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  • Report:  #314272

Complaint Review: Koa Creech D.W.Creech Dr. Creech David William Creech

Koa Creech; Kaua Foundation;Cots Diving;Live Aloha;In Heart Production Con Artists; Liars; Fake Production and Foundation; Theft Hollywood And Hilo, Kona And Lahaina, Maui California and Hawaii

  • Reported By:
    Hilo Hawaii
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 03, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 23, 2009
  • Koa Creech, D.W.Creech, Dr. Creech, David William Creech
    6700 W. Sunset Blvd.
    Hollywood, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

D.W. Creech/Koa Creech (these are just a few names he uses)and his CFO Phil Sharples of the Kaua Foundations are con men. They lie, cheat and steal from people and business. Koa and Phil have con many people and businesses in Honolulu, Hilo, Kona and Maui. His victims are begining to talk to one another so N. Hollywood what police station did you report him at. I know that his victims would like to send a copy of their police reports from Hawaii to them. People are reporting this guy to the athourities DCCA, IRS, FBI, HPD to name a few. There is no film production company, there is no A-List of stars. He once claimed that Walberg was producing his film, until Walberg sent him a letter saying he will sue Koa if he keeps using his name, now he is using Speilberg's name and the link he has on his website dont work, never did! Koa states that George Clooney is the star of his move, what a lier, do not believe anything that comes out of this mans mouth! or Phil Sharpless, he is in on the scams!. He tells people he has a winery in France and a house in spain. and he is the rightful king to the Hawaiian throne. Lie! He tells people that he has been robbed of all of his filiming equiptment, diving equiptment and that his millions of dollars is tied up because of identity theft. Lie! Koa steals peoples identities, he cons businesses into trusting him with merchandise (showing them false documents)that he never returns and claims he is going to pay for it once his ID theft is settled, Lie! There is no ID Theft! he claims that the police dont believe him, and the police wont take a report. Thats because there is no crime only a criminal trying to report a fake crime. He is homeless and pennyless and the money he is throwing around Hollywood or where ever the else slums around belongs to other people that he has con. People Do Not have any dealings with these two men. Koa & Phil through the Kaua Foundation is trying to sell a football for 100k to benifit cancer reasearch ( he paid $68 for it on Oahu. Young ladies, stay far away from Koa Creech. N. Hollywood is telling the truth. He is a very dangerous and violent Man. He gets in bed with you and when you are asleep he is going through your stuff looking for info to steal your identity with. Please for Gods sake People, do not believe a word he says or his web sites. Koa will claim that what I am saying is a lie but he knows it is all true and yes he is scared because I will not go away, I have started proceeding to end his scams. I strongly suggest that if you have been a victim of Koa Creech to please report him to your local Police Department, I did!

From Big island
Hilo, Hawaii

22 Updates & Rebuttals


San Mateo,

Identity theft by Donald Creech/DW Creech/Koa Creech

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

My name is Sarah Creech and recently while searching for some family information, I typed in my nephews name, which is Koa and was surprised to find a scam artist in Hawaii (the state where my nephew was born) was using his name. I was shocked to say the least. Then when I started reading the complaints against him I realized that he was also using my brother initials DW Creech which was too much of a coinsidence that this man was using Koa Creech (not a common name) but also his dads initials. I am actively looking for any and all information about this man to see if he was only using my families names or if he was also using SS# or any of my brothers information. And if so how do I press charges against this man. Who has ruined my young nephews name in the very small island communities.

Shark Whisperer


Tony & Faye Perssons, Terrorist Stalkers, Liars. Extortionists, Thieves, Mentally Disturbed,

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 13, 2009

Tony and Faye. When will you ever get anything right? You are very sick people. You can call yourselves Gunner, or anyone else. I have never seen 2 people take on such an undertaking as to try to so totally destroy the reputation of one individual. This only proves your desperate mental stature. Wasn't it bad enough you lost your job at Office Max because of your extortion efforts against us and others? Wasn't it bad enough you lost your home because of your lies, isn't it bad enough you are about to lose everything else? The only persons in jail are your kids.How many more false Police reports will you file, and make more fraudulent claims before you realize you are going to jail now. FBI is at your door as I write this. You are animals. No, you are below plant life. Plant life and animals demand respect.



dw creech jailed, Kaua foundation shut down

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2008

On Oct 10, 2008 The Burbank police arrested DW Koa Creech. He will hopoefully serve a long time.
Phil Sharpless will be next. They are coming for you!
State of Hawaii has closed down the Kaua foundation.
He is out of business.
Thanks to all that helped.
This ugly fat little man is finally not able to rape and plunder any more!



dw creech jailed, Kaua foundation shut down

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2008

On Oct 10, 2008 The Burbank police arrested DW Koa Creech. He will hopoefully serve a long time.
Phil Sharpless will be next. They are coming for you!
State of Hawaii has closed down the Kaua foundation.
He is out of business.
Thanks to all that helped.
This ugly fat little man is finally not able to rape and plunder any more!



Dr. DW. Koa Creech exposed by The Maui News.

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, August 29, 2008

As promised in my response to Caroline, below is the article that was published in The Maui News on October 31, 1999.
Submitted by: Faye & Tony Persson

Staff Writer
The Maui News

LAHAINA -- D.W. Creech, who likes to be called Dr. Creech, started Creechers of the Sea in Lahaina earlier this year to pursue marine cancer research, and he says he has discovered a number of wholly unsuspected problems in the waters of West and South Maui.

On the basis of those claims, he is planning to go to the community in December to raise money for his nonprofit foundation, Ka'ua Foundation, and support for his for-profit business, Creechers of the Sea.

Creech refused to be specific about his scientific claims, saying he was saving the details for a press release to be issued before the fund-raiser.

But some of his other claims were specific. And they don't check out.

He says he is a neurologist who completed his residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals.

The university's College of Medicine says it has no record of Creech as an undergraduate, medical student, resident or fellow in any of its branches.

Creech insists he was there. But the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners reports that Creech was never licensed as a physician in the state, which would have been a requirement to be a resident at University Hospitals in Iowa City.

He also says he got his medical degree from the University of Heidelberg.

A spokesman for that school explained that German privacy laws prohibit universities from revealing who got degrees without the graduate's permission. When Creech was asked the formal name of the university, which is Karl-Rupprecht University, he could not name it. He did not respond to an invitation to give the German school permission to reveal his degree.

Creech received a warm welcome from boat owners, hoteliers, restaurateurs and other Lahaina people concerned with the environment when he set up shop in an office behind Kobe Japanese Steak House early this year.

Two people said they spent "hours" listening to Creech's concerns about the environment. But they quickly became suspicious of Creech's background and/or intentions.

One was the manager of a hotel Creech stayed at for a while, the other was Randy Coon of Trilogy Excursions, who allowed Creech to go out with video, snorkel or dive gear on some of his boats.

"I spent quite a bit of time with him," says Coon, and gave him free access to the Trilogy catamarans.

Creech was "looking for a partner to help sponsor his research."

Coon did not give money but he did give boat trips. That stopped when Coon, already suspicious, found out that Creech was "recruiting some of my female crew."

Coon heard that Creech was offering jobs on a 120-foot research vessel that was supposed to arrive this summer. It has not showed up yet, although Creech is promising it will be here in December or January. People who interviewed for jobs with Creech say they were told about the sailing vessel, though its length varied from 95 feet up.

Coon says Creech told him that he got his medical training in California, though when Coon checked into that he could not find anything to confirm it.

Later, when The Maui News asked Creech to provide references, he named the chief of medicine at Stanford University hospitals, Dr. Judith Swain. Swain says she never heard of him.

Other people who had early dealings with Creech were at five Maui companies that are listed as "Maui Partners" on his Creechers of the Sea brochure.

Of four that could be contacted, all said they were unaware of being listed in the brochure. Three, Dive Maui, Maui Recycling Service and Sunrise Cafe, reported that Creech is a customer and they have no complaints about him.

Kobe Japanese Steak House, on the other hand, does not want to be associated with Creechers of the Sea and quit serving Creech when he failed to pay his bill.

(According to his accountant, Mimi Hu, Creech has applied for 501-c-3 status with the IRS as a nonprofit. Ka'ua has not received a "designation" letter confirming the tax status, but it normally takes 120 days or longer, she says. The status would be retroactive if granted.)

Part of Creech's spiel is a claim that he knows what is causing the fibropapilloma tumor disease in green sea turtles.

Because Creech presented himself as a turtle researcher, Hannah Bernard, who directs Trilogy's marine education program and is a well-known turtle advocate on Maui, set up a meeting between local turtle experts and the new man, Creech.

But he didn't show up.

That was also the experience of Randy Awo of the Maui office of Conservation and Resource Enforcement of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Awo says Creech "called me two months ago to inform me he was doing research diving and surveys."

Creech told a reporter his photography does not involve touching the animals, which include turtles, whales and porpoises, all protected species. (But in job interviews, he asked applicants if they would take skin samples, and said he knew how to get around the laws that forbid close approaches to endangered sea mammals without a permit.)

Awo says Creech told him he had observed violations of the close approach rule by tour boats. Awo asked Creech to come in and learn how to pursue such allegations and also "to just talk story" about any permits Creech might need for his research.

"He never showed up," says Awo.

Some types of research, even if the animals are not touched, require "observational" permits. On Oct. 8, Creech wrote a letter to the DLNR asking for an exemption from the permit rules to allow him to film a humpback whale giving birth.

When the National Marine Fisheries Service heard about that, it opened an investigation, which continues. Victor Honda, an enforcement officer, said the request was of a nature that raised concerns about potential violations of the endangered species rules.

Honda has contacted Creech by telephone and scheduled a personal interview with him early next month.

Creech's statements about the results of his research, while vague, are alarming.

For example, he said that "saturation testing" of waters off Lahaina had revealed "natural minerals in unnatural amounts" and "neurotoxins."

But he would not name the neurotoxin or supply the data, saying he was saving that for his December publicity drive.

When asked whether the neurotoxin was something in nature or man-made, he said, "All neurotoxins are manufactured."

A number of scientists were amazed by that statement, reeling off many natural sources of neurotoxin in Hawaii's waters, including jellyfish and limu. Sea turtle researcher George Balazs, Bernard and ecologist Carl Berg Sr. all said many natural neurotoxins are produced in Hawaii's waters.

Physicians were equally amazed by one of Creech's scariest claims, that a sample of human feces taken from waters off an unnamed South Maui resort contained "live AIDS virus."

Dr. Ronald Kwon, a Maui physician who treats AIDS patients, said he would be skeptical that live HIV virus would be found in floating feces, for two reasons.

First, HIV is found in mucosa, not usually in feces, unless some mucus got mixed with it. Second, the virus is so fragile outside the human body that it would not survive long in the ocean.

Several physicians, including Dr. Cecilia Shikuma, assistant professor of medicine at the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii, agreed that HIV virus would not survive for the length of time it would take to deliver it from Maui waters to a Mainland laboratory.

In a solicitation letter sent out by the Ka'ua Foundation, Creech says his samples have been sent to private, unnamed labs in California and Georgia.

Shikuma, who directs the AIDS clinical research program at U.H., says no such feces sample has ever been submitted in Hawaii for HIV testing.

Though Creech has kept his distance from credentialed scientists, a number of them say that his allegations are incorrect.

For example, Creech says that the tumor disease of green sea turtles is "not a cancer." He claims that conventional scientific opinion regards the tumors as cancers.

Creech claims the real cause of the tumors is an infection of Herpes zoster, the human chickenpox virus.

Bernard says researchers do not believe the tumors are cancerous; in fact, they are sure they are not.

Balazs, leader of marine turtle research in Hawaii for the National Marine Fisheries Service, says researchers already knew that the fibropapilloma tumors are not cancerous, though they can be fatal.

Scientists have not proved what causes the disease yet, but they have four prime suspects: a naturally occurring biotoxin that turtles may ingest with alga, and three viruses known from the tumors, a retrovirus, a papillomavirus and an alphaherpesvirus.

Laboratories in the Unites States and Europe are trying to identify definitely which viruses these are, but human chickenpox is not a suspect.

But if Creech has data to contradict the orthodox view, "any serious scientist would make a discovery and publish it," Bernard says.

While Creech denies the turtles have cancer, he also asserts that sharks do have it, showing a picture of a great white shark with some kind of injury or lesion on its upper jaw.

And, he adds, "Sharks are not supposed to have cancer, they're cartilage animals. But this shark is dying of cancer."

Balazs, who also keeps track of shark attacks in Hawaii, says that is incorrect. A number of types of cancer are known to afflict sharks.

Creech claims in his Ka'ua literature that he is developing methods of photography and software that would allow him to diagnose cancers in marine animals without contact.

He says this has obvious implications for human disease.

Dr. Bobby Baker, a Maui cancer specialist, says it already is possible to find a tumor by a non-invasive process -- the MRI scan is one.

However, says Baker, the scan cannot reveal the type of cancer and other information. That still requires tests of the cells.

Creech's many allegations add up to a prediction of ecological catastrophe not only in Maui waters but in the oceans at large. He wrote in a Ka'ua solicitation letter, "Pollutants and chemicals found off shores have infiltrated this once-resilient ecosystem throughout the planet. We are at a point of no return."

Berg, a Kauai ecologist and a member of the advisory board of the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, calls those sentiments overblown as regards Hawaii.

Berg says he has never met Creech, but of his statements regarding AIDS or neurotoxins, "none of them are substantiated from an ecological point of view. I would want to see some of the proof he has ...

"If he wants to send it to me, I will be glad to review it as a scientist."

Though there are problems to be addressed in Maui's environment, Berg says, "I don't know of any evidence we're in danger of imminent, massive pollution."

Berg said that alarmist, unconfirmed reports are a danger in themselves. "Sky-is-falling reports take away from effects that are serious and need monitoring," he says.

He says that the West Maui Watershed Task Force, which was established to look into unwanted seaweed growth, did "a good job" of educating the West Maui community to real environmental conditions, and that spreading unverified information about such things as neurotoxins and AIDS is "unconscionable."




Response to Caroline of Bosie's Own

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008


Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Faye Persson of Hilo, Hawaii, not Faye Perssons. If you are going to claim you know so much about my husband and I for Gods sake at least know how to spell our name!

I don't know who the hell you are nor do I give a rat's a*s. Any person with half a brain can figure out what a scam you all are. Do you and your team honestly think that people believe what you post on this site. You can't spell, you have awful grammar and this only confirms the 6th grade education I've been reading about. You accuse Tony and me of doing all sort of stuff, yet you claim we are in jail for all of our crimes like murder, theft, extortion to name a few. Last I heard they don't have internet access in jail.

You give us way too much credit for all of the ill that is taking place in Koa's life and in the life of your production team but just know that we are only two out of many that Koa has scammed and two out of many that wants justice done. Yes, we have launched an investigation into Koa Creech, Phil Sharpless and the Ka'ua Foundation with the proper authorities both here in Hawaii and in California. Yes during the investigation people were contacted and yes information was shared. No crime there. You have written other Rip Off Reports under Boise's Own accusing Tony and I of other things. Why so passionate about this whole situation, why would someone who supposedly just came on board with IHP get involved in all of this ugliness as you put it! Don't you have a film to produce? If it's your job to keep filing police reports on us than why don't Koa just hire an attorney to do that for him, oh wait he has no money! Koa lives in a flea bag motel and his tab is paid by Phil Sharpless. I wonder if Phil's wife knows about that! Why don't Koa file his own police reports, oh that's right silly me he is a COWARD!

I would like to point out a few things to you Caroline: Koa Creech is like the scum that hangs at the bottom of the barrel and I personally don't know you but like the saying goes Birds like a feather flock together. Koa Creech owe my husband and me money, he can claim all her wants that we are extorting money from him, and if that's what he wants to call it fine, he still owes us money! We did not get fired from our jobs, yes Tony no longer works for OMAX but that was by his choice, and get real people, you think you can call up corporations/employers and get information on employees, right! I can only assume that you all never heard of the Employer Confidentiality Law given Koa's supporters earlier statements on this site. I also fine it hilarious that you mention reporting us to the FBI when Koa can't even file his own complaint with Officer Lopez of the Fort Bragg Police Department, he sends Phil Sharpless to do it, result, no crime, just the waste of taxpayer dollars and Officer Lopez's time who by the way is in charge of school traffic. Oh that brings me to the newspaper article written on April 14, 2005 by reporter Frank Hartzell of the Fort Bragg Advocate News titled Creechers of the Sea seeking new location after building re-tagged by city inspector in the body of the article Mr. Hartzell questions Koa about statements he has made and claims he has made that investigations have proven false, like medical degrees from Germany and being on staff as a Neuro Surgeon at Cedar Sinai Hospital. Koa gets very defensive with Mr. Hartzell just like he did when Maui News reporter Harry Eager of Maui questioned him along with the scientific community about his ocean research. These newspaper articles will be posted somewhere on either this site or a web blog page.

According to the State of Hawaii, Dept of Commerce and Consumer Affairs the Ka'ua Foundation is Not in Good Standing and registration of the Foundation is Pending The complaint Tony and I filed against the foundation was found valid thus the status of Not in Good Standing.

Please pass this information on to your employer: when you post or send things on the internet the date and time according to where you are sending it from appears on the document you are sending of posting. So say you are claiming to be in Ireland near death and your assistant, Kanoelani is writing on your behalf make sure there is the UK embedded in the address. Also, if you're pretending to be someone in Hawaii by the name of Gabe and am posting in the guest book of the Ka'ua foundation be sure the time states Hawaii Time and not California.

So you see Caroline, you know jack sh*t about what is going on unless you are Koa Creech then you know very well that there was no Koa at the HPD, there were however a lot of officers waiting for Koa Creech and if he wants to get together with Tony and I, why don't he call or better yet you call to set up a meeting, Koa has the contact number, invite Phil Sharples to join in, bring security if you are afraid, but defiantly bring the money you owe Tony and I! Keep in mind Caroline that dynamite comes in small packages, so don't underestimate the small stature of my husband and I to mean that we can only do small stuff, look what we have done so far and non the less from jail! But rest assure we have only just begun! Also if you are going to bad mouth this site, Rip Off Report, stay off it! Why on earth would you all keep posting, oh that's right you all are a bit slow in the head not to see how stupid you sound when in the body of your text you say that the site is also extorting money from Koa! Everyone is stealing form Koa same story different scam!

In closing, Tony and I have been ripped off by Koa Creech. We have initiated an investigation on Koa Creech, the Ka'ua foundation and In Heart Production. We are not Satya Lanik, Kristen Wolfson, and North Hollywood. I know that all people posting on behalf of Koa Creech/Ka'ua Foundation/IHP are one and the same. I am also fully aware that more stuff about Tony and I will appear on this site and others trashing our good name, trying to smear our outstanding reputations in our community, yes community and family something that Koa yearns for but does not have, but as they say sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me and Caroline, beauty is in the eye of the beholder for all I know your are ugly as a toad and to assume you are beautiful is so cheap!

You claim Koa's story is true, give me a contact, name/address/phone number of a person of Hawaiian decent who can confirm and verify all that Koa claims to be! Good luck and let your boss know that the Sons and Daughter of Kamehameha Hawaii chapter is still interested in meeting with this so called rightful King to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

I am Faye Persson of Hilo Hawaii, wife of Tony Persson and I approved this message.



dw creech, kaua foundation continues scamming and lying

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, August 15, 2008

The following is the undisputable truth:

David William Koa Creech is: Boise's Own, Rosie, Caroline, Gabe to name a few.

Here is a man who claims to be a doctor, scientist, actor, producer, rightful heir to the Hawaiian kingdom etc. Koa, (is the name he used with me and my wife) does not even have a HS diploma and has spent at least the last twelve years making a living as a con artist. He claims to have a degree from a school that he can not spell the name of, in Germany, yet he speaks no German. He is currently living in a Guest Inn in Hollywood, located at 6700 W Sunset Blvd, a flea bitten one star shithole. Phil Sharples is footing the bill for some reason. Why would a big shot producer live like that? Don't ask him for a ride, he has no car

He continues to solicit sponsors for his radio show, which has been cancelled since February of 2007. He took $16,000 from Applebee's in August of 07 for three years worth of nonexistent radio ad time. He claims that his Live Aloha show was/is on 35,000 stations! There is no radio show in the history of our country that has ever been on that many stations.

He tried his scams in 1999 in Maui but Harry Eager of the Maui news register caught him in his lies and wrote about it. DW claimed via his Ka'ua Foundation to have found live Aids virus in the waters off Maui, Hawaii! Check it out people!

He came to Honolulu and defrauded Laura Hernandez and Susan Sakai by having them charge goods and services on their credit cards with the promise to pay once his money was released to him (it was tied up due to identity theft).

DW solicited $85,000 in goods from Jams World, a whole-sale clothing company in Honolulu. He convinced them that he owned a string of stores called Live Aloha stores specializing in goods made in Hawaii. He still owes for the merchandise and the company sought the help of collection agencies.

When confronted by the president of Jams World requesting payment, DW faked a car accident in Ireland. DW claimed to be so damaged that he could not speak or anything. Phil Sharpless confirms DW being in California not in Ireland, Phil paid for a dental bill for work done during that time frame. Phil confronted Koa in writing.

DW came to the Big Island of Hawaii in early 07. He camped on a beach in Kona, bought his groceries on stolen credit cards, at a small market. One of the clerks at the store he frequented happens to be my stepdaughter. At the time he sported long hair and facial hairs.

He shaved his head and ugly face, came to the east side of the big island and told massive lies to Larry and Cindy the owners of the Angel Farms retreat, so they took him in, let him live there for free. He later repaid them by telling the whole world their son was a drug addict and had stolen $85,000.00 worth of diving and film equipment that DW had stored at Angel farms. When asked if he reported the theft to the police, Koa's answer was that the police would not take his complaint and he doesn't know why. This is how he explains how such a famous producer and photographer has no equipment.
Read the article from the Fort Bragg Advocate News from February 3, 2005 entiteled:"Newcomer wants to bring aquarium to GP Mill site" and you will see how the lies repeat themselves. In there he also claims that millions of dollars of equipment etc was taken from him. The truth is that he himself is the only thief in this story.

The Creep came to OfficeMax in February of 2007 (I used to manage the Hilo Hawaii OfficeMax.) DW claimed that he himself, his company and the Ka'ua Foundation, had been subjected to ID theft and grand larceny, supposedly committed by his employees that he had hired on Oahu. All his credit was frozen, and he was broke. He asked if there was any way that he could borrow a laptop so that he could do his podcast from the Island. He had impressive credentials and the Kaua foundations website. He had me call his CFO Phil Sharples (current owner of Mendocino Lithographers in Fort Bragg) in order to verify via phone that DR Creech was who he said and had indeed met with such misfortune and if we could help, the foundation would be forever in our debt. He then proceeded to not return nor pay for the laptop. This makes Phil as culpable of grand theft.

DW went back to CA and stole $24,000 from Satya Linak via id theft, there is a case pending at the Burbank PD.

DW returned to HI fall of 07, using stolen credit cards for all his expenses. Rented a nice house and a car, he then continued his scamming. He tried to get more stuff from OfficeMax, but we where already at this time suspicious, so he never got anything else out of us.

He then wasted a ton of my time, having me setting up extras, caterers, special duty police officers for the day of the filming for his movie. Kept calling me and telling me he was going to pay me back for my time, the laptop and all when his 4 million dollar account with Schwab matured. Had me set up a trip to Maui to go to his house there (we later found out there is no such house) and pick up his Harley and convertible Jaguar for him and ship it to his new home in Mendocino. Last moment he cancelled, with a flimsy excuse. This is how the story always goes. To buy more time he even sent me checks from closed accounts as payment. Of course they bounced. At one time he even said his attorney was bringing the check to me!

He claims to own a winery. At first it was in Napa. When I told him I was travelling there, the location changed to France. There is no such winery and his fake label is a bad Photoshop job of an ex girlfriend. I know this as I have friends in Beritz!

September of 07 DW went back to CA where he continues to waste people's time and resources. The scariest is his advertising for admin help, with the goal of stealing id's and sexually assaulting many of his young victims as well. He is violent and dangerous.
All of the blogs and ROR posted about me and my wife by people who supposedly are in support of DW is only him retaliating for me turning them in to all the government agencies that may have an interest in his criminal activities. Read his blogs, check his websites, Google him and your sure to find lots of stuff on this lowlife scumbag.

I will not stop pursuing the truth until he is in jail where he belongs. I have daughters that are of the same age as many of his victims, who have fallen for his admin help wanted ads.

Do your self a favor and stay away from this guy. If you're a victim, please report him.

I have found all this information by simple investigative procedures, I am sure there is much, much more that I have not found. yet!

Tony Persson
Hilo, HI.

Boise's Own


Tony ,Faye , frauds, sick disturbed pathological liars, terrorist stalkers, thiefs, pedophiles, MURDERER

#23UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 26, 2008

You are a sick person Tony and Faye who go by several names including Gunnar. People will eventually see as you are crazed with sickness. Attorneys from Office Max Corporate fired you because of what you tried to do to Koa in extorting funds from his company, and you used Office Max to further your sickness.

This is how you make a living in Hawaii. Using others and when they don't pay your extortion demands you use ugly sites like ROR (as they are under warrants themselves) because your are ugly. No matter what phony and fraudulent blogs, posts you put out there it is my job to keep filing police reports against you. You are already in jail! You have imprisoned yourself with your hatred. You can continue to contact anyone but know it will only harm you. I have heard your telephone threats to kill him and his staff and I have read your e-mails threatening to kill him and his staff. You had your chance at the Hilo police station but you are a coward.

Come to your senses, seek correction for what you have done wrong and your time in jail may go easier for you. You only add to your sentence. You can't even get anything right. You posess only hatred. The only person who is scared is you! Hawaii Federal Internet Crime Unit has you under investigation. You are too disturbed to see what you do is no different than what they did in 9/11. Koa told you to crawl back to your cave. He gave you many chances but you refused and continue your terrorist stalking. Your physical stature is only equalled by your diminsihed mental stature.



in heart productions scam, dw creech, phil sharples con men and thiefs

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, July 25, 2008

DW creech is a criminal of the worst sort. You will do yourself a favor by staying far away from this crook.
I do not understand why he continues to write his lies, everyone knows there is no Rosie and no other people, only you dw! Your writing gives you away, you can not spell and your sentence structure is still at the 6th grade level that apparantly is your last year completed in school. There is no movie, no budget, no winery, no Maui property no property in CA or elsewhere. You live in a 1 star shithole, do not even own a car and you have no income. Is Phil not tired of paying your hotel bill yet? It must be harder and harder for you to get new victims, how is your so called "sponsors" treating you these days? As the criminal you are?
You write as a girl hired by you, talking garbage about trips to Europe etc. You do not even have a passport. Nor the funds to leave North Hollywood, 6700 Sunset Blvd Guest Inn, you have no office, nothing!!!
You have not been back to Hawaii and your to afraid to even return my calls, your even afraid of my wife you spineless sponge.
Please crawl back under the rock from where you came.
Tell the IRS, Police, Atty. General and the others coming after you hello for me please.
Enjoy your time behind bars, that is where you and Phil both belong and will end up. That is my mission in life! You have made sure of that with your lies.

Boise's Own


The True Shark Whisperer

#23UPDATE Employee

Mon, July 21, 2008

Several months ago I was hired from the ranks of Boise without having much feature film experience. I met with Koa Creech, as did all the production staff, extra's, etc.. Koa immediately informed us of a terrorist stalker and her family and friends based out of Boise who had reeked havoc in his life and in his first feature project. He led us to ROR sites where multiple listings and rebuttals had been filed against him and all his work. I was reluctant after hearing all the drama that this was a project I wanted to work on especially after reading all this traumatic garbage. I decided to give it a shot however.

The public needs to know I am still working on this project and have traveled to 3 countries and 3 states filming with this crew from In Heart Productions. I am a young attractive female, single, and have never had as much as a single issue with Koa or his staff. Koa has been a seasoned professional, insightful, creative and one of the most talented people I have ever met. The story you read on his web pages are real. His story is real. At the end of the first feature film a real life documentary will run for 3 minutes showing his real work and the real people behind the scenes. The names have never even been changed.

While we were filming in Boise security was hired as was local police to prevent any drama from these disturbed individuals. Blogs state he has a warrant, which is a sick lie by these individuals, as is all the other crap. The scenes we shot in Boise were for the sequel to the feature but were necessary because of the call schedules and time of year. You will notice all the other blogs are anonymous but are the same people. I can assure you there is a Rosie on staff as I am. This time next year a stunning and very dynamic movie is coming to the screen, it is called, "In The Heart Of A Warrior, Lies Honor" It is a story of truth, integrity, adventure, conspiracy and a true new love story. I wrote this because I can not stand by and watch such horrible things being said about this production or our executive producer. I would not have ever known this was his first ever directorial on a feature film.

Watch for the release in theaters next year. We are off to London next week and at his winery in Bairittz (according to this sick Tony Perssons it does not exist)the following week. I can only hope ROR will post this. For your information we have been in Hawaii twice and challenged the individual posting these incredibly foul threatening and anonymous blogs to meet at the Hilo police station. Of course he never showed. He would have been arrested. I have heard the recording Tony Persons(Gunnar=Tony in Swedish)and his wife Faye have left as well as read the e-mails they have sent. They promise Koa and his staff a "columbian necktie" and other sick threats. These people are sick, they have stalked, threatened and terrorized all Koa's production, businesses, staff, friends, talent, advertisers and made very serious lies.

There is more Hawaiian in the pinky finger of Koa than in the entire family of these sick people. You will notice they are all anonymous. After Rosie rebuttaled this same Tony Personns made more lies and said it was Koa. Rosie filed police reports against this derranged Tony for his calls of threats into the office. Do not believe the lies Tony Perssons of Hilo Hawaii has made. This sick stalker has evn listed addresses of the supposed production offices on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. They don't exist. This is where the DP crew stayed last year when coming into LA to film. I read the expense reports. I am in his offices. They are real.

To those of you reading understand Koa is a passionate man making a film about controversial issues and controversial peoples. His film is based on his life. He is the Shark Whisperer, and communicates with animals of the sea in a way I have never known. He does not do what others do, use bait to bring sharks in and uses stun guns but instead he uses his cameras. You will see a rich and stunning adventure, conspiracy and real love story.



dw creech, kaua foundation, inheart productions are all fakes

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, July 02, 2008

Please watch yourself if you ever come in contact with these con artists.
His " live aloha radio show" has been shut down since Feb 2007, still he solicits advertisers!
All his companies and foundations are big fakes, nothing but empty web sites.
On his website for inheartproductions he claims to be Hawaiian. His mom was Mexican and his dad haole, how does that make him Hawaiian?
There is not one trace of truth to anything that comes out of the mouth of this homeless, hopeless, pathetic little turd.
Women who expose him gets called prostitutes. Men even worse. He is to chicken to ever face his accusers face to face.
He is such a coward.
Come back to Hawaii haole boy, plenty real Hawaiians want to discuss lineage with you and then go diving.
I am the only one that knows you can not even swim...

Big island


Setting the record straight with E_claims Burbank, Koa Creech, DW Creech

#23Author of original report

Wed, May 28, 2008

The person that posted the report titled This report is a lie! and signed it E_claims is the liar himself Koa Creech who now likes to be called King Koa the Shark Whisperer. You see, only Koa would write beautiful lies about himself, because only he thinks he is a published author, awarding winning scientist, and a wine expert along with being a Surgeon. Koa is pissed off. He claims that he is being stalked. He is not being stalked he is being investigated! Big difference.

This author, From Big Island is not this Tony of Office Max that Koa speaks of. I am another one of his Big Island victims who have been talking with his other victims around the country including this Tony, who shared all that he had on Koa Creech and the Kaua Foundation, some interesting stuff I must say, and also I have had contact with the people, that he stole $85,000.00 in merchandise from. E_claims that Koa is a good guy working to produce a film, and that E_claims has first hand experience and knows that Koa is a decent man. E_claims encourages people who would like to work for Koa to do their research, yes people, please do your research.

Start with the Burbank Police, than the Idaho police, than the Hawaii police, next call the State of Hawaii Dept. of Business and Consumer Affairs, than call the IRS, than call Buena Vista Production and Stephen Spielbergs office and you will find that they have no affiliation with In Heart Production and Koa Creech. E_claims that Phil Sharpless is completely harmless. Phil is just as guilty as Koa because he supports Koa's scams. The additional information posted by E_claims about this Tony, sounds like he is talking about Koa or should I say himself, ex girlfriends having restraining orders, threatening lives.

I was told Koa threatened a former employee and Tony because they turned him into the police. He claims that his employees of the company has been threatened, what employees! He is his only employee. And just an FYI people, he is not filming in Mexico, maybe he is their visiting his native people, because he told a state agency that he will be away filming in Japan. I guess its just another one of his lies. So Koa Creech I take it that you dont remember me and what you did to me and my family. Every dog has his day Koa and yours is coming real soon! I will never stop seeking justice until they lock you up for all of your crimes, its just a matter of time!



It's worse than you think

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, May 28, 2008

Beware of DW Creech, Phil Sharples and the Kaua foundation. I have also been ripped off by these crooks.
DW poses as a Hawaiian royalty, he is 1/2 american 1/2 mexican. He is a rapist, lier and thief.
Do not trust these people, they stole 85,000 dollars worth of merchandise from my sister.
Stay far away.




#23UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 27, 2008

Additional information about Tony - the guy that posted this report:

For one thing he has a MURDER conviction in Sweden, which is why he can't go back to his home country; his ex girlfriends have filed restraining orders against him because of his violence; Office Max terminated him because of his unscrupulous acts against our foundation (Ka'ua Foundation).

Following his termination from Office Max, this crazed, sick person had even threatened our lives (employees of the company). As a result, of filed the appropriate police reports and FBI reports.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



This report is a lie!

#23UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 23, 2008

The person that posted this report (Tony) is a thief and has stolen from Koa and caused many a problem for him. In fact the reason he is so mad at Koa is because of the fact that Koa reported to Office Max in HI that he was stealing funds from the company. As a result of losing his job, he is not on an all-out rampage to tarnish Koa's name and anything having to do with his name.

As it turns out, Koa is a good guy that is working to produce a film that once produced and distributed, will bring a wealth of awareness to people about world corruption, greed, problems with the environment, etc.

The closed-mindedness and lies, heinous content and defamation in these ripoff reports only serve to show the madness that is in the world today.

I have first-hand experience and know that he is a decent man. Anyone that is interested in working with Koa, just know that he is a good guy with a good purpose behind what it is that he's doing. Don't believe the lies and do your research before passing any kind of judgement upon anybody.

For the record, Phil Sharples is completely harmless as well --- these are lies being posted about two individuals. Don't believe the lies.

Big island


Kaua Foundation & D.W.Koa Creech do not represent The Kaloman

#23Author of original report

Wed, April 23, 2008

Koa Creech and the directors of the Ka'ua Foundation shame on you. You are taking donations on behalf of The Kaloman of Kaneohe, Hawaii and his organization knowing that he is not and never have been affiliated with you or your foundation. You ride on the backs of others and you put them on your web page to make you and your foundation look good and than you steal their proceeds.

Koa Creech is a pathatic "creecher" both on land and in the ocean. He threatens people when they find out the truth about him. He is mad because there are postings about his scam on this site and other sites. He threatens people and try to scare them into revoking their cliams against him. He is scared, lots of people are coming forward with what they know about him. Once again if you have any information about Koa Creech, Phil Sharples and the Kaua foundation, or In heart productions, please go to the the FBI website and file a report or go to your local police department.

Big island


Response to North Hollywood

#23Author of original report

Mon, March 24, 2008

Thank you N. Hollywood for responding. I know this is hard for you and so many others and yes these people need to be stopped. Your contact address did not come through. Try typing your address like this "from big island at aol dot com". If it dont work dont be discouraged we will find a way to communicate. I will not go away, i will not stop until these people are stopped, I will see to it that justice is served.

Please do encouarage others that you know of who have been hurt by these people to file an IC3 report with the FBI and to file a report with their local police department. The FBI wants to see that the crimes are multiple and commited in multiple states. We now have two local police departments involved in investigating these people.

Do you or anyone else out there every heard Koa claim to be a medical Doctor who had worked at Cedar Sinai Hospital in California. This is obviously another lie of Koa Creech. But there is evidence of a fake perscription pad with a CA and HI Medical license number on it with his name Dr. D.W. Creech. The Drug Enforcment Agency DEA in Hawaii is investigating this and they take false documents such as a perscription pad very seriously, for obvious reasons. If anyone out there knows anything about his fake medical practice please do post it on Rip Off Report.



Reply to Hilo

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 18, 2008

Hi Hilio to remain anonymous I have set up an email for you to respond to me at its (((ROR redacted))). There are so many others that want to put them both to a stop as well so lets work on it! He is scared hes already deleted his myspace page even!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Reply to Hilo

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 18, 2008

Hi Hilio to remain anonymous I have set up an email for you to respond to me at its (((ROR redacted))). There are so many others that want to put them both to a stop as well so lets work on it! He is scared hes already deleted his myspace page even!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Reply to Hilo

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 18, 2008

Hi Hilio to remain anonymous I have set up an email for you to respond to me at its (((ROR redacted))). There are so many others that want to put them both to a stop as well so lets work on it! He is scared hes already deleted his myspace page even!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Reply to Hilo

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 18, 2008

Hi Hilio to remain anonymous I have set up an email for you to respond to me at its (((ROR redacted))). There are so many others that want to put them both to a stop as well so lets work on it! He is scared hes already deleted his myspace page even!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Big island


News Flash and updates

#23Author of original report

Mon, March 03, 2008

I just spoke with the FBI feild office in Hawaii. "News Flash" All victims of Koa Creech and Phil Shaprless are encouraged to file a IC3 report with the FBI . You may do so by going to This is a site that collects information on a data base system for the FBI. by filing a report it will allow the FBI to view all complaints on Koa Creech, Phil Sharpless, and his many foundations and so called business in one file. This report is confedintial and your identity is protected for obvious reasons. This report was created for victims like us and it is made to protect us from criminals like Koa Creech.

I know this is hard for some who have been hurt by this man, but if we dont report him he will continue to do harm to others. Koa states in his Kaua Foundation web site that we, who have written a blog on this site are not admirable or honorable people, look who is calling the kettle black! We are telling the truth, and that is honorable! Just remember victims of Koa Creech "United we Stand, Divided we Fall" go fill out the IC3 report.

Respond to this Report!