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Lakeland Regional Medical Center LRMC Lying to DCF Lakeland, Florida
Well my issue with LRMC occured almost 2 years ago. Ive tried numerous times to find a way to report them for what they did but I always get pushed away. I had went into labor with my twin girls pretty early. They were 30 weeks when they were born and it was an emergency C section. The doctor was nice and so were my nurses. The twins were put in the NICU and stayed for about 6 weeks.
At the time I lived in Polk City. My fiance (who is now my husband) used his roomates car when we needed to go into the city. He didnt really like adding miles to his car and was pretty etchy on letting us use it period so getting the car every night would have been a problem. We couldnt ask family since they lived too far away.
My husband and I would go up there about once or twice a week to visit the girls. We went up there late since he was a manager at dominos and thats when he was able to get the car. Of course we never stayed there that long because it was already late but we did visit them. I called every single day to get updates and asked the nurses to call if there was something serious that happened to one of them.
Due to a previous and false CPS or as Florida calls them here DCF case in California I was investigated. Apparently DCF received a phone call from an unknown person reporting that I was an abusive parent and that my twins were in danger. Yes I know they must investigate all cases but they were in the hospital so I dont know how they were in danger.
After a month from my first and only interview with the investigating social worker I got a call from LRMC NICU stating one of my twins was ready to go home. Excited I packed a bag, got her stuff ready and patiently waited for my husband to get off work. I told the hospital that I would get her that night since I didnt drive and that my husband was working. About 2 hours later I get a phone call from the social worker telling me I was NOT taking my daughter home and I had to go to court on Saturday.
Broken and upset I called my husband to tell him the news. We gather ourselves up and prepared for court. Once we were called in they handed me the report. The social worker obviously had no idea what he wrote. I say this because he called my daughter a boy twice and misspelled one of my twins names wrong and called her a boy also. At the very bottom of the report I read where a nurse in the NICU reported me with her concerns of the twins coming home to me. She claimed I was being neglectful and they even offered me a ride to and from my home everyday and meals and a place to sleep in the NICU. They said I rejected that.
The magistrate read the report and asked if I had anything to say. I told him that the whole ride thing from the hospital was a lie because I was never offered such thing. He blew me off and said my next hearing was whenever and my girls were being put into foster care.
Ive already heard how DCF lies and pays people off to side with them to make their case look better and I know the judges will believe them because they're the state why would they have to lie? So I know that this investigator lied and he signed that his report was true.
So thats my story with LRMC and Im highly upset with them and how they lied and put me deeper in this mess for what?