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  • Report:  #115434


KRISTEN FAITH BIZZELL CHILD SUPPORT CHEAT, OXYGEN THIEF: refuses to let me see kids, allow me to provide for therm; so needs medical care, won't give me his info to do that FAYETTEVILLE North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    FT BRAGG North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 31, 2004
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 19, 2007
    FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

KRISTEN BIZZELL beleives that child support is meant only to fatten her pockets and prop up her decadent lifestyle at the expense of her two beautiful children. For over two years I have faithfully honored my support obligations to my children, and have seen nothing for it. My children apppear undernourished and dirty. The many gifts my wife and I send to them--my entire family, as well--are either never opened, never played with, or simply taken back to the store for something more to her liking (maybe the money?). We NEVER get any calls or invites to family affairs involving the kids (birthday parties, christenings, etc.). I always make time to see the kids when I can (i'm in the military, in a high-deployment unit, so it's already hard enough as it is), but she's always "busy," or she'll say yes, and then skip town without any advance warning. I made numerous efforts to reach out to Kristen and her family, but get hollow statements or no response at all.

Her favorite pastime is calling my superiors and complaining about money. When they tell her I'm in compliance, then she calls child support enforcement. Now they're telling her the same. But that's not good enough for her. Anyway, the biggest thing is that , if you're getting the money owed to you, espescially if for the most part you've been overpaid, I think you have a responsibility to allow you children to see and have a relationship with their father. He's earned that. THEY DESERVE IT. And it's not fair that she wants to exploit the system to benefit her while her kids are being cheated--no, ROBBED--of a father.

We have a son; he has severe mental handicaps (unfortunately, she apparrently wanted to have an abortion, but was too much of a coward to go through with it, so she decided to simply not get prenatal care, in the hopes she would miscarry or he'd be stillborn).As a soldier, I have to register him for medical coverage and various propgrams to help him. To do this, I need his records and SSN. You'd think she'll be compliant with that, huh? NOPE! So while I'm updating my ID card, I learn that my son's not even in the system.

I'm working through the law to fix the legal stuff, but there's little I can do about visitation. Maybe calling her out on this will invoke enough shame and remorse in herself to want to be an active partner in raising our two great kids.

FT BRAGG, North Carolina

6 Updates & Rebuttals




#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 19, 2007


If you are still having problems with visitation most courts consider it illegal to withhold visitation (even if the Father/Mother is NOT paying child support). You cannot withhold visitation for non-support. I wish you the best of luck. Divorce is hard on all parties, especially the kids. I know, been there done that. Just try to take things day by day. Sorry for the loss of your son.

God Bless.


North Carolina,

And for the rest of you...

#7Author of original report

Mon, March 19, 2007

If any of you should feel the desire to respond to any of the above comments, please keep them to yourselves. I am sorry enough that I allowed these words to ever surface in this format, but they were written some THREE YEARS AGO, and the situation between my children's mother and I are far different (and, thankfully, much better).

I again humbly beseech that you not any longer respond to these posts. Believe me, you're not doing anybody any favors. You're better off trying to find away to make peace with your situation, and be there for the people in your lives as much as you can.

Thank you.
God bless you.


North Carolina,

Get over yourself, Donna.

#7Author of original report

Mon, March 19, 2007

Do you have any idea how old this thing was?

A lot has happenned in the years since I posted this rant of mine, and even at the time that I wrote this there were so many issues that you don't know about, and frankly don't need to.

We lost our son two years ago this month. We both went through changes. We see each other differently, and we both share the deep pain and remorse for all that came about up to that point. But we've also come a long way in repairing that damage, and work hard every day to do what's best for our remaining child.

You're free to speak of me however you wish, Donna; I'm not the same guy who wrote that diatribe, and I still stand by what's written anyway. But as Kristen and I have let bygones be bygones, I respectfully ask that you stay out of it, and let us continue to heal. Your meddling will only cause more pain than it's worth, and I don't believe that it serves anyone's best interests to dredge up old garbage so close to the second anniversary of our son's passing.

I thank you for your respect and tact.



Wait a Minute....

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 18, 2007

You say your children appear undernourished and dirty? You say you need your sons records and SSN? What kind of a Father DOESN'T have his own sons Social Security Number? Kristen is always busy? Of course she's always busy with a severely handicapped child as well as another child. You claim Kristen is fattening her pockets and living a decadent lifestyle? I highly doubt a soldiers salary pays out megabucks child support for 2 children. Well, obviously not, because she is in need of more money as many mothers in her same situation would be and you don't help her. What do you do? You not only don't help her, you publicly SLAM her. And what are you busy doing? You are busy attacking the only one who cares for the children. Also, Lack of prenatal care doesn't CAUSE mental retardation, that's normally transmitted by a DEFECT in the genetic line and I'm lookin at you Therran. What thanks does Kristen get for a 24 hour 7 day a week thankless job? She gets YOU badmouthing her publicly. Great Job! You certainly seem like the type who'd send gifts such as loud drum sets to annoy, lincoln logs for her to hurt her feet on, paint sets to ruin her house with. If I were her I'd make it my mission in life to keep your filthy, public laundry airing, negative, badmouthing self as far away from the kids as humanly possible. But hey, how exactly, since she refuses to let you see the kids do you divine that they are undernourished and dirty? Also, you make it sound as if you're doing her a favor by paying child support, as if it's not your DUTY as the childrens father. Thank you for giving out Kristens full name. I'l be contacting her and giving her this information you posted about her. Hopefully this can be used in Court against you and you will look very bad indeed. Also I'm sure she'll be glad to forward your horrible slandering comments to your commanding officer/s and above. You call her a prostitute? You stink Laughing



Children with severe mental handicaps are very hard to take care of

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 01, 2004

I am soooo sorry to hear about the lack of care given to your son by the babies mama. Children with severe mental handicaps are very hard to take care of. They need someone around 100% of the time to take care of them. Even mundane things like giving a bath takes hours at a time. Taking care of regular children is hard taking care of handicapped kids is HELL. I feel so sorry for her and that she is not giving the kind of caring that a true mother can give. It sounds like she is too wrapped up in herself to give a care about her kids. I bet she dont work either, collecting disability from the state and get's extra money from the state for having retarded kids, (they do here)

I would recommend you do is call CPS on the kids and have the kid be a ward of the state. Since you are the dad, they have to listen to someone, right? There is an excellent school for retarded kids and it is year round. It's a boarding school called DAMAR and it is in indianapolis, IN. The best thing for a special needs kid if you or the mom doesnt want to take care of them anymore and they are out of yours and hers hair. Best of all it's free because Medicaid pays for everything. And since you're deployed you can stop & see him anytime you want without going through your ex. And stops you from paying her to sponge off your money and not even taking care of the kids! That's horrrible! She's getting the best of you by getting money that she doesnt even use on the kids, you should get the best of her. Take the kids away from her, she's playing dirty you can play just as dirty. I would call CPS on her just to give her a warning and CPS will set her up on parenting classes or something!!!!


Lumber Bridge,
North Carolina,

Child Vistation CAN be Inforced

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 31, 2004

You need to consult with a local civilian attorney about inforcing your parental rights and visitation rights. Visitation rights can be ordered by the court and can be enforced by the court (contempt of court for failing for follow order, in few cases, arrested, but all in all court hearings being a nuscense for her). Cumberland County has a parental exchange program where the two parties don't need to interact when exchanging children for visitation (like a 10-15 min window) but has to be court ordered.

On the more extreme end, if you are concerned about the well being ofyour children, have thought about filing a report with social services? This may be potentialy destructive, but if the situation is desperate....I would FIRST CONSULT AN ATTORNEY, bring all paperwork concerning all custody, child support and divorce action. She seems to be of the mindset that she isn't going to do anything beneficial to your cause without court ordered compulsion.

Hoping all will be better,

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