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  • Report:  #1412918

Complaint Review: LANWAN Professional

LANWAN Professional LANWAN Professional also known as Global Networks Enterprises & Technologies Business Started: 05/10/2008 Business Incorporated: 10/10/2008 in CA Type of business: Employment Training Type of Entity: Corporation Business Management Mr. Eric Choi, President/CEO Mr. Sung Hwang, Director of Technology Services Ms. Angela Khang Mr. Patrick Pule, Director of Client LANWAN Professional is a scam. I was unemployed and looking for network engineering technical training and job placement, I located LANWAN Professional, also known as Global Networks Enterprises & Technologies, at and was convinced by Patrick Pule, Director of Member Services, with the CWA/CCNA Grant package valued at $3980.00, but I paid $578 and then $380 for the CWA/CCNA Grant package. Irvine California

  • Reported By:
    James — Westminster Maryland United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 21, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 11, 2019

LANWAN Professional also known as Global Networks Enterprises & Technologies

Business Started: 05/10/2008

Business Incorporated: 10/10/2008 in CA

Type of business: Employment Training

Type of Entity: Corporation

Business Management

Mr. Eric Choi, President/CEO

Mr. Sung Hwang, Director of Technology Services

Ms. Angela Khang                                                                            

Mr. Patrick Pule, Director of Client

Business Category; Employment Training

Alternate Business Names

Global Networks Enterprises & Technologies

Number of Employees:  34

I want a full refund: Services was not rendered. Total spent so far: $6,524.00, not including airfare. I have emails, stack of documentation and recordings that LANWAN Professional instructs and trains everyone to use during all phone conversations. I have several that you hear LANWAN Professional instructing/collaborating where once I followed there instructions, my employer got very mad on two occasions, caused serious problems. I have several where Patrick is making disparaging and intimidating statements, and scared tactics, Oh I forgot, I am told I am not professional when I state truthful probing questions. Beware!!! There is no Job placement, I found my own job, they do not speak or interact with employers, and the so called “efficient Learning” training is highly questionable and I hope someone with authority looks into this company.

LANWAN Professional is a scam. I was unemployed and looking for network engineering technical training and job placement, I located LANWAN Professional, also known as Global Networks Enterprises & Technologies, at and was convinced by Patrick Pule, Director of Member Services, with the CWA/CCNA Grant package valued at $3980.00, but I paid $578 and then $380 for the CWA/CCNA Grant package.

The deficiency and performance with regard to the services is the so called “real world hands-on focused enterprise LAN/WAN training on that is designed to update/upgrade your LAN/WAN staff skills 10 times faster with minimal time away from work and the Job placement”. I did not learn 10 times faster, this is a gimmick. One the hands on comes without classroom, no Cisco books, no technical lectures, no teaching, and you are in competition trying to get technical support, if you complain, you are told you are not learning correctly “efficient learning” unique to LANWAN Professional. There are times you are punished/fined for not understanding or completing assignments. Our resumes are embellished and stretched to moral boundaries which have caused me problems in after math.

It all starts with Patrick Pule, Director of Member Services, with the CWA/CCNA Grant package valued at $3980.00, but I paid $578 and then $380 for the CWA/CCNA Grant package. Then I paid $1480.00 for CWA Refresh & CCNP Switch/Tshoot Membership Package on 05/19/2017 with job placement from $90k to $150k. I sold my car just to complete and obtain job placement. The agreements are constantly changing and updated to promote different levels of membership that you don’t get to finish or completely understand. It appears to generate revenue because each time you owe them money. This causes learning and package confusion, tracking deposits and agreements issues. They don’t always give receipts, I have asked several times for them. There is this is the practice at LANWAN Professional that is taught “Efficient Learning” which is the LANWAN grant package, speed through all information as fast as possible, learn all of it, you are timed intently and treated as though you should know all that you have quickly read. As you go through the guided lab activities. If issues arise, you are told as they rise their voice louder, appears to promote intimidation, that you are not doing “efficiently learning”, made to feel stupid then told you have done this before, loud voice intimidation tactics, “it is not necessary for you to understand at this point”. My resume was also recreated by LANWAN Professional which made me look much better than I am, mentioned certifications I don’t have or never was given to me by LANWAN and I had to review and change many resume items that mislead employers. This has also caused me ethical concerns

When I had to leave a position because of anger disparaging and unprofessional environment, all access to the LANWAN Professional site was turned off on 11/8/17 when I inform Patrick Pule of situation at work. He took it upon himself to remove my job search and CCNP/CCNA resources which I had already paid for. For some reason this kind of tactic appears to be supported by LANWAN Professional to manipulate students.

Well hopefully you get to recruiter interviews, but most everyone is apprehensive about technical face to face discussions and questions, knowing nothing and not really being trained and or have no experience on. In fact most of the jobs they made us interviewed for had titles such as Senior Network engineer or Senior Network Administrator or Network Architect. All of the woohaw was supposed to make you ready and give you “7 years Network Engineering experience to get a job”. Instead this is not the focus; the focus is to move to the next package, efficient learning and get a job so they can take 20% of your salary that has not been earned or supported by training or job placement by them as an organization. I wonder what would happen is a real training center and job placement company looked at this example here, please do, what would they say? Well you can do all of this yourself, maybe with real a cisco certified classroom

Needless to say I have paid, see below $6,524.00, excluding two airfare s and feel I have been scammed, punked because I have been harassed by Patrick Pule, Director of Member Services, given wrong network engineering technical support information on my new job that affected my position twice, no job placement by LANWAN Professional, all job placement came by my effort only, there is no help with placement in a company, just help documenting these companies and their contacts, wonder what that is for?. The experience I questioned many times but meet with, “you are not professional”, had me over extend my resume, look belter, had a problem with this also, that I am, push to get a job while paying LANWAN professional to constantly reticule me. My access to the LANWAN professional site was removed today 11/9/17 when I informed them I withdrawal from a job that was volatile, disparaging and unprofessional working environment. Their reaction was I was not communicating and removed my CCNP/CCNA job training purchase and disabled my email when I was ill.

What I paid, minus airfare


Date                   Withdrawals

4/14/2017            $578.00

5/13/2017            $380.00

5/20/2017            $1,480.00

5/16/2017            $500.00

5/22/2017            $480.00

8/10/2017            $200.00

8/25/2017            $2,156.00

10/3/2017            $100.00

10/25/2017         $650.00


Total spent so far: $6,524.00, not including airfare

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Official Response from LAN/WAN Professional

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, September 10, 2019

Dear Kenny,

Thank you for taking the time to write the post below.  As you stated, LAN/WAN Professional completely agrees that all prospective members should have a clear and full understanding of exactly what the full costs and benefits of being a member of LAN/WAN Professional.

We are seeking positive and long term relationships with every one of our members that will last for many years to come.  In fact, we are most proud that a growing number of new members are referrals from existing members.  This includes members referring close friends, relatives and in some cases their adult children.  We know that our members would not do this unless they believe in our membership.

The foundation to a long term relationship begins with both parties having a full understanding of not only the benefits, but the costs including sacrifices in both time and resources BEFORE a person becomes a member.

To ensure this, our organization has an extensive two step “test drive” process that allows all qualified candidates to not only understand the details of our services, but to actually experience our service over a period of 2 to 4 weeks including attending a weekend camp at our facility and personally meet our staff.  This process ensures that all qualified candidates get a full and comprehensive understanding of not only what you get and what you pay, but also exactly what sacrifices you need to make in terms of your time along with exactly how we are able to help qualified candidates get into upgraded LAN/WAN jobs earning $60,000 to $150,000 per year in a matter of months versus years.

In terms of why qualified applicants need to “impress” us.  Please note that it is not about impressing us, but demonstrating to us that they possess the abilities to be successful.  Please understand that we have a very successful system for helping qualified candidates achieve success in LAN/WAN.  With that stated, the #1 most critical factor to our success is only accepting the right candidate who possess 4 key attributes.

For this reason, the two step “test drive” process is not only designed to allow qualified candidates to personally experience us, but also designed to allow us to thoroughly assess and validate candidates before we invest over $60,000 in services.

Finally, the initial cost for participating in the two step process is paid by 2 grants that cover up to 100% of the costs of the services during the “test drive” period. 

If you are truly serious about getting upgraded employment in enterprise LAN/WAN earning at least $60,000 to over $150,000 per year, feel free to visit our website and apply for the initial grant of $690 so that you can personally experience for yourself how real we are.

If you have any further questions, you can also contact me directly at 949-544-1368.


United States

Be honest

#6General Comment

Thu, August 29, 2019

 With all due respect Mr Pule, Your version of the story may indeed have some truth to it. But let me tell you where the company you represent fails. You need to be specific and forthright on your website about the services any future member is paying for. Whether those services are the membership you so articulately clarified for us all or whether it’s the fact you help a member find a job.

The bottom line is this, you are asking for a nice chunk of change between 60-80k once it’s all over and done with paid monthly over the course of 3 years. That still equates to anywhere from 1500-1900 roughly per month. There’s nothing wrong with your cost or the fee, it’s not explicitly stated anywhere on your website and that’s where your company is dropping the ball.

Meaning, if a third party were to read the numerous negative reviews posted everywhere we are inclined to believe the complaint, not the respondent. Because you speak of the grants and training you provide and how accelerated and tailored your program is, you ask people to apply themselves and strive extra hard to be considered for the part 2 of the program, but sir, they are f*** paying you 60k-80k after it’s over!!!!

Why do they have to impress you? You guys are getting paid for everything, rather you as a company should be impressing and striving for your future members!! And post the fees up front, there should be no gray area about cost. Lastly, please stop acting like you are doing members a huge favor for job placement, the field is craving more people, there are numerous state run programs, non profits and the federal government who will pay for every certification and training and you don’t pay a penny back you just agree to work for "x” amount of years.

There’s no unemployment in the field and finding a job is not hard. So it boils down to do you wanna pay 60-80k for them to find you a job and for your membership? It’s as simple as that........ Have a great day in sunny California Mr Pule.


United States

A legitimate company won't mind answering some questions

#6Author of original report

Sun, April 07, 2019

1. If this company is legitimate why do you operate out of a house in a residential area?

2. Does the company have a city license or permit in the City they operate in? Currently their address is in Tunstin but their operations are out of a house in Anaheim.

3. If you are so good why are they not allowed to operate a Cisco learning business? They will tell you that due to the cost they don't, however, after working there I learned that they have been banned by Cisco.

4. How new is the equipment that you will be working on. When I worked there the equipment was end of life meaning no longer supported. The company will tell you to avoid talking about the actual equipment and instead focus just on learning what the current models are.

5. Why is the course work so expensive? Low $55,000 minimum and up to $120,000 for you to help you get a job in the $60,000 to $150,000 range within 2-6 weeks of leaving camp.

6. Why do you provide exam dumps for members to pass exams that plainly say that you cannot use those exam dumps or you can lose your license. What type of a company encouraged this type of behavior?

7. What does member ship cost and what does it provide? Cost $1000 per month for 3yrs but the benefits were never revealed to me for that expense


United States

Unfortunate Truth

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 07, 2019

Patrick response is very specific and leads one to be believe that this company is totally legitimate. Here are some questions that I would ask.

1. If this company is legitimate why do they operate out of a house in a residential area?

2. Does the company have a city license or permit in the City they operate in? Currently their address is in Tunstin but their operations are out of a house in Anaheim.

3. If they are so good why are they not allowed to operate a Cisco learning business? They will tell you that due to the cost they don't, however, after working there I learned that they have been banned by Cisco.

4. How new is the equipment that you will be working on. When I worked there the equipment was end of life meaning no longer supported. The company will tell you to avoid talking about the actual equipment and instead focus just on learning what the current models are.

5. Why is the course work so expensive? Low $40,000 up to $120,000 for them to help you get a job in the $60,000 to $150,000 range within 2-6 weeks of leaving camp.

6. Why do they provide exam dumps for members to pass exams that plainly say that you cannot use those exam dumps or you can lose your license. What type of a company encouraged this type of behavior?

7. What does member ship cost and what does it provide? Cost $300 for 3yrs but the benefits were never revealed to me.

If they are legitimate I am sure there are honorable answers to these questions.


United States

Official Company Response

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, November 29, 2017

This is Patrick Pule, Director of Member Services.  Please note that LAN/WAN Professional respects the privacy of its members.  With that stated, when that member chooses to post misleading and false statements about our organization, it is my responsibility to provide an accurate and factual response to the matter.


Let me first start by stating that LAN/WAN Professional is a nationwide membership organization and NOT A SCHOOL.  For this reason, we focus on technical and professional services that are designed to help our members advance in their careers in enterprise networking in a matter of months versus years.


NATIONWIDE MEMBERSHIP OF ENGINEERS, ANALYSTS, MANAGERS - What makes our services special the vast majority of our members or engineers, analysts, architects, project managers and directors currently working mainly for major fortune 500 corporations and government agencies.  For this reason, we know exactly what are the job requirements of enterprise LAN/WAN jobs ranging from $60,000 to over $150,000 per year. 


Due to this, we bypass unnecessary concepts that are rarely used in the real world and focus on real world hands-on and professional activities that are actually required in the real world.  The result is that our new members acquire skills at least 20 times faster and acquire quality employment in just a matter of months versus years due to both the employed focus technical and professional services.


TWO STEP PROCESS TO QUALITY/FULLY TEST DRIVE MEMBERSHIP - With that stated, the qualifications that are required to be employed in enterprise LAN/WAN is very high and extensive.  In addition, the rigorous process that a new member must go through is every extensive and intensive and requires a very technical and professional person who possess key technical and professional attributes to be successful.


In addition, if we accept an individual as a member, we invest over $50,000 in services and only benefit from our members employment success.  Based on the (1) the high technical/professional requirements for working in enterprise LAN/WAN, (2) difficult and extensive process of acquiring new LAN/WAN skills combined with (3) that fact that we only benefit if you are working in enterprise LAN/WAN, all qualified members go through an extensive 2 step qualification/approval process PRIOR to becoming a member. 


Please note that LAN/WAN Professional does not solicit new applicants for membership.  In fact, all new applicants are required to complete an extensive online application BEFORE we even contact the applicant.  Mr. James Rogers APPLIED TO US online for membership.  We did not solicit or try convince Mr. Rogers to apply for membership.  Upon application receipt. Mr. Rogers was approved for the first step due to his 20+ years of experience in general IT. 


The step 1 included one week of access to remote LAN/WAN technical services valued at $490 that can be completed from anywhere in the United States.  100% of the service was paid by a grant we provided.  The goal of the one week remote is to allow the member to personally experience our service BEFORE continuing forward and allows LAN/WAN Professional to conduct a basic technical assessment of the applicant.


MR ROGERS REQUESTED MEMBERSHIP AFTER EXPERIENCING OUR SERVICE – After Step 1 and over 40 hrs of remote hands-on, Mr. Rogers stated how impressed he was with both the quality of our hands-on and how much he learned in just one short week and requested that he be considered to continue forward to the second step.  Unfortunately, Mr. Rogers did not perform well technically during the remote and we expressed great concern regarding his ability to follow our methodology to pick up these skills in a timely and proficient manner.   Our recommendation to Mr. Rogers was to not continue forward.


In spite of this, Mr. Rogers proactively asked for a second chance for reconsideration.  Based on his extensive IT background, LAN/WAN Professional took a chance and approved Mr. Rogers for a partial grant of $3,100 to pay for a more comprehensive remote service including a 4 day camp valued at $3,980.  Based on his partial grant, Mr. Rogers paid $880 which is significantly less than the value of the service.  Please note that qualified candidates can receive a grant that covers up to 100% of the cost of the $3,980 if the member performs well during step one and step two.  In spite of only getting a partial grant, Mr. Rogers accepted our offer.  Upon approval. Mr. Rogers received an additional 100+ hours of LAN/WAN hands-on including a very intensive 4 day camp. 


Please understand that we offer the additional 100+ hours of remote hands-on including the 4 day camp to not only assess you more thoroughly, but to also allow you the applicant to THOROUGHLY experience us prior to making any serious commitment.  If you feel that we are not a match for you for any reason after the 4 day camp, you can part ways with no conditions or obligations. 


The goal is to ensure that all individuals who are approved as members are fully aware of both the positive possibilities of a membership but also the CHALLENGES and COMMITMENTS required to be successful.  We believe the second piece is more important than the first.  To ensure that the Mr. Rogers was fully aware of this, LAN/WAN Professional provided further access to over 150 additional hours of services for a grand total of 300+ hours.  The additional services was mostly paid by a grant we provided


APPROVED FOR MEMBERSHIP IN SPITE OF LOW PERFORMANCE TO DATE - Upon conclusion of over 300 hrs of services, Mr. Rogers expressed with great enthusiasm how impressed he was with our services to date and requested that we consider him for full membership.  Unfortunately, again, Mr. Rogers did not perform well during the camp and remotely.  In addition, he initially blamed his low performance was due to lack of proper support from us.  We explained to him that our method of support is similar to on the job training (OJT) and less like a school. 


We expect all of our members to possess talent and/or background in general technical installation, configuration and troubleshooting.  If they do not possess these, our service would not be an ideal match.  We also stated that all members must have a positive and professional perspective and attitude throughout our relationship process.  We informed Mr. Rogers that we are concerned that he may not be able to properly acquire the LAN/WAN skills in a timely and proficient manner and we are also concerned that if issues arise, his handling of the issues may not be the most professional and logical based on our interactions with Mr. Rogers to date.


For this reason, we recommended that we simply part ways on a positive note since he had no obligations with us and our services we had provided to him to date were completed.  We also informed him that if we move forward, he will be responsible for a significant amount of services and the deferment of the cost of these service cost requires him to meet strict time commitments and following specific policies and procedures.  We also stated that he needed to treat everything he did with us as if it is a job and ensure that he met these requirements. 


We also expressed concern that even if he attains employment that he may not follow through on his repaying for the services he received.  Mr. Rogers assured us that he is an honorable professional who follows through on his obligations and that the low technical results and his negative reaction is due to the high stress he is experiencing based on not being properly employed for over 2 years.  He assured us that he would have a better more positive attitude/perspective and learn and follow our proprietary methodology, approach and procedures for technical/professional development and employment.  With great concern/hesitation, LAN/WAN Professional reluctantly approved Mr. Rogers for membership based on his promise and commitments. 


ACQUIRED SENIOR LAN/WAN JOB EARNING $150,000 PER YEAR – As part of membership approval, we agreed that our mutual goal is his timely employment in a mid-level LAN/WAN position earning $80,00 to $120,000 per year within 2 to 8 weeks of camp completion.  Unfortunately, Mr. Rogers did not meet those requirements. 


In spite of not fully meeting the requirements of membership, Mr. Rogers acquired a respectable senior level LAN/WAN job earning $150,000 approximately 10 days of camp completion.  This is $30,000 higher than the high end of our mutual goals and significantly higher than what Mr. Rogers ever made. 


Based on the level of position, compensation level, the short timing of job search along with the fact that Mr. Rogers has not been in proper employment for over 2 years prior to coming to us, we believe this would be considered a good success.


As happy as we were for the member, our concern was that the member may have difficulty handling this role based on his low technical performance to date.  With that stated, the individual did have over 20 years of general IT work experience.  To ensure that the member had a chance for success, we provided significant amount of help in both preparing for this role and also handling the role during the initial month.  In addition, we even deferred the payments for services received that begins upon job offer/start to further help the member.


During the initial few weeks of employment, the individual struggled both technically and professionally.  For this reason, LAN/WAN Professional spent a significant amount of time mentoring and supporting the member prior to job start and during the initial few weeks of employment.  For these reasons, the member seemed to have overcome these issues and transitioning to be functional in his new role. Unfortunately, LAN/WAN Professional was notified by the individual that he unilaterally quit his job due to interpersonal reasons approximately 1 month from job start. 


It is our understanding that he was not fired, but UNILATERALLY QUIT with no notification to his employer or us.  In fact, it is our understanding that the notification to the employer was on the day he quit and the individual did not notify us until almost 4 days after the member quit his job.  Quitting with no notification for any employment is very unprofessional and not acceptable for any member of LAN/WAN Professional.


LAN/WAN PROFESSIONAL PROVIDED PROPER SERVICES TO DATE - To date, Mr. Rogers received over $50,000 in proper services.  This is demonstrated throughout the many months of engagement with Mr. Rogers that includes multiple verifiable documents signed by Mr. Rogers at varying stages of the relationship process including at the time of membership approval, before service was received AND after service was provided AND a final monthly payment confirmation form that was signed upon job offer receipt.  For these reasons, we are surprised at the claim Mr. Rogers is making on this blog post


In spite of this negative post and other unprofessional actions taken by Mr. Rogers, LAN/WAN Professional still desires to part ways on a positive note and  will provide positive options to allow the individual to resolve his obligations with us.  We hope Mr. Rogers logically reflect the services he received to date including the many documents he signed and contact us to resolve this matter in a positive manner before his file escalates to collection.  Please note that escalation of a file to collections is never positive for either party.  For this reason, we hope that we can avoid this and resolve this in a mutually positive manner.

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