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  • Report:  #415083

Complaint Review: Kirby Vacuum - Icor Engineering

Kirby Vacuum - Icor Engineering predatory dishonest employment practice. Lied, deceived, used new recruits dishonestly Murrieta California

  • Reported By:
    corona California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 23, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 24, 2012
  • Kirby Vacuum - Icor Engineering
    41548 Eastman Drive #C
    Murrieta, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Icor Engineering, a.K.a "Kirby" vacuum sweepers recruits under false promises, lies by omission, reps go out without business license and are required to have
one. Hard for potential employee to research under their a.k.a names, which are nationwide (and all different) sub companies. Hard to believe Warren
Buffet owns parent company and Scott Fetzer (Fetzer wineries) I believe owns this franchise. I plan to report them to the District Attorney, as well as will
proceed to enlist class action suit nationwide. After reading many reports negative about Kirby, each report reflects at least one experience I had and everyone in our class. None of which are left after two weeks. Kirby should be fined heavely for the misuse and predatory manner of their hiring practices.
They promised we were on a W-2 (later it was a 1099). They had us bring in our drivers licenses and drivers licenses and complete paperwork (not protecting them
from their practices) but asked several times for copies of what we signed, as did others and they would not provide. They said we would have a company vehicle to use, but it had to be returned by the end of each turned out to be a broken down old van. The "crew leader" drives the five or six of you
dumped into the van and dumps you off in some neighboorhood to hoof it
from 11:00 AM to sometimes midnight, while he sits somwhere with Kirby's in the van awaiting a call from a rep that they have a demo lined up in some home. No facilities to use. You have to ask the homeowner to use their restroom. We were told leads would be provided to us. Wrong. Our leads were knocking on doors and being expected to do 72 demos per month to get a $2,600 guarantee base. Impossible!!! Kirby owns you from Tuesday through the week-end, and then you have Monday off. Only then can you hit referral business you may have personally. Their sales techniques are hard sell and actually tell you to gently push through the potential cutomer's front door, when opened and get in quickly by commenting on their carpet.

The employees there looked like they just got out of jail. The most unprofessional group I have ever seen. The "manager" was a greasy, but wealthy, sack of wind and must have sold many used cars.

corona, California

17 Updates & Rebuttals

Christina Murphy

United States of America

Just tell the truth to your parents......

#18UPDATE Employee

Tue, July 24, 2012

I have worked for the Murrieta office since October of 2005 and let me tell you it would not be this way if I didn't make any money. When I started I was told we were independent contractors in fact, I filled out a boatload of paperwork that detailed all guidelines and pay structures for this job. It was made very clear that we were not hourly employees. Nothing has changed in this hiring process and month after month when we get new recruits that go through training and the same paperwork process as I did, they get to the field and realize that they don't have what it takes to make it this door to door business so they quit within the first week and then demand hourly wages because they are desperate for money even though they KNOW they are NOT entitled to it. Then angry moms who weren't told the truth about the job, files complaints and makes up lies about a company that has been successful for 98 years door to door. 

In the 6 1/2 years I have been with kirby, I have worked my butt off, and in return I make an excellent living, get paid vacations, and have been given the opportunity to travel all over the world to work in other offices It didn't happen my first day, I had to learn and work for that. I have done every position in this company, and customers and new recruits are the 2 most important things to our organization. We provide great training over months and unfortunately there are just too many spoiled lazy people out there that just don't want to work hard for a better opportunity and then blame those who tried to help them. Always trying to suck every last penny they can out of any government organization that will shell out money. This isn't a job, It is a career OPPORTUNITY to become self reliant and successful. 

I am so sorry for all those that gave up on themselves and gave up on this job before you even had a chance. This has been the greatest opportunity of my life.


United States of America

Working for kirby is not for everyone

#18UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 30, 2011

if you apply for a job that is a commission based pay then you should expect to get paid if you sell.

this is not for everyone if everyone could do this there would be no money in it.. If you follow the program then the rest will take care of it self. I have worked hard for the last six months and am about two months from opening my own office. so complain if you want but kirby is for real.




#18General Comment

Mon, April 18, 2011

I must have been to an interview at a kirby location in Reno, NV about four years ago. I heard about them through a "blind" ad! An ad that was very vague on what the position was truly about, company name, etc.!

As soon as I call them for information, they will not give it to me! Instead they have a manly woman on the phone telling everyone that calls in for information that she would love to set up an interview for them and that no information can be given over the phone as they are an "Elite Fortune 500" company! According to the manly female voice on the other line, their information is "too valuable"!

It was an obvious red flag, but I love to look in to these kind of places, I REALLY do!

I went in for that so called "interview", in which took no more than three minutes! Then they told me to go in to a waiting room where there's already a good thirty people waiting!

Oh! It was a marvelous celebration, they had ghetto "hood" music playing loudly, a sales board on stage, microphones set on stage, the hosts of this celebration would "tease" us every now and then pretending to be about to present themselves, but only walked in for a split second then left! It was all obviously a set up to make you feel like you're about to work for such a fun job!

Then, finally! Tease after tease, the hosts of this clown show step on their little ridiculous stage! And they truly were dressed like clowns, professional clowns that is! Slacks, dress shirt, and a sports blazer. Except that they had their dress shirts with at least four buttons unbuttoned, complimenting their gold necklaces, to let everyone know that "this job" is the job to be in if you want gold around your neck! GIMMICK!!!

Oh! How they bragged about having $50,000.00 cars, wonderful homes, having a boss that just purchased over $100,000.00 of merchandise for just one month... and more yada, yada, yada!

Yet, and ironically when a smart-alleck in the crowd asked them to bring out the boss that just spent $100,000.00 they were unable to do so! Because now this "BOSS" was kinda like Charlie, from the Charlie's Angels. NO ONE GETS TO SEE HIS FACE! UGH! Could it get more obvious?!

They then proceeded to GUARANTEE you that they didn't have you there to sell vacuums! They gracefully run their phalanges over their excessively oil infested foreheads with a comedic, "phew" to follow! 

Strange enough, after just twenty minutes in to their sort of sales pitch, they begin to explain the sales board and even draw out bubbles as if you were in an Amway presentation! You know... the whole "you're the middle bubble, you sell to this second bubble, that second bubble gets three more clients, these three tell another three.... blah, blah, blah!"

They explain to you that you're guaranteed $2,000 a month! I must mention that I forgot that this is what their ad explained as well. They keep bragging that you're not there to sell vacuums! 

But little do you know that the clowns have the power to hypnotize you as well! Two hours have passed by and after the two hour mark they tell you that you won't get the $2,000.00 unless you sell them fifty vacuums a month or you book at least seventy-five appointments a month!

Not only that, but you also have to work at least ten hours a day, up to seven days a week and sell vacuums in order to get paid! So what happened to the whole, "I don't have you here to sell vacuums"?! 

And oh, yes! You DO NOT get paid for those ten hours per day! You're gambling whether you get paid or not! If you do not at least meet their minimum appointments goal and you're off by just one appointment, you don't get paid at the end of the month! 

So let's say you go in ten hours a day, six days a week. That's sixty hours! Sixty times four equals 240 hours a month and if you don't meet their ridiculous goals you don't get paid!

They went on a break and I had heard enough. I posted my experience for job-seekers in my area to be aware of! 

This place is an obvious scam and to JESSIELB84: you need to do what that mother posted on this complaint. Go to the labor authorities and try and get paid for what they owe, especially given the fact that you have contacts of the people in which you sold the vacuums to and can confirm they never returned the pieces!





#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 03, 2010

This is nothing to do with disgruntled ex-employees slacking off and quitting before they can even try.

The truth of the matter is, the Kirby company's dishonest sales training and tactics have contributed highly to the number of employees who no longer find themselves motivated.

We were told that this company was 'easy money' and we were working for one of the best companies there ever was, if you tried hard enough. But they never had an explantation for the people employees who seeemed to vanish day after day.

J & S who represent Kirby told us at the time of our recruitment that we were among the first few who would represent the newly expanding company in Australia. But I have a dark feeling that the company has been at it for years, because I always find the same vague, anonymous job advertisment in the local paper.



Kriby is getting away with free labor

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 31, 2010

I also worked for Kirby under the name "T&J Enterprises" in which I had much of the exact same experience you had. Bunch of lies...I made sales and NEVER GOT PAID. I was told a different lie each week as to why I had not yet got paid only in the end to be told that the kirbys I had sold had to be reposessed so I therefore would not be paid for the sales....which turned out to be anothe lie...I went back to the people I sold to to confirm this. I would love to get in on a lawsuit against this company...they are getting away with slave labor by having you sign a contract saying you are an independent contractor. Thats just their way of not having to pay you.


United States of America

still at it

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, November 24, 2009

Okay, so that's so messed up i just found out my job interview was for appliance assembly and customer service. so I called to find out about the company and i saw the company ACE in a search so i call and ask em if it was ace and the operator didn't lie but she made it out to be some totally other type of company but it's not. maybe a different business silence number but they're same old Kirby crooks selling $100 vacuums for $1800 I was so bummed when I found my interview was with them..i tried it to, not this company but the M.O. is the same in Las Vegas for 3 whole months and made $300 so some people just aren't cracked up for sales I wasn't.

OH Kirby's are great if there thank i really like mine.


New York,

Response to Karmen

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 19, 2009

I bet your boss sucked you off so you would type that little speech about how great Kirby is. Sure you can make it with them. If you like to lie and decieve people. People like you need a good old fashioned beating. Do all of us a favor, and go back to licking your boss' a** like you are used to.



I also interviewed with this "company" 2day....:(

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Unfortunately, I wasted a bit of my afternoon "interviewing" with this company 2day as well. Grateful,I am tho, that I'm not naive (in any sense of the word); & neglected 2 add my SS# to my application. Haha. I spotted red flags RIGHT AWAY; & didn't get 2 excited over a possible opportunity here--- but am nevertheless thankful I Googled the place ( consequentely, stumbling upon this site). Keep your headz up, & your eyez open,ya'll! :)



I also interviewed with this "company" 2day....:(

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Unfortunately, I wasted a bit of my afternoon "interviewing" with this company 2day as well. Grateful,I am tho, that I'm not naive (in any sense of the word); & neglected 2 add my SS# to my application. Haha. I spotted red flags RIGHT AWAY; & didn't get 2 excited over a possible opportunity here--- but am nevertheless thankful I Googled the place ( consequentely, stumbling upon this site). Keep your headz up, & your eyez open,ya'll! :)



I also interviewed with this "company" 2day....:(

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Unfortunately, I wasted a bit of my afternoon "interviewing" with this company 2day as well. Grateful,I am tho, that I'm not naive (in any sense of the word); & neglected 2 add my SS# to my application. Haha. I spotted red flags RIGHT AWAY; & didn't get 2 excited over a possible opportunity here--- but am nevertheless thankful I Googled the place ( consequentely, stumbling upon this site). Keep your headz up, & your eyez open,ya'll! :)



Stay away from this company

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 03, 2009

To begin let me tell the first lady on this report that you are totally right about the experience you went through with this company. The second idiot who wrote is a a* sucker of the owner of this company who doesn't know better. Yeah you made money with him after kissing his a*s long enough and became a robot of his insults and you know what else, yes you know. The mother who said that she got the money her kid was owed did the right thing and approached the right people. Yes Kirby is part of Scott Fetzer and it is owned by Warren Buffet so please reach out to the right people when going after this a*hole or any other Kirby office.

The kid that went to the interview did the right thing by checking out the company before you waste a whole week of none sense. If you go to the so call orientation, someone will talk to you about all the money you can make. You can either go on commission or you can do the 72 demos in order to get the guarantee. They will tell you about the bonuses, trips and how quick you can be earning all that money, but they won't tell you the real lies about the whole thing.

The drivers on these vans will leave you in an area while they go and eat, drink, sleep and I won't tell you what else...just imagine it. The hours are from 10 am or so until the last person is done with the demo and who know how long that will take. The commission you will make is nothing compared to the amount of money the owner is making out of you with each sale...Find out his cost and compare it to the few dollars you make if you do not sale it for a high price.

Yes there are a few good dealers but if you are not into sales, I do not reccommend you to jump in on this train, it is not for you. Read the reports on this company and all other Kirby companies around and get an idea of what the company really is. If you like to be abused by an arrogant, selfish sob join this company but if you have dignity, stay away from them.



Hmmmm... I just interviewed with this company today and got a job.

#18UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 01, 2009

Well, I read your report before I went in to interview, so I was skeptical from the beginning. As I was looking for the building, which took me like 10 minutes I realized I forgot my resume. I was pretty mad at myself, but just decided to wing it.

So after finally finding the building (I'm about 7 minutes late already), I went in and was told to fill out an application. Filled it out, but I couldn't fill in my previous employer's phone #'s and locations (forgot my resume), but when I mentioned it to the interviewer she said it was fine. Long story short, the interview couldn't have been any longer than 3 minutes. Personally, it was the worst interview I have ever given on top of the fact I was already late. I totally messed it up.

I called later again today as I was told to see if I was hired. Sure enough I receive an obviously rehearsed "Congratulations! Orientation is Wednesday at 1pm. All questions about pay and work hours will be addressed during orientation. Come dressed professionally."

After reading a few of these reports I know the whole thing is a scam and I definitely will not be working for this company. However I do feel like going to orientation for the sole purpose of warning others!


Lake Elsinore,

Get the money you are owed from Kirby

#18Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 27, 2009

My son worked for ICOR in Murrieta CA also. the day he quit he went to the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) and filed a claim for unpaid wages. He claimed the four days of training, the required demos to friends and family and the three 12 1/2 hours days he worked. He claimed $8.00 an hour + $12.00 an hour for O.T. The total was $564.00. He got a hearing at the labor board, explained that under the laws he could not be classified as an independent contractor (see the DLSE for all info) and walked out with a check in his hand for the full amount. They had to pay him. You have the exact same claim and you will win so file today. I hope this will help all who are being ripped off by them, they cannot call you an independent contractor and as an employee they must pay you hourly and O.T.

How Stupid Can U Be


lets keep it real

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 30, 2009

I used to work for ICOR, and unfortunately had to move out of state for personal reasons. I worked there a couple of months, and really don't understand what this lady is talkin about. I was told about this report by a friend who still works there today, and figured I should speak up. At first the work was extremely different (have a clerical background), but it grew on me... and the income grew on me. Yes, we put in a lot of hours some days, but it payed off.

I was told during the orientation, all 3 hours of it, that we worked tue-sun, mon off, that we would put in a lot of hours and work hard for that $2600 garanty. And I was told that we worked out of company VANS..., come on, 30 people in orientation, how could they possibly give everybody a vehicle to use???? how dumb is that??

Anyway, we did learn canvassing (door to door appointments), but there were guys who were on base salary + commission just for setting appointments for me. And yes: door-to-door.lmao... And 72 demos is more than possible, you window licker! Why don't you get off you a*s and try more than a day or two.

I made more money than I've made at any other job,and more than that, learned that I was above average. I guess it just might not be for everybody.... One must have fortitude, and not be a sorry good -for-nothing -victimized- lazy creature like Linda . Have a good life, gurrlie.

How Stupid Can U Be


lets keep it real

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 30, 2009

I used to work for ICOR, and unfortunately had to move out of state for personal reasons. I worked there a couple of months, and really don't understand what this lady is talkin about. I was told about this report by a friend who still works there today, and figured I should speak up. At first the work was extremely different (have a clerical background), but it grew on me... and the income grew on me. Yes, we put in a lot of hours some days, but it payed off.

I was told during the orientation, all 3 hours of it, that we worked tue-sun, mon off, that we would put in a lot of hours and work hard for that $2600 garanty. And I was told that we worked out of company VANS..., come on, 30 people in orientation, how could they possibly give everybody a vehicle to use???? how dumb is that??

Anyway, we did learn canvassing (door to door appointments), but there were guys who were on base salary + commission just for setting appointments for me. And yes: door-to-door.lmao... And 72 demos is more than possible, you window licker! Why don't you get off you a*s and try more than a day or two.

I made more money than I've made at any other job,and more than that, learned that I was above average. I guess it just might not be for everybody.... One must have fortitude, and not be a sorry good -for-nothing -victimized- lazy creature like Linda . Have a good life, gurrlie.

How Stupid Can U Be


lets keep it real

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 30, 2009

I used to work for ICOR, and unfortunately had to move out of state for personal reasons. I worked there a couple of months, and really don't understand what this lady is talkin about. I was told about this report by a friend who still works there today, and figured I should speak up. At first the work was extremely different (have a clerical background), but it grew on me... and the income grew on me. Yes, we put in a lot of hours some days, but it payed off.

I was told during the orientation, all 3 hours of it, that we worked tue-sun, mon off, that we would put in a lot of hours and work hard for that $2600 garanty. And I was told that we worked out of company VANS..., come on, 30 people in orientation, how could they possibly give everybody a vehicle to use???? how dumb is that??

Anyway, we did learn canvassing (door to door appointments), but there were guys who were on base salary + commission just for setting appointments for me. And yes: door-to-door.lmao... And 72 demos is more than possible, you window licker! Why don't you get off you a*s and try more than a day or two.

I made more money than I've made at any other job,and more than that, learned that I was above average. I guess it just might not be for everybody.... One must have fortitude, and not be a sorry good -for-nothing -victimized- lazy creature like Linda . Have a good life, gurrlie.

How Stupid Can U Be


lets keep it real

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 30, 2009

I used to work for ICOR, and unfortunately had to move out of state for personal reasons. I worked there a couple of months, and really don't understand what this lady is talkin about. I was told about this report by a friend who still works there today, and figured I should speak up. At first the work was extremely different (have a clerical background), but it grew on me... and the income grew on me. Yes, we put in a lot of hours some days, but it payed off.

I was told during the orientation, all 3 hours of it, that we worked tue-sun, mon off, that we would put in a lot of hours and work hard for that $2600 garanty. And I was told that we worked out of company VANS..., come on, 30 people in orientation, how could they possibly give everybody a vehicle to use???? how dumb is that??

Anyway, we did learn canvassing (door to door appointments), but there were guys who were on base salary + commission just for setting appointments for me. And yes: door-to-door.lmao... And 72 demos is more than possible, you window licker! Why don't you get off you a*s and try more than a day or two.

I made more money than I've made at any other job,and more than that, learned that I was above average. I guess it just might not be for everybody.... One must have fortitude, and not be a sorry good -for-nothing -victimized- lazy creature like Linda . Have a good life, gurrlie.

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