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  • Report:  #595497

Complaint Review: Lake Ridge Kennels Dee Gerrish

Lake Ridge Kennels, Dee Gerrish lake ridge kennels, cleveland, nc. The owner/operator of this business continues to harass me on the Internet and in person cleveland, North Carolina

  • Reported By:
    karmakarmakarma — orlando Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 22, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 12, 2010
Dee Gerrish, owner/operator of Goldendoodle World aka Lake Ridge Kennels in Cleveland, NC. continues to post slanderous, malicious, defamatory, accusatory and untruthful blogs about me.
This has been going on for a very long time and I have asked her please stop harassing me and blogging about me but she won't. I tried to "fight fire with fire" by doing the same thing to her but it hasn't stopped her.
Dee Gerrish was busted for operating a back yard dog breeding operation and hoarding all sorts of animals. She over breeds her female dogs and sells the mixed breed puppies exclusively on the Internet for thousands of dollars. When the doodle dog was trendy several years ago, Dee jumped on the band wagon and started "creating" doodles as she claims and selling them as fast as she could. Back then because the dogs were considered to be "designer dogs", Dee apparently sold quite a few puppies. When the trend faded, she was stuck with about ten or more of the dogs because they didn't sell. When the dogs grew into adults and still didn't sell, Dee and her husband surrendered the dogs to the local animal shelter. Instead of spaying and neutering her remaining dogs, Dee continued breeding them and selling the puppies.
Not only is this unethical, this is outrageous.
All Dee is doing is contributing to the millions of homeless dogs stuck in shelters and euthanized every year. She claims that there are no doodles in animal shelters. How does she know this? Did she call every animal shelter in the United States to find out?
I assure you right now there are hundreds and hundreds of these mixed breed dogs in shelters and rescues and they are there because of greedy people like Dee Gerrish.
Dee Gerrish doesn't care about the welfare of the dogs, all she cares about is the money she rakes in from all the stupid people that buys her puppies. Anyone who would look at Dee's website and still pay her hundreds even thousands of dollars for a mixed breed puppy deserves what they get. A sub standard dog.
Dee Gerrish hates my guts because I have reported her to her local authorities for operating her 'business'. She hates my guts because she claims that because of me, her puppy sales have gone down. Well, yay for me! I'm glad. I hope that someone in her area will get wise and remove all the rest of the animals that have piled up on her property.
As for her property, I have given Dee many opportunities to prove that she is a reputable dog breeder. I asked her many times to post photos on her messy website, photos of the dog kennels, photos of a dog exercise area, photos of the whelping area, photos of the puppies interacting with children and adults and other dogs and photos of her yard. She has refused to do this. The photos that she has on her website ARE photos of puppies with kids and adults but the photos were not taken on her property. She either copied the photos from the Internet or the people who actually bought some of her puppies sent her photos from their own homes and yards.
You will never see Dee Gerrish's property. It is hidden behind a tall privacy fence.
A reputable breeder would not hide behind anything. They would proudly post photos of the kennels, the dog runs, the property, their home probably inside and out and they certainly wouldn't try to run a reputable business and post horrible, nasty blogs about their own family for the world to read.
Dee Gerrish has shot herself in her own foot by blogging hateful and accusatory things about me, my son, my sisters and even about my own dogs!
She created several 'montages' and posted them on YouTube and she copied one of my own videos, wrote a long nasty comment under it and re-posted it on YouTube. The photos she used in the montages she copied from my now deleted Photobucket account, added nasty text to the photos and posted them. I reported her and the videos and montages have been removed. She even had the audacity to post a telephone conversation on YouTube that she and I had last Summer. I had no idea she was recording the conversation and because it was an invasion of my privacy, the audio video was removed. This woman will stop at nothing to get 'even' with me.

Dee Gerrish in my opinion, is a cyber terrorist. She doesn't just attack me, she attacks everyone and anyone. No one is safe from her harassment. Dee Gerrish has even posted horrible things about our President, celebrities, you name it, she has bashed them. She is addicted to blogging and not interesting blogs, horrible, hateful, malicious blogs.
Every day I find a new nasty blog she has posted about me. She cries that SHE is the victim but the truth is, she isn't. She has ruined whatever credibility she ever had and her business spiraled downhill. Now she will have to get a real job and get off of her butt, get away from the computer and go to work. She claims she is a disabled veteran and can't work.
When Diane was in the Army a very long time ago, she worked in the motor pool. She claimed that something hit her in the head and made her disabled. Well, that would explain why she behaves the way she does on the Internet. As for being disabled, why then did she work for the Freightliner company in Cleveland, NC for several years full time and didn't have any problems?
She told me years ago that she quit working there because she was being 'hit on' by all the men and she didn't like it. I almost lost my lunch because she looks just like a man and unless the guys were gay, I couldn't imagine anyone 'hitting' on her.

Regardless of what her reasons were, Diane remains a back yard breeder even though she has been warned to stop AND, Diane continues to bash and trash me online. This is no way to run a business but it is a way to get bad publicity and that's exactly what she got.

14 Updates & Rebuttals



Rebuttal to Dee Gerrish's Slander

#15Author of original report

Sat, June 12, 2010

I want to address a few things here Diane Gerrish.
I do not believe that Jim Kelly sent you an email telling you that Karyn lied about what she told me about what she saw on your property. Jim first of all, wouldn't contact you and secondly, he wouldn't call Karyn a liar. What Karyn told me about what she saw on your property and the surgery you performed on your own dog is the truth. I have never known Karyn to tell me a lie about anything. Even if you posted this alleged email from Jim, it would be something that YOU wrote yourself. You cannot weasel out of this one. Karyn described your property in so much detail that I KNOW she was telling the truth. Why would she make up a story about you performing surgery on your dog? She didn't. Unless I hear it from her own mouth that she lied, I will always believe her.
All the slanderous blogs you have posted about me have gone too far. You whine and complain about things I posted about you in the past and you call ME a cyber bully but you post a new hate-filled blog about me almost every day. What would you call yourself by doing this? Defending yourself? No. You are maliciously attacking me and you aren't even posting truthful attacks. You don't know what the truth is because no one tells you anything so you make up what you don't know. You have gotten so many things wrong in your blogs that they are laughable at best. You didn't even spell the title of your blog correctly. It isn't "verbage", it's "verbiage". You accused me of misspelling mom's name. How retarded can you get Diane? I have her birth certificate and all of her identification. YOU are the one who can't spell your own mother's name correctly. Pathetic.
Also, I have NEVER referred to mom as "Lorena". Where do you get this crap from? Don't you think I know what mom's name is?
You whine, piss and moan in your daily blogs about me attacking you. You claim that I am obsessed with you. I don't blog about you Diane. I don't waste my time blogging like you do. It is YOU who is obsessed with ME and you can call it what you like but that's exactly what it is. The only reason you choose to post on Blogspot is because you know they won't remove blogs without a court order. When you look up my name there, do you see any blogs about you? No.
You said when you type your name into Google, a great many topics come up. Well of course they do because YOU put most of them there! I don't write articles about dogs and I don't put ads on weird sites that have nothing to do with animals. The only reason you post your links on unrelated sites is because it's free. You are cheap.
You also trash and bash, the very site that YOU post on and say it's a scam. You even accused me of being friends with the owner of this site. You have really lost it. I have no idea who runs this site and I don't care. Why do you slander this very site and have the nerve to post here?
Even the people who post comments to you on here, you accuse them of being me. They aren't me. You also accused me of being Gilbert Goh, an author on a cyber bully site. I don't know this gentleman and you made yourself (once again) look like the fool that you are by accusing me of being Mr. Goh and you accused me of being friends with him. I don't know this man.
You wanted to know exactly where you posted garbage about my son. It's right here on this very site, it's on several other sites too. You not only posted crap about him, you posted his signature AND mine on here. You posted that my daughter is a l*****n. I still have that post. My daughter is NOT a l*****n. You have bashed and trashed me about everything from abusing and neglecting mom to lying about being a dog trainer. You even posted that I lied about your husband driving to my house and standing in front of my house walking back and forth like a stalker. That is not a lie Diane. You sent him here and two deputies showed up. Are they liars too?
You sent your husband to kidnap mom without even telling me he was coming and when I got wind of it, I brought her to my house to keep your husband from taking her out of state. I was told by a deputy that I should have let your husband take mom across state lines against her will and your husband would be in prison right now for kidnapping and you would be in prison for conspiring to kidnap.
Also, all that crap you posted about detective Scott Mason is a lie. He never told you anything. I sent him an email and he said he has never even talked to you. He doesn't know who you are. Everything that you write is fabricated. Because you can't find out the truth about anything, you fill in the blanks and post your blogs as if they are the truth. You can tell a truth from a lie and you never could.
You even freaked out when you found out that I am friends with some of the people from Hollywood. Here is a news flash for you: Darlene and Fleta were my best friends. I knew their parents. I knew Harry and Nancy Huntley. I have been Facebook friends with them for a long time and you only found them by accident because I forgot to change my privacy settings. The only people you hung around with was our brother, Billy and Eddy and sometimes Connie Sykes. Connie is not the same person you once knew. You and her have nothing in common.
Because of the crap you have posted about me, none of these people are going to keep you in the loop.
You also made a derogatory statement about me being a member of a Bernese Mountain Rescue Club. Me and my husband are associate members and no, we did NOT pay a fee to join. We are involved with transporting dogs if need be and fostering if need be. You don't know anything about this and this is none of your business anyway.
About my dogs: Why do you care about my dogs? You post all sorts of erroneous things about my dogs when you don't know anything about them. You don't know one dog from the other and you don't know which dogs belong to us and which dogs are being fostered. You are constantly complaining about ME saying things about YOUR dogs and yet, you are concerned about mine.
I also want to address what you continue to post about my personal life. You don't want me posting anything about you, your dogs, your business or anything that relates to you at all and yet, you are constantly blogging about me being on medications, being on disability, stealing money from mom, being in "cahoots" with our other sisters and the list is endless.
YOU are on disability, you SHOULD be on medication. Two years ago, YOU came down here, used mom's money to hire an attorney, revoked Charlotte's POA, gave it yourself, closed out mom's checking account, opened a new one, put your name on it, contacted Disney and Social Security and had them send mom's payments to YOUR account, changed mom's address of over forty years to YOUR address so you could receive her pension checks. You kicked out the only person that was keeping mom company and taking her to her doctor appointments, you filed false claims to DCF, you dumped mom back off at her house ALONE and took off back to North Carolina. You KNEW mom didn't know how to use the telephone and she didn't know how to call anyone for help. Oh, you canceled all of mom's credit cards including the one she used to buy food with. Sheryl was the only person who was taking mom to the store and to appointments because mom was no longer able to drive and you kicked Sheryl out leaving mom to fend for herself.
The big question here is, why didn't you take mom to YOUR house? Why didn't YOU take care of mom when she needed someone to look after her? You KNEW she had dementia and yet, you helped yourself to her finances when you took over POA.
You didn't have it for long but you screwed up mom's life and turned it into a huge mess for the rest of us to clean up.
You like patting yourself on the back because you sent mom a cheesy basket for Christmas and a card. That isn't what mom needed. You lied when you posted that you and your brother sent mom cards and letters. Michael Bircheat never sent anything, EVER. All YOU ever sent was what I just posted. Don't make it look like you tried to contact mom and I refused to let you because you are a liar.
I told you AND Linda Kline that if you wanted to talk to mom that you could have bought mom a cell phone and paid the bill. You were NOT going to run up MY phone bill calling mom. Letters? What letters have you and your brother sent? None. Do you have letters that I returned to you? No.
Tell me why is it that I am the only person who took care of mom for over a year when I have five other siblings? Tell me why you didn't take mom from her house and take her to your house and take care of her? You accuse me of abusing and neglecting mom. You accuse me of keeping mom a "virtual prisoner" in my house.
You have never been around or cared for a person who suffers with Alzheimer's disease. Should I have just allowed mom to open the front door at any time day and night to wander the streets like Charlotte did with her dad? If I had done THAT, then you could say I was neglectful. You have no idea or clue as to what went on when mom was here. We had to child proof our home and for your information, me and mom went out a lot. Yes, our doors were locked all the time because mom was always trying to get out. That wouldn't have been an issue if she wasn't ill. If she wasn't ill, she would have known where to return to. You don't understand anything about how to care for a person with this disease. You don't know that it effects everyone differently. You don't know that one minute they can seem fine and then the next minute they don't know where the bathroom is or how to pull off their clothes.
You love to write articles about things you have never experienced and it makes me nauseous to know that you have written articles about dementia and Alzheimer's disease when you have never experienced it. You have never lived it. I have.
I watched my mother turn into a stranger. I watched her deteriorate. I watched her forget more and more every day. Now, she doesn't remember anything or anyone.
She isn't mom. She is a stranger.
Getting back to your constant blogging: You can call your blogging "self defense" and you can call your blogging anything you want. What you are doing is called cyber harassment and cyber bullying. It's also obsessive. You can't stop. You can't control it. It controls you.
Nowhere will you find a blog that I have written about you. I don't post blogs about you on, MySpace, Buzznet, Squidoo or any other place. I did not record your voice on a tape recorder as you accused me of but YOU recorded mine without my knowledge. This is illegal and I told you before, it will never hold up in court. You crossed the line when you put my voice on the Internet. You cross lines all the time but somehow you justify it. You justify your slanderous blogs about me.
There is no justification about slander. There is no defense about accusing me of doing what YOU are doing on an almost daily basis.
I have asked you to stop blogging about me but you refuse. I tried 'fighting' you by posting some things but that only made it worse. I tried ignoring you but it didn't stop you. You can't stop. You will never stop.
It isn't about your dogs or your 'business', it's about your hateful behavior. It's about how sneaky and deceitful you are. It's about loathing and your evilness. It's about all the contents of your blogs that contain lies, accusations, misinformation. It's about you, a person who relies on sales exclusively from the Internet who airs your personal grievances to everyone and anyone around the world. No professional business owner would do that. I have never seen it done. You are the only one who does this and you can't help yourself.

I would love to see proof that Karyn Kelly lied about what she saw on your property. I would have to hear it from Jim or Karyn because when Karyn told me about what she witnessed, she really had no reason to say anything bad about you. Even when she told me about the dog Jim got from you. She didn't bash you about it until she started reading the crap you posted about her which was uncalled for on your part. Karyn had nothing to do with anything that had to do with mom other than believe the crap Charlotte told her. Karyn is a little naive but she found out quickly that she was wrong to believe Charlotte.
Karyn is not known to be a liar and like I said, Jim Kelly certainly wouldn't contact you and tell you that his wife made up that story.

If you enjoy wasting you time posting blogs about me then by all means, keep doing it. It only shows that you are obsessive/compulsive and it shows your dog friends that you are spending way too much time on the computer when you should be taking care of your dogs. Just keep in mind that every blog you post goes on Google. People around the world read this stuff. It doesn't help your bad reputation at all. It doesn't make you look good. It makes you look like a vindictive fool who is angry, negative, nasty and vial. It doesn't make you look like someone they want to do business with.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Sandra Johnson is a broken record

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 11, 2010

Mrs Johnson:

1. You use this website as though it were your own public diary.

2. If you think my website is messy, not properly organized and boring..stay away from it.

3. If you think my blogs and articles are boring, stop reading them.

4. If you think you have friends, think again.  You appear to be a desperate, lonely, pathetic individual with no life.

5. Your such a "loving great daughter" to our mother that just a few days after her birthday on Feb. 14th, 2010 you dumped her in a locked facility far away from your home.  After all, that IS what a loving, caring, daughter does to a mother they have ripped off, right, Mrs Johnson?

6.  No one has "trashed" your son or daughter.  Provide LINKS Mrs Johnson where all of the "slanderous" content can be found.  Secondly, you tend to use the word "slander" quite a bit.  You obviously do not know what the definition of "slander" is. 

7. It's funny how you copy my articles and post them inside of ROR as though they were breaking news.  Mrs Johnson,  you obviously worry about what I write.  You copy my content  and then after twisting the content around,  you repost it.  Perhaps you need new reading glasses?  You fail to mention the fact that MY BLOGS and MY ARTICLES that are housed at  happens to also have links embedded into the content that directly points back to where content YOU posted sits.  Those link are valid working links unless, of course,  you delete the content or you file a fictitious harassment complaint and the content is removed. 

8.  Copies of supporting documentation from the Osceola court house in Kissimmee Florida is public record showing that you and your son, Jason Holka, attempted to steal my mother's home.  Because your buddy here who operates this sham website ROR happens to be protecting your name by deleting my links and only showing your initials as well as removing names, addresses, etc...I put that infomation on my blogs.  Something your scam buddy here on ROR can't control.

9.  Mrs Johnson,  I do not need to take up anything with Karyn and Jim Kelly.  I have supporting emails from Jim Kelly as evidence that your claims as to what Karyn Kelly told you are nothing but lies. Those supporting emails are on my rebuttal on ROR to your bogus claims.

10.  Why do you even come to this website anyway?  You have not been ripped off by me or my business.  You don't know anything about me, my dogs or my business.  As I said earlier Mrs Johnson,  I see the wheel spinning...but lady, the hampster is dead!



Proof of Slander Posted by Dee Gerrish

#15Author of original report

Fri, June 11, 2010

Here is proof of the slanderous blogs Dee Gerrish has posted about me almost on a daily basis:

"On facebook,  Mrs Johnson wants people to believe that she is a care-taker of my mother (who was diagnosed with dementia in 2006 and horrifically taken advantage of by Mrs Johnson and three other sisters) and that she is a loving daughter.  She continues to lay claim that no one except for her,  has anything to do with my mother,  when she is very aware of the fact she is being overly untruthful.  She feels guilty when my mother tells her that she is a "good daughter" ??  Mrs Johnson SHOULD feel guilty.  She knows in her heart that she has NOT been a "good daughter"  nor has she been doing anything for my mother that isn't for self gain on her part. Sandra Johnson claims that "every other day"  she is finding I have blogged about "her" on my blogs.  This would not even be necessary if "every other day"  I could stop finding new places she has copied and pasted the same fabricated, accusatory and very derogatory "review" about me as a person and my dogs,  on the internet.   Those who have followed me long enough are very aware of Mrs Johnson.   The woman can't be trusted and I'm not even sure why people connect with her on facebook.  She pretends she's been a loving, good daughter to our mother?  Yet,  not long after  my mother's birthday,  she dumped my mother in a locked down facility very far from her home.   She proclaims she's a "good daughter" and yet,  she has done some very illegal things to my mother since April of 2009.  All supporting evidence is located at the Osceola court house.  IfIf you go back to some of my earlier blogs,  I have even provided supporting documentation showing Mrs Johnson's signature as well as her son's signature where both tried to steal my mother's home and back lot.  Quick claim deed documents support the above fact.  That is public record for anyone who searches for property information.  Lastly,  Mrs Johnson doesn't even spell my mother's name properly.  My mother's name is Lorraine Evans.  It always has been.  Mrs Johnson spells my mother's name as Lorena.  Where the hell she came up with that one is beyond me.  For all I know,  she has my mother hiding out in a locked down facility under the assumed alias of Lorena Johnson  or Lorena West or Lorena Evans.  Mrs Johnson does this to make it difficult for family members to find my mother.  However,  I decided to let a private investigator chase after Mrs Johnson because they have more time to do it and that's what they do for a living.  It also saves me from wasting my time making phone calls to every damned nursing facility in the state of Florida and Georgia.  The hunt is on for my mother and I will find her.  Mrs Johnson is such a "good daughter"  that she changed her telephone number to keep my mother's children from speaking to her.  Mrs Johnson is such a "good daughter"  that she took everything that wasn't nailed down out of my mother's home in Kissimmee Florida and has been "remodeling" it for her own purposes.   I'm sorry.  But "good daughters"  don't steal from their parents.  They don't take advantage of their mother when their mother's mind goes.  A "good daughter" would never act the way Mrs Johnson has acted since 2006. Mrs Johnson is tired of my blogging about what the hell it is she is doing all over the internet that libels me as a person and as a business?    It's real simple.  I asked her a long time ago to delete the garbage she has posted but she has refused.  I asked her to stop doing what she is doing to my mother but she continues taking advantage of my mother. Mrs Johnson has told many lies and has behaved over the internet as a cyber terrorist.  On facebook,  she even had the audacity to look up people I grew up with in Hollywood Florida just to tell them what a "good daughter" she's been to my mother and what a "bad" person I am.  She befriended people whom she was never friends with as a kid!!  Mrs Johnson did not grow up with the same people I did.  The "kids" who are now grown and have their own lives and more than likely has even moved far away from Hollywood Florida have absolutely no interest in Sandra Johnson.  She is older than they are and she wasn't even in the same classrooms.  The people she contacted on facebook are my age.  They went to the same school I went to.  I hung out with them because we were friends.  They were never friends of Mrs Johnson.  So it baffles me that here she is now nearly sixty years old....contacting people I GREW UP WITH...telling them bad things about me and making herself appear to be a victim and ensuring they were all aware of what a 'good daughter' she has been to my mother.   Talk about a desperate need of self validation!  My god! Spare me.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dispicable Lies by SFJ54

You know,  just when I think I've found everything my estranged sister has posted on the internet that fabricates horrific lies about me and my dogs and business...I come across more crap!  This coming from someone who actually goes on cyberbullying websites claiming SHE is being harassed and stalked and bullied by ME!  I created a HUB account quite awhile ago (nearly six months ago) and Sandra Johnson ...aka  SFJ54...created a hub account 5 weeks ago!  Little did I know, however,  she had created a hub account under a fake name,  "lindarogers",  some 2 years ago!

At any rate,  notice please that on Sandra Johnson's profile,  she has posted derogatory content that mentions my personal name Dee Gerrish and my brother's personal name,  regarding our mother,  Lorraine Evans.  I find this quite interesting that she posted what she did, because no one has taken anything from our mother except for Sandra Johnson, Karyn Kelly, Charlotte Estes and Carolyn Rogers....all estranged sisters.  No one has been involved with my mother's property, personal possessions or money except for the estranged sisters I've mentioned up above.  What is further interesting is she posted the following statement:

quote:  "I am being harassed online by my sister, Dee Gerrish aka Goldendoodle World because she is mentally unstable and greedy. None of my five siblings have contacted my mother in over a year, no one has written her a letter, sent a card or made a phone call or paid a visit and this is very sad and pathetic."  unquote.

I have told my estranged sister that if at any time she wants to bring her issue to court here in North Carolina,  to bring it.  I will gladly meet her and go before a judge so she can tell her side of the story and I will tell my side of the story.  She can produce her supposed evidence and I'll be very happy to produce mine.  I guarantee that this woman will not only be shredded on a witness stand...but she will unravel in less than a few minutes after I'm done with her.  The only person who will be boo hooing back to the state of Florida,  will be her.  And she might owe me a few bucks too.

As more drama unfolds regarding my estranged sister, Sandra Johnson,  the craziness grows larger. Her antics are called,  cyber harassment.  This woman obviously lacks perception.  She is completely out of line and her sordid behavior is worse than I have ever seen anyone do to someone over the internet.  She has prayed upon my business for years and for only vindictive reasons.  As she wants people to believe she has been somehow ripped off and wronged by me,  it is obvious that my estranged sister is completely self absorbed.  She has no shame.  No morals.  She has no concious and I am very sure that hell has extra room for her. Where she is going when her end time comes,  will be extra hot! Now,  first of all,  I am definitely not one to hide under a rock from controversy.  I will not stand by and not speak out about this sister's over the top, absurd, crazy internet behaviour.  To say that this individual has lost every ounce of her sanity,  is an understatement.  I have never,  in my entire time of being on the internet  (and I've only been on the internet since 1996),  ever seen anything like this happen to anyone!  I am sure that somewhere on the internet there are crazy people acting like this...but sister is nearly sixty years old!  She has two grown children and a grandchild.   Unless this woman has gone completely insane,  she is without a doubt the most vile human being I've ever come across. She claims to everyone on the internet that I am slandering her.  I fail to see that.  Help me understand how my blogs slander her...are malicious towards her or make any reference to her. This woman has an obvious  personality disorder and is in some serious need of anger management.

Perhaps she should appear on Dr. Phil's television show?  I'll bet he could hook her up with some real counseling and much needed therapy.  It is this estranged sister's personal belief  (as crazy as it seems)  that by my blogging about what she and several other sisters have done to my mother and what she, herself,  has posted all over the internet about me and my business,  that this somehow "harasses" and "slanders" her.  Sandra Johnson is a "hit and run" cyber terrorist. There is a huge difference in what I blog about and what she posts on the internet.  She is so delusional that she can not understand that,  nor see it.  Perhaps it is her illness that prevents her from being able to tell the difference between attacking and defending and lying and telling the truth.  Whatever is preventing this woman from being able to focus on reality instead of fabricated fairy tales that are very twisted and evil,  god only knows.   What she has claimed all over the internet shocks even myself!  She gets a kick out of it...but its all going to backfire on her in the end. 

This estranged sister suffers from dysfunction and from clinical depression.  It's a major issue for anyone involved with her and anyone she focuses on and latches onto.  I believe she has a personality disorder and may even suffer from OCD or some strange fixation/obsession issue.  I can't even imagine a normal person behaving as she has,  on the internet.  My mother...god help her...has been forced to live inside of this sister's home under lock and key.  She behaves this way toward me.  Can you even begin to imagine how she must treat my mother when no one is around and no one is looking?  It makes my heart ache for my mother.

Sandra Johnson posted that to "find the complaints"  just "google" my name and business name.  Oh...that's a given!  This woman definitely wants you to find all of her lies.  Interestingly enough,  every time I have tried to blog about what she has been doing to me,  my husband and our business,  she files complaints to get the content removed.  She doesn't want you to read the truth.  Instead,  she wants you to ONLY read the derogatory, fabricated bullshit she has posted and splashed all over the place on the world wide web!  I posted a video with HER own words that I recorded during a taped telephone conversation I had with her where she admits to being behind the smear campaign and what did she do?  She filed a complaint with youtube to get the video removed by saying "the video harassed her". Sites like ROR where they make money by filling up their website with google key words for you to click on,  keep content like what Sandra Johnson posts,  because they earn money from you going there and possibly clicking on a key word.  Its called Google adsense or Kontera.  Each click makes them money.  They welcome the s**t that Sandra Johnson posts. This woman has a personality disorder. 

She goes on to claim,  quote:  "Dee and her husband live on the property in an old trailer and the property is littered with debris and junk. The grounds are "ankle deep" in chicken poop because Dee keeps chickens on her property as well as dogs and cats. The person said there is an "overwhelming odor in the air that smells like death and the smell is so bad it took my breath away the moment I got out of my car."  unquote.

This particularly makes me very angry.  Sandra Johnson spouts hatefilled words worse than any liar I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.  There are absolutely NO CHICKENS on my property.  THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO LITTERING OF DEBRIS AND JUNK.  My "grounds" are NOT "ankle deep" in chicken poop nor does it smell like "death" at my home.   And WHO IS this "source" that Sandra Johnson continues to claim she has?  She has no "source" just as she has no ability to back up what she has written in this article that I am discussing nor any other article or posting she has made with similar, fabricated content. She further makes this horrific statement inside this article she posted on :  quote:  "While visiting the property, the former friend witnessed one of Dee's personal dogs attacking another one of her dogs ripping it's stomach open. The former friend stated that instead of taking the injured dog to a veterinarian, Dee sewed the dog's gaping wound together without any anesthesia. The former friend stated that she was so "sickened" by this that she made an excuse and left and never returned."


MY NOTE by Sandra Johnson: Dees own sister, Karyn Kelly witnessed everything and reported this to me. If Dee has a problem with what was said by her sister, she needs to take it up with her.


There is a lot more of slander posted on by Dee Gerrish about me. She posts a blog about me at least twice a week if not more. She is harassing me by slandering me on the Internet and as much as I try to ignore her, its impossible.


What Dee Gerrish has posted on Blogspot and everywhere else online is nothing but malicious, hateful, spiteful and accusatory lies. She can order everyone to cease posting about her but that isnt going to happen until the day when SHE stops. Dee Gerrish does not own the Internet. She bashes and trashes this very site and yet, continues to post here.


Keep it up Diane Gerrish. The more you blog about me, the more I will complain about you here.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Rebuttal to Sandra Johnson....aka whatever user name she is currently using

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 07, 2010

Blah, blah, blah, blah! Sandra Johnson...or whatever you desire to call  yourself today....your like a scratched record! How long have you been posting this same absurd, fabricated crap?? Since 2006??? 

Honey...I see the wheels spinning...the the hampster is dead! Find a new hobby!

By the way...interestingly enough,  my business connections now tell me you have stooped so low as to be sending personal messages to them and creating new claims.  For someone who makes such wild accusations....I've yet to see one single shred of evidence to back up what you post.  I'll be seeing U soon in court....I hope you have your documents ready for the judge.  You are going to need them.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Rebuttal to Karmakarmakarma..aka Sandra Johnson

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 07, 2010

It is interesting that crazy people always think its everyone else and not themselves.

Your stories posted here are absurd and ridiculous.  Please go take more medication! You are obviously, greatly in need!  My rebuttal has already been posted about you Sandie Johnson.  No one is digging a hole for themselves, except for you Sandra Johnson.  Can you feel the hammer of justice right around the corner?  It's coming.

And now that court time is growing nearer,  I am almost glad now that the site owner for ROR won't remove your content.  It's evidence that only further supports my case against you.  Good luck to you and your fantasy world.  One day, the world will be done with you, Mrs Johnson and for that...the world will be a better place. Nothing you say, rant about, post or claim is true.  I know what the truth is and it isn't anything you post anywhere on the internet.


United States of America

Dee Gerrish-Cyber Bully

#15Author of original report

Fri, May 07, 2010

Dee Gerrish continues to bash and trash me on the Internet after I asked her stop, after I reported her numerous times to the sites where she posts her garbage. I found a very long, hate-filled blog she posted about me as recent as May 2 which was only a few days ago. There is no stopping this crazy woman.
 She made a website on Intuit called, Crazy Sisters where she targeted me personally and I found many many more sites where Dee Gerrish has posted garbage about me. She even had the nerve to copy one of my own videos I had posted on YouTube (before I removed it) and she posted a long, extremely accusatory and libelous comment about the video stating that I was abusing my mother. The video was removed by my request.

Dee Gerrish has also made several montages from my own photos she copied (beforeI deleted them) and she added her own text over them making me look like some kind of horrible person. Those were removed also.
This woman claims she is running a dog breeding business. If I am not mistaken, running a business like that takes a great deal of dedication, a LOT of time and hard work. It's quite obvious that Dee Gerrish is spending more time blogging about ME than taking care of her dogs.

All this comes down to is "tit for tat" between siblings. She posts nasty and hate-filled blogs about me and I retaliate and complain about her doing this.
No professional business owner would ever stoop so low as to hang their dirty laundry for the world to see and this is exactly what Dee Gerrish is doing. If you are trying to build a successful business, STICK to the business. Don't whine to the world about your family matters. No one wants to read that trash.

I have requested that Dee Gerrish stop this childish behavior and do something worthwhile with her time like focusing on her business but she hasn't. It is clear that Dee Gerrish is not taking care of her dogs because she is spending way too much time blogging about me, accusing me of ruining her business and accusing me of elder abuse, elder exploitation and neglect.
As a business owner and operator, Dee Gerrish has no scruples, no morals and no shame when it comes to the content she posts online. This to me is a clear sign of a very unhappy and miserable individual who needs to stop the harassment and stick to selling puppies on the Internet.


United States of America

Goldendoodle World Digs Deeper Hole

#15Author of original report

Sat, May 01, 2010

The more you post on here the deeper the hole gets for you Diane Gerrish. You have ruined your reputation (if you ever actually had one) all by yourself by posting rebuttals to me. The more you post, the less puppies you sell. The less puppies you sell the less profit you make. The less profit you make, eventually you will be out of business and the world will be a happier place. At least there won't be so many of your dogs in shelters and in rescues any longer.
It doesn't matter what you have posted about me. I don't have a business reputation that I have to be concerned about. You do.
You have put your own 'spin' on the things you posted about me and that's expected of you because you have always been a habitual liar throughout your entire life. Remember, I have known you since you were born unfortunately.
Everything I have ever posted on the Internet about you is true. Nothing was added or taken away. You can back stroke all you want but it's all true.
Your own son and husband told Karyn Kelly that you surrendered ten of your own dogs to the animal shelter because you couldn't afford to feed them. Your own husband and son told Karyn that when your animals die, you make your husband dump their carcasses at your local landfill instead of giving the animals a proper burial or cremation. Karyn wouldn't lie about something like that.
How do explain away what Karyn witnessed when she was on your stinking, filthy property trying to help you clean it up before the authorities arrived? You forced Karyn into holding down your seriously injured dog so you could sew it's stomach back together instead of taking it to a vet or an animal hospital. One of your own vicious and aggressive dogs attacked the poor little dog and mortally wounded it. You decided in all your 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' of veterinary medicine to take it upon yourself to perform surgery on this dying animal. When Karyn asked you if you were going to give the dog something to numb it you told her that the dog was in shock and "it doesn't feel anything". You sewed up the dog's ripped open stomach wound yourself!! What kind of a monster ARE you? In my eyes, one of the worst.
You don't deserve to own any animals of any kind and you certainly don't deserve to sell them to anyone and make a living from them.
I noticed that you didn't explain why you have never posted photos on your website of your dog kennels, dog exercise area and the whelping areas where your puppies are born. I noticed you didn't explain why there are no photos of your trailer and there are no photos of you.
If you were a reputable dog breeder Diane, you would post photos of these places so everyone can see what everything looks like. All you are doing is hiding behind that privacy fence of yours. Why don't you tell everyone the truth?
Tell everyone that you don't have a real kennel, no whelping area and no dog runs.
Tell everyone that you keep all of your dogs in a metal shed behind your own trailer and all of your dogs are crammed together like a puppy mill. Tell everyone that your yard is so small and so filled with other sheds, an RV, vehicles and a boat that there isn't any room for a dog exercise yard. Your dogs get no exercise at all. I would bet that they never get to step foot on grass and I bet they never get out of that shed where they live 24/7 like prisoners.
If you had a real kennel and if you weren't ashamed to post photos of your property on your website AND if you stopped trashing me and bashing me on the Internet, I would never post another thing about you and your operation. But because you continue to do it, I will continue to retaliate.
I guess you have amnesia also because you seem to have forgotten where you posted your nasty and hateful blogs about me, my son and my daughter. You seem to have forgotten where you post blogs about our family's personal issues. Well, I haven't forgotten and I have copied every single blog and post you put online.
Even on here.
I reported you for harassing me and cyber bullying me because YOU are running a business. As a business owner and operator, you are supposed to stick to posting about your business and not trashing me and other people.
This site is for people like me to complain about business owners like you.
What business owner/operator puts their dirty laundry out there on the Internet for all the world to see? Why do you continue to mix the two?
If you have a beef with me, send it to me in a letter. If you have a problem with my son and my daughter, send THEM a letter and stop posting your trash about them online. My daughter doesn't even know you and you don't know her but yet, you continue to trash her every chance you get. She is a grown woman and never gives you a second thought. All you do Diane is grab at straws. You can't find anything truthful to post so you make it up. Do you think that anyone who knows me actually reads the crap you post about me? They don't. No one has ever asked me about what you have posted and you know why? Because they don't care. My friends know me and they like me. They also know that I have a very dysfunctional family and you are the craziest and most seriously mental ill sister I have.

I want you to continue posting more and more of your garbage and hatred on the Internet because the more you post, like I said, the deeper you dig your hole.

I am actually very surprised after all these years why you haven't used some of that money from your puppy sales to get a new website designed for yourself?
I have never seen such a disorganized, messy and almost unreadable website. You have left it that way for years and I just can't imagine how anyone can read through all the junk you put on there. Your website is long and boring just like your articles, posts and blogs. If I were you, I would be ashamed for anyone to see that website.
Of course, you are too greedy to spend the money to pay someone to design a real website for you. You created that mess yourself which means, if your website is messy and disorganized, so are you and so is your house and so is your property.

I look forward to seeing more accusations and lies posted on here from you. For someone who hates this website and has posted a lot of complaints about it, you certainly do use it a lot. I see complaints posted by you about this site all over the place. On the other hand, that's how you live your life.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

to "Robert" or whoever you wish to call yourself today

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 01, 2010

Robert....or sandra Johnson...or whever you want to call yourself today.  My purchase agreement is very legal and it is binding in every state within the United States.

I'd never sell you one of my dogs so I suppose we are even.


Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Rebuttal to alleged accusations regarding Goldendoodle World/Lake Ridge Kennels

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 30, 2010

This is my last and final rebuttal to the absurd accusations toward my business,  Goldendoodle World/Lake Ridge Kennel posted on ROR by Sandra J under multiple fictitious user names.

Sandra J claims that I have posted "slanderous, malicious, defamatory, accusatory and untruthful blogs" about her.  I have repeatedly asked Sandra J to provide the actual links to all of these supposed blogs that I've supposedly written.(Notice the user names for her,  on ROR , changes for the person  making the allegations toward my business and me as a person......but her postings are all attacking and NOT a claim of being "ripped off".  She comes into ROR to post under various user names so that people will think the content has been posted by someone else but all of it has been posted by one person... Sandra Johnson of 7414 anstead circle, orlando florida.)  Yet, to this date,  she has not provided me with the links.

Sandra J claims I was "busted for operating a back yard breeding operation and hoarding all sorts of animals".  This is very enlightening, Sandie.  Would you further enlighten me and the general internet audience when this happened and by whom was I "busted" by?  By all means,  provide me and the general internet audience with a date, time and name that "busted" me and when did this allegedly occur?  This statement, by you,  is offensive, untruthful and malicious in itself.  Sandra Johnson claims that I have gone all over the internet attacking her...but this woman, since 2006,  is the actual person who has done this to me.  I find it very interesting that Sandra J of Orlando Florida...a sixty year old woman...has wasted so many years stalking me over the internet and making up such over the top, absurd claims that it is mind boggling.  This website is supposedly for complaints about being "ripped off".  In what manner, Sandra J,  have YOU been ripped off BY ME?  So far,  you have posted all over this ROR website malicious, untruthful, slanderous, defamatory and quite accusatory statements regarding me as a person and my please remind me again,  who is doing what to whom?

Sandra J claims I was "stuck with a few Goldendoodles because they didn't sell and that the trend faded and I supposedly surrendered them to a local animal shelter".   That's news to me,  Sandra Johnson.  You live in Orlando Florida and I live in NOrth Carolina.  You have NEVER once stepped foot at my door step.  You have NEVER so much as met one single dog I've ever owned or bred.  You absolutely know nothing about me as a person or my business.  You only stalk me where I advertise my dogs and where I blog about my dogs.  You come into this website and forums and other websites all over the internet making statements about things you have simply fabricated to cause financial ruin and personal upset to me and my business because the truth of the matter is,  your a washed up, jealous, and very vindictive estranged sister of whom I have NOT had anything to do with since 1996.  I saw  you ONLY 1 time at our mother's home in 1999 AFTER I drove down there to pick up a dog YOU abandoned at our mother's home and our mother didn't want at her house.  I have NEVER surrended one single Goldendoodle dog to any animal shelter whatsoever.

I have NEVER been busted or arrested for anything in my entire life.  I am NOT contributing to the millions of homeless dogs stuck in shelters whom are euthanized every year.  How am I making this contribution when the dogs I bring into this world are adopted by people who complete my application and pay good money for?  Thankfully,  since I became a breeder in 1996,  I can only recall ONE dog that a buyer dumped at an animal shelter in Virginia and my husband drove there to pick up the dog when the shelter called us and notified us that the dog was there.  What I find very interesting about you,  Sandra J,  is the fact YOU are one huge hypocrite.

YOU bought a Goldendoodle from a breeder in 2006 or early 2007.  YOU had the Goldendoodle shipped to the Orlando airport, by the breeder.  YOU paid over one thousand dollars to the breeder for that dog.  Less than six months after you purchased the doodle,  you gave it to some family with kids because you couldn't train claim your some professional dog trainer.  Last year,  your husband drove to Georgia and purchased a Bernese Mountain AKC purebred dog FROM A BREEDER.  I saw the video you had on youtube and you DID indeed have many photos of that dog...BB...on some of your websites and yet...just recently,  that dog is nowhere to be found on any of your videos and photos.  What happened to him?  What happened to the doodle?  What happened to the two Siberian Huskies you owned in 2006?  I still have the photos you had sent to me showing them to me. Who did you dump those dogs off with?   What contribution to the dog population and the shelter explosion did YOU make by dumping dogs you paid for and later decided you didn't want?  Stop calling the kettle black,  Pot!!!

Your posting here on ROR is attacking.  Your claims here on ROR are completely without merit and completely fabricated.  You can not back up one single claim you have made here on ROR under all the fabricated user names you continue to make up.  Your credibility is zero, Sandie.  You claim I "hate your guts" because you reported me to the "local authorities" ???  When did you report me and to what authorities?  What "authorities" actually took you serious enough to follow up on any claim you have ever made especially since you can't provide dates, facts, legal documentation to substantiate one single thing you've ever said on the interne since 2006?  Do you not have a life, Sandie?  What purpose does it serve YOU to continue to behave like a complete moron on this website and all the other sites that you continue to make these absurd claims regarding me and my business?

You have the audacity to make claims that I have targeted you and attacked you??? Are you freakin' kidding me?  What do you call all the absurd content that has been posted by you, regarding me as a person and my business?  Two things you know absolutely nothing about.  As someone who left home and didn't spend much time in the house where I grew know absolutely NOTHING about me.  All  you know are the things you have created in your mind.  Why are you so fixated on me as a person?  Why are you stalking me and behaving like a cyber tyrant?  What is this obsession?  I think surely your doctor has medication that can help curb whatever is ailing you.

Your claim about MY photos of puppies with kids and adults on MY website WAS taken by me on MY property and also my wonderful customers have shared some terrific photos of the dogs they bought from me and given me permission to post.  I also have videos of my dogs at my home and in my yard.  Do you have an extreme urge to come to my home? TO come to my yard? TO meet my dogs?  Is this what this is all about?  I think that is where your obsession lies.  Because I refuse to have anything to do with obess about ridiculous, absurd things. You spent since 2006 copying my personal photos...evidence is supported by your own posting here on ROR where you attached my personal photos that YOU didn't take nor do you have any rights to.  I never gave you permission to post or attach my personal photos that you copied from twitpic and twitgoo as well as photobucket.  You post and photoshop my personal photos.  Why on earth would I put further photos on the internet for you to use so maliciously as you have since 2006?  Had I known that I had an insane sister who was mentally unstable and who would behave in this manner,  I never would have placed one single personal photo of myself anywhere on the internet.  You copied photos that my cousin and I took from a ghost tour in St. Augustine....a place you never were present don't have one single ticket stub to produce as evidence that you were with me and my cousin and yet, you posted my personal photo that you copied from twitpic and you attached it to malicious content.  Now again, Sandra all means remind ME who has done what to whom??? 

Lastly,  show me one single link where I have blogged malicious content about you and "your sisters"  and "your son" ??  Post the links as YOUR rebuttal so that everyone can be enlightened as to where such posts exist.  If you are talking about the Michelle's VOY forum where YOU posted the absurd attacks and malicious content using MY name.....well, there is one more website that you use because no one takes the responsibility for that website and anyone can post whatever they like under any assumed name and the content is there forever.  I personally contacted VOY via mail and I tried to call them as well.  I filed a grievance asking them to shut that forum down.  But guess what?  No one gives a crap about that forum just like the guy who operates THIS ROR site.  Anyone who allows someone like yourself to post the content that you post, without doing one single bit of fact finding,  has an agenda and that is to make money from content posted.  The ROR site owner has words rigged so that it brings him revenue every time someone clicks on a key word.

This entire website is a scam just like VOY is a scam.  Responsible website owners do not allow people like yourself...who go out of their way to cause hurt and humiliation to others simply because that is how you get your post the things you've posted.   All of this however, Sandra J,  is going to come back to bite you in the a*s later down the road.  I sure hope your husband...Robin J...who works for Walt Disney World...will stay by your side, knowing what a liar and con artist you really are.  The only person creating "bad publicity" for me and my business is YOU, Sandra J.   YOU and ONLY YOU are completely responsible for all the s**t that is visible on the internet.  I can't even imagine the type of people who would believe half of what you say.  If I were a stranger reading YOUR content...I'd want to see documentation ...that backs up one single claim you made!

According to you....Let's far,  I've tried to extort money from you.  My husband went to your house in Orlando Florida to stalk you. (Yes..we definitely have time for that) and so mother hates me....I've trashed her house according to you..back in 2008;  Supposedly you called the Kissimmee Police department on me when I was visiting my mother because I damaged her house but yet, interestingly enough, the Kissimmee Police department doesn't have that on record.  Supposedly there isn't one single Orlando sheriff's documentation that supports your claim that my husband went to your house to stalk  you.  You claim I'm a puppy mill and yet, I'm NOT a commercial breeder.  I am ONLY a private breeder who has 1-4 litters a year available.  You Claim I dumped ten Goldendoodles at a local animal shelter and yet there isn't one shred of evidence there.  You claim I was busted for being a "backyard breeder" and yet,  you can't produce one single date, time and name of who and when this supposedly happened. YOu claim I trash and bash YOU all over the internet and yet,  I've not seen any links that back up that claim either.  YOu claim that I told YOU that I was being "hit on" at Freightliner ???  When did this supposedly happen and what year was that?  That never happened. I have never shared any personal information with you about that is completely fabricated by you.  I also haven't worked at Freightliner since 1999.  The ONLY reason you even know I worked there is because our mother told you I worked there and that was PRIOR to 1999.

Why don't you stop this cherade of lies, Sandra J?  WHy can't you live your life as a normal person and stop these ridiculous attacks and absurd postings.  If I had the several thousands of dollars it was necessary to sue you for everything you have ever said about me and my dogs and business and customers, over the'd be living on the street right now.  You think you have nothing now? If I could afford to sue wouldn't have anything for the next ten or so years and hopefully a judge would give you jail time.


New York,

Why don't you sue her?

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, April 30, 2010

This nonsense of yours has been going on for over a year!  When are you going to sue her?

BTW, ROR is protected by Federal Law.

Let me remind you of something you posted on ROR when I questioned some unconscionable clauses in your "purchase agreement."

The responses from the supposed "Ben" and "Robert" are more fictitious names created by "Disgusted in Orlando" who happens to be my estranged sister, Sandra J.

Nope, I'm not your sister or related to you or anyone else in your "business."  I read some reports about you and visited your website and read your "purchase agreement" and commented as to some of the clauses being UNENFORCEABLE in New York State.

I suggest you sue your sister for damages and to get a court order barring her further postings.  You also might wish to have a LICENSED BUSINESS ATTORNEY draft you and enforceable "purchase agreement."

This internet "blather" of yours does NOTHING to help your business-quite the opposite.  Between your "purchase agreement" nonsense and this internet war, I certainly wouldn't purchase anything, let alone a live animal, from you.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,


#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 26, 2010

The website owner of ripoff report operate a website at the URL "" ("Infringing Website").  The website owner permits the general internet public to post photos they do not own the legal copyrights of.  Furthermore, the website owner of ROR allows fabricated content by those who do not have a ligitimate complaint,  to post on this website.  The website owner of ROR also engages in malicious postings by removing names, links and photos that actually have legal standing within rebuttals.  The owner of ROR engages and supports  a pattern of misappropriating content and infringing copyrights by republishing verbatim copies of copyrighted material, in their entirety, and without the copyright owner's consent.  The owner of ROR engages in a pattern of allowing abusive content to be posted on his website, failing to remove photos and content that has been posted on his site even after he has been sent a copyright infringement complaint by the true owners of the material and the photos, copied by others.

For  their own profit and advantage, Sandra Faye J  of(((Redacted))) including  the website owner of ROR,  are misappropriating the non-transformed, copyrighted material in which I have filed a copyright infringement claim upon.  The website owner of ROR was sent a copyright infringement complaint on 4-25-10 notifying him that Sandra J has attached content that specifically belongs to me and that I have legal rights to, without my explicit permission of doing so.  The website owner and Sandra J were  notified and asked to remove my personal content and my photos which have been attached to various malicious, slanderous content under various fake user names in which Sandra J  is directly responsible for posting upon this website.  To date,  the website owner of ROR has not removed my personal photos.  Instead,  he has removed ligitimate documentation including removing addresses of factual places that support my truthful rebuttal to Sandra Jo's false claims posted upon this website.

By allowing Sandra J to attach my personal photos and my copyright protected articles verbatim and posting fabricated, rumored, malicious speculation that she can not back up with supporting legal evidence, the website owner of ROR diverts readers and potential customers that would otherwise go to my own website and websites where my true articles are posted . This usurps my right to conduct business and it directly violates my civil rights, which, in turn, has damaged and continues to cause damage to my business and my personal reputation.  Furthermore, Sandra J's fabricated content causes damage to my business and hurts the potential of my business attracting potential customers and readers of my copyright protected articles.

Sandra Johnson and the website owner of ROR  are hereby notified as of this date, April 26, 2010 to cease and desist posting my copyright protected personal photos and my copyright protected articles.  Sandra Johnson and the website owner of ROR are hereby notified by me,  Dee Gerrish, to remove all content that has been posted by Sandra Johnson under various fake user names because the postings are in violation of the website owners own "Terms of service" policy stated upon this website.  All of the postings upon this website that bare my personal name Dee Gerrish and my business name Lake Ridge Kennel/Goldendoodle World are fabricated, untruthful, without merit, rumored, speculative and meant to cause duress and public humiliation on a personal and business level.  As a result of these postings upon this ROR website and the failure to remove these postings as requested by me, Dee Gerrish,  the owner of ROR has gained revenue and other benefit from advertisers wishing to reach people to the detriment of myself.  I, Dee Gerrish,  have demanded  that Sandra Johnson (including herself under multiple fake user names)  stop copying and publicly displaying my  copyrighted photos and  content without my consent, as of April 26, 2010.   The website owner of ROR and Sandra Johnson,  has refused to cease their infringing activities.  Sandra Johnson and the website owner of ROR's conduct has been in willful violation of my  repeated warnings that I  do not want the content of my articles and photos to be republished upon this website or other similar type of websites , and that their continued  conduct is unauthorized. The specific acts of infringement described above are simply representative of a broader pattern of infringement in which Sandra Johnson (under multiple fake user names) has continued to  make unauthorized use of the content of my photos and my copyright protected articles,  24 hours a day, every day.

Again you are both hereby notified to cease and desist from this infringing behavior and to remove my personal photos and copyright protected articles from this website and any other website that it may be publicly visible by the general internet audience.  Sandra Johnson, and any other fake user names you may use across the world wide web,  you are hereby notified as of April 26, 2010 to remove your fabricated, malicious content that bares my legal name, address, phone number and business name that slanders, rumors, speculates and has the sole purpose of causing detriment, from any website including this one, where it may be housed.  Failure to remove the above mentioned content including failure to remove my copyright protected personal photos and articles will result in legal action that may not be favorable to you in a court of law.


Dee Gerrish

165 four lakes dr.

Cleveland NC 27013

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

REbuttal to Sandra Johnson's claims

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 25, 2010

Sandra Johnson,  have you lost every ounce of sanity?  You obviously have no idea what a pagan even is.  A pagan is someone who connected with the world.  You claim that I copied YOUR photos from your photobucket account that was deleted??  Where did you get MY photos from Sandie?  From my twitpic and photobucket account.  You claim that every day you find a blog that I've supposedly written about you ??  Where are the links to these blogs?  I'm interested in knowing where they are.

Where are the links to all of the blogs that "harass" you and your sisters?  Do you know why I recorded seven 90 minute conversations I had with you last year?  Because you have a problem with being credible and lying.  Why don't you also be honest and tell people that you yourself recorded our conversations and that you have the same conversations on tape that I have.  Why don't you tell people,  Mrs Johnson,  that you wrote an email to your half sister...Charlotte Estes...telling her that YOU recorded YOUR conversation with HER and that YOU threatened her in the email. Yes...Sandra Johnson....Charlotte Estes sent me and my brother a copy of the email you sent to her.  You know...I thought Charlotte Estes and Carolyn Rogers were scum bags of the earth for ripping off my mother....but they never took my mom down a court house and made themselves SOLE beneficiary to her property, money and personal assets like you did.  They never took my mom down to the Osceola courthouse and had our mother sign her life away; her house or her back lot like you and your son, Jason Holka did.  The truth is Sandie,  you have copies in your possession  Equifax DOCUMENTS regarding my mother,  (((Redacted))).   You,  yourself, have evidence of exactly everything I blogged about regarding our mother being ripped off by Carolyn Rogers and Charlotte Estes.  Detective Mason of the Kissimmee police department at 407-846-3333 can back up the fact that YOU yourself called him and told HIM that your mother had been ripped off by the very same people and that you claimed our mother had been drugged and neglected by Carolyn Rogers and her family members.

Ron Bledsoe of the Orlando DCF's agency at 407-317-7092 can substantiate the fact that our mother,  Lorraine Evans,  was the victim of elder exploitation and that she is in dire need of a legal guardian that is NOT one of her family members.  Mr. Bledsoe can confirm the fact that you have kept our mother isolated inside of your home and that to date,  you have refused to allow our mother to speak to me or your other sisters; you refuse to allow her to have contact with other family members that is NOT yourself or your son or husband and that you keep her locked inside of your home...not allowing her to have contact with people her own age.  Your behaviour since 2006 has been completely inappropriate.  You deleted your own videos Sandra Johnson because one of the videos showed you shushing our mother and speaking to her like she was some little girl.  Talking down to her and NOT restraining your dogs after she asked you several times to put your dogs outside and to get them away from her.   You are so mentally unfit that you didn't see anything wrong with the video you put on youtube.  Before you deleted that video,  I DID re-record your video and I DID put it back up on youtube so that people who needed to see agencies...could SEE with their own eyes...the way you verbally berate our mother inside your home.  The lies you have posted about me and the hateful content you have posted only supports my concern that I have voiced for quite a long time about my mother living inside of your home.  God only knows how she is treated behind closed doors at your hands.

I am NOT into the occult Sandra Johnson.  I do, however, believe that there is an after life and I really do hate it for you when your end comes.  You...of all people...will get a reality check of what happens to someone as hateful as yourself.  You post in your content about me that my soul is black?  No ma'am.  My soul is clean.  My soul is pure.   I actually have a soul and a concious.  You, on the other hand, do not!  No one as filled as hate as you are could possibly have a soul or a concious.  You and YOUR sisters took full advantage of our mother in a most despicable manner instead of helping her and doing right by her.   So now because I enjoy watching Ghost Hunters....Ghost Adventures and love actually participating in ghost hunting ..I'm suddenly into the occult?  You are really a very sick, twisted, demented person. 

Why don't you actually find something more fulfilling to do with your life?  Why do you continue to waste so much of your short precious time that you have left on this earth, copying and pasting the same old song and dance over and over and over again?  Why are you so obsessed and fixated on me as a person?  You don't know anything about me, Sandie.  You have no idea about the reality of my life or me as a human being.  You don't know anything other than what I myself have posted inside of my blogs.  The truth is Sandra Johnson...or whatever name you now wish to go that you are the one who creates so many fake user names simply to trash me as a person and to smear my business name when you know absolutely nothing about my dogs or my business.  You claim that the feud between us has gone on for a long time...gee, really?  You think???  The fact that you can't stop posting the same crap repeatedly in as many websites as  you can possibly find to house your garbage is beyond normal!  You are the reason that things continue regarding the derogatory content that bares my name and my business name and my photos.   You continue to file false copyright infringment claims on my personal photos that you own no rights to;  you continue to file false copyright claims on my personal videos that you own no legal rights to.  You continue to post and repost the same old song and dance (just in more elaborate versions) anywhere and everywhere over the internet.  Are you seriously this deprived of attention that this is the only way you can get it?  Why don't you return to your therapist and get on some better medications?  You seriously...and I mean this with all sincerity....need medical help, Sandie!

You were aware in 2008 and 2009 what was going on with our mother and yet, you failed to file one single police report and you failed to contact one single legal agency asking them to provide assistance to our mother.  You filed a false report to the Kissimmee DCF's agency and that fact can be supported by a case worker named Kayla.  You are very aware that you and Charlotte Estes were behind a false police report being filed with the Kissimmee Police department in 2009 regarding several credit cards that was opened by Carolyn Rogers in our mother's name.  Charlotte Estes knowingly filed a false police report because I have the supporting documentation that proves SHE herself knew Carolyn Rogers opened that credit card in our mother's name...SHE herself had our mother's mail going to HER house in MObile Alabama and SHE herself was paying for THAT credit card out of OUR mother's banking accounts!  YOU, Carolyn Rogers, Charlotte Estes and Karyn Kelly ALL DISTRIBUTED personal belongings of our mother's amongst yourselves as though the woman was already dead!   I have supporting photos showing that either YOU, your husband or YOUR son put a head sized hole in the trunk of my mother's 25 year old classic car that she loved and you had the audacity to junk the car that my mother had kept for 25 years simply because our mother said that our brother could have the car after she died and he said he didn't want it and when I said I would take it,  you junked it.

Yes Sandie...let's talk about "all the money I rake in from selling dogs".  Last year I spent $44,000 out of my own pocket for the upkeep of my dogs.  I took in under $9,000 from dog sales.  My dogs live off of ME...not the other way around.  And for your information,  my Goldendoodles are NOT sub-standard dogs.  You are the biggest hypocrite I've ever met!  You make claims about my Goldendoodles when the fact of the matter is, you bought a Goldendoodle in 2006 or 2007 that you named "Sonny".  You had the doodle shipped to Orlando from a breeder.   When the dog pooped all over your kitchen....which I have photos to prove because YOU yourself had them on your photobucket dumped the dog with some family.   You want to talk about someone dumping dogs?  What happened to your Siberian Huskies you owned back in 2004?  I have photos of them.  What did you do with them?  What happened to that pitbull you use to own?  Did those dogs find homes or did you dump them in a shelter?  What happened to BB, Sandie ??  That Bernese Mountain dog you sent your husband to Georgia to a breeder's home, to buy???  What backyard breeder did you get him from?   I noticed he is no longer in any of your videos any more.  Did you dump him too?  Why, if you are a supposed dog trainer,  are your dogs so ungodly fat???  Why, also, if you went to dog training school can you NOT control your dogs and prevent them from jumping all over my senior mother who is ill with dementia?

Why don't you tell people, Sandie,  how you got fed up with our mother you said during our taped telephone conversation... a "nat on your a*s"....that on September 5, 2009 you dumped our mother at  nursing home in Saint Cloud Florida.  Why don't you tell people, Sandie,  that you thought you could secretly hide our mother inside a nursing facility while you upgraded her home so you could turn around and sell it and make a profit from a home my mother worked her a*s off to pay for?  Oh yes....Ron Bledsoe and Linda Kline of the Orlando DCF's agency know all about that too.  In fact,  why don't you tell the truth about the fact that when my mother begged me and my brother to get her out of that nursing home,  that you immediately drove there and pulled her out and took her back to your home.  You then had your husband go and pick up the few measely pieces of furniture you permitted our mother to keep for herself.  Everything else you either threw away, sold or distributed with your other sisters.  Possessions you all had no right to take or remove from her home in Kissimmee Florida.  Why don't you tell people the truth Sandie that you've told your son Jason Holka that he'd get a piece of the pie if he worked on my mother's house to help you get it upgraded so that you could sell it?  Why don't you tell people you gave your own daughter,  Jeni West,  belongings of my mother's when you had no entitlement rights to do so?  

Your claims  about me, my dogs and my business are without merit; are posted maliciously and your content clearly shows that you are deceptive, mentally disturbed person.  I have videos on my website Sandie of my dogs in my yard.  I have photos Sandie of my dogs in my yard and in my house.  Every single photo on my website belongs to both ME and my customers.   You claim you are so concerned about dogs filling up shelters....why the hell don't you spend some of your energy taking this cause up in Orlando FLorida???  I am VERY SURE Orlando and the state of Florida has plenty of breeders for you to focus on.  The truth is Sandra don't give a rats a*s about my or my business.  The truth is,  you come here and to other websites (mostly websites where you know the content won't get removed) to post this absurd content because you are a jealous, hate monger.  It is YOU who is the bully.  It is YOU who is the cyber terrorist;  it is YOU who has a behavorial problem.  And one more thing, oh sister dear...what is your issue with gay people anyway?  You have an obvious gay issue because in every single one of your stupid have to write something derogatory about gay people.

The fact of the matter is, Sandra Johnson,  I've never shared anything personal with you and no one told you anything about "being hit on".   I am married and I do not conduct myself in that manner.  And why are you now putting people down at Freightliner?  You don't know anything about the people who work at Freightliner.  What the hell is wrong with you?  There are thousands of men and woman with families who are out of a job from Freightliner who are strugggling now  and you have no right to put anyone that worked for that company, down.   Why don't you share your hatred for gay people with your own daughter,  Jeni West, who told you she was bisexual ?  Isn't this where your gay hatred comes from and the fact you have an internal problem with people being different?  Let's get honest here, Sandra Johnson.  Are you afraid of gay people?  Do you have such an internal fear that you might be gay or you might be attracted to women that you have to some how make derogatory references in my direction when I've never been gay?  I have never been gay....but I had had gay friends and I do not have any issue with anyone who is gay.  I know how to have great, close friendships with people Sandie.  Perhaps this is one of your biggest challenges.  Having friends and sustaining appropriate relationships with others.  If you would for one second,  stop hating the person you see every day in the mirror....perhaps you could stop acting and behaving like a tyrant out of control.

I honestly feel sorry for you....but no matter how hard you try,  I will never befriend you.  I will never be your sister and I will never forgive you or your other sister thieves for what all of you did to my mom.  God help you all when your end comes because it is going to suck to be you.

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,

Delusional Postings about Dee Gerrish/Goldendoodle World/Lake Ridge Kennel

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 25, 2010

Sandra Johnson is an estranged sister who has been posting this absurd type of content under multiple fictitious user names all over the internet as a smear campaign.  There is absolutely not a shred of truth or merit to this posting by her nor will we continue to play her delusional internet games by adding further comments.

Every derogatory posting here on this website and others that mention my name or business, has been posted by Sandra Johnson, under multiple fictitious user names.

Sandra Johnson is nearly sixty years old and has a mental health problem. It is truely sad that this woman has wasted so many of her years being obsessed and fixated on me as a person and my business of which she knows nothing about.  No one has ever surrended a single  Goldendoodle to any such entity, for any such reason.  The trend of Goldendoodles has NOT faded.  Sandra Johnson has not spend any amount of time targeting any breeder, in all these years, except for me and the only reason she posts so much hate filled, derogatory content is because she's an estranged sister who wants nothing at all to do with her.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if this woman cared anything about the rising population of dogs in shelters,  she'd be trying to do something about it in her own back yard and in her own community.  She would not be so focused on me specifically.  A breeder who has only 1 to 4 litters of pups a year.  Sandra Johnson hasn't spend an ounce of her energy with rescue agencies in her own state or city to do something about their own area shelters.  She hasn't ever posted one single thing about any other breeder in all these years.  I am the only single person she specifically targets and it has nothing at all, in reality,  to do with dogs.  Unfortunately,  Sandra Johnson's behaviour is one of someone with a true personality disorder and a visible mental health problem.



United States of America

Goldendoodle World Is Into The Occult

#15Author of original report

Sat, April 24, 2010

The link above will take you to Dee Gerrish's dark world of the occult. Is this the kind of person you want to buy a puppy from?
The photo I have posted is of Dee Gerrish in St. Augustine on a 'ghost' tour. She is in the light house holding a 'K2' meter trying to communicate with the dead.

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