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  • Report:  #186046



  • Reported By:
    Laredo Texas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 11, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 11, 2006
    LAREDO, Texas
  • Phone:
  • Category:


I was a bank employee at the South Texas National Bank for more than 7 years. I have gone through three conversions/mergers and loved working there.

I worked for more than forty hours a week as well as saturdays for those seven years. I gave my heart and dedication to that company.

I went through 3 conversions and stayed late so things could run smoothly. There were many times I stayed till 11:00 p.m.; banks close at 5:00 p.m.

I was not the only one. There were more than a dozen people who stayed and worked long hours without ever getting a thank you.

However, if you thought that was bad, it is nothing to what my co-workers and I went through.

There was a merger happening between South Texas Nat'l Bank & Laredo Nat'l Bank. We were told we would keep our jobs and that we would be compensated for our hard work.

The merger was in November 2005 and when that took place we were moved to the main office at the Laredo Nat'l Bank.

As soon as we got there, we were treated with ill-willed. Nobody wanted us there. They placed us in mediocre jobs. The employees there did not want us to be part of them as well as the supervisors and the officers.

They did not want to give us any duties, any real responsibilities. They would make faces and talk behind our backs.

We were in constant vigilance by everyone. They wanted a reason to fire us without compensation because they did not want to pay for that.

The company made sure to make us feel unwelcomed by not considering us in their employee functions. It's as if we were still two companies; separate but equal. I knew we were being set aside, not considered, we were being discriminated!

Weeks passed and people were still treating us unequal. That's when my fellow co-workers starting leaving at their own free will because we could not stand the humiliation and harassment anymore.

We would complain, but they would ignore us. Let me tell you something about LNB, they don't care about anyone but themselves. They cover each other up and if need be, will give the fault to someone else.

Now, the BIG HIT toward us came in December 2005. We receive what is called a Christmas bonus, based on the evaluation and work performance of the year.

There is no doubt that we all had worked hard, stayed late and were told that our compensation would show in our bonus.

However, the HUMAN RESOURCES department had other things in mind. They denied our bonus because according to them, our evaluation was low.

Since we had started working for them in November they only saw us work for three weeks at the most and therefore, did not deserve the bonus.

I was pissed beyond all reason. I could not understand it. Their employess (LNB) got bonuses but no (STNB)employess got any. We were being discriminated!!

We talked to the main man in the human resources department and he ignored us!

After that blow off, everyone was discouraged and started resigning. No one would help us.

I write this, because I want justice. There are people there who are still being mistreated. They need the work and won't leave until they can find another job.

I want the comapny to be investigated for ill-treatment and discrimination. If they do that to their employees, imagine what they do to the customers behind their backs!

Laredo, Texas

4 Updates & Rebuttals


San Antonio,

Try 16 Years

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

My wife worked for a "credit union" for 16 years here in San Antonio. Sometimes 80 hours or more a week. They have been getting rid of all the old timers. H**l, they can hire TWO newbies for what they paid the old timers. They spent eight months harassing and intimidating her. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, stressing out, heart problems. She took a week's vacation. They called her DURING her vacation and told her; we're lowering your branch to a level three, from a two. We're cutting your budget from $22k a month to $15k a month(30%). We're cutting your manhours down by THIRTY PERCENT. But, you are expected to INCREASE productivity by THIRTY PERCENT each month. If you do not, you will be terminated.

For the last 16 years, she had a yearly evaluation. With the "new" program, she gets a monthly evaluation. Do 30% more with 30% less. Each month. Or get terminated. She finally gave it up. Her supervisors violated a number of credit union rules and regulations and probably a number of federal laws. She's working at another bank, much happier, at about a third of her previous pay. More people have been terminated or quit in the last year, then over the last five years.


San Antonio,

Try 16 Years

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

My wife worked for a "credit union" for 16 years here in San Antonio. Sometimes 80 hours or more a week. They have been getting rid of all the old timers. H**l, they can hire TWO newbies for what they paid the old timers. They spent eight months harassing and intimidating her. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, stressing out, heart problems. She took a week's vacation. They called her DURING her vacation and told her; we're lowering your branch to a level three, from a two. We're cutting your budget from $22k a month to $15k a month(30%). We're cutting your manhours down by THIRTY PERCENT. But, you are expected to INCREASE productivity by THIRTY PERCENT each month. If you do not, you will be terminated.

For the last 16 years, she had a yearly evaluation. With the "new" program, she gets a monthly evaluation. Do 30% more with 30% less. Each month. Or get terminated. She finally gave it up. Her supervisors violated a number of credit union rules and regulations and probably a number of federal laws. She's working at another bank, much happier, at about a third of her previous pay. More people have been terminated or quit in the last year, then over the last five years.


San Antonio,

Try 16 Years

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

My wife worked for a "credit union" for 16 years here in San Antonio. Sometimes 80 hours or more a week. They have been getting rid of all the old timers. H**l, they can hire TWO newbies for what they paid the old timers. They spent eight months harassing and intimidating her. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, stressing out, heart problems. She took a week's vacation. They called her DURING her vacation and told her; we're lowering your branch to a level three, from a two. We're cutting your budget from $22k a month to $15k a month(30%). We're cutting your manhours down by THIRTY PERCENT. But, you are expected to INCREASE productivity by THIRTY PERCENT each month. If you do not, you will be terminated.

For the last 16 years, she had a yearly evaluation. With the "new" program, she gets a monthly evaluation. Do 30% more with 30% less. Each month. Or get terminated. She finally gave it up. Her supervisors violated a number of credit union rules and regulations and probably a number of federal laws. She's working at another bank, much happier, at about a third of her previous pay. More people have been terminated or quit in the last year, then over the last five years.


San Antonio,

Try 16 Years

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

My wife worked for a "credit union" for 16 years here in San Antonio. Sometimes 80 hours or more a week. They have been getting rid of all the old timers. H**l, they can hire TWO newbies for what they paid the old timers. They spent eight months harassing and intimidating her. Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, stressing out, heart problems. She took a week's vacation. They called her DURING her vacation and told her; we're lowering your branch to a level three, from a two. We're cutting your budget from $22k a month to $15k a month(30%). We're cutting your manhours down by THIRTY PERCENT. But, you are expected to INCREASE productivity by THIRTY PERCENT each month. If you do not, you will be terminated.

For the last 16 years, she had a yearly evaluation. With the "new" program, she gets a monthly evaluation. Do 30% more with 30% less. Each month. Or get terminated. She finally gave it up. Her supervisors violated a number of credit union rules and regulations and probably a number of federal laws. She's working at another bank, much happier, at about a third of her previous pay. More people have been terminated or quit in the last year, then over the last five years.

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