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  • Report:  #788542

Complaint Review: Laminine LifePharm Global Life Pharm Global

Laminine LifePharm Global Life Pharm Global mlm scam fraud product Rancho Santa Margarita, California

  • Reported By:
    Betsy harrington — baltimore Maryland U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 14, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 23, 2015
*Consumer Comment: Learn about what your saying before you say it. *Consumer Comment: The Skinny On This Product *Author of original report: Bad reports coming in about Laminine *Consumer Comment: Laminine worked for me *Consumer Comment: Laminine worked for me *Consumer Comment: Laminine *Consumer Comment: Listen people - this is why you NEVER get involved in an MLM *Consumer Comment: Laminine Weight loss *Consumer Comment: Laminine Detox *Consumer Suggestion: Re: Betsy Harrington and Lifepharm Global *Consumer Comment: RE: Laminine *Consumer Comment: Oh how I LOVE MLMers... *Consumer Comment: Laminine: Faith and Hope *Consumer Comment: LAMININE NOT A RIPOFF *Consumer Comment: Satisfied customer *General Comment: Quit eating and start exercising! *Consumer Comment: 100% Refund on Laminine-NOT *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Rebuttal to this complaint *Consumer Comment: Laminine: more marketing hype than help *Consumer Comment: Laminine is a great product *General Comment: Healing Crisis *General Comment: Results Differ *Consumer Comment: Laminine *Consumer Comment: Nonsense and Fabrications *General Comment: Why you felled you Diet *Consumer Comment: Detox / FDA / MLM *General Comment: Smell ripoff *Consumer Comment: Everyone is different *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Be Positif thinking by researching *Consumer Comment: Laminine *Consumer Comment: It has changed my life, so each to their own. *Consumer Comment: You Hit the Bullseye! *General Comment: Laminine may not be a scam.

Laminine is total hype!  It makes me sick - IT GAVE ME HOT FLASHES which I had hot flashes only one time in January 2010 and after taking this product I was getting terrible hot flashes.  It really started to become annoying and bothersome!  I tried to email upline and the company to ask if they thought this was from the 'fat burn' they describe and if anyone else had this happen.  NOT one word from company and the greedy sponsor Glyn Taylor said to keep trying the product.

The first red flag was when Glyn said AFTER I ordered that there is a 2 week 2 pill loading dose, so that's a full box gone in 2 weeks
OH BY THE WAY>>>>>>> after the purchase he also let me know there MAY BE SOME DETOX 
I was pissed that I wasn't told this beforehand AND NO WHERE ON THE INFO DOES THIS HALF-a*s Life Pharm mention it don't you think it would be nice for customers and distributors to know????

I have gained A TON OF WEIGHT , there is absolutely NO TRUTH TO LAMININE helping to lose weight

They claim this product does it all and some kind of miracle but it's all hype and that Glyn Taylor is a smiling recruiter who doesn't give a s**t about anything but his checks coming in

33 Updates & Rebuttals


Mary Esther,
United States of America

Laminine may not be a scam.

#34General Comment

Mon, March 23, 2015

I bought Laminine for my mom who is in her late 70s. She has been type 2 diabetic since 2001 and has been suffering of joint pain and her back several times. She also had venous insuffiency on her leg and her feet sometimes hurt. She wanted to do many things around the house and sometimes it hurt very bad that my dad had to help her walk to her bedroom and put the blue stuff on her and then she got better the next day. Other than that, she felt great. Then I bought Laminine because I thought it would help her out alot on her pain and many other health conditions.

About a week later, I asked her if she felt any different and she said no. She didn't feel any better than feeling very good or great. However, I asked her after she was doing things in the house like doing dishes and working on handcraft if she has back, sholder, hip, leg or any ache or pain since she has been doing dishes or bending down several times and been standing up most of the day around the house. In reply, she said not so far or very little pain but not as much as it was before Laminine. I asked her every day and over and over again and so far, no pain. I think Laminine is working and I have done research on that product which I found pretty interesting. However, my mom told me she didn't feel any different and think it's a scam and is losing faith in the product. She also doesn't want me to buy anymore laminine for her because it cost too much money. I already bought the 30 pills for $46 and she took two in the morning and two in the evening.

My biggest concern is that if she finish up the bottle of laminine tomorrow, that the pain she had before that could come back in the coming days or weeks and I hope it won't happen. I will see if she can do things in the house without any pain after she finish taking laminine. So far, I will conclude that Laminine may not be a scam. Yes, it is tied to MLM network, but that doesn't mean the product is snake oil or scam. With ingredients discovered by Dr. John Davison in 1929 and was revised decade later, it was even featured on PBS. I would give credit to Laminine. However, I have to buy more for my mom to take it longer since it has only been about a week and too early to say if it help her with diabetes and other health condition. So I would say that so far, there has been no side effect of Laminine.



You Hit the Bullseye!

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, May 25, 2014

My reply to you .................... Laminine works 100% - There is no reason for anyone to have had the problems you have because there is so much information on the Net.... all the information is there for everyone to read before they buy - no one needs to start on Laminine blind and not knowing everythign about it. The cost, dosage, detox,  etc. is common knowledge.

I started taking laminine 9 months ago and all the good things that are said about it are true - it is a 'cure all'.... because the 22 amino acids are the building blocks of life they go to where ever the body needs repair and go to work.





It has changed my life, so each to their own.

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, February 13, 2014

I am a 59 year old woman who has been suffering from exhaustion (even when sleeping 9 hours and napping another 3 hours every day).  I am obese and carry most of my weight around my waist which is the most worrisome place to carry it.  I am always hungry and driven to eat one thing after another all day.  I'm pretty educated about healthy eating and my calories are mostly healthy ones, but with non-stop eating they still add up to way too much.

I decided to try 2 laminine in the morning and 2 at night to start.  The very first day the non-stop hunger disappeared.  I'm now guessing that my body needed something it just couldn't get and drove me to attempt to get it.  Also the fatigue dissappeared.  In the first week, taking 4 laminine per day my waist went down 6 inches and my weight went down 5 pounds.  I must admit that I farted like a banchee all day on the fourth day out.  I haven't been farting since then.

I am not a depressed person, but was quite frustrated about the fatigue and non-stop hunger.  My mood has elevated dramatically although I attribute it to finding something that so amazingly and completely addressed these 2 issues.

I've tried many other supplements, but none seemed to have any effect.  I've enough of a response from laminine  that I most certainly will continue.  I'd be ecstatic to see my waistline continue to diminish and feel energetic and focused as I do!

Having tried other supplements that work for others with no positive results for myself, I can imagine that laminine might not work for everyone.  But please don't imagine that your experience will be the same for all others.




#34Consumer Comment

Thu, September 26, 2013

I am 54 years old, and I have been on Laminine for almost (4) months. I have had great changes in my body. Some have been the re-tracing effects while my body is in repair. I did get that bloated feeling and felt tired on/off, pains in hips & upper back from car accidents BUT, I had this anyway from time to time. That's been gone now for several weeks. I will say that from the first time I took Laminine I did get this overall sense of healing and wellbeing. My sleeping is way better and I wake up ready to go.

I am sure my body is in repair of years of not taking the best care of it. There is a silent healing process going on just like there is a silent distruction process until you have the tell tell signs of dis-ease. I decided I am going with my gut on this and I will be staying on Laminine minimually a year and probably the rest of my life.  I have noticed a real change in my skin and digestion. I noticed this within the first 2-weeks.

Finally now after 3 1/2 months my hot flashes are gone, and basically I feel good all over.  Im hoping now that my hormones are leveling out that the weight will start to come off too. 

I believe because I am not on hormone therapy or medications that my body is able to make faster changes. My biggest issue is not getting the detoxed crap out of my system with excerise.  I am sure that if I would get out and sweat a bit I would move forward at a much faster rate.  All the best to everyone!

Anak sehat


Be Positif thinking by researching

#34REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 03, 2013

HI I'm from Indonesia, first time i know about laminine is from my sister, she has been taking laminine since 4 weeks, she looks better than before as before taking laminine she always use anti drepressant pills most of her night. I think we think should be positif thinking as its good ingridient & no one is dangerous content.. GBU


United States of America

Everyone is different

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, January 26, 2013

Our doctor has my husband and I both using Laminine . My body doesn't absorb nutrients well so I have to take alot of supplements, so this might be s why I'm not seeing many changes But on the other hand my husband has been on prescription antidepressants for over a year and they barely did anything for him. He would spend days in his room only leaving long enough to go to work,after taking Laminine for 3 weeks he is doing alot better, spending more time with our son and me and less locked away in the bedroom. So I guess it depends on the person.


United States of America

Smell ripoff

#34General Comment

Tue, January 15, 2013

Laminine = bogus product.  Good health achieved by millions without such nonsense.

United States of America

Detox / FDA / MLM

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2012

   I'm not a user of this product yet, but I'm researching and like what I've learned so far.  As soon as I read  " IT GAVE ME HOT FLASHES " on Ms. Harrington's complaint, I knew it was due to detox.  I had similar issues when I gave MonaVie to people.  But the rate was only 1 out of 200 users not 1 out of 20 which tells me Laminine is doing some serious detoxification which is harder to start people on it, but a good thing.  From my experience, the more medications and the longer a person has been on them usually meant a harder detox.

   A couple others have commented negatively regarding MLM and I have something to say about that too. I was a leading MonaVie distributor till one day my down-line disappeared.  I should be making over $100k per week right now from my efforts between the 9th and 11th month of that company.  I believe technology is going to continue to take jobs away, and MLM is the answer.  Unfortunately we humans keep messing up what G-D gives us because some of us are too GREEDY.  This is the only reason why MLM has a black eye, otherwise I consider MLM as a gift from G-D, messed up by human greed.  So I created iQmlm.  You can learn more about it at  

   A couple others mentioned that the FDA is about to get stop Laminine distribution.   I would question the motivation of the FDA first.   It was the FDA who allowed GMOs to come into our diet.  I consider GMOs to be worse than what hitler did to us Jews.  Watch video at:  The FDA is in bed with big Pharma, helping them keep the money rolling in by standing in the way of natural cures that would hurt pharmaceutical sales.  The FDA has kept different cancer cures from numerous doctors away from us by quashing researchers.  For example Dr. Burzynski, watch

I would like to speak to a founding principle at this company regarding a proposition I have for the company.


Apple Valley,
United States of America

Why you felled you Diet

#34General Comment

Wed, November 28, 2012

First off Laminin is not sold as a weight loss product. Most diets fell because after several day the body starts to burn fat, to make up for the lower then normal food intake, the problem is this fat is where the body also stores toxins. So any diet a person go's on will trigger a detox action, they is no way around it, and the more toxins in your fat the harder the detox  will be, a hard detox may make you sick for weeks like a bad flu however once you get past it, you well feel better if you have continued your Diet through the detox, if not and you restart you Diet or try another Diet you will go back into detox again.  


North Port,
United States of America

Nonsense and Fabrications

#34Consumer Comment

Tue, November 13, 2012

I have had diabetes for 55 years and suffered from constant fatigue & body aches when I got up every morning or after sitting for an extended period of time. I thought it was just part of aging and years of chronic illness. A friend suggested that I might try laminine and ,after reading about it, decided to give it a try. I cannot believe how much better I feel and will continue to take this for the rest of my life. I did ask my endocrinologist to take a loook before I began to take it. She said that it was totally safe to take. It was never called a weight loss product and is basically protein and amino acids-no way one can get fat from using Laminine. I no longer have pain and I have a more energy than I have had in years. Everyone has different results, but fatness is not one of them! Yes, I like it so well that I have also become an independent rep for LifePharm.


United States of America


#34Consumer Comment

Fri, October 19, 2012

I have been using Laminine for 2 months? now? I also give it to one of our dogs. Both of us get around better, and hurt less with taking the Laminine. I have osterarthritus . Nick has arthritus from an old hip injury trying to get into back of the truck and not making it. He gets two a day, i get one a day. If i take 2, i need naps.

Thank you, goodywitch


United States of America

Results Differ

#34General Comment

Mon, September 24, 2012

The woman who says Laminine caused hot flashes and weight gain said she'd had a hot flash prior to taking Laminine.  It's possible her body was already going into the hormonal "hot flash" mode and it would have happened with or without the introduction of Lamanine.  Nowhere does it state that users are guaranteed to lose weight, just that some people experience weight loss.

I have taken Laminine for six weeks and find I am no longer so tired  that I want to take an afternoon nap, have fewer aches and pains from knee and back problems, and my mental focus seems to have improved. 

Like so many products, whether they're available as a prescription, over the counter or though a marketing company, the results are not necessarily the same for each person.  What works for one individual may not work for another; A product that makes one person well may make another sick.  If you're interested in trying Laminine, try it for at least two months.  If it works for you, great.  If it doesn't, discontinue taking it and try something else.


United States of America

Healing Crisis

#34General Comment

Tue, August 28, 2012

On the other half of the planet, there are different models used when it comes to healing. Eastern models are far older than than the traditional Allopathic model used in much of the West. Folks that are on a path of healing are wise to seek out other models to relate to and to understand the nature of the healing process. Many of the bodies of the Western Hemisphere, are loaded with toxic chemicals, toxic emotions and toxic beliefs. All of which affect the entire system, body, mind and soul. The more processed foods we eat, that have man made chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and the more we we hang out in toxic environments, and the more we use distraction techniques to cope with what we are feeling within, the greater will be the catharsis when we start consuming healing foods for the body. I have found, that the folks that could use healing the most, are the ones least likely to educate themselves around the healing process. They are typically the first to bail on the process and most likely to support their position as to the reasons of their flight reactions. As the body is fed the things that supports life, the mind and body goes into the fight or flight reactions, healing crisis and overwhelm. Detoxing is a healing process as life enters the body and death departs the body. Please do not bail on the healing process, consider trusting in well-being over the familiar dis-ease ridden body of past conditioning. Have the courage necessary to endure and be well, however long it takes for the layers to purge and the body to purify itself.


Pine Island,
United States of America

Laminine is a great product

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, July 23, 2012

I have been using Laminine for two weeks now and have found great results. I have not had any pain whatsoever in my legs which I have had for the past 5 years with Restless Leg Syndrome. It is unfortunate that your upline did not tell you to take 2 capsules two times a day for the first two weeks to get this in your system faster and work quicker.

I have lost 6 pounds so far and 1 1/2 inches around my belly and this is without trying. Laminine has helped with craving of the junk food I have been eating all my life. I have no connection with your upline and do not know them. I think you should've asked for your money back as there is a  30 day - 100% money back guarantee. May be to late now but that was offered at the time of sale.

I personally know 7 people with similar great stories using Laminine and none had any side effect with it. Sorry you had a bad experience.


Somers Point,
New Jersey,
United States of America

Laminine: more marketing hype than help

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, June 21, 2012

I have tried laminine and it did nothing for me whatsoever.  I gave it a fair shake but did not experience all the benefits the company promised me.  I also had issues with my distributor not getting back to me and giving me the blow off after the sale.  After doing some research into this product this morning, I came up with a doctor's review of laminine's marketing hype.

It was my initial suspician and the doctor confirmed this.  Fortunately it did not harm me, but then again, there really isn't much in it other than aminos acids, vitamins, minerals.

United States of America

Rebuttal to this complaint

#34REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 10, 2012

I am writing my side of my relationship to this company & product.  I am an independent distributor of the product & love the absolute integrity of the company & the people that are involved.  I am a nurse who has used many many products.  I was very ill (pneumonia in the making), when I was invited to a meeting of which was a panel of three speakers who are practicing physicians ,also many people who gave their testimonies of the merits of the product.  WOW!

After just taking one capsule of this wonderful product, I enjoyed more energy than I had had for months (yes even w/pneumonia).  Yes, there is a lot of weight loss for individuals, (not everybody) also if one does  their homework, or knows anything about trully natural ingredients even if you change your unhealthy lifestyle to healthy eating habits, you usually will experience some type of cleanse that your body will undergo, which usually is uncomfortable.

When you go on the conference calls, you hear wonderful testimonies, doctors sharing the chemistry & their results from using the product, & how better to use the tools for building the business.  

Some of the users are very patient.  Although they usually experience positive immediate results, some who are bedridden or have had poor health, may take up to 4-6 months to experience almost total turn around health benefits, no matter what their diagnosis.  This is ABSOLUTLY true!!

I feel the person responsible for this very negative report needs to get a life, & not be so angry.  There are a very few (& I mean very few) that this product doesn't help, for whatever reason.  But why take your experience (if it is true) out on innocent ones.  I wish her greaterr blessings than what she is now experiencing.  Joy to all & wonderful health!!

Mighty Mouth

United States of America

100% Refund on Laminine-NOT

#34Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

The refund, as promoted, is NOT 100%. You must ship the empty bottles back at your expense, then  the original shipping costs (to you) are deducted from your payment, which, in my case, amounted to $8.95. My shipment to them cost $3.31, so they ARE making a profit on the shipping plus the reuse of the bottles.

They do not make EXACT claims, but seem to be all things to all people. If you have headaches. Laminine will "cure" you. If you're overweight, Laminine will help you lose weight. Insomnia, Laminine is the answer.

Each person who claims that Laminine changed their lives is a distributor and completely biased.

It's the snake oil of our times. Big RED flag I ignored, so shame on me. You can get your amino acids from fresh fruit and vegetables.

The FDA is ready to shut down this operation, folks. So, be very careful what you ingest; the long-term, harmful effects may not be reversible.


New Mexico,
United States of America

Quit eating and start exercising!

#34General Comment

Sun, April 22, 2012

I'm sitting here reading this and I'm thinking to myself that this is a lady who's sitting at home on the couch eating potato chips and blaming the fact that she's fat on the product Laminine.  I have heard dozens of testimonies from people who have lost weight on Laminine even though it's not promoted as a weight loss supplement, but as an all natural super-food that helps the body to rebuild and repair itself. 

I have personally been a user of this product for over 5 months now and it has had some amazing results with the things I wanted to see if I could notice some improvements.  It helped me to calm down from having bursts of anger, my sleep at night was much more deeper and for the first time in several years I woke up with energy and mental clarity.  I don't feel tired during the day, my mood and attitude has improved, and I am very glad to have found this product.  It has really helped me reduce my high grade depression and my stress level. 

The company offers a 100 percent money back guarantee so there is no hype.  A person can try the product and if they don't see the results they were hoping to see, then they can receive a 100% money back guarantee within the first 30 days and that includes the shipping.  The reason this person is gaining a ton of weight is because she eats too much and doesn't exercise. 

Carrie Cann

Los Angeles,
United States of America

Satisfied customer

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, April 05, 2012

I let my doctor know what I was taking.  I researched the product. I talked to others that use it.  Then I tried it.

Within two days, the dark depression I had been in for more than six months simply disappeared. I could not go "there" even when I tried to.  Once that part of my life (I had never had depression all of my life, although I did go through periods of time where I was sad about certain things that occurred in my life, such as a divorce and the like, but those were isolated incidents and being sad was a normal symptom - my depression that I recently had experienced was bad, very bad, even to the point of self-mutilating, and I am close to 60, so all of that was very new to me) pretty much vanished, the next thing I noticed was the extra energy.  Turning 60 next week, I had also become complacent about exercise, and found myself on many a weekend never getting out of bed, just watching television 24/7.

I walk a lot now, and even went grocery shopping in the rain, something that I would never do, as I would opt to buy food from the online grocery store and have it delivered rather than go out in the rain.

I also lost a few pounds, nothing great, but the belly fat is definitely shrinking.

All I know is that several people around me at work have noticed the change, and one is already taking it, and the other friend, who has fybromyalgia and other muscle disorders has sent information about the product to his doctor to see if he can take it.  I also have a friend that has cluster headaches and has to stick himself in the neck with a needle to inject medicine, and I have suggested he speak to his doctor as well about the product.

I am sorry this person did not like the product.  I am not a distributor, I just buy it off the internet. But I have been a happier, somewhat healthier person for taking the product, and have no problem recommending it to others.  As for the tier level marketing (like the old Amway scheme) eh, is what I say.  It is what it is, which is why I just bypass the dealers and buy it off the internet.


United States of America


#34Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

Laminine works for 9.5 out of 10 people and there is NO WAY it could make you gain weight, it is a NATURAL FOOD PRODUCT: amino acids, vitamins, minerals marine protein, vegetable protein and young tissue extract from an Avian egg (hen egg). It's also NOT SOME TYPICAL RIPOFF MLM COMPANY; it's a company selling a legitimate product and they have a legitimate comp program.YOU decide YOUR success. And the product has helped me so much, after being sick for 11 years with severe Fibromyalgia. I'm not cured, but THEY DONT CLAIM THAT: I do however have more energy and I'm more mentally alert. But it also doesn't happen overnight for many, you need to be patient and let it work with your body. I think we're hearing a lot of sour grapes and people who were too impatient, then felt it was their duty to dis a completely legit company. 


United States of America

Laminine: Faith and Hope

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2012

I was mildly amused, and tremendously annoyed at this post.  I am a new user of the product.  ( VERY NEW)  Considering this, one might dismiss my opinions as premature, uninformed, or simply antagonistic.  I can only attest to what pertains specifically to me.  Please bear with me, as I believe this product to be as it claims and if my humble opinion can persuade you to give it every chance to help you then, my goals are achieved.

First of all I am not selling it.  I expect that will come in the future if it is successful in helping me become part of the world outside my bedroom door again.   I am morbidly obese, depressed, in constant pain, and downright disgusted with myself.  I am miserable now, so how much worse can it be?   There are many reasons for my present state which I will not bore you with.  

I became an avid reader of the produce before I purchased it.  I talked to people who have taken it successfully.  I was fortunate to have a sponsor who, together with my upline, were very honest about what was likely to happen in the initial phase of taking Laminine.   I am proud to be an informed consumer, and I entered into this with eyes wide open.  What I am experiencing is what I expected and I am elated to be this miserable this quickly!! Basically, it seems that the more you need this product the worse you feel when you start taking it.  This is because of DETOX!!!  The GARBAGE in your body has to leave it for you to become healthy again.  You are basically contaminating your system by releasing this  "crap" that you have been feeding it for years.  The more you have accumulated, the worse you are going to feel getting rid of it.  This is not my first detox, so I can attest that it is very NORMAL and an indication that the Laminine is WORKING!!  I did not get this way overnight, and fully expect for it to take the better part of several months to become fully effective in the "making me feel GOOD phase".   I also have faith in the product from all that I have read about how it works, and enough hope that it WILL work that I am willing to put up with the process.  No where does it say that Laminine is a quick fix.  

It is unfortunate that you were not properly educated on what to expect.  It is also unfortunate that you did not have the initiative to look into all of the information and testimonials that are available to us consumers before you started taking it.  I did mention that I am a new user.....TWO DAYS.....and I am already feeling the positive effects from it....I cannot wait to see what two MONTHS brings!!  Good luck to you in your quest for health.  You may want to reconsider the tools already in your hands.  ;-)



Oh how I LOVE MLMers...

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, March 31, 2012

This is the kind of comedy gold you get from people that are in an MLM. They need to convince themselves that they are not throwing money away in one of the oldest rackets there is. Of course C.A. implies that by getting out of such a scam one is a "quitter"; this alone makes it obvious that, contrary to his claims, he is in the MLM (hardly anybody uses and MLMs products without being in it). 

So let us look at the wonderful claims made here! For CA, "It helps me with my fibromyalgia, headaches, painful heels like the other person testified, and now it is working on a few other of my health problems." Wow, that IS a wonder drug! But wait, that is nothing! Look it what it did for his 83 year old mother: "The has done a complete 180 degrees.  She could hardly get out of bed every day, she couldn't even eat a meal, she has temporal artereitis, and a few other health problems.  She was always complaining.  Now she has so much energy, her care giver can't even keep up with her."

That's right folks! Went from hardly getting out of bed to being so healthy she wore out her caregiver! Before this miracle drug, she would not even eat a meal, I tell you! Oh, and I have I told you about the wonderful "opportunity" I offer as well? All you have to do is "share the news" of this amazing product to your friends, family, etc. Now of course you would never suggest to these people that they should buy something you yourself were not buying, yes? So let's sign you up for auto delivery, shall we?

C. A. Scottsdale, AZ

Paradise Valley,
United States of America

RE: Laminine

#34Consumer Comment

Fri, March 30, 2012

You say to quit is the way to stop failing? What school did you go to that taught you that?  Quitting is the way to failure every time.  But if you did not agree with the product after 2 weeks, when you spoke to your up-line, and he said to keep taking it, you should have demanded your refund or waited another 1.5 weeks and then demanded the refund.  There is the 30 day guarantee, so that is not the company's fault that you did not follow through with your "gut" feeling about the product.  

Some people are too sensitive to the product and cannot handle the 2 week "loading" amount of 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night, so we are told to tone it down to what you think your body is telling you.  I am not a salesman with this company.  I use this product and I got my mother on it (she is 83 years old).  It helps me with my fibromyalgia, headaches, painful heels like the other person testified, and now it is working on a few other of my health problems.  For my mother, she has done a complete 180 degrees.  She could hardly get out of bed every day, she couldn't even eat a meal, she has temporal artereitis, and a few other health problems.  She was always complaining.  Now she has so much energy, her care giver can't even keep up with her.  Her eyes are getting better, she is out and about, she has been doing projects around her home, re-doing her back yard and her garage.  It has been hard for us since her husband (my father) past away less than a year ago.  They were married for over 64 years.  But all her doctors have been so impressed with her quick turn around in 2 months of being on that pill.  She went on the "loading" program with no problem and now she only takes 1 pill in the morning and 1 pill in the afternoon.  I thought (for her eyes) she would need the 2 dose in the morning and 1 in the evening, but she had too much energy, we had to tone it down as she was driving us all crazy with all her new-found spunk and health.  (From one extreme to the other).  Now (5 months later) she is my testimony as to how well this works.  The month before she was taking the pill, she was in and out of the hospital twice because she couldn't eat and becoming so frail that she couldn't even walk without help.  That's my story.  Oh, and it has been helping immensely with her dementia as well.


United States of America

Re: Betsy Harrington and Lifepharm Global

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 26, 2012

I would politely disagree with MS. Harrington, first of all, The Lifepharm product is NOT sold as a weightloss supplement though MANY who take it DO experience positive weight loss, including myself. She also sounds like she is responding just out of anger, or maybe, unfortunately did not receive the positive customer service that Lifepharm strives for. You also need to be willing to COMMIT to the product for AT LEAST 3 months so it CAN get you through the de-tox, and Ms. Harrington SHOULD have been informed about that, although not EVERYBODY goes through that, it depends what your individual issues are and what toxins you have been exposed to in the past. 9.5 out of 10 people are having POSITIVE experiences with Laminine, including myself, into my third month and improving slowly but steadily. The Fibroblast Growth Factor in the Laminine, which is the active agent may have been working on SOMETHING ELSE in MS. Harrington's body that she was unaware of, and thus still having the hot flash issue, since it can't address ALL issues at one time. I believe it would be well worth Betsy's time and money to find a new diustributor to work with, get ALL the facts, and start over. I've been ill for 11 years and it's really making a big difference for me, and was there maybe some other reason for the weight gain? That's REALLY unusual. Have you had your thyroid checked ever? That can cause weight fluctuations and LOTS of other problems for us gals! I know because I have those issues too! Really Betsy, I'd encourage you to give Laminine another shot, it really sounds more like you were ignored and treated rudely, NOT to say younweren't having hot flash issues, those are HORRIBLE, but you know? After 3 months on Laminine, I still have them, just not all the time, like before! :)


United States of America

Laminine Detox

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, March 26, 2012

I also had some symptoms of detox for the first few days of taking Laminine.  I had headaches (which I normally do not experience).  I increased my Laminine dosage and I drank more water.  The headaches quickly disappeared.  I have also heard of others having mild to severe detox symptoms.

Laminine is not a weight loss supplement, although I have heard some stories of users losing weight after taking it.  I have not lost weight but I have had increased energy, increased stamina during a workout, and reduced sugar cravings.  

As a whole food supplement, Laminine is as safe as eating food.  Detox is a sign in itself that a product is working to cleanse the body.  Those who have experienced sickness, disease and/or hard living may experience more detox than someone who lives a healthier lifestyle.  

I, myself, have never felt better since I began to take Laminine and I plan on taking it for the rest of my life to promote health in my body.  With the deficiencies in the American diet I don't believe it is possible to get the nutrition we need.  Now there is a supplement that will provide all 22 amino acids needed to keep the human body healthy.  And, unlike many of today's nutritional supplements, it is not synthetic, but an all natural, whole food supplement.

Also, as far as dosage goes, this differs from person to person.  A person who has disease or other condition, or who is malnourished, will need to take a lot more of the supplement to balance their body.  A sponsor cannot determine how much or how little a dose you need.  This is something you must determine yourself or about which to consult your physician.  You are right about one thing though: Laminine is not a weight loss solution. 


United States of America

Laminine Weight loss

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, March 19, 2012

I have not seen Life Pharm Global promote their product as a weight loss product.  It is promoted more for it's ability to improve brain function and over all feeling of well being, which is exactly what it has done for me....Sorry you did not get the response you were looking for.  I have heard them say somethings about detox, but I did not experience any....Only positive for me...I do not know Glyn Taylor, so I cannot commit on him personally...I am a Laminine User and since it worked for me I signed on as a distributor...



Listen people - this is why you NEVER get involved in an MLM

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, February 19, 2012

First of all, if a product is any good given the price, it will be sold through normal channels (and a ton of them are crud as well, of course). So if you are solely a consumer, talk to your doctor about what health supplements will help you. 

Now, one of the effects of the MLM scheme is that it creates a massive sales force comprised of unsophisticated people, who are only paid on commission. In addition, the very nature of MLM makes it so there are WAY too many salespeople relative to product demand. Therefore, you will have a lot of them saying ANYTHING to get you in - they will say it cures being overweight, ADD, Cancer, or anything else they can think of to get you in. 

Another effect of MLM is that the vast majority of sales come from the salespeople themselves, who one day hope to make money selling to other salespeople, etc. Until they do make that money, they need to convince themselves that they are not getting ripped off, so they even tell *themselves* that the product they are wasting their money on is wonderful. 

If you are in this, or any other any MLM, look at how well you have really  done, taking into account how much you have (over)paid for the products that are the "cover" for the pyramid scheme. Be honest with yourself, and you will see that the sooner you get out of it, the better. Yes, you will have to endure some ribbing from your friends and family, especially the ones you told that they did not want you to succeed, or they were just stuck in a "J.O.B.", or whatever you parroted from your upline. And of course, your "friends" in the MLM will try to make you feel like you are a failure if you quit. But just like getting out of a cult, it is the quitting that makes you NO LONGER a failure. 

Soaring Eagles

United States of America


#34Consumer Comment

Fri, February 10, 2012

As a distributor and satisfied user of the product, I can say that the company advertizes a 30-day money-back guarantee on their website .  After 2 weeks, you should have contacted the company for a refund.  


United States of America

Laminine worked for me

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2012

i have suffered from plantar fasciitis (extreme pain in both of my heels) for nearly five years.  i have literally tried everything, stretching exercises, pain management, injections quarterly, but still had severe pain.  i had just decided to schedule surgery, when a friend suggested that i try laminine.  i've been taking it religiously for 45 days, and man what a difference! 

prior to taking laminine, it hurt to walk my dogs, it hurt to go hunting, it hurt to play golf, and running with my kids was out of the question!  i participate in major trade shows throughout the year, and I just wrapped-up a 3 day show in Las Vegas.  I walked approximately 15 miles over the course of the three event....and while my left foot was a bit tender, overall, my feet felt great. 

believe me when I tell you, i was a total skeptic!  my wife chewed me out for even trying the stuff.  she is a medical professional, and i own a company that develops biomedical devices.  i believe in proven science.  I believe in proven medication and therapies.  i believe in our food and drug administration.  I cannot explain this....but these are the facts.

ps- i hate network marketing.  i do not sell this product. i did hug the friend that told me about it.  i would recommend laminine to friend....but only if they were suffering from a similar condition.


United States of America

Laminine worked for me

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2012

i have suffered from plantar fasciitis (extreme pain in both of my heels) for nearly five years.  i have literally tried everything, stretching exercises, pain management, injections quarterly, but still had severe pain.  i had just decided to schedule surgery, when a friend suggested that i try laminine.  i've been taking it religiously for 45 days, and man what a difference! 

prior to taking laminine, it hurt to walk my dogs, it hurt to go hunting, it hurt to play golf, and running with my kids was out of the question!  i participate in major trade shows throughout the year, and I just wrapped-up a 3 day show in Las Vegas.  I walked approximately 15 miles over the course of the three event....and while my left foot was a bit tender, overall, my feet felt great. 

believe me when I tell you, i was a total skeptic!  my wife chewed me out for even trying the stuff.  she is a medical professional, and i own a company that develops biomedical devices.  i believe in proven science.  I believe in proven medication and therapies.  i believe in our food and drug administration.  I cannot explain this....but these are the facts.

ps- i hate network marketing.  i do not sell this product. i did hug the friend that told me about it.  i would recommend laminine to friend....but only if they were suffering from a similar condition.

Betsy harrington


Bad reports coming in about Laminine

#34Author of original report

Mon, January 16, 2012

Yes, not only did I have INDUCED HOT FLASHES but it made me fat.  Many people have said Laminine made them sick and they returned their product.  Some are saying the FDA is going to shut them down because Serotonin syndrome = Serotonin is a hormone


United States of America

The Skinny On This Product

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, January 15, 2012

Although one can easily say nobody has the right to accuse someone of dishonesty because of lack of factual evidence, after having been involved with this company for several months, I have to say the information put here by this individual is in and of itself over the top to say the least. I know first hand nobody promotes this as a weight loss product because that is NOT what it is. In addition, I personally, along with several thousands of other people, have never seen a product work as well at helping the body get back in balance and have multitudes of testimonials to the contrary of what has been put here. I was literally shocked beyond belief when I saw this post. I PERSONALLY know alot of people including in my very own household someone that NO LONGER suffers from hot flashes since starting this. I guess people are allowed the freedom to make up things as they wish but the rest of us also have the right to respond with the facts. After seeing all of the changed lives since I have been involved with this, I could NOT simply sit back and allow this with no response at all.


United States of America

Learn about what your saying before you say it.

#34Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

This was actually a very funny report, thank you for writing it.

1.  You can not burn fat with out heat (hence why you have to get up sweat in a gym to burn it), so yes you will more then likely have hot flashes or be warm.

2. Fat burning is Detoxing.

Please educate yourself before making false accusations.  Also as far as I know there is no pill that will make you lose a lot of weight real fast.  you said you used it two weeks, what did you expect?  I have dieted the proper way, not the miracle way, and lost little to nothing in 2 weeks.

But do as you wish.

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