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  • Report:  #421336

Complaint Review: Kristen Cox

Kristen Cox EMPLOYERS BE WARE: Former employee Kristin Cox / Filed false and misleading information concerning business and owner. Belgrade Montana

  • Reported By:
    Tuscon Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 07, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 26, 2009
  • Kristen Cox
    Moonbeam Lane
    Belgrade, Montana
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Employers use extreme caution in considering Kristin Cox for employment. Mrs. Cox filed false and misleading information concerning a former employer and the owner of that company. Mrs. Cox physically threatened the owner on two occasions as well as coming to owners place of residence (Documentation on file Gallatin County Sheriff's office, Bozeman, MT).

Mrs. Cox contacted client list and made derogatory remarks towards the owner and the business.

Mrs. Cox has harassed owner and has made and implied negative accusations towards another employee.

It is advised that potential employees use extreme caution if Mrs. Cox is hired as to making available to her any documentation on business, former employees and other documentation that Mrs. Cox could potentially copy and/or remove for personal gain.

Jason / karen
Tuscon, Arizona

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Criminal Matthew Cody McClintock/Michael McClintock/Jacob Rowes

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 26, 2009

I have a little more to say about the lies you have posted here about me--for new readers there is additional info about this criminal at (if that link gets deleted, just google Matthew McClintock Montana or Whispering Wind Production)

As to me--I received the Final Order of Judgment from the court yesterday regarding my claim. Matthew did not mention anything about me "stealing files" to the dept of labor--it is just something he came up with when he realized he couldn't fight my wage claim. There are now fraud alerts in at least three counties regarding this man!

Please be aware that he is a thief, a liar, a conman, and a criminal! If you hear anyone talking about a man going around asking for donations for a ranch for children with disabilities--warn them and tell them to call the authorities asap!

BTW, if you google Invest Ed Television, click on link, and clink on The Fake Investment Adviser--you will get to see some pics of this thief!!



Additional info regarding Whispering Wind Productions/Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Cody Justin/Madison County Montana

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 22, 2009

This is an email I sent to both ripoff report and to Matthew/"Elizabeth"/"Karen and Jason"/"Judy" (since they all use the same email address:-)

I want to make you aware that the poster of this thread and the author of the update/rebuttal are the same person. This person's name is Matthew McClintock--although he goes by many aliases. He posted this as retribution for my receiving a Order of Determination and Order of Default against him through the State of Montana--he owes me wages for two weeks that I worked for him in June of 2008. The total owed is $1395--he has refused to respond to the department since they determined that he lied on documents provided him and my witnesses confirmed my claims. (please note that the second post was submitted before the original even posted!!)

I know you will not take this post down as that is the way you operate. I respect that as I have used this website to out this criminal-his story and his deceptions run deep and go back many, many years. I started Report #359175. The reason I am writing this is because your site claims that people are not allowed to lie about their identities and I just wanted you to know that he has taken advantage of this and lied over and over again. Of course, I truly doubt he can tell the truth as lying is all he has done for years.

Anyway, I do wish to express my thanks for what you do--Report #359175 has provided me the ability to reach out to other victims (more than 50 at today's count) and has kept us aware of his movements. I also know that authorities have viewed this thread and it has provided a lot of good evidence. Thanks for what you do. I would appreciate a response just to confirm that you received this information. Also, I have cc-ed this to Matthew McClintock at the email address that he sends me email from--he uses this email address to send emails from himself and a variety of the individuals under whose names he posts on your forum.

Most Sincerely,




Wow, Matthew McClintock/Cody Willis/Cody Justin--you started your own thread

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 22, 2009

My name is Kristin and the phone number on this post is mine. I will not apologize for speaking the truth and I invite anyone to call me about this! Although this man has lied and attacked me relentlessly on the internet--getting the truth out and saving people from being victimized by him is worth what I am going through. I truly believe that others reading this can see the truth.

For anyone reading this, please google Matthew McClintock or Whispering Wind Productions and you will be able to find the whole story. I filed a report with the sheriff in Gallatin County after I found out that my employer was a criminal--he did two stretches in prison in Oklahoma and has a warrant for his arrest there.

I agreed to take a job that paid "50,000/year" plus benies--this got reduced to $1800/month on the first day I went to work. I was hired to file for non-profit status and to find funding to continue and grow what this man claimed was an existing tutoring program. I could find no tutors, I could find no students, I could not get this man to give me any information about these things. I spent my days cold-calling and driving around with this man. I have never cold-called and was not at all comfortable with this--I would never have taken a job doing this!

I received phone calls asking for his rent, asking for payment for bills he hadn't paid. On some of my cold calls, I was met with "we already donated to that program and have never heard back" "we sponsored a commercial but we never saw it air" "we sponsored a commercial but when we called the station, they had no record of it" and various other comments. I called the stations myself and found out that most of the commercials were lies! One station had a record of a $150 deposit and that was it--I don't know much about TV advertising but I don't think $150 buys the 120 air times some businesses paid for.

I also witnessed him sign a woman's name to a check and a stop payment form--for the latter, he had me drive him to the bank, pick up the form, drive him to the office, watch him sign the woman's name, and drive him back to the bank. I later confirmed that he was not allowed to sign his name to the account and that he had been telling the bank that the lady was doing the signing--this woman lives in Cali and just recently she received collections notices because of checks Matthew McClintock bounced in HER NAME!

I was soliciting sponsors for a billboard. One of them said they were a little leary because they had called the company that owns the billboards and could not confirm that there was a billboard--I contacted the billboard company and found out the billboard was a lie. There is to this day, no billboard. I also took checks for an ad in the paper--the ad went in the paper but the business names were not on it.

There is so much more to this story but, suffice it to say, I am an honest person, I am a teacher and a mom, and I could not work for a criminal. I could not put myself out to the community as a representative of this deceit. I sent letters to this man requesting my two weeks pay--he sent threats back to me. I attempted to collect my pay one day after an extremely threatening letter--I went to his office/home and knocked on the door. He refused to answer. I said, "that's okay, I will take this to the sheriff" and drove away. I called the sheriff on my way home and Matthew had already called them. The sheriff told me that Matthew's story made little sense--he claimed I had banged on all the windows and yelled. The sheriff then told me to stay away from this man for my own safety and told me to consider a restraining order. A couple days later, another letter arrived and I called the sheriff to ask what to do. Matthew was called and told not to contact me by letter or phone again or he would be arrested.

Matthew started posting on the internet like the next day! And he has been posting consistently under a variety of identities including the two in this thread! He has even emailed me from the very same email account as these various individuals throughout this whole thing--who shares an email account? Especially when they live in different states.

I have an Order of Determination and an Order of Default from the Department of Labor in the state of Montana for my wages--he owes me $1395! Matthew lied numerous times on his attempts to fight my claims and witnesses confirmed my side of the story.

Since posting this information about Matthew online, I have been contacted by over 50 victims across many states. This man has no scrupples and steals from anyone he can. He owes an ex-girlfriend 1/2 million dollars--there is a court judgment in this case. She is disabled and is still paying taxes on the money he stole from her.

I will continue to respond to this criminal and face his lies until the day he goes BACK TO PRISON!! On that day, there are a group of us who plan to meet for steaks and celebrate. As to my future employers, I am currently a substitute teacher but I am pursuing another job. At every job interview, I have disclosed information about this case and offered phone numbers as reference to collaborate my side of the story--these numbers include the authorities who are pursuing this criminal. Like I said, I am an honest person and feel that full disclosure is required. yes, if an employer is a criminal and a liar--I will report it.

For more info, you can google or search this man to find the other posts about him--if they will let it through the other rip off report about him is at:


Oklahoma City,

Kristin Cox When I read the following quote by Kristin Cox's, I fully realized the caliber of person we are dealing with. Unbelievable!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 08, 2009

When I read the following quote by Kristin Cox's, I fully realized the caliber of person we are dealing with. Unbelievable!

Finally, your very own children--what does a man have to do to get disowned by his own children? Did you leave them alone and abandoned in an apartment like you did Sam? Or maybe you really don't have kids--maybe your son really died in a car accident (one story) or after premature birth??

May God help you!!!

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