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  • Report:  #964653



  • Reported By:
    Jenna Radenz — Cambridge Minnesota United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 04, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 23, 2012
    6111 HWY 10 NW
    RAMSEY, Minnesota
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

About 2 weeks ago, a couple claiming to be from the Kirby Company of Ogilvie, MN stopped at my home.  They told me they were out advertising for their new store and giving out free carpet cleanings.   I recently purchased a Kirby from the store near my home, and knew I wouldn't be buying anything so I let them in. 

The man (I'm guessing to be in his late 30's)  left, and the woman (who claimed to be his wife but looked MAYBE 17) remained.  She knew nothing about carpet cleaning and I was helping her put a belt on her machine.  She apologized for not knowing what to do and said she mostly stayed in their vehicle and read all day while he sold vacuums.  As I was helping her, it dawned on me that she should know what to do... and I instantly got a sick feeling in my stomach like I was being scammed. 

A few minutes later, the man showed back up.  I met him on my stairs to keep him from coming up into my kitchen area (the room the woman was cleaning was on the lower level) and he kept slowly walking up my stairs getting right in my face so I'd move backwards.   We both ended up in my kitchen where I told him I had to get going.  He walked through my kitchen and into my diningroom.  Pulled out a chair, and sat down telling me he would be waiting for his wife to finish.  I called my neighbor to come over (from another room) and she stayed with the girl while I watched the man. 

I literally had to grab my purse to tell them I was leaving and make them leave.  Their machine left marks all over my carpeting (which had just been cleaned a couple months prior and was in beautiful condition).  The girl apologized and said it was stuff from the last house that must have stayed in the machine.

I was so freaked out by this encounter!  I called my local store with a pit still in my stomach and was told there wasn't a store in Ogilvie.  I then called the police.  They had received a few other complaints similar to mine and had actually gotten the model/make of the vehicle from another caller.   They advised me to call the police anytime anyone stops in for any type of Door to Door sales as ANYONE in this town needs a peddlers license to sell anything unless they have a business in town. 

A few days later YET ANOTHER DOOR TO DOOR KIRBY man showed up at my door.   When I asked to see his peddlers license, he said he would go get it - and never came back in.   I was able to find out via the license plate that it was the Ramsey, MN Kirby Company who stopped that time. 

I've called and left 3-4 messages from the two offices I was told it could be (I gave very good descriptions of the people in my home) and neither office has responded.   I want to know why they are going around without a license, and why they are lying about where they are from.  I will not stop until I get my answers.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Any city,
North Carolina,

The whole thing sounds flakey

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, December 23, 2012

First, who in this day and age lets two complete strangers in their home? Second, if you had just purchased a Kirby, why did you need strangers coming into your home to do yur carpets? (Laziness?) Especially when you knew you weren't going to buy anything? Do you think there are carpet fairies riding around all day, offering free carpet cleanings for kicks and giggles? And if you felt so threatened, why didn't you just ask them to pack up and leave immediately?


United States of America

Get your facts straight!!!!!!!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 19, 2012

Jenna Radenz needs to get her facts straight!!!! She personally names myself and my company as the people who were in her house which is totally not true. You state you want to get to the bottom of this well here is the facts and i hope you dont feel to stupid after this rebuttal.

You stated it was a husband and wife couple so lets start there. I have no husband and wife couple working in my office and I never have!! You stated you called and left several messages and never got a return call well perhaps you should call the right number of the people you are accusing! My number is 763-444-1007 and I ensure you if you would of called you would of gotten an immediate response.

You stated that they knocked on your door, well thats funny we run board appointments and we dont work the town you claim you live in. And I have done everything possible to try to contact you but according to every possible search you dont even exist as person.

You claim you tracked the vehicle back to my office well again thats hilarious because I have no company vehicles so if you went of the plates like you claim you sure wouldn't of tracked it back to my office.

I have been doing this for over 20years and this is the first time I have ever had to respond to such a ridiculious claim. Perhaps you should of done more research before you slandered my name and my company, that is if you even exist.  I have always taken great pride in what I do and the way I handle my customers. And for you to assume without any facts just shows what kind of person you are!! Perhaps you should find a hobby.  You claim you want to get to the bottom of this well so do I and when I find out who you truly are you can surley plan on hearing from my attorney.  I wont tolerate someone slandering my name and my company. If anything you accused me of was true then I would except full responsibilty but again nothing you accused me off is true. I expect to hear from you soon, you have my number and if you dont call i will be writing again. Thank you Trevor Courtney.

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