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  • Report:  #1481676

Complaint Review: Korean Women's Association

Korean Women's Association (KWA) : Draconian Agency has attempted to destroy me and ruin my career through ostensible discriminatory practices and punitive wrongful termination of my employment. Toxic organization appears to be exhibiting signs of desperation, impending upheaval, and meltdown. Tacoma, Washington

  • Reported By:
    Lemontree Jr. 3 — Tacoma, Washington United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 10, 2019
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 21, 2019

As a former caregiver-employee of Korean Women’s Association (KWA), I believe that I had become the innocent subject of multi-focal discrimination, mistreatment, abuse, harassment, and an unrestrained onslaught of vitriolic wrath issued-forth by several managers and principal officials at various levels up the chain-of-command.

Eventually I was fired under suspicious circumstances related to the aforementioned abject tyrannical agency attributes ....... and alas, along with cutting-me-loose -- as agency-adverse "damaged-goods" -- following an incident wherein I sustained serious debilitating injuries suffered as the result of a vehicular collision in which I was involved, as a victim, while on-duty ......

necessitating issuance of an accident/incident report and subsequent automatic mandatory opening of a Labor and Industries (L&I) claim ..... along with my submission of a formal request for agency acceptance of, and participation in, adopting lawful protections and accommodations afforded me as a right under provisions of The Americans With Disabilities Act ...... among other factors as well.

I suspect and firmly believe that both age and disability discrimination were perpetrated upon me by KWA agency managers and officials in-league. A conspired campaign characterized by a mega-dose of patent nastiness has indeed ensued, methinks. Being an elderly disability-retired veteran and senior citizen in good standing, I realize that my future employment as a certified home care aide ("caregiver") has now become a long-shot at best, as the damaging result of the likely professional career ruination masterminded and subsequently crafted by certain key members in official capacities within the problematic and troublesome embattled KWA organization.

  RECENT HISTORY OF AN INCREASINGLY EMBATTLED (DIS)ORGANIZATION Established some 47 years ago -- 1972 -- the once-revered Korean Women’s Association has become lesser-esteemed and tarnished with reputational damage being duly sustained over time, and thus does indeed nowadays struggle to deliver proper effective home care services. Recent statistics indicate that KWA is responsible for serving in excess of 2,200 in-home care clients.

Common consensus of public opinion suggests that the level of service quality has steadily deteriorated, and both client and caregiver-employee mutual mistreatment and dehumanization has steadily risen in recent years. It would appear at present that the Human Resources Director, Regional Manager for in-home care, and a Case Supervisor -- whom has recently left the agency -- have been chief among the perpetrators of abject negligence, maladministration, harassment, abuse, and discrimination.

Such repugnant misbehavior is believed to represent the mutant agency's status-quo demeanor exhibited via their part-and-parcel perpetrated mean-spirited draconian heavy-handed abusive and cruel termination of my employment, and of course, the resulting seriously devastating career damage. In terms of aftermath issues, I am still being treated for a variety of lingering physical conditions, disabilities, and crippling compound-stress-induced ailments, including depression and a host of related exacerbated anxiety disorders.  

MORE ABOUT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH KWA AGENCY Within the vile matrix of one particular & memorable personally ill-fated episode, I was summoned -- by the regional manager for in-home care services (RM) -- to attend a deemed urgent meeting, but not told what the meeting was about, so I asked the RM about the nature of the "eerily-secretive" planned meeting, if disciplinary action was to be expected, and if I should bring a union representative. 

The RM responded by assuring me that no disciplinary action was planned and thus no union involvement would be necessary because the issues to be discussed were simply matters of important information dissemination.  I remain very frustrated and upset with myself for allowing myself to be seduced into letting-down-my-guard, because as it turned-out -- and against my instincts and better judgment -- I believed the RM for just long enough to become deceitfully-blindsided; duped and fooled ..... by being intentionally lulled into a sense of false-security, under false-pretenses -- according to the RM's "true-colors" agenda plan -- after which I was set-up, lied to, and groomed to be cast onto the primstone-path to be thrown-under-the-bus, written-up and reported (i.e., "turned-in") to Washington State DSHS authorities for false client abuse charges under a mandatory reporting excuse trumped-up by the wily regional manager for in-home care services, in order to suit both her and the agency's nefarious purposes, at my expense and peril, just for the very shallow mindless thoughtless arbitrary and capricious careless cavalier sake of keeping-up-facade-appearances, covering-their-butts, retaliating against me ....... and to have things go their precious way, to their advantage, and altogether entirely in their favor, as per normally-usual process and procedure ....... to date, I still have only vague nebulous clues re: the things for which I was accused, and moreover I have yet to be informed of any exact factual details concerning reasons for the termination action perpetrated against me, due in large part to stubborn agency practice of circling-the-wagons, covering-up, and remaining primarily evasive and incommunicado.

On May 10, 2019 l learned through-the-grapevine that my employment had been suddenly terminated effective May 3, 2019 with no reason given. I have long contended that certain elements within the agency combined in such fashion as to have conspired with the intention of forcing me out. The agency created and maintained a hostile work environment, perhaps hoping that I would resign my position and would thus quit ...... just go away ...... but I never did quit because I felt that I may have been able to work-out various differences between the agency and myself and that tensions could gradually subside ...... leaving everyone once again to return to working within our benevolent philanthropic mission to serve the common good.

All-in-all, the agency has been rather unduly aggressive in actively sowing toxic seeds of disruptive discord and discontent ..... for whatever lame reason or reasons, in my experience.   BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN Taking all things into account, circumstances tend to suggest that the KWA agency did indeed actively conspire to single-me-out for being set-up to become perceived and portrayed agency-wide as a deplorable pariah ..... after which they fired me, out of their blind, cruel, mean-spirited, incompetent consummate arrogance.  

AGENCY ABUSE OF UNSUNG (unappreciated, mistreated, martyred) HEROES Alas, many among the KWA staff, officials, and other principals, have sadly devolved to the tragic point of having developed an appetite for carelessly lying to clients and caregiver-employees -- and perhaps even amongst themselves -- along with their conspicuous adoption and exhibition of several related forms of severe "bad actor" misconduct.  What an awful way in which to attempt running a supposedly noble honorable and respectable non-profit altruistic, benevolent, philanthropic organization. 

Moreover, just because the agency has been under extremely escalating intense deserved pressures and stresses of its own creation and propagation, that in no way justifies KWA managers and officials being allowed to continue getting-away with acting-out via taking-out their surmounting abject turmoil and likewise frustrations on innocent clients and employees by functioning in an aberrant hostility-fueled inhumane fashion. Such despicably-insidious misbehavior simply cannot be left to go unchallenged and un-protested.

I maintain the belief, and therein contend, that for-the-most-part the KWA agency has developed a culture and tradition within, characterized by a predisposition promoting and supporting a pronounced propensity for lying -- along with various other related forms of prevarication, bias, deception, deceit, and willful gaslighting techniques engagement ...... and moreover has adopted said tendencies and behaviors as representing the lion's share of their standard operating process, procedure, and overall practice.  

SUMMARY CONCLUSION I have come to wholeheartedly believe in heart, mind, and soul that the KWA organization is far too stubborn and set in it's antiquated draconian ways to change from within, therefore a large-scale sweeping housecleaning, dismantling, revamping, correcting, and restructuring campaign needs be undertaken in order to excise the presently well-metastasized cancer ..... and then begin anew ...... changing course in order to soon get back on-track and follow the duly-corrective road to hopefully eventual long-overdue regrouping, recovery, salvation, noble redemption, and integrity restoration.  

SIDEBAR POSTSCRIPT At present, myself and several others -- both currently involved and formerly associated with the ostensibly, thus likely malignant KWA agency -- have come to wholeheartedly believe that said agency has evolved into that of a likely collective mentally & emotionally unstable formidable toxic force that contradicts its mission and guiding principles to the tragic extent of primarily serving to have become an inefficient ineffective inattentive trainwreck-disaster of a societal ripoff for mistreated consumers (and prospective clients & families), undermined and abused caregiver-employees, and by extension, the general public at large.    

FOOTNOTE I encourage all interested readers to please make online search references to The Tacoma News Tribune article covering the "Steven 'Troy' Christensen v. Korean Women's Association" lawsuit, and other related topic source materials for more details regarding KWA tyranny, culture, toxic traditions, group-think, passive-aggressive hostile workplace environment, client and caregiver-employee disregard, disrespect & mistreatment ...... and overall agency misconduct. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  T H I N K  Keywords & phrases likely epitomizing KWA:  arrogance * betrayal * collusion * delusion * elusion * embittered * evasion * ignorance * illusion * impropriety * insecurity * insensitivity * insincerity * insidious * instability * petty tyrants & petty tyrannies * unfairness * sorely-lacking, negligent, precarious, and overall poor provision of client services * one-sided and/or lopsided administrative/adjudication/disposition outcomes;  i.e., all odds stacked-in-their-favor ...... all things rigged to their advantage.        

7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

CORRECTION: KWA website address is "www.kwacares.ORG" and FAX number is "253-535-4827"

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 21, 2019

I made a mistake when first composing this report in that I did erroneously present the KWA website as "", when in all actuality the correct web-address is "WWW.KWACARES.ORG" ............ somebody slap me!!!!!! P.S. The KWA FAX number is: 253-535-4827


United States

UNHOLY DESPICABLE? You Decide: The Likely Criminal KWA Agency Has Committed The Foul Act Of Employment Discrimination Against An Elderly White Male Veteran Disabled With Mental Health Challenges (OMG)

#8Author of original report

Sun, October 20, 2019

Along with numerous other related sins of the monstrosity that is KWA, now comes forth the revelation that said vile monstrous agency has wantonly practiced employment discrimination -- culminating in wrongful termination --

against an elder white male Veteran former employee stricken with mental, emotional, and overall behavioral health disorders and attendant formidable challenges. All this cannot possibly look very good as a trophy-piece centrally-mounted atop the embattled agency's once opulent but now-tarnished fireplace mantel.


United States

Recent KWA Agency News Represents A Good Start ....... At Least ......... IMHO

#8Author of original report

Thu, October 10, 2019

According to recent news regarding the ostensible criminal agency, both the notoriously vindictive & habitual-prevarication-driven Regional Manager and likewise similarly oriented Shelton Office Case Supervisor have suddenly departed the piece-of-crap sinking-ship of a stinking rotting-from-within agency ..... now leaving only the cowardly backstabbing nutbar slime-bucket Human Resources Department Head to hurry-up and follow suit.

So far along though, I have to admit that "Two-out-of-Three ain't bad" ...... however still the perfect trifecta of 3-for-3 would indeed represent the best clean-sweeping hat-trick outcome for the flagging floundering all d**n bloody effed-up organization ..... should the heretofore seemingly deaf, dumb, and blind Three-Monkeys Circus Act that is the KWA Foundation Board Of Directors ever get their act together for long enough to make the trifecta fantasy come to long-overdue fruition ....

by cutting-out more metastasizing cancer still growing from out of the HR Department Chief's Mad Laboratory Petri-Dish of an Office. (IMPORTANT NOTE To KWA Foundation Board Of Directors: Do your job and get rid of the mad HR clown, and in so doing, make the whole glorious hat-trick fantasy scenario into a wonderful reality for everyone. "Two-Down, and One to GO")


United States

KWA Racism & Bigotry: Oh No Joe, Say It Ain't So!!!!

#8Author of original report

Wed, August 28, 2019

The duly deserving to remain embattled KWA organization has become demonstrably discriminatory and ostensibly racist and bigoted as well. The conspicuous organizational propensity for Gay Discrimination and Wrongful Termination is patently evident as has been uncovered and exposed to sunlight via the lawsuit -- presently in-process -- brought by the plaintiff, former Director Steven "Troy" Christensen, against the defendant KWA organization.

Mr. Christensen deserves to prevail in this litigation, and likely will do just that, should true justice end-up ultimately being properly served. As Mr. Christensen represents the gay caucasian male contingent, he possesses three (3) key group identities which are at the heart of several currently huge formidable sociopolitical hot-button issues of these contemporary times in the United States Of America.

Identity politics, controversial social issues, and white privilege shaming, hyper-consciousness & overreaction have all apparently gathered steam and landed on the doorstep of KWA with a solid thud in order to roost and remain firmly rooted in-place within the severely troubled and self-destructive agency. What a shame. Theirs is all disgrace. In terms of current statistics available in the public domain, the agency governing body known as the KWA Foundation is presently comprised of all female officers in a ratio of fifteen Korean women, a solitary Chinese woman, and one token Caucasian woman allowed on-board.

Various community members have challenged the aforementioned foundation membership structure imbalance in public forum, as well as challenging retention of the official agency name (Korean Women's Association), and acronym (KWA), going forward within contemporary society in the modern woke and sensitive era.

The agency continues to stand stubbornly firm and strong in opposition to any consideration of changing the agency name and acronym. Culture and traditions -- good or bad; right or wrong; or politically-incorrect -- remain all engrossing in paramount importance to the headstrong stubborn uncompromising, however flawed, faulty, and faltering agency.


United States

BTW, You Are Kindly Helping Me To Make This An Improved & More Understandable Report, Dear Sir ..........

#8Author of original report

Fri, July 19, 2019

 ........... and for that I honestly thank you most-genuinely and sincerely so.


United States

I Think You Are Trying To Tell Me Something ..........

#8Author of original report

Fri, July 19, 2019

 ........... and I appreciate your feedback commentary. Thank you for your interest and accompanying inquiries. I regret to have taken-up so much of your time and attention ...... and I apologize for that, and also for creating such pronounced frustration. In response to your inquiries, I will advise as follows:

1. Yes indeed there is a backstory element, as you so well analytically surmised and pointed-out. My query to the RM as to possible disciplinary action was given-rise by my own instinctive reaction to the "secrecy" of undisclosed meeting subject matter, linked with RM refusal to answer my questions concerning reason for, substance of, and expectations for, the supposedly urgent clandestine meeting ..... this coupled with suspicions based-upon media reports and things that I had heard from fellow HCA caregivers in classes, conferences, union meetings, and caregiver social events, all combined to create my concern and to give me some degree of pause regarding the eerie circumstances enveloping the meeting at issue.

2. As pertains to the vehicle accident, you are correct, Sir. I was on-duty working with my client when my car was rear-ended by another vehicle. I was deemed by on-the-scene state patrol officers to be entirely not-at-fault, and that determination was entered into the official accident report. A Labor & Industries claim was indeed triggered by the aforementioned tragic highway-hazard event.

3. There had been an ongoing dialogue involving the agency, my health care team, and myself, concerning my written request for agency consideration of providing ADA reasonable accommodations with regard to my disabilities, however the process came to an abrupt end, of course, when I was fired by KWA. Thank you in abundance once again for your time, effort, impressions, advice, criticism, and overall multifaceted concern, my friend. P.S. I gently encourage you to take full advantage of the informational references listed within the contents of the FOOTNOTE appearing at the conclusion of the original report ........ wherein exists a wealth of data.


United States

I think you are trying to tell us something

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, July 19, 2019

I read your novel, and I think you are trying to tell us something.

When I am asked to atten an urgent meeting, I don't instantly ask if it is for displinary action and if I need a Union Rep.  So you are leaving something out as why this would be your first reaction.

As near as I can tell you had an accident while On-Duty. Were you at fault? Did this get covered under Workers Comp?

Were you working when you were fired? Why are you claming an ADA violations? As the ADA is not a "Blank Check" requiring an employer to do what ever you need. They only need to make "Reasonable Accomodations".

Perhaps you can have someone help you and post a report that is more understandable.

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