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  • Report:  #852534

Complaint Review: Korum Ford

Korum Ford, Descriminated and ripped off a young pregnant woman. Tacoma, Washington

  • Reported By:
    brucedaddy7 — Tacoma Washington United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 12, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 15, 2012
  • Korum Ford,
    South Tacoma Way,
    Tacoma, Washington
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I just learned of this web page and am excited to have an opportunity for a little justice. My sister seven months pregnant, going through horrible divorce, having realized she needed to upgrade her vehicle to a seven passenger van decided to trade her 2001 Nissan Exterra in. The Nissan was in excellent condition with all the service records. The Value of the vehicle was estimated at $5000. Korum offered her a straight trade for a nice looking Ford Windsor.

Same year. What appeared to be in excellent running condition. When she wanted to test drive the vehicle on the highway the sales associate informed her that wasn't necessary to go ahead and just go around the block. Her inexperience prevailed and Realizing she probably was at a small loss for the value of the vehicle she signed the papers.

Less than 100 miles on her new experience with her new used vehicle shut down and left her stranded. She contacted Korum and after a disagreement dispute they agreed to give her a loaner and fix the van. The loaner was a suburban at three times the gas mileage as the Windstar. One month later after many promises that her vehicle would be ready the next day she got her New used fixed up Windsor with a supposed transmission. She noticed the mileage on the Windstar was well above the 85 miles she put on it.

So with her repaired van she headed out. All of the sudden two blocks away the dash board lit up like a Christmas tree. Worried she called Korum. They told her to bring it back. She had to argue with them to get another loaner car with was a Saturn in an unsafe condition that barely ran. That's when I stepped In to see if I could help. They said the power steering pump and an electrical issue was going to take them a few days to repair.

I realized right away they were taking advantage and I told her to get her exterra back. She needed to take her business elsewhere. She asked for her Exterra back and apparently they just sold it the night before. Lies lies lies. Almost three weeks later her van was ready. They told her the salesman was fired. Doesn't make. A difference actually. She was nice about it. I told her to kick some you know what but she remained polite and nice as I was getting a little impatient and outraged.

We went to pick up the van and it appeared to be solid. Giving back the second loaner we drove home. The next day my wife and her went to take the kids around to take care of business. About an hour into it they pulled over because the dash lit up and smoke was billowing out the hood. They called Korum and I was on my way. A man in a truck with a trailer showed up to pick up the van. I gave him a piece of my mind and for a little sideways. Mainly I do feel bad about it but her agreed we needed to fist fight right there in public. Knowing o would probable get my but kicked in front of my kids I backed down.

I told him I wanted him to to the van to a real mechanic. (((competitor's name redacted))) on Canyon Rd. He agreed and rudely placed the vehicle in an unauthorized location rudely confronting the sales associate who had no clue what was going on. I asked the owner if he could work with us on payments, I told him what was happening. He agreed to try. He replaced the power steering pump which was supposedly bran new and took three weeks, in one day. He also ran a diagnosis, simple easy found out there would be a couple more areas that needed immediate attention.

Korum would not reimburse my sister for mileage on the suburban that we estimated at over $300 difference for the month. They agreed to pay half of the out of pocket expense for the maintenance work by my mechanic. Overall they gave shitty mrchanics, shovanistic sales representatives, poor customer satisfaction. I would really hope they somehow experience this nightmare individually for themselves. I will never recommend this place or ever shop there. I wish my sister had a little more experience. I felt she was disrespect and five months later am still holding a grudge against these scoundrels.

 sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company,, if you post a competitors name more than likely they will show up on search engines as a Rip-off! - - your comments on this policy are welcome. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. In this case we removed an alleged competitors name

26 Updates & Rebuttals

Korum Automotive Group Rep.


Complaint Against Wrong Dealership

#27UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 15, 2012

Please be advised that this complaint is not with any of the Korum Automotive Group dealerships, and specifically not Korum Ford.  The company this complaint is against was operating under the name Korums Auto Outlet.  A federal court-ordered injunction was granted restraining Korums Auto Outlet from using the Korum name as it is not affiliated with Korum Ford or Korum Automotive Group.  Korum Ford has never had a dealership on South Tacoma Way in Tacoma as reported in the on-line

review/complaint.  Korum Ford is a reputable dealership operating only in Puyallup, and takes pride in its customer satisfaction.  It is unfortunate what happened to this consumer but Korum Ford is clearly not the responsible party. 



Obama? lol

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 23, 2012

Not sure what he has to do with this, other than you think you are trying to pin me down as a Tea party advocate or something. If you must know, I do not believe Nobama is a legitimate President. I also believe he is doing his best to tear this country down and make us weak to the rest of the world, especially those that hate us and would love to see us crash and burn. He is nothing but an appeaser that bows down and coddles the c**k of those that mean us harm. As far as do I think he is a Muslim or Kenyan, who the hell knows, he went through so much trouble to hide and seal all of his records, it is anyone's guess.

He promised to be the most transparent of any administration before him, when in fact he is just the opposite. I believe he is a usurper.



*Still* not getting why you think I am a "liberal"

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 22, 2012

Especially when I am advocating keeping a marriage together. Perhaps you are part of the WND crowd that just equates "liberal" with "anything bad"? 

Anyway, your logic (and morality) is, as usual, quite twisted. I do not wish on ANYONE to have their spouse cheat on them. Just because you have to suck it up sometimes when you experience X does not mean I am wishing X upon you. Anyway, like I said, good for her, as long as she doesn't moan in a few years how she should, say, not get yelled at for being late to work because she is a "single mother".

BTW, do you think Obama is a Muslim or a Kenyan?




#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 22, 2012

I only wish on you what you expect this woman to tolerate. Put your money where your mouth is, but I forget that liberals don't do that. They want others to tolerate what they themselves won't. I would wager that if your wife cheated on you and brought you a nice little STD, you would not forgive and forget and carry on the marriage in the name of the children.

My morals are quite fine thank you, I do my best to not sin and do not force my values on anyone, unlike you liberals.



No, it is morals over *pride*

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 20, 2012

She chose her pride over her child/children. Children from single parent homes have a much bleaker future than those from two parent homes, even if one of them is a cheater. 

Given that you wished on me what happened to this woman, PLUS getting an STD, I find you "morals" quite interesting. 


San Antonio,

I Don't Have A Dog In This Fight

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 20, 2012

The guy's name is CODY not CORY.

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC


Cory, EVERYTHING is now money over morals!

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 20, 2012


Are you kidding me?? Look around!

Everything in our country and our society in general operates on the "money over morals" concept!

1. How many MILLIONS of people die in our country every year because  they do not have access to adequate health care?  They die simply because money profits are more important than preserving human life. Money over life! (How "moral" is that?)

2. Everyone in our government knows that cigarrettes contain a highly addictive drug, and that smoking is a DRUG ADDICTION of the largest proportions, but still has not been outlawed. WHY? You ask? Because of big business special interests paying off our lawmakers. (money over morals).

3. How many women every year have abortions simply because they cannot afford to have and raise a child? (Money over morals).

I could go on and on here, but I'm sure you should get the point.

Also, remember those marriage vows..."for better or for worse".....right?

Food for thought before spouting off about "morals".

Our country is morally bankrupt. Move on.



LOL Sick

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 20, 2012

I think it is sick and sad that you losers value money over morals. Blasting the original poster for not standing for being cheated on. You F'ing losers fail to realize that this scumbag could very well bring a STD home to her and possibly harm her and her unborn baby. All in the name of his financial support to her.

What is worse is the fact that you assume this POS husband of hers even provided for her the way he should, he sounds like a real loser, almost as much as loser as you guys are for blaming the victim.

I hope each of you have a spouse or girlfriend cheat on you and bring you a nice case of Syphilis or Gonorrhea, it would serve you right. 


North Carolina,
United States of America

She comes off as a spoiled pouty whiner crybaby

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

Her man was stationed overseas in the military in a possible combat area. The poor guy gave in to temptation and screwed a shipmate, horror of horrors. HE'S WEAK?

Tell me, OP, have you spent any time stationed in a war theater?

Okay, I'll concede he wasn't a husband of the year candidate, but give me a break.

Maybe the chicken came before the egg here, and he cheated in part because his wife is such an unforgiving and incompetent drain on him, and anything but a back-home comfort for him to look forward to returning to.

Or maybe he's just found out how inflexible she is, or may kindhearted folks like the original poster pushed her to divorce the guy.

Since you, the OP, are such a super competent know it all, why don't you do all her shopping for her from now on, so we don't have to hear about any more ripoffs involving her?

Your resort to juvenile insults pretty much sealed your case here as belonging in the discard file.

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC


Hey Steve...It's OK, only 58% of our population is on food stamps

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

So...1 more single mother won't hurt.

Just another welfare recipient due to bad choices.

However, marriages and kids are throwaway in today's society.



The money does not go one way

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

I'll overlook the juvenile insults ("retard"?) so that I can get to the meat of the issue: it is not about the man giving her $$; it is about them BOTH being able to pool their resources AND effort to raise the children. 

And again, if she thinks that is being a w***e or whatever and decides to leave him, fine. As long as she OWNS this decision later in life when she realizes that she has cheated her children, and not moan about how tough it is to be a single mother. 

And of course not all single mothers go on food stamps, but they are definitely over-represented in that population. Single motherhood is one of the greatest predictors of child poverty and delinquency we have And yeah, I know there is a selection bias, and correlation does not equal causation, but it is still a damned good predictor. She should find a decent guy to marry her ASAP. Church would be a good start. 



You are the one that just doesn't get it, amazing.

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

I never said you cheated on your wife, however, your way of thinking would lead one to believe that under the right circumstances you would.

If a woman stays with a man that cheats on her JUST FOR the support and $ involved, that makes her a w***e. This woman obviously has higher standards than you do. How in the f**k do you just come off assuming that just because she left her cheating s**t bag of man, that she will be in poverty and on food stamps? You are a class A retard if you think she can not make a living herself or she won't find a man that will love her and treat her right.

You and those that think the way you do are a s**t stain on society in general.



There is something wrong with your reading comprehenson

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2012

First of all, I would *never* cheat on my wife, pregnant or not. Or a girlfriend for that matter. I have no idea where you got that idea; I guess you missed the part where I referred to her husband as a "scumbag".  And advocating the beating of a wife?. Your "logic" eludes me.

Heck, you aren't even good at ignorant political stereotyping; the stereotype of a conservative, not a "looney liberal," is that they are reactionary, anti-women, etc. You might want to get a bit more education than listening to talk radio. 

What I am saying is that, as a parent, one should care more about the well-being of their children than "swallowing their pride". And when she does end up in a life of poverty (which includes having to deal with sleazy, low-rent car dealers like the one described in this complaint), she will have to take responsibility for choosing that over being "crapped on". But instead I'll be paying for her food stamps. 



Wow, your logic is really twisted

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 15, 2012

Steve, are you one of those looney liberals? If not, I apologize to the liberals, but your way of thinking is about as archaic as the muslims that believe it is ok to beat their wives as long as they don't leave marks where they can be seen.

So, because she is pregnant, she should swallow her pride, self respect and stand idly by as her cheating husband commits adultery against her. That is a really messed up way of thinking you got there. You call that being classy?

No one should be forced to accept being crapped on just because their quality of life may suffer if they refuse to put up with it. I guess you would probably be one of the ones to cheat on his pregnant wife, believing she would stay with you, since she so desperately needs your support.



Unless she can find a replacement for him quickly, then yes, she IS a dolt.

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 14, 2012

If she were not pregnant, she would be totally smart to leave him. But she is only harming herself and her kids by divorcing him in this case. Trust me, in a few years when she realizes how hard it is to raise a kid on her own, and she can barely make ends meet (even with food stamps), she will realize that she should have stayed with the scumbag, cheating be damned. 

Nice to hear that you wish things like cheating wives on people who say things you disagree with, though. Stay classy.




#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 14, 2012

You are a complete idiot and fool. Her husband committed adultery against her and you think she is the dolt for leaving him? If you are married, I hope your wife screws a dozen of your neighbors and then tells you about it.



"doesn't really pertain to the issue"?

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 14, 2012

If being pregnant and divorced does not pertain to the issue, why was it brought up in the original complaint? 

All I was saying is that single mothers tend to never be able to get out of poverty, and thus, for example,  have to go to scummy used car places like this one. 

Here are a couple more questions that I am curious about, and of course you are under no obligation to answer; I'm just trying to get a feeling for how "the other half" lives: how old is the woman, how long was she married for, and how long did they know each other before she got pregnant? Did they get married because she was pregnant? 

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC


Response to "brucedaddy7"..still not getting it.

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 14, 2012

Let me break it down in simpler terms that you can understand a little bit better.

It is common knowledge that car dealers are scum, in general and cannot be trusted.

With that said, anyone who does not have the mantal capacity to deal with these types of people, shouldn't!!

This is just common sense.

It's a cruel world out there, and anyone that calls themselves an adult should know that.

It really is just that simple.

Car sales is a business.

Business exists to make profit.

For one party to gain, another must lose.

That's just how it works.

Get used to it.

Common sense.

You can only get ripped off if you allow yourself to be ripped off when making a deal on a vehicle.

It is always "buyer beware".

Again, just good old fashioned common sense here.

Some of us learn our lessons the hard way, and some never learn.

Get over it.

Grow a pair, and grow up.

Move on.


United States of America

her husband.

#27Author of original report

Wed, March 14, 2012

Not to make it your business of the detailed of her divorce, but her husband didn't Just cheat on her. There were multiple issues. All options were exhausted before they decided the best thing to do was split. For the kids. They both have issues. It sounds to me like your going off something that doesn't really pertain to the issue at hand which is sleazbags taking advantage of easy targets and being dishonest.
That's the bottom line. They knew the condition of the van. You can correct my spelling all you want however as before I'm ok with telling the public my opinion about Korum. Ya


United States of America

here it is.

#27Author of original report

Wed, March 14, 2012

Bottom line. Her inexperience was taken advantage of. They wouldn't have treated her like that if she was a man. And my phone spells on its own sometimes and your a nit.



If she left him, she is a dolt

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

Even if he cheated on her, divorcing when you have kids or are pregnant is not only stupid, but unfair to the kids. She can now look forward to a lifetime of hardships exactly like this one, as having only one income is tough, and you can't get ahead in life while trying to raise kids on your own. And it is unbelievably unfair to the kids, as they probably won't be raised correctly. 

Sure the guy was wrong, but that is no reason to screw yourself, and screw your kids. 

Then again, we are talking about a crowd that says things like, "The guy that was the supposed mechanic got a lesson from me when I had to pick up my stranded family. I wanted to punch his face out his arse." So we are not exactly talking about the intellectually elite here. 

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC


Always take a knowledgeable person along when car shopping

#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 13, 2012

In the future, never go car shopping without taking someone along who actually knows cars and knows how to do a proper test drive and physical inspection.

There really is no "rip off" here as she willingly made the deal.

Nobody forced her to make that deal.

And, I still don't see the "discrimination" here (spelling corrected).

The bottom line here is that she is an adult and is responsible for her own bad decisions.

As far as the OP goes, a refresher course in 3rd grade spelling and grammar might make your post easier to read, and give it more credibility.

So, is it a "Windsor" or a "Windstar"??

Anyone with a shred of common sense would know that an 11-12 year old vehicle coming from a dealership was just one step away from going to the auction! Common sense would tell anyone to get a third party with vehicle knowledge to check out such a vehicle before making the purchase.

Just plain old common sense here.

Never put "reputable" and "car salesman" in the same sentence.

All car salespeople are sleazy, at best.

Again, just plain old common sense here.


United States of America


#27Author of original report

Tue, March 13, 2012

That's what I told her. You know she didn't realize she was getting schooled by a pro. She figured it was a reputable place of business since the brother of the owner has a very reputable business in puyallup. I wouldn't have personally made the trade she lost thousands, what's done was done. When she tried to back out they s****.> They have a backyard mechanic do there repairs in a so called shop across the street. I seen it looks like something from Tiajuana Mexico. I know they go to pull apart. Also the mechanic put almost five hundred miles on the vehicle somehow. I don't know how since everytime my sister drove it broke down.
The guy that was the supposed mechanic got a lesson from me when I had to pick up my stranded family. I wanted to punch his face out his arse. The mechanic I took itvto had it back on the road in a day. However she still can't afford some of the repairs needed to be done. O2 sensors brakes alignment, shocks and I think the transmission they found for it needs adjustments. These guys did a number on her.


United States of America

does it matter

#27Author of original report

Tue, March 13, 2012

Her husband of twelve years cheated on her with a girl on his boat. She is a good woman. He is week and was deployed for six months in the Persian gulf. Doesn't make it right to take advantage of her the van is barely running and needs about a thousand bucks in repairs still.



What's the deal with the divorce?

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

The baby has not even popped out yet and she is already getting a divorce? Trust me, she'll have a lot more problems in her life than a bad car. 




#27Consumer Comment

Mon, March 12, 2012

"When she wanted to test drive the vehicle on the highway the sales associate informed her that wasn't necessary to go ahead and just go around the block."

That's a big red flag.

Why did she need a seven passenger van?

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