and will be exposed again.

This is what racism looks like since it does not have to come in someone dressed with a white hood trying to look like a ghost

...Be not fooled by the smiling face because sometimes....

.......Racists and Racism come with  a smile!

...And in this case they do!

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,

Racial Dishonesty: The Lies of Kevin Hayes and Lana Hayes The Model of Racial Prejudice!

#35Author of original report

Mon, September 05, 2011

As a side note let me address this:

To the AUTHOR: khersongirls - Weirsdale (United States of America) who calls himself-Tim.  It is very interesting that he names himself as the author-khersongirls - Weirsdale (United States of America) the same way Kevin Hayes does author-khersongirls - Weirsdale (United States of America).  Very Suspicious!

1.  Anyone can find anyone on any site:  People do on and E-Harmony and Perfect, etc.  You aren't special-Grow up.

2.  There is no proof what you say you have will last forever!

3.  You have more or less proven the point of the above report which is 100% correct by stating that Kevin Hayes and Lana want to exclusively promote a one-race ideology when you say that you and your "connection" are white.  You are simply proving the point of the one-race ideology that is support by Kevin and Lana!

4.  We are dealing with only one kind of dishonesty and that is racial dishonesty and you being "white" as you put "Tim" cannot speak for other groups since your racial group is the one that Kevin and Lana are in a dominant fashion seeking to promote overwhelmingly since they are part of such a group of course!  Besides people who are racially dishonest and crippled will always tell other races to go and start their own site that's just for them which then is clear proof of 100% racism
  I quote it again:

"If you still believe that your race isn't being promoted on my site. 
Please feel free to start your own agency for your race or ethic group."

Just like you started your agency for yours Kevin Hayes?

What a racist thing to say.  It shows the disgrace that Kevin Hayes (along with Lana) will absolutely stoop to with no remorse about it.  Racists never have any last I checked!

This Is The Truth

St Petersburg,

The Lies of Kevin and Lana Hayes The Model of Racism Continues

#35Author of original report

Mon, September 05, 2011

The unmitigated gall of Kevin Hayes to cry extortion against Ed the operator of this site-a defender of the consumer!  How sad that Kevin Hayes has to project a lie and not change in an attempt to deflect from the racist ideology He and Lana Hayes continue to subscribe to!

An absolute shame and an absolute disgrace but it seems only a reflection of the disgrace and shame of the racially handicapped Kevin Hayes and Lana!

A great picture of a racist was clearly exposed and one should not be fooled by the smiling face of a smiling racist named Lana Hayes.  Kevin Hayes cannot say otherwise because there is something called the selection process of such a "lady" and racism can be part of the criteria.  This racist selection process never leaves such a lady and continues on with her and thus it is correct to say that she is indeed a practicing racist and bigot!

She is a model of racism and bigotry and prejudice just like Kevin Hayes and one should not think twice about dismissing that from one's thought or mind-along with Kevin Hayes of course!

To:  cpco02 - pensacola (USA)-You are of little value to the discussion which clearly exposed Kevin Hayes.  Since you are not the operator of the site it really was truly not worth anyone's time seeing your response since you are of little consequence in the matter!

Shame on You Kevin Hayes for your continued Racism and Bigotry!

Shame on You Lana for your continued Racism and Bigotry!

Shame in You for trying to Lie about the ROR and Ed owner of the ROR for putting up a forum to expose your absolutely wicked and deceitful ways!


United States of America

rebuttals are being modifed and deleted.

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 05, 2011

My rebuttals are being modifed and deleted.
This is a fake site and it just trying to extort money from me.



United States of America

Honest agency

#35Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

I have used Kevin agency in the past and it was the most honest agency in the industry.  

Married to one of the Kevin's agency ladies. 

p.s.  I'm white and so is my wife.  



Off base 2

#35General Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

1:  "The vast majority of  couples worldwide are
the same color" i.e. white:

I never typed white .We are all a shade of brown my delusional  friend.

2:  "You went there, knew nothing of the language,
culture ,etc., threw money and gifts at some cutie(s) and walk away poorer
and emotionally scammed." Nope never happened to me!

Exactly which part never happened to me. You obvioulsy went there and it didnt work out,
you are mad and venting like a teenage girl.

 3.  Delusion 3: 
"Are all the black people going to see puff daddy or 50 cent (and therfore
not going to see Kid Rock ) racist too? How about if they only watch BET and
not 2 1/2 men?"  This is NOT about Television, Rock concerts or
Television.  Grow up!

Your  rant is about culture (people) and who people
wish to co-habit/associate  with. Just as the majority date/marry  their own race , they gather with
their own race. Multi-culturisism has totally failed.

  Delusion 4: 
"white couples"-Wrong this report is NOT about them!

Who is it about? Other than you
telling other how to run a business.


.  Delusion 5: 
"I still cant see how KG or Kevin is racist/a racist"  Then Read
What I say Above in this update

You have not proven or exposed anything.


A.  100% Correct
About Kevin Hayes:  "Likely you got scammed by a cutie on his
service. It happens all the time." and His Site Can Have Scammers No
Matter The So-called Policy He Takes!

So how would you know? You
stated never happened to me


B.   100% Correct
About Kevin Hayes:    "Kevin ...... over charges for dating
services and plays on lonely men (like you ) emotions."  Yes
this is correct Kevin Hayes Greedily Charges for EVERYTHING Even e.g.
interviews, etc.


Yep you  went there , with a mastabory porn mindset ;a
cutie or cuties spurned your advances and now you are mad it didnt work out
like your fantasy planned it.

Again, learn some language, culture , date only ladies over 30 and forget all that crap those
dirty movies taught you.


A quick internet
search  for international dating
agencies shows 21 million hits. Most are like KG.  So you need to start 21 million threads. I
wont have time to reply to your 21 million delusions.
Don't like KG? Use the millions of others.

This is the Truth

St Petersburg,

OnTopic: The Lies of Delusional Kevin Hayes and Racist Lana Hayes (Princess of Prejudice)

#35Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2011

I will briefly expose the lies of Kevin Hayes

Lie #1:-Kevin Hayes says "I do not promote any race/either group on my site"-This is not the truth because if one goes on to the site one sees exactly who is at the front.  It is Kevin Hayes projecting his race because he wants his race to be the most emphasized on the site!

Therefore the second statement "I have no desire to promote my site for a specific race/culture" is a LIE because you contradict yourself Kevin Hayes by exactly doing the opposite of what you say in your second statement here!

As for your "clients" yes they may be other races who may have been unaware of your hidden agenda but they are relegated to the back while you want your race is promoted at the front and you use yourself as an example of such a promotion!  Shame but Kevin Hayes has no shame because of the statements he makes next!

N.B. The word response is not spelt with a "c"

Lie #2: Kevin Hayes says "f you still believe that your race isn't being promoted on my site. 
Please feel free to start your own agency for your race or ethic group."  Racially delusional people always, always, always want to push issues like these under the carpet plus would a non racist make such a statement?

However this is not about wanting to start an agency for a particular ethnic group or "my" race being promoted.  It is about FAIRNESS and the claims of equality on your site is no claim at all because you have just shown your RACIAL FAIRNESS in the above statement

In other words you are rightfully saying: "who cares about these other races anyway? and why should I care about them? after all I am just concerned about filling my pockets with their money but if they complain about racial issues then they belong on their own site with their own "race" and their own "kind" because after all they are not my "kind" anyway."

Kevin Hayes let me educate you about this issue being reported-it is not for the purposes of pushing something under the carpet but for fixing the problem as a whole!

Lie #3:  "Posting such statement against my agency show a lack of understanding of
race and ethic"

...And what do you know Kevin Hayes about "understanding" race because when someone tries to correct you and show you how racially disproportional your site it and you are you scoff at it and mock.  These are only clear indicators of being deluded racially!  Another statement you say is:

"when in fact is your raciest attacks that are the biggest problem into today multiple culture

Again would a nonracist make such a statement?  This is not about racist attacks but about racist exposure and calling this issue a problem rather than saying I have the answer for the problem is therefore clearly exposing racist tendencies!

Lie#4:  Kevin Hayes says "Since the owner person who knew that I requested the comment to be
remove is the company that asked for a lot of money to remove the comments"

Grow Up Kevin Hayes AND Get Over Yourself!  The poster of this report is neither an owner nor wants your money or needs it!  All the poster of this report wants is one thing:  CHANGE!

Lie#5:  Kevin Hayes says "This site is design to attack companies with false statements and then ask for money to remove such statement"

Wrong!  This site is designed for companies to repair their reputation by changing and not whining like a little baby about it like you are Kevin Hayes!

Lie#6:  Kevin Hayes says "It is a coward who attacks another from the comfort of his home computer."  That's exactly what you are Kevin Hayes a COWARD for not changing and attacking the Truth of this Report from the comfort of your own computer!  How candid you are in exposing yourself with your own words.  Remember the real cowards are those who wish to talk but always refuse to change!

Lie#7:  Kevin Hayes "Free advertisement is always accepted by me"  Yes this free advertisement is freely advertising you as a racist which is what you are truly are and having an unchanged site is advertising how you wish to continue in your unscrupulous racist ways!

Lie#8:  Kevin Hayes says "You can look like I do and still marry a princess"
Only those who will encourage the perversion of prejudice to continue in another will call that person a "princess" when one clearly knows that such a person is "princess of prejudice"-racial prejudice that is and will obviously cover such up!  Looking like a smiling prince of racial prejudice as well is not what one should ever want to look like!

Lie#9: "The fact that the author is going though my web site and picking out photo"   

Wrong again:  Google Images-Many Photos

Other Issues:  from cpco02 - pensacola (USA)-the delusional one

1.  Delusion 1:  "The vast majority of  couples worldwide are the same color" i.e. white:  China has over 1 billion people and so does India and together they form over 2 billion people.  Last I checked the couple there aren't white.  Neither as it the case in Indonesia!

2.  Delusion 2:  "You went there, knew nothing of the language, culture ,etc., threw money and gifts at some cutie(s) and walk away poorer and emotionally scammed." Nope never happened to me!

3.  Delusion 3:  "Are all the black people going to see puff daddy or 50 cent (and therfore not going to see Kid Rock ) racist too? How about if they only watch BET and not 2 1/2 men?"  This is NOT about Television, Rock concerts or Television.  Grow up!

4.  Delusion 4:  "white couples"-Wrong this report is NOT about them!

5.  Delusion 5:  "I still cant see how KG or Kevin is racist/a racist"  Then Read What I say Above in this update and then you will know for sure and that what I say is 100% the Truth!

However there are two correct things you have said about Kevin Hayes:

A.  100% Correct About Kevin Hayes:  "Likely you got scammed by a cutie on his service. It happens all the time." and His Site Can Have Scammers No Matter The So-called Policy He Takes!

B.   100% Correct About Kevin Hayes:    "Kevin ...... over charges for dating services and plays on lonely men (like you ) emotions."  Yes this is correct Kevin Hayes Greedily Charges for EVERYTHING Even e.g. interviews, etc.

At least two good exposures about Kevin Hayes have been exposed as well as his lies!

Final Note:  Lana Hayes would without a doubt be called "beautiful" not because of being a "wife" but because after all those in the same boat would call their activity of prejudice as being "beautiful" now won't they because to them anything of prejudice (racist prejudice) is indeed beautiful because they are indeed both just the same!!!



Off base

#35General Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

99% of the people in Ukraine are white,so that is why he has mainly white/white couples.

The vast majority of  couples worldwide are the same color.

Likely you got scammed by a cutie on his service. It happens all the time.

You went there, knew nothing of the language, culture ,etc., threw money
and gifts at some cutie(s) and walk away poorer and emotionally

I still cant see how KG or Kevin is racist/a racist. Did he force you to only pick white ladies?

Are all the black people going to see puff daddy or 50 cent (and
therfore not going to see Kid Rock ) racist too? How about if they only
watch BET and not 2 1/2 men?

Kevin and KG over charges for dating services and plays on lonely men (like you ) emotions.

But ALL international dating agency's do. Its the nature of the biz.

Next time , learn some of the  language , date with the upper head and avoid all girls under 30 (they are too spoiled).

Better yet, just avoid the FSU altogether as most non-whites are not well assimilated or liked there.

Really what you have done is just given Kevin and KG free advertising.

Ive read the thread and your "reasoning" and responses are just short of delusional.


United States of America

My Beautiful wife

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 04, 2011

A great picture stolen from my site of my beautiful wife. An example of what some of the ladies in Kherson Ukraine look like.  For you guys who are looking for someone as beautiful as my wife please allow me to help you at

Like I've always said. You can look like I do and still marry a princess (model). :>



United States of America

author is part of company asking to remove comments

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 04, 2011

Since the owner person who knew that I requested the comment to be remove is the company that asked for a lot of money to remove the comments.  

I know understand why such a false statement was made. This site is design to attack companies with false statements and then ask for money to remove such statement.

The fact that the author is going though my web site and picking out photo of myself and my wife shows additional lack of character from someone who would attack others without providing his/her real motives or real name.  It is a coward who attacks another from the comfort of his home computer.

As posted by another. Free advertisement is always accepted by me.  The readers can see my site and judge for themselves.



United States of America

Front page responce

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 04, 2011

It seems the author is concern that I don't show all races on my home page. When in fact my home page shows no clients and only the ladies. If you wish to see multiple races. Take the time and view the engagement or clients pages.  I do not promote any race/either group on my site. I only promote the ladies who are from the local community.

If you still believe that your race isn't being promoted on my site.  Please feel free to start your own agency for your race or ethic group.  I have no desire to promote my site for a specific race/culture and allow the ladies and clients to decide among them self as adults.

Posting such statement against my agency show a lack of understanding of race and ethic in the since that you believe if I am not promoting your belief and race that I must be raciest when in fact it is your raciest attacks that are the biggest problem into today multiple culture society.


This is the Truth

St Petersburg,


#35Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2011

See:  Those who do not want the truth to be seen like to distract from the truth and the truth is the site is full of prejudice

I am glad that someone does not want the report to be taken down-but if someone wants it taken down or does not want the report to come down-their words don't go into the report any way so it matters not what they try to say!

...But bad press is still press and last I checked the meaning of the word "bad" was NOT the same meaning as the word "good" and therefore bad press is NEVER good press.  Ask any politician who thinks that bad press is good press and they will definitely say otherwise when they are feeling the heat from such bad press!

The reason why those who are against the report are against it is because they are full of prejudice themselves!

..and They Can't Handle The Truth!

mr rik



#35Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

See how easy it is to pick up chicks when you're not a numbskull?



We don't want anything to come down.

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

It clearly exposes what a sick individual you are and therefore your credibility is destroyed.  You are, on the other hand drumming up business for the sites you are complaining about.  A wise man once said, "even bad press is good press"

This is the Truth

St Petersburg,

Agree With The Truth!

#35Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2011

Stacey - Dallas (U.S.A.) is full of contradictions-let me show them:

1.  This report is not dealing with "white" people but the inequality on a website and those who want inequality to continue will use all kinds of lame comments to try and derail the truth but it cannot be derailed sadly neither will the truth be under the covers where people like to put it!

2.  Comments are supposed to be from consumers-hence they are called consumer comments.  So tell me how are you Stacey - Dallas (U.S.A.) a "consumer" of a site that has to deal with males when you are a female and deals with women who are not even from your own country?

Last I checked you were not a male neither from the country the site represents and therefore your comment cannot be correct and is worth completely ignoring because it does not come from a consumer and does not even relate to you!

The site owners are full of prejudice-END of Story and all your "rebuttals" cannot remove what has been said.

One thing I have learnt on the rip off report is that no matter the rebuttals of others they don't really "rebutt" anything because it does not take down in any case the report down.  Useless arguments that have no effect on anything!



For once I agree with Rik

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

Grow up and get a life.  These rantings about every site with "White" people is getting old. I suggest therapy and a good dose of reality.

This is the Truth

St Petersburg,

Lana Hayes: The Evil Racist Exposed

#35Author of original report

Wed, August 03, 2011

In addition do NOT be fooled by smiles that are seen.  Here is what this Evil Racist looks like.  It is good to have pictures so that we can all see what clearly the individual looks like and to know that they cannot get away from their wicked racially handicapped ways!

So Below here is what she looks like.  Thank you Ed for this site without which these people with their greedy and hurtful racist ways can be exposed!

This is the Truth

St Petersburg,

Lana Hayes is also an Evil Racist: Thank you Ed that She and Kevin Hayes can be exposed!

#35Author of original report

Thu, July 28, 2011

The above stated authored comment comes from sound logic and intelligence and originates from the truth regardless of what diversionary tactics one may use!

However to add another facet of the truth one should not be fooled by the smiling faces of the two pictured above and especially one should not be fooled by the "smiling" face of the racist Lana Hayes known for her racial challenges and racial handicaps.

I simply briefly but truthfully state that she is also an evil racist as well along with Kevin Hayes of course who tries but fails to derail that which is also blatantly obvious about his racial handicaps as well!

Thank you Ed for allowing me to post these comments and expose these corrupt racists which are Kevin Hayes and Lana Hayes for how evil they really are!



"Also, who said I was no white anyway?"

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

No one, I said your a nut.

mr rik


All these sites STILL no date???

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2011

You must be a bigger loser than I thought!

This Is The Truth

St. Petersburg,

This is a TruthFul Statement: Dealing with Kevin Hayes Nutcase of Cultural Excuse

#35Author of original report

Thu, July 14, 2011

Ah the lame and retarded cultural excuse/nonpolitical correctness that is used supposedly as an excuse for sites like these and to also supposedly give a "loophole" for hiding secret racism on their site as though this lame excuse makes it alright!

However this inadvertently confirms my point since the cultural excuse that gives a supposed "loophole" about sites like these actually for some says that women from FSU or former soviet union countries are by nature racially challenged and therefore pick based on such challenges.

If those with their "cultural excuse" wish to use this excuse then if Kherson Girls is a reflector of such a society then they too are racially challenged as well or as it is properly termed here:  Racist and therefore site owner Kevin Hayes who operates the site is also the same as well!

P.S.  Thank you Ed for allowing me to post about the racism on this site and expose its racial underpinnings.  I respect you highly for that and may I add in my rebuttal Nutcases are those who name themselves "Inspector "but are incompetent when it comes to inspecting the truth which is clearly in front of them!

Arbitrate all you want Kevin Hayes your racism has been exposed and its not coming down from off this site!

Also who said I was nonwhite anyway!



You're still a nut!

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, July 13, 2011




You're still a nut!

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, July 13, 2011

Most people prefer their own race and if demographics says that this web site is mostly favored by Whites then, so be it.  Get a life.  I think I'll sue UPN for being racist.

This Is The Truth

St. Petersburg,

This is a Truthful Statement about Racism: Kevin Hayes

#35Author of original report

Tue, July 12, 2011

A competitor I am not but an exposer of lies such is what I am-It is
very interesting that you Kevin Hayes are so quick to speak of your
"so-called" equality and Kevin Hayes its not racist to expose a racist!

If there is so much equality on your site then why is it not demonstrated on the homepage of your site?

It is very interesting that sites like yours have no problem allowing
other clients of other backgrounds to participate with the site but to
actually post representations of them on the front display of your site it seems there is a problem!

So you don't mind profiting from these other ethnic groups who are of
course nonwhite but to actually display them in equal display on your
site there seems to be a problem-isn't there and now you try to defend
yourself claiming there is no problem when all the time there was

Racism does not have to be blatant and open but secret and hidden and
for a long time it was secretive and cunning on this site and now the
time of such exposure has come because the lies of "so-called" equal
treatment on this site could never go unexposed for very long Kevin

Let me teach you what racism is-Its not pointing out a racist but its
actually a site and its owner propagating the idea of so-called "racial
equality" when there isn't one.  Now that makes one Kevin Hayes a real racist after all!

This categorization remains appropriate for the site



My comment was directed at the OP...

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2011

not Gilasun or anyone else.



You are a nut!

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2011

Only white people are capable of discrimination?  You are the bigot, get some help.




#35General Comment

Sun, July 10, 2011

While it is obvious that you are not of the Caucasian race, and that you are upset that this site does not actively seek to promote "blended" or "mixed" relationships, you do need to understand something.  Culturally he Ukraine and Russia are far removed from say Germany or England.  While in western Europe such "blended" relationships might be accepted, it is rarely so in eastern Europe.  There the culture is much more clearly defined, even to the extent that a "mixed" marriage in some areas would be two people of the same ethnic group, one an orthodox christian, and one a jew/muslim/protestant.  It is very clearly defined.  They are not concerned with your sense of political correctness.  This is simply the culture that prevails in that part of the world.  Therefore it is unreasonable to expect that the girls who are born into and raised within this prevailing culture will be interested in your politically correct ideas of blended or mixed relationships.   While you may not like this, and certainly do not need to agree with it, it would behoove you to at least understand it.  It will save you grief in the future.  Regards.


United States of America

Fale statement

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 10, 2011

Since I got a email from a company that wanted money to rebutt this statement right after it was made. I can only guess the poster is either. 1. competitor. 2. Racist or 3. Someone trying to get me to pay to remove this comments.

The poster claims I am a Racist based on the fact that I am white and most of my clients are white.  To rebutt this claim I will show the evidence from the web site that no only do I have multiple race clients. I also have married clients from multiple races.

For starters.  Go to and view the Men clients. You will see client from all countries and races.

Second and most important is the claim there are no blended/mixed ethic relations. The poster did not view the engagement pages. Such as . There are photos of the clients who have married the ladies that are White, Indian,Hispanic, Black, Asian, Turkish, Jewish, African.  Even though the majority of my clients are white it is mostly because the majority of the ladies in Kherson Ukraine are white.

It is not raciest for a white lady to prefer to marry a white man.  It is the right of any person of any race or gender to decide who they want to marry.  I have no restrictions on who joins my agency and allow the lady to decide who they want to meet.  I do not include Race as a search option on my site.

The fact that I am a white man and married a white female does not make me Racist. 

It is the racist poster that call someone else racist because they are white.



United States of America

Fale statement

#35REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 10, 2011

Since I got a email from a company that wanted money to rebutt this statement right after it was made. I can only guess the poster is either. 1. competitor. 2. Racist or 3. Someone trying to get me to pay to remove this comments.

The poster claims I am a Racist based on the fact that I am white.  To rebutt this claim I will show the evidence from the web site that no only do I have multiple race clients. I also have married clients from multiple races.

For starters.  Go to and view the Men clients. You will see client from all countries and races.

Second and most important is the claim there are no blended/mixed ethic relations. The poster did not view the engagement pages. such as . There are photos of the clients who have married the ladies that are White, Indian and Hispanic, black, Asian, Turkish, Jewish, African.  Even though the majority of my clients are white it is mostly because all of the ladies in Kherson Ukraine are white.

It is not raciest for a white lady to prefer to marry a white man.  It is the right of any person of any race or gender to decide who they want to marry.  I have no restrictions on who joins my agency and allow the lady to decide who they want to meet. 

The fact that I am a white man and married a white female does not make me Racist. 

It is racist to call someone else racist because they are white.


This Is The Truth

St. Petersburg,

Its time I told the truth

#35Author of original report

Sun, July 10, 2011

"Dude"-the truth has been told and racists always prostitute the truth

mr rik



#35Consumer Comment

Sun, July 10, 2011

It's time for you to get a prostitute!

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